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Chi kung props


New member
Mar 10, 2024
Hi everyone,

First to complete the last articles, I have traced 2 books on taoism that gives the postures with photos and more details practices that I have tried to resume. It seems my teacher was a generalist but from the reading i can conclude he was more from the hsienship school. Here the links.

Daoist Meditation: The Purification of the Heart Method of Meditation and Discourse on Sitting and Forgetting : Wu Jyh Cherng : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Taoism: An Essential Guide : Eva Wong : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Now I want to speak of props. It was already talked in the forum and site but only for magic not chi kung. For example, a magic circle protect from outside or keep something inside but in fact some groups were visualizing a tower, the image of the circle was a help for visualizing its size. Direction of writing in or out was a help to what is rejected/projected or to invoke. Modern magician will say the circle is in fact the aura (horizontal cut) . Lightning a candle could be considered as putting lights in the room of the color of the candle (see bardon explanations), the number assigned to a god in necronomicon can be the numbers of repetitions of vibrations and following that concept, so will be the number of legions of the gods. Ringing the bell can mean vibrating some words, some people as taoist and, ayanist draw with light symbols, westerns also (do the pentagram in light thrown at each corner). Too complex drawing for memory imply using a paper with the image to help the focus, etc…

The same can be said to movements of chi kung. In fact the name assigned to the serie of motions is often a key for remembering the motion and also what to do inside body or even in aura as we do it. In kung fu they were also names for parts of form as in tai chi but now must schools do not bother to teach them ….

What is interessant is that often different styles do the same basic motion (push sky, push earth, push mountain front back and sides….) with a small variant and different names . You may copy the moves and think It will hep but you do not know what is happening inside. Must of the time paid teachers will say the form is all (theirs of course) and repeat just empty mind, everything will come by itself . It is true that motions were normally done by specialists to activate specific parts of the body (meridians) as yoga and that empty mind (trance state) is the basic key . But to go further you need more details . Example Yogic posture/mudras were normally done with visualisations and mantras, but that part seems to be forgotten or hidden, if not lost . Still hung gar and choy gar members talks about sounds to vibrate as we strike but no details if you are not the choosen one or in the inner cicrcle.


Let’s first explain the difference between soft and hard chi kung with the hung gar as an example.

In horse stance (any stance) we push both hands front with hung gar palm as if we push something heavy then pull back that heavy thing back to us with attention on index. Modern teacher said that it is not chi kung but only static tension exercise, the ancestor of training with weights. In history they were lack of money, lack of gyms to train. It is true that you find same training idea in body building, slow motion as adding more tension than necessary for a small weight . The idea of concentrating here on index was to fold as mutch fingers back so wrist was allways fully bent, training tendons. (other styles do same with different hands affecting other physiocal parts, eg claws, palm with thumb at center...)

To understand how to do that movement, it was said to push a wall. You cannot just use arms to push, on a wall or an heavy object since you will just push yourself back . Power, tension comes first from the legs then back (rounding it like bench press) then arms. From outsider is looks only physical But it is also a mind training .

The concept is based on , you push/pull or not a real weigth of 10 pounds as if it was 100 pounds . Mind control the body and it reacts accordingly, muscles will tense. Some Martial artist will say raise a bucket of water to the hips (place arms like karate on hips as if raising something heavy). Depending of the resistance created and training , you will be tired, It is a type of hard chi kung even if the move is done slowly compared to the form.

In win chung we did the little idea as if moving in mud. In tai chi we were told to move as if we were in the lake . You may call this a variant of the hard chi kung close to be soft (in tai chi you do not put extra physical tension, it implies mind action)

Next step is how push an object from far away, the goal as the name the mountain. It implies feel the connection and act as if we are close. You push target with invisible force after the arms and train therefore expelling energy. It may even be tryingto push aura further before expelling energy. It implies also visualising the target moving even if you know its not happening. The equivalent exercise in magnetism is turning the needle suspended on a rope.

Now there is 2 variants :

  • Energy is everywhere allways moving, connection is already there ,just use the swich ( resistance by you, you choose to be apart from it) and it flows
  • Energy is stagnant, you have to force it, to come to you by pulling it. (resistance from it)
If you have done push hands, push balance or judo , a technic is called push one inch to retreat 10 feet. In one word, human reaction when you are push is to push back, so we keep pushing and the person push more back to compensate then at a moment we stop pushing he lost balance in direction he was pushing.

I remarked that energy does the same., , use resistance to provoke the energy to move where you want. More resistance bigger the flow.

Example, you do a ball, the edge is holding what is inside, it wanst out , you keep adding more force in as you maintain its size imply compressing it , or you may squeeze the ball wit the feeling of the energy inside resisting. At the end you release the expanding force flow out in direction you have choosen . You can also do opposite , contracting force enclosed and edge is holding it back let go and you have succion to the sphere.

