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Chakras turned GOLD wtf??

Jul 28, 2011
Recently there was an incident with aliens where I live. Their spaceships roamed around the skies doing something. (I have no idea what) Lots of people including friends of mine felt their energies. Those with blocked chakras felt intense pain and bad feelings because of blocked energy. Those with unblocked chakras felt an intense electric energy around their body. The whole incident lasted around 5 days. After the whole incident I was meditating and I noticed that all my main chakras had turned gold in colour.
Does anyone have any insights on this?
I wish I could be of constructive use here, but unfortunately that acclaimed account of yours is hard to believe just because you say it happened.
Gold itself is supposed to indicate a domination of the Solar chakra, in which its functions involve generating and propagating raw energy for the soul/body.  
If indeed there were ufos, then it makes no sense for enemy ETs to perform such a service.  
I doubt our Daemon gods would make such an obvious spectacle of themselves however.
Isn't the whole turning the chakras to gold part of the alchemical process of the magnum opus?
however when they say gold i'm pretty sure they meant in allegorical as gold is the code-word for perfection.
Yes, Rook, but as to why supposedly ETs would make a spectacle of themself while empowering someone is yet to be understood.

By the way, is this “Rook” the same I might be a close ally/friemd with?

You are on Steam right? And FB?
Maybe the gods just infused gold around your chakras in an attempt to prevent the enemy from harming you?
Yes, that is somewhat odd as well, ETs would never draw attention to themselves, OP also never told us the area that the ETs were operating in, also if they had done so, i'm sure it would be all over the web, but OP was the only one who claimed to have seen the UFO?
which leads to me to believe that he may have had an out of body experience when he saw it, but they were hidden to all others, i mean I've seen megalithic space crafts in some of my astral projections, however i like to keep my APs to myself.
It would make sense if ETs operated in the area, which may have resulted in unusual energies and such, also i would assume they were positive ETs, we know that the jews use their torah and such to make it harder for us to open our chakras and such, so perhaps the ET's presence may have nullified those effects.
This is assuming that OP is telling the truth and not trolling.

And yes i am that familiar black bird that writes a lot. 
The ETs do not give a shit. The appear to anyone that they desire and whenever they desire. That is true both for the Annunakis and the Reptilians and Greys. They just DO NOT CARE. Every single time I meditate ufos appear at the sky above me (not exactly above but from the view of my window). They could stay invisible if they wanted but they dont. They are doing this deliberately to draw my attention. 
It is ridiculous for a person involved with Joy of Satan to not believe such a story because it sounds "unbelievable". Many of us experience these things in such a regular basis that it is casual reality, not "unbelievable". Just be open minded please.
I swear in the name of Enki Lucifer Satan, or whatever you want to call him that all this is true.
The whole incident happened in many cities in the Balkans. Hundreds saw it but there was ABSOLUTELY NONE media coverage. The incident was completely covered up. I even made a post about it in the Joy Of Satan forums and even here the post was rejected. To sum up what happened, a giant object covered the view of the moon and the whole sky was filled with ufos. I even saw a ufo up close. It had some sort of cloaking device and when it decloaked it looked just like the black knight sattelite (google it). The energies were only felt by people who had experience with meditation. (They were more sensitive to the energies I guess) but for anyone that was not under the guidance of Satan and hadnt empowered and unblocked his chakras (especially with the use of vibrations), the experience was incredibly painfull (emotional pain as well, you know bad feelings). I personally could handle the energy and all I go was twitching all over my body but many friends of mine were vomiting and crying both because emotional and physical pain.
idk about you guys in "thebalkans" but there seems to actually have been some alien beings on earth recently.
i saw something very wierd, and silent fly right over "my place of dwelling"
it looked like something that should not be silent especially for what it looked like...the appearance was just ridiculous. too much light coming off of it from both the front and back, but the light coming out the back wasnt a big long trail like on a misslile, so i have no clue what the fuck it was tbh

and then once i sprang up and got out to look at it i realized it was NOT a human aircraft at all, and it was just making its way across the sky until it was out of view.
it was super bright and ridiculous it looked like a missile almost but it was moving so slow, and it just happened to fly by over me so that i saw it through a hatch while i was lying down late at night.
whatever it was the flight path was no coincidence, and it simply must have been making a flyby for me
i  just did some research, and no it was not a trident missile, the trident missile looks literally NOTHING like this thing.
anyways maybe there is some legitimacy to this guys post
Dude one or two days after making this post I saw a giant spaceship literally decloak right in front me. It was grey and it looked like the black knight sattelite (google it) in shape. Most people will disregard this post thinking iam trolling...well IAM NOT....IAM 100% COMPLETELY TELLING THE TRUTH....ALL THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED....WE ARE LIVING IN VERY INTRESTING TIMES....especially considering that it decloaked right above my city which is quite large and stayed there for 20-30 seconds...
On Sunday I was with my dog and something passed above me which sounded like electromagnetic, like some kind of aircraft, but I was under a tree and saw nothing, though many crows started flying in the distance since the thing went towards them. Have no idea what it is. Could have even been a bird lol but I have no idea
These are some of my thoughts I shared with another SS on the topic of giant UFO's sitting up in the sky. I will say I do believe small vessels are in the area and fly around here from time to time, but I am very skeptical about claims of massive vessels just sitting up there doing whatever.. 
Here's the part I wrote about it to that other SS:

I kind of find it hard to believe they'd have such huge ships in such abundance in our atmosphere since I'd think the greys would just invade the planet forcefully, if they really have such forces hovering about everywhere unseen.. 
Massive UFO's like some people claim to have seen could only be giant warships or troop carriers, potentially holding up to thousands of hostile ET's fully equipped for war and what not, I find it hard to believe they'd just have that kind of warship hover up in the sky and not do anything with it, it's like the USA sending one of it's aircraft carriers to china just to sit there and look pretty while waving at the Chinese. 
Seems like wasted resources and nobody sends giant warships just to let them hover about with a cloak that somehow fails them once in a while and let's them become visible, unless the grey military is that inefficient, which would also explain why they might just have warships hovering about while not doing anything with them lol
Maybe they just look big, but are actually just sheep in wolves clothing lol 
I really don't know what to think about this, as on the one hand I can totally believe ET ships are flying about over here, possibly in large numbers since we are in enemy territory, but such large ones seems very unlikely, simply due to the fact they could probably just brute force us and take us over that way, unless perhaps Satan has forces watching the area ready to swoop in if those greys make a move, but then again I'd assume Satan's forces could just brute force whatever the greys or reptilians have stationed here. 
Unless they are all in some kind of kentruxican space standoff like a weird Wild West American spin of between a cow boy, a Native American and an angry Britt who's got their panties in a twist because the Americans are independent now. 
Which seems unlikely as I don't think Satan would just sit there having a standoff with the greys and let them stare him down from a distance. 
Which must mean Satan doesn't have forces nearby ready to swoop in at any moment and  that also means the greys must not have forces here powerful enough to swoop in on the planet, which logically means the greys would not have giant UFO's hovering up in the sky or have alien fleets numbering in the hundreds of vessels looking pretty while some dude takes out his mobile phone to take a video while he's driving down the road at night. 
It just doesn't add up to me.. Then again I don't know anything about space ships and the relative power of our enemies physical forces, neither do I know how the logistics for space craft work. Perhaps it's completely possible for the greys to have warships sitting pretty up in the sky, having a bit of a vacation up there doing who knows what without costing them resources. 
Or maybe they aren't warships, but just completely oversized listening posts to keep an eye on us, or maybe a research vessel that looks far to intimidating for whatever reason.

As you can see I spoke about it a little jokingly in this message, because it simply doesn't add up. What they are can only be speculated about, however I firmly believe those huge vessels people are seeing are not real, unless I see one for myself.

If those massive ships really would fly above highly populated areas and decloak there for like 20 seconds or so millions of people would see them and regardless of sensoring by the government and media thousands of people would be talking about these kinds of events and most likely multiple people would catch them on camera, since there is always someone walking around outside with their phone out these days.

The footage I have seen about massive alien vessels being caught on camera didn't add up and looked extremely questionable.

Smaller ships, sure that seems very likely, never seen one myself but there are enough eye witness accounts and there is also enough evidence established that greys are flying about here from time to time with smaller vessels, in what numbers we once again can only speculate but at least we can assume they are up to no good, however in no way are they here in massive numbers either because that doesn't make any sense, but massive vessels as the one the OP discribed, that simply does not add up at all.
Hmm… fear tactics… maybe?… I also had the thought that maybe… well since there's a barrier over earth n all… have their using their ships to penetrate this barrier and then once through they turn off their cloaking mechanism so that they can send down curses at us?… or maybe their using this approach for their own astral projection? Even way… can't be easy sending curses or astrally projecting through earths barrier…I dunno…?
I understand that it sounds unbelievable but it is true...I saw it...my clairvoyance isnt even that advanced so it was definitely a physical object in the sky. I have no idea what kind of ship it was...all i know is that is was there and that many people felt its energy...for some reason normal people did not feel it but for most of us that were sensitive the experience was incredibly painfull...one friend of mine was vommiting, another had fever for about a week and the other one was crying (emotional pain) and many other symptoms which I do not remember. As for me I just felt my entire body being electrocuted.
Ever since something has been waking me up at night with strange dreams. Every time after I woke up I would go outside and I would see small ships in the sky (bright dots probably drones or something) flying away at a very fast speed (like from one side of the sky to the other.)
In regards to the giant spaceship, It was not vissible for the majority of the population in the streets because the buildings cut the view. It was however vissible for most people living at the 7th floor or above.
A few days before seeing the spaceship a giant object covered the moon for some reason. 
@ 2 guys with random 40 character string for their names, it's rather hard to to believe that you're 2 separate people with names like that.
"Hundreds saw it but there was ABSOLUTELY NONE media coverage. The incident was completely covered up.
To sum up what happened, a giant object covered the view of the moon and the whole sky was filled with ufos."I mean 'media coverage' is somewhat irrelevant as i'm sure people have access to the internet, so what's stopping them from posting their experiences like you did?
The only spacecraft i saw was a big one, from astral projection which i don't consider to be real.I will say the only thing that matches up are the weird feelings you get from looking at them.
@voiceofenkithing is, large ships don't always mean warships, and the thing about smaller ships is that they need a docking platform so most likely they would either have a ground base or an orbital base.
Like i said large ships don't always mean warships, it could be a headquarters for observation/research as well as a supply base for any ETs operating in the area.
Although i too find the possibility of large space crafts operating here to be unlikely, but still plausible like you said, as we don't understand how they work.

