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Race mixing is bad?
From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?
If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.
Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?
I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.
Hail Satan!
From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?
If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.
Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?
I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.
Hail Satan!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439
Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.
In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.
If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.
Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah
No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.
Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.
Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.
Our Race Is Our Nation
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich