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Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

Thai doctors have seen success in treating severe cases of the new coronavirus with combination of medications for flu and HIV, with initial results showing vast improvement 48 hours after applying the treatment, they said on Sunday.


The doctors from Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok said a new approach in coronavirus treatment had improved the condition of several patients under their care, including one 70-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan who tested positive for the coronavirus for 10 days.

The drug treatment includes a mixture of anti-HIV drugs lopinavir and ritonavir, in combination with flu drug oseltamivir in large doses.

“This is not the cure, but the patient’s condition has vastly improved. From testing positive for 10 days under our care, after applying this combination of medicine the test result became negative within 48 hours,” Dr. Kriangska Atipornwanich, a lung specialist at Rajavithi, told reporters.
"The 3 stages of coronavirus and the aftermath of a lockdown"


Someone shared this on geenstijl.nl in the comments.

1st stage: Cold
2ed stage: Flu
3rd stage: Pneumonia

Also it seems the virus is thriving in 37C temperatures, not like the temperatures the 'cold' likes. (I think this person is explaining that in the video)

Also in general, virusses, like herpes, are not likely to be cleaned out from the body entirely. It is just up to how well the immune system is doing for it to not show up, or to just have it 'sleeping' basicly.

This is probably also the reason why people get a 'cold' despite the fact that they may not have come in contact with people that actually had the cold.
New Scientific Study shows coronavirus lasts 3 HOURS in the air. Released March 13th.

HCoV-19 remained viable in aerosols throughout the duration of our experiment (3 hours) with a 30 reduction in infectious titer from 103.5 to 102.7 TCID50/L, similar to the reduction observed for SARS-CoV-31 1, from 104.3 to 103.5 TCID50/mL (Figure 1A).
Gerecht Ror said:
Specter said:
Don't expect official numbers to start getting published by world health authorities about the truth in China any time soon. Possibly not even until after the happening is already ending. What you're going to see is massive amounts of person to person transmission throughout the West over the next three weeks and that they cant cover up, only manage the message.

I can report personally and through people I know in different zones, in Italy areas with "few" infections reportee see an uncommon number of ambulances running up and down. We see ambulances with plates coming from 400 km or more. Possibly sick people are transferred, or most likely several cases are not fully reported in the news. Something happens behind the scenes.

Definitely. I can report the same but not too many, it's just that you always have ears on the road and then notice an odd number of ambulance sounds going. Usually 2-3 a week. Also odd thing is my friend who works at a store said his company ordered a big load of supplies on the day the virus was declared a pandemic and even had people work nightshifts a day before so that everything is in stock for the panicking hoards coincidentally. Someone in head office was in the know.

Now we're seeing grocery stores becoming madhouses and one of his co-workers got a viral infection, he said he was having on and off symptoms until it finally got him call in sick and see a doctor who told him to isolate for a few days. Expect a sudden increase of infections in Canada, they're just downplaying to make the USA, and especially trump, look bad. Canada is the biggest leg spreader for these type of things.

Graves can be see in Iran from space sattelite. WOW!!!!
Bigot Boy said:
New Scientific Study shows coronavirus lasts 3 HOURS in the air. Released March 13th.

HCoV-19 remained viable in aerosols throughout the duration of our experiment (3 hours) with a 30 reduction in infectious titer from 103.5 to 102.7 TCID50/L, similar to the reduction observed for SARS-CoV-31 1, from 104.3 to 103.5 TCID50/mL (Figure 1A).

This time may also seem limited to how fast the air dries out (what I read) but air is always a bit humid anyway.
Unless maybe youre in the Sahara desert..
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I had to look up what this is in American degrees. It is 98.6°, the common body temperature.

Yes we use Celcius here, and you use Fahrenheit.
Also they consider it a fever from 38 C and up.
Normal body temperature is from 36 to 37.5 C ..
Bigot Boy said:
Coronavirus x-rays show terrifying damage in lungs of Covid-19 victims


This is serious guys. Death is NOT the only concern here... even if one recovers from the virus, often severe, permanent damage is done to the body, especially the lungs. Recently a double-lung transplant was performed in China because the patient, although recovered from the virus, had extreme lung damage to the point he couldn't breathe without a machine anymore... https://nypost.com/2020/03/02/chinese-doctors-perform-worlds-first-double-lung-transplant-for-coronavirus-victim/

I fucking knew it.

Everyone I know has been freaking out about the possibility of death from the virus and yet I've been sitting here freaking out about the recovered for the past month and a half wondering why nobody seemed to be researching or revealing any information on them. I suspected something severe, permanent or damaging to the body would result from the virus even if one recovered.

This isn't just some 'cold' that you'll get better from and be just fine like normies seem to think.