I agree that Satan wouldn't just sit there while a large space craft is within Earth's orbital space, a smaller space craft seems more plausible as it may avoid any detection, a large space craft would raise alarms.
but if OP can see these smaller ships then they would definitely be picked up by any other ET, which doesn't add up.
However if such a large spacecraft is of Satan, then it would make sense, that they would have some sort of base on Earth, because i doubt Earth would just be left undefended.
I'll stick to my point regardless that I find it hard to believe they have such huge vessels, whatever they may be, sitting around in our atmosphere.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are a bunch of big vessels in our solar system that can be used as staging grounds for smaller vessels to resupply and station and so forth, but for such huge objects to be in the atmosphere it would undoubtedly be much more noticeable, even if they can cloak themselves physically.

There is too much we do not know to make an accurate judgement on this and determine how plausible these things are, which is why I'm reluctant to believe such claims dispite this being plausible.

Same as I don't doubt there could be greys on the planet right now, but I would think we'd be aware of this and be able to sense them or something like that.

I've heard and read all kinds of elaborate stories about people who worked in "Dumps", deep underground military bases that are simply hard to believe as from those stories it would seem there are up to thousands of greys all over the planet right now with UFO's being everywhere, yet they aren't doing anything, except maybe abducting some people (which is terrible if they are doing such a thing) and getting caught on camera in dubious extreme low resolution video's.

If they have numbers this huge on the planet you'd think they would have more influence, unless the greys really aren't all that much.

Stories about greys working together with human scientists to invent tech that can help them control us. Why would they need to invent tech for that if they have large numbers of greys stationed here, could they not just bring it over from where ever they came from? Maybe they are prevented from doing so?

Who knows, but again it's all questionable and we know too little to really determine if these claims are real or just nonsense.

Stories about huge numbers or greys stationed in some place off shore of america, which was subsequently raided by the US military under the guise of a nuclear bomb test. Supposedly american soldiers raided them in their underground hideout and beat the shit out of them with conventional weapons, after which the aliens subsequently flew off like flies in their UFO's, back into space...

Sounds like the plot of a B rated sci fi movie from the 80's to me..

Also about some dude being called in by the us military to build them an advanced engine system because he made a rocket in his backyard that could fly at mach 10, faster than anything designed by the US military to date. This dude also claimed to have worked in some Dumps on some alien engines that were like biomechenical and held in some vault, which was supposedly alive and some other strange nonsense.

90% of these claims are ludicrous and completely unrealistic. Why are the jews of such huge importance to the enemy if supposedly the enemy has massive alien ships flying all over the place, capable of knocking out an entire metropolitan area by simply flying over head?

If they really had such things in our atmosphere you'd think they could have already dealth with us by now and they wouldn't need to resort to sneaky infiltration tactics.

Why bother with such elaborate torah tactics if they can casually have massive spaceships flying around here?

The only concept people have about spaceships if from watching sci fi on tv, I bet the reality is vastly different and people are severely misunderstanding how these things would function in real life, same as how the Gods travel and exist as a whole in real life.

I doubt they are flying in massive space craft made from some alloy and fighting like classic sci fi movies have you believe space battles are fought. If retarded hollywood directors can come up with these kinds of plots and depictions of so called advanced tech, imagine what the reality is actually like.

I am willing to bet that the actual tech our Gods use and our enemies use and the actual ways our Gods fight against them are beyond our capability to comprehend as we currently are.

Some people like to believe the Gods are flying around in spaceships and such, but I doubt they'd be traveling like that, since they are masters over the astral energies and over the soul.

They can travel anywhere by simply willing themselves to go anywhere, that is how they visit us, perhaps they have found ways to do the same with their physical bodies if they so desired or perhaps they won't ever need to come here physically in the flesh as they might hold the same power and mastery over the physical in their projections as they do in their physical.

I've always felt the Gods are beyond the need for conventional space travel and such. It seems vastly inefficient if you know a little about the possibilities that lie on the astral and mastery there of.

They can heal people here, kill people here, influence the weather here, do all kinds of stuff here in the physical simply by projecting their will from where ever they are physically. Potentially they are influencing our planet physically from thousands of light years away.

When they touch us it feels like a physical touch, no less at all. Their projections are not mere projections at alll, it is their being itself directed here at their will. With such advanced "tech" why would they require space ships to travel?

The only reason many people on the planet and even here with the JoS don't notice the Gods when they stand right before them is because they themselves are not open enough astrally.

Same for the enemy, they seem to have plenty of mastery over the astral, I doubt they'd need to rely on space travel like the way it's often depicted in sci fi.

