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There is one big inconsistency, I have a couple questions abot it in private, if you can. Thanks a lot for this amazing information. I just dont understand somethink.
masaradadevoted said:
I wanted to ask as a male third sex Transwoman is astarte,innana,asherah,cybele my patron demoness since her priests in the ancient world were transwomen?

No. This is an absolute hoax that was invented by jews, and has no connection to reality.

There is the Ida and Pingala nadis, the yin and yang energies, the magnetic and the electric. The soul, and all things, are created from both of these energies. Worthless jews call the yin or magnetic energy "shekinah" and they call it a female. So the priests and priestesses who were strong and healthy people with balanced Ida and Pingala nadis, the worthless jews say that they were some kind of "transgender" things because they contained the "shekinah" "female" energy.

The entire thing is a disgusting jewish curse against humanity intended to confuse and completely destroy the soul of anybody dumb enough to be tricked by it. A man is a man, and a woman is a woman. This is in the deepest parts of your DNA and in the deepest parts of your soul, and remains constant throughout every generation every time your soul has ever reincarnated. If you are a man, you have XY chromosomes, you are a man in your soul and you have always been a man for as long as you have ever existed.

If insane jewish curses intended to erase your soul, and structural jewish propaganda created to enforce those death curses, have been enough to somehow convince you that you could be anything other than what you are, this will only lead to your destruction and I hope it is not to late for you to find your way out of this.

Your gender is your genetic sex. Any "theory" other than this is pure jewish insanity. They say that personality is gender, and that infinite numbers of different personality traits equals endless different "genders" that somebody could be. Every living thing contains energies of a more masculine feeling and of a more feminine feeling, this is connected to the Ida/Pingala, Yin/Yang, Magnetic/Electric, the duality that exists within all things.

It is perfectly natural and normal for a man to have masculine energies, feminine energies, or both, but no matter what he is still a man.
It is perfectly natural and normal for a woman to have masculine energies, feminine energies, or both, but no matter what she is still a woman. No personality trait, or astrological energy or influence, could ever negate or override who you are in your body and in your soul which is reflected by your DNA.
masaradadevoted said:
I wanted to ask as a male third sex Transwoman is astarte,innana,asherah,cybele my patron demoness since her priests in the ancient world were transwomen?

No, not necessarily. It could be any Demon.
Okay, this article says that the jews defamed the Goddess, but! We know that there is a private club called Masons, and we also know that they worship a Goddess. We also know that there is a large percentage of jews in this society. So what's the catch? Did the author miss something, or is it a cult for the elect, and for the Goyim only Abrahamic religions?
YIDA said:
Okay, this article says that the jews defamed the Goddess, but! We know that there is a private club called Masons, and we also know that they worship a Goddess. We also know that there is a large percentage of jews in this society. So what's the catch? Did the author miss something, or is it a cult for the elect, and for the Goyim only Abrahamic religions?

read previous sermons on masonry both on this website and on the library.
That changes literally nothing. Whenever they claim to "worship" whatever "gods" or "goddesses" is always a form of blasphemy to the actual Pagan Gods. The meaning of "Goddess" for learned occultists means just the feminine energy used in witchcraft (read the Joy of Satan website). They don't worship anything "Godly" they are just self-serving magicians.

YIDA said:
Okay, this article says that the jews defamed the Goddess, but! We know that there is a private club called Masons, and we also know that they worship a Goddess. We also know that there is a large percentage of jews in this society. So what's the catch? Did the author miss something, or is it a cult for the elect, and for the Goyim only Abrahamic religions?

On September 22, 2021, I almost died. There was no significant near-death vision or experience. But when I woke up in the hospital, I immediately saw this painting on a ceiling panel. Right away I thought, "Lilith...!?" Then I took the picture.

But at the same time... I am unsure if it is Lilith or instead Astarte. I just feel more drawn to Lilith because she is a patron of strong women and I am resilient enough. The thing is I am not as strong as I could possibly be. My emotions and intellect are strong, but my sensitivity cannot always deal with negativity. My stagnancy in life makes me feel I am unworthy of Lilith and the gods.

I have been dealing with the question of whether I am a Jewish soul or not. I wonder if the gods would even bother saving a Jewish soul from near-death. This goddess-like image that was by pure chance above me upon waking, it was a sign I have been waiting for.

