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Clearing Up Past Disinfo

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It's not like jew have infiltrated all Satanic organizations over the course of history.. Or wait, they actually did!

Let this be a lesson to all SS about how seriously dangerous jews are.

All in all, if magson posed a bigger threat, the Gods would've dealt with him years ago. Based on my knowledge and experience, since the Gods "came back" they haven't directly taken care off of all the issues for us, as this simply is impossible due to time issues mainly. They guide, share knowledge, protect and they only interfere when the situation becomes dire, they expect us to be able to take care of ourselves and our loved ones and I'm pretty sure they expect you and the other HPs to take care of these issues. This means they quite literally won't help us in these matters unless we ask (and are serious about solving said issues) or if they have time, which is extremely rare.

There have been countless issues that I could've avoided if I was warned, but why would they warn me if it's not extremely dangerous? What good would that do to me? And what good would that do to them? It's quite simple really, people in our times have become so fragile and entitled, even SS unfortunately.

Luckily, magson wasn't successful in causing harm as he was put on a leash since the beginning.

Thank you for your efforts, HP HC.
Blackdragon666 said:
Because Mageson had a habit of pushing some scientific 'facts' which were not even understood by people oftenly. While it's plausible that the ice age model may be wrong and the rise in sea level was caused by the destruction of planet Phaeton, the Earth's tilt seems to have always been around. Many species did also disappear during the event.

Can you explain why the four seasons, equinoxes and solstices match exactly with the cardinal signs? It has also been explained that 666 can be interpreted as 6×6×6 which gives 216 which corresponds with 2160; roughly the time each astrological age lasts. Very many ancient monuments also align with either the solstices or past north stars. The evidence is strong that the earth has always had a tilt.
You’re argument is that the the event that caused the tilt and did it so perfectly that we have our four seasons that align with the zodiac, etc, is would be too rare to consider this, but this argument doesn’t hold. You’re forgetting how the material plane even manifests in the first place. It starts in the astral, where there is a grid founded on geometry and math. This is how these seemingly perfect scenarios can manifest and it seems almost as if it is by design or that some ‘creator’ made. These are the arguments of Xian’s and others.

As stated, how could I or anyone know for sure? It’s simply a theory. Otherwise I can’t see much evidence the tilt has been here since the beginning? The fossil records of the north and south poles speak for themselves. You agree there is likely hood of a destroyed planet in our solar system? That’s a lot of energy. How would that effect other near by planets? There’s also evidence Mars was habitable in the past. Perhaps it was effected too? Again, all speculation. Who knows. But the argument of it couldn’t be a coincidence because it all happens perfectly, doesn’t work, because life and existing in itself could be argued in the same way, but the fact is the argument can only stand if you dismiss the metaphysical side of things and how the material plane works and starts first in the metaphysical. I hope this makes sense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...HP. Jake Carlson...

What about his GBLT Thule website? Is it wrong to take information from that website now?

I mean how much of his information is valid. He does make some good points on certain topics on his website but I also noticed things like for example.

Ex: He states 735,000 years ago, according to Mageson Sumerians believe humanity dates back to about 500,000 years ago, he(Jake) states Aldebaran Nordics went to the Earth and did things here. On top of that he also states somewhere else about 920,000(I believe 920-950) something else happened.

I'm not sure exactly how old humanity is in accordance to the true age of humanity. But is it weird that Jake put pre-Satan information on his website if we were to assume Satan is about 540,000ish years old.

What about some of the more radical information found among Jake's website? Is all his information wrong or garbage or can we still peek at some of it and extract a semblance of appropriate information explaining our history?
Eric13 said:
Many people eat meat and are unhealthy. It’s because they’re not getting enough plant foods. The whole idea is more plant foods are needed in most people’s diets. That isn’t a bad thing. Animal products are 100% necessary too. And if you can get from humane sources it’s wise to include actual meat in your diet. However, as stated, you can remain healthy by including eggs and dairy.

These sentences summarize the key point of what you just said, however a person with a properly balanced diet would still not be vegan or vegetarian. Also, someone who can be labeled as vegan/vegetarian could still eat processed soy items and not gain any health benefit. My point is that the label of vegetarian or vegan does not properly describe a true balanced diet, as well as having all sorts of connotations, so I wouldn't even bother with them. The point about eating more vegetables is definitely the case, however.
Eric13 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Because Mageson had a habit of pushing some scientific 'facts' which were not even understood by people oftenly. While it's plausible that the ice age model may be wrong and the rise in sea level was caused by the destruction of planet Phaeton, the Earth's tilt seems to have always been around. Many species did also disappear during the event.

Can you explain why the four seasons, equinoxes and solstices match exactly with the cardinal signs? It has also been explained that 666 can be interpreted as 6×6×6 which gives 216 which corresponds with 2160; roughly the time each astrological age lasts. Very many ancient monuments also align with either the solstices or past north stars. The evidence is strong that the earth has always had a tilt.
You’re argument is that the the event that caused the tilt and did it so perfectly that we have our four seasons that align with the zodiac, etc, is would be too rare to consider this, but this argument doesn’t hold. You’re forgetting how the material plane even manifests in the first place. It starts in the astral, where there is a grid founded on geometry and math. This is how these seemingly perfect scenarios can manifest and it seems almost as if it is by design or that some ‘creator’ made. These are the arguments of Xian’s and others.

As stated, how could I or anyone know for sure? It’s simply a theory. Otherwise I can’t see much evidence the tilt has been here since the beginning? The fossil records of the north and south poles speak for themselves. You agree there is likely hood of a destroyed planet in our solar system? That’s a lot of energy. How would that effect other near by planets? There’s also evidence Mars was habitable in the past. Perhaps it was effected too? Again, all speculation. Who knows. But the argument of it couldn’t be a coincidence because it all happens perfectly, doesn’t work, because life and existing in itself could be argued in the same way, but the fact is the argument can only stand if you dismiss the metaphysical side of things and how the material plane works and starts first in the metaphysical. I hope this makes sense.
No, my argument is that the event is completely unrelated to the tilt.

No that doesn't make sense at all in relation to the topic.

So a planet with a lot of water broke up in the event of destruction by hostile enemies. Some of the planet's debris remained in orbit as the asteroid belt and the rest was scattered in the solar system, some of it finding it's way to the Earth.

The incoming material caused global weather disasters and a rise in sea level, extinction of several species and humans had to migrate to underground tunnels (where some still remain today who are believed to be ascended).

What doesn't make sense is that the event caused the Earth, which allegedly had no tilt before, to tilt and therefore introduce seasons, equinoxes and solstices, and the astrological ages. The metaphysical is not part of it as this is supposed to be an accident.

On the JoS page for the pyramids, it is noted that they were built after the floods and in the age of Leo which would be between 12,000-10,000 years ago which coincides with the timeline. This additionally shows that astrological ages were not a new thing introduced by the event, but rather something the ancients were aware of. In other words, the planet has always had a tilt on its axis.
Eric13 said:
Larissa666 said:
Does this imply he had an agenda from the very beginning?
Yeah, as he said he admitted to Jake he had an agenda from the beginning to more or less paint Satan as christ. As well as actively mislead people and who knows what else.

