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Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
After the recent post and the overwhelming positive and necessary points about future goals and advancement. That has been an impressive post.

I marvelled reading the many positive comments, especially those who mentioned how much Spiritual Satanism and the Gods have changed you and improved you. We must build further on this.

Most of the things mentioned are already under way. Admittedly that is very positive. The communal value is supposed to increase all the time.

Part of this is dealing with potential mistakes.

Now, it would also be a good idea before the end of the material year, to start another conversation.

This would be over things where you think there should be improvement or constitute mistakes.

Here, we might speak of mistakes or even criticism, but we must focus on this: It has to be functional and of use, and presented properly.

For useful conversation, even if this is aimed at other members or the community, it would be a good idea to express in a respectable manner. Among kin and like minded people with a common mission that is important.

If someone also has negative feedback or even very negative comments, I am open to listen to these of course, but I would request to treat other JoS members with respect, especially people who toil for everyone else everyday.

That is not a question for infiltrators, but for members. Except if maybe you are lukewarm infiltrators who are actually with us but you still say bullshit to yourself that you dislike "us" while you actually do not fall in this category in the end of the day.

That is not a post to isolate a member and start judging them, but rather for community improvement.

The degree of tolerance for error must be understood as being part of nature. We are disgnosing to raise the bar here, not to break people who already want to give.

Further, if one is new or one has not much to point out, then maybe one could write about how they would expect to have a better experience. Or what made you struggle in learning or something similar.

Recognition of errors must happen on a basis of experience. But all opinions welcome.

Example: There has been a lot of editorial errors in many posts or even webpages. There were mistakes. We located them and fixed them. The outcome is that through pointing these mistakes and doing the proper criticism, then putting the work, the errors are being more and more fixed. The aim is to remove these mistakes.

The aim is this: To find out potential areas of improvement and have an upwards going trajectory for the good of the Gods and the JoS community, to reflect this back on members, for our collective growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I believe that everything related to spiritual advancement such as the "40 Day Program" and "Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists" should come with a better and updated version that will lead beginners to good routines faster.

In 2018, when I dedicated I had a pretty rough time making a schedule myself, first I followed strictly the "Spiritual Warfare Training Program for Satanists" which is honestly not suitable for everyone, it lacks lots of details. And then I did the 40 days program which is way better but lacks the 6th chakra opening and got me really really confused at the time.

I believe that there should be a meditation section strictly for the new dedicated or novices which covers the daily must-do meditations, a checklist tasks such as opening the chakras to give them a sense of satisfaction in their routine and RTR info, which let's say redirects the user to a sermon about the importance and effect of the RTR's, how do they work and why are we doing them.

The idea is to make the freshly dedicated ss have an idea about how a routine should work quicker than browsing through 100+ pages, which I also approve because that's how you deepen information. But there should be a quickstart guide somewhere.
ive suffered some really bad injuries and now doing yoga is really hard for me due to pain and mobility issues. can yall put something for people who have leg and shoulder injuries? heil victory heil enki heil sol
I think our search bar needs a lot of work. It's not nearly as intuitive as other search engines, even on sites like reddit, to find what you're actually looking for. The default search settings rarely get the results I'd actually want, and I find it easier to just end up asking for solutions by making a new post.

There's no options to sort search result by most views or engagements and titles, which would help people find the the discussions with the most info, but even that isn't always great since that can be a lot of reading. It feels like it shouldn't be this difficult to find answers to questions that have been answered here, but with no way of rating posts (which I understand why they can't be) that also means no way of making it easier to find very good sources of information and great posts by other users here.

I don't know or have the perfect solution, but at the very least more options for the search engine would be a great improvement.
ramses13th said:

I second this, it would have been easier for me to get started if things were a bit more streamlined. I think also having a branching guide option would help too. Could have meditations, workings, and yoga, be in separate branches, when someone becomes comfortable with the category start with, they can include the others when they feel ready.
A program or system should be put in place for Spiritual Satanists who would like to work with you High Priest Cobra, and other members who are advanced enough, to assist in research and reestablishing more occult information and knowledge.

Certain "tests" should be done to determine if one is "ready" and if not. Along with a step procedure for working towards this point.

This would work to weed out potential infiltration, and people who aren't cut for this as well.

This would then be tested thoroughly and then put into circulation after rigorous and careful procedure.

An example is the Ancient Greek Kabbalah, methods for achieving very advanced siddhis, a guide for working towards them, the rest of the magnum opus steps etc.

I have been deeply longing for such a process or procedure to be put in place, to benefit our people.

But I understand this is an enormous undertaking.

The Gods do indeed share meditations, occult knowledge, information regarding science, mathematics, and highly advanced technology ,but I feel strongly some sort of procedure should be put in place so this can be done on a bigger scale, to gradually help with there being less of a load on you. And we SS work to do our part in this.
Perhaps there can be a glossary of commonly used terms within our spirituality and astrology?
Not everyone is going to know what cusp or nodes are in astrology.
No criticism. Just hoping for more updates on the mediations, and the more advanced material beyond the present RTRs. That which can be SAFELY released, as the Jewish teams will see what is released as well. ( I still got to do more with what I've learned.) Just always looking to know more.
I'm writing this very late, but this is what comes to my mind if I have more to add I'll add later.

*mentioned already by other members

the removal of this domain from JoyofSatan url link structure '/www.angelfire.com/' angelfire is a blacklist site on many alternative sites, but not JoyofSatan.org could be JoyofSatan.org/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html This is a lot of work I know.

I'd like to be able to share JoyofSatan.org sometimes as a white page. or when i click a link while white paged, it stays white paged.

higher resolution of some of the graphics on the website.

the links list to be revamped, added to, and screened for links that are no longer worthy, examples of tikaboo come to mind. (company change)

*I think we definitely need to be on top of delegating of important tasks openly more so, like how we do with translations, some which come to mind are video creation, meme making, text to audio files, proof reading, security tasks such as one of which comes to mind is downloading all links/downloads from all users, including my links and having one of our cybersecurity experts analyze for any malware/spyware, i speculate this would entail one looking at the raw code and seeing anything out of line, just running it through virus total is not enough if it's something new. I don't think anyone whom we trust would be on here infecting us, but the possibility has come across my mind several times that any number of these servers could be bribed to allow for tampering of files, or by other unknown means such as an already infected machine.

*a newer forum, with better search functions and better aesthetics and options, and I like the JG system but maybe more levels of Heirarchy, some with less resposibilitly others as a pathward forward into doing more, etc. HP/HPS > JG > ? > ? > Tasker > Seasoned Warrior > Member > New Member, maybe this is unnecessary

Criticism is really hard. let me sleep on this
SATchives said:
the removal of this domain from JoyofSatan url link structure '/www.angelfire.com/' angelfire is a blacklist site on many alternative sites, but not JoyofSatan.org could be JoyofSatan.org/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html This is a lot of work I know.
That is very possible. It would not be hard, since I've already written software that can automatically rewrite links in every page according to a replacement pattern. I would then add a redirect to keep all the old links working, and point them to the new ones.

When I restructured and restored the site a little over a year ago, the only reason I kept the "angelfire.com" was for sentimental reasons. I didn't give it much thought. But you have a good point. Put simply, there isn't room for "angels" in the JoS. :lol:
I will write one criticism for myself.

The JoS Search engine for the main site should be improved to show the piece of matched text in each page, like Google does.

That requires more complex logic, but it's actually a lot easier than writing a huge engine like Google. Because the entire JoS site is only a few hundred megabytes of text, it can be kept entirely in RAM the whole time for lightning fast access without all the hassle of disk-based data structures.

This may have to wait a while, as I catch up on more important projects, but at least now it's noted in this thread.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My criticism and one of the biggest reasons I am not very active on the forums as I used to be.

Is the quality of posts. I usually read the most active topics but for sometime now, the trashiest, most time-wasting and toxic posts that garner attention goes to the top. This is not a good algorithm for trying to find spiritual info and wisdom.