-Canadian prime minister's wife contracted covid-19, prime minister is in self-isolation and communicating via phone and video conference

-Canadian citizens are now strongly advised to stay within the country and avoid unnecessary travel

-Number of reported infected in Canada well approaching 200

-All schools closed in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and New Brunswick

-Hand sanitizers, gloves, masks, cleaning products entirely vacant from store shelves, multiple back-orders

-Staff at grocery stores and related are struggling to keep up with restocking canned goods and various food supplies, many shelves practically empty

-Virtually all sporting and social events cancelled

-Oil prices plunging

-Interest rates cut for the second time this month in an emergency move to compensate for the hits on the economy.

-Drastic stock market drop by 12%, largest in 80 years: "Never in modern trading history have Canadian stocks fallen so much in a single day of trading as they did this week."
Important message that shuts down media rumors


Written by the NRC (some kind of well known newspaper like thingy).

It says that the virus has not yet splitted into two variants, conclusion drawn from the places the different strains of coronavirus has been examined.

(This is the website for the NL: https://nextstrain.org/ncov?c=clade_membership&f_country=Netherlands&l=radial )

Also the types of corona that are in the US do NOT have a source in Europe, but elsewhere.

As the virus gets passed on, it mutates slightly, to the point where the small differences are able to be seen in which comes from where. This in turn gives out tons of variants in one single place.

The message also says that it is still possible to contain the situation as long as the virus does not mutate into something that makes it more 'typical' from here ? Something along those lines, it was not litterally said, this is just how I interpreted it.

However, it seems impossible to stop the spread of the virus now (at least in North Brabant - a dutch province).. unless severe measures are taken.

Het spel met de kralen

Het erfelijk materiaal van het nieuwe coronavirus bestaat uit rna. Dat rna ligt als een lang kralensnoer van 30.000 ‘letters’ in de omhullende mantel van het virusdeeltje. Het rna bevat alle instructies voor het maken van een nieuwe generatie virusdeeltjes, inclusief alle manteleiwitten. Het virus gebruikt de machinerie van de gastheer voor het maken van vele kopieën van zichzelf, die vervolgens weer vrijkomen en op hun beurt nieuwe cellen infecteren.

Maar het kopiëren van het virus gaat niet foutloos, omdat het virus niet kan controleren of de gemaakte kopie exact hetzelfde is als het origineel. Soms wordt er een verkeerde letter ingebouwd in het rna, of worden er zelfs hele stukken overgeslagen. Door dit slordige kopiëren krijgen virussen na verloop van tijd een unieke genetische vingerafdruk.

De software van Nextstrain berekent hoe de stamboom er moet uitzien op basis van de verschillen in de vingerafdrukken, rekening houdend met de mutatiesnelheid van het virus. Die is gebaseerd op het getal van andere coronavirussen, en tot nu toe zijn er geen aanwijzingen dat SARS-Cov-2 daarvan zou afwijken. Het komt erop neer dat iedere genetische letter in de code gemiddeld eens in de 2.000 jaar zal veranderen. Dat is een heel normale snelheid voor virussen, ook het ebolavirus en het zikavirus zitten hier in de buurt. Maar er zijn uitzonderingen; bijvoorbeeld het griepvirus verandert twee tot vier keer sneller.

Sort of Summary of the quote:
- The genetic material of the new corona virus excists out of rna. RNA contains the instructions for making new virusparts, using the copymachine of the host (the RNA that your body makes to send to functions of the cells are copies of your DNA code - this latter thing is not in the message but I add it in here for those who do not know what RNA is).
- The virus can not check weather or not the code is the exact of the original. Because of this parts of the copy are skipped or a different letter is build in. After some time it gets an unique genetical fingerprint.
- The software of Nextstrain calculates how the ancestry has to look like on the base of differences in fingerprints, taking into account with the mutationrate of the virus, which is based on the number of the other coronavirusses. So far there are no leads that this woul differ.
Lots of virusses mutate at the same rate, however Influenza is different, this virus mutates two to four times faster.

This person is in a hospital in Japan talking about how the virus experience was for them.

He notices, barely any fever at all, spikes but not above 38, a cough (and he named something else later in the video as symptom) but when he did get tested he already had a cough, and shortness of breath.
He called it 'viral pneumonia'.

Also he mentions something about a breathing exercise which he did to not have to get a respirator because of the oxygen levels being low, called Emotional ... something by Gary ... anyway if you watch the video you'll see him mentioning it (in the last 10 min) a couple of times.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Bigot Boy said:
Coronavirus x-rays show terrifying damage in lungs of Covid-19 victims


This is serious guys. Death is NOT the only concern here... even if one recovers from the virus, often severe, permanent damage is done to the body, especially the lungs. Recently a double-lung transplant was performed in China because the patient, although recovered from the virus, had extreme lung damage to the point he couldn't breathe without a machine anymore... https://nypost.com/2020/03/02/chinese-doctors-perform-worlds-first-double-lung-transplant-for-coronavirus-victim/

I fucking knew it.