I’m honestly still super confused. If Mageson wasn’t a victim and was unsalvageable, and the problem was in his soul, then I guess that clears it up. He was jewish? That’s so confusing to know we had a jew hp all this time. As well we still have his writings, the writings of a jew, on the most antisemetic site on the web? Confusion...

But that’s why I think this thread is important. To clear this shit up. I stated stuff I shouldn’t have in another thread on this topic, but I’m glad I did in retrospect because it allowed Cobra to come on and actually enlighten and clear up the confusion I had. I think a lot of people have been acting is if they knew all along and aren’t surprised, but most of those same people can be seen kissing Magesons ass and thanking him endlessly in even recent sermons only months ago. I think the full truth caught most off guard and that’s fine. We’re human. Discussing it is best rather than pretending to not care and that you ‘knew’ all along. It is important to have as much cleared up as we safely can.
I think this has a lot to do with the post made by HP Cobra about priesthood.
Also one thing we can see here is that the JOS website is in really generalistic terms and the focus of " we are serious about meditations" does take out lots of confusion if someone seriously sticks to it. And also just really seeing if what is posted is of any real help or not in generalistic terms. Eg. The lines mentioned by Cobra about the enemy messing with our minds and making one forget totally about their interaction or the possibility of a better place ( with Satanic values and ways of life ) is something I experienced. I had meanings changed completely in mind to the point I felt real confusion or just general astral bullying. So things like things do "pop up" when someone is actively collectively doing something as a group, maybe happened with people higher up before already so they mention them. It can be strange to be in the middle of war and have posts like " Satan is christos" or whatever that may mean, because I had to endure that which was really emotionally and physically taxing in ways I cannot explain( being born in a completely pagan household).

Ofcourse there are signs of things feeling off but it is people when collectively push someone up for being and HP is when things get really messed up. I would just conclude after almost all mageson posts about maybe me having my mind washed ( not smart enough ) to understand these things.Whereas things posted by HP maxine do turn out the ways explained ( the meditations part and experiences atleast).
Also I guess when it was mentioned about this being the "final phase" ( maybe?) ( talking collectively here) , almost all knowledge has been messed up and then way spiritual ( alchemical codes) have been messed up and brought in common lingo losing all value these previously had.

Being adamant about proving the above is anything but either -1. stupidity or 2. an agenda.
And claiming to have read all the books from the distant parts of the Universe and coming to the above conclusion does show a clear motive.

The things mentioned in each soul being different is necessary to really understand as when we put out broad statements claiming this is what we are supposed to be like or this is what we stand for can/will cause problems for people. Or bullying people with a HP badge and then coming out on more later posts and saying a higher spiritual rank generally is linked with greater empathy is messed up. I happened to stumble upon a video of some jews who claim we should all be using " empathy" regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict is how this person worked too for the most part.
Blitzkreig said:
Eric13 said:
Many people eat meat and are unhealthy. It’s because they’re not getting enough plant foods. The whole idea is more plant foods are needed in most people’s diets. That isn’t a bad thing. Animal products are 100% necessary too. And if you can get from humane sources it’s wise to include actual meat in your diet. However, as stated, you can remain healthy by including eggs and dairy.

These sentences summarize the key point of what you just said, however a person with a properly balanced diet would still not be vegan or vegetarian. Also, someone who can be labeled as vegan/vegetarian could still eat processed soy items and not gain any health benefit. My point is that the label of vegetarian or vegan does not properly describe a true balanced diet, as well as having all sorts of connotations, so I wouldn't even bother with them. The point about eating more vegetables is definitely the case, however.
The reason I made that post is I believe a largely vegetarian diet is an option for some who don’t care for meat. There’s no dietary restrictions in Satanism. It’s clear veganism is a different thing. It’s not a diet, it’s something crazier. And it has tremendous long term negative effects.

I think people going vegetarian or vegan for ethical reasons need to re-evaluate the situation. I’ve worked on animal farms. The reality is different than the propaganda. As well, the worst footage I’ve soon online is not from humans killing other animals, but other animals killing other animals. Such is life and it is the way it is, and it’s a part of nature we have to accept. Satan has said, there is destruction in the world and there is creation. It’s a balance.

I will always suggest people to some extent include actual meat in their diet. However, the reasons for vegetarians isn’t always ethics. Some just don’t care for meat. Or at least most meat like beef, pork, and chicken. However, in this case I would advise they eat some meat. Whatever they do like. The way a diet, including meat needs to be thought out with the person’s individual needs in mind for health, the same would apply to vegetarians. Most unhealthy people eat meat. Many vegetarians are unhealthy too. The key is thoughtfulness when structuring ones meals.
Mageson also spoke negatively of Helena Blavatsky. Was he right?

I mean, she was into jewish mysticism, so he might have been right on that one.
Larissa666 said:
Mageson also spoke negatively of Helena Blavatsky. Was he right?

I mean, she was into jewish mysticism, so he might have been right on that one.
IIRC he also said that crowley was christian but from what I have seen he isn't one.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Larissa666 said:
Mageson also spoke negatively of Helena Blavatsky. Was he right?

I mean, she was into jewish mysticism, so he might have been right on that one.
IIRC he also said that crowley was christian but from what I have seen he isn't one.

Crowley was deep into jewish magic.
Crowley was a heroin addict, and also did any other drug every chance he got. And 99% of his "accomplishments" were all Qlippoth and Kabbalah, which are purposefully and directly created to completely destroy a person's soul in every possible way. He even worked with the British government to try to do death curses against Hitler. Crowley's entire life was focused on blasting himself apart with insane qlippoth curses, always being very drunk and on many different drugs, and having sex with men. And he lived every day either in jail or in the homeless shelter.

What about this rat could you possibly think is good in any way? I think it's pretty discusting to think such a person is anything good. What about him is any different from any other insane homeless drug addict that you can find in most train stations? What makes this one special?
Wotanwarrior said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Larissa666 said:
Mageson also spoke negatively of Helena Blavatsky. Was he right?

I mean, she was into jewish mysticism, so he might have been right on that one.
IIRC he also said that crowley was christian but from what I have seen he isn't one.
Crowley was deep into jewish magic.

And a degenerate druggie on top of that.

Jewish magic and drugs seem to go hand in hand very well...
Bigot Boy said:
A lot of harmful ideas were spread by past clergy members, and these need to be cleared up.

If you have any to share, please comment below so all of this lingering disinformation can be snuffed out. There is so much that has been stated over the years, it's impossible to recount every single one before posting this thread.

I will put in red what is already confirmed to be false as of the creation of this thread.

Ideas that came from Mageson:

- White + Asian hybrids have a high tendency to be psychotic. (Notable subraces that fall within this category are Japanese and Mexicans)

- Weightlifting is a waste of time. He also stated because of his supposed high spiritual level, he could gain muscle really fast from small amounts of weight training. But, according to him he was very physically fit before coming to Satanism, and, if this is true, simple muscle memory would make gaining back lost muscles a fast process and is not an indicator of spiritual power.

