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Clearing Up Past Disinfo

Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Calisthenics remains IMO also, the best form of training.
People knock some types of training and promote other types of training, but the thing that is neglected in the debates, is what are you training for? General fitness? For some sport, for a certain job? Are you a dancer or some other type of performer, runner, etc.?

General advice only applies to general fitness really. That’s not always the goal and this is where the trouble comes.

Once you know what you’re training for you can find a plan that is most effectively and efficiently going to get you there. And as Stormblood said, in some cases, this may mean you have to make sacrifices to the body. Strongmen, put enormous strain on their body, even admitting in some cases they know they’ve taken years off of their life, but for them, it’s worth it. Fine. But as with diet, there’s no one size fits all and that’s why these debates exist.

What people need to do is contemplate their goals and design something to meet those goals specifically. Then realize other people have different goals and they shouldn’t project their training philosophy on others cause that could set them back or even be dangerous to them.

There are certain scientific truths on how the body works and I love to converse on those conversations because it’s not about how a person should train, but rather how the body responds in different situations, biologically, spiritually. This type of knowledge we all can benefit from and can help us design our plans for our fitness goals.

I re-uploaded my reply. And yes, most definitely.

This only reflects my opinion. Nothing else.

Each to their own. What is for sure, is that human beings do need some form of exercise to survive. Another thing that is for sure, is that one must not try to impose these things to other SS, or pretend their opinion is the sole opinion.

These attempts to enforce diets, athletics, and everything else, will always remain subjects of intense debate and opposing opinions.

I read replies from others and get enlightened to new things.

Kettleballs, Calisthenics, do appear to be a sensible form of practice. Totally IMO though.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Weightlifting may not be useless but it's not as beneficial as the kikes make it sound when they enforced it on the population together with bodybuilding. It damages your joints gradually and overtime, as I said plenty of times. Do you think that just lies on the physical without affecting us spiritually? No, it doesn't. Damage to the joints creates stagnation of energies in those points, clogging the nadis and thus preventing the energy from flowing as freely as it needs to do for a spiritual person.

There are many different ways to train the physical body. One should weigh the pros and cons on a scale and decide whether they want to profit more than they lose or to lose more than they profit. I chose to keep my balance in the green rather than the red and the only way to do that was to abandon lifting and choose different training styles. You can make that choice too. The choice is not between lifting and bodybuilding vs doing nothing. The choice is between health and damage.

For all those who are going to tackle me yet again for my conclusions, saving your fingers' stamina would be more beneficial to you in the wrong run. You lack any substantial evidence to support your claims and the arguing style of many people on this forum consists of logical fallacies such as ad hominems, poisoning the well, slippery slopes, tangents (stick to the facts) and many others that will not find an answer from me because I'm short on time and it's pointless.

The crock of crap about bodybuilding, if you are only a Yogi, you'll have a lot of physical power.

Tell this to some mammoth double your size, and try to confront them, and see how it ends, type of common sense. HPS Maxine has elaborated on her progress with physical training, and it is all in the JoS website.

Muscle contraction does also create physical measurable voltage, enough to light a light bulb in some cases if wired in a body. This empowers the material nervous system by increasing it's rate of absorption and general capacity.

The question of shilling is not about saying something blatantly wrong, but saying something wrong and masking it with some "Correct" elements, because everyone will knock someone over if they figure it out.

Everytime also someone mentioned Body building, the line was "Steroids = Bodybuilding = Rich Piana = You're insecure if you build your body = be a weak ass fuck that only stretches = cause I said so don't question me", promoted by this individual. This is to poison obvious progress in this direction.

This is not exactly a critical review of something, but denial of reality. And playing around words to subvert. The same thing happened with money, relationships, finances, political theories, and everything else under the sun.

This is not aimed at you Stormblood, I am just relating the general gist of it.