Inducing halucinations is far easier than you might think. I personally believe people seeing these huge space ships might simply be affected by induced mass halucinations that can be brought forth by influencing the minds of people from the astral, that honestly seems like a much easier and much more efficient feat to accomplish than traveling here physically with a huge space ship and sitting around in the sky doing some genetic research on gentile human beings or whatever.

Shade, that barrier around the planet is not a physical barrier. It's an astral barrier preventing gentile humanity from connecting to their spiritual power and preventing gentile humanity from speaking with our Gods, among other things.

Okay, there is a total mess of wild assumptions here. Let's start with what we know and go from there.
  • Gods aren't here physically (at least that's what I see and I can't find credible info suggesting otherwise)</li>
  • There are spaceships above Earth</li>
  • They do not attack (physically at least)</li>
  • greys and reptilians want to enslave us through jews (at least that's their plan A)</li>
  • Also greys are supposed to capture dead people's souls (and Gods protect us from that)
  • If Gods were just above Earth wouldn't they come down and do something? (even just like typical "we come in peace" stuff and shake stuff a little bit with some comments on jooish cults or race mixing)</li>
  • There was some stuff around here about greys and reptilians being part if intergalactic federation or something</li>
  • Gods on the other hand are supposed to be from somewhere in pleiades or orion (can't remember which) and as they are fighting here I doubt they would have control of systems in other galaxies, more like local resistance force (and no, most likely there still are logistics in some form and Gods can't say "abracadabra" and do anything on any scale and any quantity, see next point)</li>
  • Gods clearly are not omnipotent or utterly overpowering the enemy, they would roflstomp them by now if that was the case. This is not to say Gods are weak. Think of it this way: Gods are like US army and you are you. If army gave enough of a fuck they could do stuff hard or impossible to achieve if you were to try do them yourself: get you to another continent in record time with supersonic jet, move whole tanks or helicopters by airplane (look up big cargo planes) or blow up pesky neighbor's home. That's equivalent of blessings Gods give out. They are really powerful compared to us. But if russia and china ganged up on US army they would have a bad day fighting two big countries off. And Gods won't obliterate enemy with support from multiple other galaxies, being outnumbered in manpower and resources (material stuff and astral energies). Why would otherwise giving our energy to Them (it was somewhere in Satan's library) make a difference?</li>So about ufos in the sky. I think there is enough evidence to conclude that there are some ships but it's not clear who operates them. It's unlikely they are of Gods as it's unlikely that they would just fly around and screw with us. Barring some other forces we don't know about we're left with enemy. They wouldn't mind scaring or confusing us, that explains why they show up and in just right place and time to be caught by amateurs but not anyone with professional equipment or something like that. I also doubt Gods are even nearby, that would probably make greys go into extermination mode or something. They only keep us around for soul gathering anyway. Also there was something about them patrolling around to catch souls. Despite being hiveminded drones they probably still need sustenance for their bodies, place to maintain their equipment etcetera. I therefore suggest these are simply industrial ships and not military onesthat are sent to frontlines instead. I do not know if these ufos are interstellar ships themselves or are shuttle equivalents for warhammer 40k-esque size ships (smallest ones are about 1km in length) but big ships would be explained in both cases. They are either smaller ones greys have to offer but look big to us or they are biggest ships they have (like our tankers and container ships are ridiculously big and have no military value but serve our economic needs). Either way, as I wrote earlier, greys most likely need a base of operations. So take some living spaces, repair shops, whatever they use to manipulate, store and/or send energy harvested from souls, cobble them together and you have a space station. Slap some engines on and you have mobile base for harvesting and processing souls from enslaved planets which they can use in war with our Gods who could use more energy as well. Doesn't sound far fetched, isn't it?
    At least that's my hypothesis. Accept, reject and expand upon as you wish.Also please apply more rationality in discussions such as these. I bet you have phone OP. Why not take a photo. I would try to record something as extraordinary as ufo. It's not far fetched to assume that there will be people not beliving without reasonable evidence. Seriously, we don't expect you to capture a grey and show it on tv or something like that (but that would be nice anyway).

    And yeah, I have random character name. Technically I could try and get to do something about it but I lurk most of the time anyway and whatever I can find isn't helpful. Probably it's because I used disposable email here. And no, I won't give them my phone no or real email. And I hardly can bother with another email and password to remember.
I agree my previous posts were a mess on this, because they were not all too serious and I didn't exp,ain my points very well for that reason.

As for your post, why would a physical ship be required to harvest and harness the power of human souls?

Aside from transport of their physical bodies and lodgings for them the enemy can easily do everything from the astral and in fact would make much more sense to be a purely astral operation.

Energy is directed by will and by programming it with your will. This is done by the enemy and by us and by everyone who can manipulate these energies and use the powers of the soul. The greater the mastery over these forces the more can be accomplished.

There is no need for elaborate industrial ships like what you discribed when you can simply transmogrify anything you desire by manipulating astral energies and manipulating the physical to your will.

I doubt the greys require much of any sustenance, they most likely have implants that inject them with the minimal required vitamins and minerals to keep their bodies functional and they can simply incarnate their souls into a new body if their previous body gives way.