Hard chi kung can be resume as using resistance to amplify a motion either with real physcial tension or just the mind. The soft one can be compare to a natural process (we built a fire, put more wood and it expand naturally,, accumulte water in an open recipient and once it is full water moves out according to what it find (digs, meridians, shapes). This is where come the concept in taoism, once natural fire is built, it will overflow by itself in the microcosmic orbit . Is one better than other ? No idea yet. But bardon seems to use resistance . There is a space between you and the energy . So open door and choose if it flows to you by itself or force it to come as it resist slightly.


Used in dragon chi kung style. It can be resume in making a ball between arms, making big or smal, dividing it in 2, rotate it, squeeze it to throw what is inside like a balloon . It is also send the ball to places . Eg sent to infinity in sky and call it back folding arms then crouch to push it in ground . That basic movement is in many styles in you tube without explanation.

The ball here is a variant of evocation or invocation as we do the motion. You may choose to do directly (raise arm to grab sky) or make a ball that you program to siphon energy of the target. Then call it back and do the classic, contract the ball in a pill that you swallow to stomach or pass like mantak chia by 3rd eye or crown or bindu to a place to keep it or circulate it in microcosmic orbit (fusion 5 elements). It can be compared as doing a thoughtform without consicousness. Of course you may think about the option the ball is in you.

So push sky or earth movement will be nearly always the same outside motion . Slight variant will depends of style (crouch or not, tip toe as push sky like mulan chuan, direction pointing palms, size of motion, etc…). You may prefer a ray. What is truly important is your mind , what you choose to visualise with intent, feeling with all your senses what to project /push/pull with programmation or not


I guess people will say no relationship with chi kung but Let’s resume the concept of his books :

You are a luminous egg. (aura), the system is a closed one (no interaction, cannot have more or less energy from outside) . You have no energy or power because it is stagnant or misplaced, dirty (dull) . Therefore moving energy is only in the egg. Placing it at different place will have different impacts . Principal Idea was also to place together that energy to move the assembling point. Changing it place change perception and acces to powers (like changing shape of the egg) . Training of the mind (warrior character) was to save energy or make it less stagnant, you may call it callng back shen instead wasting it out, focussing prfectly on one task at a time.

For my understanding the training is based on auric field ,and my experience real or not show me that it that can be appied to martial arts and chi kung .

Eg :

  • Title is grinding with feet so we do physical motion like it . The motion itseld may be useless (apart walking on ice) , Intent and visualising must be present to focus on what you are grinding and here it is the bottom of aura. We use a grind pepper way or pressure down with rotation both ways crushing the fixed piled energy or we may say rocks in dust (free energy)

  • Gathering energy with solde up inner leg is next motion , the energy loosen with sole feet is bring up to the knee centers from the bottom of aura. An the concept follow in that first serie to bring by different moves higher up

Do we have something similar in the site, yes , moving energy training but we do not move any part of the body with it. We just use the mind to move the energy inside the aura , no need of props.


If i move energy in aura with this serie, i felt aura brighter and bigger. We have to choose where energy will go according to the movement. It is interessant to note that they do have a void training technic similar to the one we use to get in trance.

Example motion :

  • Similar to opening wu style, or yang, arms raise 45 straigth, fold back to side hips then push ground. It can be understood as up energy in front in aura (since arms straight), there is a slight slowing down to next move that can be interpreted as water keep his path straight up . When fold arms , it is like bringing back energy it could be top center aura or back aura .Down pushing all grey down.

  • Brign up harm fist at hips then karate piercing hand 45 can be seens as up energy feet to shoulder bring to fingers (extension arms) by meridians or just rise energy in aura bottom to top then send it front to level navel . Next motion is turning palm to us bring back energy move, separae on each side around waist (girdle meridian) to press down.
At each finishing move there is fa jing ( fast extension as open piercing hand last moment and fast as finish pushing down, curve hand becomes straigth) . In tai chi we say fa jing is like one inch strike done with or without stomping , an ultimate second high speed with or without fast contraction). But why use it in chi kung, we are not training here to figth ? My understanding it is to expell something further than aura, in one world it is used to clean /send out the dirty energy moved down to the edge of aura as far can.

Ending cfq book serie training have a poem or a mind suggestion on ki flow to program the energy cumulated as the person relax to feel the result of training . The funny part here, we do it in tai chi, iaido after doing the form. . But it was said it is just to calm down, and focus on remembering if it was done correctly. In fact it is also like us feeling the buz and program it as we finish any spiritual training. At least CFQ thought about it. Energy built must go somewhere, can we suppose it will disappear or stay 100% ?

Looks like you tube started again to show the moves (for a while they wer prohibited) but they are variants and new ones.


The way i have understood it and practice is the following.


Is extending auric field in 10 direction

I prefer finishing as palm strike instead pointed hands so auric field is push with palm instead fingers. But may be its better as they do it since that meridians goes to each finger. So 5 rays pushing instead of one may be applied. Remark the sligth extension of fingers at last moment


Making a ball and moving it 4 places. 3 dan tien level and overhead.

Why overhead ? I can only think of 2 possibilities. Based on the image of ra with his sun disk over his head it may be tied to on a variant on internet, the real sahasrara is outside over head, the false one is in head. It may explains why tantric deity is visualised over the head, same concept is used in western magic (soul, god, atman representation…), taoist visualise also a double body over head (fusion 5 elements mantak chia). Second option is that since dan tian seems to be 2nd 4th and 6th chakra at central line, could the 8th (one after sahasrara) be a hidden one too ?

When they meditate they visualise their vertical symbol at dan tian .but 8 image at 8 direction around dan tian have not always a chakras in our system. Swastikas is for spinning sun light and we may decide here we have 3, 2, 1st central. But apart hips extension, where will be the 4 tai chi be ? Manta chia use that symbol to merge forces. 2 are indeed between sun chakra and 2nd at rib cage (book fusion) others. ? It is possiblle that the disc is visualised since we pose there. No detail in video. .


It is push and pul forces . As said before ,choose what to do. I pull heaven and push it in earth ? I move just a ball up down ? In whole aura, back front or in body ? Outside aura in front of us ? Of course you could also just do magnetism passes on yourself.



  • Up down arm : up down energy in aura
  • Sideway motion arms is moving enegy in aura side to side
  • One move is rotating a ball with arms froward. Ring a bell ? Microcosmic orbit .
  • An other is rowing the boat so anti clockwise microcosmic.
The book was more interessant but the videos seems wrong. Chi kung is not suppose to be done fast. The hip thing look funny but is tiring ,the videos looks more like a cardio for old people.


I point this here since it is used in many styles.

Full moon in front of you illiminate whole body, in by 3rd eye down front line to heart point and get in to middle dan tian. Golden radiance increase then ball becomes like rising reddish sun radiating golden adiance, illuminating all organs.

Ball Back to front line then down font middle dan tian level then enter it. The ball grows fill each part hair and increase to be huge sphere covering the room or 10 to 20 feet around you.

Raise arms over head like hoding huge ball put arms in namaste in front of chest. Golden ball shrink goes to dan tiena (lower) as become reddish elixir pill, emitting red ligth.

Similar to merk ka bah, auric field is increased, us we do with sun chakra. My teacher has also similar ways (fire to destroy illness and clean body) . The common repetition in all variants is the use of the 3 dan tian . Not precise in technic, The raising arms sideway is like trying to move l up the radiance, closing arms reduce its size over head, then down arms is putting energy pass by crown down front line to the chosen receptable (dan tian).


An other common movement. Raise arms sideway then push down in front.

The version sligthly change with schools (angle palms ..) either for iron palms, cosmic palm, fire palm,etc…. Even magic westerners use it (denning phillips with tower of ligth …) .

So we may decide i bring energy from earth sideway up then flush grey impurities down like a shower of ligth or decide, with my arms i reach the sky energies , grab them to bring them down in/through me.

The choice will be yours as choosing meridians (qiqong empowerement book have 3 version), just passing in whole body, passing in whole aura or just do outside of you (celaning an object or area) .

Naturally, you may also do it without motion of the body as the one said on forum : shower of light.


Movements in chi kung are to help direct energy like props in magic. .The practitioner decide what he is moving : outside/inside aura , inside/outside body. Imagination is the key and intent. The name of the technic are often clues for understanding what to do.

A litte like the prayers (taoist and hindu), it is often directions for trainings (visualisation, programming energy, etc…). Details are known or not by specialists and masters.

BY the way ever though with what i said that golden armor (iron shirt) is in fact training aura with gold, packing energy (packing breath of mantak chia imply using resistance) in a spot (container, merdian point) that will open if strike , bouncing away what it touches. ? When I was praticing that way long time ago it helped me when i was raise from the gound and thrown in air badly on the wall ( jea prok wall and heating calorifer were smashed but i had no damage). The hic is that you must never stop that training otherwise it is not automatic, the energy compress move and won’t stay at one point.

Finally weapons can be a prop too apart physcial training (saber train forearms, sword wrist, stick bouncing, etc… ) . First learn to do the form without it. Then make one with the mind acting as if its really there. Tools, talismans contains forces. Next step is to decide which force is in the weapon created and what is the effect if you were hitting a target. Finally, you may add shadow boxing make a real opponent that provoke yout moves. But this is hard to do. For me, after too many moves I loose focus (lack of breath, speed, distracted, lost feeling false weapon, lost of detail of image, etc…). That implies in my case more training to do or reducing the moves.

Whether magic, martial arts, chi kung , yoga they all seems to point to the same bases, concept of energy using for a specific goal. Variants are multiple but something repeat itself : prop to help focus, training with an energy, mantras (taoist, chinese, hindu…), programming. It is not only physical training even if seen like it by spectators.


Ref : qicong empowerement liang & wu

Ore book training

Magical passes

Tai Chi Martial Art – Yongnian Tai Chi (yongniantaichiusa.com)

Dynamic of qi kong healing hiqe and yap (cfq book)

Fa lun da fa on you tube => Vidéos Bing

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"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