- Socialism is a needed step towards National Socialism.

- Vegetarianism being optimal. Initially he promoted it, then backtracked and said small portions of meat and lots of greens was optimal. It was either him or Jake Carlson that also stated Hitler was vegetarian.

- UBI being a good thing that should be widespread.

- Drinking a glass of wine before meditation helps one relax, and was done by Hindus.

- Ginger hair is a natural trait for Whites. HPS Maxine stated it came from Whites mixing with Blacks, and not naturally occurring among Whites. I personally leaned towards Mageson's opinion on this matter, but would like this cleared up.

- 10,000 years ago, before the great flood, the entire Earth had the same climate, that being tropical. He also stated it was likely dinosaurs, neanderthals and such were still around then, as modern fossil dating methods are flawed. He also said that these species may still exist in the unexplored areas of the Earth.

- There used to be 13 months, in accordance with 13 yearly moon cycles, and that 12 months is a corruption. He stated there is about an extra minute attributed to every day currently that also helped his theory. I always thought this theory made some sense, but then again the 13th zodiac is supposed to be "hidden".

Note from Lydia that is related to this: "Ophiuchus is important, but guess what, there are 88 constellations. And only 12 of them are ones that our Sun and planets move through."

- Abraham Lincoln was a race traitor, selling out the South. He stated the civil war was never about slavery, but was about the South fighting against globalist (Jewish) banks being allowed in. In summary, the Confederacy was the actual "good", gentile side, not the North as is stated in modern history books.

- Originally Gnostics were Satanists that were pretending to worship Jesus in order to stay hidden on the Jew's radar.

- Paper money is temporary and eventually will need to be done away with. I believe he stated the Gods use energy (as in gathered Aether) as currency - if this is the case, then it would be somewhat feasible to think we could potentially shift to a similar system in the FAR future.

- True Kung Fu masters that used chi could knock people out simply through prana, not even needing to touch them. This doesn't seem far fetched to me but thought I'd mention it.

- That the KKK was never Satanic, which goes directly against what is stated about the Ku Klux Klan's origins on the Joy Of Satan main website. Note that the modern KKK is stated to be heavily corrupted regardless.

Ideas that came from Jake Carlson:

- Astarte is the patron Goddess of transvestites, and seemingly promoting sex change rather than acceptance of one's own sex.

- In Nazi Germany, citizens would throw feces at monotheistic churches as a form of protest.

- He also used to promote straight men dating trans women, and things like this. Saying it doesn't make them "gay" to do so.


Also I would just like to add in a very old article on the Joy Of Satan website, that is from 2005. It states the following:
The Wand is a standard ritual tool used by mages and sorcerers of the enemy. I strongly discourage the use of a wand. It is also called a "Blasting Rod" and for centuries has been used to abuse and exploit Demons in the name of the enemy "god" and angels.
From: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/RITUALITEMS.html

This page never sat well with me, as the wand is simply a representation of the Satanic symbol of the phallus, and the masculinity this symbol represents is used in directing energy. Likewise, the staff is just a longer version of the wand, and is a representation of the spine. I have personally played around with wands over the years with no repercussions - it's basically an extension of your hand chakras.

If confirmed to be no longer accurate by an HP, I'd like to request the page be corrected, as this confused me when I was new to Satanism years ago.
If the Gods use energy as currency then can I buy money? I asked Satan he was laughing for 2 minutes straight.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Crowley was a heroin addict, and also did any other drug every chance he got. And 99% of his "accomplishments" were all Qlippoth and Kabbalah, which are purposefully and directly created to completely destroy a person's soul in every possible way. He even worked with the British government to try to do death curses against Hitler. Crowley's entire life was focused on blasting himself apart with insane qlippoth curses, always being very drunk and on many different drugs, and having sex with men. And he lived every day either in jail or in the homeless shelter.

What about this rat could you possibly think is good in any way? I think it's pretty discusting to think such a person is anything good. What about him is any different from any other insane homeless drug addict that you can find in most train stations? What makes this one special?
From the little I read (on Wikipedia) he saw good in nazism and thelema was Pagan. Also it was Carlson and Mageson that shitted on him the most.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Crowley was a heroin addict, and also did any other drug every chance he got. And 99% of his "accomplishments" were all Qlippoth and Kabbalah, which are purposefully and directly created to completely destroy a person's soul in every possible way. He even worked with the British government to try to do death curses against Hitler. Crowley's entire life was focused on blasting himself apart with insane qlippoth curses, always being very drunk and on many different drugs, and having sex with men. And he lived every day either in jail or in the homeless shelter.

What about this rat could you possibly think is good in any way? I think it's pretty discusting to think such a person is anything good. What about him is any different from any other insane homeless drug addict that you can find in most train stations? What makes this one special?
From the little I read (on Wikipedia) he saw good in nazism and thelema was Pagan. Also it was Carlson and Mageson that shitted on him the most.
The 'New Forest Coven' was a group of right hand path magicians who did a cone of power ritual against Hitler and the Nazis.

On one of the accounts I read, Crowley is said to have attended it. If that is true then it's even more clear that he was in allegiance with the enemy.

Crowley was just a degenerate guy who was in contact with the enemy. His books are largely full of misinformation and many weird things. I think he was a victim of practicing RHP spirituality (wasn't he from the Golden Dawn secret society which is highly corrupted with Hebrew Kabbalah?).

It's true he was pretty psychic and gifted in magic but any such people who are in bed with the enemy never live good lives.
TopoftheAbyss said:
From the little I read (on Wikipedia) he saw good in nazism and thelema was Pagan. Also it was Carlson and Mageson that shitted on him the most.
Saying that Thelema is Pagan is like saying that drain cleaner is a healthy drink. It is absolute pure Qlippoth, the only thing it does is completely rots people's souls in every way.

How about making your judgements based on a little more than just 2 paragraphs on Wikipedia? And actually learn what something is before acting like you got an opinion about it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
From the little I read (on Wikipedia) he saw good in nazism and thelema was Pagan. Also it was Carlson and Mageson that shitted on him the most.
Saying that Thelema is Pagan is like saying that drain cleaner is a healthy drink. It is absolute pure Qlippoth, the only thing it does is completely rots people's souls in every way.

How about making your judgements based on a little more than just 2 paragraphs on Wikipedia? And actually learn what something is before acting like you got an opinion about it.
You are an idiot. Unlike you I can't just look at things without thinking at all and the posts I'm writing here are to get a better opinion. Especially considering that the enemy lies continually there is a possibility that he was actually Pagan.
And you can see often the truth on wikipedia. They can't make all that shit up.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
From the little I read (on Wikipedia) he saw good in nazism and thelema was Pagan. Also it was Carlson and Mageson that shitted on him the most.
Saying that Thelema is Pagan is like saying that drain cleaner is a healthy drink. It is absolute pure Qlippoth, the only thing it does is completely rots people's souls in every way.