This is not sustainable for the individual lifeform of course, but the greys are very diminished life forms, they are cyborgs. Biomechenical life forms who's soul is bound to a body that most likely can easily be manufactured by cloning methods that can already be employed to a lesser degree here on earth.

Souls can be manifactured as well, especially for greys which are basically not much more than glorified thoughtforms placed into a physical body.

How far fetched does it sound that the spiritual process that happens during procreation between two beings can be replicated in some artificial way to mass produce souls?

Or who's to say they cannot use human souls and transplant them into the mass produced and manufactured bodies of greys?

If the human soul is not compatible they can degenerate it untill it can be bound to the body, then controlled through programming of the mind and soul, such as what the torah, bible and koran do.

Forced reincarnation by binding a soul to a body that is artificially grown with cloning tech, which has it's brain enhanced with biomechenical implants that massively increase the psychic capacity of the being while keeping them completely programmed with those same implants and microchips. A very likely reality that can be employed much more easily than sending massive spaceships over here in the physical to do whatever.

Moving around massive spaceships requires vast energy. They might of course posses powerful astral generators that can produce enough power to accomplish this, but pretty much all of their opperations here on earth can be performed from the astral without needing to be present in our solar system physically.

These greys are expendable pawns, but the enemy posesses tech to manipulate the soul, which is basically advanced spiritual knowledge. At a certain point tech and spirituality are one and the same.

Basically they are the same if you understand the process behind all of that, even on the lowest levels of tech.

These greys can easily opperate from the astral and destroy peoples minds without ever being here physically, they can manipulate equipment, even military grade electronic equipment from the astral, they can manipulate the weather from the astral, they can kill people from the astral, infect people with illness from the astral, cause massive natural disasters like earthquakes by alligning the vast energies raised up for them through xianity and so forth.

The things they can do are numerous, all from the astral without needing to be here physically at all. They can do these things while their physical self exists where ever pretty much, maybe there is a limit to the effective range they can exercise these abilities, but if there is then that range is not insignificant.

It's speculated greys have some bases on the moon and what not, which could certainly be the case. Which means they can do all this crap I mentioned from at least that far away or so.

We do not know how far away their bodies are, but the astral is not bound to space at all. As long as one posesses enough mastery over their soul they can go where ever they want, even to the edge of the universe in pretty much an instant by willing themselves to go there.

Such things require significant spiritual power, but they are very possible. This is with the astral body of course, not the physical, but with enough spiritual power and mastery over the soul you can exercise all your abilities from the astral in the physical that you would otherwise be able to use in the physical as well.

Such as pyrokinesis, telekinesis, spiritual healing, death magic, mind control, weather manipulation and so forth.

And you bet that our Gods can kill anyone on the planet by willing this to happen. They have their reasons for not walking over the enemy for us, but they can certainly steamroll the jews with impunity.

On numerous occasions have the Gods demonstrated their ability to kill anyone they desire. Such as people who significantly endanger an SS they care for personally. They can choose to take such measures or not, but when they choose to enact such measures the person they target just dies, this is childs play for them.

Even we can perform rituals to take someones live from across the planet which take like 40 days to do.

Gods can do this easily by just directing their will for this to happen, no need for elaborate rituals, simply directing their will like a laser beam and wishing death on someone here on the planet does the trick, even across many hundreds or perhaps thousands of light years of physical space.

Advanced gentiles can significantly injure a person by simply wishing death on them. Or make some one sick by doing so, without even requireing a full 40 day ritual. Gods whom have lived fo tens of thousands of years and have advanced for all that time can of course easily do far more by casually directing their thoughts.

No, they are not omnipotent, but they abilities are significant. However, our enemy posesses significant abilities of similar caliber which is why they were capable of starting a war against Our gods in the first place, they would have been obliterated instantly if they did not posses vast power.

The jews are simply their insignificant underlings.

Telepaty is the equivelent of instantanious communication over any distance, when we speak to our Gods through telepathy we instantly send and recieve messages over hundreds and thousands of light years, because this travels through the astral.

Gentiles can gain abilities such as pyrokinesis in a single life time, which is like 70 or so years, in fact they can gain these powers much quicker if they develop them with extreme determination and empower their soul daily.

Our Gods are beings who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, they have advanced their souls every single day, attaining greater power continiously.

The enemies of our Gods do the same, they are by no means weak. It is us who are absolutely pathetic compared to them all. The greys too are pathetic minions which pose no threat to our Gods, but compared to us (by "us" I mean the current status of our planet) they are significantly more advanced due to the tech they possess and have been "enhanced" by.

It is our potential that is frightening, but not our current power.

Also note that when one becomes a God they only step into the realm of infinity, that is basically the beginning of where one attains power.

Please understand I'm not advocating some useless dragonball crap or whatever where people can smash the universe with a punch of their fist because they are gods or whatever.

That said, the powers of the soul are very complex and with sufficient power you can simply alter reality to your will to the degree your power permits you to do so, with stronger beings easily capable of overwriting your power because they posses greater power and will than you yourself.