Calisthenics remains IMO also, the best form of training.
Per potermi riprendere fisicamente per anni ho fatto solo HY e KY. Questo allenamento mi ha rinforzato tutte le articolazion del corpoi. Dopo 5 anni di HY e KY (che faccio tutti i giorni) sentivo pero' che mancava qualcosa per poter avanzare ancora nella mia forma fisica per poter riaquistare piu' forza e forma. Quando ho cominciato di nuovo a correre mi sono reso conto come questo allenamento mi mancava. Quando ho ricominciato a lavorare con i pesi, mi sono reso conto come questo allenamento mi mancava. Quando ho cominciato di nuovo a fare il sacco mi sono reso conto come questo mi mancava. Pero' senza HY e KY non arriverei da nessuna parte. HY e KY sono la base della mia vera rigenerazione fisica. E credimi io sono anche un buon Yogy nelle posizioni di base.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No suprise cause muscles are connected to the Solar chakra. The general rule is to keep yourself flexible cause this is needed to advance but it makes sense you still need muscles and can help with building energy. I always noticed this "aura" coming off people with muscles, you can feel they have a lot of energy.

I do remember HP Maxine sharing her workout tips and it seemed pretty intense. If she did it and was able to advance then there is no problem as long as you strech and do yoga.
I don't think this is a "must" and you need to become hulk (most don't have the time to incorporate a lot of exercizes) but of course having a bit of muscles and a flexible body helps a lot.

Some weeks ago I found this pdf called Man's yoga (here if anyones interested:https://1lib.eu/book/3687555/3c105c) for building some muscles through yoga, It seems good and I definitely have to try it. This can help if you don't have time and need to choose between yoga and exercises. At the end of the day a lot of yoga poses can vuole muscles if done the right way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:

Just a personal anecdote, but ever since I started doing yoga + meditation, my musculature's appearance and strength has gone up significantly with no major change in diet, sleep, or exercise routine. To me, it makes sense to first lay the groundwork for powerful bioenergetics, then apply a small anabolic stimulus to it, as opposed to the other way around.

Even then, once you are spiritually strong enough, I assume you can do some sort of working to make you pack on muscle like crazy, if you had the time.
Stormblood said:
Henu the Great said:

I just want to say that not everyone in the lifting and bb community use steroids. Of course, this is not a defence of the disciplines.

Other than this, there are 13 lunar months in a year. In fact, we have 13 full moons. That doesn't affect the Zodiac, as the Zodiac is part of a conventional system elaborated for astrology. It's not copy and paste from astronomy. As a matter of fact, the astronomical Sun does pass through Ophiucus and other CONSTELLATIONS, but that has nothing to do with astrology.

Paper money WILL be done away with. The world has changed a lot in its trade system. We started from barter, then we went to commodities, coinage and paper money. Now we're transitioning to digital currencies and the process will keep going on, as perfection doesn't exist, so there's infinite room for improvement.
Satana é l'apice della perfezione!

Poi a tutti quelli che hanno problemi con il denaro liquido io dico solo di darlo tutto a me. Vi tolgo io questo peso dalla tasca :lol: :lol: :lol:
So io cosa farcene.

Comunque Amico, dai in tutti questi anni siamo cresciuti insieme litigando... :lol:... ma chi se ne frega, basta che avanziamo!

E adesso fai il bravo ragazzo e parlami di più di Ofucio, del Sole e della 13° costellazione...!
Blitzkreig said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:

Just a personal anecdote, but ever since I started doing yoga + meditation, my musculature's appearance and strength has gone up significantly with no major change in diet, sleep, or exercise routine. To me, it makes sense to first lay the groundwork for powerful bioenergetics, then apply a small anabolic stimulus to it, as opposed to the other way around.

Even then, once you are spiritually strong enough, I assume you can do some sort of working to make you pack on muscle like crazy, if you had the time.

