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Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg says:
"The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seems to be regulated by the clinical thermometer.
Evidence-based epidemiological assessment is drowning in the mainstream of fear mongers in labs, media, and ministries."


In a longer video he did state the increased death rate in italy is because italy has a 25% chance for people to get multi-resistant microbial infection at thear hospitals (see longer video didn´t find one in english). Compared to germany it is 1%. If everybody gathers at the hospitals especially weak people then there will be a increase in deaths.

If someone dies they don´t know if he did realy die from the corona virus even if they test the people for the coronavirus. They just know the person did have the virus. Even if the person did have other pre-illnesses the person still counts as a corona death.
Meanwhile in India:



Sorry but their method is so funny...
There appears to be two different coronaviruses. One far deadlier than the other. The link below is a scholarly article that explains this but is confusing to someone who doesnt understand biological jargon. The last paragraph plainly states that the difference in their genetic code is too great to be a single virus.


Here is a video explaining the article:

https://youtu.be/qpDJPD6Hlgc .. Never mind this man's Jewsus shit talk, and " I am such a persecuted hero, ego bull shit.. Is this guy correct about the Internet possibly going down. ? Youtube,, by the end of March ? ( a few days ).
JUST BEFORE I STARTED TYPING THIS, A SHERIFF CAME BY AND ASKED ME IF I WAS AN ESSENTIAL EMPLOYEE. I am at the Fitness Center as wifi is weak at my house. I am ''out and about''. He let me stay,, but even he said most of us are suspecting this is bigger than some coronavirus hoax. Says even he and others suspect this is going to become mandatory lock down in the near future.
Looks like the Jews are winning. That Sucks.
Gorilla Warfare.... Black magic.....
https://youtu.be/O2t6qD0ExSQ .. We can ignore his New Age talk. I post this to point out the FEMA Coffins,, ( remember them ? ).
https://youtu.be/v6u_OWyF6As... Now THEY want to go Door to Door to check for the virus. Does this = Gun Confiscation ?
Is this Coronavirus issue,, brought about at this time,, to bring in a bunch of Blood Offering for the Jewish Passover 2020, that is coming up.???
All of these deaths, for the Jews to use against Gentiles and to make the ""Messiah"" come to Earth with Gentile, blood life force,, and psychic energy ( prayers ).
jbkbmz said:
https://youtu.be/v6u_OWyF6As... Now THEY want to go Door to Door to check for the virus. Does this = Gun Confiscation ?

This video is already gone. Please share. That is quite insane even after the so called "Quarantine" measures.

If this is for real we are going down some real ugly Communist dictatorship.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
https://youtu.be/v6u_OWyF6As... Now THEY want to go Door to Door to check for the virus. Does this = Gun Confiscation ?

This video is already gone. Please share. That is quite insane even after the so called "Quarantine" measures.

If this is for real we are going down some real ugly Communist dictatorship.
It's no removed, it's just if you click his link it takes you to the page but there three points in the URL "..." so it gives an error, this is the right link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6u_OWyF6As&feature=youtu.be
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
https://youtu.be/v6u_OWyF6As... Now THEY want to go Door to Door to check for the virus. Does this = Gun Confiscation ?

This video is already gone. Please share. That is quite insane even after the so called "Quarantine" measures.

If this is for real we are going down some real ugly Communist dictatorship.
The video link still works for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6u_OWyF6As
I posted this in a new topic, but I would like to post it here as well.


The title of the Youtube video "Is covid-19 even real" is a little misleading - the covid-19 is real, but the vast majority of the "confirmed cases of covid-19" are most likely not real.

So not only the statistics of mortality rate due to Covid-19 are false, as admitted by Italy's by the National Institute of Health: ,,only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.” but the statistics of the statistics of the "confirmed cases of coronavirus" are a total fraud as well, because of the tests they are using...

Coronavirus has existed for decades (at least). Under normal circumstances, we do not test for a particular virus type if someone has viral pneumonia, or a flu. But now they are "testing" for coronaviruses, through fraudulent coronavirus tests that cannot discern between COVID-19, and the other types of coronaviruses that are harmless, and they are telling us that they are "finding" COVID-19...