How about making your judgements based on a little more than just 2 paragraphs on Wikipedia? And actually learn what something is before acting like you got an opinion about it.
You are an idiot. Unlike you I can't just look at things without thinking at all and the posts I'm writing here are to get a better opinion. Especially considering that the enemy lies continually there is a possibility that he was actually Pagan.
And you can see often the truth on wikipedia. They can't make all that shit up.

Wait, so your argument for him being an idiot is that he's read more than 2 paragraphs from sources aside from Wikipedia? And that you're not to blame for the fact that all your posts are questions that have been asked already or are pure disinformation?
TopoftheAbyss said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
From the little I read (on Wikipedia) he saw good in nazism and thelema was Pagan. Also it was Carlson and Mageson that shitted on him the most.
Saying that Thelema is Pagan is like saying that drain cleaner is a healthy drink. It is absolute pure Qlippoth, the only thing it does is completely rots people's souls in every way.

How about making your judgements based on a little more than just 2 paragraphs on Wikipedia? And actually learn what something is before acting like you got an opinion about it.
You are an idiot. Unlike you I can't just look at things without thinking at all and the posts I'm writing here are to get a better opinion. Especially considering that the enemy lies continually there is a possibility that he was actually Pagan.
And you can see often the truth on wikipedia. They can't make all that shit up.
Crowley was into Hebrew magic. He was in contact with Greys like that 'Lam' entity. He was also into drugs for many years and I think he wrote something about human sacrifices but I'm not sure. Take his works with a grain of salt, it's like picking an occult book from a library; 99% nonsense and some truth in between.

Wikipedia is not always 'factual' especially when it comes to subjects that the jews have censored. For example, I was one time going through the Wikipedia page on how to read birth charts and it had so many things wrong.

Crowley was a degenerate who was ruined by drugs and practicing RHP magic.
TopoftheAbyss said:
This information is easily available if you have internet. You can find pictures, quotes, PDFs, it is not hard to find examples of his writings. And all of it is nonsense, all either harmful or just plain worthless.

You have a real bad habit of idolizing these subversive enemy organizations, full of qlippoth jew kabbalah. Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn, Adonism, Gnosticism, Templars (who did have some few good people, but were almost all christians), Illuminati.

You told me that you want to join a secret society because you think it will make you stronger and help you. Even though all of these secret societies are jewish kabbalah groups who only exist to push the jewish dreams and goals into existance. I have seen you trying to praise nearly all of the evil kabbalah groups, and now you come here to try to praise another worthless enemy, that Crowley rat. Just because Ozzy sings a song about him, doesn't mean he was a good person. You're almost as bad as Loki 88 with how bad you try to support all these various enemy organizations.

You have said it before how your entire house is covered in bibles and christian symbols, and that all of this christian energy does affect you and stick to you. And I have felt the christian energy on you before. Maybe this is why you always have such an urge to want to join all these christian/jewish kabbalah groups.

Obviously Satanism doesn't seem like it's enough for you. You like all these other groups that are maybe at best 1% Satanist and 99% Qlippoth and Kabbalah. Why do you want to mix yourself with all that worthless poisonous garbage? Just stay away from it. There is no reason to poison yourself, just because you think it would be fun to run off and join the freemasons, or whatever other group you most recently heard about.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
This information is easily available if you have internet. You can find pictures, quotes, PDFs, it is not hard to find examples of his writings. And all of it is nonsense, all either harmful or just plain worthless.

You have a real bad habit of idolizing these subversive enemy organizations, full of qlippoth jew kabbalah. Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn, Adonism, Gnosticism, Templars (who did have some few good people, but were almost all christians), Illuminati.

You told me that you want to join a secret society because you think it will make you stronger and help you. Even though all of these secret societies are jewish kabbalah groups who only exist to push the jewish dreams and goals into existance. I have seen you trying to praise nearly all of the evil kabbalah groups, and now you come here to try to praise another worthless enemy, that Crowley rat. Just because Ozzy sings a song about him, doesn't mean he was a good person. You're almost as bad as Loki 88 with how bad you try to support all these various enemy organizations.

You have said it before how your entire house is covered in bibles and christian symbols, and that all of this christian energy does affect you and stick to you. And I have felt the christian energy on you before. Maybe this is why you always have such an urge to want to join all these christian/jewish kabbalah groups.

Obviously Satanism doesn't seem like it's enough for you. You like all these other groups that are maybe at best 1% Satanist and 99% Qlippoth and Kabbalah. Why do you want to mix yourself with all that worthless poisonous garbage? Just stay away from it. There is no reason to poison yourself, just because you think it would be fun to run off and join the freemasons, or whatever other group you most recently heard about.
You really are an idiot. All those assumptions about me are false, coming from a moron with no comprehension or understanding.
I made myself clear on why I was interested in joining groups and I was just just asking opinions on here because Satanism is the best I could ask but still not enough, I need to make physical and immediate changes in the world but I would never join such organizations if they're infiltrated with Jews.
About me idolizing and praising jewry, that's just a straight up lie. You may as well claim that all my posts on these forums are all written using the hebrew alphabet. And most of those organizations you listed were originally Pagan but got subverted, I am interested in our history even if you don't, it's one of the things that keeps me alive.
Lastly, most of my posts concerning these societies are not promoting them but asking Satanic insight, of which you're not capable. You don't understand what is happening around you so I advice you either shut up or improve yourself.
TopoftheAbyss said:
You really are an idiot. All those assumptions about me are false, coming from a moron with no comprehension or understanding.
How am I an idiot? I got your quotes right here where you talked about it. The quote from when you were talking to Aldrick about all the christian energy that is stuck to you, which I'm not blaming you for. I don't think it's your fault if you do have some of that stuck to you, you obviously didn't want it. All I'm saying is there is some of it there. And this quote is also what I was thinking about when I said you got christian symbols all over your house.
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aldrick said:
Are you by chance around alot of christian energy?

It's just beaming out at me. Like you're sitting in the vatican while you write this.

I cant really feel anything else. Do you do the cleaning?
There are christian icons in my house and my mother is christian. Nothing else.
I did a protection working but I can't focus to do cleansing.

And I argue a lot with xians online and they annoys me.
Ya that shit clings honey. And you are not cleaning. This is the reason, for the enemy attacks, and people thinking you are an infiltrator.

You are carrying around enemy garbage. Hopefully you can get out. I hope Satan blesses you with an opening.

TopoftheAbyss said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I'm thinking of joining occult societies like these.
The JOS is not good enough for you? Why join some Rat-face cult?
Because I want more power and secret societies can help me. Also I feel alone.
But I was talking about Pagan societies.
And this is the quote where you talked about wanting to join a secret society because you think they will give you power and help you. I understand that you specify you want it to be a Pagan secret society, but they just don't exist anymore. They've all been swallowed and subverted by christians and jews many years ago. So even if there was one that was originally 100% perfectly Satanic with nothing bad in it, it is not that way anymore. And those same groups that were originally Satanic, they now have a bible in every member's hand.

The only reason I've even been answering you about all this is because I want to protect you. I don't want you joining one of these christian cults that pretends to be Pagan. Like with Adonism, they literally have Moloch up as one of their gods, and you were here talking about how they use some Pagan symbols so they must really be a pagan group, and you can't understand why Hitler immediately banned all that poison shit. The same reason Hitler banned all the other jewish and communist cults that pretended to be Pagan, because they are poisonous.

If you still think I'm an idiot that is just wrongly assuming things, that is fine. Tell me where I was wrong, and I will accept it and change my mind. But these 2 quotes were some big reasons why I had the ideas that I did about you.

If you want to follow Crowley's book which instructs you to connect to Moloch and Leviathan and 50 different grey aliens and 50 different reptilian aliens, then fine, go do it. There's no way for us to stop you. The only thing I'm doing is warning that it's a horrible idea.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
You really are an idiot. All those assumptions about me are false, coming from a moron with no comprehension or understanding.
How am I an idiot? I got your quotes right here where you talked about it. The quote from when you were talking to Aldrick about all the christian energy that is stuck to you, which I'm not blaming you for. I don't think it's your fault if you do have some of that stuck to you, you obviously didn't want it. All I'm saying is there is some of it there. And this quote is also what I was thinking about when I said you got christian symbols all over your house.
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
There are christian icons in my house and my mother is christian. Nothing else.
I did a protection working but I can't focus to do cleansing.

And I argue a lot with xians online and they annoys me.
Ya that shit clings honey. And you are not cleaning. This is the reason, for the enemy attacks, and people thinking you are an infiltrator.

You are carrying around enemy garbage. Hopefully you can get out. I hope Satan blesses you with an opening.

TopoftheAbyss said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The JOS is not good enough for you? Why join some Rat-face cult?
Because I want more power and secret societies can help me. Also I feel alone.
But I was talking about Pagan societies.
And this is the quote where you talked about wanting to join a secret society because you think they will give you power and help you. I understand that you specify you want it to be a Pagan secret society, but they just don't exist anymore. They've all been swallowed and subverted by christians and jews many years ago. So even if there was one that was originally 100% perfectly Satanic with nothing bad in it, it is not that way anymore. And those same groups that were originally Satanic, they now have a bible in every member's hand.

The only reason I've even been answering you about all this is because I want to protect you. I don't want you joining one of these christian cults that pretends to be Pagan. Like with Adonism, they literally have Moloch up as one of their gods, and you were here talking about how they use some Pagan symbols so they must really be a pagan group, and you can't understand why Hitler immediately banned all that poison shit. The same reason Hitler banned all the other jewish and communist cults that pretended to be Pagan, because they are poisonous.

If you still think I'm an idiot that is just wrongly assuming things, that is fine. Tell me where I was wrong, and I will accept it and change my mind. But these 2 quotes were some big reasons why I had the ideas that I did about you.

If you want to follow Crowley's book which instructs you to connect to Moloch and Leviathan and 50 different grey aliens and 50 different reptilian aliens, then fine, go do it. There's no way for us to stop you. The only thing I'm doing is warning that it's a horrible idea.

Honestly if one cannot tell she is a jew they are beyond retarded.

Doesnt do rituals or meditations, steeps in jew energy all day. Probably has an offering to a society through jewish relatives. But is here just tell us how stupid WE are.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
You really are an idiot. All those assumptions about me are false, coming from a moron with no comprehension or understanding.
How am I an idiot? I got your quotes right here where you talked about it. The quote from when you were talking to Aldrick about all the christian energy that is stuck to you, which I'm not blaming you for. I don't think it's your fault if you do have some of that stuck to you, you obviously didn't want it. All I'm saying is there is some of it there. And this quote is also what I was thinking about when I said you got christian symbols all over your house.
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
There are christian icons in my house and my mother is christian. Nothing else.
I did a protection working but I can't focus to do cleansing.

And I argue a lot with xians online and they annoys me.
Ya that shit clings honey. And you are not cleaning. This is the reason, for the enemy attacks, and people thinking you are an infiltrator.

You are carrying around enemy garbage. Hopefully you can get out. I hope Satan blesses you with an opening.

TopoftheAbyss said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The JOS is not good enough for you? Why join some Rat-face cult?
Because I want more power and secret societies can help me. Also I feel alone.
But I was talking about Pagan societies.
And this is the quote where you talked about wanting to join a secret society because you think they will give you power and help you. I understand that you specify you want it to be a Pagan secret society, but they just don't exist anymore. They've all been swallowed and subverted by christians and jews many years ago. So even if there was one that was originally 100% perfectly Satanic with nothing bad in it, it is not that way anymore. And those same groups that were originally Satanic, they now have a bible in every member's hand.

The only reason I've even been answering you about all this is because I want to protect you. I don't want you joining one of these christian cults that pretends to be Pagan. Like with Adonism, they literally have Moloch up as one of their gods, and you were here talking about how they use some Pagan symbols so they must really be a pagan group, and you can't understand why Hitler immediately banned all that poison shit. The same reason Hitler banned all the other jewish and communist cults that pretended to be Pagan, because they are poisonous.

If you still think I'm an idiot that is just wrongly assuming things, that is fine. Tell me where I was wrong, and I will accept it and change my mind. But these 2 quotes were some big reasons why I had the ideas that I did about you.

If you want to follow Crowley's book which instructs you to connect to Moloch and Leviathan and 50 different grey aliens and 50 different reptilian aliens, then fine, go do it. There's no way for us to stop you. The only thing I'm doing is warning that it's a horrible idea.
I didn't call you an idiot for the christian energies but for everything else and like I said I would never join societies that have any jew in it, everything I posted here about crowley and Adonism was to know more.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I made myself clear on why I was interested in joining groups and I was just just asking opinions on here because Satanism is the best I could ask but still not enough, I need to make physical and immediate changes in the world but I would never join such organizations if they're infiltrated with Jews.

This is quite baffling.

Why is Satanism not enough? You have not even advanced enough spiritually, and somehow you want to change the world. Wtf.

We fight our enemy collectively. This is no one man war. Remember that, and stick with the meditations from JoS. Literally the best shit available, and somehow it's not enough?!
Aldrick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
You really are an idiot. All those assumptions about me are false, coming from a moron with no comprehension or understanding.
How am I an idiot? I got your quotes right here where you talked about it. The quote from when you were talking to Aldrick about all the christian energy that is stuck to you, which I'm not blaming you for. I don't think it's your fault if you do have some of that stuck to you, you obviously didn't want it. All I'm saying is there is some of it there. And this quote is also what I was thinking about when I said you got christian symbols all over your house.
Aldrick said:
Ya that shit clings honey. And you are not cleaning. This is the reason, for the enemy attacks, and people thinking you are an infiltrator.

You are carrying around enemy garbage. Hopefully you can get out. I hope Satan blesses you with an opening.

TopoftheAbyss said:
Because I want more power and secret societies can help me. Also I feel alone.
But I was talking about Pagan societies.
And this is the quote where you talked about wanting to join a secret society because you think they will give you power and help you. I understand that you specify you want it to be a Pagan secret society, but they just don't exist anymore. They've all been swallowed and subverted by christians and jews many years ago. So even if there was one that was originally 100% perfectly Satanic with nothing bad in it, it is not that way anymore. And those same groups that were originally Satanic, they now have a bible in every member's hand.

