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Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

In Russia and Ukraine (as well as in totalitarian communist Far Eastern countries like China) qarantine is used to scilence disagreement and enforce total slavery. Governments enforce laws that violates human rights without opposition. When people start rallying they are forced homes by "state of emergency" because muh coronavirus. Thus governments enforce all anti-freedom laws they want and people are forced to swallow them.

In Russia putin changed his government, put racial jew Mishustin into the chair of the foreign affairs minister who is working hard on the program of cybernetic free internet replacement in Russia so we are forever cut off from the net (further will be links). He also made an initiative to QR-code Russian people to monitor their movements. Now they are changing Russian constitution by amendments which enforce jewish god and USSR past as "legitimate legacy of Russia" enforcing marriage as "between man and woman only" and nullify limits of presidency (it means to be lifetime president, i.e. tsar). When people started meetings they got forced homes and state of emergency enforced because muh coronavirus.

A municipal deputy recalled that a rally against the amendments was announced for March 21, but "given the fact that the rally for the amendments on March 15 has already been canceled, allegedly because of the coronavirus, we expect the same" (refusal to agree. - Ed.). The online edition of Znak.com reported with reference to sources in the State Duma that deputies who were supposed to participate in the rally in support of the amendments were warned about the cancellation of the rally.
- Source https://www.dw.com/ru/%D0%B2-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B5-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83%D1%8E%D1%82-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D1%81%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0/a-52712276

We are also refused Freedom of Speech against this amendments:
Roskomnadzor has blocked the website of the campaign against amending the Constitution.

In Ukraine they made a speech that they want to sell Ukrainian lands to jewish oligarchs of other countries, hen people asked for meeting against it, they were refused because muh coronavirus.

The National Corps demands that Parliament be closed for the duration of the national quarantine in order to prevent the adoption of "anti-Ukrainian laws".

Activists of the National Corps are holding a rally outside the Verkhovna Rada building on Monday, March 16, despite the quarantine in Kyiv and the country as a whole, the organization's press service said.

At the same time, the nationalists demand that parliament stop working during the quarantine.

"The decision of the authorities imposed a restriction on holding mass events throughout the country, where no more than 200 people can take part. However, as it turned out, quarantine is not for everyone: the Verkhovna Rada does not stop its work, despite the fact that many hundreds of people gather there," reads the statement of the National Corps.

The organization believes that quarantine has been specifically introduced in Ukraine so that citizens could not prevent the adoption of "anti-Ukrainian laws.

"Next week, "servants of the people" plan to take advantage of the ban on mass actions and vote in one package for a number of anti-Ukrainian laws and regulations. And "quarantine" was introduced so that people would not protest against the adoption of capitulating laws," said the nationalists.

source https://korrespondent.net/city/kiev/4204833-nesmotria-na-karantyn-u-rady-mytynh-natsyonalystov

The speech:

In response to what the rally was about:

The authorities launch the National Platform for Reconciliation and Unity
Shortly after the presentation began, nationalists who disagreed with the initiative were practically blocked.

On Thursday, 12 March, Sergei Sivokho, advisor to the head of the National Security and Defence Council, presented the National Platform for Reconciliation and Unity.

The presentation was scheduled to take place back in February, but was postponed due to the aggravation of the situation in Donbas.

Sivoho said the platform would coordinate civil society organizations and facilitate dialogue with the "other side".


Reconciliation should be built around communication between civilians, Khatsanyuk said. Khatsanyuk believes that American, Chinese, Russian, Israeli oligarchs will want to invest in Donbass.

source: https://korrespondent.net/ukraine/4203426-syvokho-s-boem-prezentoval-platformu-prymyrenyia

QR-coding of people

Coronavirus will leave, and the concentration camp will stay": Muscovites will have to get a QR code to leave the house.

Muscovites under quarantine will need to receive a QR code on the City Hall website for each exit from the house, including a trip to the store, walking with dogs and garbage removal. It is told in the official presentation of the capital authorities which have got on the Internet. According to "Kommersant", two sources in the city hall confirmed the authenticity of the materials, specifying that this is not the final version of the presentation.

source https://hitech.newsru.com/article/31mar2020/mos_qr

*Moscovites are people living in Moscow. It is surrounded no one can get away. Those who are assigned in other towns were forced to return to their towns. Jobs, universities, kindergartens, schools got closed, industries stopped except war industrues and highways are closed. People are getting QR-coded.

We are getting to the China state:

QR code for coronavirus - application launched in China

The program assigns the code not only to virus vectors, but also to those who are at risk of infection.

In China, the government has launched an application that tracks citizens for coronavirus infection, zakon.kz reported citing Vesti.Ru.

Each Ant user is assigned a personal QR code in green, yellow or red. It should be displayed at the entrance to office buildings, residential complexes and public transport.
source - https://diapazon.kz/news/97536-qr-kod-dlya-koronavirusa---v-kitae-zapustili-prilozhenie

National project of digital economy full text read here: https://digital.gov.ru/uploaded/files/natsionalnaya-programma-tsifrovaya-ekonomika-rossijskoj-federatsii_NcN2nOO.pdf

it costs trillions of Russian rubles, here are quotes for you to understand what it is all about:

The creation, development and functioning of the Single State Unit was ensured.
data collection platforms for the industrial internet of things and analysis tools
objective data on observed sites based on approved
departmental data models as part of the Public Execution Platform
as of 31.12.2019 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2020 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2021 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2022 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2023 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2024 - 1 pcs.

The creation, development and operation of the Execution Platform was ensured
State functions, including in the exercise of control (supervisory) functions
activities that include the creation, development and operation of a single registry
mandatory requirements of a typical cloud automation solution
control (supervisory) activities, to ensure governance
government action
as of 31.12.2019 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2020 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2021 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2022 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2023 - 1 pcs.
as of 31.12.2024 - 1 pcs.

A firearm control and security management system has been established
services based on domestic technology to handle large arrays
as of 31.12.2021 - 2 pcs.

What above is is a BigData for total control of any online activity and total control of any weapon. for Americans here to know, we are prohibited on higher law level to wear any and all weapons. To the extent where if a White woman who protected herself of rape and sadistic murder by a mudcrap non-White was put to prison. They want to control it through BigData. It is one thing.