This is definitely the case and real. To reach high level of fitness, if this is your intention, you got to actually exercise. Yoga and Kundalini Yoga can propel you forward and your body will improve in all levels.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personally nothing of this puzzles me as I have seen many of these examples before. For example, everyone praised Vovim for years, but I know he was beating his wife senseless and he was a fucking cocaine infested fiend. When we knew, we immediately kicked the piece of crap out. Some people still remain "confused" on this petty animal. Apparently according to his wife Satanism was a joke to him and he only wanted people to "worship him", and worse.
Why is this being made public only now?
When Vovim has been kicked out, no big statements have been made (IIRC), and a popular HP just disappearing out of no where feeds the mystery. Now with Mageson things changed, as soon as he has been kicked, a public post containing the reasons for the ban has been promptly published, which is good. Mageson isn't surrounded by the "mysterious aura" that make people wonder what happened.
Now when one digs in the old material, and reads the author at the end of every post, a dozen ex-HP names appear, but, apart of the "About the former priesthood" sermon by you, it is hard to find out how these people ended being pushed away from the clergy.

About Vovim in particular, back when he was part of the clergy and earlier, meditations were often discovered and given, which had the goal of empowering one's self. People have a legitimate interest in enhancing themselves. Lately, spiritual war took the priority (rightfully, I'd say), so no new meditations are being given, and all the focus is on vibrating the RTRs. Advancement now is really about vibrating runes in the chakras, which is not always ideal. The most effective meditations whose scope is empowering the soul are about working with (manipulating) the energy and extreme mind focus.
New people look at these with high interest, and often see how some of these have been given by ex clergy. I personally, have tried all of Vovim's meditations in the past (lol) and can see how many of these don't make any sense, but of course, newbies don't.

My final thought is that the clergy should push sane individual soul's empowerment as well as the RTRs. Strong souls surely make the RTRs more effective, and people happier, it's a win-win.
Blitzkreig said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:

Just a personal anecdote, but ever since I started doing yoga + meditation, my musculature's appearance and strength has gone up significantly with no major change in diet, sleep, or exercise routine. To me, it makes sense to first lay the groundwork for powerful bioenergetics, then apply a small anabolic stimulus to it, as opposed to the other way around.

Even then, once you are spiritually strong enough, I assume you can do some sort of working to make you pack on muscle like crazy, if you had the time.

Yes. Even I experienced the same. And really really awesome stamina. I was doing around 20km( coverted to steps on a daily basis). Now that I am on a job this has gone down and my overall physical health seems low, but still really good compared to the average. I really just want to type and explain how awesome it got with these repeated day in and day out.
Diet changed along the way over time, like somedays my body would really desire some foods ( meats for example) .
Another deception promoted by Majewson is the Nama Sivaya mantra as something miraculous to open the crown chakra, in reality its effect is quite weak and Satanama is much more effective.
Because it was not important at all. Many things people consider important are not important.

This is about work for Satan this is what is important. Someone who does zero while others think they are something major is of no importance.

Where are the contributions? Only some random bs has been posted by the said character. Hazy nonsense. Wow, major work for Satan. So helpful.

To anyone who knows how this goes, this is extremely irrelevant.

Only insofar something interferes to this end of working for Satan (or not working when it is supposed to work) this is when actual Clergy has to intervene.

People are more advanced now than they ever were as a community. Back then it was a lot of talk, and nobody achieved anything. Everyone was busy in some sort of delusional phase, larping in short.

Pirate11 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personally nothing of this puzzles me as I have seen many of these examples before. For example, everyone praised Vovim for years, but I know he was beating his wife senseless and he was a fucking cocaine infested fiend. When we knew, we immediately kicked the piece of crap out. Some people still remain "confused" on this petty animal. Apparently according to his wife Satanism was a joke to him and he only wanted people to "worship him", and worse.
Why is this being made public only now?
Do not worry, I have told him [came from Azazel] that SATANAMA was for the Crown, and he happily went in to "share" it as his own.

But of course, had to confuse it with some Nama Sivaya nonsense, because a cake is never complete without the icing of confusion.