Venus is prominent in my birth chart, but also somewhat afflicted. No matter what I go through, I'm always saved or things go in my favor. A psychic once told me before, there are two spirit guides I have: women, one strong and somewhat hot-headed, and the other woman is strong but wise and more relaxed. Now I am beginning to speculate if it can be both Lilith and Astarte. But originally I just assumed it's past life family members or present life deceased family members. The funny thing is I can switch either into strong assertiveness to stand up for someone (or) empathic, pacifistic maternal figure. Almost like I may well be channeling my spirit guides' natures.
DreamWeaver said:

On September 22, 2021, I almost died. There was no significant near-death vision or experience. But when I woke up in the hospital, I immediately saw this painting on a ceiling panel. Right away I thought, "Lilith...!?" Then I took the picture.

But at the same time... I am unsure if it is Lilith or instead Astarte. I just feel more drawn to Lilith because she is a patron of strong women and I am resilient enough. The thing is I am not as strong as I could possibly be. My emotions and intellect are strong, but my sensitivity cannot always deal with negativity. My stagnancy in life makes me feel I am unworthy of Lilith and the gods.

I have been dealing with the question of whether I am a Jewish soul or not. I wonder if the gods would even bother saving a Jewish soul from near-death. This goddess-like image that was by pure chance above me upon waking, it was a sign I have been waiting for.

Venus is prominent in my birth chart, but also somewhat afflicted. No matter what I go through, I'm always saved or things go in my favor. A psychic once told me before, there are two spirit guides I have: women, one strong and somewhat hot-headed, and the other woman is strong but wise and more relaxed. Now I am beginning to speculate if it can be both Lilith and Astarte. But originally I just assumed it's past life family members or present life deceased family members. The funny thing is I can switch either into strong assertiveness to stand up for someone (or) empathic, pacifistic maternal figure. Almost like I may well be channeling my spirit guides' natures.
You are not jewish, and also, avoid psychics.
Past life family members have already most likely been reincarnated, so that can't be happening.
Aquarius said:
You are not jewish, and also, avoid psychics.
Past life family members have already most likely been reincarnated, so that can't be happening.

Thank you so much for the reply. It's a bit of an awkward incarnation I have going on. But I've always been spiritual enough to see above and beyond the problems I have faced. Reading through the forums and JOS site gives me reassurance there really is so much more to it all.

I also really feel heavy and bad energy when I see a classic-dressed Jew in a store. Thoughts go through my mind such as, "why limit themselves to dressing the way they do," "they're so brainwashed," etc.

Yeah, it does make more sense their souls have long gone elsewhere. Yay! I've got goddesses with me. :)

The psychics really are financial scammers. Though I sensed actual power, they either misinterpret what they channel or twist it around. One thing I picked up on: do exactly what they advise against and make my way from there myself. "Oh but you're sick and I could cast a spell for you for 600." Bullshit. I can heal myself with better diet, even supplements if need be, and meditation. I said to my partner, "Why would I pay that amount for something I can do myself? :lol:" Yup, no more psychics for me (only consulted when I felt at a complete loss about what's next). But I do give them credit for giving me hints.

I thank Lilith and Astarte for my inner strength.
Very informative post HP Cobra,I would like to know the sanskrit name of astaroth.

Egon said:
I'm pretty sure it's Lakshmi - Goddess who rules wealth like her planet Venus. I think more Hindi/Eastern parallels could be added to the updates as well.

BabySatan said:
Very informative post HP Cobra,I would like to know the sanskrit name of astaroth.


I personally believe it's Durga. She, like Astarte, rides a lion, and also rules Venus and Friday. She is also known as Adi-Shakti.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hail HP HoodedCobra666! I m writing to you to let you know about a problem on the main site, as i wandered on it on the process of updating the Romanian main site. i wanted to let you know that i couldnt find any link leading to the pages with advanced information for ASTARTE, BAALZEBUB and AZAZEL. In the topic about advanced info about ABRAXAS you wrote at the beggining about the linking the page in the Demon sections, here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONV.html/index.html
I was wandering that it would be good if on the page "HIGH RANKING GODS AND CROWNED PRINCES OF HELL", in the upper part where are the links for the Crowned Princes Of Hell, you put the links for advanced information. That, or put the links inside each of them, because as i said i couldnt find any links, i found them only in the updates page.
Thank you in advance, im waiting for your response as i will translate them and advice the staff on the RO forum to do the same as on JoS main site.
kind regards, sorry for the bad english if any and HAIL SATAN AND GODS OF HELL!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
