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Taurus said:
Hey, I'm new and I was wondering, for the past year or so randomly i will feel "eletricity" in my body, it feels like shivers for example but in places where you dont normaly get them like in my face all the way down to my toes. Is this bioelectricity?
It could be, it sounds like it. Does it feel like a flow of electricity and air through all your body?
Gear88 said:
"Happy, positive, beneficial, and best"
Those are all basically the same thing; you definitely don't need all those. I don't like using "positive" because it feels pretty vague and meaningless to me but that's just my opinion. Like you say "positive" and I think of electricity first. But even that's bullshit because the negative is where the electrons flow from, actual current is from negative to positive the opposite of how we talk about it like. So like "positive" is an empty void and "negative" is where the actual pressure is. And even when you mean "positive" to mean "it's really good" then that doesn't really say anything either. Okay it's good... But in what way is it good? Could it be GOOD for someone else but bad for yourself, because that's still "positive" for someone. "Positive" is just a bullshit, meaningless, vague, empty word to me. It doesn't really mean anything on it's own and requires extra directing words to make it mean something, so what's the point of even saying it? There's millions of different kinds of energies in the world and many of them can be considered "positive," but they all do very different things. So when you just say "positive" and nothing else, it's like just throwing it into the air and hoping that something good will happen, but not actually knowing what it's doing or how it will really affect you. So you want to be clear and specific exactly what kind of energy you want. I like to use good adjectives to very clearly describe exactly what quality or energy I want it to have. Like happy, healthy, beneficial, best, these are just some examples but words like these that actually describe what the energy is like. Say what you actually want to say! Don't just pussy-foot around like "uhh..., it's really good..., somehow..."

Beneficial, happy, and best are all basically the same thing. But what is most beneficial for you may not always be comfortable so it may not always be happy. What feels happy at the time may not be what's best for you, and may even be a bad thing, like people who do drugs feel happy at the time but it harms them bad. And best may be like a good balance in between happy and beneficial, but best in what way? You can add another directing word in there relating to your goal, like best for ... . I usually like to use something like "In the happiest and most beneficial way for me..." in whatever I do.

You can use any of these words or a mix of them depending on the specific situation, and you know I sometimes like to add "healthiest" too if it's something physical effect to the body. But in this specific situation with Isa rune, I felt like "beneficial" was all that was needed, and was the best word to fit the situation. Because "most beneficial" means that it is helping you, it is safe, and it's a good thing for you!

I really don't want to confuse anyone with all this, but I know this is the kind of thing you like to think about so here's my reasoning. :p These are all just my own opinions, so think for yourself and do what you feel is best!
Hi guys, these songs on YouTube that say it will stimulate the pineal gland and other things does it really work?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
...beneficial clauses...

Three things:

1. What if I already use that affirmation for my working with the Square; should I keep it or change it? Is it possible to change the affirmation on an already affirmed process? I already did a Sun square using happiest(should be grammatically happy as that is more correct), beneficial, and best way for me. Did I mess up the result of the energy and create a lesser scenario? i.e. watered-down the outcome?

2. This might sound completely retarded but exactly what if you, really don't care about positive clauses?

This might sound strange but hear me out. Affirmations are short, present tense to the point. I might be wrong but I have read some members state past-tense could be used like say chakra opened vs. chakra opening. One is the result opened and the other is the act of it reaching the end result opening.

Like it says in JoS webpage: "Specific Meditations: Using your powers"; it states "The mind does exactly what it is told to do and does not understand specifics unless it is *told* EXACTLY how the energy is to manifest. The easiest route is always taken by the mind and aura regardless of what that route is. This is why it is so important to be as specific in as little words as possible with your affirmations."

Now knowing that, doesn't adding needless positive clauses hurt the minuteness of the affirmation.

I'm well aware your going to state "Gear88 if you don't add anything positive what do you think is going to result, negative of course". But what if you really don't care if it is negative or positive you just simply wish it would materialize and be done with it.

I'm aware what I stated sounds VERY wrong. But I've never felt comfortable with any positive clause. I always nitpick it in fact it's the same with affirmation down the line I discover a better way to state it.

3. So what if you made the positive clause so positive it doesn't produce anything out of the ordinary?

It's kinda like some members take Lydia for example in her affirmation provided by VoiceofEnki. She states "...afirmation--positive and healthy way. So she merely puts a positive and healthy way to her protection. She seems fine nothing serious or anything but what if your like me and are annoyed by not finding the right words.

What if nothing seems out of the ordinary and your just living with Same Shit, different days. I will admit I've been wanting to experience things but seems like nothing happens. What if the positive clauses find their best action in my not doing anything because that is what I do with my life. And I'm perpetually stuck in my house cause the magic is altering me to live like this.

Not to state magic is bad or wrong just the best scenario is not living it up in life.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Taurus said:
Hey, I'm new and I was wondering, for the past year or so randomly i will feel "eletricity" in my body, it feels like shivers for example but in places where you dont normaly get them like in my face all the way down to my toes. Is this bioelectricity?
It could be, it sounds like it. Does it feel like a flow of electricity and air through all your body?
Air? Not really but when I was breathing in white gold light the other night I felt it extremely. It seemed the harder I visualized it the more it was apparent. Do you guys get this too?

I have found a Satan secret society. I am already a member now. I wanted to hire new members into that as messenger of Satan has ordered me to do so. How can I start a new thread?
StyleCoin said:
Hi guys, these songs on YouTube that say it will stimulate the pineal gland and other things does it really work?
NO and they usually put subliminal curses in there to hurt you. The enemy makes those things as traps. Notice most of them are on these christian channels where the sound is supposed to open you up to god or shit like that.
Taurus said:
Air? Not really but when I was breathing in white gold light the other night I felt it extremely. It seemed the harder I visualized it the more it was apparent. Do you guys get this too?
Well not actual air obviously, you aren't just an empty air tube. Your lungs aren't all throughout your body. I just mean that it can feel like air. You got a good sign that you're doing the right thing!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
StyleCoin said:
Hi guys, these songs on YouTube that say it will stimulate the pineal gland and other things does it really work?
NO and they usually put subliminal curses in there to hurt you. The enemy makes those things as traps. Notice most of them are on these christian channels where the sound is supposed to open you up to god or shit like that.

then 99% of videos are pitfalls. :(
Thank you for notifying.
shoumitag said:

I have found a Satan secret society. I am already a member now. I wanted to hire new members into that as messenger of Satan has ordered me to do so. How can I start a new thread?
For thousands and thousands of years, Satanists have been killed by the enemy. Burnt alive, and tortured to death in such evil ways you can't even imagine. Look up "Spanish Inquisition". This still happens in many places of the world. Like all the muslim places especially. This is not distant history, this is still how it is.

You have not found a Satanist group! You found a trap by the enemy! They want you to bring innocent people into their trap for them and put them into danger! Why do you think they are a messenger for Satan? Just because they said they are? Do you believe every single thing that anyone tells you? Do you even THINK for yourself? That absolutely sounds like a trap set by the enemy, and they want you to bring them more Inquisition victims. The Spanish Inquisition is not ended, it still exists in some places! Don't help them hurt people, don't lead people into danger, and don't be their yourself either! Real Satanists know to keep it a secret and not to gather together in one place.
Gear88 said:
1.  ...
2.  ...
3.  ...
1. That's good keep it how you've been doing. I think it will work well for you. Another thing is energy doesn't really care about perfect grammer as long as the meaning of the words and your intentions are the same. I mean don't mess the grammer up bad enough that the energy does what you don't want it to do. But something like saying "most happiest" works well in workings. Little unimportant nuance rules of English like "don't add "-est" on the word if you already said most" don't usually make any difference. I think in this example it makes it even stronger and better to do this because it feels like it's more closely aligned with the feeling of what you are trying to do. You should make the affirmation personal, I mean make it however you personally feel is the best way.

My big main opinion is that your feelings/intuition are always the most important thing, and sometimes too much thinking and words are unnecessary and just get in the way. All the world is a collection of energies that you are trying to feel, and to use or affect these energies you first have to feel and tune into that specific energy. All any of it is is just FEELING. So all the left-brain logical thinking, and worrying about words, and imaginary codes of imaginary languages, and meaningless grammer, all that stuff is a distraction that would hold people back if that's all they focus on. Thinking is a different tool for a different situation. But magic is all feeling energies. The logical left side of the brain has to be calm and still for the sensitive right side to be awake. I guess that's what all that Void Meditation stuff is about, helping people get into that calmness and sensitivity who aren't used to being like that.

2. That all depends what you're doing. There's so many different possible situations you could be working on that there probably is some kind of situation where you don't need it. You can't plan one set rule that works for every situation equally. But that's also why I like using the specific adjectives. So you can quickly in just one or a couple words direct it to go in the exact way you want.

3. Sounds like what you are wondering about there would not only be the words in the affirmation. I think the bigger thing to look at to change something like that is what you are actually doing, not just the words you put on top. I mean there's runes and mantras you can use that help to introduce an outside force or influence to create a change in a new direction with new possibilities. But doing a thing like this, you would definitely need to have specific direction in your affirmation that it's in a good way for you. Because when you start working with unexpected outside forces/influences being introduced to the situation, this is when it is even more necessary to be careful about ensuring it is safe and "positive" so you don't have an unexpected problem come up. So this is kind of like what you were thinking, but through a little different direction.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

I'll keep my affirmations the way they are for the Venus square I'm doing. But for everything else I changed it to simply "most happiest and most beneficial". And most healthiest way if it involves a health working.

BTW on this subject. Magic is based on tangible results. It might not rain money in your room, but that doesn't mean that 750 dollars might not materialize in your hands after receiving a check.

1. My question is very interesting as I believe no one has ever said it in such way.

When we perform magic i.e. reality manipulation i.e. turbocharger/supercharger of material, mental, and or spiritual goals. Are we creating a new template in the World/Universe to materialize said desire? or are we hooking up to an already plausible event and merely picking and choosing a pre-determined event?

For example say I perform runic magic to attract a sexual partner. Is it better to restrain the affirmation "most happiest and most beneficial" or is it fine to do it that way?

You might ask why I'm saying this. Well if magic does not create a new scenario but hooks up to an existing one. Doesn't that mean that unless the conditions are right "most happiest and most beneficial" nothing will occur because that is asking the energy to do too much. Or are the positive clauses manipulators of reality themselves that generate a scenario and overcome the situation. So no matter what it's always a "most happiest and most beneficial" scenario occurring.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if I'm manipulating reality or are we hooking up to a plausible event. What if I miss out on lesser scenarios that seem alright and could help me achieve said goal just in a lesser way.

I hope you understand what I mean.

2. Also what is your take on personalizing magic? should affirmations be "in the most happiest and most beneficial way" or "way for me"?

Should magic always be used with "Way for me" or is it okay to leave it neutral "Way" without for me and kinda go out of my comfort zone and experience something different. I know "Way for me" introduces parameters to the magic to affect me in a personal way but what if you wish to experience things that are different and choose the neutral way.
StyleCoin said:
Hi guys, these songs on YouTube that say it will stimulate the pineal gland and other things does it really work?
No, don't trust it could be anything in there make it yourself. White noise is best yogic master actvates all mentel cercics. There are tricks one can use too, self hypnosis, speaking thoughtform programs, the works. Light and shadows, Satanic butiful music triggers brainwave change. Writing visionary fiction dose as well.

Try using your left hand to write tie the other one if need be for a day if this is practical for you, I live like a Satanic monk for now ''Technical reasons'' and many do this ''historically anyway''. Make poems. I used left brain too much initially myself.

I listened to one wave song that made me ill sick, a pulling in my head like slow death, it triggered spiritual warrior tendencies. If someone played that brainwave music of that frequency in public I would be screwed.
Embarrassed socially.

Slow drawn out tones anger me almost to epileptic seizure level though neurologically I am fine, it seems to be astral. I had to shut down totally to avoid reacting at all, but still got sick. Like a sonic weapon to the temple. I found myself raging and Astrally cursing the youtubers who made it.

I had to play a certain operatic tones, king diamond, alternative up and down beautiful but with dissonance built in music to right my brain. There are songs that are spells not by design but they give peace to Satanists, joy and such. They also call beings, In my opinion, all unwittingly I think at least of the part of the singers and composers. I don't know the exact keys so don't bother asking
wennoc wrote:
Good day every one
I’m really thinking to join satanisism after going through some few subjects in joys ministry website. But my worry lays with my activities I will not be ashamed to mention. I’m 64 and through my life long, I have been used to financial facilities through swindling and duping and cheating. In fact, that’s the only job I know to do better. I’m now interrogating myself how to go on with my life if I have to stop and join Satan.
Pls help I’m really worried

We aren't bound by any restrictions other than the rules of nature and our own morals. You aren't guilty, you were only a player in a big game that can be dirty. But we need gentiles in those kinds of jobs because we've been a low minority in that area of power! Maybe you swindled other companies, but those are likely just a bunch of rats anyway who own those companies, who lost a few shekels off of their mountain of treasure. It's a game made by rats for the benefit of rats, but at least you can beat them at it and get your share. Good for you, we need to get into powerful positions so we can have the influence to do beneficial things for the world.

Should I understand that there will be no blame for me as satanism is concerned and that I may be free to carry on with this activity which does not link with companies but individuals? Frankly, I love father Satan.
Gear88 said:
1. When we perform magic, are we creating a new template in the World/Universe to materialize said desire? or are we hooking up to an already plausible event and merely picking and choosing a pre-determined event?

You might ask why I'm saying this. Well if magic does not create a new scenario but hooks up to an existing one. Doesn't that mean that unless the conditions are right "most happiest and most beneficial" nothing will occur because that is asking the energy to do too much. Or are the positive clauses manipulators of reality themselves that generate a scenario and overcome the situation. So no matter what it's always a "most happiest and most beneficial" scenario occurring.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if I'm manipulating reality or are we hooking up to a plausible event. What if I miss out on lesser scenarios that seem alright and could help me achieve said goal just in a lesser way.

2. Also what is your take on personalizing magic? should affirmations be "in the most happiest and most beneficial way" or "way for me"?

1. Some of both. You are making a template in the astral that can create something new to happen. But if there is a possible physical event already that can fit, it hooks up to that and can make it happen. So it really is both. I think when you say "happiest and most beneficial" it looks at all of the available possible situations and picks the one that is best for you. But it doesn't really limit you either or prevent "great but not greatest" possibilities from happening. Because it's a force and movement in the direction of what is best for you, so whatever possible good events are found and made to happen.

2. You have to add "for me" when you are saying about how good it works, so that it is good for you. Or else you can make the greatest ever situation happen to/for someone else, but it doesn't happen to/for you. Or it can even be good for someone else in a way that is bad for you. But it's still "happiest and most beneficial" for someone, just not you. So you add "for me" so you're the one who gets the good results.
Gear88 said:
It's kinda like some members take Lydia for example in her affirmation provided by VoiceofEnki. She states "...afirmation--positive and healthy way. So she merely puts a positive and healthy way to her protection. She seems fine nothing serious or anything but what if your like me and are annoyed by not finding the right words.

It's not my affirmation, if it was by someone else... Also, I've been using "beneficial" for a long time. Don't think that nothing changes, that if someone writes something that's the way it always it.

This is like the 4th time you've quoted me on something in the past that is therefore perhaps outdated. Also, if you are annoyed by something, change it. I was never "annoyed" by previous affirmations, I simply changed what I needed without even giving a second thought. Be innovative, not stuck.

(I don't have anything else to add as I never even read this thread, I only type my name in the search bar sometimes to see if anything comes up)
Nikolas said:
Three question fellows.
1. If i could say I have one big weakness, that is time management. Im not lazy, i have high stadards. So when i wake up i propose myself to do 100 things ( not only meditation but general life)  and it feels awful when it gets dark and I realize I only did 50% of what  I wanted.
Please, any any any advice is welcome concerning time.

2. I've read that doing too much meditation is as worse as doing none/too little. Is this true? If so, how does one know. Maybe by following his intuition?

3. A curiosity. I've also read that power/bioelectricity increases only in time. There is no other way. No matter how much you meditate one particular day ( and again I think at question 2 ) and be consistent so you do that much every single fcking day, it still is going to take a lot of time. So if one was with the Gods in his past life, and was opened to  the astral, will things be different for him? Will it take lesser time than on average? 
Thank you in advance.
1. So instead of setting an unrealistic amount of goals, instead of 100 things that you don't have time for, set your goal lower to 50 things. Then when you accomplish the lower goal it makes you feel good and gives you more motivation. And the extra motivation might even make you do the other 50 things and get you up to meeting your original goal.

2. That is true. You can burn up and get into a big problem. When you force energy into your body/soul at such a high powerful level that you aren't used to it can hurt you. Because your body/soul is used to so much less and gets blasted with so much more that it's too much for you. Read this https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18814&p=74603 and this https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18815 

3. Yes you have to do it every day so your body/soul gets used to it and the power builds up permanently. If you're always at a low level of power, then one day you do a lot and are at a high level, then next day you're back to a low level, all that power you had for that one day will dissipate away. But if you're at a high level every day, your body/soul adapts to that high level of energy so that's the new level you start at. It takes at least around 40 days of doing it every day for a change like this to be permanent. All the permanent advancements that you have ever made in your entire history of existing are all still there. So if you were strong then in some ways, you're still strong now in those same ways and it will be a lot easier for you. But in the same way, bad things can build up over your history in the same way and be permanent forever, until you actively work to reverse and remove the problems. So everyone has different strengths and weaknesses to make different things easier or harder now.
wennoc said:
Should I understand that there will be no blame for me as satanism is concerned and that I may be free to carry on with this activity which does not link with companies but individuals? Frankly, I love father Satan.
Are you just screwing over innocent gentiles? Or are you screwing over greedy rats? Because there's a big difference there. There aren't really any sins in Satanism. When you advance in Satanism, as your soul gets stronger, your morals may likely change, shift, and improve. You'll probably find a different way to do things that is still good for you, and not so unnecessarily bad for other people. Like I used to like to go fishing a lot. I would always put the fish back after I caught it because I didn't want to kill or hurt it. But when my soul started getting stronger, this stopped being fun for me because I realized that it was hurting and scaring the fish for no good reason. So I haven't fished in years now. Your opinions and goals can change like this, and things you used to like can instead feel not fun anymore and kinda disgusting. But you have to be a Satanist for you to have the chance to build up and imptove your soul. Satan doesn't blame us for the areas where we are not as good, he just wants to help us get better.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
...your replies...

Thank you O.a.l. for the replies. Really intriguing that I'm not harming the outcome with using such high and mighty positive clauses, if anything I'm generating a better template either a pre-constructed scenario or a new scenario.

Also personalizing I see how important it is. I'll add "way for me" for the sky blue fat loss.(Not fat quite skinny in fact, just want to avoid some build up on my belly.)

Final questions:

1. When stating a affirmation, it's mentioned by both people and the JoS website. Affirmations are short, present-tense to the point. Just how short do they have to be for maximizing their effect? How well or how badly illogically sounding should the affirmation be created compared to grammar logic?(I know it's not proper grammar but it sounds really weird that energy understands affirmations in such manner)

Just how short should an affirmation be?

2. I asked this before but wasn't satisfied with the answer. But present-tense only correct? or can past-tense be used?

(Ex: My center Ajna chakra is eternally opening and empowering [insert positive clause] vs. My center Ajna chakra is eternally opened and empowered [insert positive clause]. One is present-tense (opening/empowering) the other is past-tense (opened/empowered). So which is appropriate? present-tense and only present-tense or is past-tense allowed?)

I've seen some people post past-tense and while present tense doesn't sound right opening and empowering because it sounds to me like it is in the act of opening and not opened already. When WILL it open completely pops into my head.

3. Does the positive clause extend the affirmation?(In other words how careful should I be with positive clauses and length of statements)

Ex: Been using for Hatha/K-Y; (My witchpower is eternally raising and the powers of my soul is eternally amplifying in the most happiest, most beneficial, and most healthiest way for me). I guess I can shorten it to (My witchpower and powers of my soul are eternally raising and amplifying in the most happiest, most beneficial, and most healthiest way for me.)

4. I spoke to Shael over email and he mentioned when directing the energy you should visualize the end result. He mentioned the energy embeds itself into the World and materializes the end result on it's own way or ways. Is this the correct method to visualize(direct) the energies? Visualize the end result, ignore how you get it?

(I'm assuming since we aren't advanced like the Gods pointing the energy to the end result allows it to work better rather than coming up with a specific scenario since we are ignorant about advanced knowledge and materializing something specifically.)

5. It's mentioned by the JoS webpage. Directing should occur during programming. So when I'm stating affirmations either outloud in normal, voice or in my mind. I should be directing at the same time. Is this the correct way to use the remaining two steps of witchcraft, programming and directing?

P.S.: I just want to point out I've never delved into my creative(Yin) side of my brain. I'm a thinker, I use my brain a lot and often lose myself in daydreaming quite often. I'm sure being mindful with mindfulness(void) would help a lot. But doing it on and off over the years, it never impressed me or anything. I'm aware the point is thought control albeit I wish not to control my thoughts just experience the fun and enjoyment of mindfulness(void).

So I hope you understand my questions are logical(Yang)-based questions and not creative(Yin). In other words by pure logic not by intuition. There is feeling, intuition, and logic applied but mostly through my brain.
Awakening666 said:
StyleCoin said:
Hi guys, these songs on YouTube that say it will stimulate the pineal gland and other things does it really work?
No, don't trust it could be anything in there make it yourself. White noise is best yogic master actvates all mentel cercics. There are tricks one can use too, self hypnosis, speaking thoughtform programs, the works. Light and shadows, Satanic butiful music triggers brainwave change. Writing visionary fiction dose as well.

Try using your left hand to write tie the other one if need be for a day if this is practical for you, I live like a Satanic monk for now ''Technical reasons'' and many do this ''historically anyway''. Make poems. I used left brain too much initially myself.

I listened to one wave song that made me ill sick, a pulling in my head like slow death, it triggered spiritual warrior tendencies. If someone played that brainwave music of that frequency in public I would be screwed.
Embarrassed socially.

Slow drawn out tones anger me almost to epileptic seizure level though neurologically I am fine, it seems to be astral. I had to shut down totally to avoid reacting at all, but still got sick. Like a sonic weapon to the temple. I found myself raging and Astrally cursing the youtubers who made it.

I had to play a certain operatic tones, king diamond, alternative up and down beautiful but with dissonance built in music to right my brain. There are songs that are spells not by design but they give peace to Satanists, joy and such. They also call beings, In my opinion, all unwittingly I think at least of the part of the singers and composers. I don't know the exact keys so don't bother asking

thank you for the warning. XD
Awakening666 said:
StyleCoin said:
Hi guys, these songs on YouTube that say it will stimulate the pineal gland and other things does it really work?
No, don't trust it could be anything in there make it yourself. White noise is best yogic master actvates all mentel cercics. There are tricks one can use too, self hypnosis, speaking thoughtform programs, the works. Light and shadows, Satanic butiful music triggers brainwave change. Writing visionary fiction dose as well.

Try using your left hand to write tie the other one if need be for a day if this is practical for you, I live like a Satanic monk for now ''Technical reasons'' and many do this ''historically anyway''. Make poems. I used left brain too much initially myself.

I listened to one wave song that made me ill sick, a pulling in my head like slow death, it triggered spiritual warrior tendencies. If someone played that brainwave music of that frequency in public I would be screwed.
Embarrassed socially.

Slow drawn out tones anger me almost to epileptic seizure level though neurologically I am fine, it seems to be astral. I had to shut down totally to avoid reacting at all, but still got sick. Like a sonic weapon to the temple. I found myself raging and Astrally cursing the youtubers who made it.

I had to play a certain operatic tones, king diamond, alternative up and down beautiful but with dissonance built in music to right my brain. There are songs that are spells not by design but they give peace to Satanists, joy and such. They also call beings, In my opinion, all unwittingly I think at least of the part of the singers and composers. I don't know the exact keys so don't bother asking
I would like to know some songs that stimulate the brain safely for Satanists. xD
Hello, I'm interested in doing yoga I've downloaded the "Kundalini and Hatha yoga routine" file I was just wondering what breathing exercise should I use for each pose? I tried a bit of yoga last night using the "Forward bend pose" as just a test. I held it for over 20 seconds and was just breathing in for a few seconds and out for a few seconds, after I had stopped my body felt extremely light I almost felt dizzy like without the accompanying swirling vision. I tried one of the advanced ones, it was similar to the "Bridge pose" but instead of having your arms resting on the ground you would use your hands to hold you up I only managed 5 seconds it felt like so difficult to do. My 2nd question is in the instructions.PDF it says to do the "Alternate nostril Breathing" is that to be done with the poses or after the poses when the guide instructs you to lay down and feel the energy?

I may ask some more questions the future but for now these are all I have for now.

I studied theology for years which led me to dimensional science then led me to Satan. I have fully dedicated myself to Satan, I have done the blood ritual and am very happy with my choice for it is the right one. I came upon the JoS website and was very excited to see so much information on the subject. I am not new to Satan only to JoS and have never had any problems in my practice. Here I read that jews are the enemy and I know what Solomon did and the lie of the last six thousand years. I have jews in my family not religious but jews nobody in my family practices or anything or even believes in it least of all me never did ( don't like jews never did ) or Christians or Muslims to violent for me and I think their full of shit. I love Father Satan and have dedicated my life to him and old gods. I practice kundalini meditation daily and have strong energy flow, but I'm just a dirty jew according to you. Can't jews find truth? I have felt the presence of Father Satan with me many times and never a problem just the opposite its been great. I'm not sure what to think, I try and bring as many to Satan as I can because I believe truth is truth and people need to know it. Am I nothing? A waste or less? should I be killed with the rest? Can I not be a Satanist? Please help understand I'm very depressed over this, can't I be allowed to love Father like you?
Hi ! So I had a dream last night and I don't know what it really means. At first everything was fine a normal dream then suddenly everything changed, I got in a dark room where two people were fighting. They're eyes were green but after it changed in blue. So how the were fighting I started to fight with one of them and I killed him. After I put the other down and before to treat his throat out he asked me one question: this is how u want to spend your life? . And I'm not sure if he meant about the real life I mean I'm in kinda of a routine and I'm not making so much progress for me and Satanism ,I'm doing my meditations daily . Or he meant about killing him. I'm having some problems about killing. Wasn't a lucid dream or just a dream I could feel it. It was different, like a message.
And I have an uncle who healed someone who was poisoned. My cousin almost died and when he showed up he got healed. My aunt had blood cancer and she healed. They believe in the same god as xians but they kinda hate xians. They don't have a crucifix. How is that possible? How can they heal that ?
Are christian mystics like padre pio or tamav irene encountering extraterrestrials when they encounter mary,angels and jesus?there are so many christian ''mystics''with visions of christian phenomena.I'm wondering are these hallucinations brought on my Extraterrestrials or thoughtforms?
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Well that light dizzy feeling is your bioelectricity power, so whatever you were doing then was the right thing. The alternate nostril makes the energy balanced between both of your side energy paths which is very important. You can do this during if you're able to. But when you are laying there feeling the energy, you shouldn't be doing anything but laying there and breathing. This is a time for whatever level of trance you can have, not to be focused on doing something.
norwich said:
Are christian mystics like padre pio or tamav irene encountering extraterrestrials when they encounter mary,angels and jesus?there are so many christian ''mystics''with visions of christian phenomena.I'm wondering are these hallucinations brought on my Extraterrestrials or thoughtforms?
Yes, this has been said before. They are influenced and given visions by the enemy so they would tell others and spread their evil programs to more people. Or just lying to try to sound special.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Well that light dizzy feeling is your bioelectricity power, so whatever you were doing then was the right thing. The alternate nostril makes the energy balanced between both of your side energy paths which is very important. You can do this during if you're able to. But when you are laying there feeling the energy, you shouldn't be doing anything but laying there and breathing. This is a time for whatever level of trance you can have, not to be focused on doing something

Awesome thank you, so thats the reason for the light dizzy feeling, I'll incorporate the alternate nostril breathing into the routine I just wasn't sure if it was suppose to be done during or after but since there isn't any problem on how you do it, I dont have to keep asking questions about it.

I have one more question: One time I had done some meditation, I was listening to Binaural Beats to help me with my meditation. After a while somewhere between 30mins to an hour I had a heavy but relaxed feeling all out through my body and I experienced a falling effect, I have experienced this before however it didnt feel like my entire body was falling it felt like as if I was falling head first and this frightened me out of my meditative state. I was just wondering if I was close to entering the trance state, my thoughts were almost completely shut away during the session I did hear some occasional chatter but only just a few words.
okay I didn't know in what topic should I put this but here we go:
So my girlfriend is a satanist,or that's what I tough.The thing is she was tricked by her own mother by saying she(her mother) is a satanist and she wants to teach her.The thing is we just found out she isn't a satanist,she is a mason(masonery).And she teached my gf spells and things and I taked some from here without knowing they are not satanist.Even my gf didn't know she is not a satanist.She said she wants to do the satanic dedication as soon as possible . So basically I did masonery things without knowing.
And her mother just keeps controling her and using her like a puppet.
How bad is it? :cry:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
norwich said:
Are christian mystics like padre pio or tamav irene encountering extraterrestrials when they encounter mary,angels and jesus?there are so many christian ''mystics''with visions of christian phenomena.I'm wondering are these hallucinations brought on my Extraterrestrials or thoughtforms?
Yes, this has been said before. They are influenced and given visions by the enemy so they would tell others and spread their evil programs to more people. Or just lying to try to sound special.
Thanks for your reply,highly appreciatte it.do you know where I can read more about this?
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
That sounds like some level of a trance, but binaural beats is NOT the way to do it! It is more common than not for those to be overlayed with subliminal programming of horrible curses. In another topic someone says how they developed really bad mental problems after using subliminal affirmations for only 21 days, and his symptoms look basically permanent. I don't want to say permanent because there is probably something that can be done, but if he doesn't find a way to fix it then it's basically permanent. What he was doing was a little different than binaural beats, but the thing is what he was doing can be combined into binaural beats in a way that you won't hear it but it's cursing you. All that is unnecessary and not at all worth the risk. It doesn't even help.

Laying there for a trance is the time to practice void meditation. Don't just try to think "nothing" because your mind will keeo saying "Well what about this? Oh no I thought something! How do I stop these words?" And it just makes it harder for yourself. The way to do it is to just focus on something simple like your breathing or some background noise like a fan turning. Something with no stinulation, but something to focus on. Then everything else will dissapear and you'll be doing it right.
I've been hesitating for some time to register here and ask you a few questions. I'm atheist. I weren't very religious, even as a kid. And I feel stupid for asking this, because my atheism + I don't want you to think I'm a dumbass. It's hard for me to believe what you're all saying.
Where/how can I begin? And how can I experience anything spiritual?
Anzo_ said:
I've been hesitating for some time to register here and ask you a few questions. I'm atheist. I weren't very religious, even as a kid. And I feel stupid for asking this, because my atheism + I don't want you to think I'm a dumbass. It's hard for me to believe what you're all saying.
Where/how can I begin? And how can I experience anything spiritual?
All you have to do is just learn more about history because everything we say is total fact that can be found in the remaining traces of ancient history. Once you have the historical knowledge, it's like your mind is now free and open and it's easy to see the whole truth. Here is somewhere you can start
Satan Lucifer the Lord of the World
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Ohhh wow, I've never thought about binaural beats having that kind of effect on the mind. The binaural beats I listen to is just basically a looping sound such as Brown Noise, it's actually really relaxing. It kind of sounds like this person you mentioned was listening to a Subliminal Binaural Beats audio I've heard them before never liked them since they're always filled with so many different sounds and the affirmations that are played dont even make any sense and are very dangerous. I have tried out a pair of construction ear-muffs which I had used for a course back in 2015 works really well it does have this annoying "white noise" type tone was annoying at first but after a few times I decided to focus on the noise it kind of blocks out my thoughts whenever I focus on this noise and makes it a little bit easier. :lol: I can't argue with you there buddy whenever I say I'm not gonna think about anything its like 10 more thoughts come in and say hello. Maybe I could use the noise generated(not sure what word to use) from the ear muffs as like my focus center.

Anzo_ said:
I've been hesitating for some time to register here and ask you a few questions. I'm atheist. I weren't very religious, even as a kid. And I feel stupid for asking this, because my atheism + I don't want you to think I'm a dumbass. It's hard for me to believe what you're all saying.
Where/how can I begin? And how can I experience anything spiritual?
You can start by doing the dedication ritual.With the spiritual experience,just do meditations from the JoS websitehttps://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/index.html
Is there any reliable articles about ET? I read something on the Internet, many weird stories such as Nibiru who came to earth for gold to repair their atmosphere, which is alike with JoS told. There are many weird articles shocked me but I'm not sure whether I can trust these information. :?:

Recently (past 1-2 days) I find it hard to feel the answer when I ask something from Father Satan.
It's quite strange, because never had problem with this. Why is this happening now?

Few additional info which may be useful for answer:
-Although, I have difficulty feeling answers in the past 1-2 days, yesterday I was attacked by the enemy during meditation, and I asked Father Satan to help me, and a little after that, the attacking was stopped. So it seems that he is able to hear me.

Thank you!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
