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StyleCoin said:
now I understand, thank you I'll do rtr 50 times a day and soon after yoga kundalini.
Do the Kundalini Yoga first it will give you energy to use when you do the RTR
Ol argedco luciftias said:
StyleCoin said:
now I understand, thank you I'll do rtr 50 times a day and soon after yoga kundalini.
Do the Kundalini Yoga first it will give you energy to use when you do the RTR
Ok bro, just one more question, is it possible to make combinations with runes?

example: I want to combine the rune DAGAZ + MANNAZ + EIHWAZ.

the three energies of the runes will merge creating even greater power?
hi, i was getting a couple of conflicting answers using the search function so i figured i'd ask here.

in regards to personal workings (as in, non group RTR workings) is it okay to do them *during* a void moon? i dont mean starting one, but continuing one i'm doing daily. i do this working multiple times a day when its the hour of venus, and sometimes that naturally coincides when a moon is in void.

so yeah. is it actually fine to just continue doing stuff regardless of a void moon if ive already started and havent skipped a day? i saw a post saying that magic should not be done at all during a void moon but im not sure if this person was inexperienced. figured i'd double check here before continuing. want to make sure i havent screwed up my working by doing it during one once.

thank you.
Cleo666 said:
hi, i was getting a couple of conflicting answers using the search function so i figured i'd ask here.

in regards to personal workings (as in, non group RTR workings) is it okay to do them *during* a void moon? i dont mean starting one, but continuing one i'm doing daily. i do this working multiple times a day when its the hour of venus, and sometimes that naturally coincides when a moon is in void.

so yeah. is it actually fine to just continue doing stuff regardless of a void moon if ive already started and havent skipped a day? i saw a post saying that magic should not be done at all during a void moon but im not sure if this person was inexperienced. figured i'd double check here before continuing. want to make sure i havent screwed up my working by doing it during one once.

thank you.
Yes that is okay to do. Not bad. Just make sure the moon is Direct when you do it the first time. As long as you continue every day, you are still within doing the same working so you can continue on other days in times when the moon is void. This is why it works that way for group rituals like RTR, because the first time anyone ever did it before was when the moon is direct. So everyone who does it is continuing that same original work that was started in that moment.
satanama666 said:
also,clicking meditation on the spirit leads to invoking water
This topic is not the right place for your comment. Say that in here instead https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=19965
And you don't need to reply to me after you read this unless it is with an actual important question that has not been asked here yet. Because we don't need to be off topic this topic is already so full of questions.
wennoc said:
Its not as if Im a racist but i would like to know if any thing good can come from a jew? can a jew be accepted by father Satan?

I don't know what the hell you're going on about racism as racism is a jewish invention to manipulate people into race-mixing and destroying culture and individuality. Unawakened jews, that is those who don't know the whole reason for their placement on this planet (to enslave humanity as dictated by their alien reptiloid masters), have unwittingly done good for humanity but believe me they would not do this if they knew who they really were.

The jews are a parasitic race and species just like their hostile alien creators, any good they do for humanity doesn't come without some sort of cost. I.e, cell phones and brain cancer, medication with horrible side-affects and long-lasting influences, "clean" drinking water with fluoride and psychic centre destroying chemicals, you get the idea. I can't ever imagine why Satan would ever accept a jew. Their entire creation was done to corrupt, ruin and destroy everything that belongs to him and is of him, including us. It's programmed into their very genetics and dna, their entire culture, psychology and philosophies.

Why would you incorporate a parasite whose entire purpose is to destroy your people, with your people? It doesn't make sense.

StyleCoin said:
Ok bro, just one more question, is it possible to make combinations with runes?

example: I want to combine the rune DAGAZ + MANNAZ + EIHWAZ.

the three energies of the runes will merge creating even greater power?

You can combine runes yes so long as they won't conflict, counter or oppose one another. We've combined runes before like in our race awakening ritual.

