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ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

It's about time we gave the jews the heart attack of their life. Fucking reptilian hybrids should have never hatched on our planet.
Because I found the original image somewhat sloppy and annoying for regular use, I made myself a compact version. Sharing this here in case it is useful for anyone.

I watched a presentation a few months ago on a mathematicians view on kabalah where he said "everything comes from Yud." This must be what he was talking about
This ritual reminds me of the videogame Oblivion, in which portals appeared and monsters from negative dimensions came and brought death and anguish and the hero had to close the portals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FIRST TIER: JHVH - x3 each letter
SECOND TIER: JHV - x6 each letter
THIRD TIER: JH - x9 each letter
FOURTH TIER: J - x12 each letter
Would it be more effective if we erased the word in reverse, as HVHJ? Just like the Final RTR itself has the letters go from Z to A.

This could be done by mirroring the triangle image, so it'd be:

First Row: HVHJ
Second Row: VHJ
Third Row: HJ
Fourth Row: J

This also (coincidentally) makes it much more straightforward to explain the order of the vibrations.
Lydia said:
This was awesome, and barely took any time. I felt peace after doing this :)

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I'll add this to my Paintable Final RTR within the next few days. The nice thing about a pure HTML webpage is that is works everywhere, on every device, either online or offline.
I am greatly looking forward to it, and will add to my sig :)
I felt my crown chakra more free after. It felt really good.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


This is more erasure than it is reversal. I could elaborate on this, but it would be lengthy and confusing. This way, it does what it should do.

These are not words in themselves, where the reasonable explanation is go from opposite reading direction. It deals with what these things things actually "Do". The so called "Yud", is the "beginning", and the "End". Erasure starts and ends with it as a result, if you want a reversal.

Jews scouting these forums will understand what I mean and they are already pulling their hair from the roots.
luis said:
Lydia said:
This was awesome, and barely took any time. I felt peace after doing this :)

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
I'll add this to my Paintable Final RTR within the next few days. The nice thing about a pure HTML webpage is that is works everywhere, on every device, either online or offline.
I am greatly looking forward to it, and will add to my sig :)
I felt my crown chakra more free after. It felt really good.

The effects of these are going to be softer, subtler, and show over an extended period of time, as in deeper peace. The reason for this is that the effects of this curse are "finer", and some of it's levels are hardly felt by most individuals.
Ah btw HP i have a question, i it may be a stupid one but in the past you said that we will be doing rituals to destroy the lizard grid on this planet, is this the ritual you talked about? Like the grid that is after the final rts, like in ''a war from another galaxy'' rabbi said ''reptilians put earth under quarantine'' or something like that, yeah i should be more explicit but i do not know how to say it sorry.
It says to vibrate the letters, but is it okay that I just say them out loud like in the mp3 audio I've heard?
And another question to the affirmation. We have to do it 10 times, there are 3 sentences. Should we say all 3 sentences and then repeat it 10 times or just the first sentence, then 10 times repead, then the second, 10x, the third 10x.... I just read them out loud normally and said the 3 sentences as one big text, 10 times. Is it okay?
Shael said:
Because I found the original image somewhat sloppy and annoying for regular use, I made myself a compact version. Sharing this here in case it is useful for anyone.

thanks shael, this made it much easier for me in the ritual. :D :D
Siola said:
It says to vibrate the letters, but is it okay that I just say them out loud like in the mp3 audio I've heard?
And another question to the affirmation. We have to do it 10 times, there are 3 sentences. Should we say all 3 sentences and then repeat it 10 times or just the first sentence, then 10 times repead, then the second, 10x, the third 10x.... I just read them out loud normally and said the 3 sentences as one big text, 10 times. Is it okay?

Lots of people keep saying the audio clips are not a vibration. There is some sort of misunderstanding here, there is no audible difference between vibrating and speaking.

To answer your question just by making a sound a vibration is being made. Which means "Yes you can just say these words". But should you put no effort into saying these words? I'd think not.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Young Faith said:
Isn't VB.NET a bit old fashioned? Which isn't exactly good in programming. I suggest you to take a look at C#, it's a very beautiful language in my opinion

VB.NET and C# are functionally identical (mostly). VB.NET is not VB6 or VBA, which is where the bad reputation came from. You can translate programs between the .NET languages and get virtually identical compiled pseudo-code. (However, C# does permit unsafe pointers, which have no equivalent in VB, but pointers often cause trouble in a managed language, so if you need them, you should really use C or C++.) The only real differrence between VB and C# is the syntax itself. Some programmers prefer C-style syntax and use C#, but others enjoy the readability of a program without tons of semicolons, braces, and brackets, so they use VB. I have used both extensively in the past, but these days I mostly use C because it's so much faster.
But does it receive the same support? Guess I totally misunderstood then. Thank you.
Aquarius said:
This ritual reminds me of the videogame Oblivion, in which portals appeared and monsters from negative dimensions came and brought death and anguish and the hero had to close the portals.

Hey, if you've got to travel...then by the Nine Divines, stay on the road! It's the Daedra, you see...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Lydia said:
This was awesome, and barely took any time. I felt peace after doing this :)

I am greatly looking forward to it, and will add to my sig :)
I felt my crown chakra more free after. It felt really good.

