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Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?

Dahaarkan said:

Helping individuals surpass their delusions and liberate themselves from enemy influence should not come at the expense of quality of communications in the forums.

These are just my thoughts/feedback.

Correct, I also read the feedback.

Three trash accounts who likely did this are basically wiped out now. It doesn't take long for them to be wiped out, and they always are.

It would be a good idea to also write some criticism here, especially in regards to when advanced members do bullshit like emotional fights, sissy fits on new members, or similar things, "because they can't tolerate them".

Any crap done by the new members, even if they are "trolls" or just kids who play around, is not damaging to the least extent here. Yet, nobody has had the self righteousness to write about how it goes when advanced members actually throw the above behaviours.

Therefore, to balance the first, the second must be balanced as recommended here. Additionally, emotional maturity is needed to handle these "kids" or "trolls" that run around, instead of pretending they are an infectious element that cannot be contained, or acting like the security needs to go in every-time and cut their heads.

Essentially what is written here to the severity level as it's presented, is like pretending there is a riot in the city because there are actually a few school fights going on per day, and advocating the SWAT teams need to quarantine the city because of a few kids going around, and then some adults who were supposed to be advanced and maturely handle things, getting in the fights too for whatever reason.

That is wrong, and while there is a problem, the perceived severity is not as much. If one thinks that someone else is wrong, or in these categories mentioned, they are to be helped out of this and explained on what is what.

Lastly, the community also has to learn to let trolls starve, as it's done in any large scale platform where people have to go there.

An "impunity" troll will get their treatment, which is with certainty a ban or a deletion. With that stated the pussy talk that some kids trolling here and there, is actually the major problem, more than let's say:

1. Not doing work that is ordained for advanced members to do

2. Complete lack of emotional control that could also have many labelled as "impunity", which does too come from advanced members

3. Thinking "Mods" are to be called like the mafia to get into every kindergarten streetfight, because people jumped in like monkeys, all while "COMPLAINING" that these were trolls

4. How members who themselves have done a lot of this or had schizo phases literally ask to "Burn the schizo's!!" because now one might be healed from other entities likely cleaning one's diapers [Which were likely as smelly as you complain the ones you or others might have to clean out are now].

I agree about the general falsehood of their perceived "Censorship" which is just used by trolls to eventually justify nonsense.

The points about the mods are off. There is not a 24 hour or even that close of a waiting time at this point, and half the forum with any member is unmoderated.

The above 4 points covered would cover 85% of the problem, which is mostly a perception based problem, or weak ass excuses to deny reality, and the reality of for example what people might come in, what problems they might have, etc.

I agree on stomping out the obvious trolls.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The points about the mods are off. There is not a 24 hour or even that close of a waiting time at this point, and half the forum with any member is unmoderated.

The above 4 points covered would cover 85% of the problem, which is mostly a perception based problem, or weak ass excuses to deny reality, and the reality of for example what people might come in, what problems they might have, etc.

I agree on stomping out the obvious trolls.

I am still on moderation yet Ive been here for years. Is there any particular reason for this?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dahaarkan said:

Helping individuals surpass their delusions and liberate themselves from enemy influence should not come at the expense of quality of communications in the forums.

These are just my thoughts/feedback.

Correct, I also read the feedback.

People calling for mods to act or get involved in petty arguments stems from an issue where people spend too much time online and begin to perceive things incorrectly. And begin to see pretty insignificant and unimportant things as being more serious than they actually are.

A person expressing a different, or even outright wrong opinion on a subject is not really cause for mod intervention, and neither is it a reason to argue back and forth for a week. I do not believe people who do this are doing it from malice but simply overreaction and emotional imbalance, and inability to see how unimportant these issues really are.

As for schizo phases, and phases of lots of confusion and even delusional beliefs, I do think being removed from the platform entirely is more helpful than attempting to beat sense into these people, because what is required is not arguing for hours but the opposite, it is required that one shuts themselves away for a time to meditate, reflect and ground oneself.