The only reason I've even been answering you about all this is because I want to protect you. I don't want you joining one of these christian cults that pretends to be Pagan. Like with Adonism, they literally have Moloch up as one of their gods, and you were here talking about how they use some Pagan symbols so they must really be a pagan group, and you can't understand why Hitler immediately banned all that poison shit. The same reason Hitler banned all the other jewish and communist cults that pretended to be Pagan, because they are poisonous.

If you still think I'm an idiot that is just wrongly assuming things, that is fine. Tell me where I was wrong, and I will accept it and change my mind. But these 2 quotes were some big reasons why I had the ideas that I did about you.

If you want to follow Crowley's book which instructs you to connect to Moloch and Leviathan and 50 different grey aliens and 50 different reptilian aliens, then fine, go do it. There's no way for us to stop you. The only thing I'm doing is warning that it's a horrible idea.

Honestly if one cannot tell she is a jew they are beyond retarded.

Doesnt do rituals or meditations, steeps in jew energy all day. Probably has an offering to a society through jewish relatives. But is here just tell us how stupid WE are.
Please tell me more, I had lots of fun last time.
If one has the "am I a jew?" attack, ask what Aldrick's intuition tells him. If he says that you're jewish not only you're 100% Gentile but almost certainly you were also a Nazi in a past life.
If you know that Crowley's books are nothing but 1,000 different ways to absorb your soul into the jewish thought-form, and he was nothing but a homeless drug addict loser his whole life, then what else is there to know? If you know that the Adonists have Moloch as their god, what else is there to know?

I respect the urge to learn more. I think that's one of the most important qualities someone can have. But after seeing enough poison and curses in a thing, it should become clear that it is not a good thing. Like the saying that water can be 99% pure clean water and 1% shit, are you going to drink it now because the other 99% is clean? And the things we are talking about are not 99% good and 1% bad, they are more like 3% good and 97% bad. So it should be even more clear that you should stay away from these things.

You saw what happened to Loki 88. He thought it was okay to listen to Theosophists, and Rosicrucians, and communists, and all these other groups because he just wanted to learn more about them and he thought they had some piece of knowledge that he could gain from them. And now he's drinking his piss every day. So you can see it isn't a good idea to listen to them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If you know that Crowley's books are nothing but 1,000 different ways to absorb your soul into the jewish thought-form, and he was nothing but a homeless drug addict loser his whole life, then what else is there to know? If you know that the Adonists have Moloch as their god, what else is there to know?

I respect the urge to learn more. I think that's one of the most important qualities someone can have. But after seeing enough poison and curses in a thing, it should become clear that it is not a good thing. Like the saying that water can be 99% pure clean water and 1% shit, are you going to drink it now because the other 99% is clean? And the things we are talking about are not 99% good and 1% bad, they are more like 3% good and 97% bad. So it should be even more clear that you should stay away from these things.

You saw what happened to Loki 88. He thought it was okay to listen to Theosophists, and Rosicrucians, and communists, and all these other groups because he just wanted to learn more about them and he thought they had some piece of knowledge that he could gain from them. And now he's drinking his piss every day. So you can see it isn't a good idea to listen to them.
I know little about Crowley, I saw the strong Pagan elements and I came here to ask for more while also questioning what has been stated before which was mostly from the demoted HPs and because I couldn't find much about what you're stating. About Adonism, it was founded on the knowledge that Moloch is evil and that he's behind the abrahamic religions.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aldrick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
How am I an idiot? I got your quotes right here where you talked about it. The quote from when you were talking to Aldrick about all the christian energy that is stuck to you, which I'm not blaming you for. I don't think it's your fault if you do have some of that stuck to you, you obviously didn't want it. All I'm saying is there is some of it there. And this quote is also what I was thinking about when I said you got christian symbols all over your house.

And this is the quote where you talked about wanting to join a secret society because you think they will give you power and help you. I understand that you specify you want it to be a Pagan secret society, but they just don't exist anymore. They've all been swallowed and subverted by christians and jews many years ago. So even if there was one that was originally 100% perfectly Satanic with nothing bad in it, it is not that way anymore. And those same groups that were originally Satanic, they now have a bible in every member's hand.

The only reason I've even been answering you about all this is because I want to protect you. I don't want you joining one of these christian cults that pretends to be Pagan. Like with Adonism, they literally have Moloch up as one of their gods, and you were here talking about how they use some Pagan symbols so they must really be a pagan group, and you can't understand why Hitler immediately banned all that poison shit. The same reason Hitler banned all the other jewish and communist cults that pretended to be Pagan, because they are poisonous.

If you still think I'm an idiot that is just wrongly assuming things, that is fine. Tell me where I was wrong, and I will accept it and change my mind. But these 2 quotes were some big reasons why I had the ideas that I did about you.

If you want to follow Crowley's book which instructs you to connect to Moloch and Leviathan and 50 different grey aliens and 50 different reptilian aliens, then fine, go do it. There's no way for us to stop you. The only thing I'm doing is warning that it's a horrible idea.

Honestly if one cannot tell she is a jew they are beyond retarded.

Doesnt do rituals or meditations, steeps in jew energy all day. Probably has an offering to a society through jewish relatives. But is here just tell us how stupid WE are.
Please tell me more, I had lots of fun last time.
If one has the "am I a jew?" attack, ask what Aldrick's intuition tells him. If he says that you're jewish not only you're 100% Gentile but almost certainly you were also a Nazi in a past life.

Oh you had fun acting like a jew? Normal jew shit. I'm sure you think you're so special.

So please tell me when are you gonna bother to do a Ritual? Or anything for ourside?

You useless cunt.
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aldrick said:
Honestly if one cannot tell she is a jew they are beyond retarded.

Doesnt do rituals or meditations, steeps in jew energy all day. Probably has an offering to a society through jewish relatives. But is here just tell us how stupid WE are.
Please tell me more, I had lots of fun last time.
If one has the "am I a jew?" attack, ask what Aldrick's intuition tells him. If he says that you're jewish not only you're 100% Gentile but almost certainly you were also a Nazi in a past life.

Oh you had fun acting like a jew? Normal jew shit. I'm sure you think you're so special.

So please tell me when are you gonna bother to do a Ritual? Or anything for ourside?

You useless cunt.
There is nothing jew like in my posts, you on the other hand repeat the same lie again and again hoping that someone will believe it. This is pretty jewish but it can also be a case of extreme stupidity, and you are extremely stupid. But there is more that makes you fit the description of a jewish infiltrator. You were friends with Zola luckyjew and often attack potential new mombers by calling them jewish, you also recorded your voice knowing that the curses of the enemy won't affect you.
I'm really starting to believe that you're jewish because I can't believe levels of stupidity like these are possible. Yesterday I thought about it and I wouldn't be surprised if the Gods communicated with me.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Please tell me more, I had lots of fun last time.
If one has the "am I a jew?" attack, ask what Aldrick's intuition tells him. If he says that you're jewish not only you're 100% Gentile but almost certainly you were also a Nazi in a past life.