Other thing - also starting 2020 behind coronavirus and people forced homes. Is the order of FSB given to the Russian Academy of Sciences - the best programmists and scientists of Russia - to investigate any and all anonymizers in regards of how to block them effectively.

full text of the order:
Russian Academy of Sciences:


3.3 Research and analysis of information networks implemented on the basis of anonymous secure connections, including those using onion routing principles
There should be an analysis of existing technologies and protocols used in the construction of information networks implemented on the basis of anonymous secure connections, including those using the principles of "onion" routing, and trends in their development. Threats and risks in terms of restricting access to information prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation have been identified on the basis of solutions currently in use. Proposals and recommendations have been developed for comprehensive access restriction solutions that reflect the threats and risks identified. The result of the work should be agreed with the Customer (by form of presentation and content) the following documents:

3.3.1 List of key existing and prospective technologies used to build computer networks using anonymous connections (Darknet), including those using onion routing principles.

3.3.2 Analysis and description of the most popular existing and promising technologies used to build Darknet anonymous networks. The list of technologies and protocols researched by Darknet should necessarily include the following technologies:
Invisible Internet Project (I2P);
The Onion Router (TOR);
Telegram Open Network;
The technologies described should be comparatively analyzed and the prospects for their further use and development should be assessed in order to gain access to and disseminate prohibited information.

3.3.3 Analysis and description of the main functions of the software for various hardware platforms and operating systems (including mobile devices and routers) used to connect to anonymous Darknet networks. There should be a comparative analysis of the software described, its advantages and disadvantages for obtaining access and distribution of prohibited information.

3.3.4 Proposals and recommendations for comprehensive (including technical and legal aspects) solutions to the problems of restricting access to services to resources of Darknet anonymous networks".

Start - date of signing the agreement. Termination - June 30, 2020.".
End of quote

"Prohibited information in Russian Federation" is Joy of Satan which older website was blocked by Roscomnadzor by the decision of the court, any and all Nazi resources and even any slight hint of holyhoax denial and historical revisionism, any and all criticism of putin and its jewish government, and hint on White movements or White nationalism etc. So what we have under the proxy of coronavirus:

we are forced homes and QR-coded while:

-our non-spy libre software will not anymore work with any state websites they will demand only "state cryptography" (which is one huge backdoor) - our linux, torbrowser etc - all our software.

-all our anonimization will be not just outlawed (it is already outlawed - we all violate the law to do out Satanic affairs already) - but blocked on the deep level that we can't overcome.

-all our physical movements will be spied after by QR-code by law.

-our constitution that guarantee us human rights (though no one listen to it in gov) will be forced rewritten against our will and with violation our right of peacefull assembly and vote.

-our lands will be given to jewish oligarches because "muh qarantine, economy needs pissraeli and chinese investments"

Right noe Moscow is surrounded by troops, non-Moscovites are drove away to their towns, Moscovites are trapped, highways are closed and monitored by troops, police is traveling from door to door to find out who lives where (but comps can be also monitored - our police has no restrictions we are not democracy).

This is what is done under coronavirus. Yes they tried to do it earlier too, but it is notable that it started in most its ugly features (constitution sorruption etc) at 2020 right together with the pandemic.
Bigot Boy said:
StraitShot47 said:
Bigot Boy said:
Italy total coronavirus deaths as of today: 13,155
And Italy total recovered as of today: 16,847

This would make the Italy mortality rate for people that have actually experienced coronavirus for it's entire duration 78%.

Please don't fall victim to the idea that all the currently active cases will miraculously 100% recover or some crap, which is the idea that is promoted when the number of active cases are included in mortality rates. Looking at the total deaths VS the total recovered is much more reliable in foreseeing what the final outcome may be. You can't compare numbers to the flu because the influenza numbers DON'T take into account active cases... for obvious reasons...

About 500,000 people die each year in Italy, these deathtolls don't seem to far out of line of the normal. 100,000 in lombardy alone.

The difference is these are directly related to coronavirus... This is still the beginning, the virus is still spreading. And it's known to be a very slow virus, with a long asymptomatic period and a slow buildup of over time.

What you said disproves nothing I was saying by the way, not sure why you're pulling out random numbers.

I bring up these "random numbers" because you can't discount them and is being used to inflate the covid statistics.

There is no standard way to say these people died of covid is what I'm saying, especially in Italy.

I'm not a fan off the BBC, but they have a relevant article.

, official statistics can vary according to what you count. In the UK, for example, the Department of Health and Social Care releases daily updates on how many people who tested positive for Covid-19 died that day. This includes any patient who tested positive for Covid-19 but who might have died from another condition (for example, terminal cancer). But the UK’s Office for National Statistics counts all deaths as Covid-19 where Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate, regardless of whether they were tested or if it was merely a suspected case of Covid-19. Adding to the complexity of trying to understand the death rates is that the two are out of sync, since the ONS way of counting can only happen after a death certificate has been issued, so takes longer.

“The issue is not really about right or wrong, but about each source of data having its own strengths and weaknesses,” Sarah Caul, head of mortality analysis at ONS, writes in a blog post on the different ways of counting deaths.

This is not necessarily a source of discrepancy between most countries, though, as many are counting deaths in the same way. Italy counts any death of a patient who has Covid-19 as a death caused by Covid-19; so does Germany and Hong Kong.

In the US, doctors have more discretion: they are asked to record whether the patient died “as a result of this illness” when reporting Covid-19 deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It could be easy to see how a physician might believe that a Covid-19 patient who died of, say, a heart attack or brain aneurysm didn’t die as a result of Covid-19, and so wouldn’t report accordingly.

Importantly, though, while this might make a difference when the data is analysed months or years from now, this doesn’t translate into any difference in the death statistics at the moment. At present in the US, any death of a Covid-19 patient, no matter what the physician believes to be the direct cause, is counted for public reporting as a Covid-19 death.

“I expect that the final death certificate will have Covid along with pre-existing conditions, should there be any,” says Cécile Viboud, an epidemiologist at the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health. “But at this point, any Covid-positive case who dies will be tallied in the US death count.

StraitShot47 said:
Bigot Boy said:
StraitShot47 said:
About 500,000 people die each year in Italy, these deathtolls don't seem to far out of line of the normal. 100,000 in lombardy alone.

The difference is these are directly related to coronavirus... This is still the beginning, the virus is still spreading. And it's known to be a very slow virus, with a long asymptomatic period and a slow buildup of over time.