The same confusions were done on other things which HPS Maxine has shared.

Regardless, the knowledge was shared. So make use of it.

Wotanwarrior said:
Another deception promoted by Majewson is the Nama Sivaya mantra as something miraculous to open the crown chakra, in reality its effect is quite weak and Satanama is much more effective.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because it was not important at all. Many things people consider important are not important.

This is about work for Satan this is what is important. Someone who does zero while others think they are something major is of no importance.

Where are the contributions? Only some random bs has been posted by the said character. Hazy nonsense. Wow, major work for Satan. So helpful.

To anyone who knows how this goes, this is extremely irrelevant.

Only insofar something interferes to this end of working for Satan (or not working when it is supposed to work) this is when actual Clergy has to intervene.

People are more advanced now than they ever were as a community. Back then it was a lot of talk, and nobody achieved anything. Everyone was busy in some sort of delusional phase, larping in short.
I see your point, thanks for sharing. "Gossip" is not important at all, but I think pointing out things in a clear manner is, so myths about these people are not feed though
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not worry, I have told him [came from Azazel] that SATANAMA was for the Crown, and he happily went in to "share" it as his own.

But of course, had to confuse it with some Nama Sivaya nonsense, because a cake is never complete without the icing of confusion.

The same confusions were done on other things which HPS Maxine has shared.

Regardless, the knowledge was shared. So make use of it.

Wotanwarrior said:
Another deception promoted by Majewson is the Nama Sivaya mantra as something miraculous to open the crown chakra, in reality its effect is quite weak and Satanama is much more effective.

So glad i saw this. will start incorporating it right away...after the VOC :p
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bigot Boy said:

- Paper money is temporary and eventually will need to be done away with. I believe he stated the Gods use energy (as in gathered Aether) as currency - if this is the case, then it would be somewhat feasible to think we could potentially shift to a similar system in the FAR future.

I said this about the energy both publicly and in private emails as I have seen this and got told by the Gods. He just went on with what I stated to gently correct his communist insanity.

The other line he also said was that money is the root of all evil basically, and general poverty peaching. After me and HPS Maxine lashed out at him raging, he chaged the tune to supposedly promote money is ok and be rich fake posting. We deleted these posts

He also said this other thing that studying in university was bad etc, and when I came in and answered this may leave people destitute, he again did the same pullback and pretended it was something else. As always it were. Do not pay attention to me planting kike seeds goyim, it was something else.

Covertly, he also promoted and admitted years ago that his real agenda was to draw a line that Satan = Jesus, which is a line that is being shilled by the "Socialist" and Masonic Jew Pinkham, who is a jewish sellout. HP Jake admitted this to me in a mail that I still have, that this was his secret agenda and factor.

Another lie also inclued the bullshit that mixed people should go with the race they "feel". I myself as a newbie did not understand this.

Then, reasonable inspection shows there are no feelings here, only the hard reality of genes. A person who is half blac but "felt white", adulterates further the white bloodline if they breed with a fully White person.

Promotion of socialism, veganism, anarchy with Kroptkin, poverty, away with the evil money, do not exercise, and many more things. Welcome to the dead husks of Satanism goyim. And its ok to just follow feelings goy in regards to this race thing. Also, Satan is Christos goyim, oy vey and oy gevalt.

Does this include the 'socialism' in National Socialism as explained by the pdf in Socialism vs Communism in the Satan's Library?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not worry, I have told him [came from Azazel] that SATANAMA was for the Crown, and he happily went in to "share" it as his own.

But of course, had to confuse it with some Nama Sivaya nonsense, because a cake is never complete without the icing of confusion.

The same confusions were done on other things which HPS Maxine has shared.

Regardless, the knowledge was shared. So make use of it.

Wotanwarrior said:
Another deception promoted by Majewson is the Nama Sivaya mantra as something miraculous to open the crown chakra, in reality its effect is quite weak and Satanama is much more effective.