I know that some people would argue that people are actually dying and that in Italy "there are so many deaths that military trucks have to take them away" and so on, but keep in mind that even according to their official, exaggerated statistics, the coronavirus mortality rate is lower than the seasonal flu...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qwiyxedC_o Another extremely informative video... Dr. Wolfgang Vodarg is not some random "conspiracy theorist" on the internet... He is a former chairman of the health sub-committee at the Council of Europe. In 2009, during the so called swine flu outbreak, they planned to do exactly the same thing - create a mass panic due to the 'pandemic' so they can then blame the economic crisis of 2008 to the swine flu, and at the same time to make the crisis worse. Dr. Wolfgang Vodarg is the man who exposed them and stopped this.
Rewera said:
The full "Coronavirus Information Megathread" is translated and available for ex-Yu countries.

Only some of the newspaper articles have not been translated, but have been posted because of the importance of the information. Videos have also been posted, everything found here is also there. We will monitor the situation and be up to date.

Here's the link: JOS Ex-Yu - Megathread - https://josbosnia.wordpress.com/inf...nost-pristupa-azurirano-10-marta-2020-godine/

You have my respect.
Can I advice you, make more readable the left column on your JoSBosnia, the color of characters is very similar to background, if you can, paint it in red as originally in JOS :- )

-Sorry for off topic-
DiscipleOfSatan said:
I know that some people would argue that people are actually dying and that in Italy "there are so many deaths that military trucks have to take them away" and so on, but keep in mind that even according to their official, exaggerated statistics, the coronavirus mortality rate is lower than the seasonal flu...
Italy total coronavirus deaths as of today: 13,155
And Italy total recovered as of today: 16,847

This would make the Italy mortality rate for people that have actually experienced coronavirus for it's entire duration 78%.

Please don't fall victim to the idea that all the currently active cases will miraculously 100% recover or some crap, which is the idea that is promoted when the number of active cases are included in mortality rates. Looking at the total deaths VS the total recovered is much more reliable in foreseeing what the final outcome may be. You can't compare numbers to the flu because the influenza numbers DON'T take into account active cases... for obvious reasons...
Much appreciation to all those who contribute with information, news articles, replies, and specific big thanks to our SS who translate the thread.

The thread is now updated. Since it's hard to keep up with all articles, if it is possible for people to collect some very good replies that I may have lost [certainly there are some] please reply to this comment so they can be included.
https://youtu.be/1c1wgNHUExA ...We can ignore his Jew talk,,, and "I am such a martyr" ego massage.
If he is right about many of these deaths being fake,,, then it is obviously a different agenda, and not a virus.
I thought it would be good to post this here too.

U.S. intelligence came out and said the same thing. (China lying about their CV confirmed cases) Here's the link to the article but it's beind a pay wall,

U.S. Intelligence Says China Concealed Extent of 
Virus Outbreak 

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2 ... reak-video

but this person in this video has access to the article and reads it and delves into it,

Leaked Intel Report CONFIRMS China Is Lying About COVID Numbers, China Is Exploiting The Crisis


Leaked Intel Report CONFIRMS China Is Lying About COVID Numbers, China Is Exploiting The Crisis. Several intel officials have privately confirmed that China has been under reporting the number of infected to downplay the crisis. China has been lying in an effort to exploit the situation for economic gain. When the outbreak first began they started hoarding supplies from other countries while downplaying the severity. They have since been supplying faulty numbers resulting in slow responses to the pandemic. Now a new report from the FBI shows Chinese scientists caught illicitly transporting vials with the virus in it. In the end we must take what China has done seriously. Republicans, Democrats and Trump should absolutely come together in a way to help the American people and prevent this from happening in the future
Bigot Boy said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
I know that some people would argue that people are actually dying and that in Italy "there are so many deaths that military trucks have to take them away" and so on, but keep in mind that even according to their official, exaggerated statistics, the coronavirus mortality rate is lower than the seasonal flu...
Italy total coronavirus deaths as of today: 13,155
And Italy total recovered as of today: 16,847

This would make the Italy mortality rate for people that have actually experienced coronavirus for it's entire duration 78%.

Please don't fall victim to the idea that all the currently active cases will miraculously 100% recover or some crap, which is the idea that is promoted when the number of active cases are included in mortality rates. Looking at the total deaths VS the total recovered is much more reliable in foreseeing what the final outcome may be. You can't compare numbers to the flu because the influenza numbers DON'T take into account active cases... for obvious reasons...

