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BEELZEBUL'S RITUAL: BLESS UP FOR THE SATANIC NEW YEAR! (30th April - 10th of May Ritual Schedule)

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=350538 time=1651619857 user_id=346]
erick_erick said:
Hello. Is Satan a monogamist? Or has several wives?

Satan has five wives.

Read here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Lilith.html

That is a metaphor for the 5 elements.
My throat is a little worn out from doing an intelligence working atm and im struggling to pronounce some of the runes. This makes me sad as I feel like my words have no power and I can't fully show my gratitude properly.

Does speaking the runes normally still work without dragging out the runic breathes?
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=350538 time=1651619857 user_id=346]
erick_erick said:
Hello. Is Satan a monogamist? Or has several wives?

Satan has five wives.

Read here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Lilith.html
Which was debunked by HP HC. We know for sure that Lilith is Satan's wife, but the rest are just allegories.
Life is exist in breath, love, destory(no death) and creat. this is breath as teach of Thoth.

-ME ME ME ME ME ME ME and I want to be your universe this is my love and my will.
yesterday i finally find the book "meditations of marcus aurelius" ive been searching that book for weeks, i feel like if its a gift from baalzebul, ill take care of it

hail satan!
hail baalzebulon!
Honest Onyx said:
erick_erick said:
Hello. Is Satan a monogamist? Or has several wives?

sorry, he have 5, not 7, my mistake

5 is metaphor for 5 elements, and 7 is metaphor for 7 chakras.

We know about one wife that he has. If he has any other ones, we don't know about them. So I think he has 1 wife Lilith. It is the design of Nature one man and one woman.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=350538 time=1651619857 user_id=346]

Satan has five wives.

Read here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Lilith.html

That is a metaphor for the 5 elements.
If that's the case, then I'll put Lilith's webpage on the list for updates. As it is now, it states the fact quite literally, which is where I learned it from.

Is this the post from HP Cobra you remember?

It's mostly in the context of Morax being his wife, and other corruptions, but HP Cobra also states in that thread:

"Lilith is Satan's most important and highest wife."

"Lilith is his main and most important wife and the rest is mostly nonsensical details."

If Satan has only one wife, then by definition she is the highest and most important one, so why say that unless he has more than one?

It might be both literal and allegorical.
Hello everyone
Starting from begining i got a feeling about researching about the mind control religions. I researched a lot and came to knowledge about laveyan satanism. But it was not progressive as it bounds us to material world only. So later i got introduced to vedic culture which is very scientific in nature. By studying sanskrit language and especially ancient weapon of Aryans the brahmastra gave the idea for making atomic bombs. Vedas are spiritual science and mother of all spiritual knowledge is bhagwat gita. In Vedas it is stated that there are four vernas Brahmins , kshatriyas , vaishyas and shudras. And comparing with world Verna means races and we have basically four main human races that is white people , black people, chinese and Indians. Before invention of abrahamic religions there was only one world religion according to vedas. Main purpose of abrahamic religions was to destroy the spiritual knowledge from the world. According to vedas there are material world's and spiritual world's which are seperated by a milky way. Also there are 11 dimensions described and we live in 3 Rd dimension so beings living in higher dimensions are true gods. So there is much to share but i think it's enough for introduction.
Thanks for reading the post.
the bad gods had cursed Satan. Do you mean reptiles? and do the enemies look like our gods? if no, what is different(I mean face, body, voice and...)
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Ramses said:
Another big concern is the Clive palmer United party is spouting a whole bunch of crap about freedom and pro freedom policy's I personally like their policy's but Clive palmer is a well known member of the world economic forum young leaders group much like treadu in Canada and poo bear in China this is the great reset group I hope people don't get duped by this.

Prime Minister(orbán viktor) of Hungary he is also a member to the World Economic Forum.
It's a video about it(with English subtitle):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkPOeNZbUEI&t=11s

Additional revealing video on the World Economic Forum:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nO8R67X4xc&t=956s(with English subtitle)
Who has time and they do not know the World Economic Forum(if they were :) ),to Them worth watch this video's.