What I do to offset this is reading the recent posts and replies of members that I highly-trust I will learn something new especially brother NakedPluto but also Lydia, VoE, Shadowkat, Blitz, etc. But this is not very efficient as a community.

We have to find a way to better move quality and informative posts to the top. (Other than announcements.)

Also, there should be a system in place if we can't ban some low quality and trash drama posts at least get them to the very bottom of the forums where they get zero attention and doesn't distract us from our spiritual growth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

We've given you our criticism. We aren't interested in going over this for years as others have.
I had a message all typed out but it's gone. HoodedCobra. I ask you not presume to my potential nor my contributions, I won't pretend to know how you have played a part or the work you have attributed. The jos says you shouldn't reveal your connection to certain Gods or share spiritual awakening with just anyone. You are one of my Elders, you have more experience and I have a feeling that you have some insight. Test me? Question me? As a son of Satan I welcome it that I might grow. Inanna, Lilith, Sorath, Asmodeus, Dumuzid, Azazel, Thoth. By the Gods I want to know. The meaning behind my previous lives and understand my place. Not to wonder why or how I could be someone with such a place to begin with. With Respect and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.
The Satan's library needs to be organized by topic instead of by alphabetical order. It's very annoying, especially when you're trying to search for a PDF that you know what was about but don't remember its name.

The JoS website needs to be made more newbie-friendly. Like having a sort of walkthrough for new people: What to read first, how to proceed, what meditations or other things to do and a FAQ or guide for new people. Also remove the false info about them being in the order of "angels" or "seraphim" on the Gods' descriptions because it confuses many people.

There needs to be a subforum for general discussion about money/relationships or anything that concerns our daily non-spiritual life, since there are many posts about those topics by people asking for advice.
Now will really be a great time to read about valeferon
ramses13th said:
I believe that there should be a meditation section strictly for the new dedicated or novices which covers the daily must-do meditations, a checklist tasks such as opening the chakras to give them a sense of satisfaction in their routine and RTR info, which let's say redirects the user to a sermon about the importance and effect of the RTR's, how do they work and why are we doing them.

The idea is to make the freshly dedicated ss have an idea about how a routine should work quicker than browsing through 100+ pages, which I also approve because that's how you deepen information. But there should be a quickstart guide somewhere.

I agree. When I was new, I didn't know we were supposed to clean our auras daily, so I only did it a few times a week. Lol. Same with AoP, few times a week, for the first 3-4 months of dedicating.

Tying in with this, it should be understood that internet forums are not for everyone. I was very reluctant to join the groups, I only did after 3 months due to the advice of my Guardian, but not every new person can get direct guidance from their GD. So things should be clearly organized in the JoS itself, without expecting new members to join the forum to learn further info, such as daily cleaning and AoP.

I'd like to see a section devoted to ideas for magick workings, to give new members (and more experienced ones too) ideas for workings, with some info for figuring out the start date, affirmations, etc.
First it is a huge mistake to develop the whole science of astrology and again give knowledge to the enemy.

Basic explanations as now are given is the most wise. If one indeed is a talent will find the way.

As well as are not needing more information about Demons for obvious reasons.

Is a kinda mess as it is now for anyone new and especially for someone who had no idea about any of this regarding on the plan / program to follow.

When I first read and saw information about chakras I HAD NO IDEA WHAT THAT WAS.
My first thought was, what is THAT again?
Nor do I remember how long it took me to understand the basic position of the chakras.

Every new should sit here and ask.
first of all, it's not possible because not all of them have English as their first language, like me, and that makes things difficult.

And plus i needed my extra time to send all the ones who had been lying to me all these years in hell the least and so far had been the best i could do for their rotten souls.

[ At first they were pretending, not understanding what i was talking about and in the end you know what they said? We knew he was a jew, :eek: what wrong with someone being a jew :x ?

On to me who hated them when I was simply reading their doings without knowing back then that all these refer to the jewish agenda or that the jews are hiding behind all bad news.

More and is also one more serious huge reason for hate them i won't say now.

When I found Joy of Satan simply everything became understandable and anyway I find my peace.]

One must go through reading answers upon answers and opinions upon opinions and if she/he will make sense of which books are good for reading.