I'm just seeing this. I vibrated that Nama Sivaya for 160days.
So mageson is not for us?
Socialism without a Racial/National element is just another kike ideology straight from the bible. Unless one thinks its a moral thing to power kikes, feed poor jews, and become a financial slave for every parasite that treads in one's land.

This type of jewish morality of help without any discrimination, is just Bible based, and a mental illness. It fed parasites on the face of this earth for aeons. The breaking point is that the feeders are now going to die.

If you want to see what Socialism without race is, just observe Sweden, which is in real time being masscared racially by millions of parasites, because it is so kind and "Socialist". Socialist enough that it robs most people's income to feed to Abdullah and his 12 children. They have the Socialist healthcare, so they can share their hospitals with around 500,000 invaders every so often, who get it for free.

And oy vey, while people were living in little Hobbit land, being the good Swesish Samarites and all, and being good to Rabbi Jesus with their Socialist ideology, here came millions of invaders to breed them out of existence one shiny morning. Needless to say, pacifistic mental illness is what breeds this type of morality, which in turn creates "Socialism".

Many people think Socialism is better than Capitalism but this is a lie. It is just Socialism is a fake pill to make the masses feel better, while Capitalism is more geared in helping another select branch of a country. Neither of them are more moral. The argument on if one has to feed all the weak for no reason, or just overpower the strong until they crash people like ants financially, is a non argument. Both these states represent an imbalance.

Hitler fixed this imbalance, maintaining both the rich and superiors, and generating a system that allowed rise of the lower, while everyone worked for a same direction of advancement. This is how balance of life is attained.

Socialism by itself and as it generally was conceived is a mental illness as Nietzsche has explained, and is nothing but a rule of the mob. It justifies theft of the wealth of some people to feed people who have done nothing or want to do nothing, and is generally the wrong side of the mob wanting extra privilleges.

Its mirror is Capitalism which is another extreme of stealing people's labor which is a system where a minority abuses the majority. Socialism is a system where the mob abuses the minority.

For example in Communist and Socialist countries, taxation can be so high, that you can never escape from the mob financially or otherwise. The far end of both is Communism or centralized injustice that empowers only Jews.

National Socialism is a system into itself and not a copy of Capitalism or Socialism. It does not seek to be neither. "Socialists" were destroyed by Hitler and their jewish parties outlawed. Those who wanted to implement more "Socialism" towards the red color, they were all likewise crushed.

Hitler destroyed the "socialist" wing of his own party after he got power, because they wanted to essentially practice similar wealth stealing practices like all "Socialist" governments have been doing, which involve robbing people of their wealth and extreme taxation just to feed the "needy". The needy do not need to be fed by stealing the wealthy, or by killing them or taxing them to disaster, as Socialism states. This destroyes capable individuals to help individuals less able. This helps neither of them in the long run.

Hitler fed the poor and needy by creating a system so that they will ascend if willing, and not by skinning alive the rich Gentiles, many of which are clever, enterpeneurs, job creators, or otherwise geniuses in scientific or medical fields. This agitated the "socialists" who were suffering by the mental illness Nietszche describes as the "loss of understanding of the order of Rank".

Like the Nazarene, they hated the "Rich" and the "Powerful", without minding their sacrifices, abilities or consequences. Capitalists had the other mind virus which made them hate the "poor" and the "lowly". These two states are the essence of the Jewish severing of the ties of the Volk. Many idiots pratice this to the very day.

The rich Gentiles and the strong are needed for civilization to exist. They do not need to be robbed or made into poverty so that some worthless invader is given endless money as "Socialism" has praticed. Likewise, all the people who are simpler or not yet developed, are also required for life to go forward. Both of these construct the Commonwealth and Nation, and they are all cells of the Volk.

Hitler restored this balance without resorting to jewish extremes that ruin civilization.

George Soros is an example of a jewish Capitalist. He believes for example, it is his duty to force migrants in your country because he is Chosen Jew and you are mass goyim.

Your local ANTIFA who wants you to get all the non Americans in the US so you can feed them eternally, is your jewish Socialist. He will raze your city down if you do not give your shekels to the migrants Soros brings.

Both work for the Hammer and Sickle, and are trying to instate Communism. The starting story is different but the end result the same.

Both of these are abnormal and extreme, and constitute, in their own way, in the subversion of civilization.

Hitler built and ruled beyond and far away from this spectrum. He restored social balance and material order.

SATchives said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bigot Boy said:

- Paper money is temporary and eventually will need to be done away with. I believe he stated the Gods use energy (as in gathered Aether) as currency - if this is the case, then it would be somewhat feasible to think we could potentially shift to a similar system in the FAR future.

Does this include the 'socialism' in National Socialism as explained by the pdf in Socialism vs Communism in the Satan's Library?
Nama Sivaya is one of the most basic mantras of Yoga. It is not a secret or anything important. Just slapped together from any novice book a Yogi would read.

So no, it is not bad if you did this, but this whole ranting over it was just more obtuse bullshit of making irrelevant things sound super secret and super smart.

Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not worry, I have told him [came from Azazel] that SATANAMA was for the Crown, and he happily went in to "share" it as his own.

But of course, had to confuse it with some Nama Sivaya nonsense, because a cake is never complete without the icing of confusion.

The same confusions were done on other things which HPS Maxine has shared.

Regardless, the knowledge was shared. So make use of it.

Wotanwarrior said:
Another deception promoted by Majewson is the Nama Sivaya mantra as something miraculous to open the crown chakra, in reality its effect is quite weak and Satanama is much more effective.

I'm just seeing this. I vibrated that Nama Sivaya for 160days.
So mageson is not for us?
Another one I remember was he repeteated many times the ejaculating into the blabber to pee it later thing, as a form of not losing the orgasmic energy. I've only found info of it being a sexual disfunction, and it pretty much sounded like the "yogic" nonsense of cutting the tongue and other harmful garbage, unless I'm missing something.
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not worry, I have told him [came from Azazel] that SATANAMA was for the Crown, and he happily went in to "share" it as his own.

But of course, had to confuse it with some Nama Sivaya nonsense, because a cake is never complete without the icing of confusion.

The same confusions were done on other things which HPS Maxine has shared.

Regardless, the knowledge was shared. So make use of it.

Wotanwarrior said:
Another deception promoted by Majewson is the Nama Sivaya mantra as something miraculous to open the crown chakra, in reality its effect is quite weak and Satanama is much more effective.

I'm just seeing this. I vibrated that Nama Sivaya for 160days.
So mageson is not for us?

No, Majewson was never one of us.

The mantra Nama Sivaya is not bad, but is less efective, the true mantra of the five elements is Satanama.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Socialism without a Racial/National element is just another kike ideology straight from the bible. Unless one thinks its a moral thing to power kikes, feed poor jews, and become a financial slave for every parasite that treads in one's land.

This type of jewish morality of help without any discrimination, is just Bible based, and a mental illness. It fed parasites on the face of this earth for aeons. The breaking point is that the feeders are now going to die.

If you want to see what Socialism without race is, just observe Sweden, which is in real time being masscared racially by millions of parasites, because it is so kind and "Socialist". Socialist enough that it robs most people's income to feed to Abdullah and his 12 children. They have the Socialist healthcare, so they can share their hospitals with around 500,000 invaders every so often, who get it for free.

And oy vey, while people were living in little Hobbit land, being the good Swedish Samarites and all, and being good to Rabbi Jesus with their Socialist ideology, here came millions of invaders to breed them out of existence one shiny morning. Needless to say, pacifistic mental illness is what breeds this type of morality, which in turn creates "Socialism".