About 500,000 people die each year in Italy, these deathtolls don't seem to far out of line of the normal. 100,000 in lombardy alone.

Hp cobra there is a op going given the go ahead by president trump it is on now as i type that under central park, to la that is saving thousands of childern from the emeny from being in there blood sarifaces and sex . That is what those tents in central park are there for and the two navy ships one in la , newyork the childern are being saved from the hands of the jews.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Much appreciation to all those who contribute with information, news articles, replies, and specific big thanks to our SS who translate the thread.

The thread is now updated. Since it's hard to keep up with all articles, if it is possible for people to collect some very good replies that I may have lost [certainly there are some] please reply to this comment so they can be included.

In my opinion, the most important things that must be known are that:

1. They are using fraudulent coronavirus tests that cannot discern between COVID-19, and the other types of coronaviruses that are harmless, and have existed for decades. Most likely the coronaviruses that we have in Europe, and America, are not Covid-19, but other, less dangerous types of coronaviruses. This would explain why the mortality rates in most European countries are so low compared to China, and also how the Covid-19 has supposedly spread so quickly around the whole world, unlike the outbreaks of Ebola, SARS, or even the swine flu. Especially considering the slower spread of the Covid-19 in other Chinese provinces.


2. The reason why the situation in Italy is worse compared to other countries is Inside hospital infection.

Proof: 1. Thousands of medical workers infected ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...dical-workers-infected-coronavirus-Italy.html ) and 2. Over 99% of coronavirus patients in Italy who died had other health problems. ( https://nypost.com/2020/03/18/over-99-of-coronavirus-patients-in-italy-who-died-had-other-illnesses/ )

Inside hospital infection is the worst case scenario, as the patients who already have other illnesses are the ones at highest risk. This explains Italy's far higher mortality rate. But it's really strange how this has happened, considering the fact that Italy's healthcare system is one of the world's finest and well organized. In my opinion, this was probably done on purpose.

However, 88% of the deaths attributed to the coronavirus in Italy were false, the coronavirus was not the main cause of death, but another severe disease that they have had besides coronavirus. Only 12% of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, and this was officially admitted by Italy's National Institute of Health. Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-...se/have-many-coronavirus-patients-died-italy/ And if they have to lie about the deaths, this shows that the situation even in Italy is not as tough as they make it out to be. The problem is not the virus itself, but the purposely created chaos and panic by the media, and the Orwellian emergency measures.

3. Every disease (whether artificially created or not) mutates into a less deadly form and ultimately just vanishes. The mortality rate of every pandemic, for all types of diseases, is higher in the first phase, and it goes MUCH lower over time. This is why all flu epidemics don't last more than 10 weeks. That's how the situation in China was contained, and life in China is returning to normal (it's not just propaganda, it really is).

According to virologists, the Covid-19 is very unstable and it mutates very easily, which means that it's turning back into it's natural form of a flu-like infection very quickly. So even if we assume that the Covid-19 in Wuhan was really that dangerous, the coronaviruses in most European countries and America are not, these are less dangerous types of coronaviruses. And the outbreak won't last more than ~10 weeks, and will ultimately just vanish, like it already happened in China. Not because of the quarantine or the other Orwellian emergency measures, but because that's the natural path of all epidemics.

4. The emergency measures being taken have nothing to do with medicine, these measures are solely for political purposes, and are not meant to contain the virus. The quarantine maybe would have worked, if people were fully isolated in bunkers or something for a month or two... But this is practically impossible, and also not necessary. Very few people fully isolate themselves, the vast majority of the people shop at the supermarkets every day, visit friends, relatives, and do other things. The only thing this quarantine is doing is to kill the economy, and they know it very well. The same applies for most of their other emergency measures.

In conclusion, in my opinion, it's pointless to over analyze the coronavirus from a medical perspective. From a medical perspective the situation is at worst comparable to the 2009 swine flu pandemic. The important thing is what effect all of this will have from a political perspective, and also on the economy.
Comment fonctionne le vaccin

Keep linking any videos you guys find. I'm especially looking for any good videos showing the situation of Italy right now regarding the pandemic, if any of you come across any please share them here so I can add them to the archive.

This is especially directed to our Italian members who frequent the English section. Any information that can be archived before it ends up either removed, censored, altered or deleted is of great help.


