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Hi star. Wonder if you could help. I just donated money to [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]. was that the right address,  its still unclaimed. Heil Satan
Heil die Gode van Hell.
On 11 Jul 2016 22:29, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  personally I think this whitedragon666 person is angryshaman. Feels like him. You came out of nowhere right after he was banned so yeah, i suspect you. Sorry.
Greetings I have and it needed a e-mail address.  So I gave "PayPal" there [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] address.  Is that the only e-mail address for the ministry? Heil Satyan.
Heil die Gode van Hell.
On 16 Jul 2016 01:51, "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If you want to donate money to the Joy of Satan, use the link on the front page of the Joy of Satan website.

Donate for the Promotion and Advancement of Satanism
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... onate.html  
If you log in to your Paypal account and then click the link on the Joy of Satan website, it should fill in the contact information automatically.
Again you are still blaming others for what is on you. 
Many people have accepted your apologies. Ofcourse there are going to be those that rise up and ask questions. 
It all has to do with your attitude. If you seemed legitimately sorry then it would be fine. However, you place all the blame on others and then fight those who say anything to you. 
Take me for example, I take FULL responsibility for what I did. My intentions were always good, my ideas were flawed. My heart was always set on helping my family. 
 I dont try and hide it. I dont run and change my name. I am who I am. People will accept it or they wont. I know I have all kinds of flaws. I am always thinking about how I need to advance and become better. But I do the best I can. I also know my chart very well, so I know there is just ways about me that must be matured. 
  If someone asks me to feel bad about my self. My response is, Honey I am the best you will ever see. I tried being a homosexual once but It got very hard, For every time I looked into a mirror I saw perfection starring back at me. :0
If you ask me if I am flawless. Snorts, Fuck no. Making my self look like an idiot is what I am best at. Because when It comes down to it, I have learned to rid myself of ego and replace it with High Self Esteem and confidence. 
 This is what you need to learn. You beam with arrogance all over yourself. My arrogance is faked and as such is not taken seriously. Your Arrogance is sincere. Which on a deep subconscious level is perceived as someone who takes and takes and never gives back anything of value. As such the mass mind reacts as if to a parasite. 


---In [email protected], <angryshaman666@... wrote :

And who exactly are you referring to?Perhaps you mean voiceofenki and donotfearthetruth666?Yes we ALL realized our mistake even before I did, and they haven't bothered to come back to the groups because much like myself, they know an apology would just be mocked, ridiculed and rejected just like my own was.
And for the record it was micalzo orz and pharaoh ramses who tried to convince me HC and mageson were jews and it was that Ramses guy who also tricked us into that whole "purple flame" bullshit which weakens your aura and makes angels attack you like crazy which IT DID.
Astaroth, Phenex and my own GD had to intervened directly just to get rid of those angel fucks and the hive of greys attacking us was being led by those angels and their general posing as donotfearthetruth's incubus.
Now that ramses dick is trying to convince me I made it all up and blah blah blah and yes HC DID call him a known infiltrator in the private message he sent me.
You can ask HC yourself about that.HC is also the one who told us that purple flame shit is enemy disinfo that makes angels attack you which we had to find out THE HARD WAY and again, you can ask him yourself.
But if you insist on saying my association with the other 2 people who got banned is somehow proof of being an infiltrator when they were the ones who told ME we fucked up to begin with and believe me, they went well out of their way to slap some sense into me right along with my own GD, well then I don't know what to tell you.
If they want to come back they'll do what I did and make a formal apology.But we've already seen that an apology would be ignored, rejected, mocked and dismissed as insincere bullshit etc because of COURSE its impossible for someone to make a fucking mistake!
You all seem to be under the impression that once you're dedicated, psychic attacks can no longer reach you.WRONG.Learning to defend against such attacks especially when angels are commanding a hive of greys to attack you while your aura's defenses are down is HARD FUCKING WORK.
Just because you're dedicated does NOT make you immune to enemy influence, especially if they gang up on you!The gods do not babysit us 24/7, they want us to learn on our own.
But if you want to say "oh bullshit! you're just lying about angels and greys attacking you to save face! angels can't do shit once you're dedicated and no one can touch your mind!" and all that other shit, fine.
But you'd be wrong to underestimate enemy influence like I did and had to find out the hard way.
And if it weren't for direct intervention by the gods all 3 of us would have been killed by those angel fucks and their giant grey hive.So if you want to label us all infiltrators and keep bashing us for making a huge mistake and getting totally brainfucked then that's entirely up to you.

