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New member
Feb 6, 2012
Our Clergy have done nothing but work their asses off for us. They have either prepared Reverse Rituals themselves, or have avidly pushed them. Hooded Cobra had a hand in the cursing the jewish God ritual, our strongest one yet. 
 If they wished to do actual harm to this group, they could easily have it in shambles by now. Yet it remains intact with the utmost in learning and fighting for Satan. It is clear to see that nothing is wrong here. Every now and then they tell someone to get with reality who obviously is self deluding them self or trying to delude others. 
 I have tried to run groups myself without stable Leaders. Let me tell you something, it is an utter nightmare. The infiltrators and jews come in full force. I recognize known infiltrators right in this group now, who the clergy are aware of as well. We dont say anything because it is easier to keep track of them. You really do not know who you are talking to on here. If one does not want to trust me, then that is fine. I would much rather you have the mentality of not trusting anyone. After all what have I done to win your trust? Nothing. 
 Nonetheless my words are true. The next thing that would happen is the enemy would attack me very hard. Driving me to make mistakes, that would inflame the situation worse then it already was. Then you look at others groups such as teloc and redtails. It always falls into shambles. We absolutely need strong leadership or else none of this would be possible. These groups would not last two weeks. 
 So that being said, it is very important that we all support our Leaders. Those who have dedicated their lives to selfless service to us. They work long hours to bring us so much. We complain when we have to concentrate and do minor things. Imagine what they really go through. 
  Now it is evident that the clergy is under extreme attack. The last infiltrator situation was all about dismantling the clergy. Now we have this. So it is our duty, as members of this organization to defend what we have built for over 15 years. It is time to support our clergy and show them and the jews just how much devotion we have for them. How much loyalty to Satan and his chosen Organization that we have. 
  The Clergy should not have to defend themselves in this stupidity. We the 17 thousand should be defending our strong hold. Let us disband this garbage off. Who is with me? Who will stand up and defend our Leaders from this persecution? Who would like laugh in the face of the idiots who think they are going to stop us? 
 If you look on my video for independence day. One of them has been commenting. He said, they are going to be doing black magick on the clergy and myself. That in 35 days hooded cobra will be dead. Which is an interesting claim. One I think we should hold them too. In 35 days if he is not dead, they will be shown for what they are. the pressure is on them.
 We are under severe attack. I dont care, let them attack me all they want. I brought myself into the line of fire, for standing up for them. So be it, I will not back down. Father Satan protects me and I know the outcome of this battle. Who will support them with me? 
This Angry Shaman given its lies, attacks and now declared worthless curses against the Clergy and also the lies its told about HPS Maxine as well....
Shows this Angry Shaman character is obviously of the enemy and probably has been from the start.  This individual has at least two different utube accounts attacking the JoS, so who knows how many other fake accounts it has doing the same. Given the free time it takes to do all this within, such a person is probably getting paid to do such.  It was shown the door for trying to get the forums taken down from within as well. It now hopes it can divide the community from within which is the standard tactic of the enemy. If this character is not actually jewish it might as well be at this point. Because its attacking like one and possibly getting paid by them as well.

On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 8:24 AM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Our Clergy have done nothing but work their asses off for us. They have either prepared Reverse Rituals themselves, or have avidly pushed them. Hooded Cobra had a hand in the cursing the jewish God ritual, our strongest one yet. 
 If they wished to do actual harm to this group, they could easily have it in shambles by now. Yet it remains intact with the utmost in learning and fighting for Satan. It is clear to see that nothing is wrong here. Every now and then they tell someone to get with reality who obviously is self deluding them self or trying to delude others. 
 I have tried to run groups myself without stable Leaders. Let me tell you something, it is an utter nightmare. The infiltrators and jews come in full force. I recognize known infiltrators right in this group now, who the clergy are aware of as well. We dont say anything because it is easier to keep track of them. You really do not know who you are talking to on here. If one does not want to trust me, then that is fine. I would much rather you have the mentality of not trusting anyone. After all what have I done to win your trust? Nothing. 
 Nonetheless my words are true. The next thing that would happen is the enemy would attack me very hard. Driving me to make mistakes, that would inflame the situation worse then it already was. Then you look at others groups such as teloc and redtails. It always falls into shambles. We absolutely need strong leadership or else none of this would be possible. These groups would not last two weeks. 
 So that being said, it is very important that we all support our Leaders. Those who have dedicated their lives to selfless service to us. They work long hours to bring us so much. We complain when we have to concentrate and do minor things. Imagine what they really go through. 
  Now it is evident that the clergy is under extreme attack. The last infiltrator situation was all about dismantling the clergy. Now we have this. So it is our duty, as members of this organization to defend what we have built for over 15 years. It is time to support our clergy and show them and the jews just how much devotion we have for them. How much loyalty to Satan and his chosen Organization that we have. 
  The Clergy should not have to defend themselves in this stupidity. We the 17 thousand should be defending our strong hold. Let us disband this garbage off. Who is with me? Who will stand up and defend our Leaders from this persecution? Who would like laugh in the face of the idiots who think they are going to stop us? 
 If you look on my video for independence day. One of them has been commenting. He said, they are going to be doing black magick on the clergy and myself. That in 35 days hooded cobra will be dead. Which is an interesting claim. One I think we should hold them too. In 35 days if he is not dead, they will be shown for what they are. the pressure is on them.
 We are under severe attack. I dont care, let them attack me all they want. I brought myself into the line of fire, for standing up for them. So be it, I will not back down. Father Satan protects me and I know the outcome of this battle. Who will support them with me? 