If one is in a permanent state of stress, arguing, conflict and emotion, one is unable to reflect and ground themselves properly. You'll see me often telling people who are behaving strangely to just leave online communications for a time and spend time meditating and reflecting upon things. Many times the answer comes from within if one simply blocks all the noise and voices and give themself a chance to reflect upon things in silence and isolation.

To my understanding nothing prevents one from creating a new account and participating in a healthy manner again. So being banned for these behaviors is not some sort of capital punishment. In my own experience I took the initiative to distance myself from the place to reflect on my own, but if I had been banned for the insane posts I attempted to put up all those years ago the result would have been the same.

I would have just made another account and moved on. When I say I think people undergoing these issues need to be banned this is not from some sense of superiority or hatred but I genuinely believe that what they need is to be given silence and room to reflect upon things.

You don't see me shit talking people who have been banned for a reason and that is I always hold the hope that they were genuine and are improving and getting back on the right track, and will return to contribute to JoS and the struggle sometime later, or already have under a different name.

I believe many long time members have corrected overly harsh and emotional responses in general. Still occurs here and there, but I think the situation is vastly improved from say 2 or 3 years ago. There is much more benefit of the doubt, patience and time given to people who are lost or behaving strangely, rather than the dogpile approach one would see often in the past.

I was both a part of the problem and also later one of the people who complained the most about this issue, and I think this situation has improved drastically.

Also for what it's worth my criticisms are made with full awareness that I too am not perfect and in many ways was a part of the problem on multiple points. I have no interest in sitting here pretending to be flawless or anything.
I completely agree with Daharkaan for ALL the reasons he states. So I'm not going to say them again.

Allowing them to go crazy makes this place much less attractive and probably discourages shy people who would like to ask questions.

Not to mention the unfairness. Because yes, sometimes I have to wait a long time for a post to be approved and they, by not doing anything for the JoS finally get the same treatment, while doing shit.

Discouraging. Demotivating.

Also, for many, this place is a comfort, you find your family. You want a comfortable place. Not a dumping ground for crazy people and insults and other nonsense.

Finally, for me it is blaspheming the Gods. And I find that very serious.

I solved all this spite, by posting less and it will be so in the future.

No matter how much criticism I get for my message, it is important to say what you feel and think.

Though I do not know how important this may seem, I need we shall add on the bottom of the forums a *Do not sell information* disclosure.

I think it should be added since, even if people use usernames here, there is some information like Facebook or YouTube channel links that can be provided and there is no certainty that this data is only stored in the JoS forums servers only, thus leasing in some scarcity of trust with the personal data.

Also the cookies that are implied and people may think that some cookies are used to steal data, thing which is logically unplausible since cookies do not work this way.

But, just to say it, some peopleay find it weird that there is no Do not sell my information button, that when clicked on would show the policy of JoS regarding strict confidentiality.

Another suggestion is that there should also be an option to remove the links from the Danish JoS or at least try to update some of the links and then put the actual links, either way, removing the old ones as it only creates unnecessary server space occupation and also confusion.

This same measure of removing the links that are old or updating the links and put the actual ones after the upgrading process needs to be taken on the Spanish JoS (Alegria de Enki) forum.

And, as a final suggestion, just like on the joS main website, I think there should be added an option for reading with people who have visual deficiencies. Add something like that button on the JoS main site that can change the background color and text color for the users who have reading problems.

Waiting for your answers on this matter.

Hail Satan

And... besides what I wrote... the forums are great and it is time worthy when staying on them.

Truly the best moments of my SS life here :)
sshivafr said:
I completely agree with Daharkaan for ALL the reasons he states. So I'm not going to say them again.

I solved all this spite, by posting less and it will be so in the future.

No matter how much criticism I get for my message, it is important to say what you feel and think.

I am completely aware of what both of you are trying to show to me, and we have had long conversations with the moderation too, which are to be extended here.

I have to apologize if delay of response [all these people are out now] has made it a bit unbearable. However, to clear someone out, there has to be a form of proof of ill intent, then a couple of opportunities, then it happens.