Cleo666 said:

The first and original start of the RTR was started on a day and time that wasn't a void moon, this carries out through every other day as it is a constant and continued by other people. You can do the RTR at any time of day whether it's a void moon or not because of this. Also if you want the RTR to be more destructive and powerful against the enemy, it's most effective during the hours of Saturn, not Venus, but like I said it can be done at any time as many times as you want.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yes that is okay to do. Not bad. Just make sure the moon is Direct when you do it the first time. As long as you continue every day, you are still within doing the same working so you can continue on other days in times when the moon is void. This is why it works that way for group rituals like RTR, because the first time anyone ever did it before was when the moon is direct. So everyone who does it is continuing that same original work that was started in that moment.

thank you for clarifying!

Ghost in the Machine said:
The first and original start of the RTR was started on a day and time that wasn't a void moon, this carries out through every other day as it is a constant and continued by other people. You can do the RTR at any time of day whether it's a void moon or not because of this. Also if you want the RTR to be more destructive and powerful against the enemy, it's most effective during the hours of Saturn, not Venus, but like I said it can be done at any time as many times as you want.

oh, sorry, heh, realized my post wasnt clear when i looked at it again. i meant non-RTR work, as in, a personal working. its why i talked about venus, since its a relationship working. thank you though.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!
Hi everyone, I would like to know about nootropic, bought some cognitive bottles that increases focus, humor makes you smart, I also bought 2 bottles to have lucid dream. (they are made from natural plants.)

Is it allowed to use this in Satanism?
How do I ascend through the ranks of the Ministries of Joy of Satan. And at what time will I be able to post without waiting to see my post active?
I want to find enlightment through Satan and I want to share what I learn.
Is it possible to kill an astrial parasite(it's like an insect looking bug stuck on my astrial body like a tick
Zenarith said:
How do I ascend through the ranks of the Ministries of Joy of Satan.
Prove yourself here by actually working. Like what I do here, for example. Except I'm not working to go up in any ranks, I don't care about that. But you can't just come in here and ask us how you can become a leader, or become respected, or important. Who even are you? You're new? Every new person, we have to make them a leader over us? What have you ever done in any way to show any kind of qualifications that would allow you to be able to do the job? Because right now, you're just some random person, like the other 8 billion random people in the world. We put every random person in the world on track to be leaders over us? It doesn't work like that. The capable and qualified people naturally rise to the top. This is nature, this is physics, this is the soul, this is National Socialism. The strong, capable, good leaders naturally end up at the top. And the lower/medium level people naturally stay at their level. Your soul gets to whatever point it is qualified to get to.
Zenarith said:
And at what time will I be able to post without waiting to see my post active?
You can't, that time will never come. All of our posts have to be approved by High Priests/High Priestesses so that bad ideas and infiltrators don't spread. If people could approve their own messages, bad people would take advantage and this whole place would be instantly flooded with spam, lies, and dangerous bad ideas. Everything would be ruined. And even good people can be confused or misinformed and accidently try to spread harmful ideas.

I think the only person other than High Priest/Priestess who can approve their own post is Lydia, but it needs to be that way. Lydia is perfect at this and we all know that she would never do anything bad here. But most importantly, Lydia is so extremely qualified at Astrology that she has the job of informing people about topics related to astrology. Lydia and High Priest Hooded Cobra are the only people in the world who are such official, qualified, and trustworthy astrologers. And since the astrology alignments are always changing, Lydia has to be able to have her posts made imediately. Because if she had to wait for her posts to be approved, it could be too late and the astrology alignments would be different. Could be missed opportunities, or someone could make a mistake before Lydia has time to correct that person's mistake.

This situation with Lydia is also a perfect example of what I was saying about your first question. Her extreme high level qualifications and skills have brought her to a special high level position. She didn't come here as a new beginner no one ever heard of and start asking to be made a High Priestess. She just helped people according to her skills and talents, and worked on making her soul big and strong, and then her skills and talents get bigger. And it ends up with her gaining a higher level position. Because she actually put in all the work and help, and she earned it. Powerful souls float to the top, and weak souls sink to the bottom, and medium souls kind of stay where they are in the middle. This is pure physics, levels of energy vibration.
Zenarith said:
I want to find enlightment through Satan and I want to share what I learn.
Good, I respect and agree with that. :) So do it then!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I think the only person other than High Priest/Priestess who can approve their own post is Lydia, but it needs to be that way. Lydia is perfect at this and we all know that she would never do anything bad here. But most importantly, Lydia is so extremely qualified at Astrology that she has the job of informing people about topics related to astrology. Lydia and High Priest Hooded Cobra are the only people in the world who are such official, qualified, and trustworthy astrologers. And since the astrology alignments are always changing, Lydia has to be able to have her posts made imediately. Because if she had to wait for her posts to be approved, it could be too late and the astrology alignments would be different. Could be missed opportunities, or someone could make a mistake before Lydia has time to correct that person's mistake.