So, except of all the actual Rabbis and the enemy cursing us, what's new? Some few people (who, whom really knows if they are just sock accounts) want to do the same. What's new really? This is no different than the Rabbis and anyone else staging curses and attacks against us. This is nothing new.

Now if some few idiots wanted to snatch actual members of the JoS to misguide them to curse their own, what a funny thing indeed. It shows they have grown so weary and worthless, that they are actually trying to snatch newbies from our side in order to do some sort of "Spiritual" attack. In plain, they can't do shit on their own anymore.

Instead of wasting 40 full blown days in actually doing RTR's and doing spiritual damage to the jewish slaver of the planet, they misdirect things on worthless pursuits such as attempting in a failed way to rip off Satan's house. Who supposedly they "belong to" in the first place. No actual Satanist has time for this garbage indeed. If they have, they are doing something wrong.

The trolls tried to even post an appointed "date" upon which things "would happen" to those that are cursed. This is a major thing in Kabbalistic Curses and the same thing goes to the New Testament and everything else.
Its like trying to create a "prophecy" to channel the energies in it and to make people accept this as a legitimate reality that is "to come" in an "appointed date". In short, these people are all weaklings that need massive faith in order to achieve their spiritual ends and inject crap into the minds of others to create "expectations" and in order to channel this energy.

If they were what they claim, Gods in the making and so called supreme spiritual overlords, we just wouldn't be here. Same as if we were what they claim, we wouldn't be here. Its not like Satan would wait for a bunch of internet trolls to solve his own issues, INSIDE his own house.

As people know the "Protocols of Zion" do not really talk about "Christianity" when they say they *MUST* Destroy God. They are talking about the Gods of the Gentiles and Gentiles, not "Christians". "Christian" is a code word for the deceived "Goyim" slaves who believe into the jewish fairytales. The enemy considers these already defeated. In part of this book, it says how they must "DESTROY THE CLERGY" of their enemies, at all costs. Pay attention to how the enemy xian Clergy, sided with jews, is swimming in gold bars, and you can figure out they are talking of someone else. The "Clergy" is obviously the Satanic One, the Gentile one, or the one that praises the Gentile Gods in plain. Which benefits the Goyim, which the kikes do not want. So this is nothing new indeed. It has went on for centuries. Nothing new is to be expected.

So much of the "Children of God" and how the race of cheezen feels entitled for everyone else to hear their garbage, that in the end of the day helps nobody, doesn't further our effort one inch, and liberates nobody. But just creates lies, assumptions, garbage, fear and vain expectations based on sugar coated clouds on the sky.

They can go ahead and waste their time. The "Cheezen" believe they are actually entitled to destroy everything that even "Denies" of them, like these classic infiltrator garbage that thinks that listening to their rambling is actually important to thousands of people. Nobody is interested about hearing useless stuff. They say time is money, so probably they are getting the money from somewhere else, to be able to waste their so called "time" on destroying Satanism. Let them join the ranks of rejects and failures and march to where they intend then. Their choices are choices. I told Shaman in my so called "threatening" mail (LOL) that whatever is his choice, he had to be aware that he was dealing with infiltrators. Apparently, he was one of them. So they just made their choice.

Again, nothing new.
Στις 4:47 μ.μ. Τετάρτη, 6 Ιουλίου 2016, ο/η "Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:


This Angry Shaman given its lies, attacks and now declared worthless curses against the Clergy and also the lies its told about HPS Maxine as well....
Shows this Angry Shaman character is obviously of the enemy and probably has been from the start.  This individual has at least two different utube accounts attacking the JoS, so who knows how many other fake accounts it has doing the same. Given the free time it takes to do all this within, such a person is probably getting paid to do such.  It was shown the door for trying to get the forums taken down from within as well. It now hopes it can divide the community from within which is the standard tactic of the enemy. If this character is not actually jewish it might as well be at this point. Because its attacking like one and possibly getting paid by them as well.

On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 8:24 AM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Our Clergy have done nothing but work their asses off for us. They have either prepared Reverse Rituals themselves, or have avidly pushed them. Hooded Cobra had a hand in the cursing the jewish God ritual, our strongest one yet. 
 If they wished to do actual harm to this group, they could easily have it in shambles by now. Yet it remains intact with the utmost in learning and fighting for Satan. It is clear to see that nothing is wrong here. Every now and then they tell someone to get with reality who obviously is self deluding them self or trying to delude others. 
 I have tried to run groups myself without stable Leaders. Let me tell you something, it is an utter nightmare. The infiltrators and jews come in full force. I recognize known infiltrators right in this group now, who the clergy are aware of as well. We dont say anything because it is easier to keep track of them. You really do not know who you are talking to on here. If one does not want to trust me, then that is fine. I would much rather you have the mentality of not trusting anyone. After all what have I done to win your trust? Nothing. 
 Nonetheless my words are true. The next thing that would happen is the enemy would attack me very hard. Driving me to make mistakes, that would inflame the situation worse then it already was. Then you look at others groups such as teloc and redtails. It always falls into shambles. We absolutely need strong leadership or else none of this would be possible. These groups would not last two weeks. 
 So that being said, it is very important that we all support our Leaders. Those who have dedicated their lives to selfless service to us. They work long hours to bring us so much. We complain when we have to concentrate and do minor things. Imagine what they really go through. 
  Now it is evident that the clergy is under extreme attack. The last infiltrator situation was all about dismantling the clergy. Now we have this. So it is our duty, as members of this organization to defend what we have built for over 15 years. It is time to support our clergy and show them and the jews just how much devotion we have for them. How much loyalty to Satan and his chosen Organization that we have. 
  The Clergy should not have to defend themselves in this stupidity. We the 17 thousand should be defending our strong hold. Let us disband this garbage off. Who is with me? Who will stand up and defend our Leaders from this persecution? Who would like laugh in the face of the idiots who think they are going to stop us? 
 If you look on my video for independence day. One of them has been commenting. He said, they are going to be doing black magick on the clergy and myself. That in 35 days hooded cobra will be dead. Which is an interesting claim. One I think we should hold them too. In 35 days if he is not dead, they will be shown for what they are. the pressure is on them.
 We are under severe attack. I dont care, let them attack me all they want. I brought myself into the line of fire, for standing up for them. So be it, I will not back down. Father Satan protects me and I know the outcome of this battle. Who will support them with me? 

