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Blacks and satanism

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.
From: hailbelphagor <no.state@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

  Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

HailBelphagor, how long have you been on these groups? From.your response you must be new. You shouldnt trust many outside sources because JoS has many enemies. So yea, your other sources are not accurate. Race mixing destroys as race's genetic makeup and unique seed template as HP Don has mentioned. Each race is unique. The jews promote race mixing. Do a search on the jos main yahoogroups in the search engine

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 8:51 PM EDT hailbelphagor wrote:

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Most people are mixed to a degree. I'm mostly black, but I've been told I look mixed on several occasions. Maxine is white. Race mixing = Genocide.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:

All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.

From: hailbelphagor <no.state@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The only problem here is you got told a truth you didn't want to hear.

What do you do then? You repeat the lies of enemies mainly Jews about the person who spoke this truth. You pose to hide this in form of a statement pretending to be a question.

Then you make other moronic statements in the form of fake questions such as Lavey being the author of the Al-Jilwa. When its well known that the Al-Jilwa is from the Yezidi's who came into the NE from India several thousand years ago.

But you should have already have known this as its right up in big letters on the JoS front page.

You don't find it confusing, your just looking for an chance to troll.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sven" <belthazorthemighty@... wrote:

Most people are mixed to a degree. I'm mostly black, but I've been told I look mixed on several occasions. Maxine is white. Race mixing = Genocide.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@ wrote:

All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.

From: hailbelphagor <no.state@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Okay. And thank you for the clarification.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Sven" <belthazorthemighty@... wrote:

Most people are mixed to a degree. I'm mostly black, but I've been told I look mixed on several occasions. Maxine is white. Race mixing = Genocide.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@ wrote:

All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.

From: hailbelphagor <no.state@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Its even causing problems in Japan.
From: C Y <yc28@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:31:32 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  With that, i agree a 100%. I was actually thinking this morning why multi-culture/racial countries is not a good idea.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

What is important is good political relations between different racial nation states. From there it can prevent wars, and other conflicts and  manifest  a spirit of peaceful coexistence in general. If people want to vist nations of other races as tourists or students. Naturally they will probably make some friends there.

From: hailazazel <hailazazel@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 4:07:03 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism


Thank you for clearing that up. Well maybe I was wrong with my attitude. So basically in a Satanic world, either it would manifest within 100 years, or 1000 years, would be a world of Racial culture that would not include friendships between other races?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No person is under obligation to love every one or other such liberal preening. The fact is the members of races do naturally prefer to be around their own and want their own space. Its kin bond, that is metaphysical. And is requried by the divine order of life. Simple respect comes from understanding this.
Racial mixed societies never work. In history they always fall into racial warfare, ethic violence and oppression of one against the other. As different groups fight for power.
Before this they manifest a Balkanized situation on all levels that removes any possiblity of a national cohesive structure. Just competive power brokering.  The Jews promote multi-racialism and liberalism. Because it creates a situation the Jews can control and rule with ease.
As stated Liberal states always become totalitarian by nature of the beast. It becomes the only way to keep their liberal world dream together as it descends into the nightmare of reality. And Liberalism is traditionally intolerant of any opposition see the Terror during the "French revloution." Its the otherside of the coin of Christianity. Double talk and all.

From: hailazazel <hailazazel@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:04:23 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism


"I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me." - So basically you'll lose respect to them as they try and befriend with you. This is sickening. Not Satanic at all. Satanists are bound together, regardless of races. We are to preserve our genes, yes. But I can't see a reason not to befriend with all races. We're all go for the same category - the children of Satan.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "egon_88_666" <egon88@ wrote:

It is true, but it will not happen in this kinds of multicultural/multiracial societs. I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me. I don't hate negroes and I don't hate none gentile race, as I think anyone here also, but a multirracial society sicks me. It raise me the worst instincts, my bigger stupidities. Let a non white close to my sisters and he will be as good for me as a kike.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@ wrote:

Animosity against blacks, just because they are black - is stupid. Stupidity is a Satanic Sin. How can anyone be against the black race - Satan (Enki) created? To do so ;would also, be a Satanic Sin. Satanist aren't Stupid.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@ wrote:

Hello all

My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now.

I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group.

However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this.

After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well.

I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.
Any idea what's really happening between north Korea (& south Korea) and America? North Korea wants to go to nuclear war with America, I just saw it on the news, unfortunately I only saw the ending of the news.,

Hail Satan!!
Hail Ipos!!

www.joyofSatan.comSent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From: Don Danko <mageson6666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 08:51:27 -0700 (PDT)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Its even causing problems in Japan.
From: C Y <yc28@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:31:32 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  With that, i agree a 100%. I was actually thinking this morning why multi-culture/racial countries is not a good idea.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

What is important is good political relations between different racial nation states. From there it can prevent wars, and other conflicts and  manifest  a spirit of peaceful coexistence in general. If people want to vist nations of other races as tourists or students. Naturally they will probably make some friends there.

From: hailazazel <hailazazel@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 4:07:03 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism


Thank you for clearing that up. Well maybe I was wrong with my attitude. So basically in a Satanic world, either it would manifest within 100 years, or 1000 years, would be a world of Racial culture that would not include friendships between other races?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No person is under obligation to love every one or other such liberal preening. The fact is the members of races do naturally prefer to be around their own and want their own space. Its kin bond, that is metaphysical. And is requried by the divine order of life. Simple respect comes from understanding this.
Racial mixed societies never work. In history they always fall into racial warfare, ethic violence and oppression of one against the other. As different groups fight for power.
Before this they manifest a Balkanized situation on all levels that removes any possiblity of a national cohesive structure. Just competive power brokering.  The Jews promote multi-racialism and liberalism. Because it creates a situation the Jews can control and rule with ease.
As stated Liberal states always become totalitarian by nature of the beast. It becomes the only way to keep their liberal world dream together as it descends into the nightmare of reality. And Liberalism is traditionally intolerant of any opposition see the Terror during the "French revloution." Its the otherside of the coin of Christianity. Double talk and all.