This situation with Lydia is also a perfect example of what I was saying about your first question. Her extreme high level qualifications and skills have brought her to a special high level position. She didn't come here as a new beginner no one ever heard of and start asking to be made a High Priestess. She just helped people according to her skills and talents, and worked on making her soul big and strong, and then her skills and talents get bigger. And it ends up with her gaining a higher level position. Because she actually put in all the work and help, and she earned it. Powerful souls float to the top, and weak souls sink to the bottom, and medium souls kind of stay where they are in the middle. This is pure physics, levels of energy vibration.

Typed my name in the search bar and this praise came up! (Blushing now) I'm not perfect though, I'm half asleep sometimes when replying here and need to correct what I wrote, or I realize I sounded grumpy or something. But I am completely aligned with Satan, so I can be counted on to always try my best to help my fellow SS.

True that I never asked to be clergy. I just do my thing, and use my intuition. A lot of posts I never meant to read or reply to, but I get kinda lead to it and it turns out to be something urgent to reply to. I see you've been putting in a lot of time to reply to questions here, this is awesome of you. I used to put in more time, and hopefully can again once I'm more caught up on my astro orders :)
Lydia said:
Typed my name in the search bar and this praise came up! (Blushing now)
Feels good to make you blush!  :p ;)
Lydia said:
not perfect though, I'm half asleep sometimes when replying here and need to correct what I wrote, or I realize I sounded grumpy or something. But I am completely aligned with Satan, so I can be counted on to always try my best to help my fellow SS.
I like it when you sound a bit grumpy, it's funnier that way. :lol:
Lydia said:
I just do my thing, and use my intuition.
That's the only thing anyone needs to do here, but seems like a lot of people don't trust their intuition enough. They have it, they feel it, but then they ignore it. Or they want some complicated rule book or structure to be written out for them to follow because they can't decide for themself what to do. But it isn't anything complicated. Just do whatever you feel like you should do, if it is a good beneficial thing. I said a lot of times here that all anyone has to do is practice using their intuition so it gets stronger because intuition is all that matters, but some of them don't listen.
Lydia said:
I see you've been putting in a lot of time to reply to questions here, this is awesome of you. I used to put in more time, and hopefully can again once I'm more caught up on my astro orders :)
I don't do anything special or complicated. I just try to help however I can and as much as I can. I thought I could make a deal with Satan and the gods to give them all the help I can ever give in every way I can, and they could give me some help back. With something that should be very simple for goddesses to do, but impossible for me to do without their help. But I already lost everything because they never gave me any help, and there's no way it could ever be fixed now it's too late and everything is gone. :cry: I don't know why I'm even here anymore, but I guess I don't got anything better to do so I can't stop. It's a strange feeling. I hope your situation is better than this!
Hi. I have many questions. I come from a Christian background and left the church in December of 2017. Ever since I have come to the same conclusions that the stories of the Bible were borrowed from the Pagans and tweaked with YHWH as the deity. My first question is, if the reptilian gods of Sumer are good, then why did they create the greys to conduct experiments on people? Yahweh is the equivalent of Enlil in most of the Jewish texts. Do you believe Enlil is here to help or destroy? State your reason.
Secondly, I've read on here that people believe the Pagan gods are going to return to earth and give humanity enlightenment. This is exactly what the New Age teaches--that Ascended Masters are going to come and bring Christ Consciousness and set up a New Universal Atlantis that the gods ruled over in the past. Even the Jews know that Yahweh lives on Nibiru and will return to anoint the Jewish Messiah. This video is a Kabbalist Jewish lady saying that Nibiru is connected with their god. In other words, the Jews say that Yahweh is at the top of the pantheon of the reptilian gods that you say are good. How would you respond to that?
Thirdly, what is your view on demonic possession?