Yeah,people may not remember this but he said he was on welfare or some such and "the likes won't let him get a job because "ZIMERMAN FROM THE ARMY  LIED ABOUT MEEEEEE"!!!That man had all day and needed money.
The infiltrators always try, it's like what has been said, when the times comes the nature of the enemy will be evident for the public. We are hitting them hard, and they are becoming desperate. They never know when to give up, and so doesn't we Satanists. Because winning are our Nature, because we simply are the Powerful ones.

I don't know if this is relevant, important or stupid, in the beginning when Angryshaman first came to the groups. I didn't like him, I didn't exactly know why. But I just really didn't like him, it has happened before with people here on the groups, that I for some reasons just don't like. I just have this feeling. He seemed somewhat legit so I didn't put so much thought in it, but the passive aggressive and sometimes directly aggressive nature I did not like. And I couldn't understand how he could meditate and "advance" that much and still acting so aggressive and sometimes childish, it was like he didn't even advanced as he supposedly claimed he did. Well, we are individuals, but with that amount of meditating?

All in all, I can't wait until the next RTR's and the continuance of destroying the Enemy. We should all learn from this pathetic celestial event of infiltrators. They only confirms our understanding of them anyway.

And a huge credit for the Clergy, without you I wouldn't even be here, and you all have helped me grow and change for the better, like so many other Satanists here! I truly admire your hard work. Thank you all!

I will stand with you, the clergy! And all the Gods of Hell!
Hail Satan!


On Wed, 7/6/16, Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] *Clergy*
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2016, 6:46 AM


Angry Shaman given its lies, attacks and now declared
worthless curses against the Clergy and also the lies its
told about HPS Maxine as well....
this Angry Shaman character is obviously of the enemy and
probably has been from the start.  This individual has at
least two different utube accounts attacking the JoS, so who
knows how many other fake accounts it has doing the same.
Given the free time it takes to do all this within, such a
person is probably getting paid to do such.  It was shown
the door for trying to get the forums taken down from within
as well. It now hopes it can divide the community from
within which is the standard tactic of the enemy. If this
character is not actually jewish it might as well be at this
point. Because its attacking like one and possibly getting
paid by them as well.

On Wednesday, July 6,
2016 8:24 AM, "aldric.strickland88@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


Our Clergy have done nothing but work their asses
off for us. They have either prepared Reverse Rituals
themselves, or have avidly pushed them. Hooded Cobra had a
hand in the cursing the jewish God ritual, our strongest one
 If they
wished to do actual harm to this group, they could easily
have it in shambles by now. Yet it remains intact with the

utmost in learning and fighting for Satan. It is clear to
see that nothing is wrong here. Every now and then they tell
someone to get with reality who obviously is self deluding
them self or trying to delude others. 
 I have tried to run groups myself
without stable Leaders. Let me tell you something, it is an
utter nightmare. The infiltrators and jews come in full
force. I recognize known infiltrators right in this group
now, who the clergy are aware of as well. We dont say
anything because it is easier to keep track of them. You
really do not know who you are talking to on here. If one
does not want to trust me, then that is fine. I would much
rather you have the mentality of not trusting anyone. After
all what have I done to win your trust?
 Nonetheless my words are
true. The next thing that would happen is the enemy would
attack me very hard. Driving me to make mistakes, that would
inflame the situation worse then it already was. Then you
look at others groups such as teloc and redtails. It always
falls into shambles. We absolutely need strong leadership or
else none of this would be possible. These groups would not
last two weeks. 
 So that being said, it is
very important that we all support our Leaders. Those who
have dedicated their lives to selfless service to us. They
work long hours to bring us so much. We complain when we

have to concentrate and do minor things. Imagine what they
really go through. 
  Now it is evident that the
clergy is under extreme attack. The last infiltrator
situation was all about dismantling the clergy. Now we have
this. So it is our duty, as members of this organization to
defend what we have built for over 15 years. It is time to
support our clergy and show them and the jews just how much
devotion we have for them. How much loyalty to Satan and his
chosen Organization that we have. 
  The Clergy should not have
to defend themselves in this stupidity. We the 17 thousand
should be defending our strong hold. Let us disband this
garbage off. Who is with me? Who will stand up and defend
our Leaders from this persecution? Who would like laugh in
the face of the idiots who think they are going to stop
 If you look on my video for
independence day. One of them has been commenting. He said,
they are going to be doing black magick on the clergy and
myself. That in 35 days hooded cobra will be dead. Which is
an interesting claim. One I think we should hold them too.
In 35 days if he is not dead, they will be shown for what
they are. the pressure is on them.
 We are under severe attack. I
dont care, let them attack me all they want. I brought
myself into the line of fire, for standing up for them. So
be it, I will not back down. Father Satan protects me and I
know the outcome of this battle. Who will support them with