Covid-19 revealing video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LHyp3Ce0mc(with English subtitle)

The man(Toroczkai László) making the video's the Hungarian far-right party candidate for prime minister.
By the way he has few subtitled videos.
Almost one month ago(3.April) there was a vote.I was not voting,because unfortunately xian party and FRTR's are worth more as the one vote.But however on certain topics (epidemic circus, demography, great reset) they say good things,as one of my SS brother(Dark Lawyer) wrote.
Here's a conversation(writings) on the subject:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=341095#p341095

What I forgot so much that on the 3rd of April entered the Parliament(Toroczkai László) and is no longer just a prime ministerial candidate,but also a political group leader.
A news item that by the way, this man first suing facebook from Hungary.Internationally more people are suing,but from Hungary only he(Toroczkai László).Facebook listed him as a dangerous person and this is of course not true and insulting to him.Unfortunately, he lost his case,but not legally binding.They do not give up,they will appeal and they trust him that the second instance judgment it will be fair(which is hard to imagine,but worth a try).Short Explanation from judge:That as soon as we register for facebook from then on we will conclude a contract with facebook and from now on about facebook anything can do with us.Not literally what the judge said,in court in technical jargon(officially said the judge),but the point is actually this,what I just wrote.Here is a video about this on about facebook lawsuit:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eucq7kq8zok(Unfortunately for this no English translation)

Otherwise the one month ago elections even before tried to influence the election results the facebook.
Shortly before the election deleted the page of László Toroczkai's party on facebook.
But not only on facebook tried to get involved in the elections,but And the national distributor linked to Fidesz(enemy party,pseudo-right wing) did not take out their leaflets our newspaper, after Magyar Posta(Hungarian Mail) was banned from doing so.The international (balliberal,left side,another enemy party) globalist and the Hungarian oligarchs,the "pig-headed lords" have tried to suppress the party because they are on the side of the Hungarian's against them.

THE HIDDEN TRUTH BEHIND THE WAR IN UKRAINE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjIlWjtiN0E

I really don't want to glorify this person,because unfortunately xian :((in my view that's all it has wrong) ,but not the other parties say the truth and they do absolutely nothing For Hungary and not for Hungarian People.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Honest Onyx said:
erick_erick said:
Hello. Is Satan a monogamist? Or has several wives?

sorry, he have 5, not 7, my mistake

5 is metaphor for 5 elements, and 7 is metaphor for 7 chakras.

We know about one wife that he has. If he has any other ones, we don't know about them. So I think he has 1 wife Lilith. It is the design of Nature one man and one woman.

wow I didn't had an idea of this, thank you!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is the design of Nature one man and one woman.

I think that I stated that monogamous heterosexuality is the most suitable for the overhelming majority and the best way to raise children a few times in Turkish forum, then added that it doesn’t have to apply everyone, or all the time. Even a monogamous person can go through a phase until they find one to stick with unlike some animals that never mates again when their mate die. What was that called, lifelong monogamy? A member said that homosexuality is observed to increase when there is no more source to support the species in closed ecosystems. Maybe the nature’s way to balance and control population. In the closing, just wanted to add that one man and one woman is natural but it’s not the only thing that is natural.
Honest Onyx said:
yesterday i finally find the book "meditations of marcus aurelius" ive been searching that book for weeks, i feel like if its a gift from baalzebul, ill take care of it

hail satan!
hail baalzebulon!

And here's a link to the online book, 'Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.' Just for anyone else who wants it:

Coibius said:
I missed doing Astarte's ritual. Would it be appropriate to do it during this time along side Beelzebul's?
Can these types of rituals been done at any time?
I feel it better if we do the published rituals,because the power is really in Numbers(In SS),but that does not mean that in addition to the published rituals do a different ritual would be unnecessary,if you felt like it.
Writings related to your question:https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=338188#p338188
Need trance for this ritual?
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=350739 time=1651684865 user_id=346]
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=350538 time=1651619857 user_id=346]

Satan has five wives.