Thanks so much,
Hello, again. This is the video I was referring to in my last post about Yahweh living on Nibiru, the planet of the Anunnaki pagan gods.


Thanks again,
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I thought I could make a deal with Satan and the gods to give them all the help I can ever give in every way I can, and they could give me some help back. With something that should be very simple for goddesses to do, but impossible for me to do without their help. But I already lost everything because they never gave me any help, and there's no way it could ever be fixed now it's too late and everything is gone. :cry: I don't know why I'm even here anymore, but I guess I don't got anything better to do so I can't stop. It's a strange feeling. I hope your situation is better than this!

Speaking from personal experience in wanting help with something and the Gods not helping, it's because they can see something better will come to you, or that this "loss" will make you stronger in the long run and more able to handle something else in the future. The Gods always have what is best for us in their plan. I know sometimes xians say stuff like this and it's just crap to make themselves feel better, but when it comes to us, it is true. If I got what I wanted back then, I would not have become who I am now, capable of doing so much more, and being so much better with much better opportunities, and being so much more free.

Keep up with what you are doing, know that you are doing a lot of important work here for Satan, and when you get something that makes you truly and deeply happy and fulfilled, you will understand Satan's plan for you ;)

I'm in a big pinch and don't know what to do.
I'm currently doing the 40 days meditation program and I'm now at the part where I have to opening the 3rd eye chakra.
This takes 4 days, and I successfully did it for the past 3 days. Today is my final day with this, but I'm now in a situation where
I can't vibrate because it requires sound.

What should I do? Is there any way doing this exercise without sound?

Thank you!
Ryan369 said:
The Sumerian gods are the same as the Roman and Greek gods who you can still see the statues of. They are human in form, just with stronger souls than humans have now. There is not anything at all about them that is similar in any way to the reptilians. Reptilians and greys are different species and are our absolute enemies. Obviously look at a statue of a roman goddess, you will see basically the most beautiful women ever, HUMAN WOMEN, nothing reptilian about them. The Roman gods are our gods who we follow, and who were followed in every ancient culture all over the Earth.

In every ancient gentile culture, all references to the "shining serpent", the "plumed/feathered serpent", the "kundalini", and all the related titles are all referring to the exact same thing. These titles all represent a current of electro magnetic energy that flows up the entire spine from the bottom tip of the tailbone up through the top of the head. This powerful current of bioelectricity energy transforms the soul into a higher vibrational frequency and opens and aligns the soul for powerful senses and abilities that normal people don't have. Basically an infinite supply of power that they can use and direct into magical abilities. This is all that it means, just an electromagnetic flowing force. Like a generator or a battery. It has nothing at all to do with reptilians. It does not represent having scales, or any kind of lizard features at all. It only describes the electricity flowing through the spine, which is kind of shaped like a snake since it's a straight line that just flows and moves upward, like in a motion similar to how a snake walks around without any legs.

I very highly recommend you to read the bookThe Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Mark Amaru Pinkham. You can download this book from inside my link in the "PDFs and Ebooks" folder. This will explain exactly what I'm talking about.

It is true that yahweh is the leader of the reptilians, actually "yahweh" itself is not a person, it is a collection of the entire reptilian species. This is what Elohim refers to, it refers directly to the reptilians. Elohim is a plural word, it refers to many different reptilians at the same time not just one. These things are the most infinitely opposite from us in every way!
Lydia said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I thought I could make a deal with Satan and the gods to give them all the help I can ever give in every way I can, and they could give me some help back. With something that should be very simple for goddesses to do, but impossible for me to do without their help. But I already lost everything because they never gave me any help, and there's no way it could ever be fixed now it's too late and everything is gone. :cry: I don't know why I'm even here anymore, but I guess I don't got anything better to do so I can't stop. It's a strange feeling. I hope your situation is better than this!

Speaking from personal experience in wanting help with something and the Gods not helping, it's because they can see something better will come to you, or that this "loss" will make you stronger in the long run and more able to handle something else in the future. The Gods always have what is best for us in their plan. I know sometimes xians say stuff like this and it's just crap to make themselves feel better, but when it comes to us, it is true. If I got what I wanted back then, I would not have become who I am now, capable of doing so much more, and being so much better with much better opportunities, and being so much more free.

Keep up with what you are doing, know that you are doing a lot of important work here for Satan, and when you get something that makes you truly and deeply happy and fulfilled, you will understand Satan's plan for you ;)
Lydia thank you very much gor posting this!Now that I am sixteen I may can understand this completely but knowing that the gods caring for me even if they do not help with the thinks i want really makes me feel better and not alone!Also like that I feel that I am productive and what I do is appreciated!
I was wandering, what is the purpose of the Jews/Reptilians in the Universe, and where they came from?

Thank you.
Karasukun said:

I'm in a big pinch and don't know what to do.
I'm currently doing the 40 days meditation program and I'm now at the part where I have to opening the 3rd eye chakra.
This takes 4 days, and I successfully did it for the past 3 days. Today is my final day with this, but I'm now in a situation where
I can't vibrate because it requires sound.

What should I do? Is there any way doing this exercise without sound?

Thank you!
Whisper it really quiet. Go somewhere where you won't be heard. Turn on music to cover the sound.
Lydia said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I thought I could make a deal with Satan and the gods to give them all the help I can ever give in every way I can, and they could give me some help back. With something that should be very simple for goddesses to do, but impossible for me to do without their help. But I already lost everything because they never gave me any help, and there's no way it could ever be fixed now it's too late and everything is gone. :cry: I don't know why I'm even here anymore, but I guess I don't got anything better to do so I can't stop. It's a strange feeling. I hope your situation is better than this!

Speaking from personal experience in wanting help with something and the Gods not helping, it's because they can see something better will come to you, or that this "loss" will make you stronger in the long run and more able to handle something else in the future. The Gods always have what is best for us in their plan. I know sometimes xians say stuff like this and it's just crap to make themselves feel better, but when it comes to us, it is true. If I got what I wanted back then, I would not have become who I am now, capable of doing so much more, and being so much better with much better opportunities, and being so much more free.

Keep up with what you are doing, know that you are doing a lot of important work here for Satan, and when you get something that makes you truly and deeply happy and fulfilled, you will understand Satan's plan for you ;)

I strongly agree with what Lydia has said here. I won't even start about the 15 years of soul crushing torture I had gone through and made out to where I am now, but it's important to know that the gods didn't put you in the situation in the first place. Who knows of over the 40 thousand years of existence what the gods have had to go through and what things they've had to experience and rise above.

They have emotions and feelings just like us, they can be and have been put under strain and heartbreaking situations. If we're to be immortal then we're going to have to face the fact that eternity is a very long time and we will face and encounter countless things in between just like they have, and we'll have to learn to rise and grow above, just like they have; because we do not yet live in a universe where nothing bad ever happens and who knows if we ever will, but we have to adapt and evolve in more ways than one to take every bullet shot at us and still heal to our full potential regardless. They know just as we should know though, that we're not alone and we look out for one another no matter what befalls us.

Ryan369 said:

Your knowledge and information isn't quite correct and I can see you're confused about certain things. The reptiloids are not gods in any way, they just try to pretend they are, and they are not good in any sense as they are a parasite species. The reptiloids are our enemies, our true god is Satan who created us through genetic engineering.

The reptiloids are hostile ETs that have been known to attack planets and enslave civilizations to feed on them as a source of food, the greys are such a species that they enslaved from another planet and whom they use to try and get at us. The greys have no freedom or free will as they are essentially borgs, hence the microchip in their hands and heads. This is what they are trying to do with humans using their reptilian jew infiltrators to stealthily convert the world to a total cattle prison. This is why the world is so fucked up because of their meddling with authoritarian structure and positions that they have taken in order to control the world better. I also have no idea what you're going on about 'Nibiru'.

The universe isn't as bland as there just being earth, 'heaven' and 'hell, there is no magical fantasy of some omnipotent being above all others or magical places and portals, etc, etc. The more realistic and solid truth is that there are just species like us that live on planets in different galaxies, solar systems, etc, including our gods, they are just far more advanced and spiritually powerful than us, but we can reach their levels through meditation and advancement, and even beyond. It's all just aliens and ETs. Even another race on some other planet that is lower in evolution than us or even higher would call us aliens too were we to visit their planet.

I strongly suggest you read through our entire website as it will answer any and all questions you may have.

Karasukun said:

If you are in a situation where you can't make any sound in privacy or vibrate the words without being noticed, if you have privacy in your own room, you could try playing music or even have some white noise going to hide the noise you make. You don't have to vibrate the words very loudly either. I always have white noise and music blaring whenever I'm doing the RTR or vibrating words.
Well hello all, I am very new here as you can see and quite happy to being my new journey, I see many posts and links with reading material, I will try to go through them before starting to bombard everyone with my questions. I hope to converse with each and everyone of you!
Low Priest said:
Is it possible to kill an astrial parasite(it's like an insect looking bug stuck on my astrial body like a tick

You may be able to get rid of it by focusing attention on it and following it around till it leaves and/or using blue fire on it.
Karasukun said:

I'm in a big pinch and don't know what to do.
I'm currently doing the 40 days meditation program and I'm now at the part where I have to opening the 3rd eye chakra.
This takes 4 days, and I successfully did it for the past 3 days. Today is my final day with this, but I'm now in a situation where
I can't vibrate because it requires sound.

What should I do? Is there any way doing this exercise without sound?

Thank you!

unfortunately you need the sound for the right virbration soo I do not know why you can not vibrate but if it is because you are home and someone will hear you, just go outside and search for a good playce where you will be alone. Or just Use Music like suggested by Ol argedco luciftias. Or just do it but it depends on how your family will react. if you are ill right now and can not speak or something like that just clean your soul and try to get sound again and then start the 4 days again. It is important to continue to meditate on your 3rd eye after those 4 days tho I kinda missed that.
Ol argedco luciftias , Ghost in the Machine, NinRick

Thank you guys!

I was able to do it in the end, It wasn't as loud as the other 3 times, but as I read, absoulte loudness isn't neccessary.
What does the " - " and " : " mean in this page?

Last Meditation Session I did as usual a full chakra meditation aand somehow each chakra was very strong lol. also my root, sacral and solar chakra got warm not hot But I definetly sensed heat. Did I made a breakthrough or is it because on monday we will have a full moon? :D
StyleCoin said:
Hi everyone, I would like to know about nootropic, bought some cognitive bottles that increases focus, humor makes you smart, I also bought 2 bottles to have lucid dream. (they are made from natural plants.)

Is it allowed to use this in Satanism?
Horrible idea! Don't do drugs! You have no idea what is in there or what it does to you. Probably full of poison!
Good day all. I have the two following questions regarding a new rune meditation program for myself.
I want to start with the mannaz rune for strengthening the memory. When is the best calender day to start for this and with colour should I visualize, while vibrating it into my left side of the brain.

Second I also will start with Utal to get back useful talents of my previous reincarnations. On which date can I start with this to increase its power?

I appreciate every help I get
Thank you very much

Hail the gods of hell
Could someone tell me if all these psychic abilities are real?

Is Biokinesia Real? Can you change the color of your eyes, hair?

Are there endless psychic abilities?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!


Could someone tell me if all these psychic abilities are real?

Is Biokinesia Real? Can you change the color of your eyes, hair?

Are there endless psychic abilities?
StyleCoin said:

Could someone tell me if all these psychic abilities are real?

Is Biokinesia Real? Can you change the color of your eyes, hair?

Are there endless psychic abilities?
Yes, all of those are real true abilities that you can develop and practice.

And you don't need to keep quoting my entire 5 paragraph opening comment every time, just to add a question which is totally unrelated to what you quote from me. You can put in just your question, so we don't take up all the extra space having my large unrelated comment attached to it. With such a large and crowded topic, we should be careful not to take up unnecessary space with things like that.
Morgenröte said:
Good day all. I have the two following questions regarding a new rune meditation program for myself.
I want to start with the mannaz rune for strengthening the memory. When is the best calender day to start for this and with colour should I visualize, while vibrating it into my left side of the brain.

Second I also will start with Utal to get back useful talents of my previous reincarnations. On which date can I start with this to increase its power?

I appreciate every help I get
Thank you very much

Hail the gods of hell

I think Lydia would be able to assist you regarding the calendar dates... she'll see this obviously just by me mentioning her name...

