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Anzo_ said:
I've been hesitating for some time to register here and ask you a few questions. I'm atheist. I weren't very religious, even as a kid. And I feel stupid for asking this, because my atheism + I don't want you to think I'm a dumbass. It's hard for me to believe what you're all saying.
Where/how can I begin? And how can I experience anything spiritual?

Towards 1st question: have you read the main websites? The www.satanisgod.org and the exposing christianity sites? They will take take you a long way if you read them before anything else. Once you do then,

2nd question: you should start your own personal meditation program. Open up your soul and experience the meditations for yourself. Dedicate your time to this and do them not as a chore but as some thing as natural and everyday like sort of thing and you'll have your own personal experiences of how it feels like to empower your soul. Go at this with an open mind and without any prior expectations. Do it in the manner of "seeing it for yourself" and you'll have what you're looking for.
Karasukun said:
Even when we can't hear Satan, he can always hear us. Just need to do cleanings, returning curses, and you can do the Clairaudience meditation to make your psychic hearing better.
Hello, I'm doing the flame meditation since its an easy to do beginner meditation. However it seems to be a lot harder then I thought I'm doing the Beginners part of the meditation, I focus on the flame for 2 minutes and when I place my hands over my closed eyes in a cupped position I can only focus on the flame in my vision for not even 5 seconds. Is it normal to hold it for such a little time, and is there any tips/advice anyone could give so I increase the time I can hold the flame imprint in my vision?

About the dedication ritual:

Should I take a certain pose or sit in a specific way during the prayer and while burning it?
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Hello, I'm doing the flame meditation since its an easy to do beginner meditation. However it seems to be a lot harder then I thought I'm doing the Beginners part of the meditation, I focus on the flame for 2 minutes and when I place my hands over my closed eyes in a cupped position I can only focus on the flame in my vision for not even 5 seconds. Is it normal to hold it for such a little time, and is there any tips/advice anyone could give so I increase the time I can hold the flame imprint in my vision?

If you're actively trying to focus, that can be using a lot of left-brain logical effort since that's the part of your mind you're most used to using. You automatically use this part of your mind when you are trying to make something work, fix things, build things.

But this is not the correct part of the mind to use and that's why it isn't working. You need to use the right side of the brain. The sensitive, intuitive, creative, magical part of your mind. In most people, the left part of the brain is dominant over the right and the right is repressed and ignored. When you are using the left logical "figuring things out" side of the mind, the right side is ignored.

What you have to do is stop thinking so hard. Don't worry about it and don't care too much. Don't strain yourself trying to think it into working. Just relax as mych as you can, and calmly imagine that you can see it. Stare at it until you're in a trance and the look of it is all you're thinking of. Then just stay relaxed and imagine that you keep seeing it. Remember the sight and feeling of the trance that you are in, and just let it continue. You will keep seeing it. This is with the right side of the mind.
So knowledge of ET are secrets? May be I am not worthy enough to know this? How can I know these.
Sahrot said:
So knowledge of ET are secrets? May be I am not worthy enough to know this? How can I know these.
First of all, calm the fuck down. I am only one person here, busy with a real job, walking around several miles a day between different job sites, busy diagnosing and fixing real physical problems that affect hundreds/thousands of people every day. If I am going so far out of my way here, in basically every spare moment of my time for years, to fix all people's problems here and answer all their questions, on top of all the other actual work I'm doing all day, this is usually because I already know the answer for them imediately so I can just tell them real quickly what their answer is without having to look anything up or think about it much. Most of what I say is just common sense and intuition, mixed with some easy knowledge. Or if I do have to look something up like a link/article to go with my comment, it's usually a simple search, or I might already know what link or article to use so I go right to it and it's not too bad.

So no matter how busy I am, I still spend every moment of my free time answering questions here, or refreshing the page looking if new posts/comments have been approved. There's nothing special about me, I haven't had any more access to information than anyone else does. We're all on the same internet here, so there's no reason why other people can't learn all these things themself like I have. Other than the articles from the high priests, nobody has ever helped me before or told me what to do. I figured it all out myself, and found all the different resources to use to teach myself. There's NO reason why everybody else here can't do the same thing! Unless just either being lazy or not caring to learn anything.