Oh you had fun acting like a jew? Normal jew shit. I'm sure you think you're so special.

So please tell me when are you gonna bother to do a Ritual? Or anything for ourside?

You useless cunt.
There is nothing jew like in my posts, you on the other hand repeat the same lie again and again hoping that someone will believe it. This is pretty jewish but it can also be a case of extreme stupidity, and you are extremely stupid. But there is more that makes you fit the description of a jewish infiltrator. You were friends with Zola luckyjew and often attack potential new mombers by calling them jewish, you also recorded your voice knowing that the curses of the enemy won't affect you.
I'm really starting to believe that you're jewish because I can't believe levels of stupidity like these are possible. Yesterday I thought about it and I wouldn't be surprised if the Gods communicated with me.

Aww look how hard it's trying. So first you complain about it's about my intuition. But when it comes to you, it's okay. The girl who steeps in jew energy all day and doesnt meditate. Doesnt do any rituals, nothing.

The Gods decided to come to your absolutely useless ass and tell you that a member that worked for almost 15 years is a jew.

Oy veh!!!!!

Yes, 6 gorillion jews agree.

Hands shovel. Please keep digging your own hole. It's quite hilarious to watch.
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aldrick said:
Oh you had fun acting like a jew? Normal jew shit. I'm sure you think you're so special.

So please tell me when are you gonna bother to do a Ritual? Or anything for ourside?

You useless cunt.
There is nothing jew like in my posts, you on the other hand repeat the same lie again and again hoping that someone will believe it. This is pretty jewish but it can also be a case of extreme stupidity, and you are extremely stupid. But there is more that makes you fit the description of a jewish infiltrator. You were friends with Zola luckyjew and often attack potential new mombers by calling them jewish, you also recorded your voice knowing that the curses of the enemy won't affect you.
I'm really starting to believe that you're jewish because I can't believe levels of stupidity like these are possible. Yesterday I thought about it and I wouldn't be surprised if the Gods communicated with me.

Aww look how hard it's trying. So first you complain about it's about my intuition. But when it comes to you, it's okay. The girl who steeps in jew energy all day and doesnt meditate. Doesnt do any rituals, nothing.

The Gods decided to come to your absolutely useless ass and tell you that a member that worked for almost 15 years is a jew.

Oy veh!!!!!

Yes, 6 gorillion jews agree.

Hands shovel. Please keep digging your own hole. It's quite hilarious to watch.
You're not even worthy of my insults. Calling you stupid wasn't an attack on you, it was just pointing the obvious btw.
You're ridiculous and I enjoy it so please don't stop replying to me.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
There is nothing jew like in my posts, you on the other hand repeat the same lie again and again hoping that someone will believe it. This is pretty jewish but it can also be a case of extreme stupidity, and you are extremely stupid. But there is more that makes you fit the description of a jewish infiltrator. You were friends with Zola luckyjew and often attack potential new mombers by calling them jewish, you also recorded your voice knowing that the curses of the enemy won't affect you.
I'm really starting to believe that you're jewish because I can't believe levels of stupidity like these are possible. Yesterday I thought about it and I wouldn't be surprised if the Gods communicated with me.

Aww look how hard it's trying. So first you complain about it's about my intuition. But when it comes to you, it's okay. The girl who steeps in jew energy all day and doesnt meditate. Doesnt do any rituals, nothing.

The Gods decided to come to your absolutely useless ass and tell you that a member that worked for almost 15 years is a jew.

Oy veh!!!!!

Yes, 6 gorillion jews agree.

Hands shovel. Please keep digging your own hole. It's quite hilarious to watch.
You're not even worthy of my insults. Calling you stupid wasn't an attack on you, it was just pointing the obvious btw.
You're ridiculous and I enjoy it so please don't stop replying to me.

Sorry you have to make that tactic believable. Coming off like a fat ugly bitch who lives with her parents, cuz she's too nasty and lazy to get a boy friend, isn't a very good come back.

I just finished a ritual at 54 reps. Tell me what have you done today besides be some twinkie eating lard ass, obnoxious feminist, probably big forehead, naying like some donkey in heat that cant get any about Well to do men being stupid.

Because we dont understand your level of down syndrome or something?
Weightlifting may not be useless but it's not as beneficial as the kikes make it sound when they enforced it on the population together with bodybuilding. It damages your joints gradually and overtime, as I said plenty of times. Do you think that just lies on the physical without affecting us spiritually? No, it doesn't. Damage to the joints creates stagnation of energies in those points, clogging the nadis and thus preventing the energy from flowing as freely as it needs to do for a spiritual person.

There are many different ways to train the physical body. One should weigh the pros and cons on a scale and decide whether they want to profit more than they lose or to lose more than they profit. I chose to keep my balance in the green rather than the red and the only way to do that was to abandon lifting and choose different training styles. You can make that choice too. The choice is not between lifting and bodybuilding vs doing nothing. The choice is between health and damage.

For all those who are going to tackle me yet again for my conclusions, saving your fingers' stamina would be more beneficial to you in the wrong run. You lack any substantial evidence to support your claims and the arguing style of many people on this forum consists of logical fallacies such as ad hominems, poisoning the well, slippery slopes, tangents (stick to the facts) and many others that will not find an answer from me because I'm short on time and it's pointless.
Aldrick said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Aldrick said:
Aww look how hard it's trying. So first you complain about it's about my intuition. But when it comes to you, it's okay. The girl who steeps in jew energy all day and doesnt meditate. Doesnt do any rituals, nothing.

The Gods decided to come to your absolutely useless ass and tell you that a member that worked for almost 15 years is a jew.

Oy veh!!!!!

Yes, 6 gorillion jews agree.

Hands shovel. Please keep digging your own hole. It's quite hilarious to watch.
You're not even worthy of my insults. Calling you stupid wasn't an attack on you, it was just pointing the obvious btw.
You're ridiculous and I enjoy it so please don't stop replying to me.

Sorry you have to make that tactic believable. Coming off like a fat ugly bitch who lives with her parents, cuz she's too nasty and lazy to get a boy friend, isn't a very good come back.

I just finished a ritual at 54 reps. Tell me what have you done today besides be some twinkie eating lard ass, obnoxious feminist, probably big forehead, naying like some donkey in heat that cant get any about Well to do men being stupid.

Because we dont understand your level of down syndrome or something?
Again you made claims that are far from reality. How can someone that isn't Jewish or heavily influenced by Jewish energies do such a thing?
At least you made clear that nobody should take in consideration what you have to say.
Stormblood said:
Weightlifting may not be useless but it's not as beneficial as the kikes make it sound when they enforced it on the population together with bodybuilding. It damages your joints gradually and overtime, as I said plenty of times. Do you think that just lies on the physical without affecting us spiritually? No, it doesn't. Damage to the joints creates stagnation of energies in those points, clogging the nadis and thus preventing the energy from flowing as freely as it needs to do for a spiritual person.