The effects of these are going to be softer, subtler, and show over an extended period of time, as in deeper peace. The reason for this is that the effects of this curse are "finer", and some of it's levels are hardly felt by most individuals.
What I felt was a blissful/peaceful energy in my crown area.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you HP Cobra. Thank you for the sermon and for explaining the new rtr. I'm grateful for the extra effort you always put in to explain everything to us and i appreciate your hard work and consistency always. You give all of us motivation and I'm always inspired by your strength and will. Thank you.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Young Faith said:
Isn't VB.NET a bit old fashioned? Which isn't exactly good in programming. I suggest you to take a look at C#, it's a very beautiful language in my opinion

Just finished the program. And yes, it's a bit archaic but still, there's tons of things that can be done with VB.NET. The only downside is it'll only run on Windows.

Screenshots of the finished product:


**Fixed the title of the instructions form after taking the screenshot. It's a bit ugly, but it's functional and that's what I care about.
Where did you find that image? I'd like to use it when I'll create my online JavaScript version
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've seen this triangle before, in invasive visuals, a lot actually. Started in the past month or so, never knew what it was or what it meant.

Is this 'dream' grid over our planet the reason as to why psychic matters and communications are so unbelievably chaotic and disordered? Even with a logical filter it looks like a damn circus of confliction but perhaps this could also be in the soul... otherwise I don't know how you and Maxine manage to get anything from Satan and the gods through with all of this, that must be one damn strong and clear filter.

I've never seen a triangle myself but eventually during FRTRS I started seeing/feeling this grid or some sort of prism. Instinctively I started visualizing it being destroyed. Later I learned here there really was such a grid. I have heard they maintain this grid by doing certain rituals at certain points on earth to keep us at a certain vibration. ..which seems to explain why it always felt before like it was being repaired while I visualized it falling down.
Thank you very much, High Priest. I just completed my first one with my wife.
This is absolutely amazing. After doing the ritual my whole soul felt so clear, like I was able to breathe clean air for the first time in my life after breathing toxic fumes since I was born. So much release. It's hard to put into words just how wonderful it feels.

I'm so glad I found the Joy of Satan. That I can experience this first hand, and that I can fight for the future of our world. I'm so glad to be a part of this.

I wish all Aryans can experience this one day, the true beauty of our Gods, our race and our birthright. And I know they will with us fighting for our future.

The more we fight and force the enemy to retreat, the more powerful we become. To have such huge effects from only the first time and the first day, I'm so excited to see what will come of it in the future.

The future is bright for us all, brothers and sisters.

Hail Satan and Hail the Gods of Hell!
Shael said:
Because I found the original image somewhat sloppy and annoying for regular use, I made myself a compact version. Sharing this here in case it is useful for anyone.


Thank you Shael!!!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


This is more erasure than it is reversal. I could elaborate on this, but it would be lengthy and confusing. This way, it does what it should do.

These are not words in themselves, where the reasonable explanation is go from opposite reading direction. It deals with what these things things actually "Do". The so called "Yud", is the "beginning", and the "End". Erasure starts and ends with it as a result, if you want a reversal.

Jews scouting these forums will understand what I mean and they are already pulling their hair from the roots.

Lol :lol:
So mein Freund HP Cobra, jetzt bin ich auch bereit. Habe mir alles übersetzt und genau studiert, kopiert und ausgedruckt. Danke!
Visualizing this one it was like I could feel that something is comming out of me, like a beam of light and replacing the web the at exists currently, as if I lifted a dark grey web and I placed my own beam of light in it's place. Also my voice became really deep during the ritual so I suspect demons have been sent to us.

Guys, this is our shot.

Let's change this world

Hail Abadon
Hail all gods of Warfare
Hail Set
Hail Satan

On towards VICTORY
Fellow SS please do this at least once a day. On December 21, we will go hard on this. After this, we celebrate.

Thanks everyone for the feedback, keep it coming. Many helpful replies.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
I felt my crown chakra more free after. It felt really good.

The effects of these are going to be softer, subtler, and show over an extended period of time, as in deeper peace. The reason for this is that the effects of this curse are "finer", and some of it's levels are hardly felt by most individuals.
What I felt was a blissful/peaceful energy in my crown area.

I'm not the only one.
Young Faith said:
Where did you find that image? I'd like to use it when I'll create my online JavaScript version

I simply used Snipping Tool, created a snapshot of each letter, went into MS Paint and created a triangle, Created several PictureBoxes in VB.Net, then wrote a command for each one to disappear upon being clicked on.

If you're talking about the program itself....same answer, but going to Imgur, hitting Ctrl+V, right click, "Copy Image Location", paste between some IMG tags here.

The source code is on the thread in my signature, since many of you have asked for it to double check it's not a virus (of course it's fucking not)

All it is, is a command for each Picture to disappear upon being clicked on, creating a button to open up a second window of instructions, two more buttons to create an Integer and add +1, or reset it to 0. It's so basic, somebody with absolutely no programming experience could remake this tool in an hour.
EVERYONE! One little hint I found to be probably one of the most useful tools last offensive: Quintessence!