So to answer your question, No, in the only a few hours since seeing your original comment, I have been much to busy to go out of my way to research and teach myself about aliens, or to search for a good source about them among the millions of bullshit fake sources and lies. I have not had the time yet to do hours/days/years of research for you, to learn what you want to know and then teach it to you. But why should I anyway? Why do I have to work for you when I'm already more busy than you are? You're the one who wants to know, so do the research yourself and figure it out. Just like I have personally done all the research myself and figured out everything myself. I've searched for and found, read, and organized all the information I could, so why can't you even try to do the same thing? Why can't you try to find the information yourself, since you're the one who wants to know? And if I don't instantly drop whatever I'm doing the moment I see your comment to go research for information to tell to you right that moment, it doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to know! It means I'm too busy to care about you, and MAYBE I could get to it later and tell you something later. But I don't have to listen to your crying because I couldn't do all your work for you within only A COUPLE HOURS when I was busy!

There's nothing about me special or better that makes me the one to know a lot of things. It's just I do the work of learning and teaching myself, and some other people don't work for it much at all. And I don't even care about any of this stuff anyway. The only reason I do any kind of help here at all was just to earn some help for myself with something that is everything to me. And none of the gods even care! Maybe little unimportant things happen that are good for me, but none of the gods have ever cared enough to help me with the only thing that has ever been important to me. And it's something so simple and easy for them to help me to have that I can't get without their help, but they just don't care at all about me no matter how much work I do for them. So why am I even here? And why do I have to do other people's work for them just because they're too lazy to do the same learning I've done? If you want to learn something, think about it and learn it yourself, find whatever information you need to find.
You misunderstood me.
First of all, I'm not angry. Through observation, I believe that some advanced members do know a lot of facts about aliens, which are not suitable for beginners to know. Just like the JoS front page doesn't say jews are our enemies or gods are alien life. There is a lot of knowledge that is not suitable for beginners to know. That's what I call a secret. When I say that I may not be qualified to know this knowledge, I'm just trying to see if you are the advanced member as I said.I am sorry that I did not consider that my reply would cause misunderstanding.
I'm sorry. I foolishly assumed that JoS had sermons or topics about aliens. When I say reliable articles, I mean articles from JoS. I forgot to tell you that in my opinion only articles from JoS are reliable. I thought you already knew some articles about aliens.
I want to understand the world. Learn about different alien forces, their plots and threats. I'm not looking into useless things. I do research, I try to find some reliable information. I thought JoS was the most reliable source of information, so I came to forum to ask. Maybe I replied to the wrong topic.
I am a high school student in China. I have fourteen hours of classes every day. But I still spend two hours a day meditating and doing RTR. I'm not some lazy fool! And I have great respect for my brothers and sisters in Satanism, but my English is too poor to express it.
If you remember, a year ago I posted some topics and you replied. I will always remember. I always thought it was a friendly place. But I feel very sad now.
Anyway, I'm sorry. :cry:
Sahrot said:
I foolishly assumed that JoS had sermons or topics about aliens. When I say reliable articles, I mean articles from JoS.
There are some articles like that on this website that you can search for in the "search" section and find where we have talked about it before. I can find some of these later and put a link here.

Don't be sad about it. You didn't do anything wrong. I was just so busy yesterday and it annoyed me how you only gave me a couple hours then said like "I'm not allowed to know! Don't tell me, you aren't going to tell me anyway." When I didn't even have a chance yet to tell you about it and you were already acting like I'm just keeping secrets from you instead of even giving anyone a chance to even answer you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Thank you so much for your response and especially your advice. That is my problem, I'm trying too hard to focus thus rendering the right brain useless since its accessed through relaxation,meditation,visualization and imagination and the Left brain is more like the working side. I'll apply this advice and knowledge the next time I do the flame meditation or even the Visualization meditation, thank you so much :smile:

NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Thank you so much for your response and especially your advice. That is my problem, I'm trying too hard to focus thus rendering the right brain useless since its accessed through relaxation,meditation,visualization and imagination and the Left brain is more like the working side. I'll apply this advice and knowledge the next time I do the flame meditation or even the Visualization meditation, thank you so much :smile:

I had the same thing myself. I think most people are usually like that, too much left brain. Because from the time we are very young in school they force into us the idea that we have to always use the left-brain thinking to be smart and learn whatever they want us to learn. So they train us to always use the left and never use the right, when the right is more important anyway. I think this is one of the biggest problems people have here when they are new. They try to force it to work with all their left brain focus they have, but it just makes it harder for them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
LucianxS said:
If you and her both do the dedication, and a huge amount of Final RTRs, the gods will help you out of it.
Well I did the dedication ritual a long time ago and she did it like 3 days ago because she doesn't want to deal with masonery and she wants to be a satanist.We will make more RTRs.
Thank you very much!
Ok soo Pope Francisc is coming in Romania in 1 hr. I am a singer and tommorw I will sing for him in a private event. I think there will be a lot o people there who can feel me. Should I hide my energy?If yes how? Or should I let it like this and just play it cool?
Thank you?(That's pretty urgent because I need the answer as quick as possible)
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Yeah that's true, Art is probably the only subject that would use more of the right brain then the left but they still expected you to focus on what they were teaching, they never asked you use your imagination....well at least in my school they never did. I was a lot more right-brain active when I was younger, I use to draw a lot I was very serious with Lucid Dreaming, which the guides would instruct you to imagine/visualize. I may have to get back in drawing again, I've tried LD again but its a lot more difficult since I'm now more left-brain active then my right one. Anyway, this "may" be the last time I will respond I feel like I'm just complaining about my problems, I'll write here or make a new topic when I have improved some-what.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Thank you so much for your response and especially your advice. That is my problem, I'm trying too hard to focus thus rendering the right brain useless since its accessed through relaxation,meditation,visualization and imagination and the Left brain is more like the working side. I'll apply this advice and knowledge the next time I do the flame meditation or even the Visualization meditation, thank you so much :smile:

I had the same thing myself. I think most people are usually like that, too much left brain. Because from the time we are very young in school they force into us the idea that we have to always use the left-brain thinking to be smart and learn whatever they want us to learn. So they train us to always use the left and never use the right, when the right is more important anyway. I think this is one of the biggest problems people have here when they are new. They try to force it to work with all their left brain focus they have, but it just makes it harder for them.
I don't agree that the right is more important, yes, this society makes us not use it but if we only had that part of the brain then what do you think we could do? basically nothing lolz
Aquarius said:
I don't agree that the right is more important, yes, this society makes us not use it but if we only had that part of the brain then what do you think we could do? basically nothing lolz
Well that's why I never said that :roll: You obviously need both sides of your brain. But I still think right is more important. The left side works better when the right helps it sense the answers.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
I don't agree that the right is more important, yes, this society makes us not use it but if we only had that part of the brain then what do you think we could do? basically nothing lolz
Well that's why I never said that :roll: You obviously need both sides of your brain. But I still think right is more important. The left side works better when the right helps it sense the answers.
They work in unison, hence there can’t really be a “more important, less important”
Sinarstm said:
Hi master... I have ques :
1.How can i do speech-language pathology
with my aura? What is the best and complete affirmation for this?
2.How can i increase my IQ and intelligence with my aura ? What is the best and complete affirmation for this?
1. I don't know what "Speech-language pathology" is. If you mean something like you want it to be easy to learn a language, "Duolingo" works very great. It's a website and app.
2. You can use the Logur and Dagaz runes for getting more intelligence.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sahrot said:
So knowledge of ET are secrets? May be I am not worthy enough to know this? How can I know these.
First of all, calm the fuck down. I am only one person here, busy with a real job, walking around several miles a day between different job sites, busy diagnosing and fixing real physical problems that affect hundreds/thousands of people every day. If I am going so far out of my way here, in basically every spare moment of my time for years, to fix all people's problems here and answer all their questions, on top of all the other actual work I'm doing all day, this is usually because I already know the answer for them imediately so I can just tell them real quickly what their answer is without having to look anything up or think about it much. Most of what I say is just common sense and intuition, mixed with some easy knowledge. Or if I do have to look something up like a link/article to go with my comment, it's usually a simple search, or I might already know what link or article to use so I go right to it and it's not too bad.

So no matter how busy I am, I still spend every moment of my free time answering questions here, or refreshing the page looking if new posts/comments have been approved. There's nothing special about me, I haven't had any more access to information than anyone else does. We're all on the same internet here, so there's no reason why other people can't learn all these things themself like I have. Other than the articles from the high priests, nobody has ever helped me before or told me what to do. I figured it all out myself, and found all the different resources to use to teach myself. There's NO reason why everybody else here can't do the same thing! Unless just either being lazy or not caring to learn anything.