Clearly, we are improving as time goes, as this process isn't really that easy. It looks like an immediate ban is the solution, but there is always more to that one has to take into account.

In regards to trolls, that is an online thing, which is unavoidable. To put it even more simply, if you allow everything a troll does to get to you, this means you put the troll above what matters.

Years ago, there was an SS who for all purposes was a great person, very friendly and so on. Eventually, as he went into alcoholism, he went up and started writing crap about me. They were never banned, as they told me about their problem, and we worked it out. The ban hammer would have resulted in this problem overshadowing his future. Eventually, he defeated alcoholism due to acceptance.

This has to be addressed on an intellectual and emotional level inside. You are also about to be out of moderation any day now, so that is that, in regards to personal "treatment". You are making a logical error and putting down yourself too much here sister, likely out of anger.

I think you are allowing this to get emotionally to you, in particular because they agitate you to a high extent. Generally, one must look at trolls like one looks at something useless, which does not deserve attention.

This brings us back to the point about how much you involve yourself in that.

Dahaarkan said:
People calling for mods to act or get involved in petty arguments stems from an issue where people spend too much time online and begin to perceive things incorrectly. And begin to see pretty insignificant and unimportant things as being more serious than they actually are.

It is not proven that kicking out people addresses anything, let alone delusions. This rejection, causes isolation. Isolation sometimes is the fastest ticket into insanity. The biggest people who have delusion problems are afraid to speak, because they know it will end up in a ban, or because these problems tend to isolate people by their nature.

This is against their help and advancement. Most people also cannot know instantly what is "delusional" especially in a new telltale situation of endless spiritual experiences. An unwelcoming climate is therefore wrong.

Not to mention, HPS Maxine has reiterated to me always "No question is too stupid" and to allow 99.9% of people to talk, because this is a fundamental basis of logic.

When a certain threshold of disrespect is crossed, then the ban or removal always occurs.

To a legitimate but problem encountering member, this can be equal to sending them down a hole, instead of being answered and taken care of.

How "you" would have reacted to a hypothetical ban, which one could argue through the history of a person in the forum, is not how someone else might have reacted.

I very much agree on the improvement, and this is also majorly due to the fact of understanding how one can help better, added to the fact of personal progress which highlights and reflects after 2-3 years.

In that regard, decisions to kick in on out, there is more than meets the eye. To name an example, some people might need attention for reasons which might look like attacks on the surface, but the real underlying issues do not get solved by an immediate ban.

Decisions the moderators have to take, often-times borderlines some sort of judicial small level process. By increasing the threshold of the ban and the limits, one knows that if one is banned, then they have seriously fucked up.

But throwing bans lightly eventually reduces their value, for example.

I take both of the points you mentioned and will say that trashers who just make 1-2 day old accounts to attack, will be stomped immediately, as 99% of the time, we are talking about this.
This could be solved with some sort of disclaimer for new people, that they might encounter this type of posts here but these does not represent our intents or image etc. or they should not be afraid of posting because aggressive posters or trolls.

sshivafr said:
...and probably discourages shy people who would like to ask questions.
Also, for many, this place is a comfort, you find your family. You want a comfortable place. Not a dumping ground for crazy people and insults and other nonsense.

Finally, for me it is blaspheming the Gods. And I find that very serious...

I think the right step would be to fix the foundation. Without the foundation, any structure will crumble. New Satanists are generally divided into three groups:

1. those who follow the tortoise bluntly following the 40-day program in which there is not even an opening of the 6th chakra and yet there is an opening of the crown chakra which according to JoS should be opened after the 6th chakra, and then the 6-month program which is from 2007 since more than a lot has changed. A free method that usually ends with "Then it's important to do AoC, AoP and VoC every day."

2 Those who do too much rush at the beginning, I belong to them and my motive was the path of hard work. This is, of course my foolishness. The consequences are fatal:
-energy that you don't really feel
-lots of different workings that don't work
-no senset
Only after some time of understanding are we able to rehabilitate.

3 The rest (inherently creative and smart people who have no problem with this)

So what should we add?