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@mageson666 Angry Shaman is a blatant Hollywood Nazi lol. I didn't want to speak my mind about it because there had already been so much infighting around at the time and I didn't want to create even more. I used to log in here and everyday it would be nothing but messages from him to youtube links about meaningless drivel, things like what some Black supremacy group said about Whites or whatever. Stuff that served no real purpose for us to focus on and the only thing it achieved was creating infigting here between Negroes and Whites. Even if for whatever reason someone wanted to discuss that stuff, that is what the racial groups are for like 666blacksun, there was no reason for him to bring all that here and certainly not every single day like he was doing at one point, to me it smacked of blatant infiltration and disunity tactics, but as a newbie I didn't feel like it was my place to comment.
Well Said Hooded Cobra. Clergy takes the blunt of the enemy attack. 
You're right about the enemy running out of options. We are completely annihilating them and all chances they have. I wouldnt be surprised if next they come into our groups and just start begging us too stop. With all the sympathy ploys they can. 
 Just like how the enemy begged Maxine not to come out with the reverse torah rituals. Imagine what that must mean as to what we possess with having them. 
I'm new to the group, but I've been a Satanist for a while...yeah I'm with you...bring it on!

We go to battle with you Satan and the Gods of Hell!!
I agree. Some of the material he posted only served to create tension and could have been presented in a different manner, especially given the amount of new members, black and white, who come here. 
First impressions and all... Hail Satan!
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, July 7, 2016 11:48 AM, "ashleyslade0124@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @mageson666 Angry Shaman is a blatant Hollywood Nazi lol. I didn't want to speak my mind about it because there had already been so much infighting around at the time and I didn't want to create even more. I used to log in here and everyday it would be nothing but messages from him to youtube links about meaningless drivel, things like what some Black supremacy group said about Whites or whatever. Stuff that served no real purpose for us to focus on and the only thing it achieved was creating infigting here between Negroes and Whites. Even if for whatever reason someone wanted to discuss that stuff, that is what the racial groups are for like 666blacksun, there was no reason for him to bring all that here and certainly not every single day like he was doing at one point, to me it smacked of blatant infiltration and disunity tactics, but as a newbie I didn't feel like it was my place to comment.

Huh so angryshaman was a infiltrator all along?Always had that weird feeling about him. His constant persistence in posting in this yahoo group just seemed strange. Theres always something different or odd about those who try to infiltrate or just the plain old kike being a dickweed. Won't mention the subtleties since it most likely will just fall along the wrong hands here. But its quite funny to see how obvious they become over time with advancement as-well. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 3:34 AM, whitedragon.666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I'm new to the group, but I've been a Satanist for a while...yeah I'm with you...bring it on!

We go to battle with you Satan and the Gods of Hell!!
@ashleyslade, I've been in these groups over 5 years and one of the reasons I'm not active much is because every time I logged in all I saw was all the trash posted by Angryshaman. This group had turned into his own personal blog. I'd be like "oh maybe I'll see if any questions need answering or whatever" and then "ohh... spam, disturbing videos, angry rants, yelling in all caps, and more spam..." -_-

---In [email protected], <ashleyslade0124@... wrote :

@mageson666 Angry Shaman is a blatant Hollywood Nazi lol. I didn't want to speak my mind about it because there had already been so much infighting around at the time and I didn't want to create even more. I used to log in here and everyday it would be nothing but messages from him to youtube links about meaningless drivel, things like what some Black supremacy group said about Whites or whatever. Stuff that served no real purpose for us to focus on and the only thing it achieved was creating infigting here between Negroes and Whites. Even if for whatever reason someone wanted to discuss that stuff, that is what the racial groups are for like 666blacksun, there was no reason for him to bring all that here and certainly not every single day like he was doing at one point, to me it smacked of blatant infiltration and disunity tactics, but as a newbie I didn't feel like it was my place to comment.
@HP Shannon, glad I am not the only one who noticed it and glad he is gone. He seemed to love spamming us with nonsense too much so he's probably still here just under a different account but oh well let him waste his time if he wants. Infiltrators have been at it for years, Satanists always see through them in the end and Satanism continues to grow stronger everyday.

I agree, I got a bad vibe right off the bat from shaman character
Hail Father Satan, may Father rip the enemy from it's roots and expose the cowards as who they actually are, and may the forces of the gentiles rain down hell upon the enemy, may the enemy be tortured slow and brutally like the savage shits they are. Slowly roasting them over open fires and spilling their reptilian blood to feast off of
@lydia_666 I know, right? And now as he is gone, it's like this sound of peace and harmony is back. No spamming of ridiculous YT videos and weird articles. It was too intense. I honestly felt if I said anything, I would instantly get ultimate flaming... So I just observed instead.
We are Discussing what has happened and how to become stronger about it. Is there some reason you want us to forget about them? 
These trolls doesn't seem too happy with you either, Aldrick Strickland.  
I have been watching from afar...