From: hailazazel <hailazazel@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:04:23 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism


"I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me." - So basically you'll lose respect to them as they try and befriend with you. This is sickening. Not Satanic at all. Satanists are bound together, regardless of races. We are to preserve our genes, yes. But I can't see a reason not to befriend with all races. We're all go for the same category - the children of Satan.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "egon_88_666" <egon88@ wrote:

It is true, but it will not happen in this kinds of multicultural/multiracial societs. I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me. I don't hate negroes and I don't hate none gentile race, as I think anyone here also, but a multirracial society sicks me. It raise me the worst instincts, my bigger stupidities. Let a non white close to my sisters and he will be as good for me as a kike.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@ wrote:

Animosity against blacks, just because they are black - is stupid. Stupidity is a Satanic Sin. How can anyone be against the black race - Satan (Enki) created? To do so ;would also, be a Satanic Sin. Satanist aren't Stupid.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@ wrote:

Hello all

My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now.

I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group.

However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this.

After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well.

I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.
China is mobilizing behind N.Korea. And India is mobilizing on its boarder with China.
From: "royalblueflame666@..." <royalblueflame666@...
To: Jos main E-group email address <[email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 11:58:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Any idea what's really happening between north Korea ( south Korea) and America? North Korea wants to go to nuclear war with America, I just saw it on the news, unfortunately I only saw the ending of the news.,

Hail Satan!!
Hail Ipos!!

www.joyofSatan.comSent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From: Don Danko <mageson6666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 08:51:27 -0700 (PDT)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Its even causing problems in Japan.
From: C Y <yc28@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:31:32 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  With that, i agree a 100%. I was actually thinking this morning why multi-culture/racial countries is not a good idea.
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: What is important is good political relations between different racial nation states. From there it can prevent wars, and other conflicts and  manifest  a spirit of peaceful coexistence in general. If people want to vist nations of other races as tourists or students. Naturally they will probably make some friends there.     ________________________________ From: hailazazel <hailazazel@... To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 4:07:03 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism   Thank you for clearing that up. Well maybe I was wrong with my attitude. So basically in a Satanic world, either it would manifest within 100 years, or 1000 years, would be a world of Racial culture that would not include friendships between other races? HAIL SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: No person is under obligation to love every one or other such liberal preening. The fact is the members of races do naturally prefer to be around their own and want their own space. Its kin bond, that is metaphysical. And is requried by the divine order of life. Simple respect comes from understanding this.   Racial mixed societies never work. In history they always fall into racial warfare, ethic violence and oppression of one against the other. As different groups fight for power.   Before this they manifest a Balkanized situation on all levels that removes any possiblity of a national cohesive structure. Just competive power brokering.  The Jews promote multi-racialism and liberalism. Because it creates a situation the Jews can control and rule with ease.   As stated Liberal states always become totalitarian by nature of the beast. It becomes the only way to keep their liberal world dream together as it descends into the nightmare of reality. And Liberalism is traditionally intolerant of any opposition see the Terror during the "French revloution." Its the otherside of the coin of Christianity. Double talk and all.     ________________________________ From: hailazazel <hailazazel@ To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:04:23 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism   "I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me." - So basically you'll lose respect to them as they try and befriend with you. This is sickening. Not Satanic at all. Satanists are bound together, regardless of races. We are to preserve our genes, yes. But I can't see a reason not to befriend with all races. We're all go for the same category - the children of Satan. HAIL SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "egon_88_666" <egon88@ wrote: It is true, but it will not happen in this kinds of multicultural/multiracial societs. I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me. I don't hate negroes and I don't hate none gentile race, as I think anyone here also, but a multirracial society sicks me. It raise me the worst instincts, my bigger stupidities. Let a non white close to my sisters and he will be as good for me as a kike. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@ wrote: Animosity against blacks, just because they are black - is stupid. Stupidity is a Satanic Sin. How can anyone be against the black race - Satan (Enki) created? To do so ;would also, be a Satanic Sin. Satanist aren't Stupid. Hail Satan --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@ wrote: Hello all My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now. I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group. However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this. After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well. I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.
<td val[/IMG]I have a question. Personally, I am attracted to a race that I am not apart of (that I know of) But I'm only attracted to that specific race and no other. Would someone like me have to permanently give up finding a significant other? I've already accepted that I will never come to terms with this problem and that I wont ever experience a partnership I will enjoy (other factors come into play that i wont mention publicly) So what would you recommend other people in my situation do?


--- On Fri, 4/5/13, Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:
From: Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 1:04 AM

  All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.
From: hailbelphagor <no.state@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

  Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@... wrote:
Hello all

My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now.

I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group.

However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this.

After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well.