Definitely a bigger and improved program for new Satanists to be advanced enough that the knowledge from JoS can be used indiscriminately, as part of their goals.

What will it give?
-Saving a lot of questions like "What's next?" "Am I ready?"
-Creation on the basis of Hitlerjugend of strong young thinking satanists, who, thanks to the help at the beginning later on themselves will share their knowledge resources.
-More organized team

Each of us had that incompetent teacher because of whom we screwed up the subject, and then another one came and we understood all the material in a minute :)

Hp. HoodedCobra. You have a lot of important things on your mind, after all, we are going like a battering ram! I saw your post regarding more priests. Maybe a priest for the new satanists?

Even Trolls (unless they are Jews of course) can improve their life commenting here. I have been slandering people on Twitter when I saw that they were Satanist. But there is one that told me that Satanism was not about killing animals or humans as I was told by the stupid xtians. This interaction made question myself about this belief and when I saw the JoS link on the Hidden Wikipedia in april, I was curious enough to click on it.

For people that could be shy about posting a question on the forum because of the trolls, it is still their personnal decision at the end. When I have a question, I ask and wait for many response. I keep searching by myself even if I have a question. If their is more than one answer, I take the time to meditate. People need to understand that they have to take responsability for what they ask, what they believe is a good answer too. Maybe we need some more moderators to speed up the approbation process.
TrueySS said:

Hp. HoodedCobra. You have a lot of important things on your mind, after all, we are going like a battering ram! I saw your post regarding more priests. Maybe a priest for the new satanists?

As revealed in the recent post, the situation will be like this in ranks:

-High Priest
-Priest / JoS Guardian
-Moderators / Major Contributors / Teachers / VIP members
-New Members.

JoS Guardians can and should already be treated as a position for Priests, although, whomever will be named a Priest will sort of be on the "Speciality" factor and tentative to spiritual subjects. A JoS Guardian might turn into a priest under certain criterial, although, the position is of equal honor, at least in my view.

There are quite a few SS who have teaching ability and will make wonderful priesthood. They are currently being trained.

Masterj810610 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Even Trolls (unless they are Jews of course) can improve their life commenting here. I have been slandering people on Twitter when I saw that they were Satanist. But there is one that told me that Satanism was not about killing animals or humans as I was told by the stupid xtians. This interaction made question myself about this belief and when I saw the JoS link on the Hidden Wikipedia in april, I was curious enough to click on it.

For people that could be shy about posting a question on the forum because of the trolls, it is still their personnal decision at the end. When I have a question, I ask and wait for many response. I keep searching by myself even if I have a question. If their is more than one answer, I take the time to meditate. People need to understand that they have to take responsability for what they ask, what they believe is a good answer too. Maybe we need some more moderators to speed up the approbation process.

Thanks for your experience, it's useful to read.

Even right now, I can mention at least a few people over the years who were persecutors, attackers, trolls and aggressors to JoS, then when they came here [and even after trolling us] they have decided they actually want to join us after understanding what kind of a community we are.

There have also been cases of people writing to "debunk" the JoS, or who just wanted to see "The devils works!!", and then they understand that there is nothing bad or negative. Then they join.

That's why I try to explain to the best of my ability how complex the whole situation is, moreso than just issuing kicks, bans, and also punishing impunity, or what is commonly referred to as "stupidity". Because in the end of the day it could be neither, or lack of understanding.
I'd like to see the Colors, Star Energy, and Kabalistic square magickal properties revamped.

I'd like to see more color capacity and what they do especially for those who perform color magick or use color in their lives rather than white or better yet white-gold.

I'd also like to see Colors be updated or have a page "The Magickal Properties of Shades of Colors".

For example thanks to people like Lydia. We can infer dull, grimy, mucky nasty colors has offensive i.e. black magick capacity. While the opposite brilliant, iridescent, metallic, shiny colors are for white magick. But also shades of colors and combination of colors. EX: Lydia use shiny, brilliant black like a scrying mirror to use black energy. Think like Xmas multi-colored bulb lights only more brilliant and shiny than that but that gives you a reference imagine a black shiny bulb to use black.