Read here: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Lilith.html

That is a metaphor for the 5 elements.
If that's the case, then I'll put Lilith's webpage on the list for updates. As it is now, it states the fact quite literally, which is where I learned it from.

Is this the post from HP Cobra you remember?

It's mostly in the context of Morax being his wife, and other corruptions, but HP Cobra also states in that thread:

"Lilith is Satan's most important and highest wife."

"Lilith is his main and most important wife and the rest is mostly nonsensical details."

If Satan has only one wife, then by definition she is the highest and most important one, so why say that unless he has more than one?

It might be both literal and allegorical.

I read Satan has 7 wives.
Thanks for ritual!

It's very strong, I feel like I've invoked the element of fire.
Beelzebul's energy is wonderful!

Hail Beelzebul!

Hail Satan!
Shining Force said:
My throat is a little worn out from doing an intelligence working atm and im struggling to pronounce some of the runes. This makes me sad as I feel like my words have no power and I can't fully show my gratitude properly.

Does speaking the runes normally still work without dragging out the runic breathes?

But why is your throat worn out? You don't need to force your voice to do vibrations, you know. You can even vibrate on a low voice, as long as you feel a vibration.

And you don't need to drag out your breath.

The runes are to be vibrated shortly. Read the instructions.

As for not feeling power, perhaps doing hatha or kundalini yoga, the foundation energy meditation or anything that raises your energy can help.

I'm really not sure that just speaking the runes is the same.
Serbon said:
Stormborn Warrior said:
Happy Samhain Everyone!! On my side

Thanks you Sir HP.

Will try doing rituals. I am currently not well and have no energy due to season changes and winters arrival.

Do what you can, everyone!
Samhain is during Halloween, Beltane is 30th April.
Hi serbon! Might not be related to the topic but pardon me.please.
Serbon are you still doing astrology readings?
I heard you were approved by our HPs for astrology readings so. I thought I want to ask coz I'd like to get A reading from you when you have the time for it.
Adhiti666 said:
Shining Force said:
My throat is a little worn out from doing an intelligence working atm and im struggling to pronounce some of the runes. This makes me sad as I feel like my words have no power and I can't fully show my gratitude properly.

Does speaking the runes normally still work without dragging out the runic breathes?

But why is your throat worn out? You don't need to force your voice to do vibrations, you know. You can even vibrate on a low voice, as long as you feel a vibration.

And you don't need to drag out your breath.

The runes are to be vibrated shortly. Read the instructions.

As for not feeling power, perhaps doing hatha or kundalini yoga, the foundation energy meditation or anything that raises your energy can help.

I'm really not sure that just speaking the runes is the same.

I think it feels a little worn out because I'm currently doing 2 workings at once (with a couple hours in between) I'm usually ok with most of the runes but the trickier ones are just too hard to vibrate properly and perhaps like u said I might be forcing it too hard. I'll try lower shorter vibrations and see how that goes. Cheers.
tyrantmage said:
Serbon said:
Stormborn Warrior said:
Happy Samhain Everyone!! On my side

Thanks you Sir HP.

Will try doing rituals. I am currently not well and have no energy due to season changes and winters arrival.

