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Dedication to our task: Translator.


Active member
Aug 25, 2021
Since I started this task of being a translator, I wanted to do an excellent job in this field, not to achieve great status but to please the Gods in their holy will.

From the beginning Father Satan gave me a great task and that was to start spreading his message throughout the Spanish speaking world, a task that I have managed to do in some cases in an excellent way and in others NOT, since there are days when I simply do not want to continue, I must confess it but I think of the great power and responsibility that the Gods have given me and I say to myself “Yeye, you must fulfill your goal no matter what”.

A strong will on this path is indispensable to follow, and commitment on the fly is something that is built little by little, however there are exceptions.

Many times I have seen people have a good initiative and write to me to say “Yeye, I want to participate in this great translation project”. Being a leader in this, I provide the material and the tools that the clergy has given me for the translation issues. It gives me great joy and enthusiasm when people come to want to participate in it, however there is a “but” many of these people give me their word of “I will finish it in X time” and I trust in it because for the SS the word is sacred, but I have seen in many cases that this word is not fulfilled at all and when I think I am advancing, there is a section that has not been attended by the person who gave his commitment.

I really understand that we all have our commitments, but the work of JoS is like any other, even more important. The fact that X person gives me his word and tells me how long it may take or I trusted him to work and then he doesn't communicate again and disappears, totally infuriates me as it seems to me a severe lack of respect.

Throughout this journey of translation I have seen many things based on this, and although perhaps many Spanish speakers may take me for strict, this same ability to compromise and be strict comes from the Gods, as they have taught me to keep my word no matter what.

Many of the people who want to contribute with their grain of sand are welcome to do so, in the case of translation, but sincerity and compliance on their part is requested. It is really annoying and disrespectful to those of us who DO comply with this, the fact that they come back again and again, making a thousand excuses, telling me “Yeye, I could not comply with this and that” and when I give them another chance, they simply do the same thing again (they disappear, without at least saying, look, I can't comply with this).

As the leader of Spanish-speaking translation, this is simply NOT allowed, since I take my work very seriously, with great passion and enthusiasm, for someone else to make a mockery of it, not fulfilling their part.

It may sound abrupt or rude, but I really think that the level of demand in these matters should be high, in order to do an integrated task for the Gods in the best possible way. If something is wrong in the equation it should simply be changed until it works in a good way.

This is more than a call for attention, it is a call for improvement and to take this important task more seriously. If you give your word, keep it no matter what, because more than giving your word to me, you are giving it to the Gods.

A lot of people make claims of what they can do, based on what they think they can do, or what they want to do. Everyone should do a bit of self-evaluating and determine what their actual pace of work can be, in a realistic manner.

There is no shame in going slower, because we all have other things we must attend to, so it would be far better to give a realistic time-frame of when they can finish a task, rather than failing to keep one's word.

Translating can be very tedious work. I am very thankful for all the translators we have, and I wish you all the best in your important work 🙏
Translating for the Joy of Satanas requires personal sacrifice, but it's a love letter to the Gods. The Spanish-speaking world is one that encompasses hundreds of millions of people, so the work done now is critical. I wish you the best in your efforts @Yeye95 .
Everything we do will pay off, we just have to keep going and pushing, adapt and not stop doing it.

Unity is strength in this and commitment is the pump we need to keep pumping.

To all the translators, your efforts are not in vain :)

A lot of people make claims of what they can do, based on what they think they can do, or what they want to do. Everyone should do a bit of self-evaluating and determine what their actual pace of work can be, in a realistic manner.

There is no shame in going slower, because we all have other things we must attend to, so it would be far better to give a realistic time-frame of when they can finish a task, rather than failing to keep one's word.

Translating can be very tedious work. I am very thankful for all the translators we have, and I wish you all the best in your important work 🙏
The time is set by each one of us, this is really true. Sometimes I am in favor of demanding a little in terms of commitment is vital to achieve a good progress as a whole. :) Thank you for your words Suma Sacerdotisa, a huge hug XOXO
Since I started this task of being a translator, I wanted to do an excellent job in this field, not to achieve great status but to please the Gods in their holy will.

From the beginning Father Satan gave me a great task and that was to start spreading his message throughout the Spanish speaking world, a task that I have managed to do in some cases in an excellent way and in others NOT, since there are days when I simply do not want to continue, I must confess it but I think of the great power and responsibility that the Gods have given me and I say to myself “Yeye, you must fulfill your goal no matter what”.

A strong will on this path is indispensable to follow, and commitment on the fly is something that is built little by little, however there are exceptions.

Many times I have seen people have a good initiative and write to me to say “Yeye, I want to participate in this great translation project”. Being a leader in this, I provide the material and the tools that the clergy has given me for the translation issues. It gives me great joy and enthusiasm when people come to want to participate in it, however there is a “but” many of these people give me their word of “I will finish it in X time” and I trust in it because for the SS the word is sacred, but I have seen in many cases that this word is not fulfilled at all and when I think I am advancing, there is a section that has not been attended by the person who gave his commitment.

I really understand that we all have our commitments, but the work of JoS is like any other, even more important. The fact that X person gives me his word and tells me how long it may take or I trusted him to work and then he doesn't communicate again and disappears, totally infuriates me as it seems to me a severe lack of respect.

Throughout this journey of translation I have seen many things based on this, and although perhaps many Spanish speakers may take me for strict, this same ability to compromise and be strict comes from the Gods, as they have taught me to keep my word no matter what.

Many of the people who want to contribute with their grain of sand are welcome to do so, in the case of translation, but sincerity and compliance on their part is requested. It is really annoying and disrespectful to those of us who DO comply with this, the fact that they come back again and again, making a thousand excuses, telling me “Yeye, I could not comply with this and that” and when I give them another chance, they simply do the same thing again (they disappear, without at least saying, look, I can't comply with this).

As the leader of Spanish-speaking translation, this is simply NOT allowed, since I take my work very seriously, with great passion and enthusiasm, for someone else to make a mockery of it, not fulfilling their part.

It may sound abrupt or rude, but I really think that the level of demand in these matters should be high, in order to do an integrated task for the Gods in the best possible way. If something is wrong in the equation it should simply be changed until it works in a good way.

This is more than a call for attention, it is a call for improvement and to take this important task more seriously. If you give your word, keep it no matter what, because more than giving your word to me, you are giving it to the Gods.

Gracias YeYe por expresarte en estos asuntos que pertenecen a algo tan sagrado y vital para la elevación de los Dioses, la humanidad, la naturaleza misma y la vida como un todo.//
Thank you YeYe for expressing yourself in these matters that pertain to something so sacred and vital for the upliftment of the Gods, mankind, nature itself and life as a whole. 🌳Lo que comentas también me ha recordado un librito que leí hace unos 25 (?) años de Don Miguel Ruiz, Los Cuatro Acuerdos. EL PRIMER de los 4 acuerdos es: SÉ IMPECABLE CON TU PALABRA.//What you spoke of also reminded me of a little book I read some 25 (?) years ago by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements. THE VERY 1st of the 4 agreements is: BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