---In [email protected], <aldric.strickland88@... wrote :

Our Clergy have done nothing but work their asses off for us. They have either prepared Reverse Rituals themselves, or have avidly pushed them. Hooded Cobra had a hand in the cursing the jewish God ritual, our strongest one yet. 
 If they wished to do actual harm to this group, they could easily have it in shambles by now. Yet it remains intact with the utmost in learning and fighting for Satan. It is clear to see that nothing is wrong here. Every now and then they tell someone to get with reality who obviously is self deluding them self or trying to delude others. 
 I have tried to run groups myself without stable Leaders. Let me tell you something, it is an utter nightmare. The infiltrators and jews come in full force. I recognize known infiltrators right in this group now, who the clergy are aware of as well. We dont say anything because it is easier to keep track of them. You really do not know who you are talking to on here. If one does not want to trust me, then that is fine. I would much rather you have the mentality of not trusting anyone. After all what have I done to win your trust? Nothing. 
 Nonetheless my words are true. The next thing that would happen is the enemy would attack me very hard. Driving me to make mistakes, that would inflame the situation worse then it already was. Then you look at others groups such as teloc and redtails. It always falls into shambles. We absolutely need strong leadership or else none of this would be possible. These groups would not last two weeks. 
 So that being said, it is very important that we all support our Leaders. Those who have dedicated their lives to selfless service to us. They work long hours to bring us so much. We complain when we have to concentrate and do minor things. Imagine what they really go through. 
  Now it is evident that the clergy is under extreme attack. The last infiltrator situation was all about dismantling the clergy. Now we have this. So it is our duty, as members of this organization to defend what we have built for over 15 years. It is time to support our clergy and show them and the jews just how much devotion we have for them. How much loyalty to Satan and his chosen Organization that we have. 
  The Clergy should not have to defend themselves in this stupidity. We the 17 thousand should be defending our strong hold. Let us disband this garbage off. Who is with me? Who will stand up and defend our Leaders from this persecution? Who would like laugh in the face of the idiots who think they are going to stop us? 
 If you look on my video for independence day. One of them has been commenting. He said, they are going to be doing black magick on the clergy and myself. That in 35 days hooded cobra will be dead. Which is an interesting claim. One I think we should hold them too. In 35 days if he is not dead, they will be shown for what they are. the pressure is on them.
 We are under severe attack. I dont care, let them attack me all they want. I brought myself into the line of fire, for standing up for them. So be it, I will not back down. Father Satan protects me and I know the outcome of this battle. Who will support them with me? 
Exactly I thought to myself this isn't your diary or Facebook . He would complain about everything that happened to him that wasn't even satanic related.
On Jul 8, 2016 3:41 AM, "lydia_666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @ashleyslade, I've been in these groups over 5 years and one of the reasons I'm not active much is because every time I logged in all I saw was all the trash posted by Angryshaman. This group had turned into his own personal blog. I'd be like "oh maybe I'll see if any questions need answering or whatever" and then "ohh... spam, disturbing videos, angry rants, yelling in all caps, and more spam..." -_-

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <ashleyslade0124@... wrote :

@mageson666 Angry Shaman is a blatant Hollywood Nazi lol. I didn't want to speak my mind about it because there had already been so much infighting around at the time and I didn't want to create even more. I used to log in here and everyday it would be nothing but messages from him to youtube links about meaningless drivel, things like what some Black supremacy group said about Whites or whatever. Stuff that served no real purpose for us to focus on and the only thing it achieved was creating infigting here between Negroes and Whites. Even if for whatever reason someone wanted to discuss that stuff, that is what the racial groups are for like 666blacksun, there was no reason for him to bring all that here and certainly not every single day like he was doing at one point, to me it smacked of blatant infiltration and disunity tactics, but as a newbie I didn't feel like it was my place to comment.
No ofcourse not. Because all of their ego games dont work on me. You can say whatever you want to me. I Love it, I cant get enough of it. Because I see through them. What weakness in them is propelling them to insult me. Then I play with that weakness. 
 Lets take this fake name character. Hmmm. He is very loud and assertive in his writing. He has a constant anger. He has the need to push himself out as hard as he can. Why?.... 
 This must mean that he doesn't get the chance to express himself very often. He refrains from emotional expression. So the internet is an outlet for him. I think he suffers from depression. A lack of empathy for human beings would indicate this suffering. So here we have a Depressed and unexpressed character. 
 So lets think... What would he need to do in order to feel better about himself? Defeat an opponent. This is why the youth had to prove themselves in ancient societies. For the youth always look for a chance to prove themselves. Until this occurs they are a lacking child. If you remember Don wrote about how the Egyptians would have their youth swim through a alligator pit. But they were fully fed and posed no threat. 
 So he needs to prove himself to feel relieved and have self worth. We dont get very many open infiltrators on the groups. This is why he began turning on his family, to have some sort of victory. So finally he figured the Clergy to be the best target. This would Validate himself. 
 He sees me as a threat because Others have failed against me with their ego Drama. He feels that I would be a validation victory as well. So in the end all we have is a poor sorry excuse of a child. Who is searching for a means to validate himself.    Its like playing with an 8 year old. I will try not to take it too hard on him, so he lasts long enough to actually be considered fun. This of course really upsets someone who takes them self way to seriously. I just get bored when things go to smoothly. So I love the mental stimulation. If however he were to Apologize and come back. I would be very glad and welcome him back, I have no hurt feelings to begin with, so I of course wouldn't then. 

  i have no feelings and ego attached into this. I have no desire to win, for if I win then its over. I may even enjoy making him feel like he is winning, just to crush his hopes later. And this is how the Aldric Do. 
 So people dont like the Aldric for these reasons. :p

 Thats why he is still on the groups reading all my messages. Isnt it fake jew? Poor little baby acts so tough. That he is going to leave the JOS. That he is so better. Yet sits around and reads every message we post. Like a little starving dog scratching outside a door. I wonder why it is that you are just so much of a Bitch. hehehehe. A little keyboard warrior. He feels everyone is a jew, probably because he himself is a jew. Anyone who once believed him said they are starting to loose faith in him. Aww I hope you dont end up all alone... Maybe if your lucky we will allow you to come back. Or perhaps you think making a new name and sneaking back in will work? I am so glad you are gone. it was so embarrassing to have someone as pathetic as you to be called one of us. 
 On another note. Hope everyone is having a good day! Its another great day as a child of Father Satan! 