I want books of external sources, authors because I don't have visualizations.
I understand that 99% are corrupted but there can't be somewhere an organised list of books that are proposed even to read with a satanic eye of view.

I don't have images, and I don't have books (book titles) to read to create images.

And i know that movies thanks to the jews is a No for that. May one two, but won't give the solution.
Where are the images, visualizations for my satanic kitchen, room, cosmetics, clothes, candles, plants, herbs according to the planets, essential oils, etc.

Nowhere, everywhere was the shit jeboo image I never understand what they liked in the first place from ever. And I was supposed to be the non sense whatever person.

Ok, it's not smart to say you're Spiritual Satanist, and definitely not recommended with all the psycopaths outside so there must be at least titles of books for one to be able to say outside is a pagan or follow Shiva, Odin or what else philosophy is possible.

Surely I will not sit down to pretend a breath before their collapse of them that is ok for rabbinical jew jeboo. Cause i hate them and that it is already hard to hide it.

Now with the new year where are the guidelines for what exercises someone can do according to the planets? If I search now I won't find the munka mp3.

Finally, as created by Maxine Dietrich, Joy of Satan is perfect gift, wonderful and creates the ultimate security for one to have a solid knowledge base. The errors that I read fixed are of no essential importance,
we are not stupid and we can still understand.

For the time she had and under consideration of all the attacks against her she achieved the supreme, ultimate victory.
criticism? mmm maybay allert before a RTR start... 2/3 days before write all things: From day X to Y we do the ritual A,B,C.
criticism angaist bad luck? Yes i lost the email of my original account.
but for the rest...my life improve a lot, i love Father Satan, I love the gods, and i never say how much thanks to all gods and everyone here...normal user and HP ^^
The forums are a mess.

We have several different subjects in one main category in the English section. I would imagine the situation is not much better in other communities. All the useful spiritual info and topics for guidance are next to less useful posts, outright blasphemy, usual trolling tirades, news articles, and so on and so forth. I believe there is an ongoing effort to gather all the useful material into one file. This would have been avoided if there was one section for spiritual info and counseling from the get-go or at least updated at some point, and other sections for news, off-topic, and so on.

I would welcome an initiative to reorganize topics. But first alternative sections would have to be created and perhaps other modifications made for this platform.

There was mention of requesting for adding additional visible markers for the hierarchy. I would propose two levels below JGs, those being Librarians, and Library assistants. Librarians would be those who have contributed considerably and consistently over time to the JoS and Library assistants would be those who have consistently contributed for the benefit of the community. This would give a clearer picture to people who they are talking to as those who handle more material also might know and understand a bit more than those who do not. This, however, is not something very urgent or perhaps needed at all, but seeing that this pops up here and there, there might be something to this idea.
I understand that knowledge comes with time and effort, however these are the posts I value the most. The ones in which everyone is beong informed of valuable knowledge. Such as Blackdragon's posts about astrology which have helped myself and others tremendously.

Comprehension of one's natal chart would also be extremely helpful. I cannot recall how many times someone here, myself included, leaked too much information about their chart. It would be beneficial if more experienced members made posts that explain how to interpret one's chart. For example, Shadowcat's posts.

Oftentimes I am disappointed when I do not advance to a level that I work towards. I will meditate and yet not see any results. If posts could be made regarding what one can expect according to their levels of advancement that could avoid many people getting disheartened and stop meditating all together, not that I have or ever will. Nevertheless, it can be a huge punch in the gut.
As a newer member I have been practicing meditations and putting forth effort into spiritual warfare, but due to my transition into college methods like the "40 Day" practice are becoming increasingly difficult for the time being. I suggest a forum that looks strictly on the weakness or "vulnerability" of the enemy. When time is scarce a decisive "attack" can show a lot of effort in a small amount of time.

As another thought, creating that bond with a Demon. Some are gifted in psychic abilities or have experienced the presence of the original gods in the past, but creating a bond in a self taught manner is difficult even with these characteristics. Not having either must be troubling. Perhaps an article on creating a bond or seeking a guardian would help.
I want an " Achievements " section/topic where our SS enters and reads success stories, from small workings, to meditation effects.