They practice this in a financial fashion: Indiscriminate giving and social policy. They wanted to "give", without minding who will preserve civilization or caring to procure great examples. Instead, they chose a mob rule. Eventually, the beliefs of the mob, controlled by the Jews, led them to their present day impasse. Mob rule, sissyfication, "Wanting to help" but not giving a fuck about whom, and "if you have two cloaks give the other one to your Somalian invader" are now causing demographic collapse in Sweden.

Meanwhile, the United States, represented for a long time the other corner of Capitalism. Eventually, both are ending up in the same hole - for example, most people in the US cannot even get healthcare. Because mass capital wants cheap labor, and Soros wants migrants, the country is rapidly going down in seeking other countries for the profit of large businesses. Due to the nature of the jewish power in the US, many of the empowered individuals of Capitalism, are not Gentiles, and oftentimes, not caring individuals.

The above, despite of totally opposed systems, always cause the same end result and bring about the same destructive extremes. We observe this happening everyday. Because no matter if it's called Capitalism or Socialism, these are only two visual avenues to the same jewish rule, and both reflect each a positive and a negative, which the jews steal the positive and allow the negative to flow down.

For example, the negative of social help of "Socialism" in Sweden, is stolen loot by invaders. The "strong individuals" of United States Capitalism, become Jews like Soros, who financially abuse everyone. This creates disaster in both ends.

People are somehow now "happy" or say it is "default" that "The United States will go into Socialism". Between the two systems, "Socialism" is the system which is far more empowering to the mob rule. With the current demographics, all one can expect, is what is called the "Blue Winter", or the eternal re-election of the Democratic party.

The spirit of entrepreneurship and creativity, and personal freedom, slowly dying out, and everything being fizzled to Communism and overwhelming mob rule. Not before long, job creators, rich Gentiles, and people who have capacity like businesses, will be gradually outlawed, or strangulated financially. This happens now with the Co-Vid. As more people drop into poverty, many people will want "Socialism" or basically an overpowered State to take care of them.

When you have Gentiles on top of the State, and they are Volk respecting, this COULD work, provided that Jews and their morals are not around to cause mental and spiritual corruption. But having jews, all they will do, is abuse citizens into submission through centralized power. Slowly, this runs the risk of devolving into a brutal form of Communism.

To put it bluntly, under Socialism, all the enemy will have to do is agitate and financially empower specific segments of the population, and remove a few rights claiming it's for the benefit of "Society". Then the usual recipe which they do is always bring in dilution of values - and always bring more people in who don't give a damn about American values, rights or identity. And who don't even care about the so called "American Dream".

First and Second Amendment are too "egoistical" and go against the "mob" of "Socialists". Gotta remove them quickly, Goy. "You can't say no cause we'll cut your UBI if you do.". "Shove this vaccine syringe up your ass, you are on welfare after all. You can't own a business because Bernie rose taxes to 70% so you can feed infinite amounts of invaders. Meanwhile Bernie and his pals had too much money and brought his business to China or on another country, protecting their assets from inflation of printing infinite Socialist shekels without remorse, so when they come back, they will be trillionaires as this will be like Cuba. So slowly the country is rotting, but the jews are safe. When they return as trillionaires, they'll change your flag for the Hammer and Sickle. Now do as we say goyim or your UBI will be cut, eventhough it's pointless because the so called "Free Market" adjusted rent prices so you can shove your dollars up your ass now. Lol goyim".

This type is a typical, Socialist dystopia that could take place under jews.

Many people think Socialism is better than Capitalism but this is a lie. It is just Socialism is a fake pill to make the masses feel better, while Capitalism is more geared in helping another select branch of a country. Neither of them are more moral. The argument on if one has to feed all the weak for no reason, or just overpower the strong until they crash people like ants financially, is a non argument. Both these states represent an imbalance.

Hitler fixed this imbalance, maintaining both the rich and superiors, and generating a system that allowed rise of the lower, while everyone worked for a same direction of advancement. This is how balance of life is attained.