I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.
I agree that we shouldn't mix race. What would the children come out as? Black,white,yellow or pink? I'm from South Africa and here everyone are racists. Also if you watched the lethal weapon movies you would see that their calling blacks kaffirs and the word has nothing to do about colour. It means people that don't believe in jesus or allah or whatever. That's how it started in our country many years back with apartheid. Our country is a fucking xtian paradise. Everywhere you go you see xtians and their all racist. I grew up in a home like that and I'm white so apartheid was over in 1990 and I went to school with mixed races. to tell the truth I had many black friends and they teached me their language known as xhosa. Enyway I'm an ex xtian and their bible said that racism is wrong but the xtians are more fucking racist than enyone. They hate gays and hate blacks and most of all they will judge you for enything you do. If you tell them their god jesus is a dickhead and that the idiot will never listen to your prayers then they will throw you in jail or even expell you from school and your parents would like kill you. Trust me I have experience on this lol. Fucks knows how they find out that I don't worship their shitt fucking god but they did and I was forced to go to a priest at church and they talked lots of shitt and I had to do rituals like drink the blood of god and eat his flesh just like the supper and did a thing like had to study about everything and then stand infront of all and make an oath to their jesus that I will carry their church on my shoulders and shitt. Fuck them twice. But enyway sorry went of topic for a minute. Father Satan love his children no matter what. :)

Fuck jesus
Fuck jews
Fuck churches of god
Fuck xtians

I bow down infront of our great Father the REAL GOD SATAN!!
If your against Satan and his Demons then fuck you!
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailbelphagor" <no.state@... wrote:
Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Another thing, (this is why I wish people would do all of there research before joining these groups, for if you read the JoS pdf file thoroughly you would know this)

Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to the Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. levay never "authored" this, SATAN DID!
The Al Jilwah is in my opinion as well as others, one of if not the most important Doctrines in Satanism, every true Spiritual Satanist should be familiar with its teachings

I would also like to point out National Socialism isnt racism like most media and indoctrinated fools like to assume it is, its a matter of True Heritage as i previously posted.
You don't [/IMG]</var>
From: egon_88_666 <egon88@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:22:13 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Quid pro quo. My reply was neither more nor less rude than his/her reply.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

People are reacting to not what you said but how.  I understand your comment about as good as a kike, if they try and push their sexual advancements onto your sibiling. The action in its own is a destructive one, and helps the jew agenda in destroying our race. Hence its a comment on individual behaviour not on the actual overall race.
 But people are emotional  and tend to react based off the quick pluse.
However that does not give you pretense to be rude to others. Especially Shannon who is a long time member and excellent Satanist.
Next time explain your understanding in a more constructed fashion.

From: egon_88_666 <egon88@...
To: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...; mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 4:30:28 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism


Ignorance by your part. As I could perceive you did not read HP Don's reply and did not understood my reply. The only person here with programed mind is you, believing in a liberal politicaly-correct mixed world.
It should be clear that we not support race-mixing.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Egon_88_666, Your reply is a very ignorant reply. You still have the xian mentality in your subconscious. You even comparing a non white gentile to that of a KIKE shows your ignorance and kike conditioning. Your reply makes you as good as a kike. All gentile races are mighty and have their purpose as Satan intended.

You need to continue to purify this mentality from yourself through power meditation.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 3:04 PM EDT hailazazel wrote:

"I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me." - So basically you'll lose respect to them as they try and befriend with you. This is sickening. Not Satanic at all. Satanists are bound together, regardless of races. We are to preserve our genes, yes. But I can't see a reason not to befriend with all races. We're all go for the same category - the children of Satan.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "egon_88_666" <egon88@ wrote:

It is true, but it will not happen in this kinds of multicultural/multiracial societs. I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me. I don't hate negroes and I don't hate none gentile race, as I think anyone here also, but a multirracial society sicks me. It raise me the worst instincts, my bigger stupidities. Let a non white close to my sisters and he will be as good for me as a kike.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@ wrote:

Animosity against blacks, just because they are black - is stupid. Stupidity is a Satanic Sin. How can anyone be against the black race - Satan (Enki) created? To do so ;would also, be a Satanic Sin. Satanist aren't Stupid.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@ wrote:

Hello all

My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now.

I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group.

However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this.

After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well.

I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.
This is what I keep telling my brothers and sisters that this escalating conflict should be dealt with by coming together as one powerful army of Satan through the process of ritual works on this very matter .thank you. Hail Melek taus Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTNFrom: royalblueflame666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 15:58:17 +0000To: Jos main E-group email address<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Any idea what's really happening between north Korea ( south Korea) and America? North Korea wants to go to nuclear war with America, I just saw it on the news, unfortunately I only saw the ending of the news.,

Hail Satan!!
Hail Ipos!!

www.joyofSatan.comSent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!<hr>From: Don Danko <mageson6666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 08:51:27 -0700 (PDT)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Its even causing problems in Japan.
From: C Y <yc28@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:31:32 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  With that, i agree a 100%. I was actually thinking this morning why multi-culture/racial countries is not a good idea.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

What is important is good political relations between different racial nation states. From there it can prevent wars, and other conflicts and  manifest  a spirit of peaceful coexistence in general. If people want to vist nations of other races as tourists or students. Naturally they will probably make some friends there.

From: hailazazel <hailazazel@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 4:07:03 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism


Thank you for clearing that up. Well maybe I was wrong with my attitude. So basically in a Satanic world, either it would manifest within 100 years, or 1000 years, would be a world of Racial culture that would not include friendships between other races?


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

No person is under obligation to love every one or other such liberal preening. The fact is the members of races do naturally prefer to be around their own and want their own space. Its kin bond, that is metaphysical. And is requried by the divine order of life. Simple respect comes from understanding this.
Racial mixed societies never work. In history they always fall into racial warfare, ethic violence and oppression of one against the other. As different groups fight for power.
Before this they manifest a Balkanized situation on all levels that removes any possiblity of a national cohesive structure. Just competive power brokering.  The Jews promote multi-racialism and liberalism. Because it creates a situation the Jews can control and rule with ease.
As stated Liberal states always become totalitarian by nature of the beast. It becomes the only way to keep their liberal world dream together as it descends into the nightmare of reality. And Liberalism is traditionally intolerant of any opposition see the Terror during the "French revloution." Its the otherside of the coin of Christianity. Double talk and all.