I'd also like to see how we can better use colors what can and can't we use or how to use it better. For example Silver and Indigo both fit in imagination. Can I combine silver with indigo separately or together. Maybe Indigo background with shimmering silver like Green with shimmering gold as I explain below.

For example in the Blue section:
(use with green) investments, foundations, prosperity, and opportunity.

I'd like to see an image or more properly how we can combine colors properly. For example green with shimmering gold is on the internet search engine images section. A green background with gold stars but how do two solid colors look for example Blue + Green + Shimmering Gold for extra investments, foundations, prosperity, and opportunity.

Again I'd like to see more colors, more references added to colors, more shades of colors,

I'd like to see more cross-referencing with each other for example Venus Square can be used for "Perfect Beautiful Clothing for me", I guess we use Green energy = material gain and we derive clothes from the green spectrum. But I'd like to see and read this confirmed by a higher up member or Priesthood.

I'd like to see updates to the "Magickal Properties of Colors section". BTW in the same pack there is a few repeated words for example:


Green Material gain. But it also states Venus rules material gain yet again. Does that mean it's affirming that we can use ANY green energy from any source like the Sun and on top of that you can also do it with pure Venutian. I'm a little confused, I'd like this webpage to be updated as the future goes in and people become more acquainted with Color Magick.

Also I'd like to see a second a basic, intermediate, and advanced guide on how to perform Metaphysical Imprints i.e. Directing energy.

We inasmuch know simply to use your imagination. But somethings are really tough. For example Lydia yet again replied to me and others. I can WILL the energy in ex: breath in gold(has kinda a darker tone than yellow) and breath/draw it into the solar plexus chakra. But at the same time Lydia yet again mentioned metaphysical imprint = more permanence as it sticks to the soul and background radiation to affect reality. I'd like to see more concepts, more ideas, and more creativity. As Lydia yet again mentioned to me and others sometimes with squares or high end workings or really important works anywhere from 5 minutes up to 20-30 minutes of visualization.

I'd like to know how realistic or unrealistic we can make it. Certainly having gold bars in your bedroom is unrealistic but what if that grants you gold investments and you have some of your wealth backed by gold. For example imagining people give you free money for no reason or for a small favor or you enter a bus as one member said, "and a lady came up to me in the bus and gave me 5 dollars. Stating I seemed like I needed the money." He thanked her and went on his way.

It's unrealistic that the World bends it's knee to your will and whims. But in magick and in the plausibility of it is well within the realms of plausibility.

I'd like to see a very in depth guide on how we can better direct/visualize stuff.

For example when cleaning the soul with vibration are we allowed to visualize the vibration emanate all over our soul along with electrical discharges as in real life lightning cleanses and produces O3(Ozone).

How realistic or unrealistic do I have to be. Some people are more planted to reality and make extra money from a realistic model but what about people such as myself who have an unrealistic mindset and live in cloud 9 for various reasons astrological and physicality wise.

Those are two things I'd like to see improvements towards Colors, Star Energy, and Kabalistic square properties not so much the squares I really regret doing them but the magkical rulership placed unto the colors/stars section. Shades of colors as well as a in depth guide on how to metaphysically imprint reality or better yet how to better take advantages of metaphysical imprinting. And an understanding that not just affirmation i.e. manipulator of reality and it's various clauses such as the effects clause or safety clause but also the visual property affirming to the user it's further imprinting into reality.

I'd like that very much especially with how difficult it is to visualize certain things it be nice to dispel my own as well as others errors and ways. I'd like to see more concrete data and along with experimentation from JoS to dispel any myths found along the way. Like a Scientist, Engineer, and Researcher.

P.S.: I'd also like to see a beginners, intermediate, and advanced guide on affirmations like metaphysical imprint. Some ideas how to better use present tense, improvements in using a dictionary and improving the weltanschaang of a person. Making things more specific for example the Color Yellow improves speech i.e. the very expression of the voice, the voice, the movement of the body, the way a person communicates. I'd like to see people be told as long as you understand the word and know the definition you can use it for example Speechcraft isn't a word but for RPGs like Morrowind speechcraft is the way in which your character influences and changes peoples mind and communicates better. It's a combination of speech itself i.e. the expression of your words and movements but also the crafting of the words to persuade, coerce, or change a persons mind sorta like magickal oratory ability.