Socialism by itself and as it generally was conceived is a mental illness as Nietzsche has explained, and is nothing but a rule of the mob. It justifies theft of the wealth of some people to feed people who have done nothing or want to do nothing, and is generally the wrong side of the mob wanting extra privilleges.

Its mirror is Capitalism which is another extreme of stealing people's labor which is a system where a minority abuses the majority. Socialism is a system where the mob abuses the minority.

For example in Communist and Socialist countries, taxation can be so high, that you can never escape from the mob financially or otherwise. The far end of both is Communism or centralized injustice that empowers only Jews.

National Socialism is a system into itself and not a copy of Capitalism or Socialism. It does not seek to be neither. "Socialists" were destroyed by Hitler and their jewish parties outlawed. Those who wanted to implement more "Socialism" towards the red color, they were all likewise crushed.

Hitler destroyed the "socialist" wing of his own party after he got power, because they wanted to essentially practice similar wealth stealing practices like all "Socialist" governments have been doing, which involve robbing people of their wealth and extreme taxation just to feed the "needy". The needy do not need to be fed by stealing the wealthy, or by killing them or taxing them to disaster, as Socialism states. This destroyes capable individuals to help individuals less able. This helps neither of them in the long run.

Hitler fed the poor and needy by creating a system so that they will ascend if willing, and not by skinning alive the rich Gentiles, many of which are clever, enterpeneurs, job creators, or otherwise geniuses in scientific or medical fields. This agitated the "socialists" who were suffering by the mental illness Nietszche describes as the "loss of understanding of the order of Rank".

Like the Nazarene, they hated the "Rich" and the "Powerful", without minding their sacrifices, abilities or consequences. Capitalists had the other mind virus which made them hate the "poor" and the "lowly". These two states are the essence of the Jewish severing of the ties of the Volk. Many idiots pratice this to the very day.

The rich Gentiles and the strong are needed for civilization to exist. They do not need to be robbed or made into poverty so that some worthless invader is given endless money as "Socialism" has praticed. Likewise, all the people who are simpler or not yet developed, are also required for life to go forward. Both of these construct the Commonwealth and Nation, and they are all cells of the Volk.

Hitler restored this balance without resorting to jewish extremes that ruin civilization.

George Soros is an example of a jewish Capitalist. He believes for example, it is his duty to force migrants in your country because he is Chosen Jew and you are mass goyim.

Your local ANTIFA who wants you to get all the non Americans in the US so you can feed them eternally, is your jewish Socialist. He will raze your city down if you do not give your shekels to the migrants Soros brings.

Both work for the Hammer and Sickle, and are trying to instate Communism. The starting story is different but the end result the same.

Both of these are abnormal and extreme, and constitute, in their own way, in the subversion of civilization.

Hitler built and ruled beyond and far away from this spectrum. He restored social balance and material order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

SATchives said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Does this include the 'socialism' in National Socialism as explained by the pdf in Socialism vs Communism in the Satan's Library?

Thank you for the further enlightenment, I had the basis of this understood but this helped me further to understand this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nama Sivaya is one of the most basic mantras of Yoga. It is not a secret or anything important. Just slapped together from any novice book a Yogi would read.

So no, it is not bad if you did this, but this whole ranting over it was just more obtuse bullshit of making irrelevant things sound super secret and super smart.

How do I vibrate or use the Mantra SATANAMA to empower my crown Chakra. Although I do the Merkaba using it. But to target the crown Chakra I feel will be different.
Thank you HP HoodedCobra

Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do not worry, I have told him [came from Azazel] that SATANAMA was for the Crown, and he happily went in to "share" it as his own.

But of course, had to confuse it with some Nama Sivaya nonsense, because a cake is never complete without the icing of confusion.

The same confusions were done on other things which HPS Maxine has shared.

Regardless, the knowledge was shared. So make use of it.

I'm just seeing this. I vibrated that Nama Sivaya for 160days.
So mageson is not for us?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