Continua a collegare tutti i video che trovi. In particolare, sto cercando buoni video che mostrino la situazione dell'Italia al momento riguardo alla pandemia, se qualcuno di voi trova buoni video su YouTube, condivideteli qui in modo che possano essere aggiunti all'archivio.

Questo è particolarmente rivolto ai nostri membri italiani che visitano spesso la sezione inglese. Qualsiasi informazione che può essere archiviata prima di essere rimossa, censurata, modificata o cancellata è di grande aiuto.
I like that,, "Is No One Else Seeing This",, 6 steps. But,,,, there is a 7th step. The Christians will blame it all on Satan. "The Mark of The Beast". ( RFID Chip ).
Some Christians say Trump and others got DNA Enhancement and are no longer ""Gods"" Creation.
They claim that the Vaccine will also Alter our DNA should we take it. It will Damn us to Hell Fire Forever. ( haha ).
""It will turn you into Zombies"". "You will belong to Satan forever".
Very Important Question::::: The Satanic Panic in the 80s when the Dungions and Dragons came out.. Christians freaked out over this saying "it's the Devil". Public Record.. Documents and videos online... Anything online, such as articles, and videos on how the Christians reacted to these way back then to all the Vaccines of the past several decades
Did the Christians raise a fuss,, way back,, decades ago,, when the Vaccines and shots came out of Mumps,, Measles,, Chicken Pox,, Small Pox,, the Common Flu,, etc.??? Back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and such?
If the Christians did say the Vaccines were all the Mark of the Beast way back then,,,, and NOW,, we know they are NOT the Mark of the Beast,,, that information can be used to help debunk the Christian scam about THIS vaccine.
Some Christians are really jumping on this one.
jbkbmz said:

They cause all the problems because they are dumb, and then they complain that the evil overlords they have appointed by being totally stupid and asking for damnation, bring this damnation onto them, exactly as they requested in order to gain "Salvation". And like masochists they even enjoy it, because they assume things brings them "closer to God".

They always feel so full of themselves and their stupidity. The jews are out to get them because they love a jew on the stick, and everytime they are out to get them in the middle, they cling to the jew on the stick, going back and forth between the jews. And the jew on the stick winks on the boogie man jew, and they keep jewing them until the end of time.

Xians have deified and cling to jewish crap and they complain it smells like crap. But on the inside they are in love with the smell of crap, because they are crap.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They cause all the problems because they are dumb, and then they complain that the evil overlords they have appointed by being totally stupid and asking for damnation, bring this damnation onto them, exactly as they requested in order to gain "Salvation". And like masochists they even enjoy it, because they assume things brings them "closer to God".

They always feel so full of themselves and their stupidity. The jews are out to get them because they love a jew on the stick, and everytime they are out to get them in the middle, they cling to the jew on the stick, going back and forth between the jews. And the jew on the stick winks on the boogie man jew, and they keep jewing them until the end of time.

Xians have deified and cling to jewish crap and they complain it smells like crap. But on the inside they are in love with the smell of crap, because they are crap.


Christians spend your life worshiping a rebel jew, keep the jewish book at the hand, promote a total jewish hoax, scorn their own Pagan Culture, promote jewish cults that glorify jews, and then somehow pretend they are against the jews. This requires a level of extremely profound stupidity, which has no place in Spiritual Satanism.

At this level of stupidity, the jew runs the planet easily and flawlessly.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Xians have deified and cling to jewish crap and they complain it smells like crap. But on the inside they are in love with the smell of crap, because they are crap.

Just like the chosen hero stories of their own book eating their own shit cause (((Dah lawd))) said so. It's just jewish book lore being brought to reality.

It wuz real cuz it wuz in my mind. Now goyim slaves do what we dah chozun do and our shit eating ways cuz that is tru salvation. On the other hand there is Satanism/Paganism...


Basically it's like the Y U Guy meme. goyim Y U act like goyim.