I'd like to see affirmations as well be discussed at length to give people a more solid footing.

I'm reminded of my friend's statement that, "I dig too far into advanced concepts and stay stuck in a hole, going "How the fuck do I get out of here?"."

I'd like to see a better layout of beginners, intermediate, and *YES* advanced concepts.

If we are going to further our organization in the future it's only right to update the very paradigm we express. i.e. magicakl manipulation of reality for our or others benefits.

I'd also like to see more family magick for example. If I perform a spell for myself it CAN affect others but how can I phrase it do it to others to affect them to inadvertently affect you.

For example a family member can provide you with financial stability if you were to use your own magick to affect reality in the self. They passively from time to time help. But what if you cast a spell unto a person improve their financial securities and they in essence provide additional securities to you more so than imprinting it into your soul.

Again how would I literally and metaphorically "cast a spell" unto someone.

Sorry for the late reply but I just finished a week of exams where I passed my diploma (and on top of that I must have covid).

You know, I can say it now publicly, this attack by Frank woden has left its mark on me and has had repercussions beyond what you think.
I have been struggling since my dedication with the fear of contact with Beings/entities, whatever they are. It is not really a secret, sister Lydia helped me with this.

This last year, I didn't ask any personal questions and I wanted to help the community with translations, donations, all the RTRs of course, threads to help such as the dates for the Necronomicon money spell but also to help the JoS translators, with a tip (well this post literally went unnoticed, it's a pity and it's not a question of ego, it's just to translate more and do more and more for our Lord Satan).

To come back to the subject, I had the famous night, object of the thread, a 1st very striking experience, and the frank woden is the only one to have perceived that I was still terrorized by it and that I sought comfort from the brothers and sisters.

When he started to insult us, which at the time did not prevent me from remaining correct, he also said that he wished me that "these dark entities would come again to take my energy and torment me".

If I didn't let anything show publicly, it goes without saying that I didn't sleep for several nights for fear that this "entity" would come back... except that I was in the middle of my exams for my diploma and that had serious repercussions... I passed the exams and the orals literally exhausted, while I worked hard for 1 year for this diploma, on top of my endless days (children, houses, rituals, RTR, translations, etc).

I was disgusted to be so tired from lack of sleep, and the words of that bastard frank woden chasing me. Oh yes, he did it, he can be proud.

I couldn't believe that the moderators let him attack me, insult other members, such as the Brother The Nameless, sow doubt and panic, when I had opened the thread to not give in to panic.

It may be childish. I'm not old enough anymore but it's the reality. I fight against these fears. I needed your help.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sshivafr said:

Dahaarkan said:

It is not proven that kicking out people addresses anything, let alone delusions. This rejection, causes isolation. Isolation sometimes is the fastest ticket into insanity. The biggest people who have delusion problems are afraid to speak, because they know it will end up in a ban, or because these problems tend to isolate people by their nature.

This is against their help and advancement. Most people also cannot know instantly what is "delusional" especially in a new telltale situation of endless spiritual experiences. An unwelcoming climate is therefore wrong.

Not to mention, HPS Maxine has reiterated to me always "No question is too stupid" and to allow 99.9% of people to talk, because this is a fundamental basis of logic.

When a certain threshold of disrespect is crossed, then the ban or removal always occurs.

To a legitimate but problem encountering member, this can be equal to sending them down a hole, instead of being answered and taken care of.

How "you" would have reacted to a hypothetical ban, which one could argue through the history of a person in the forum, is not how someone else might have reacted.

I very much agree on the improvement, and this is also majorly due to the fact of understanding how one can help better, added to the fact of personal progress which highlights and reflects after 2-3 years.