On Thursday, July 14, 2016 4:41 PM, "sonofthedragon1354@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

 Brothers and sisters, the angry guru is associating him self with recent infiltrators. I suggest to acknowledge what he is doing and not to reason with or try to console this character... don't waste your time.

After this "apology", our High Priests were stabbed in the back again (metaphorically).

P.S I am sorry Akemi.

Fake name, for future reference, if someone is incapable of telling the difference between an enemy and a Demon of Satan, an incubus, that person is not advanced enough to advise you regarding spiritual matters.
Shaman,may I ask how you came to identify all the gods that got involved?I like to hear about that kinda thing.Like did you see them or what?
Since Ramses tricked you here. Something to remember is this....
 Ramses is Maukali the kosher troll. Who was trolling on several accounts on the forum. One of which posted the original attack video from the Ramses channel. Once he got you around his finger he then stepped back and let you do all the work there. I figured this characters troll account Hexen 555 was Maukali as it sounded just like him [Maukali want on a huge rant about how Hexen was his favourite game]  and on its other admitted account  Swj666 or whatever it was spelled, was sending me harassing  pm's demanding I let Maukali post whatever attacks on other members he wants and start all the infighting he wants. Which is when I figured rightly it was just Maukali trolling.  Ramses admitted on the utube comments these two accounts Hexen 555 and Swj666 were both his accounts.
Now that this has been confirmed it was Maukali trolling on the two different accounts and multiple utube accounts.
Think about that before you get too close to Maukali, he is still trying to use you or whoever his kosher self can as a usefool idiot to work though. Just like a jew. Once Maukali was found out he dropped off that account and is now running around on other sock accounts as well. Because this is what jews do, they get paid to work at it day and night.
I might not be open to the astral to where I can see and freely commune with Enteties, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. Just because I made a mistake, that doesn't mean it's the ene of the fucking world and you have the right to go over and bash me of how I'm incapable of sharing anything spiritual that matters. What I get from an advanced SS brother, I share it with angryshamman. So don't go around proving I'm incapable of doing anything when I only made this mistake.

Yes, I do admit that I made a mistake and I sencerly apologise to everyone, I sent even an apology to HP HoodedCobra himself. But if I made a mistake,(that I already learned from it), means that I am a failure and incapable of doing anything or concercing anything spiritual? Jhonson_Akemi, I expect you to at least understand new people that make mistakes, rather then assuming that everyone who dedicates is perfect in not making any mistakes. :/ If you all believe that after dedication it's all games and roses, you are wrong. I am only 4 months old as dedicated and I have already been attacked by nordics af, especially general ones. So don't think it's easy to not make any mistake while you are being attacked relentlessly everyday and get a lot of misfortune from those nordic traitors. Thanks to whoever finished reading, oh well to those who didn't have to read everything and only here to cause more infight. Doesn't Lord Beezlebub hate infights against SS? Why can't we all accept the fact that we all make mistakes? Why can't we all just get a long and support those people who make a mistake and then learn from it? Why continue this infight? Do the gods just want us to sit around and fight all day long or do they want us to meditate more and do something useful for the powers of hell? WE all make mistakes, WE all learn from them, why can't we just move on? This is the same as blaming a 1 year old for not being able to walk properly or even run because it is still young. HAIL FATHER SATAN FOREVER! HAIL ALL THE TRUE GODS OF ORION FOREVER!!
I understand the attack on those that made the mistake, and will take some time depending on the person, but enough is enough I mean, we have much work to do that any detour can be a down fall or mistake again. Those that made the mistake apologizing won't always help but it's a stepping stone, and along with that move on and do what u are here for. Fight for your freedom and for our father, forget the rest and learn from the mistake, waste no more words or time for time is precious right now. Keep strong and in time things will pass just as our world will help in time and we will be freed ed in time.
Waste no more time on intruders for in time thy will wake or move on, a waste on our energy and our clergy for our fight is the up most importance of our time now.

@Allison Passino I enjoyed the poem very much with much truth.