From: hailazazel <hailazazel@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:04:23 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism


"I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me." - So basically you'll lose respect to them as they try and befriend with you. This is sickening. Not Satanic at all. Satanists are bound together, regardless of races. We are to preserve our genes, yes. But I can't see a reason not to befriend with all races. We're all go for the same category - the children of Satan.


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "egon_88_666" <egon88@ wrote:

It is true, but it will not happen in this kinds of multicultural/multiracial societs. I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me. I don't hate negroes and I don't hate none gentile race, as I think anyone here also, but a multirracial society sicks me. It raise me the worst instincts, my bigger stupidities. Let a non white close to my sisters and he will be as good for me as a kike.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@ wrote:

Animosity against blacks, just because they are black - is stupid. Stupidity is a Satanic Sin. How can anyone be against the black race - Satan (Enki) created? To do so ;would also, be a Satanic Sin. Satanist aren't Stupid.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@ wrote:

Hello all

My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now.

I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group.

However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this.

After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well.

I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.
Maybe you should look into your family history and see if you are related in some way to the specific race you are only attracted too and even do "past life regression" if you have to since your soul is connected to a certain race and with this meditation you can see who you were previously in a past lifetime. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html See this is why all races should have there own place to be in cultural speaking because when all races are together like you can see in the U.S. We are taught and encouraged by the jewish controlled media to mix with other races you can see this in movies and anything pure like being fully white for example is discouraged and you're labeled as "racist" if you go against this by the jewish controlled media.

Hail Satan!!!!Hail To The Gods Of Duat!!!!
From: Justine Pena <pinkteabunny@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

<td val[/IMG]I have a question. Personally, I am attracted to a race that I am not apart of (that I know of) But I'm only attracted to that specific race and no other. Would someone like me have to permanently give up finding a significant other? I've already accepted that I will never come to terms with this problem and that I wont ever experience a partnership I will enjoy (other factors come into play that i wont mention publicly) So what would you recommend other people in my situation do?


--- On Fri, 4/5/13, Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:
From: Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 1:04 AM

  All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.
From: hailbelphagor <no.state@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

  Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
Excuse me I meant Amerindian not amerdian.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailourtruegod" <hailourtruegod@... wrote:

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
I think people are too touchy on this race topic because if all races mixed we`d all be a mexican-like thing. Nothing against mexicans. But if somebody wants purity, what`s wrong with it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailourtruegod" <hailourtruegod@... wrote:

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
<td val[/IMG]My family has been researching our family history and there only one or two people (maybe more im not sure, but my grandfather on my mother's side for sure) and thats it. so I don't think I have enough of that racial blood in me. And I have a pretty good idea what I looked like in a past life based on my mother's description of me. (I supposedly visited her before she was pregnant with me) But when I am able to get into a good trance state I'll definitely give that meditation a try just in case. 
One more thing though. not if, but when we have a fully Satanic society, will we still be able to travel/live in other areas/countries so long as we don't mix racially and culturally? For me, this would kinda be upsetting. I really wanted to travel and live somewhere else but now i'm not sure its a good idea..I mean, i wouldn't even know what a waterfall or mountain would be if pictures of them on the interned didn't exist! I wouldn't be able to see different beautiful landscapes or anything. there are only flatlands in my area and i gotta be honest, its not the most exiting place to live.

--- On Fri, 4/5/13, Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:
From: Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 11:47 PM

  Maybe you should look into your family history and see if you are related in some way to the specific race you are only attracted too and even do "past life regression" if you have to since your soul is connected to a certain race and with this meditation you can see who you were previously in a past lifetime. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html See this is why all races should have there own place to be in cultural speaking because when all races are together like you can see in the U.S. We are taught and encouraged by the jewish controlled media to mix with other races you can see this in movies and anything pure like being fully white for example is discouraged and you're labeled as "racist" if you go against this by the jewish controlled media.

Hail Satan!!!!Hail To The Gods Of Duat!!!!
From: Justine Pena <pinkteabunny@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

<td val[/IMG]I have a question. Personally, I am attracted to a race that I am not apart of (that I know of) But I'm only attracted to that specific race and no other. Would someone like me have to permanently give up finding a significant other? I've already accepted that I will never come to terms with this problem and that I wont ever experience a partnership I will enjoy (other factors come into play that i wont mention publicly) So what would you recommend other people in my situation do?


--- On Fri, 4/5/13, Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:
From: Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 1:04 AM

  All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.
From: hailbelphagor <no.state@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

  Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
This spells WW3.Hail Satan Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTNFrom: Don Danko <mageson6666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 09:21:35 -0700 (PDT)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  China is mobilizing behind N.Korea. And India is mobilizing on its boarder with China.
From: "royalblueflame666@..." <royalblueflame666@...
To: Jos main E-group email address <[email protected]
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 11:58:17 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Any idea what's really happening between north Korea ( south Korea) and America? North Korea wants to go to nuclear war with America, I just saw it on the news, unfortunately I only saw the ending of the news.,

Hail Satan!!
Hail Ipos!!