So to answer your question, No, in the only a few hours since seeing your original comment, I have been much to busy to go out of my way to research and teach myself about aliens, or to search for a good source about them among the millions of bullshit fake sources and lies. I have not had the time yet to do hours/days/years of research for you, to learn what you want to know and then teach it to you. But why should I anyway? Why do I have to work for you when I'm already more busy than you are? You're the one who wants to know, so do the research yourself and figure it out. Just like I have personally done all the research myself and figured out everything myself. I've searched for and found, read, and organized all the information I could, so why can't you even try to do the same thing? Why can't you try to find the information yourself, since you're the one who wants to know? And if I don't instantly drop whatever I'm doing the moment I see your comment to go research for information to tell to you right that moment, it doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to know! It means I'm too busy to care about you, and MAYBE I could get to it later and tell you something later. But I don't have to listen to your crying because I couldn't do all your work for you within only A COUPLE HOURS when I was busy!

There's nothing about me special or better that makes me the one to know a lot of things. It's just I do the work of learning and teaching myself, and some other people don't work for it much at all. And I don't even care about any of this stuff anyway. The only reason I do any kind of help here at all was just to earn some help for myself with something that is everything to me. And none of the gods even care! Maybe little unimportant things happen that are good for me, but none of the gods have ever cared enough to help me with the only thing that has ever been important to me. And it's something so simple and easy for them to help me to have that I can't get without their help, but they just don't care at all about me no matter how much work I do for them. So why am I even here? And why do I have to do other people's work for them just because they're too lazy to do the same learning I've done? If you want to learn something, think about it and learn it yourself, find whatever information you need to find.
you okay bro? maybe one of the HP can give you some answers. dont feel like everyone here just takes from you, we all appriciate your work sincerly man.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sahrot said:
So knowledge of ET are secrets? May be I am not worthy enough to know this? How can I know these.
First of all, calm the fuck down. I am only one person here, busy with a real job, walking around several miles a day between different job sites, busy diagnosing and fixing real physical problems that affect hundreds/thousands of people every day. If I am going so far out of my way here, in basically every spare moment of my time for years, to fix all people's problems here and answer all their questions, on top of all the other actual work I'm doing all day, this is usually because I already know the answer for them imediately so I can just tell them real quickly what their answer is without having to look anything up or think about it much. Most of what I say is just common sense and intuition, mixed with some easy knowledge. Or if I do have to look something up like a link/article to go with my comment, it's usually a simple search, or I might already know what link or article to use so I go right to it and it's not too bad.

So no matter how busy I am, I still spend every moment of my free time answering questions here, or refreshing the page looking if new posts/comments have been approved. There's nothing special about me, I haven't had any more access to information than anyone else does. We're all on the same internet here, so there's no reason why other people can't learn all these things themself like I have. Other than the articles from the high priests, nobody has ever helped me before or told me what to do. I figured it all out myself, and found all the different resources to use to teach myself. There's NO reason why everybody else here can't do the same thing! Unless just either being lazy or not caring to learn anything.

So to answer your question, No, in the only a few hours since seeing your original comment, I have been much to busy to go out of my way to research and teach myself about aliens, or to search for a good source about them among the millions of bullshit fake sources and lies. I have not had the time yet to do hours/days/years of research for you, to learn what you want to know and then teach it to you. But why should I anyway? Why do I have to work for you when I'm already more busy than you are? You're the one who wants to know, so do the research yourself and figure it out. Just like I have personally done all the research myself and figured out everything myself. I've searched for and found, read, and organized all the information I could, so why can't you even try to do the same thing? Why can't you try to find the information yourself, since you're the one who wants to know? And if I don't instantly drop whatever I'm doing the moment I see your comment to go research for information to tell to you right that moment, it doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to know! It means I'm too busy to care about you, and MAYBE I could get to it later and tell you something later. But I don't have to listen to your crying because I couldn't do all your work for you within only A COUPLE HOURS when I was busy!

There's nothing about me special or better that makes me the one to know a lot of things. It's just I do the work of learning and teaching myself, and some other people don't work for it much at all. And I don't even care about any of this stuff anyway. The only reason I do any kind of help here at all was just to earn some help for myself with something that is everything to me. And none of the gods even care! Maybe little unimportant things happen that are good for me, but none of the gods have ever cared enough to help me with the only thing that has ever been important to me. And it's something so simple and easy for them to help me to have that I can't get without their help, but they just don't care at all about me no matter how much work I do for them. So why am I even here? And why do I have to do other people's work for them just because they're too lazy to do the same learning I've done? If you want to learn something, think about it and learn it yourself, find whatever information you need to find.
you okay bro? maybe one of the HP can give you some answers. dont feel like everyone here just takes from you, we all appriciate your work sincerly man.
i still didn't get my answer to when will somebody correct the wrong information on the websites like in necronomicon meditations,where it says Venus rules the heart chakra and Mercury the throat one when it's clearly backwards
Johnny Dee, I don't think you're fake or crazy or anything like that. But I do think you try to talk yourself up like you're better than you really are.

JohnnyDee123 said:
Anyway, to get to the point- three days ago while preforming my experiments I learned the last thing I needed to preform magic. After that realization Ive been able to do magic in light trance and have near instant results (within less than 3 hours for healing). Ive been obsessed with learning this since I started, and to be honest I have no idea what the next step is. I started here on the jos and spent years experimenting with this knowledge and finally got it, but I dont know what to do next. I really hope someone here knows, because I already know there isnt anyone outside of this community that is public, capable and willing to help me.

It took you 9 years just to learn how to direct energy into a magic working, and you just now finally realized how to do it? It took you 9 years to figure out how to make a little ball of energy in your hands, put your directions into it, and send it out? And you don't know what to do next? After 9 years working, your intuition should be good enough that you always know what to do! And your senses should be open enough that you can easily and clearly hear the gods directing and advising you! So there really is absolutely no excuse, unless you just admit that you have wasted that time with not working much. If you had actually been serious in that time, you would have grown up to such a higher level. But you haven't.

JohnnyDee123 said:
Alright... So yesterday without even knowing my subconcious worked against me to attack my friend and everything I helped him with just because I got jealous of the results. My subcons "turned off" my sensitivity for hours and destroyed everything overnight. This has happened before, I need to fix this or Ill have to bind myself until my subcons is under control. I wrote my formula in the last post, if you use it keep in mind that neg. emotions will completely ruin everything with much less effort it took to get it!

After 9 years you still don't have control over yourself? You can't control your mind yet? Also the strength of a person's soul is usually directly correlated with their character. I mean a high-level person wouldn't feel so much negative against someone else just because the other person is growing and improving themself with good effect, especially if that person is your "friend"! A high-level person would be so proud and happy for their friend's improvements and success! This kind of meaningless hostility and jealousy you have shown comes from having a low-level soul power, and by also knowing (at least knowing subconsciouly, even if you try to consciously deny it) that you are at such a weak level. Then it comes out as wanting to tear them down to make yourself look better in comparison, because you are so weak you can't just make yourself stronger. So instead you have to make them weaker so you look better over them. And after 9 years you are still at this level?

It really sounds like you have wasted those years doing basically nothing for most of that time, which you have somewhat admitted already. And so you haven't grown in the way you would have grown if you actually kept up a consistent effort over that time. So after 9 years, you are still weak. Just you try to deny this, but subconsciously you do know it is true. This is why it is so ridiculous that you come in demanding for all of us to act like you are better than us, or demanding that we all act like we are lower than you. When it really just sounds like projections of your own weaknesses. If you actually were at a high level, you would be so comfortable and confident with yourself that you wouldn't care what anyone says against you, because you would just know that you are better than them and their opinion doesn't matter. You demand to be treated like you are better than us, and you are afraid of being called beginner-level because you are trying to deny it, but then you list out all your simple beginner-level problems that nobody who actually made a constructive effort over all that time would still have all those problems. Your intuition doesn't always automatically know what to do? You can't hear and speak with the gods and get their guidance? You still let your repressed subconscious knowledge that you are weak, and the jealousy it causes, come out in a destructive way against your "friend"? You can't control your mind and your energies? The best thing you know how to do is to make a little energy ball and direct it and send it out? All of these are things that you said yourself in your other topic, even if you tried to keep some of it a bit covered up. You still have all these beginner level problems, but you are really at such a more accomplished and capable level than us?