@aldrick I also enjoyed ur words, very poetic in my sights.

No rest/no mercy to the wicked, death to all that is jewish

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
I banned Ramses from my channel already.
He's been calling me and the other people he tricked until Astaroth set us straight everything from "jewish whores" to "bronies" after donotfearthetruth screencapped his comments where he was pushing this purple flame bullshit.
Once the screencaps proved he was a lying jewish piece of shit he just started trolling us all with insults.

On Sunday, July 17, 2016 6:57 AM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Since Ramses tricked you here. Something to remember is this....
 Ramses is Maukali the kosher troll. Who was trolling on several accounts on the forum. One of which posted the original attack video from the Ramses channel. Once he got you around his finger he then stepped back and let you do all the work there. I figured this characters troll account Hexen 555 was Maukali as it sounded just like him [Maukali want on a huge rant about how Hexen was his favourite game]  and on its other admitted account  Swj666 or whatever it was spelled, was sending me harassing  pm's demanding I let Maukali post whatever attacks on other members he wants and start all the infighting he wants. Which is when I figured rightly it was just Maukali trolling.  Ramses admitted on the utube comments these two accounts Hexen 555 and Swj666 were both his accounts.
Now that this has been confirmed it was Maukali trolling on the two different accounts and multiple utube accounts.
Think about that before you get too close to Maukali, he is still trying to use you or whoever his kosher self can as a usefool idiot to work though. Just like a jew. Once Maukali was found out he dropped off that account and is now running around on other sock accounts as well. Because this is what jews do, they get paid to work at it day and night.

lets end this if we give so much credit to these small things like someone is or not an infiltrator we just make them stronger we are meditators of satan and we don't give a damn if someone says sth wether from ignorance or sth else. we do what we do and don't tie to negative energy.recently my posts didn't show in group so I have to ask my question in this thread and I am sorry if it is irrelevant so I want to know if the Vikings were Satanists and odin is satan?hail satan

On Saturday, July 16, 2016 7:52 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Where I come from, showing any sign of weakness gets you ganged up on and killed.I am accustomed to never openly admitting to any wrongdoing and putting up a front to avoid showing weakness, and if I make a mistake I acknowledge it silently, and then try to make sure it never happens again.
So if this bad habit makes me come off as arrogant well, I won't deny it but I never changed my name either, I don't know where that accusation came from.
Plus I come from a military background where even the slightest fuckup gets you grilled by angry drill sergeants, sergeants and basically everyone who outranks you.
So all that psychological baggage I came into this with does have a huge bearing on my mannerisms as well.
Do I deny it or try to keep debating it?
No, I know I fucked up and fucked up HARD, but dwelling on it only makes it worse and the more I think about every little mistake the more it fucks up my attempts to clear my head and focus on my meditations.
This is exactly why I try to stay off the groups.I have way too many problems of my own right now that need fixing to also be arguing over past mistakes with people who already think they're enlightened gods just because they dedicated.
One such idiot even actually said "once you're dedicated you're immune to all psychic attacks so there's no way you could have just been that stupid or weak you lying jew!" etc.
But as I said, HP Hoodedcobra even told us in that sermon that this purple flame shit we got tricked into using by Ramses really DOES weaken your aura and make enemy nordics attack you like crazy.Astaroth, Phenex, Abbigor and my own GD all had to get involved because of that mess and those angel shitheads were leading that swarm of greys to fuck with us for weeks up till then.
If you think you could do better with all that going on after only being dedicated for a year then fine.But underestimating the enemy and acting careless is foolish and suicidally retarded.
Did I fuck up? for the umpteenth time YES I fucked up, all 3 of us who got banned fucked up and we learned the hard way not to underestimate the enemy's tactics especially when they gang up on you.
They had me running around like an idiot until I literally didn't know which way was up!I sure won't be living that one down anytime soon and the greys already rub it in with their mocking thoughtforms enough as it is so I don't need to see the same thing going on here too.
But please, call me arrogant, an egotist, an asshole or whatever.I deserve as much for not seeing such an obvious trap coming and making a damn fool of myself.

On Saturday, July 16, 2016 6:43 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Again you are still blaming others for what is on you. 
Many people have accepted your apologies. Ofcourse there are going to be those that rise up and ask questions. 
It all has to do with your attitude. If you seemed legitimately sorry then it would be fine. However, you place all the blame on others and then fight those who say anything to you. 
Take me for example, I take FULL responsibility for what I did. My intentions were always good, my ideas were flawed. My heart was always set on helping my family. 
 I dont try and hide it. I dont run and change my name. I am who I am. People will accept it or they wont. I know I have all kinds of flaws. I am always thinking about how I need to advance and become better. But I do the best I can. I also know my chart very well, so I know there is just ways about me that must be matured. 
  If someone asks me to feel bad about my self. My response is, Honey I am the best you will ever see. I tried being a homosexual once but It got very hard, For every time I looked into a mirror I saw perfection starring back at me. :0
If you ask me if I am flawless. Snorts, Fuck no. Making my self look like an idiot is what I am best at. Because when It comes down to it, I have learned to rid myself of ego and replace it with High Self Esteem and confidence. 
 This is what you need to learn. You beam with arrogance all over yourself. My arrogance is faked and as such is not taken seriously. Your Arrogance is sincere. Which on a deep subconscious level is perceived as someone who takes and takes and never gives back anything of value. As such the mass mind reacts as if to a parasite. 


---In [email protected], <angryshaman666@... wrote :

And who exactly are you referring to?Perhaps you mean voiceofenki and donotfearthetruth666?Yes we ALL realized our mistake even before I did, and they haven't bothered to come back to the groups because much like myself, they know an apology would just be mocked, ridiculed and rejected just like my own was.
And for the record it was micalzo orz and pharaoh ramses who tried to convince me HC and mageson were jews and it was that Ramses guy who also tricked us into that whole "purple flame" bullshit which weakens your aura and makes angels attack you like crazy which IT DID.
Astaroth, Phenex and my own GD had to intervened directly just to get rid of those angel fucks and the hive of greys attacking us was being led by those angels and their general posing as donotfearthetruth's incubus.
Now that ramses dick is trying to convince me I made it all up and blah blah blah and yes HC DID call him a known infiltrator in the private message he sent me.
You can ask HC yourself about that.HC is also the one who told us that purple flame shit is enemy disinfo that makes angels attack you which we had to find out THE HARD WAY and again, you can ask him yourself.
But if you insist on saying my association with the other 2 people who got banned is somehow proof of being an infiltrator when they were the ones who told ME we fucked up to begin with and believe me, they went well out of their way to slap some sense into me right along with my own GD, well then I don't know what to tell you.
If they want to come back they'll do what I did and make a formal apology.But we've already seen that an apology would be ignored, rejected, mocked and dismissed as insincere bullshit etc because of COURSE its impossible for someone to make a fucking mistake!
You all seem to be under the impression that once you're dedicated, psychic attacks can no longer reach you.WRONG.Learning to defend against such attacks especially when angels are commanding a hive of greys to attack you while your aura's defenses are down is HARD FUCKING WORK.
Just because you're dedicated does NOT make you immune to enemy influence, especially if they gang up on you!The gods do not babysit us 24/7, they want us to learn on our own.
But if you want to say "oh bullshit! you're just lying about angels and greys attacking you to save face! angels can't do shit once you're dedicated and no one can touch your mind!" and all that other shit, fine.
But you'd be wrong to underestimate enemy influence like I did and had to find out the hard way.
And if it weren't for direct intervention by the gods all 3 of us would have been killed by those angel fucks and their giant grey hive.So if you want to label us all infiltrators and keep bashing us for making a huge mistake and getting totally brainfucked then that's entirely up to you.

On Thursday, July 14, 2016 4:41 PM, "sonofthedragon1354@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

 Brothers and sisters, the angry guru is associating him self with recent infiltrators. I suggest to acknowledge what he is doing and not to reason with or try to console this character... don't waste your time.

After this "apology", our High Priests were stabbed in the back again (metaphorically).

P.S I am sorry Akemi.

This is probably the millionth time I am going to say this, and I will keep repeating this.

Every day we receive complaints on bad and evil people treading around, incidents such as the late ones, abuse and other even worse things, that come from enemies and lurkers around the groups.

We have said again and again, don't assosciate yourself with unknown people, don't put yourselves in danger and the list goes. Don't give any information online. The list goes.