www.joyofSatan.comSent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!From: Don Danko <mageson6666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 08:51:27 -0700 (PDT)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  Its even causing problems in Japan.
From: C Y <yc28@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:31:32 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
  With that, i agree a 100%. I was actually thinking this morning why multi-culture/racial countries is not a good idea.
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: What is important is good political relations between different racial nation states. From there it can prevent wars, and other conflicts and  manifest  a spirit of peaceful coexistence in general. If people want to vist nations of other races as tourists or students. Naturally they will probably make some friends there.     ________________________________ From: hailazazel <hailazazel@... To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 4:07:03 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism   Thank you for clearing that up. Well maybe I was wrong with my attitude. So basically in a Satanic world, either it would manifest within 100 years, or 1000 years, would be a world of Racial culture that would not include friendships between other races? HAIL SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: No person is under obligation to love every one or other such liberal preening. The fact is the members of races do naturally prefer to be around their own and want their own space. Its kin bond, that is metaphysical. And is requried by the divine order of life. Simple respect comes from understanding this.   Racial mixed societies never work. In history they always fall into racial warfare, ethic violence and oppression of one against the other. As different groups fight for power.   Before this they manifest a Balkanized situation on all levels that removes any possiblity of a national cohesive structure. Just competive power brokering.  The Jews promote multi-racialism and liberalism. Because it creates a situation the Jews can control and rule with ease.   As stated Liberal states always become totalitarian by nature of the beast. It becomes the only way to keep their liberal world dream together as it descends into the nightmare of reality. And Liberalism is traditionally intolerant of any opposition see the Terror during the "French revloution." Its the otherside of the coin of Christianity. Double talk and all.     ________________________________ From: hailazazel <hailazazel@ To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:04:23 PM Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism   "I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me." - So basically you'll lose respect to them as they try and befriend with you. This is sickening. Not Satanic at all. Satanists are bound together, regardless of races. We are to preserve our genes, yes. But I can't see a reason not to befriend with all races. We're all go for the same category - the children of Satan. HAIL SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "egon_88_666" <egon88@ wrote: It is true, but it will not happen in this kinds of multicultural/multiracial societs. I respect negroes as long as they are far away from my race, my family and me. I don't hate negroes and I don't hate none gentile race, as I think anyone here also, but a multirracial society sicks me. It raise me the worst instincts, my bigger stupidities. Let a non white close to my sisters and he will be as good for me as a kike. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@ wrote: Animosity against blacks, just because they are black - is stupid. Stupidity is a Satanic Sin. How can anyone be against the black race - Satan (Enki) created? To do so ;would also, be a Satanic Sin. Satanist aren't Stupid. Hail Satan --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@ wrote: Hello all My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now. I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group. However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this. After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well. I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.
Things what you can do are to invoke Earth, vibrate the runes Odal and Sol affirmating that you are interested only in your race, do a standard ritual, whathever, less to stay with negative thoughts.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tjs4satan" <tjs4satan@... wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailbelphagor" <no.state@ wrote:

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are still
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Another thing, (this is why I wish people would do all of there research before joining these groups, for if you read the JoS pdf file thoroughly you would know this)

Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to the Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. levay never "authored" this, SATAN DID!
The Al Jilwah is in my opinion as well as others, one of if not the most important Doctrines in Satanism, every true Spiritual Satanist should be familiar with its teachings

I would also like to point out National Socialism isnt racism like most media and indoctrinated fools like to assume it is, its a matter of True Heritage as i previously posted.
"Fuck churches of god" "In the secret of my knowledge there is no God but me." -Satan, Peace Be Unto Him

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "edwardhfs" <joubertedward@... wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "justinlewis2169" <justinlewis2169@ wrote:

Hello all

My name is Justin and I have been reading the jos site and tailoring my magic practice to the teachings for almost a year now.

I agree with everything the site has to say. But recently I came across some sites claiming that jos bashes blacks as well as Jews. I am very aware of the Jew threat and agree with everything that has ever been said about Jews on the jos site and this e-group.

However I am of mixed gentile heretige. I am black, Germanic and Native American. I haven't personally read anything on jos or this e-group negative about black people and I would like to know y'all's thoughts on this.

After all I read in an African American satanic group that black panthers were just black national socialists. So I agree with true nazism as well.

I'm just searching for truth. I don't want to believe the slanders I read on you all.

I agree that we shouldn't mix race. What would the children come out as? Black,white,yellow or pink? I'm from South Africa and here everyone are racists. Also if you watched the lethal weapon movies you would see that their calling blacks kaffirs and the word has nothing to do about colour. It means people that don't believe in jesus or allah or whatever. That's how it started in our country many years back with apartheid. Our country is a fucking xtian paradise. Everywhere you go you see xtians and their all racist. I grew up in a home like that and I'm white so apartheid was over in 1990 and I went to school with mixed races. to tell the truth I had many black friends and they teached me their language known as xhosa. Enyway I'm an ex xtian and their bible said that racism is wrong but the xtians are more fucking racist than enyone. They hate gays and hate blacks and most of all they will judge you for enything you do. If you tell them their god jesus is a dickhead and that the idiot will never listen to your prayers then they will throw you in jail or even expell you from school and your parents would like kill you. Trust me I have experience on this lol. Fucks knows how they find out that I don't worship their shitt fucking god but they did and I was forced to go to a priest at church and they talked lots of shitt and I had to do rituals like drink the blood of god and eat his flesh just like the supper and did a thing like had to study about everything and then stand infront of all and make an oath to their jesus that I will carry their church on my shoulders and shitt. Fuck them twice. But enyway sorry went of topic for a minute. Father Satan love his children no matter what. :)

Fuck jesus
Fuck jews
Fuck churches of god
Fuck xtians

I bow down infront of our great Father the REAL GOD SATAN!!
If your against Satan and his Demons then fuck you!
I stick with my own race out of preference and pride.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:

Maybe you should look into your family history and see if you are related in some way to the specific race you are only attracted too and even do "past life regression" if you have to since your soul is connected to a certain race and with this meditation you can see who you were previously in a past lifetime. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... 2%c2%a0See this is why all races should have there own place to be in cultural speaking because when all races are together like you can see in the U.S. We are taught and encouraged by the jewish controlled media to mix with other races you can see this in movies and anything pure like being fully white for example is discouraged and you're labeled as "racist" if you go against this by the jewish controlled media.