What you said disproves nothing I was saying by the way, not sure why you're pulling out random numbers.

I bring up these "random numbers" because you can't discount them and is being used to inflate the covid statistics.

There is no standard way to say these people died of covid is what I'm saying, especially in Italy.

I'm not a fan off the BBC, but they have a relevant article.

, official statistics can vary according to what you count. In the UK, for example, the Department of Health and Social Care releases daily updates on how many people who tested positive for Covid-19 died that day. This includes any patient who tested positive for Covid-19 but who might have died from another condition (for example, terminal cancer). But the UK’s Office for National Statistics counts all deaths as Covid-19 where Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate, regardless of whether they were tested or if it was merely a suspected case of Covid-19. Adding to the complexity of trying to understand the death rates is that the two are out of sync, since the ONS way of counting can only happen after a death certificate has been issued, so takes longer.

“The issue is not really about right or wrong, but about each source of data having its own strengths and weaknesses,” Sarah Caul, head of mortality analysis at ONS, writes in a blog post on the different ways of counting deaths.

This is not necessarily a source of discrepancy between most countries, though, as many are counting deaths in the same way. Italy counts any death of a patient who has Covid-19 as a death caused by Covid-19; so does Germany and Hong Kong.

In the US, doctors have more discretion: they are asked to record whether the patient died “as a result of this illness” when reporting Covid-19 deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It could be easy to see how a physician might believe that a Covid-19 patient who died of, say, a heart attack or brain aneurysm didn’t die as a result of Covid-19, and so wouldn’t report accordingly.

Importantly, though, while this might make a difference when the data is analysed months or years from now, this doesn’t translate into any difference in the death statistics at the moment. At present in the US, any death of a Covid-19 patient, no matter what the physician believes to be the direct cause, is counted for public reporting as a Covid-19 death.

“I expect that the final death certificate will have Covid along with pre-existing conditions, should there be any,” says Cécile Viboud, an epidemiologist at the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health. “But at this point, any Covid-positive case who dies will be tallied in the US death count.

If we are to go by your logic and assume these are normal death tolls...

Let's take the current Italy coronavirus patients as our sample group. 119,827 cases divided by 14,681 deaths. This gives us 0.1226. We take this number and times it by Italy's population, 6.048 million.

This shows, at this rate of death, Italy will reach 750,000 deaths this year. that's 250,000 more than normal. So that alone shows unlikelyhood in this theory, and these death rates are beyond the normal. Like I said, this is only the beginning as well, and you can bet that many seniors with the virus being turned away from hospitals aren't properly being documented. It's known Italy prioritizes the young over the old at this time, due to hospitals being overwhelmed.
Edward Lonsa said:
Very important! Make this its own topic on the front page.
https://youtu.be/Xz5wbb79t1Q .. Are they going to take Trump out sometime here, so the Bad Guys get into power and lock up half the planet ?
Bigot Boy said:
StraitShot47 said:
Bigot Boy said:
The difference is these are directly related to coronavirus... This is still the beginning, the virus is still spreading. And it's known to be a very slow virus, with a long asymptomatic period and a slow buildup of over time.

What you said disproves nothing I was saying by the way, not sure why you're pulling out random numbers.

I bring up these "random numbers" because you can't discount them and is being used to inflate the covid statistics.

There is no standard way to say these people died of covid is what I'm saying, especially in Italy.

I'm not a fan off the BBC, but they have a relevant article.

, official statistics can vary according to what you count. In the UK, for example, the Department of Health and Social Care releases daily updates on how many people who tested positive for Covid-19 died that day. This includes any patient who tested positive for Covid-19 but who might have died from another condition (for example, terminal cancer). But the UK’s Office for National Statistics counts all deaths as Covid-19 where Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate, regardless of whether they were tested or if it was merely a suspected case of Covid-19. Adding to the complexity of trying to understand the death rates is that the two are out of sync, since the ONS way of counting can only happen after a death certificate has been issued, so takes longer.

“The issue is not really about right or wrong, but about each source of data having its own strengths and weaknesses,” Sarah Caul, head of mortality analysis at ONS, writes in a blog post on the different ways of counting deaths.

This is not necessarily a source of discrepancy between most countries, though, as many are counting deaths in the same way. Italy counts any death of a patient who has Covid-19 as a death caused by Covid-19; so does Germany and Hong Kong.

In the US, doctors have more discretion: they are asked to record whether the patient died “as a result of this illness” when reporting Covid-19 deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It could be easy to see how a physician might believe that a Covid-19 patient who died of, say, a heart attack or brain aneurysm didn’t die as a result of Covid-19, and so wouldn’t report accordingly.

Importantly, though, while this might make a difference when the data is analysed months or years from now, this doesn’t translate into any difference in the death statistics at the moment. At present in the US, any death of a Covid-19 patient, no matter what the physician believes to be the direct cause, is counted for public reporting as a Covid-19 death.

“I expect that the final death certificate will have Covid along with pre-existing conditions, should there be any,” says Cécile Viboud, an epidemiologist at the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health. “But at this point, any Covid-positive case who dies will be tallied in the US death count.

If we are to go by your logic and assume these are normal death tolls...

Let's take the current Italy coronavirus patients as our sample group. 119,827 cases divided by 14,681 deaths. This gives us 0.1226. We take this number and times it by Italy's population, 6.048 million.

This shows, at this rate of death, Italy will reach 750,000 deaths this year. that's 250,000 more than normal. So that alone shows unlikelyhood in this theory, and these death rates are beyond the normal. Like I said, this is only the beginning as well, and you can bet that many seniors with the virus being turned away from hospitals aren't properly being documented. It's known Italy prioritizes the young over the old at this time, due to hospitals being overwhelmed.

The BBC article I linked says in Italy you don't even need to test positive for Covid to count as a death. Just that the doctor suspects it and then they count this as a death.

Since everyone is staying at home your death rate will even out to between the usual 500,000 and 600,000. I think it'll be much lower though.
Influenza Vaccination and Respiratory Virus Interference Among Department of Defense Personnel During the 2017-2018 Influenza Season

The odds of testing positive for individual respiratory viruses by vaccination status were also examined (Table 5). The influenza vaccine was sufficient at protecting all influenza virus results tested for at a significant level except two (Influenza B Victoria and Influenza coinfections) (Table 5). Both Influenza B Victoria and Influenza coinfections had reduced odds in the vaccinated cohort, but not at significant levels (Table 5). Examining non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of both coronavirus and human metapneumovirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated individuals

https://youtu.be/73d8Hqh6cx8 .. Anyone got any hand held EMP devices?. Take out Drones?
"Something's up with these death rates..." Steven Crowder said:


Strange, nobody has died from the flu this year. Usually a lot of people die this time of year from the flu, but not this year. Did you know that most of the time when people get the flu, the common flus they get is usually some kind of a corona virus?
And doctors are allowed to write that the death was caused by corona virus just by a guess, they do not need to test them to see if that's what it's really from.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"Something's up with these death rates..." Steven Crowder said:


Strange, nobody has died from the flu this year. Usually a lot of people die this time of year from the flu, but not this year. Did you know that most of the time when people get the flu, the common flus they get is usually some kind of a corona virus?
And doctors are allowed to write that the death was caused by corona virus just by a guess, they do not need to test them to see if that's what it's really from.

Oy gevalt!

Given the seriousness of the artificial CCP Virus that causes the specific disease we are calling COVID-19, I thought it an appropriate time to revisit the ENTIRE Beck protocol. A poster here mentioned colloidal silver, which is only one part of the three part protocol. The other parts are blood electrification and magnetic pulsing.


It's long. Make the time.

Given the politics of today, health is a closely held secret. The fact is, that it is inexpensive and easy to make oneself practically impervious to parasitic, bacterial or viral attack. The Beck devices are easily made from Radio Shack parts for a few dollars by the minimally electronically competent--which used to be a common skill, like home cooking. Silver colloid can be made for pennies a gallon with a single 9 volt battery. There is nothing better for securing health than the Beck protocol. It has been known for a long time. It is not unproven. But it is censored by the biggest competitor, Big Pharma.

Silver as an antibiotic is quietly used by wound dressing manufacturers in Therabond and the International Space Station uses it to recycle their water safely. Hardly unproven. Quietly used? You betcha. But don't get caught by the FDA touting it, especially if you are a licensed health care provider. It is information best kept in the hands of free people. Beck himself did not think silver colloid was his best weapon, but rather blood purification, which was discovered, pioneered, and published by the Einstein School of Medicine and then quickly buried.

Do your own research. Be well!
Isolation weakens your immune system, leaving you susceptible to illness, and wearing masks for long periods of time not only doesn't protect you, but may actually increase your chances of infection.

I will reiterate what I've read from a virologist (I can not share the link to the article, because it is not in English). Generally, when wearing a mask, you are re-breathing your exhaled air. Overtime, when you wear a mask you will increase your PaC02 (partial pressure of oxygen) from a normal of 40 to 55 -60% in an hour of doing this re-breathing. Also, the humidity of the air you are breathing increases, and if the mask is restrictive around your mouth and nose, you re-breathe your own exhaled CO2 (carbon dioxide). With a simple surgical mask you are probably breathing fresher air, but the "protective" masks most people are wearing are much more restrictive around one's mouth and nose than the simple surgical masks that doctors are usually wearing. And the worst is if you use a mask multiple times (which is what most people are probably doing) and the mask becomes dirty and full of germs, that's just the perfect recipe for catching pneumonia, or worse...

I know that some people would disagree with me about this, but tell me how breathing your own exhaled air for a long periods of time is not unhealthy? And why are the governments and the media telling people to wear masks, even though they admit that masks cannot protect against the coronavirus when used alone, you need a full hazmat suit for that.

About the isolation/quarantine, it is unquestionable that the lack of physical activity and lack of sun exposure weakens your immune system response, making you susceptible to viruses and illnesses. The same applies for stress, and the media does everything they can to panic the people as much as possible. (By the way, it's unbelievable how they admit that the quarantine slows the spread of COVID-19, it's not stopping, or even reducing the spread, but only slows it/delays it, supposedly to avoid overwhelming the health services).

To me it looks like that these so called emergency measures are not just ineffective against the virus, but they intend to deliberately worsen the health of the population. They are telling the goyim that they are saving them, while they are actually killing them...

What they should do, if the goal was to actually fight the virus - It's simple: Quarantine only the infected and those at-risk, not lockdown everyone, prevent the possibility of inside-hospital infection, and treat the virus symptomatically with medicines that have been shown to work well against other similar infections.

All flu infections are very dangerous for cancer patients, people with diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. And one of the most effective treatments is booster doses of vitamin C injection. China has used the same treatment against the covid-19 in Wuhan, and the results were unbelievable.

Illnesses due to viruses are treated symptomatically (with medicines that are effective against multiple types of viruses) until the host's immune system controls and eliminates the pathogen. A vaccine specifically against COVID-19 would be pointless, because it will take a year and a half, if not two, until the vaccine is developed, and until then the virus will either mutate or die out, and the vaccine would be totally useless. Exactly the same thing happened with the Swine Flu vaccine - https://abcnews.go.com/Health/SwineFluNews/swine-flu-vaccine-waste/story?id=10262897
Recent study by scientists show that 1 in 3 cases of severe Covid 19 illness, patients experience neurological brain damage.
Possible long term side-effects are becoming a concern for patients who test positive but are not experiencing the common symptoms associated with the sickness.

Web Article

New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.

The new figures, released by the city’s Health Department, drove up the number of people killed in New York City to more than 10,000, and appeared to increase the overall United States death count by 17 percent to more than 26,000.

  • Coronavirus distancing may need to continue until 2022, say experts
  • Study links COVID-19 to stray dogs eating bat meat

Study links COVID-19 to stray dogs eating bat meat

© Getty Almost two million people around the world have been infected by the virus

The coronavirus pandemic may have been started by stray dogs eating bat meat, according to a study.

Professor Xuhua Xia, from the University of Ottawa's biology department, has suggested that stray dogs are the most likely intermediate host for the transmission of Sars-CoV-2 into humans.

According to the study, the ancestor of the new coronavirus and its nearest relative - a bat coronavirus - infected the intestines of dogs. They then evolved before moving to humans.

Humans and mammals can fight viruses through an antiviral protein which stops the infection multiplying. Meanwhile, regions of DNA - CpG dinucleotides - tell the immune system to attack the virus.