I don't think Angry Shaman is coming back. He's currently in deep and I mean deep shit... 
An apology would never work for me at this scale. This slander against the most active High Priests were deliberate... to also try deceiving and dividing this community; a distraction to make real progress. 
After all, you and I know this has happened before... 
Anyways, have all a good day as a child of Satan!
---In [email protected], <aldric.strickland88@... wrote :

No ofcourse not. Because all of their ego games dont work on me. You can say whatever you want to me. I Love it, I cant get enough of it. Because I see through them. What weakness in them is propelling them to insult me. Then I play with that weakness. 
 Lets take this fake name character. Hmmm. He is very loud and assertive in his writing. He has a constant anger. He has the need to push himself out as hard as he can. Why?.... 
 This must mean that he doesn't get the chance to express himself very often. He refrains from emotional expression. So the internet is an outlet for him. I think he suffers from depression. A lack of empathy for human beings would indicate this suffering. So here we have a Depressed and unexpressed character. 
 So lets think... What would he need to do in order to feel better about himself? Defeat an opponent. This is why the youth had to prove themselves in ancient societies. For the youth always look for a chance to prove themselves. Until this occurs they are a lacking child. If you remember Don wrote about how the Egyptians would have their youth swim through a alligator pit. But they were fully fed and posed no threat. 
 So he needs to prove himself to feel relieved and have self worth. We dont get very many open infiltrators on the groups. This is why he began turning on his family, to have some sort of victory. So finally he figured the Clergy to be the best target. This would Validate himself. 
 He sees me as a threat because Others have failed against me with their ego Drama. He feels that I would be a validation victory as well. So in the end all we have is a poor sorry excuse of a child. Who is searching for a means to validate himself.    Its like playing with an 8 year old. I will try not to take it too hard on him, so he lasts long enough to actually be considered fun. This of course really upsets someone who takes them self way to seriously. I just get bored when things go to smoothly. So I love the mental stimulation. If however he were to Apologize and come back. I would be very glad and welcome him back, I have no hurt feelings to begin with, so I of course wouldn't then. 

  i have no feelings and ego attached into this. I have no desire to win, for if I win then its over. I may even enjoy making him feel like he is winning, just to crush his hopes later. And this is how the Aldric Do. 
 So people dont like the Aldric for these reasons. :p

 Thats why he is still on the groups reading all my messages. Isnt it fake jew? Poor little baby acts so tough. That he is going to leave the JOS. That he is so better. Yet sits around and reads every message we post. Like a little starving dog scratching outside a door. I wonder why it is that you are just so much of a Bitch. hehehehe. A little keyboard warrior. He feels everyone is a jew, probably because he himself is a jew. Anyone who once believed him said they are starting to loose faith in him. Aww I hope you dont end up all alone... Maybe if your lucky we will allow you to come back. Or perhaps you think making a new name and sneaking back in will work? I am so glad you are gone. it was so embarrassing to have someone as pathetic as you to be called one of us. 
 On another note. Hope everyone is having a good day! Its another great day as a child of Father Satan! 

personally I think this whitedragon666 person is angryshaman. Feels like him. You came out of nowhere right after he was banned so yeah, i suspect you. Sorry.
If that's all the proof you've got, then your a mug!

I don't know if it got posted, but I made an apology to the advanced members stating I was wrong suggesting they move on. That's the only thing I can be accounted for.

Look, aldric was right; don't get upset about what people say- some talk shit! (Not his exact words).

Be suspicious! I don't give a "rats"!!

I'm not going to insult Satan with using His name to sign off with this shit!!
Lol as most of us know, Aldrick is a very sarcastic man (fucking hilarious lol). He's totally just being a smartass to you, mostly. Really, relax, he's just having a good time :)
Angryshaman always struck me as an asshole... Never had that feeling about other people who post frequently... I remember posting questions on here and that shaman was always quick to strike me down like I'm some idiot child, acting like some know-it-all peacock. I'm nowhere near even half hp level but I AM NOT a "newbie". The shaman seemed to think so. Everyone else always helped me out with the same kindness and respect I've seen from demons and Satan himself. I was absent from the group when this recent crap all went down, probably for good reason as I am quick to anger and it has a lot of negative effects. Satan had guided me to rest both my body and spirit after receiving extensive spiritual damage, if I were in the fray who knows what could have become of me. The enemy claws at my mind even in my sacred space... I will always support Joy of Satan and the HPs, but right now I'm at my weakest point so I can't be of much help to anyone until I recover enough to start meditating for long periods again. I still recite the RTRs, can't wait to put full force behind them. Through Satan and our own strength, we WILL destroy angryshaman and anyone else who causes trouble. Thank you HPs for being great leaders and group moderators, I can only imagine the nightmare juggling idiots and the enemy at the same time. May you live forever! Hail! Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 9:33 PM, "ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Lol as most of us know, Aldrick is a very sarcastic man (fucking hilarious lol). He's totally just being a smartass to you, mostly. Really, relax, he's just having a good time :)