Both the macrocosm outside us and the microcosm within us are infinite, thus true omnipotence doesn't exist because there is always a greater power to be attained and on the higher levels there are many beings of incredibly vast power who can be more or less equal to one another, they are all incredibly potent and can do things which might appear as omnipotent feats compared to our own meager power but is nothing special for those who posses such power.

Satan and our Gods are not directly interfering with all their might here on earth for their own reasons, which you can come to understand as you look deeper into it, but they certainly could utterly smash any ET's that are present here if it was required, or if it even was worth their energy to do so, which frankly it is not.

Our world is an utter shithole right now, which is something we must fix. The Gods are willing to teach us how to fix it, but we must fix it ourselves. They could baby sit us forever and deal with all our problems for us easily, but that is not worth their time nor their effort.

While they are not omnipotent (by that I mean boundless and capable of manipulating the entirety of the universe with a single thought as they desire), they posess extremely vast power that cannot be comprehended easily.

As for us giving them energy, think of it as a courtesy, it is the least we can do to thank them. In fact, it is the ONLY thing we can directly give them that has even just a small amount of value to them.

However that is by no means an equivalent exchange. The energy we can give the Gods is by no means an equal payment for what they give us. It is however a courtesy, a way for us to show we remember them and that we respect them, that we care for them.

The Gods do not require us in order to exist themselves or in order to defeat their enemies, they want to help us because they care for us and they give us their help when we show them that we are worthy of it and that we desire to better ourselves.

I cannot speak for them and so I cannot say why they accept the small amounts of energy we give them as ample return for their efforts, but I do know that it's by no means an equivelent exchange when we ask them for help in return for energy.

As an example, when I donated energy to my GD to thank her for guiding me over the years she blessed me in return which filled my being with far more energy than I could ever raise up by myself. Easily making the energy I send to her appear completely insignificant in volume.

They radiate so much energy by simply being near us that any amount we can give them is but a fraction compared to the energy that radiates from them casually by simply existing.

Simply being touched by them can easily raise your energy more than you can raise yours after doing Kundalini Yoga for more than an hour straight.

Their power is vastly beyond our own.

Have you ever performed an Invocation ritual? When you do a succesful invocation the God/Goddess splits of a fragment of their soul and lets it enter your soul, connect with your soul and thus you can temporarily attain part of their attributes and such.

What enters you is but a mere fragment of their soul which they can split of at will and send over to you in an instant from where ever. However this mere fragment fills you with energy beyond pretty much anything you can invoke yourself (I cannot speak for everyone, but for a majority this applies).

Doing rituals like that will allow you to see some of the dept of their vast power and energy.

That said, Satan and our Gods are not even the strongest beings in existence. Neighter do I know were they stand relative compared to other beings in existence, neither do I know exactly why they choose to interfere with us and other more powerful beings don't.

In this infinite macrocosm power is a lot more abstract than those physical things and our enemy operates mostly on the astral and higher levels.

Physical warfare as we have it here and as popular sci fi wants to show us is not how these things happen in reality.

Thinking that way is simply naive as there is much more vast and abstract power out there that defies all physical logic completely and makes silly space warfare from the movies or from most fiction appear as a childrens past time in kindergarden.

Thanks for clearing things up. Maybe it's just me but it is quite hard to wrap my head around that guy meditating on other side of the planet is more dangerous than guy with gun pointed at your head. Maybe it's because I don't really have any of these powers you talk about myself. But thanks again for taking your time to explain this stuff.
The last posts where made as soon as I literally begged Thot and Enki for 10 minutes to explain me what is going on and lead me to the truth because 20 fucking red ufos where flying above my house. AND YES THAT IS IN A MAJOR CITY AND MY BROTHER SAW IT AS WELL...its real and physical.
Again a long post, bear with me if you don't mind.

Well the dude pointing a gun to your head is more dangerous in that moment of course, but if you are not aware of the spiritual then it is indeed possible to become the victem of curses that could potentially end your life at the hand of a dude you have never seen, sitting on the other side of the planet.

That is speaking about us here on earth.

Magic works very subtle, same as curses and so forth. Basically energy is directed by will and attempts to find the easiest route, the one with least resistence to accomplish the desire of the mage.

Whether it is succesful depends on a lot of factors, including the spiritual power of the mage, the desire this mage wants fullfilled and any spiritual resistence the mage might encounter as the primary factors.

Telekinesis for example is a difficult ability to use, even just lifting a penny in your hands requires a lot of psychic power, let alone being able to use it in ways that could enhance your life.

Performing a feat like that succesfully requires first the raw spiritual power that is build after many years of consistent power meditation, then it requires the knowledge on how to perform this specific feat (telekinesis in this case), it requires one to know how to direct their aura etc.

Mantra's can be used to improve the effectiveness of your magic, they amplify your spiritual power and allow you to raise more energy than you might be able to do with just your mind alone. They assist in directing your will basically.

Telekinesis is more of a practical application that when succesful has direct visable and tangible results, but the process is still very abstract (read the JoS page on telekinesis if you want to know the specifics).

Something like death magic is a lot more abstract, as basically the energy will follow the path of least resistence to accomplish it's goals. If the target has equal or greater spiritual power as yourself the it is highly likely to be completely impossible to succesfully kill them with a death spell (which is a curse).