More on coronavirus:
All the latest coronavirus news, views and analysis
Virus killer: Why soap is the ultimate weapon in the global pandemic (Guardian)
How to self-isolate: Key steps to prevent the infection spreading (Vox)

But single-strand coronaviruses can avoid the body's natural defences by reducing the CpG.

Prof Xia analysed betacoronavirus genomes and found that Sars-CoV-2 and its closest relative - a bat coronavirus - have the lowest amount of CpG.#


© Getty

In pictures: Coronavirus outbreak (Photos)
[My note: excluded]

The cellular receptor for Sars-CoV-2 is "pervasively expressed in the human digestive system", the study says, adding: "This is consistent with the interpretation that the low CpG in Sars-CoV-2 was acquired by the ancestor of Sars-CoV-2 evolving in mammalian digestive systems.

"The interpretation is further corroborated by a recent report that a high proportion of Covid-19 patients also suffer from digestive discomfort.

"In fact, 48.5% presented with digestive symptoms as their chief complaint."

Prof Xia said the results suggested "the importance of monitoring Sars-like coronaviruses in feral dogs in the fight against Sars-CoV-2".

But Professor James Wood, head of the department of Veterinary Medicine and researcher in infection dynamics at the University of Cambridge, was not convinced.

He said: "There is far too much inference and far too little direct data. I do not see anything in this paper to support this supposition and am concerned that this paper has been published in this journal.

"I do not believe that any dog owners should be concerned as a result of this work."

Nearly two million people worldwide have been infected by the virus.

The findings are published online in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - here is what you can and can't do. If you think you have the virus, don't go to the GP or hospital, stay indoors and get advice online. Only call NHS 111 if you cannot cope with your symptoms at home; your condition gets worse; or your symptoms do not get better after seven days. In parts of Wales where 111 isn't available, call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47. In Scotland, anyone with symptoms is advised to self-isolate for seven days. In Northern Ireland, call your GP.


Coronavirus distancing may need to continue until 2022, say experts

© Getty Health workers

Physical distancing measures may need to be in place intermittently until 2022, scientists have warned in an analysis that suggests there could be resurgences of Covid-19 for years to come.

The paper, published in the journal Science, concludes that a one-time lockdown will not be sufficient to bring the pandemic under control and that secondary peaks could be larger than the current one without continued restrictions.

In pictures: Coronavirus (COVID-19) hits UK amid global pandemic (Photos)
[My note: excluded]

One scenario predicted a resurgence could occur as far in the future as 2025 in the absence of a vaccine or effective treatment.

Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard and co-author of the study, said: “Infections spread when there are two things: infected people and susceptible people. Unless there is some enormously larger amount of herd immunity than we’re aware of … the majority of the population is still susceptible.

“Predicting the end of the pandemic in the summer [of 2020] is not consistent with what we know about the spread of infections.”

Kindness in crisis appeal: Help Britain’s most vulnerable beat coronavirus

In its daily briefings, the UK government has not outlined plans beyond the current restrictions, but the latest paper adds to a building scientific consensus that physical distancing may be required for considerably longer in order to keep case numbers within hospitals’ critical care capacity.

Papers released by the government’s scientific advisory group for emergencies (Sage) in March suggested that the UK would need to alternate between periods of more and less strict physical distancing measures for a year to have a plausible chance of keeping the number of critical care cases within capacity.

The prospect of intermittent distancing raises difficult questions about what guidance will be given to high-risk groups, including over-70s and those with compromised immune systems.

It may be possible to relax distancing measures periodically while maintaining cases within a volume that health services can cope with, but the grave health risks of infection to some people will remain the same until a vaccine or highly effective treatments are available.

New treatments, a vaccine, or increasing critical care capacity could alleviate the need for stringent physical distancing, according to the paper in Science. “But in the absence of these, surveillance and intermittent distancing may need to be maintained into 2022,” the authors conclude.

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The overall numbers of cases in the next five years, and the level of distancing required, were found to depend crucially on the overall current levels of infection and whether all those who are infected gain immunity and, if so, for how long. The authors cautioned that these are big unknowns and that a precise prediction of the long-term dynamics is not possible.

If immunity is permanent, Covid-19 could disappear for five or more years, beyond the first outbreak, the paper suggests. If people have immunity for about a year, as is seen for some other circulating coronaviruses, an annual outbreak cycle would be the most likely outcome.

Asked to speculate on which of these scenarios was more likely, Lipsitch said: “Reasonable guesses are that there might be partial protection for close to a year. On the long end, it might be several years of good protection. It’s really speculative at this point.”

Under all scenarios considered, however, the models found that a one-time lockdown would result in a resurgence after restrictions are lifted.

Serological surveys, assessing the proportion of the population carrying protective antibodies, will be crucial to establish whether people have long-lasting immunity.

Coronavirus UK: Track the cases where you live
[My note: I can't inbed the interactive graphic here; check the link for it]

Other teams have found evidence that the immune response varies across people, with those who only have mild or no symptoms showing a far weaker response.

Prof Marion Koopmans, the head of virology at the Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, whose team is studying the antibody response of those infected, said complete and permanent protection would be unusual for a respiratory virus.

“What you would expect to see – hope to see – is that people who have had it once … the disease would get milder,” she said before the latest paper was released.

Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at Edinburgh University, said: “This is an excellent study that uses mathematical models to explore the dynamics of Covid-19 over a period of several years, in contrast to previously published studies that have focused on the coming weeks or months.

“It is important to recognise that it is a model; it is consistent with current data but is nonetheless based on a series of assumptions – for example about acquired immunity - that are yet to be confirmed. The study should therefore be regarded as suggesting possible scenarios rather than making firm predictions.”

Stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading - here is what you can and can't do. If you think you have the virus, don't go to the GP or hospital, stay indoors and get advice online. Only call NHS 111 if you cannot cope with your symptoms at home; your condition gets worse; or your symptoms do not get better after seven days. In parts of Wales where 111 isn't available, call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47. In Scotland, anyone with symptoms is advised to self-isolate for seven days. In Northern Ireland, call your GP.


APPEAL food banks need money? Wow. It's not as if M$ doesn't have enough money. Uncle billy gates "donates millions, billions and trillions to chariteeee!!" yet shit still happens. As for it being dogs' fault - I thought America had a patent for it, which was registered beforehand.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Isolation weakens your immune system, leaving you susceptible to illness, and wearing masks for long periods of time not only doesn't protect you, but may actually increase your chances of infection.