I'm with you there. I switched from free weights to calisthenics just last week. Well I mostly did calistenics before too, but now I'm full on calisthenics.

Let's think for a sec how ancient, and not so ancient but say before year 1950 peoples used to train. They did not use barbells and corded machines and they were strong as fuck. Did Spartans use barbells? I highly doubt it, but I think we all know how strong they were. Only recently have these free weights gained popularity, along with anabolic steroids... That is unhealthy road long term, and even more so combined with steroids. How many roidheads live over 60? Or do not suffer from internal organ failure after years of using... There is also the mental aspect since steroids fuck the head up. Yuck.

That being said free weights of course do play a role in training, BUT ONLY AFTER one has accomplished sufficient level of strength not only for muscles but also for joints and ligaments to support such activity. Combine calisthenics and free weights and boom even more gains.

Nuff' said. bye.
Stormblood said:
Weightlifting may not be useless but it's not as beneficial as the kikes make it sound when they enforced it on the population together with bodybuilding. It damages your joints gradually and overtime, as I said plenty of times. Do you think that just lies on the physical without affecting us spiritually? No, it doesn't. Damage to the joints creates stagnation of energies in those points, clogging the nadis and thus preventing the energy from flowing as freely as it needs to do for a spiritual person.

There are many different ways to train the physical body. One should weigh the pros and cons on a scale and decide whether they want to profit more than they lose or to lose more than they profit. I chose to keep my balance in the green rather than the red and the only way to do that was to abandon lifting and choose different training styles. You can make that choice too. The choice is not between lifting and bodybuilding vs doing nothing. The choice is between health and damage.

For all those who are going to tackle me yet again for my conclusions, saving your fingers' stamina would be more beneficial to you in the wrong run. You lack any substantial evidence to support your claims and the arguing style of many people on this forum consists of logical fallacies such as ad hominems, poisoning the well, slippery slopes, tangents (stick to the facts) and many others that will not find an answer from me because I'm short on time and it's pointless.
Porca puttana, mi piace il modo in cui ti articoli nella tua teoria e fantasia... In tutti questi anni ti ho seguito, e tu hai solo una grande teoria da vendere :eek:. Amico il sollevamento pesi fa parte dell'allenamento del corpo fisico in qualsiasi attivitä' agonistica sportiva. Bisogna farlo solo nel modo giusto. Allenarsi con i pesi non si deve subito paragonare al bodybuilding, oppure pensare che devi sollevare cosi' tanto peso fino a spezzarti le articolazioni. Quello che ci vuole e' istruttori capaci di guidare i giovani. Senza forza fisica col cazzo venivano costruite le Piramidi...!!! Senza vera forza fisica, che bisogna anche allenarla con i pesi in modo giusto, andremmo tutti in giro come tanti frocetti :lol: :lol: :lol:. Esci un po' dal tuo mondo e vai a lavorare sui cantieri. Se la gente non ha forza col cazzo vengono costruite le case, a cominciare dalla fondamenta. Ho vuoi costruire tutto con la forza mentale... Stormblood il costruttore mentale :lol: :lol: :lol:
Henu the Great said:

I just want to say that not everyone in the lifting and bb community use steroids. Of course, this is not a defence of the disciplines.

Other than this, there are 13 lunar months in a year. In fact, we have 13 full moons. That doesn't affect the Zodiac, as the Zodiac is part of a conventional system elaborated for astrology. It's not copy and paste from astronomy. As a matter of fact, the astronomical Sun does pass through Ophiucus and other CONSTELLATIONS, but that has nothing to do with astrology.

Paper money WILL be done away with. The world has changed a lot in its trade system. We started from barter, then we went to commodities, coinage and paper money. Now we're transitioning to digital currencies and the process will keep going on, as perfection doesn't exist, so there's infinite room for improvement.
Stormblood said:
Weightlifting may not be useless but it's not as beneficial as the kikes make it sound when they enforced it on the population together with bodybuilding. It damages your joints gradually and overtime, as I said plenty of times. Do you think that just lies on the physical without affecting us spiritually? No, it doesn't. Damage to the joints creates stagnation of energies in those points, clogging the nadis and thus preventing the energy from flowing as freely as it needs to do for a spiritual person.

There are many different ways to train the physical body. One should weigh the pros and cons on a scale and decide whether they want to profit more than they lose or to lose more than they profit. I chose to keep my balance in the green rather than the red and the only way to do that was to abandon lifting and choose different training styles. You can make that choice too. The choice is not between lifting and bodybuilding vs doing nothing. The choice is between health and damage.

For all those who are going to tackle me yet again for my conclusions, saving your fingers' stamina would be more beneficial to you in the wrong run. You lack any substantial evidence to support your claims and the arguing style of many people on this forum consists of logical fallacies such as ad hominems, poisoning the well, slippery slopes, tangents (stick to the facts) and many others that will not find an answer from me because I'm short on time and it's pointless.

The crock of crap about bodybuilding, if you are only a Yogi, you'll have a lot of physical power.

Tell this to some mammoth double your size, and try to confront them, and see how it ends, type of common sense. HPS Maxine has elaborated on her progress with physical training, and it is all in the JoS website.

Muscle contraction does also create physical measurable voltage, enough to light a light bulb in some cases if wired in a body. This empowers the material nervous system by increasing it's rate of absorption and general capacity.

The question of shilling is not about saying something blatantly wrong, but saying something wrong and masking it with some "Correct" elements, because everyone will knock someone over if they figure it out.

Everytime also someone mentioned Body building, the line was "Steroids = Bodybuilding = Rich Piana = You're insecure if you build your body = be a weak ass fuck that only stretches = cause I said so don't question me", promoted by this individual. This is to poison obvious progress in this direction.

This is not exactly a critical review of something, but denial of reality. And playing around words to subvert. The same thing happened with money, relationships, finances, political theories, and everything else under the sun.

This is not aimed at you Stormblood, I am just relating the general gist of it.

Calisthenics remains IMO also, the best form of training.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Calisthenics remains IMO also, the best form of training.
People knock some types of training and promote other types of training, but the thing that is neglected in the debates, is what are you training for? General fitness? For some sport, for a certain job? Are you a dancer or some other type of performer, runner, etc.?

General advice only applies to general fitness really. That’s not always the goal and this is where the trouble comes.

Once you know what you’re training for you can find a plan that is most effectively and efficiently going to get you there. And as Stormblood said, in some cases, this may mean you have to make sacrifices to the body. Strongmen, put enormous strain on their body, even admitting in some cases they know they’ve taken years off of their life, but for them, it’s worth it. Fine. But as with diet, there’s no one size fits all and that’s why these debates exist.

What people need to do is contemplate their goals and design something to meet those goals specifically. Then realize other people have different goals and they shouldn’t project their training philosophy on others cause that could set them back or even be dangerous to them.

There are certain scientific truths on how the body works and I love to converse on those conversations because it’s not about how a person should train, but rather how the body responds in different situations, biologically, spiritually. This type of knowledge we all can benefit from and can help us design our plans for our fitness goals.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