This thread is no longer relevant.
I was wrong, I fucked up. That's obvious at this point, I've already moved on.
No point in all of us dwelling on it or rubbing it in, the greys have already been mocking me non-stop ever since they tricked me with their latest mind control project.
I've moved on with my life, we all should do the same.Or keep wasting time bashing me on this thread over old news instead of doing something productive like meditating or RTR's that's fine too :D

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 11:22 PM, "dovakiin5574@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Angryshaman always struck me as an asshole... Never had that feeling about other people who post frequently... I remember posting questions on here and that shaman was always quick to strike me down like I'm some idiot child, acting like some know-it-all peacock. I'm nowhere near even half hp level but I AM NOT a "newbie". The shaman seemed to think so. Everyone else always helped me out with the same kindness and respect I've seen from demons and Satan himself. I was absent from the group when this recent crap all went down, probably for good reason as I am quick to anger and it has a lot of negative effects. Satan had guided me to rest both my body and spirit after receiving extensive spiritual damage, if I were in the fray who knows what could have become of me. The enemy claws at my mind even in my sacred space... I will always support Joy of Satan and the HPs, but right now I'm at my weakest point so I can't be of much help to anyone until I recover enough to start meditating for long periods again. I still recite the RTRs, can't wait to put full force behind them. Through Satan and our own strength, we WILL destroy angryshaman and anyone else who causes trouble. Thank you HPs for being great leaders and group moderators, I can only imagine the nightmare juggling idiots and the enemy at the same time. May you live forever! Hail! Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 9:33 PM, "ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Lol as most of us know, Aldrick is a very sarcastic man (fucking hilarious lol). He's totally just being a smartass to you, mostly. Really, relax, he's just having a good time :)

Hope you heal soon!
Hail Satan!


On Tue, 7/12/16, dovakiin5574@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: *Clergy*
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 8:56 PM


always struck me as an asshole... Never had that feeling
about other people who post frequently... I remember posting
questions on here and that shaman was always quick to strike
me down like I'm some idiot child, acting like some
know-it-all peacock. I'm nowhere near even half hp
level but I AM NOT a "newbie". The shaman seemed
to think so. Everyone else always helped me out with the
same kindness and respect I've seen from demons and
Satan himself. I was absent from the group when this recent
crap all went down, probably for good reason as I am quick
to anger and it has a lot of negative effects. Satan had
guided me to rest both my body and spirit after receiving
extensive spiritual damage, if I were in the fray who knows
what could have become of me. The enemy claws at my mind
even in my sacred space... I will always support Joy of
Satan and the HPs, but right now I'm at my weakest point
so I can't be of much help to anyone until I recover
enough to start meditating for long periods again. I still
recite the RTRs, can't wait to put full force behind
them. Through Satan and our own strength, we WILL destroy
angryshaman and anyone else who causes trouble. Thank you
HPs for being great leaders and group moderators, I can only
imagine the nightmare juggling idiots and the enemy at the
same time. May you live forever! Hail! Hail

On Tuesday, July 12,
2016 9:33 PM, "ljossmyrkr@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


Lol as most of us know, Aldrick is a very
sarcastic man (fucking hilarious lol). He's totally just
being a smartass to you, mostly. Really, relax, he's
just having a good time :)

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Typical kike, never did anything wrong. No reason to blame me because the greys made me do it. Such bullshit. Mutineers deserve a bullet in any army. We are the fucking Army of Adolf Hitler. Never let a rat walk
On Jul 13, 2016 1:20 PM, "Sims Motal simsmotal@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hope you heal soon!
Hail Satan!


On Tue, 7/12/16, dovakiin5574@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: *Clergy*
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 8:56 PM


always struck me as an asshole... Never had that feeling
about other people who post frequently... I remember posting
questions on here and that shaman was always quick to strike
me down like I'm some idiot child, acting like some
know-it-all peacock. I'm nowhere near even half hp
level but I AM NOT a "newbie". The shaman seemed
to think so. Everyone else always helped me out with the
same kindness and respect I've seen from demons and
Satan himself. I was absent from the group when this recent
crap all went down, probably for good reason as I am quick
to anger and it has a lot of negative effects. Satan had
guided me to rest both my body and spirit after receiving
extensive spiritual damage, if I were in the fray who knows
what could have become of me. The enemy claws at my mind
even in my sacred space... I will always support Joy of
Satan and the HPs, but right now I'm at my weakest point
so I can't be of much help to anyone until I recover
enough to start meditating for long periods again. I still
recite the RTRs, can't wait to put full force behind
them. Through Satan and our own strength, we WILL destroy
angryshaman and anyone else who causes trouble. Thank you
HPs for being great leaders and group moderators, I can only
imagine the nightmare juggling idiots and the enemy at the
same time. May you live forever! Hail! Hail

On Tuesday, July 12,
2016 9:33 PM, "ljossmyrkr@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


Lol as most of us know, Aldrick is a very
sarcastic man (fucking hilarious lol). He's totally just
being a smartass to you, mostly. Really, relax, he's
just having a good time :)

#yiv3011276330 #yiv3011276330 --
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border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px
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OK, this thread is no longer relevant because the angry guru said it is...

Is all the shit you stated about Don and HC and good standind members of this community no longer relevant as well? Right, it was a grey that took control of your keyboard... sure. Maybe we are to wait for another stab in the back again.

Our brothers were too kind and very patient with you.