I will reiterate what I've read from a virologist (I can not share the link to the article, because it is not in English). Generally, when wearing a mask, you are re-breathing your exhaled air. Overtime, when you wear a mask you will increase your PaC02 (partial pressure of oxygen) from a normal of 40 to 55 -60% in an hour of doing this re-breathing. Also, the humidity of the air you are breathing increases, and if the mask is restrictive around your mouth and nose, you re-breathe your own exhaled CO2 (carbon dioxide). With a simple surgical mask you are probably breathing fresher air, but the "protective" masks most people are wearing are much more restrictive around one's mouth and nose than the simple surgical masks that doctors are usually wearing. And the worst is if you use a mask multiple times (which is what most people are probably doing) and the mask becomes dirty and full of germs, that's just the perfect recipe for catching pneumonia, or worse...

I know that some people would disagree with me about this, but tell me how breathing your own exhaled air for a long periods of time is not unhealthy? And why are the governments and the media telling people to wear masks, even though they admit that masks cannot protect against the coronavirus when used alone, you need a full hazmat suit for that.

About the isolation/quarantine, it is unquestionable that the lack of physical activity and lack of sun exposure weakens your immune system response, making you susceptible to viruses and illnesses. The same applies for stress, and the media does everything they can to panic the people as much as possible. (By the way, it's unbelievable how they admit that the quarantine slows the spread of COVID-19, it's not stopping, or even reducing the spread, but only slows it/delays it, supposedly to avoid overwhelming the health services).

To me it looks like that these so called emergency measures are not just ineffective against the virus, but they intend to deliberately worsen the health of the population. They are telling the goyim that they are saving them, while they are actually killing them...

What they should do, if the goal was to actually fight the virus - It's simple: Quarantine only the infected and those at-risk, not lockdown everyone, prevent the possibility of inside-hospital infection, and treat the virus symptomatically with medicines that have been shown to work well against other similar infections.

All flu infections are very dangerous for cancer patients, people with diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. And one of the most effective treatments is booster doses of vitamin C injection. China has used the same treatment against the covid-19 in Wuhan, and the results were unbelievable.

Illnesses due to viruses are treated symptomatically (with medicines that are effective against multiple types of viruses) until the host's immune system controls and eliminates the pathogen. A vaccine specifically against COVID-19 would be pointless, because it will take a year and a half, if not two, until the vaccine is developed, and until then the virus will either mutate or die out, and the vaccine would be totally useless. Exactly the same thing happened with the Swine Flu vaccine - https://abcnews.go.com/Health/SwineFluNews/swine-flu-vaccine-waste/story?id=10262897

I see some people can use critical thinking, instead of getting themselves influenced by the ignorant masses.
Trump defunds WHO - a 'discredited organisation not doing the job we paid for'

The actual mortality rate of the covid-19 is around 0,01%.

The correct way to calculate the fatality rate is the death cases, but only the ones that have shown a direct causality from the virus, divided by the number of infected, including all the people who have have had COVID-19 with no symptoms and with mild symptoms. While the way the joo media calculates the mortality rate is the death cases, but without taking into consideration whether the covid-19 was the main cause of death, or some of the other major diseases which the patients have had besides the covid-19 (In Italy for example, only 12% of deaths certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, and Italy is the epicenter of the outbreak, in other countries it's probably like 1 or 2%) divided by the number of the confirmed cases only (which means the most severe cases, as only people with severe symptoms would test themselves). And then they tell you that the mortality rate is 1.4% or even 2% to scaremonger, which is just absurd.

Another interesting thing, is that the countries that are using, or have used the BCG vaccine probably wouldn't even notice that such a virus exist without the mass hysteria created by the joo media. (The BCG vaccine improves the immune response against a very wide range of pathogens, and it most likely protects people against infection with COVID-19 virus, it can't be a coincidence that all the countries with large BCG-vaccinated populations are doing way better in the pandemic.)

And lastly, quarantine and lockdowns are effective only in the early stages of a pandemic. It's common sense. These measures only make sense before the virus has spread widely, and it's still possible to trace all contacts of those who are diagnosed. When the virus has already spread in the whole country, this becomes inapplicable, and therefore unnecessary. However, when Trump barred entry by any foreign national who had been in China in January, when more than 99% of the cases were still in China, they were criticizing him and as usual blaming him for being "racist", and now when the virus is already here, and the epidemic is at it's peak they tell everyone to "Stay Home".... This is retarded beyond belief. First of all, as I said above, quarantine and lockdowns might work to some extent only in the early stages of the epidemic, (but it's practically impossible because with today’s speed of travel and volume of human movement) and second, this is literally a "solution" from the middle ages (needless to mention that such measures are not justified by the threat that the virus poses at all). To urge people to 'Stay Home' as if modern medicine is powerless and our only hope to save our lives is to hide like rats and just pray to GAWD that the virus will die out, and the spread will stop. There are numerous ways to boost your immune system, and numerous effective treatments against COVID-19. It is unbelievable how anyone could still believe the joo mainstream media...
Fox news admits its a hoax, the mortaliry rate is low and there is already a vaccine; https://youtu.be/8d67llqjgCs

The study by USC and the Los Angeles Department of Public Health concluded that between 2.8% and 4.6% of the adult population in Los Angeles County has an antibody to the virus. This translates to between 221,000 and 442,000 adults — an estimate that is 28 to 55 times higher than the roughly 8,000 confirmed cases that the county had in early April, when the study was conducted.

The Stanford study, led by Assistant Professor Eran Bendavid, concluded that the mortality rate in Santa Clara County is between 0.12% and 0.2%. (In contrast, the county's mortality rate based solely on official cases and deaths as of last Friday, April 17 was 3.9%
The Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) states that in 2019 more people have died from complications from respiratory illnesses in Italy than in 2020. Or in other words, Covid-19 is less deadly than the seasonal flu...

Source: https://www.avvenire.it/attualita/p...gW6gjjVfVdA2NusNsIw6Ezsw8hNleW6zvQOUZISBXnfrY

And it's not because the lockdown/quarantine worked - as they openly admit, these measures only slow the spread of the disease but don't halt it.
Antibody study in N.Y. is finished. They found that there are about 2.7 million people infected in NYC. Which means that the death rate is only 0.5%.