Now if people disregard this, they are to experience the unpleasant (or even worse) outcomes of this choice. By how things are, we cannot moderate every single mail that comes and leaves your mailbox. You are responsible for yourself wether you like it or not.

As for infiltrators, there are many people around who want to harm Satan, Satanism, our effort, and others, for absolutely no reason. Many of these people are in hard psychotic street drugs, others are jews, others are just pure evil, the list never ends. The list is endless. One has to have responsibility of themselves.

As for the New Age, the "New Age" and its meditations, are deadly, and spiritual damning for the Soul. People have ended up dead, in insane hospitals, and even worse. Everyone reaps what they sow. They think the retarded "Archangels" who killed people in the "Bible", are going to help them? Then they will pay a price for this. Some pay with their own head. Others just wind up insane, or in the mental asylum, lose their families, the stories are endless. This excrement even told people to kill their own children. This is what happens when one messes with the alien buddies of the Jews and the bible.

I did, have done, and will do my best to protect members from infiltrators and for people who are questionable or want to inflict harm. If you don't want to protect yourself, play the big guy/girl, and try to spit on the face of those who care to you by leaving a protected environment, this is your own problem. When one leaves the borders of the group we are not obligated to follow the problems, the individuals and the chaos that could potentially be outside.

The same goes for any physical realm. You cross in the wrong ghetto, pick up a fight, and then you are done with. Following our "advice" (as its always advice, and you are always free to act) is up to *YOU*. We maintain order, we try to help, as we are aware the enemy is deadly and yes, they have destroyed totally people. This is not a funny game, and people who think it is, they can possibly find out the hard way, which if they don't change their mind, they will.

Then, the "invisible enemy" makes everything harder.

Now if people want to play their head for a dime, go ahead and do this, however, we are trying everything in our power to not allow this to happen. I have been doing this for years and I will keep doing this, to the much unpleasantness of trolls and others who seek a "following" from other SS, harm for others, or just seek to misguide them, for no reason other than some sort of bizarre (Jewish) satisfaction. To some this may strike of as "strange" because they think simply, and rarely they try to look behind matters. This way the trolls and others, always play the victim and always try to blame those that stop them or something.

Don't say you haven't been warned. If one skips the warning, they have no reason to complain or ask responsibility of others.

Remember - One jew means nothing in contrast to a Satanist, and the enemy will use and even sacrifice their own to get one of you down. In other words, better be safe than sorry. And responsibility to the responsible.

All I am here to do is put up the sign. You want to disregard this to prove whatever? Fine. But please don't complain about the wolves. As much as anyone would want people to find each other like diamonds, at this point, this is not, and will not be the case for quite a while...Better safe than sorry.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Now i know where the attacks are coming from thank,s for the info .

((Ramses is Maukali the kosher troll. Who was trolling on several accounts on the forum.))

I know him from Twitter S.I.D.F and calls himself now Sainika @sainika666.
I will avoid him as a plague.
                           Is there a way to avoid such trolls like block them out so they can do nothing to us.

Hail Satan
Hail Agares Bastet marchosias
Its best to stay away from the SIDF group. Every major infiltrator we have to deal with seems to come from there lately. The head of this SIDF is also close friends and works openly with Maukali the jewish infiltrator as well. I doubt Maukali is the only jew in that outfit. Its no mistake Maukali and the people who are part of SIDF timed this last full out attack on long term members and the Clergy with the jewish attempt to pull all our sites off the net. That's show there are jews in the SIDF group who are working in concentration with other jewish networks to attack us. We are enemy number one to the jews.
Hi there...

In response to the Twitter SIDF... I have been part of the SIDF for a few months now since I heard about it from Teloc Vovim. I, after joining for literally just a few days saw the disruption that was going down in both the SIDF and JOS forums. I was horrified to say the least, at the accusations thrown around towards the clergy. Anyways, if what you say is true about the SIDF (which more than likely is) then should I remain there or leave? I ask this because yes, although I myself have been exposing, tweeting screenshots of their profiles, these rotten Kike filthy fucks (who actually pose like one of us, using part of our symbols[ incorrectly sometimes] posts "relative" to our cause/s but with hidden messages for their kike families to understand etc) have met one or two decent people whom I'm now helping with their path to freedom.