This thread is no longer relevant until both parties agree.
Angry Shaman wrote:

"...instead of doing something productive like meditating or RTR's"

Which is exactly what you should have been doing, instead of making videos slandering our High Priests and attempting to curse them, as well as treating this group as your own personal blog and spamming it to death with your posts...

Just because you have said sorry or admit you are wrong is meaningless. People figure you to be just as your name says a fake. A liar if you will. That is their right just as it is yours to prove you are truly sorry. While it may be to much or too little it is in who they are. Their programming wants ect,. In the end angry you come off to abrasive, and when your wrong that side of you gets worse. Try to fix that, and as for the greys controlling you i doubt it. You may feel that way but greys are not that strong not to mention if your dedicated you cant be possessed. As for infiltrators your nature is known to the HP's. They are stronger then any rabbie or the same ilk. They know you and what/who you are. These group's can not be taken over because of them and their wills.

On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:15 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  This thread is no longer relevant.
I was wrong, I fucked up. That's obvious at this point, I've already moved on.
No point in all of us dwelling on it or rubbing it in, the greys have already been mocking me non-stop ever since they tricked me with their latest mind control project.
I've moved on with my life, we all should do the same.Or keep wasting time bashing me on this thread over old news instead of doing something productive like meditating or RTR's that's fine too :D

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 11:22 PM, "dovakiin5574@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Angryshaman always struck me as an asshole... Never had that feeling about other people who post frequently... I remember posting questions on here and that shaman was always quick to strike me down like I'm some idiot child, acting like some know-it-all peacock. I'm nowhere near even half hp level but I AM NOT a "newbie". The shaman seemed to think so. Everyone else always helped me out with the same kindness and respect I've seen from demons and Satan himself. I was absent from the group when this recent crap all went down, probably for good reason as I am quick to anger and it has a lot of negative effects. Satan had guided me to rest both my body and spirit after receiving extensive spiritual damage, if I were in the fray who knows what could have become of me. The enemy claws at my mind even in my sacred space... I will always support Joy of Satan and the HPs, but right now I'm at my weakest point so I can't be of much help to anyone until I recover enough to start meditating for long periods again. I still recite the RTRs, can't wait to put full force behind them. Through Satan and our own strength, we WILL destroy angryshaman and anyone else who causes trouble. Thank you HPs for being great leaders and group moderators, I can only imagine the nightmare juggling idiots and the enemy at the same time. May you live forever! Hail! Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 9:33 PM, "ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Lol as most of us know, Aldrick is a very sarcastic man (fucking hilarious lol). He's totally just being a smartass to you, mostly. Really, relax, he's just having a good time :)

Brothers and sisters, the angry guru is associating him self with recent infiltrators. I suggest to acknowledge what he is doing and not to reason with or try to console this character... don't waste your time.

After this "apology", our High Priests were stabbed in the back again (metaphorically).

P.S I am sorry Akemi.
Yeah I remember everytime I logged in I saw multiple threads from angryshaman just posting meaningless stuff about how he has roaches or bugs w/e in his house.
Then posting his meditation routines and boasting about how much electricity he channels, his astral vision and his kundalini but sounded exaggerated like some dragon ball shit.
I support the Clergy. They do so much for us, not to mention for
Father, Mother and the other Gods! Maxine, Jake, don, Cobra,
Shannon...they are all my Comrades, as are all of you, Do I stand with
you? Of course I do! I can do no less, honourably. For you are all my
Brethren in Satan!

And now, hear me! I shall say this once, and once only. These next
words I write are for the infiltrators amongst us, whomever all they
may be. I know you are here. I know you skulk in the shadows...spin
your foolish webs, spread your inane poison to ensnare the unwary. But
you are all fools! You are impotent, and you have no power, and you
seek to undermine us. Why? Because you can, and because it makes you
feel special, important, big. But you are nothing! You are insects!
You are weak, foolish vermin, and I spit upon your graves, all! You
cannot stop us! You cannot halt us! Satan is with us, and Satan is
truth! The name of Satan, all his names, burn with the diamond purity
of his truth! No falsehood can be uttered in his presence, and all the
liars and traitors shall be swept before him, as dead, withered leaves
are scattered by wind! Lord/Father Satan is that mighty wind, and all
the dross shall be swept before him in disregard! What you do,
infiltrators, maters not, for you have no power in the end. I do not
know all of your names, but be assured, Lord Satan knows you. He knows
all of your names, all of your thoughts, for Satan is the Lord of
Aeons, the One Who Sees Far, and there is no hiding your iniquities
from his gaze! Satan, our Lord, is ascendant, and it is his time now,
our time! We shall reclaim this earth, and your masters, both seen and
unseen, shall have no sway! I say unto thee, despair, for we give no
mercy to the betraying ones! Behold thy deaths! Satan is ascendant, we
are ascendant! With my true Brothers and Sisters, in Lord/Father
Satan's mighty and ineffable name, I for ever stand. I for ever hold
up the bright banner of Satan/Enki, for he is my truth! Fight on, my
comrades, and dispel the pestilence! Hail Lord/Father Satan always!
Hail Sorath, the One Who Burns! Hail Andras! Hail Mother Lilith! Hail
Hitler! Hail Himmler! Hail the Waffen-SS! Hail to all my true Satanic
Family! We will be victorious!

On 7/14/16, shenshakti@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Yeah I remember everytime I logged in I saw multiple threads from
angryshaman just posting meaningless stuff about how he has roaches or bugs
w/e in his house.

Then posting his meditation routines and boasting about how much
electricity he channels, his astral vision and his kundalini but sounded
exaggerated like some dragon ball shit.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