The rules of this section should be common sense and not a full focus on the bombastic side of things, but quite the opposite, the Healthiness of our path, how it works, the tempo and the success of ours.

On the War Room, I believe knowing that members are doing RTRs is very important. Not how "many" but if there is "one" at that time for further validation to do RTR then.

With the above, I have in mind a small button on the site or forum, "I am active" , and it makes an online symbol in green on the site. This button should be available to everyone. When one starts the RTR at the time or now, presses the button. The Button should light up for about 10 minutes, the time of an FRTT. Everyone should see it.

Our rule of thumb for SS, is, you pressed it, you do it.

A similar orange button for our Gods ritual should work.

People are working and doing their job. That's the message. You should too.

The other aspect of our forums that is the most important is trust between members. I know things are arriving, nonetheless mentioning this as well.

I believe SS people underestimate the power, the effects and the necessity of the God rituals. They should be pinned at the top forever in the Important Articles from the Clergy.
Pinned topics in subforums should be a different accent color, transparent accent.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Please remember to correct the circle around the Baphomet star in the Rosary image, as well as the new icon for the site
Ravenheart666 said:
Ravenheart666 said:

I kindly ask the moderator to remove, if possible, this reply from this post as it is not representative of my true self and my true situation and is only the result of a neurosis, thank you for your understanding.

I kind of find nothing wrong there, things need to be encountered and faced so you can heal. Give yourself some positive feedback and focus on what you have been doing good. What has went outside of plan, can be worked with time.
Egon said:
Henu the Great said:
The forums are a mess.

I'd say a way to remove the English announcements from the non-English sub-forums' upbars - some new people click the pages and are like wtf, it's all in English - and give a higher limit of topics per-page because the fixed important topics in the sub-forums reached their limits and they are covering the new topics by everyday users.

I was thinking exactly the same thing, in the Spanish subforum we have the same problem.
Perhaps putting a greater emphasis on Rtr's and cleaning for new people.

Perhaps like a month or two of doing cleaning and Rtr's before starting with powermeditation.
The cover of a book is as important as the content found inside the book. It is the front cover that insights interest in the minds of the individuals who are unknown to it and it's author. If it is missing even one single detail that could spark a lot more interest towards it, then I believe it is a tragedy for an author who wanted to pass down his message on to others. The detail could be anything, the title, subtitles, or a photo.

The well read here know that the jews have been drowning the world in ignorance, where ever there is a lot of ignorance, they thrive. Someone got mugged in NYC? it's normal goy, now go netflix and chill.

The amount of ignorance that has brewed since centuries through abrahamic programs has lead to cloaking of the human mind with ignorance even in it's daily living, ignorance got embedded, especially after WW2. Even a very sane person is living with it.

This embedded human ignorance of course affects Joy of Satan as well. I have found a small missing detail on the front page of the Satanisgod.org which I believe is very important and bounces off a lot of people from the JoS temporarily and even permanently. I share Satanisgod.org primarily when I want to share the JoS somewhere on the internet because it's front page serves as a front cover of a book with interesting and attracting subtitles, the "666 Black Sun" and "Third Reich and Satanism" are quite attracting titles, on which when one sets their eyes on and reads them in their mind, they hit differently and a curiosity is born to open these sections. But I believe we can do more and better than this by adding what is missing.

As said there is a small detail missing to this front cover. Or should I say, a section is missing which is "Exposing Islam".

Of course one may ask, why is it important to add this section?
At the moment the world is filled with people(even non abrahamic folks) programmed with a bad image for the following words: Satan, Satanism, Demon, Hitler, Witch, Nazis and Reich. Say these and 99% of the times a person will automatically presume something bad, evil or even stupid is about to be said or talked about, and this also very much automatically makes them ignore anything related to it, this programming makes them take it all causally without any seriousness. Less seriousness creates less or no attention, and without attention you don't grasp things, your brain lets it slip.