The death can occur in the form of illness, a fatal heart attack, a sudden accident or even at the hand of someone else, such as the curse causing the person to run into a vicious criminal that ends up shooting them in the head. If the person is depressed it might guide the person to suicide (depressed and otherwise mentally and physically weak people are exceptionally susceptable to curses, since they are already affected by negative energy).

When one is weak a long ritual might be needed, where you vibrate mantra's everyday for 40 days, or even longer to get the desired result, but when one is exceptionally strong or when multiple people combine their energies together to accomplish the same purpose or goal the target can suffer death after a single day, or even after someone simply wishes them to die with all their intent.

This works in all forms of magic, such as spiritual healing (which can be done from any distance, same as a death spell) and magic to attain certain things such as wealt, or love, or fame or whatever.

Simple things, such as wanting to eat a specific ice cream that you really like but haven't been able to get for a while are exceptionally easy to obtain.

Or for example if one is waiting in line at the supermarket and you want the line to hurry up, if you have some psychic power it's highly likely your wish, or intent will manifest and a second line will open up as the result of you wishing this.

But if you want to for example become president, that's a whole different matter. Because you'll be facing significant opposition of course and you'll need incredible psychic power to make this happen by yourself, which is why such things are usually an accomplishment brought forth with many like minded people working together.

Everyone, even completely non spiritual people have thought power, which is essentially the part of their being that allows their desires to manifest. With greater spiritual power you have more thought power and can as a result affect reality to a greater extend and make it bend to your will to a greater extend.

The greys function along those lines too.

However this is also where things become a bit complicated, as for example if you are very afraid of something happening to you, or very obsessed about something and want it badly with all your might you can draw these things towards you even if you didn't intent for this specifically, and this can come in many, many forms.

With more power you can manifest those things much faster, which can work to your detriment significantly.

This can also cause self hallucinations, as energy takes the path of least resistence to manifest your desires.

For example if one is obsessed consciously or subconsciously about UFO's you can actually cause yourself to manifest a hallucination which appears entirely real to you where you see that UFO you were to obsessed with, but unbeknowst to you it's actually a delusion in your own mind caused by yourself, by means of programming your own mind to attract something that's completely impossible.

Excessive paranoia can cause such things as well, such as being paranoid about ET's and UFO's, you can program your mind to percieve them everywhere and drive yourself insane because you keep focussing your mind on it in one way or another.

When you subconsciously direct your will it still directs your will.

The primary way to prevent such delusions, hallucinations and other kinds of self programmed misperceptions, paranoia and misfortunes is by performing void meditation.

Void meditation allows you to completely regain control of your mind and emotions, when sufficiently mastered you can at all times fully control your emotional state and banish any sort of derimental thoughts, as well you become aware of your subconscious and can keep it under control to prevent yourself from accidentally attracting something you should not, or desireing something you should not.

With that said, I will firmly suggest the OP to work on a lot of daily void meditation in order to dispell any delusions he/she is currently suffering from, whether known or unknown to him, whether conscious or subconscious. You are clearly not in control of your mental state and are prone to paranoia and delusion which works to your detriment, significantly.

The goal of spiritual satanism is to gain full control of your being and thus ensure your own freedom in all ways, which can be accomplished by performing power meditations and as a result building your spiritual power, which you can use to better your life and mind in all ways, keep yourself safe from malicious physical and spiritual forces and can allow you to fullfill your desires.

Another simple example of how this can work and how different levels of spiritual power can allow you to do certain things on different levels:

When someone get's sick they often want to get better, however someone with little to no spiritual power might take a long time to heal from something as simple as the flue.

Basically the flue can be seen as a physical manifestation of negative energy that latches unto you and attempts to infect you. People who are ill have a greyish or otherwise dirty looking aura around the afflicted area.

Someone with little spiritual power can wish to get better but their power is too little to really do much, they notice they are getting sick and thus they mentally prepare themselves for a couple days of illness and as a result they suffer from illness. They often resign to the fact they are ill and cannot put up a very strong resistence mentally.

More severe illness is basically equivelent of more severe and dense negative energy and thus requires greater will and spiritual power to remove.

Now if said person with little power has family and friends that wishes them to get better soon they will actually heal faster, because those outsiders are directing their thougth power (which is the physical manifestation of spiritual power) to wish him to get better soon.

If said person is alone and instead he has some people that dislike him and wish for his or her suffering, or perhaps even wish for them to get more ill than they already are then they can actually get more sick or stay sick longer. Even people with little to no power can affect these things with their thoughts.

Now if said person feeling that they are getting sick is a spiritually powerful individual they can easily dispell this before it ever takes root, by willing it to go away and invoking golden light to clean their aura and ward of negative energy.

Likely a spiritually powerful person never get's sick due to their aura's deflecting these negative energies away from them and if they do they have many ways to deal with it.

In some cases they do get sick but this might be from outside sources, such as curses directed to them, or past life karmic influences that are lingering on their soul, which might actually manifested stronger and worse as one gains more power due to the fact that things on the soul from past lives can cause the subconscious to attract these or desire for these, be it negative or positive.