Everyone I know has been freaking out about the possibility of death from the virus and yet I've been sitting here freaking out about the recovered for the past month and a half wondering why nobody seemed to be researching or revealing any information on them. I suspected something severe, permanent or damaging to the body would result from the virus even if one recovered.

This isn't just some 'cold' that you'll get better from and be just fine like normies seem to think.
Exactly. Also many say the virus is a cross of SARS and AIDS https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/06/coronavirus-like-combination-sars-aids-doctors-say-12359066/

I'd say it's very likely that the immune system is permanently damaged as well. I know a Brother posted on the forums a study that the 2nd time someone catches coronavirus it's way worse than the first, and can cause heart failure. Likely due to this.
The people of Wuhan scream: It's all Fake! It's all Fake!

Salary Slave said:
The people of Wuhan scream: It's all Fake! It's all Fake!


The virus is very much real, there's no denying that at this point, but people going out and rebelling against the enemy in any way shape or form is fantastic.

All this rage and disorder being wrought up by the masses is extremely necessary to bring forth our better future. The enemy has built the world's entire system on their garbage, creating misery and suffering. They built this foundation that our world currently stands on, and there's no peaceful way to fix this anymore. There may have been a thousand years ago, but that is not the case today.

Terrible things are going to have to happen, societal collapse will need to occur, anarchy will need to be brought up to destroy the control, and once the whole thing has been brought down and the enemy has no leg to stand on and no more power, a new way of life will build up from the ashes, a gentile one, the right one.

Draconian laws will likely need to be put in place for a while, and it is unfortunate, but nothing short of drastic is going to fix the heaping mess the enemy has thrown our world into. Everything must be swiftly and strictly corrected. But first this enemy foundation needs to be destroyed, and we need to keep doing our part with the RTRs to encourage it.

We will survive through to the other side and reap the rewards of our efforts.
U. S. Census Takers,,, Enumerators,, starting around April 2020,, going house to house, doing questionnaires for "non response" census documents.
Hand sanitizer ,,, Face Masks ( getting carried now ). But, something to be aware of this census
jbkbmz said:
https://youtu.be/1M5acB2fKrs .. Getting worse ?

I unfortunately cannot read this as I am on a mobile device that doesn't properly play stuff. Can someone share the gist of the video?
Talks about schools, restaurants, and bars, among other places closing "En Mass" in America. Scary
https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/16/health/us-coronavirus-monday-updates/index.html .. https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/mavs-and-nba-practice-and-travel-plans-halted-with-coronavirus-update
https://youtu.be/4Df36psGbfc .. For those in California, it only gets worse. Never mind this man's sales pitches.
News dump:
Forced vaccination law passed in Denmark

Physician who claimed Covid-19 a nothing burger now says "I've never seen anything like this"

More on the subject by Tim Pool https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=hf8JTrgFYlM&feature=emb_logo
Not sure if this has been posted by anyone but this channel has some leaked footage of what has been happening in China and more information on Coronavirus.
He has written the titles cleverly so they do not get taken down so fast, it'd be best to watch and download those videos while they're still there.

Youtube downloader: https://www.y2mate.com/en14
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
https://youtu.be/1M5acB2fKrs .. Getting worse ?

I unfortunately cannot read this as I am on a mobile device that doesn't properly play stuff. Can someone share the gist of the video?

All New York public schools are effectively closed.

All restaurants, bars and non-essential stores are being closed in New York. The airport is in chaos due to the enforced screenings, people are being forced to wait up to 2 hours just to get anywhere.

A: "Could we be looking to closures of restaurants and general stores nationwide?"

B: "Well in that same briefing, everything is on the table and that includes shutting things down nationwide if the numbers start accelerating. So hopefully they're starting to make the movements to get it under control and flatten that curve, if not then you're gonna be seeing more shutdowns."

A: "He said even domestic travel is under consideration."

B: "Even domestic travel."
Specter said:
Not sure if this has been posted by anyone but this channel has some leaked footage of what has been happening in China and more information on Coronavirus.
He has written the titles cleverly so they do not get taken down so fast, it'd be best to watch and download those videos while they're still there.