Similarly, when individuals open Satanisgod.org, most of them simply either bounce off from the front page, or just skim through the first page of some sections and then close the website. And those who skim they aren't attentive, they would generally focus on words like Satan, Christianity, Jesus, Evil, Jewish, Bad, History, and etc; which doesn't really explain much. And so most simply think of JoS as some Satan vs jesus website and close it, which is common due to clubs like Church of Satan.

By having Exposing Islam section on the front page right under the "Exposing Christianity" section, it will make an impact of curiosity on the new visitors. It will deliver an important fact and idea in the minds of the new visitors that JoS is not the usual type of club.

It will spark curiosity even in a very christian or muslim individual and turn them attentive[We can here use the jewish programming of Christianity vs Islam to our own advantage by adding this missing section, a christian and muslim would likely become eager to know what has been 'exposed' about their 'rivals']. Most people don't know that even Islam preaches ills against Satan and his Deamons, and they will for once think "What does Satan has to do with Islam?".

Simple put, we will be able to eliminate the common presumptions that kick inside a corrupt human mind when it reads "Satan or Satanism", already mentioned presumptions such as Satan vs jesus, something evil or bad, anti christian punk club, and etc. This is something that bounces off a lot of worthy individuals because of this deep programming against these words. This as said will make an impact, people will at least remember that JoS is anti abrahamic, not just anti christian.

This will have a lot of positive impact for JoS in a world where people are in the middle of chaos and confusion looking for answers, but quit simply because of jewish programing, especially people of the west. Adding this section will eliminate a major stereotype against "Satanism".

Hail Satan!
I want to see more messages from the clergy. Frankly where is the rest of the clergy?

I would like that the gods are more active and that JoS becomes more and more spiritual and physical and we bring more VIP people to our side, this I don't know how but we should reach out and find those special individuals who can do good work for our side. I think that the gods can help us here and to appoint more people into HP status

I don't know if anything of the above is plausible but it is more or less a wish I have.
As pointed out many times, the difficulty to find interesting material could be solved by using keywords, like on twitter : #

Only advanced members, HPs and JGs as well as "librarians" (the ones who will maybe reorganize the JoS library) could use these keywords in their posts so that quality answers stand out when searching the forums and the library.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have been practicing meditations of power and doing RTR for about two years. I registered on the site in the fall, although I have been reading the site for about 3 years. I consider myself a beginner because I'm not as advanced as the others.

I'll say what I think, I hope I don't offend anyone.

Constructive criticism:

When I signed up, I started asking questions about reincarnation. I thought I'd get answers to my questions from the HP Hooded Cobra, or at least the guardians. In the end, I got an answer from one or two people (I don’t remember exactly), but I never got an answer to my questions.

I understand that this is the only truly holy place where I can get the right answers to my questions, there are no other spiritual places, I have nowhere to go but here, I want to know the truth.

I don't quite understand how feedback works. Why do some get answers and some don't? Maybe Cobra and the guardians do not read all the messages, or is the problem in those who ask?

My suggestions:

1. Create a weekly blog, a topic where every beginner or advanced can ask the HP Hooded Cobra or guardians questions and get answers (for starters, as part of the experiment).
2. If there are many questions, then for example it will be possible to introduce a restriction: No more than 1-3 questions. For example, if the problem is that it is not possible to answer all the questions due to the number of questions coming in, or if they get lost in a lot of messages.

I ask you to forgive me, if I am insolent and breaking the chain of command.
Zammel2 said:
criticism? mmm maybay allert before a RTR start... 2/3 days before write all things: From day X to Y we do the ritual A,B,C.
criticism angaist bad luck? Yes i lost the email of my original account.
but for the rest...my life improve a lot, i love Father Satan, I love the gods, and i never say how much thanks to all gods and everyone here...normal user and HP ^^

Unfortunately, we have a problem here that is external. I try to give the schedule 1 day in advance. There is also a calculation that goes in that takes in consideration the enemy response. Because if too many days before, they have many days to start preparing too.

I will try to stay on 1 day in advance. Got to check daily. I wish this was different. In the future, it might change and become longer, but the enemy has that luxury because they are many in number.