In that regard, decisions to kick in on out, there is more than meets the eye. To name an example, some people might need attention for reasons which might look like attacks on the surface, but the real underlying issues do not get solved by an immediate ban.

Decisions the moderators have to take, often-times borderlines some sort of judicial small level process. By increasing the threshold of the ban and the limits, one knows that if one is banned, then they have seriously fucked up.

But throwing bans lightly eventually reduces their value, for example.

I take both of the points you mentioned and will say that trashers who just make 1-2 day old accounts to attack, will be stomped immediately, as 99% of the time, we are talking about this.

It is more than 100% correct, people I knew who were isolated

-one way or another- (they were not compatible, in general, with the rules of society)

they didn't succeed anything or didn't make it at all, either they are not among us or psychologically they are not balanced anymore.

I somehow, I don't know how, invented one survival mechanism after another.

Isolation is THE ticket (key) into insanity.

From the moment that here the line of when

certain threshold of disrespect is crossed,

can easily detected,

I really don't understand the big problem not to be here.
I had a message all typed out but it's gone. HoodedCobra. I ask you not presume to my potential nor my contributions, I won't pretend to know how you have played a part or the work you have attributed. The jos says you shouldn't reveal your connection to certain Gods or share spiritual awakening with just anyone.
sshivafr said:

Sorry for the late reply but I just finished a week of exams where I passed my diploma (and on top of that I must have covid).

It may be childish. I'm not old enough anymore but it's the reality. I fight against these fears. I needed your help.

Congratulations on your diploma, hope the Co-Vid thing passes quickly.

I understand, just make sure to exercise a bit of emotional control. Trolls do not matter. They just try to make themselves a negative presence due to trolling and nothing else. No further attention is deserved.

faxedasto said:
I had a message all typed out but it's gone. HoodedCobra. I ask you not presume to my potential nor my contributions, I won't pretend to know how you have played a part or the work you have attributed. The jos says you shouldn't reveal your connection to certain Gods or share spiritual awakening with just anyone.

I will not say there are not cases of SS who do warfare, anonymous work, or any other things. These things are observed by the Gods. But there are cases and it's more often the case than not, that people who do nothing at all just invent a soap story on how they do things "For the Gods", while in fact, nothing is done, as almost always the Gods direct people to act for the sake of others, to evolve us in that manner.

The problem is that most of these cases you describe rely on complete subjectivity, ie, mental dross and imagination, and nothing is reflected on the help of others, which is nothing but an egoistical extension of a defunct inner self.

This translates itself in what you state, but it's very dangerous as it does not really mean advancement for one's self and others, it simply means one is in love with the lower samsaric ego which pressuposes to only verify things by it's own self and uses itself as the solitary judge. In short that is egotism on steroids. People who do absolutely nothing at all commonly write this.

Inner work like meditation etc, needs to be verified by one's self. Yet, if there is nothing else besides this, here is who one has benefitted: One's self and nobody else.

Despite of any "inner" or "invisible work", in my personal case, the attribution is the obvious and the necessary repetitive work and service. This does not require any knowledge only basic logic as it's in front of everyone. To become complete, all layers of this work are required.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sshivafr said:

Sorry for the late reply but I just finished a week of exams where I passed my diploma (and on top of that I must have covid).

It may be childish. I'm not old enough anymore but it's the reality. I fight against these fears. I needed your help.

Congratulations on your diploma, hope the Co-Vid thing passes quickly.

I understand, just make sure to exercise a bit of emotional control. Trolls do not matter. They just try to make themselves a negative presence due to trolling and nothing else. No further attention is deserved.

Yes, you are right. When the emotional overload takes me, I lose my mind. It is a very big weakness. May the Gods help me to overcome this to be stronger. I am ashamed of it, it is true. But I can't say anything but the truth of what I feel.

I have graduated! I got the answer yesterday! On the anniversary of my Dedication! I am so happy :D

Yes it's the covid, I'm very tired, a huge headache, coughing like crazy, but it will do. I can barely speak haha but I'm going to do the 3 days of rituals for our Beloved Father and the wonderful Gods 😊

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