Is this me being an ignorant fool and falling into their trap and ultimately aiding them in harming is from the inside of our home as we have all clearly seen here on the forums?!?

I only wish to serve our father and creator in the correct way, if I've made a mistake please say so.

Thank you!

Hail Satan forever!
To those who are our Brothers in Satan. You are not under attack by us. We love you. The afflictions brought upon you are perpetuated by that of your own mind. It is not us who is continuing this post. We just keep replying back to your responses. Attempts to end the conversations are merely attempts at having the last word. 
 In truth this is furthering Satan. We just had major infiltrators who were cursing the clergy and as a brother pointed out. Slandering me as well. :) Sempai noticed me! 
These infiltrators have come back to the group and the scary curtain has fallen revealing our own loved Family. We have taken them back with open arms. Now we wish to promote growth within them. Yet this seems to be a struggle. Instead we find Arrogance for being let back in. This obviously is not going to fly. As this feels like the biggest dick punch one can ever imagine. Like a Soccer player from Dublin Ireland, just full cleated you, then called your mother a hor to add insult to injury. 
 Left dazzled and confused and wondering if reproduction is possible, you stumble to your feet. Wondering if this was all a bad joke, or an irish man with to much whiskey. Perhaps a formal greeting? Where instead of hello, one says nice to cleat you. 
 If one wishes to put an end to this, one must only stop replying and start showing promise. For if you think were going to stop and show passivity and allow the last word to go to them. So that more abuse can follow. We dont pass the buck here. Read the headline it will say we are SATANISTS. Not weak pussy ass wiccans. Oh wiccans how you make me laugh. 
  Wic cans. Are those cans purchased on wic, a state program to help those who are pregnant. Which we dont obviously  have any need for. Seeing as how that is probably no longer a possibility. 

Its up to you, but the jewish infiltrator, maukali  who is part of the SIDF has openly announced he wants to divide the JoS Community, as this is the jewish tactic of divide and conqueror. And Teloc is openly working with him to help the jewish agenda out.  Teloc is not to be trusted in general as she  a psychiatric discharge from the Military as well. . Literally she is a psychiatric patient.. And this explains a lot of her crazy  behavior which is why she was not allowed to become part of the Clergy.
The last round of infiltrator attacks on the JoS Community, was all done with a script that Teloc herself wrote and was been spoon fed to others like Angry Shaman  by MauKali as her middle jew man. As Maukali its jewish self was also using the same Teloc script.
Teloc might as well convert to Judaism she helps their cause against Satan and she is already as crazy as any jew. Its also likely they might be putting shekels into her pocket as well. As she is money hungry and trying to monetize herself. 
So yeah.. It might be a bit late to reply here, but I just wanted to say I am really honored and truly grateful that even after all the problems we have created we were still given a chance to come back and prove our selves for our Satanic family. 

Aldric your writings really inspire me brither, you understand things on a very deep level, yet you remain very "human" in your expression, it's really inspireing and at the same time humbling to read :) 

I learned a lot from this mistake and got to know myself aswell as my abilities, and the limits there of much better... There's a lot of things I came to realize and understand through all this, to which I am very grateful. 

I haven't formally apologized in the groups yet, appart from writing a personal apology to HP HoodedCobra, but I owe you all an apology aswell. I was one of the people who believed this crap about the clergy and who also slandered them..... I didn't make video's about it and came to realize my mistake just before it all went way out of hand for me.. I tried to bring the others back aswell by helping them understand our stupid mistake, which seems to have helped a little :) 

I am sincerely sorry for my actions and the slander I have given the clergy. Specifically to Don Danko/Mageson, I am truly sorry for having suspected you of anything negative... I simply misunderstood your sermons and was caught up in my own emotions/misunderstandings... You have worked so hard for our groups and for National Socialism, brought us all an enormous amount of information and you have been the target of much slander in the past aswell.... I really want to express my gratitude for all you have done for our groups. 

Whether people accept my (our) apology is up to them and if you have any further questions, you have all the rights to ask them of course. You also have all the rights to distrust us or not accept us any longer... I actually think it's a logical response from you all.. The accusations I have made were utterly disgusting and no excuses can be made for them. 