During the last extensive offensive I though I should give it all a little more than I was doing, so I did this:

When you reach the Affirmations part (or in this case possibly the Silence part too, when you get creative and destroy in whatever fashion you find appealing/more effective) visualize yourself and the ritual WITHIN the Quintessence (blacklight color) and speak DIRECTLY into the Quintessence, instructing it on what to do to all worlds and realities.

After I started doing this to my FRTR as well I started feeling this the way I believed I was supposed to, in short.. "like we had already won".

I REALLY feel much more efficient in destroying all that is Jewish, all their filth and destructiveness. They'll be left with nothing and die off like the plague they've been for so long.

PS. I REALLY do feel that the People are becoming aware of the Jewish problem. Maybe those that do but are afraid to speak it are simply waiting for someone with a stronger Voice, and only some are too indoctrinated to want to see facts as what they are. It's not like we have no proof, one just needs looking at it.

Let's crush them all. Best of luck, Brothers and Sisters.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fellow SS please do this at least once a day. On December 21, we will go hard on this. After this, we celebrate.

Thanks everyone for the feedback, keep it coming. Many helpful replies.

So for real thats the end of this spiritual war. Didn't think it would happen so quickly.
Will this part of the Ritual be added to the paintable versions of the Final RTR.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fellow SS please do this at least once a day. On December 21, we will go hard on this. After this, we celebrate.

Thanks everyone for the feedback, keep it coming. Many helpful replies.
i started frtr a few minutes before 00h and when i went to tetragramaton it was 00h of sep 12 is that a problem?
This was very satisfying especially burning the blotted out letters at the end, I can only speak for myself and my dad, but we definately will do this daily, in most cases both me and my father will do this twice or more times a day
This is phenomenal. Perfect timing with the base yoga Lydia posted. I cannot wait to see what this does. Huge thanks to the HP’s for their efforts in creating this and the timing. I imagine it is not easy to do and the enemy must be freaking the fuck out about this. I wonder if this is why attacks have been at a high but so are the wins.
NameHere said:
Shael said:
Because I found the original image somewhat sloppy and annoying for regular use, I made myself a compact version. Sharing this here in case it is useful for anyone.


Thank you Shael!!!


Thank you shael that is really helpful.
Lavena said:
I also suggest that all warriors do these rituals synchronously at the peak of a SOLAR ECLİPSE. It will be something crushing. A knockout for our enemies.
I already had that planned and it's lined up in my schedule for that day :)

Shael said:
Thanks for this, I'll use it until other tools are created :)

Satanic Path said:
I hope someone sees this.
So you do the first four letters for 3 times, left to right, you blot each one of them, then you go down to the next line and start the other three letters for 6 times... And so on.
Sorry, I want to do it well and the thing that confuses me is that red line at the left top of the flipped over triangle: what does it mean? Is it just there to show us where to begin?

Hi Hooded Cobra, I performed this Ritual after lunch and right after a RTR.
It was easy, but once i messed up and repeated a letter 18 times. ( I was counting with my fingers, as adding the number of done repetitions on my papers was just not good) Will it damage the energies?
Also, I really went hard on the triangle with my gel pen, but I don't have a thick pen to easily cover all the blank space/silence between the letters. Could it be bad?
I really want to thank you and Maxine for this Ritual that I hope I did good.
Doing these things save me everyday.

Yes the red line to to show where to begin. Then you do the next line down, and so on.

If you messed up on repetitions, it's fine, still valid. It will become easier to do it correctly as you do it more :)

Gel pen is fine, for next time you can get a thick marker cheap from many stores to do it better and quicker.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've seen this triangle before, in invasive visuals, a lot actually. Started in the past month or so, never knew what it was or what it meant.

Is this 'dream' grid over our planet the reason as to why psychic matters and communications are so unbelievably chaotic and disordered? Even with a logical filter it looks like a damn circus of confliction but perhaps this could also be in the soul... otherwise I don't know how you and Maxine manage to get anything from Satan and the gods through with all of this, that must be one damn strong and clear filter.

Just a few days before this was posted I was so sick of my own issues that’ve been catching up to me lately. I got really grounded and really focused on getting a clear message from Satan and I asked when this will end and I got back something coming in a few days, look out for it. For a second I thought it was lydias yoga post but and I was like hmm... sooner than what I heard. I definitely think this it it. I’ve had a lot of trouble clearly focusing lately.
andrewlobster said:
Everyone knows Satan is Abrahamic larping and totally masonic. Pagan terrorsits will black magic battle you idiots. God/satan is masonic black and white. I have killed many of your people and have no regrets. I have my own secret order. Im not dead yet you faggots.
I HaVE mY OwN SEcreT OrDeR ToO.
I actually congratulate you. Congratulations.
I'm pretty sure this is a public forum not a secret order and also if you were in a secret order you wouldn't say it. Maybe youve done alot of research in the wrong area. There's alot of misinformation out there. Please check out https://www.satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html
I'm sure there's a link for exposing Islam somewhere around here

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