Hail Satan!!!!
Hail To The Gods Of Duat!!!!

From: Justine Pena <pinkteabunny@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

I have a question. Personally, I am attracted to a race that I am not apart of (that I know of) But I'm only attracted to that specific race and no other. Would someone like me have to permanently give up finding a significant other? I've already accepted that I will never come to terms with this problem and that I wont ever experience a partnership I will enjoy (other factors come into play that i wont mention publicly) So what would you recommend other people in my situation do?


--- On Fri, 4/5/13, Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:

From: Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]"
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 1:04 AM

All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.

From: hailbelphagor <no.state@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Hailourtruegod, well mexican is a nationality as was mentioned. Many mexicans are mixes with white and amerindian so it depends on you. If you look more white genetically then stick to white, if you are more genetically/physically close to amerindian then maybe you should stick to that. Im not exactly sure and go by what you feel. Combine the factors.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 9:55 AM EDT hailourtruegod wrote:

Excuse me I meant Amerindian not amerdian.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailourtruegod" <hailourtruegod@... wrote:

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
Koo koo. That helped a lot. I've been real confused about it lately. One more question. I might know the answer to it but just to make sure, does that go for any other Spanish speaking nationality? I really like my skin color. It's light brown n in the summer I turn into a "golden brown" color (so I've been told). Does the same go for what u said with another Spanish speaking nationality chicky close to my butcomplexion? or should i just stick one of the pure,race that im am mixed of? I had to ask that too cuz it's, not just white women I'm attracted to but light skinned women in general as well. Sorry if it this sounds weird. I just want to, make sure I,know what im doing.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Hailourtruegod, well mexican is a nationality as was mentioned. Many mexicans are mixes with white and amerindian so it depends on you. If you look more white genetically then stick to white, if you are more genetically/physically close to amerindian then maybe you should stick to that. Im not exactly sure and go by what you feel. Combine the factors.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 9:55 AM EDT hailourtruegod wrote:

Excuse me I meant Amerindian not amerdian.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailourtruegod" <hailourtruegod@ wrote:

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
Koo koo. That helped a lot. I've been real confused about it lately. One more question. I might know the answer to it but just to make sure, does that go for any other Spanish speaking nationality? I really like my skin color. It's light brown n in the summer I turn into a "golden brown" color (so I've been told). Does the same go for what u said with another Spanish speaking nationality chicky close to my complexion? or should i just stick one of the pure,race that im am mixed of? I had to ask that too cuz it's, not just white women I'm attracted to but light skinned women in general as well. Sorry if it this sounds weird. I just want to, make sure I,know what im doing.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Hailourtruegod, well mexican is a nationality as was mentioned. Many mexicans are mixes with white and amerindian so it depends on you. If you look more white genetically then stick to white, if you are more genetically/physically close to amerindian then maybe you should stick to that. Im not exactly sure and go by what you feel. Combine the factors.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 9:55 AM EDT hailourtruegod wrote:

Excuse me I meant Amerindian not amerdian.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailourtruegod" <hailourtruegod@ wrote:

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
Im not too sure you should just go with what feels right. Maybe stick with others of the mexican nationality or hispanci nationality. Those who are of amerindian/hispanic descent. Im not sure as I have never seen you or know your ancestry or genetic backround. Only you can answer that question

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 2:39 PM EDT hailourtruegod wrote:

Koo koo. That helped a lot. I've been real confused about it lately. One more question. I might know the answer to it but just to make sure, does that go for any other Spanish speaking nationality? I really like my skin color. It's light brown n in the summer I turn into a "golden brown" color (so I've been told). Does the same go for what u said with another Spanish speaking nationality chicky close to my butcomplexion? or should i just stick one of the pure,race that im am mixed of? I had to ask that too cuz it's, not just white women I'm attracted to but light skinned women in general as well. Sorry if it this sounds weird. I just want to, make sure I,know what im doing.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Hailourtruegod, well mexican is a nationality as was mentioned. Many mexicans are mixes with white and amerindian so it depends on you. If you look more white genetically then stick to white, if you are more genetically/physically close to amerindian then maybe you should stick to that. Im not exactly sure and go by what you feel. Combine the factors.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 9:55 AM EDT hailourtruegod wrote:

Excuse me I meant Amerindian not amerdian.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailourtruegod" <hailourtruegod@ wrote:

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
Yea I'm going to start looking into that stuff myself. Thanks a lot tho Shannon. I Appreciate the help. It cleared things up a lot for me on this issue as i have been thinking about it alot lately.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Im not too sure you should just go with what feels right. Maybe stick with others of the mexican nationality or hispanci nationality. Those who are of amerindian/hispanic descent. Im not sure as I have never seen you or know your ancestry or genetic backround. Only you can answer that question

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 2:39 PM EDT hailourtruegod wrote:

Koo koo. That helped a lot. I've been real confused about it lately. One more question. I might know the answer to it but just to make sure, does that go for any other Spanish speaking nationality? I really like my skin color. It's light brown n in the summer I turn into a "golden brown" color (so I've been told). Does the same go for what u said with another Spanish speaking nationality chicky close to my butcomplexion? or should i just stick one of the pure,race that im am mixed of? I had to ask that too cuz it's, not just white women I'm attracted to but light skinned women in general as well. Sorry if it this sounds weird. I just want to, make sure I,know what im doing.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Hailourtruegod, well mexican is a nationality as was mentioned. Many mexicans are mixes with white and amerindian so it depends on you. If you look more white genetically then stick to white, if you are more genetically/physically close to amerindian then maybe you should stick to that. Im not exactly sure and go by what you feel. Combine the factors.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 9:55 AM EDT hailourtruegod wrote:

Excuse me I meant Amerindian not amerdian.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hailourtruegod" <hailourtruegod@ wrote:

Hey Shannon what if im Mexican. Should I just stay to Mexican women? I know Mexicans are mixed. They have white and I think it's armedian or something like that. I've always been more attracted to white women than Mexican woman. You said got with which one I feel more comfortable with. Does that count for my kind too or no? Also I'll feel kinda bad getting with a white lady cuz I don't want to mess up any of their genes.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

Robot_checkerboard as one of our HPs has mentioned if obe is mixed race they should simply go to the race they feel more close to so that their children will be born back into one race etc. Dont feel horrible about yourself.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 3:40 PM EDT robot_checkerboard13 wrote:

This is something I've always wandered, what if we're already mixed races and we want children? I'm mixed so no matter what if I have children they'll be mixed and their children will be mixed ect. I understand why races should be separated and I agree with it. I wish I wasn't mixed but I am so I'm a bit perplexed. I'm more drawn to my Caucasian side should I just stick to them then?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Mazin Kamal <mazink02@ wrote:

Satan wants each race to advance separately, but he hates race mixing and I also despise it. Hostler was never racist, he just doesn't like blacks and whites mixing opinions

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image".

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 07:35 a.m., jeremy montoya <jeremymontoya14@ wrote:

Hey, that website you came across was pure bullshit. The JoS has nothing against african americans only jews. you're good
<td val[/IMG]I do love my husband but we got into an argument about kids recently (I'm white he's Peruvian). And that situation is my biggest issue right now. I have a lot of guilt. I got off my birth control about a year ago to cleanse my body of all unnatural things but sometimes we don't always use protection I'm scared what would happen if I did get pregnant. I used to think I wanted children but now I'm very unsure I mean maybe I'm not meant to have kids which I can live with. I think adoption is great but he doesn't like that idea either.
HAIL SATAN! Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: noxinflux <noxinflux@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
Sent: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 2:43:02 AM

<td val[/IMG]   I stick with my own race out of preference and pride.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:

Maybe you should look into your family history and see if you are related in some way to the specific race you are only attracted too and even do "past life regression" if you have to since your soul is connected to a certain race and with this meditation you can see who you were previously in a past lifetime. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html See this is why all races should have there own place to be in cultural speaking because when all races are together like you can see in the U.S. We are taught and encouraged by the jewish controlled media to mix with other races you can see this in movies and anything pure like being fully white for example is discouraged and you're labeled as "racist" if you go against this by the jewish controlled media.

Hail Satan!!!!
Hail To The Gods Of Duat!!!!

From: Justine Pena <pinkteabunny@...
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

I have a question. Personally, I am attracted to a race that I am not apart of (that I know of) But I'm only attracted to that specific race and no other. Would someone like me have to permanently give up finding a significant other? I've already accepted that I will never come to terms with this problem and that I wont ever experience a partnership I will enjoy (other factors come into play that i wont mention publicly) So what would you recommend other people in my situation do?


--- On Fri, 4/5/13, Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@... wrote:

From: Xavier Skaggs <xavi3rskaggs@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism
To: "<a rel="nofollow">[email protected]"
<<a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Friday, April 5, 2013, 1:04 AM

All race mixing does is destroys races yes there are people that are mixed as im a little mixed myself. You should go with the race you feel is right for you if you happen to be mixed. We should all strive to preserve all gentile races if we don't then future gentiles will have no racial identity they won't know there origins or have any racial pride left and that is the jewish agenda so we will be easier to control. That's why we're better off if there is racial separation.

From: hailbelphagor <no.state@...
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Blacks and satanism

Race mixing is bad?

From what I've seen there are a number of mixed race couples within the Joy of Satan, right?

If I'm not mistaken, you're native American and your husband is Caucasian. Or am I wrong? I am going on what I've learned from Internet searches. So, my information may not be 100% accurate.

Also, if CoS is incorrect, why do we quote from the Al-Jilwa, which was authored by LeVay?

I just find this confusing to hear race-mixing to be decried.

Hail Satan!

--- [/IMG][email protected], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I need to reply to this thread. True Satanism has a very ancient history of keeping the races separate. This is NOT racism! Unfortunatley, few people really have an understanding of what true Satanism is really all about. Much of this is due to the recent Church of Satan [1966] and some misconceptions regarding the writings of its founder, Anton LaVey. I have gone into detail many times over the years concerning this pseudo-Satanism; CoS is basically atheistic. In other words, there is nothing in the current system of the CoS that conflicts with the jewish agenda. With atheism, anything goes. Satan is only acknowledged as an 'archetype.' This way, he is a myth and need not be taken seriously. I have written extensively over the years concerning the current CoS and how it is in direct conflict with Anton LaVey's writings. For proof of this, please refer to this post I made some time ago in this group:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... ssage/6439

Few people can see the underlying message in most Satanic writings, including LaVey's. True Satanism is based upon natural law for one. Doves and crows are both birds, but they do not flock together. The interesting and pronounced patterns on many fish in the sea are so that they know their own and thus breed with their own. True diversity is where each is a separate and distinct species. With the enforced race-mixing, the end goal is to destroy that diversity. This is analagous with say, just having one bird, all of the different species lumped together, or just one fish, only one kind of tree. This is no different from all of the worlds ancient religions, being corrupted and then all lumped together in that filthy bible of lies.