Then you have more powerful beings like our Gods. For them illness doesn't even exist, they have long banished such meager influences from themselves. Curses directed to them simply backfire and instead hit the person who send them with double power and so forth.

Now back to the case of the weak individual getting ill. If they have a spiritually powerful friend and that friend knows they are getting sick, that friend might wish for them to get better quickly or not get sick at all, which can manifest and result in them not getting sick at all.

In other cases simply the pressence of a spiritually powerful person in the room or household can prevent illness in people around them due to the fact their aura radiates powerful positive energy, or they can cause everyone in the house to become ill while remaining unaffected themselves if they send out an aura of hatred towards the others living with them.

Thought are basically Magic. As Magic is the will of the mage directing energy and programming energy to accomplish their desires. Thoughts are equivalent to desires and thus thinking something is basically performing magic.

Directing a thought is the simplest form of magic, which the experienced mage or spiritual satanist or otherwise mystic, etc, can amplify with mantra's, vizualizations and astrological timings.

But at a certain point it comes around full circle where the thought, and the direction of ones will is all that is needed to accomplish their desires. Thus the mind itself becomes the full manifestation of the beings power.

For us directing a thougth might do it for simple desires, but bigger things require more effort, but for our Gods it is simply a matter of directing their will to make things fall into place however they disire, with the only limit being their spiritual power itself.

As such, taking the life of a human is childs play for them, but taking the life of a being with equivalent power requires a lot more effort, simmilar as for us killing a bug is as simple as stepping on it, while killing another man physically requires a whole lot more effort..

Same with healing. When one is strong enough they can heal otherwise fatal injuries with their mind, regrow lost limbs and organs and surpass death itself, or easily perform feats that would require a whole team of surgeons hours and hours of work with a large risk of failure by directing their energy into a patient and willing them to heal, even from across the galaxy. 

As a testimony to this, I saw a god personally heal my Grandmother who was on her death bed and beyond saving. Suffering from a fatal blood cloth in her brain and being comatose with a heartbeat of under 20 for an entire night (which results in the brain lacking oxygen and should have left her as a vegetable even if she miraculously survived by herself).

As I was attempting desperately to heal her, draining myself to such an extend I nearly fell unconscious in order to save her life, vibrating healing mantra's for 8 hours straight to no avail, as I was laying on the ground lacking the strength to even get on my knees, lacking the strength to even think as a result of me draining every ounce of energy I had within my being and sending it to my Grandmother.

This God came to me and placed his hand on my back, he shared some of his energy with me, which immediately reinvigorated my being, gave me the strength to stand and refilled my soul which I had pretty much emptied entirely, my body filled with a warmth that felt as if standing next to an open fire, my mind regained focus from the shock of energy which felt like a literal lightning bolt (without any pain however).

I directed this energy he gave me to my grandmother for the rest of the night. At that moment I heard from my family my grandmothers condition stabalized, after she had been struggling with death the entirety of the night.

I was unable to safe her with my own energy but I prevented her from passing away, allowed her to cling to life and didn't allow her to die for these 8 hours prior to that God comming to help, after I was drained myself and unable to sustain her life any further. Then that God came and reinvigorated myself and with this burst of energy my grandmother immediately stabalized when I directed this energy to her (with the help of this God).

The next day it appeared as if she had suffered very bad brain damage, she couldn't speak and she couldn't even more her arms, so weak she was.. Some of her organs had shut down from the lack of oxygen which basically meant she was still going to die and could not be saved.

When I was visiting her that day this God came again and placed his hand on her (astrally of course, nobody could see it except for myself). His hand glew bright white gold for a moment and let go of her again.

After which he told me that my grandmother will be fine soon and that I have nothing to worry about. That she will stay alive for multiple more years at least and have minimal suffering untill her life would run out so she can live out her last years in relative peace.

In the hours that followed she made a recovery that doctors could not explain and the day after she was completely fine, ready to go home as if nothing had happened. Her brain and other organs suffered no damage at all dispite having been given no treatment at all aside from my own and that God's healing energies.

She is still alive and well. Even though she's multiple years older now it appears as if she's not aging for the moment and in some ways it might even be concluded she's more vital than she was before her encounter with death.
I doubt you need my empathy "voiceofenki" but regardless I'd just like to say… it couldn't have been easy for you to relive that memory… let alone post it here… and I'd just like to say that I respect you for sharing this with us…
To be honest, that memory is quite a pleasant one, because it reminds me how much the Gods do care for us, how they watch over us and it reminds me their power.

So long as you work hard for Satan and you work to better yourself the Gods will come to your aid in your time of need.

They didn't need to help me, yet they choose to help me regardless, even though I had told them I would not be able to repay them for this debt and I was angry at my own weakness, he selflessly came to my aid and told me not to worry, told me I did well and that my attempts to save my grandmothers life were admirable.

Of course seeing my grandmother in such poor condition was not very nice, but this memory is one of the most wonderful memories I have of the Gods and it was one of the most beautiful displays of their power I have personally seen, so I am eternally grateful that they came to my aid.

This is something I strive towards now. To be able to replicate that feat of healing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