Do what you can, everyone!
Samhain is during Halloween, Beltane is 30th April.
Hi serbon! Might not be related to the topic but pardon me.please.
Serbon are you still doing astrology readings?
I heard you were approved by our HPs for astrology readings so. I thought I want to ask coz I'd like to get A reading from you when you have the time for it.
Yes you can email me but I'm very busy with many things rn, so it will take some time before I come to your reading
Vipul05 said:
Hello everyone
Starting from begining i got a feeling about researching about the mind control religions. I researched a lot and came to knowledge about laveyan satanism. But it was not progressive as it bounds us to material world only. So later i got introduced to vedic culture which is very scientific in nature. By studying sanskrit language and especially ancient weapon of Aryans the brahmastra gave the idea for making atomic bombs. Vedas are spiritual science and mother of all spiritual knowledge is bhagwat gita. In Vedas it is stated that there are four vernas Brahmins , kshatriyas , vaishyas and shudras. And comparing with world Verna means races and we have basically four main human races that is white people , black people, chinese and Indians. Before invention of abrahamic religions there was only one world religion according to vedas. Main purpose of abrahamic religions was to destroy the spiritual knowledge from the world. According to vedas there are material world's and spiritual world's which are seperated by a milky way. Also there are 11 dimensions described and we live in 3 Rd dimension so beings living in higher dimensions are true gods. So there is much to share but i think it's enough for introduction.
Thanks for reading the post.

I would very much like to know more if you want to share
Serbon said:
Stormborn Warrior said:
Happy Samhain Everyone!! On my side

Thanks you Sir HP.

Will try doing rituals. I am currently not well and have no energy due to season changes and winters arrival.

Do what you can, everyone!
Samhain is during Halloween, Beltane is 30th April.

I dont live in the Northern Hemisphere. The dates are different for South Africans, Australia and so on.
tyrantmage said:
Serbon said:
Stormborn Warrior said:
Happy Samhain Everyone!! On my side

Thanks you Sir HP.

Will try doing rituals. I am currently not well and have no energy due to season changes and winters arrival.

Do what you can, everyone!
Samhain is during Halloween, Beltane is 30th April.
Hi serbon! Might not be related to the topic but pardon me.please.
Serbon are you still doing astrology readings?
I heard you were approved by our HPs for astrology readings so. I thought I want to ask coz I'd like to get A reading from you when you have the time for it.

Not approved, nor officially. My replies on the thread should be read really carefully to avoid misunderstandings. They are only learning right now.

Regardless, Serbon has volunteered for JoS and so on, but this only says about them and not about the readings. Just writing this to avoid misunderstandings.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
tyrantmage said:
Serbon said:
Samhain is during Halloween, Beltane is 30th April.
Hi serbon! Might not be related to the topic but pardon me.please.
Serbon are you still doing astrology readings?
I heard you were approved by our HPs for astrology readings so. I thought I want to ask coz I'd like to get A reading from you when you have the time for it.

Not approved, nor officially. My replies on the thread should be read really carefully to avoid misunderstandings. They are only learning right now.

Regardless, Serbon has volunteered for JoS and so on, but this only says about them and not about the readings. Just writing this to avoid misunderstandings.

I was always under the impression that verified status was mainly about trust, and not skill. Considering the delicate nature of data and handling thereof, trust is something that has to exist first and foremost. Otherwise all sorts of potential disaster can occur. That is not to say that disaster could not happen from inaccurate readings for example, but I would imagine people would understand that a student would not produce results such as master.
Hail Satan! Bless the SS!
Hail Beelzebul!
I really like these rituals. :)
The first time I did the ritual, at some point I "randomly" thought that I must have met him in the past. :)

I want to ask something though.
I did read the page about Baalzebul. The thing is, according to the myths (both Greek and Norse), and to our affirmstions as well, Baalzebul appears to be extremely strong with a fierce power.

However, when I do the ritual, I can feel a calmness from him. I do feel something different from Satan's and Astarte's Rituals, but I don't feel "fierceness". I feel calmness, I don't know how to explain it.

Am I just not sensitive enough? Or is his fierceness different from what we understand? Or can it be felt only by those who have angered him?

I am happy when I do his ritual, but I am also curious about this fierceness I can't understand/feel.
When I do the Jos Wealth and prosperity Ritual , that's time I feel that I am blessed by dedicated satanist brothers and sisters. I love you my dedicated Spiritual Satanist brothers and sisters.
Yagami Light said:
I really like these rituals. :)
The first time I did the ritual, at some point I "randomly" thought that I must have met him in the past. :)

I want to ask something though.
I did read the page about Baalzebul. The thing is, according to the myths (both Greek and Norse), and to our affirmstions as well, Baalzebul appears to be extremely strong with a fierce power.

However, when I do the ritual, I can feel a calmness from him. I do feel something different from Satan's and Astarte's Rituals, but I don't feel "fierceness". I feel calmness, I don't know how to explain it.

Am I just not sensitive enough? Or is his fierceness different from what we understand? Or can it be felt only by those who have angered him?

I am happy when I do his ritual, but I am also curious about this fierceness I can't understand/feel.

I also get a calming feeling. Almost like the time before a thunderstorm when the negative charged ions are accumulating. He feels like a Father, much like Satan but different. It's difficult to communicate.
This schedule is concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you have received of Beelzebul's power and affection.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This schedule is concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you have received of Beelzebul's power and affection.

Yes I have in so many ways and in aspects I did not expect.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This schedule is concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you have received of Beelzebul's power and affection.

indeed i have receive good gifts!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This schedule is concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you have received of Beelzebul's power and affection.
There will be more Satan, Astarte and Beelzebub Rituals or was it just that??
I assume that,that the next Ritual of Azazel will be.

This is the schedule unfortunately I didn't make it this time the best way. :(
I've hardly done the Beelzebub ritual,because I have almost always been around humans and they would have heard,although I could have been better and I feel a little ashamed.I'll try to catch up next time The ritual of Beelzebub,if there is still a schedule which includes.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This schedule is concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you have received of Beelzebul's power and affection.
There will be more Satan, Astarte and Beelzebub Rituals or was it just that??
I assume that,that the next Ritual of Azazel will be.

This is the schedule unfortunately I didn't make it this time the best way. :(
I've hardly done the Beelzebub ritual,because I have almost always been around humans and they would have heard,although I could have been better and I feel a little ashamed.I'll try to catch up next time The ritual of Beelzebub,if there is still a schedule which includes.

Yes, he basically already said the ritual for Azazel will be next. Did you not read the post
InNomineDeiNostriSatanas said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This schedule is concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you have received of Beelzebul's power and affection.
There will be more Satan, Astarte and Beelzebub Rituals or was it just that??
I assume that,that the next Ritual of Azazel will be.

This is the schedule unfortunately I didn't make it this time the best way. :(
I've hardly done the Beelzebub ritual,because I have almost always been around humans and they would have heard,although I could have been better and I feel a little ashamed.I'll try to catch up next time The ritual of Beelzebub,if there is still a schedule which includes.

Yes, he basically already said the ritual for Azazel will be next. Did you not read the post

Not even the Ritual Of Azazel I asked because,but whether there will be more The Ritual Of Beelzebub,so that I can catch up.

By the way, I read every article,so I must have read that the ritual of Azazel will be as follows,I just didn't think of it,when I wrote(my bad memory).

Thank you so much,that you answered and you have reminded me,at other times I will not be like that dumb.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Not even the Ritual Of Azazel I asked because,but whether there will be more The Ritual Of Beelzebub,so that I can catch up.

By the way, I read every article,so I must have read that the ritual of Azazel will be as follows,I just didn't think of it,when I wrote(my bad memory).

Thank you so much,that you answered and you have reminded me,at other times I will not be like that dumb.
You can do these rituals any time so you can freely catch up if you want to.
Henu the Great said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Not even the Ritual Of Azazel I asked because,but whether there will be more The Ritual Of Beelzebub,so that I can catch up.

By the way, I read every article,so I must have read that the ritual of Azazel will be as follows,I just didn't think of it,when I wrote(my bad memory).

Thank you so much,that you answered and you have reminded me,at other times I will not be like that dumb.
You can do these rituals any time so you can freely catch up if you want to.
I was just thinking that if they(SS brothers and sisters) are not implemented,because there is no ritual wave(Ritual Scheudle), it's not worth much.https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=69992

Thank you very much your honourable answer,although I do not know,how much I can make up the out of wave(Ritual Scheudle).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