Youtube downloader: https://www.y2mate.com/en14

These videos are incredible, I will definitely be adding these to the archive as well, thank you very much for sharing.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Specter said:
Not sure if this has been posted by anyone but this channel has some leaked footage of what has been happening in China and more information on Coronavirus.
He has written the titles cleverly so they do not get taken down so fast, it'd be best to watch and download those videos while they're still there.

Youtube downloader: https://www.y2mate.com/en14

These videos are incredible, I will definitely be adding these to the archive as well, thank you very much for sharing.

I've had to look through all these videos to title them appropriately and so much of this is highly disturbing.

Apparently people who get infected are considering it a death sentence and are going savage for lack of a better word, acting like wild animals and destroying things and attacking people. Additionally infected are being hunted down and killed by the public as if that will somehow stop the virus from spreading from them.

Wuhan and China is at the peak of this virus, how people are reacting over there, how things are going between nervous breakdowns and total systematic collapse will happen here in the americas should it get to those heights. Speaking of collapse it seems some people are just falling/feinting and/or dropping dead despite being fine beforehand. Whether this is the virus or some state of shock/heart attack from stress I can't tell, but I'm leaning more towards the latter.

We have the advantage over outsiders, we have the means to protect ourselves so we stay safe through all of this and we have protection from the gods, you'd be very surprised what a strong aura of protection can save you from. Prepare for the worst and you won't have any regrets down the road if/when this escalates on our side of the planet.

THE RTRS ARE CRUCIAL. Things have to get worse before they get better and it's unfortunate that such needs to happen, but the enemy system must be destroyed to make way for ours. This is necessary and we'll make it through to the other side. Stay strong, this is a turning point that will inevitably lead to our total victory and regaining of our grip upon our home planet. The enemy has control in a state of chaos, but in this case they fucked up because a virus is something they don't have control over and this definitely isn't going the way they were hoping it would.

Their own people are infected and I have no doubt our gods are doing everything they can to curse the jewish people to suffer more and more from the virus. Jewish genetics and dna is full of garbage and defects, a lot of jew specific diseases were curses placed upon their race by Satan and the gods themselves. I've seen that the recovery to infected ratio in Israel is practically null, they are falling hard and have realized their mistake too late. They probably thought they were fully prepared, but they lost all control as soon as the virus was released and this is where the major transition starts to our new age.
There is a live post on youtube named 'coronavirus pandemic: real time counter, world map, news'. This post has around 80k online at peak and around 40-50k in rest, i think that a good idea is to spread the truth via that online chat, i am already doing this for past 2 days and i request your help for that :) ps: don t post links, put ,com instead of .com and it will pass the adminbot
https://youtu.be/IvL6qpZATV8 ... The 9 minute and 30 second part,,, says this virus might be a distraction for something more serious, like an asteroid.
Might want to be looking for something more serious then the virus in the near future
The full "Coronavirus Information Megathread" is translated and available for ex-Yu countries.

Only some of the newspaper articles have not been translated, but have been posted because of the importance of the information. Videos have also been posted, everything found here is also there. We will monitor the situation and be up to date.

Here's the link: JOS Ex-Yu - Megathread - https://josbosnia.wordpress.com/inf...nost-pristupa-azurirano-10-marta-2020-godine/
Everybody if you can afford and are able, buy essential bulk food products from the internet. Bulk rice, bulk pasta, bulk flour (for baking bread), bulk dried or canned beans, bulk canned meat, you can find most of them on Amazon or other online natural food shops and in proper conditions they can last for at least 2-3 years. It will cost you though but that was to be expected in the case of 6-12 months worth of food.
How Coronavirus and Kobe Bryant are weirdly Related | Joey Diaz and Sam Tripoli

He goes deep into detail on all the connections of hebrew gematria, Kobe's lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies for putting opiates into other medicines to get people addicted, Kobe's friend is on the board of one of the 3 companies that owns the patent for the corona virus vaccine, secret society involvement and symbolism, more gematria and connected phrases, and jewish holidays about "sacrificing" at the same time. Goes deep into detail about some things that have been mentioned here, and more that hasn't yet been mentioned here yet.

And it's amazing what kind of audience this is being shown to, because they don't have anything to do with this kind of topics. This is a stand up comedian with 281,000 subscribers on his youtube channel, and he just tells stories about all the crimes he used to do and he gives some life advice, and talks to other comedians. So if this kind of knowledge about all this stuff is being told to that kind of audience, just think of what is spreading to all the groups who focus on conspiracies and occult stuff.

Watch this video, every point is correct and it's amazing how solidly he has it.
Possible cure found, has a perfect 100% success rate. 2 medicines together, both extremely common. Both of these medicines are in every pharmacy in the world, both used for about a hundred years. One is a Malaria medicine, and the other is the most common antiviral medicine, often in a set of doses called a Z-pack.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