It's important to appreciate and to be thankful. Without this, life is for nothing.

Manofsatan said:
Now will really be a great time to read about valeferon

Yes, pretty soon. His page will be magnificent.

Your thirst for spirituality and how much you want to improve is very obvious I have to say, the future looks bright ahead.

YTREWQ said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

We've given you our criticism. We aren't interested in going over this for years as others have.

That's not helpful whatsoever. You have given nothing here. But regardless, you'll gain, because there are many things to improve.

If there is a problem of another nature going on I would be open to listen to it.

sshivafr said:
As pointed out many times, the difficulty to find interesting material could be solved by using keywords, like on twitter : #

Only advanced members, HPs and JGs as well as "librarians" (the ones who will maybe reorganize the JoS library) could use these keywords in their posts so that quality answers stand out when searching the forums and the library.

Thank you, yes, I know, the search functions need more attention. This goes for the PDF Library and the main JOS too. A little understanding is needed here, because there is endless programming going in the background, and sometimes search functions can be difficult to program. Google tier search needs a lot of indexing [which we might actually do, like keywords for the PDF's etc].

An enormous amount of work has been done by very caring SS to that regard, in the PDF project.

The next aspect of the project might include Categorization of material, but also the keywords and a search aimed at keywords.

CowboyfromHell said:
I want to see more messages from the clergy. Frankly where is the rest of the clergy?

I would like that the gods are more active and that JoS becomes more and more spiritual and physical and we bring more VIP people to our side, this I don't know how but we should reach out and find those special individuals who can do good work for our side. I think that the gods can help us here and to appoint more people into HP status

I don't know if anything of the above is plausible but it is more or less a wish I have.

Actually you are very much on point here. I hear you. The other thing is, Clergy gains enormously if one stays their ground [the Gods do their end, and we do our own]. So for one to be given this position and to not care that much is not good for them either. It's a great opportunity.

I have been informed on things but this is not something that I control. Generally I am told there are problems and so on, and I respect that, yet when people need someone, one must take some time. There is not much that can be done here in regards to previous people, but in the future, it will be different.

The Gods know what I do every single day, and how life has been on different occassions to me, and how I always managed to be here for everyone. Therefore, excuses here can be difficult.

At the same time, there are people who are indeed DEVOTED to this community.

Likewise, people who are Clergy must respect their own position, and not log in once per month if at that. There is endless amount of activity that can be done and would need to be done. Besides, encouragement and helping around is oftentimes all that is needed.

There are new people in preparation for this. Additionally, there might be [as recommended by others] another rank before Clergy, the Guardians now. But a Guardian might be appointed as a Priest first, and then with service, into a High Priest.

Years ago, there used to be a rank for "Reverend". The difference here is only semantic. But I believe Priest is a very honorary title and should be treated accordingly.
AristocraticDragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
1. Create a weekly blog, a topic where every beginner or advanced can ask the HP Hooded Cobra or guardians questions and get answers (for starters, as part of the experiment).
2. If there are many questions, then for example it will be possible to introduce a restriction: No more than 1-3 questions. For example, if the problem is that it is not possible to answer all the questions due to the number of questions coming in, or if they get lost in a lot of messages.

I ask you to forgive me, if I am insolent and breaking the chain of command.

You are not breaking anything, because you are expressing a problem that requires to be addressed and we are here to address this and help other newer members and also improve ourselves. Also you wrote very constructive feedback.

If someone can accumulate these questions, I can actually answer them. They have to be in a category. Or somehow like this. Then every so often I can answer these en masse.

I am very sorry, as much as I would like to answer every single question, my time is actually constrained. Many members even those who might be newer have all the necessary knowledge to answer you however in full and correctly.

F_For_Flamingo said:
Perhaps putting a greater emphasis on Rtr's and cleaning for new people.

Perhaps like a month or two of doing cleaning and Rtr's before starting with powermeditation.

I think the minimum before one engages in RTR after one dedicates should be 3 months. At 3 months, one can try, but only to see how Spiritual Warfare would work. The average preparation time should be 6 months.

One could cross this rule here, but one must understand why it would exist.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