All of their predictions when this was going on with flatten the curve and everything was that the death rate would be 3-5%. So it is only a tenth of what they predicted.

Meaning 99.5% of all infected people all survive. Looks pretty good.

This is a high level study, accurate.
Cfecit said:
Rewera said:
The full "Coronavirus Information Megathread" is translated and available for ex-Yu countries.

Only some of the newspaper articles have not been translated, but have been posted because of the importance of the information. Videos have also been posted, everything found here is also there. We will monitor the situation and be up to date.

Here's the link: JOS Ex-Yu - Megathread - https://josbosnia.wordpress.com/inf...nost-pristupa-azurirano-10-marta-2020-godine/

You have my respect.
Can I advice you, make more readable the left column on your JoSBosnia, the color of characters is very similar to background, if you can, paint it in red as originally in JOS :- )

-Sorry for off topic-

Very sorry for late response! Thank you for your suggestion, I'll do something about it!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Antibody study in N.Y. is finished. They found that there are about 2.7 million people infected in NYC. Which means that the death rate is only 0.5%.

All of their predictions when this was going on with flatten the curve and everything was that the death rate would be 3-5%. So it is only a tenth of what they predicted.

Meaning 99.5% of all infected people all survive. Looks pretty good.

This is a high level study, accurate.

Yes, but keep in mind that all death cases that have been tested positive for coronavirus are included in the statistics, regardless if the coronavirus was the main cause of the death, or the actual contribution of the virus to the person's death is minimal. The vast majority of the cases (~90% and more) have had other major diseases, and many of them even without the contribution of the covid-19 would likely have died from these diseases in the several month time frame. So even 0.5% mortality rate is exaggerated at least 10 times. And New York is the epicenter of the outbreak, in other places it is 0.01 - 0.02 per cent.... Which is comparable to the seasonal flu, which has a mortality rate of a little less than 0.01%. (I believe it was 0.0095% or something like that).
In continuation to my previous post... What these statistics mean is that for the people infected with coronavirus who have one or more other severe health issues, their chances of dying from coronavirus, or complications from coronavirus are 0.2 to 0.5% (depending if they live in the epicenter of the outbreak, or a less affected area). For the people infected with coronavirus who have no other underlying conditions, their chances of dying from coronavirus are virtually non-existent.

So the thousands of cases of listing patients that died from other diseases as COVID-19 are not enough to make their hoax seem plausible... And it seems like they are purposely not treating the patients, and they turned the hospitals into something like gulags, because obviously the fatality rate of the virus is too low and they need more deaths to justify their Orwellian measures....

Non-covid-19 patients are being placed together with covid-19 patients in hospitals, which is probably how more than 90% of the infections are acquired, and especially the infections of the most susceptible to illnesses, for whom the risk is highest... While they tell people to not open "non-essential businesses" because by going to the hair salon for example, where it's just you and the hair stylist, you are 'risking your life'... If this doesn't wake people up, I don't know what will...
UK Warns Doctors About Mysterious New Respiratory Syndrome Appearing In Children

A British trade publication for health-care professionals has just issued an extremely ominous warning. While the world is fixated on battling the coronavirus, a small group of British children have exhibited a mysterious new respiratory syndrome.

According to the Health Service Journal, the Department of Health and Social Care has sent an urgent alert to general practitioners and pediatricians across Britain last week warning about a "serious coronavirus-related syndrome [that] may be emerging in the UK."

The alert comes following a suspicious spike in alarming respiratory cases in children, who typically don't exhibit severe coronavirus symptoms, though children as young as a few months have died due to complications related to the coronavirus.

Though the warning identifies the new syndrome as coronavirus-related, it adds later down that the new inflammatory syndrome could even be an entirely new pathogen.

It adds: “There is a growing concern that a [covid-19] related inflammatory syndrome is emerging in children in the UK, or that there may be another, as yet unidentified, infectious pathogen associated with these cases."

Over the weekend, Health secretary Matt Hancock mentioned during a press briefing he was "very worried" about signs of a new coronavirus-linked syndrome in children, and that these cases are being investigated "as a matter of urgency."


The issue was brought up again during a briefing on Monday, when Chris Whitty, the chief medical advisor to HMG, and his Public Health England colleague Steve Powis, said colleagues were urgently investigating the link, stressing that cases were rare and it was too early to say anything more with certainty.

Scientists around the world are still debating whether children can effectively spread the virus, research that will hopefully inform the debate on when and how to 'coronavirus-proof' schools.

While almost all of the very small number of children (according to the UK gov't) who exhibited the syndrome also tested positive for the coronavirus, some didn't.

The syndrome has the characteristics of serious covid-19, but there have otherwise been relatively few cases of serious effects or deaths from coronavirus in children. Some of the children have tested positive for covid-19, and some appear to have had the virus in the past, but some have not.

The fact that very few children have become seriously ill with the virus or died, compared to adults, remains the case.

The alert was issued to GPs in North London by their clinical commissioning group. It has been sent to doctors more widely and is confirmed in a separate “urgent alert” issued last night by the Paediatric Intensive Care Society.

The alert to GPs, marked “significant alert” states: “Please refer children presenting with these symptoms as a matter of urgency."

Both messages said: “The cases have in common overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki Disease with blood parameters consistent with severe COVID-19 in children.

As Reuters pointed out, during the worst of the outbreak in Lombardy, doctors in northern Italy reported extraordinarily large numbers of children under age 9 with severe cases of what appears to be Kawasaki disease, something that's far more common in parts of Asia.

saudacoes... gostaria de saber se ha informaçoes sobre a vacina contra o covid 19 que esta sendo desenvolvida na alemanha... e segura ? tambem vi que tem uma sendo feita pelos israelences... essa de certo nao e segura... mas a alema talvez seja ne... agradecemos o espaco de interacao... eu e minha filha fazemos parte da irmandade aqui do brasil.... hail Satan .. salve todos os Deuses do inferno....
I have tested positive for covid 19.
Listen this illness is absolutely horrible, I was near in tears with the body aches, nausea, non stop high temps, sore throat, mental headaches, dizzyness and bein constantly dehydrated. I felt like I wasn't going to make it at times and felt numerous images of my death circulate my head etc.
I was poper in unbelievablr pain and would be groanin out in pain, and didnt know what was goin on around me, I couldnt stand up, Id get dizzy and fall over. I was driftin into mental hallucinations and inordinate despair.