In studying the judeo/xian bible, one can see origins of nearly all of the world's ancient religions from nearly everywhere in the world; all cultures and creeds, being lumped together, twisted and distorted and then jammed down everyone's throat. This is the jewish agenda...everyone just becomes a number, no race, no cultural awareness, no idea of where one came from, no differences, and in this...no idea of where one is going. Just do as you are told and beleve the lies of the jewish masters.

If one does enough research and study, Satanism has a very long and ancient history. The Freemasons, who were at one time Luciferian, had strict rules against race-mixing. Some of this, even though they have been infiltrated, can still be seen today, as it is my understanding that the races in the lodges are still kept seperate. Original Freemasonry [before the jews infested and corrupted it into a communist focus], has its roots in the Knights Templar and Satanism goes back even further; all the way to Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Far East.

Too many people are riding on the teachings of Anton LaVey, and especially the current CoS and their pseudo-Satanism. True Satanism, unlike atheism is NOT a free for all. Going against natural law is against Satan.
'I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.'
-- Satan from the Al Jilwah

No institution on the face of this earth has opposed and corrupted natural law more than the judeo/xian/muslim monster. Everything therein is composed of artifical crap; the imposter characters replacing our Gods, the imposter places that blot out and replace important spiritual concepts, the attacks upon sexuality [the plight of the average pedophile priest or minister speaks for itself in going against nature], and of course their communist agenda, which is the end goal of all xian and muslim crap with the jewish root. These programs are a direct attack upon nature, and endoctrinate a passive attitude promoting the acceptance of slavery and the denial of any basic rights. Race-mixing must be enforced. It is an artifical concept and without big brother stepping in with enforcing laws and such, left to themselves, people of different races are naturally drawn to their own, live in their own areas [even with the enforcement, many neighborhoods are
made up of a majority of the same race] and seek out their own.

Yes, due to the enforced agenda of race-mixing, many people are mixed these days. This sort of thing is pushed relentlessly in order to destroy and subjugate humanity. There is a thing as 'racial memory' and with the enforced mixing, eventually, this will be wiped out in the way that all of the past that is important, such as spiritual concepts and such will be destroyed. Then, the jews step in as the 'chosen people' and become masters. The jews themselves do not race-mix, especially the orthodox. The race-mixing program is for Gentiles.

Unfortunatley, because of the enemy relentlessly pushing the lies of judeo/xian/muslim filth, not too many people take Satanism very seriously. Satanism is VERY serious. With enough study, and knocking down walls in the mind through power meditation, one can finally see the truth. Too many people are still caught up in the web of lies and do not have a full understanding of True Satanism. There are also some who know the truth deep down and can even see it, but are too indoctrinated and brainwashed to know it.

Our Race Is Our Nation

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Negro is the scientific term for the Black race. You will not see anyone whining and parroting about the term "Caucasian" for the White race. It is time to people stop being politicaly correct and face reality that deffending our race against intruders who wants to interbreed with, thus eliminate the races, is a natural instinct and part of the life order, thus Satanic.
This is not xtianity where we are supposed to love and accept everyone even enemies. This is Satanism where we love our races that are DIFFERENT, and hate who try do destroy it, be it popular or unpopular, understood and misunderstood by the current trend of thinking.
And why the fuck would we love the fucking kikes!!!
For crying out they have give us so much hate and its only logical that we give back multiplied hate in return!!! So am with you an this one!!
Let as give all the hate we can afford!!! Hail Satan
Hail all hell Bless the jos administration
On Feb 16, 2015 4:08 AM, "egon88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Negro is the scientific term for the Black race. You will not see anyone whining and parroting about the term "Caucasian" for the White race. It is time to people stop being politicaly correct and face reality that deffending our race against intruders who wants to interbreed with, thus eliminate the races, is a natural instinct and part of the life order, thus Satanic.
This is not xtianity where we are supposed to love and accept everyone even enemies. This is Satanism where we love our races that are DIFFERENT, and hate who try do destroy it, be it popular or unpopular, understood and misunderstood by the current trend of thinking.
I think you are right an I think Satanist should come together
an destroy those that try to take away our right to worshipLord Satan.HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:50 AM, "Ameixing Lyf lyf948@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  And why the fuck would we love the fucking kikes!!!
For crying out they have give us so much hate and its only logical that we give back multiplied hate in return!!! So am with you an this one!!
Let as give all the hate we can afford!!! Hail Satan
Hail all hell Bless the jos administration
On Feb 16, 2015 4:08 AM, "egon88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Negro is the scientific term for the Black race. You will not see anyone whining and parroting about the term "Caucasian" for the White race. It is time to people stop being politicaly correct and face reality that deffending our race against intruders who wants to interbreed with, thus eliminate the races, is a natural instinct and part of the life order, thus Satanic.
This is not xtianity where we are supposed to love and accept everyone even enemies. This is Satanism where we love our races that are DIFFERENT, and hate who try do destroy it, be it popular or unpopular, understood and misunderstood by the current trend of thinking.

No offense but why is it so hard for people to understand that Satan accepts all but the JOOZ! This is not a hard concept. You can be one fourth Asian one fourth African one fourth Egyptian one fourth Irish for all Satan cares, as long as you are a gentile it doesn't matter. This is not xianity where his children are just cast out because of race or sexual preference or whatever. Don't stress over it, Satan is more rational than some omnipotent omniscient omnipresent douchebag in the sky.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