Seriously if this is daw lawds acts. Then god must be one big fucking cunt asshole. xtians Y U no want better World. WTF is up with that. xtians Y u wanna get hymied hustled.
jbkbmz said:
I like that,, "Is No One Else Seeing This",, 6 steps. But,,,, there is a 7th step. The Christians will blame it all on Satan. "The Mark of The Beast". ( RFID Chip ).
Some Christians say Trump and others got DNA Enhancement and are no longer ""Gods"" Creation.
They claim that the Vaccine will also Alter our DNA should we take it. It will Damn us to Hell Fire Forever. ( haha ).
""It will turn you into Zombies"". "You will belong to Satan forever".
Very Important Question::::: The Satanic Panic in the 80s when the Dungions and Dragons came out.. Christians freaked out over this saying "it's the Devil". Public Record.. Documents and videos online... Anything online, such as articles, and videos on how the Christians reacted to these way back then to all the Vaccines of the past several decades
Did the Christians raise a fuss,, way back,, decades ago,, when the Vaccines and shots came out of Mumps,, Measles,, Chicken Pox,, Small Pox,, the Common Flu,, etc.??? Back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and such?
If the Christians did say the Vaccines were all the Mark of the Beast way back then,,,, and NOW,, we know they are NOT the Mark of the Beast,,, that information can be used to help debunk the Christian scam about THIS vaccine.
Some Christians are really jumping on this one.

The thing I hate the most about these retards is that no matter what happens, they will never come to a point to realize that they were wrong... For example, let's say that the coronavirus just vanishes within ~2 months (which is the natural path of all epidemics, every virus mutates into a less deadly form and ultimately just vanishes). They will thank Jesus for "saving them". They will never realize that it was all purposely created panic that the joos used to further their communist agenda, they will never realize that the Orwellian measures, the quarantine, and ruining the economy was absolutely unnecessary, and we have devastated the whole economy, and gave up our basic rights for nothing, a virus that is comparable to the seasonal flu, or the swine flu pandemic of 2009 at worst. They will thank Jesus, and also the joos for the Orwellian measures that "saved" them.

If the opposite happens, things get worse, and many people die (which is only possible if someone deliberately makes the situation worse) they will be like "Oy Vey, we need more praying to Jesus, we need mass surveillance on everyone to make sure that nobody will violate the quarantine!" (because the reason things get worse is definitely not because those in power, deliberately or not, didn't took the necessary measures to prevent inside hospital infection, like in Italy, but because some people 'violated the quarantine', some 'crazy' parents went with their kids to the playground/park etc)

Whatever happens, they will always be good goys, they will always find excuses, and they are never wrong.

As for the vaccines, I'm sure that people have wrote about it, but the Anti-Vaxxers are in reality Pro-Plaguers.... I am talking about the people who are against vaccines as a whole, I guess it's possible that a certain type of a newly created vaccine might turn out to have side effects, etc (but this has to be scientifically proven before suggesting it to others). But to demand vaccines and antibiotics to be banned, so we can "heal naturally", using herbs and sh*t, means to degrade medicine to the level of the middle ages, when infant and child mortality was as high as 30–50%.
StraitShot47 said:
Bigot Boy said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
I know that some people would argue that people are actually dying and that in Italy "there are so many deaths that military trucks have to take them away" and so on, but keep in mind that even according to their official, exaggerated statistics, the coronavirus mortality rate is lower than the seasonal flu...
Italy total coronavirus deaths as of today: 13,155
And Italy total recovered as of today: 16,847

This would make the Italy mortality rate for people that have actually experienced coronavirus for it's entire duration 78%.

Please don't fall victim to the idea that all the currently active cases will miraculously 100% recover or some crap, which is the idea that is promoted when the number of active cases are included in mortality rates. Looking at the total deaths VS the total recovered is much more reliable in foreseeing what the final outcome may be. You can't compare numbers to the flu because the influenza numbers DON'T take into account active cases... for obvious reasons...

About 500,000 people die each year in Italy, these deathtolls don't seem to far out of line of the normal. 100,000 in lombardy alone.

The difference is these are directly related to coronavirus... This is still the beginning, the virus is still spreading. And it's known to be a very slow virus, with a long asymptomatic period and a slow buildup of over time.

What you said disproves nothing I was saying by the way, not sure why you're pulling out random numbers.
https://youtu.be/7NoyblJUshk .. This one is kind of funny.. How accurate is he ?
jbkbmz said:
I like that,, "Is No One Else Seeing This",, 6 steps. But,,,, there is a 7th step. The Christians will blame it all on Satan. "The Mark of The Beast". ( RFID Chip ).
Some Christians say Trump and others got DNA Enhancement and are no longer ""Gods"" Creation.
They claim that the Vaccine will also Alter our DNA should we take it. It will Damn us to Hell Fire Forever. ( haha ).
""It will turn you into Zombies"". "You will belong to Satan forever".
Very Important Question::::: The Satanic Panic in the 80s when the Dungions and Dragons came out.. Christians freaked out over this saying "it's the Devil". Public Record.. Documents and videos online... Anything online, such as articles, and videos on how the Christians reacted to these way back then to all the Vaccines of the past several decades
Did the Christians raise a fuss,, way back,, decades ago,, when the Vaccines and shots came out of Mumps,, Measles,, Chicken Pox,, Small Pox,, the Common Flu,, etc.??? Back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and such?
If the Christians did say the Vaccines were all the Mark of the Beast way back then,,,, and NOW,, we know they are NOT the Mark of the Beast,,, that information can be used to help debunk the Christian scam about THIS vaccine.
Some Christians are really jumping on this one.

Its funny how conspiracy theorists, even if they aren’t xians, will still buy into all of the book of revelations crap, or that the (((elites))) are practicing satanic (((rituals))). Is it a cohencidence that when they call all that stuff “satanic” that it’s no different than how the bible does the same about pagan rituals?
Christians were saying in 2019, that 2020 will begin with a bang and end with a boom.
The bang, they claim, is the coronavirus,, the boom they are saying is War.
Also, they keep talking about 'god' shaking the earth, even this year.
There is a cloud of space rocks we will pass through in May
May and June, this year, with lots of asteroids.
And remember the space observatories raided at the same time, a year ago,, excuse given that there were gunmen, bad guys in them.
What does astrology say about this year ? Earth shaking, war, disease, tyranny, etc.?
Jews obviously know this astrology stuff. And throw it all on 'god's judgement'. Which is obviously "Jew Shit Talk".
But it is making many people wonder what is really about to happen, that they know about, and we do not know about. Satan??? Anyone with direct communication with Him, want to ask Him ?
https://youtu.be/URyxSjtpYxE .. The Microchip,,, then the Jews blame this Mark of The Beast on Satan.
Trump removed the Presidential seal from the podium in the press room in the past week. Take that as you will.
https://youtu.be/wbOncLrLPPA .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNyRSp5KnJA .. PERFECT COMPARISON
Hopefully still on topic. "Got to have a laugh,, every now and then"
https://youtu.be/2Ua2SQLPnQc Was this train driver a "Mind Controlled Operative"?


Timmy: Where’s my dad?

Jesus: Oh stubbed his toe on the dresser once and took my name in vain. Never felt sorry about it either. So he’s burning in eternal Hell fire where he belongs. Who wants ice cream!?
jbkbmz said:

Why do you ask questions that you know the answers to? You are a Satanist, these answers should be clear to you. These xians are just dumb fucks who constantly want the end of the world and drive energy to it. They just wish and itch the world will end this year as with any other year before. Why do you keep writing xian prophecies on the forum?

There is no "God's judgement" here, just astrology, a lot of negative energy pooled by enemy aliens, and a lot of xians and dumb fucks who are panicking because they are afraid and too weak to do anything but pump more energy in for human misery, all while spewing ideas that the greys put into their heads, and jewish predictive programming that programs people to self-damn in order to create the "Jewish utopia".

The only thing the Gods want to do, is de-escalate all this horrific situation. But with so many dumb self destructive animals on the planet, it's not a press one button and sorted deal.

Without doing RTR's the destruction of humankind with some sort of virus or some other ugly manifestation of the affected mass mind, and the brainwashing,
Apologies on the christian talk. Merely using their stuff to expose them. Nothing else. The thought going through my head is that these modern christian predictions will give us a clue as to what they intend to do next.
When I use the phrase "in the name of the Lord ( jew ) , etc.. it is a means of Implying that they are ''scapegoating '' their crimes, actions on their fictitious god thought form so as not to incur punishment for their crimes.
Like the Jews killing children, animals, and such to 'scapegoat' their crimes onto these victims, in the false belief they they ( jews ) will escape punishment for their crimes.
My questions are merely in the hopes that people might gain flashes of 'insight' into what they Jews might intend next. . To be used as food for thought.
As HPS Maxine uses the Bible quotes and prophecies , merely to make connections to the jews and their crimes against Gentiles.
Nothing else was intended by it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