The pain was so bad I didnt know what to do. Taking 8 and 10 panadol a day etc, and still having a temp of 40celcius was madness. I decided to get some marijuana, out of desperation. Even though I dont smoke it I was desperate to try SOMETHING anything at all. I sent my brother out to get it hopin itd atleast help me to sleep normally.
It ended up curing the nausea, curing the muscle cramps, making my breathin better, makin my sore throat alot less painful, it gave me my apetite back too. All I need is around 4 or 5 drags on a weed only roll up (no tobacco) and I feel perfectly fine for the next 6-8 hours. I get an energy boost, I can wash,I can eat, Im able to speak to my father on the phone now for 2 hour periods whereas before I couldnt even answer. My whole family have been shocked by this turnaround. Its currently 9:30am here and I havent smoked since 1am, and at 1 all I had was 5 drags, thats it, a tiny anount,and I still feel ALOT better all these hours later.

I am suggesting you give this a try guys. Its changed my life I was in so much pain and despair. I am 5 days into coronavirus now Nd honestly dont know how I made it through the first 3. I am an asthmativ and have smoked tobacco for 5 years but the weed seems to be clearinf my lungs out of coronavirus in its entirety. I can drink litres of water without vomitting them up, can eat food without being reduced to tears due to throat pain, can actually go to the bathroom etc.

May Satan protect you all in these trying times. Im just trying to help guys. Thank you so much.
Wish you a fast recuperation, also, what kind of test did they do to you exactly? Swab test? Did they specify what kind of test it was? Was it professional or random? Does anyone who was with you or close to you experience anything similar, or just you?

There is also violent flu's going around. The regular flu is becoming more violent every year in many cases.

Doing stuff like weed during a cold or any form of illness resembling a cold is only going to increase the fuckup, stay away from it.

IrishSatanist said:
I have tested positive for covid 19.
Listen this illness is absolutely horrible, I was near in tears with the body aches, nausea, non stop high temps, sore throat, mental headaches, dizzyness and bein constantly dehydrated. I felt like I wasn't going to make it at times and felt numerous images of my death circulate my head etc.
I was poper in unbelievablr pain and would be groanin out in pain, and didnt know what was goin on around me, I couldnt stand up, Id get dizzy and fall over. I was driftin into mental hallucinations and inordinate despair.

The pain was so bad I didnt know what to do. Taking 8 and 10 panadol a day etc, and still having a temp of 40celcius was madness. I decided to get some marijuana, out of desperation. Even though I dont smoke it I was desperate to try SOMETHING anything at all. I sent my brother out to get it hopin itd atleast help me to sleep normally.
It ended up curing the nausea, curing the muscle cramps, making my breathin better, makin my sore throat alot less painful, it gave me my apetite back too. All I need is around 4 or 5 drags on a weed only roll up (no tobacco) and I feel perfectly fine for the next 6-8 hours. I get an energy boost, I can wash,I can eat, Im able to speak to my father on the phone now for 2 hour periods whereas before I couldnt even answer. My whole family have been shocked by this turnaround. Its currently 9:30am here and I havent smoked since 1am, and at 1 all I had was 5 drags, thats it, a tiny anount,and I still feel ALOT better all these hours later.

I am suggesting you give this a try guys. Its changed my life I was in so much pain and despair. I am 5 days into coronavirus now Nd honestly dont know how I made it through the first 3. I am an asthmativ and have smoked tobacco for 5 years but the weed seems to be clearinf my lungs out of coronavirus in its entirety. I can drink litres of water without vomitting them up, can eat food without being reduced to tears due to throat pain, can actually go to the bathroom etc.

May Satan protect you all in these trying times. Im just trying to help guys. Thank you so much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wish you a fast recuperation, also, what kind of test did they do to you exactly? Swab test? Did they specify what kind of test it was? Was it professional or random? Does anyone who was with you or close to you experience anything similar, or just you?

There is also violent flu's going around. The regular flu is becoming more violent every year in many cases.

Doing stuff like weed during a cold or any form of illness resembling a cold is only going to increase the fuckup, stay away from it.

IrishSatanist said:
I have tested positive for covid 19.
Listen this illness is absolutely horrible, I was near in tears with the body aches, nausea, non stop high temps, sore throat, mental headaches, dizzyness and bein constantly dehydrated. I felt like I wasn't going to make it at times and felt numerous images of my death circulate my head etc.
I was poper in unbelievablr pain and would be groanin out in pain, and didnt know what was goin on around me, I couldnt stand up, Id get dizzy and fall over. I was driftin into mental hallucinations and inordinate despair.

The pain was so bad I didnt know what to do. Taking 8 and 10 panadol a day etc, and still having a temp of 40celcius was madness. I decided to get some marijuana, out of desperation. Even though I dont smoke it I was desperate to try SOMETHING anything at all. I sent my brother out to get it hopin itd atleast help me to sleep normally.
It ended up curing the nausea, curing the muscle cramps, making my breathin better, makin my sore throat alot less painful, it gave me my apetite back too. All I need is around 4 or 5 drags on a weed only roll up (no tobacco) and I feel perfectly fine for the next 6-8 hours. I get an energy boost, I can wash,I can eat, Im able to speak to my father on the phone now for 2 hour periods whereas before I couldnt even answer. My whole family have been shocked by this turnaround. Its currently 9:30am here and I havent smoked since 1am, and at 1 all I had was 5 drags, thats it, a tiny anount,and I still feel ALOT better all these hours later.

I am suggesting you give this a try guys. Its changed my life I was in so much pain and despair. I am 5 days into coronavirus now Nd honestly dont know how I made it through the first 3. I am an asthmativ and have smoked tobacco for 5 years but the weed seems to be clearinf my lungs out of coronavirus in its entirety. I can drink litres of water without vomitting them up, can eat food without being reduced to tears due to throat pain, can actually go to the bathroom etc.

May Satan protect you all in these trying times. Im just trying to help guys. Thank you so much.
His first post is how he has corona and that using weed is good...not saying this guy is troll/infiltrator but it could be. Weed is a yin plant so basically it would make a cold even worse.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