It doesn't matter whether the enemy had a hand in making us go the wrong way, the Gods have tried to show me many times that I was wrong with my accusations, but because I was too stuck up to listen I didn't see it, so I had to learn the hard way, by falling with my face in the dirt and getting a good slap to get myself back on track. 

I'm also very grateful to my guardian demoness for helping me see my mistake and not giving up on me, dispite my henious behavior and stupidity. 

Whether you believe me or not is up to you ofcourse, but I am a dedicated brother who won't hestitate to give his life for our cause if it comes to that. Now that I have realized my error I fully support the clergy of course. 

I never stopped fighting for Satan, which is probably why my GD didn't give up on me and helped me come back on the right path. I will work to earn my place amongst you in earnest again my brothers and sisters. 

It was enlightening to read the messages here though, especially Aldrics posts, yours were really well written and some of them funny to read aswell. 

Btw, I'm not trying to have the last word with this. 

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Heil Adolf Hitler!Hail the Gods of Hell!
I don't want to pile on here, I just had a brief suggestion-fake name, maybe you should make a couple of videos on your channels saying that you were wrong about the clergy (if you haven't done so already), that way anyone who has been accidentally misled can get cleared up on this thing.
How naive do you think we are, fake name? Your group of friends must think we are stupid or something similar to that... Changing the song at the last minute. It is kind of amusing.
Not every one thinks like Aldric and Aldric does not think for every one. 

 Now let me ask you, do you know why they burned the milk man's tongue? Because he was caught putting water in the milk...

I won't forget this.

---In [email protected], <angryshaman666@... wrote :

I would highly doubt Teloc Vovim is even dedicated herself.Remember that jewish bitch Evalion? The first time I saw one of KIKEvalion's videos her voice and the way she talked reminded me almost EXACTLY of Teloc Vovim's videos.
Their voices were so similar I almost thought for sure they were the same person.
Of course I could be wrong, but if Teloc Vovim is just totally batshit insane that wouldn't surprise me either.
Technically I also got kicked out of the army for the same reason, except in my case it was because 2 jews named Zimmerman and Sabacinski waged a slander crusade against me and called me an "evil baby killing psycho terrorist" after getting them busted for drug possession in the barracks.
They tried to have me mentally examined but when they clearly saw I was in fact sane and that the 25+ complaints against me were impossible to prove they just gave me a general discharge because proof or not, because 2 jews went to that much trouble to slander me, they couldn't risk having a "crazy terrorist nazi" in the army even though all those complaints were just jewish bullshit.They literally payed off all the other privates in that company to mass report me and since most of those privates hated my guts anyway they had no problem playing that dirty jewish game.
I'm glad the (((army))) kicked me out though.No way would I ever fight for PISSrael and the fucking kikes.

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 5:03 AM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

 Its up to you, but the jewish infiltrator, maukali  who is part of the SIDF has openly announced he wants to divide the JoS Community, as this is the jewish tactic of divide and conqueror. And Teloc is openly working with him to help the jewish agenda out.  Teloc is not to be trusted in general as she  a psychiatric discharge from the Military as well. . Literally she is a psychiatric patient.. And this explains a lot of her crazy  behavior which is why she was not allowed to become part of the Clergy.
The last round of infiltrator attacks on the JoS Community, was all done with a script that Teloc herself wrote and was been spoon fed to others like Angry Shaman  by MauKali as her middle jew man. As Maukali its jewish self was also using the same Teloc script.
Teloc might as well convert to Judaism she helps their cause against Satan and she is already as crazy as any jew. Its also likely they might be putting shekels into her pocket as well. As she is money hungry and trying to monetize herself. 

Angry Shaman will show us his sincerity by his actions and that is how he will prove himself in the end. That is practical reality.
Hey this is Member22/User from the other groups , i have never been active in this one, the yahoo groups , because this is really a confusing mess. So this fucking marsayate guy is a jew ?? I mean he has a rat voice in his videos he posted. Is there someone else that is a jewish infiltrator that i should know of?
Also dobt forget that there were some members that interacted frequently with this guy. This is why you should never give attention and interact personally with anyone online. They are eerywhere, If i recall correctly I warned the clergy ultiple times on this filthy liar. I just never thought people would actually belive the clergy to be jews . Thats fucking ridiculous
. Also I am posting here because the other group isnt working.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