Here is our page on our website regarding colours and their aspects and properties. Look through them all and see which one you think will benefit you most for your working.

StyleCoin said:
Could someone tell me if all these psychic abilities are real?

Is Biokinesia Real? Can you change the color of your eyes, hair?

Are there endless psychic abilities?

Yes, I have personally done biokinesis in order to fix some physical maladies, I have been successful and there are a few others here who have successfully done biokinesis. Biokinesis is going to fall under the limitations of... well... reality and the laws of... everything. I can't say for any lick of even theory that 1 million years of practicing biokinesis could mean you can instantaneously shape-shift into, say, a fanciful butterfly.

I mean even with limitations on the physical realm and perhaps some other realms, at least in a lucid dream you can virtually do just about anything you can imagine, so nobody cry about not being able to shape-shift into some unicorn.... or whatever it is that floats peoples boats these days.
Hi every one
Im encountering some personal worries about the Final RTR which according to me is lasting long. I may be going wrong . But How sure is the ss that jews have’nt yet gone through developing new strategies of cursing gentiles? Does ss has a meant of detecting the update of all these tactics of theirs? One more thing. please! I would like to know just to enrich my knowlege: Who heads of satanic egregore on earth? .
Ol argedco luciftias,

Hi. I would reply to you directly, but I'm not seeing a link to do that. I started read The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Pinkham. In the first chapter he starts talking about the Great White Brotherhood, which is also called the "Ascended Masters" in New Age and Theosophical circles. The Ascended Masters according to many sources are a group of Extra-Terrestrials beings that are giving channeled messages to humanity about the coming New Age and how to become "Lightworkers". These Ascended Masters pose as historical ascended humans such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Mary Magdalene, Melchizedek, and even Paul of Tarsus. The Ascended Masters are aliens that are posing as people who never even existed. The ones who are doing this are lying spirits and deceiving the New Agers into believing that these are the saviours of humanity who will destroy the Jewish cabal. They WILL destroy the Jewish cabal, and set up the "Messianic" Golden Age. The "Golden Age" that is spoken of by the Ascended Masters teachings is, precisely, the Messianic Age that is spoken of in the Jewish circles.
New Age = Golden Age = Jewish Kabbalism
The "I AM" Consciousness that will be taught to the world is Pagan in origin, but is also being promoted by the Jewish Cabal today. Whether the golden age is Jewish or Luciferian, it is all the same thing. Even CNN aired a commercial years ago saying that the Maitreya was going to arrive soon, and that we should all accept him when he comes. This is, essentially, Satanism being promoted by the Jewish media. When I see these things, I can't help but think that it is all connected. Why would the Jews promote the Great White Brotherhood and the Serpent Wisdom unless Yahweh had something to do with it? You can decide if this question is rhetorical or direct. Kabbalistic Judaism teaches that Yahweh is "Ain Soph" and that Satan works for "God". This description of God and Satan sounds more like Paganism than it does the Judeo-Christisn understanding.
Bottom line, I'm wondering why the Pagans divide the spiritual world up into angels vs. demons, but the Jewish rabbis of today make no distinction. Also, I'm wondering how JoS figured out the distinction between the Reptiles and the Pagan Gods. Zechariah Sitchin's work claims that the Sumerian gods were Reptiles and the Enuma Elish has these gods constantly fighting each other in these heavenly over who will be the head of the pantheon. If Sitchin was wrong, could you direct me to the link that proves otherwise? Thank you so much.

Hail Hitler!

Hi everybody, I would like to ask you about the Merging Astral Consciousness meditation.
I read that it can be used to shapeshift and to plant thoughts in the minds of others and to even possess them.
Needless to say that I would like to have these skills...
My question is: once i learned the Merging Astral Consciousness how can I use it to shapeshift and to plant thoughts in the minds of others and to possess them?
What is the process to do these things?
I would like to ask you insights: I also tried to read "Initiation into Hermetics" by Franz Bardon, but not even there I found my answer, just a little mention.
Thank you!
So I've been off here a few years, iv also got very discouraged and fell off meditation and study. I do a question though, I've been dedicated sense 2007 and still haven't found a guardian or any contact or answers at all in the years. I'm not sure after trying that long how to establish relationships, any suggestions?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