It doesn't matter how many years since you dedicated. Our growth and the power of our souls is not measured by time. It's measured by how much we actually do and accomplish and grow! If you've not done much in all those years, you are weaker and lower level than someone who has done equal or more work in less time because that other person is growing at so much faster trajectory than you. And you are not the only one like this. Other people here have said that they have been dedicated for a long time, but they never did much so they are still beginner or medium level.

You say you don't want "to take critizism from underage novices" but you yourself are at the level of an underage novice?
satanama666 said:
i still didn't get my answer to when will somebody correct the wrong information on the websites like in necronomicon meditations,where it says Venus rules the heart chakra and Mercury the throat one when it's clearly backwards
I don't know. Cobra would probably be the one to fix it, but he's always so busy with so many different important projects that it could be a long time. But just like you realized, when people really read everything on the website, pay attention, and pay attention to their intuition, they can see how it should really be, so I think it isn't too much of an urgent problem as long as they know what the truth is.
I have a question about FENG SHUI KUA. I've never heard of this before and what I understand so far is that it has to do with the direction you are facing and there are favorable or unfavorable directions. Is this important to the success of my workings?
I have had success without knowing about FENG SHUI KUA.
What is your advice on this?

Here's the link another SS gave me:
JohnnyDee123 said:
However, this is complicated in my case and going into detail is something I avoid but here I will. Im not "technically" gentile, as my soul wasnt created by Satan but except some dead angel/goddess (cant even remember the name anymore, thats how much I care about that) and I was an enemy in at least one past life. Ya, so anyway my relationship with some Demons isnt positve, actually I know for a fact Ashtaroth hates me but I dont know why exactly. My guardian demon has switched three times now, currently it's Beelzebulb (He offered a deal reguarding the reverse Tarot rituals but didnt take it). I recently tried speaking with Abaddon who wasnt interested in speaking with me and made it very clear he wasnt. So there's the full scope, I dont understand it myself and I hope nobody assumes anything either.
Don't worry Yiddy Heebawitz, just keep doing as many RTRs as you can possibly have time to do. If you do 6 Gorrillians of RTRs, you MIGHT be able to win the chance to be considered a symbolic member of the Gentiles.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Holy hell Arged, why not give yourself a breather and let me answer questions here for a while now that I'm back.

Sahrot said:
Is there any reliable articles about ET? I read something on the Internet, many weird stories such as Nibiru who came to earth for gold to repair their atmosphere, which is alike with JoS told. There are many weird articles shocked me but I'm not sure whether I can trust these information. :?:

A lot of information I've come across online regarding ETs is a strenuous search for factual information as a lot of it is speculation from those who are without. The more experienced and advanced of us even the not-so-advanced ones here have far better knowledge about Extra-Terrestials than some random articles online. Hell I may have had an ET experience just last night unless something decided to burn up in the atmosphere while I just so happened to be looking up at the night sky.

What do you want to know about ETs in particular? I have little to no articles that I can link you but I'm well informed regarding them and might be able to answer any questions you have. Knowledge about ETs are not classified here, there's no reason to hide anything about them, all knowledge and truth should be free to obtain.

norwich said:
Are christian mystics like padre pio or tamav irene encountering extraterrestrials when they encounter mary,angels and jesus?there are so many christian ''mystics''with visions of christian phenomena.I'm wondering are these hallucinations brought on my Extraterrestrials or thoughtforms?

A quote from the bible "He deceiveth the nations" is direct exposure of just what the xian 'god' is, an illusion and lie created to program the gentile mind to integrate into the enemy reptiloid agenda of enslavement. The enemy aliens give false facades on the astral going so far as to make themselves look like your typical 'angel' with wings and all, underneath they are just filthy grey-skinned bug-eyed parasites that just want to trick the masses. The enemy is VERY adept at psychological manipulation and psychic abilities, they use this to trick gentiles and further enforce their lies by preforming 'little miracles' to keep the lie going.

When xians see visions, they are being exposed to the enemy alien illusions, that is all. What they see are lies and only those of us who know the truth and don't fall for their crap will see them for what they really are because the enemy knows the experienced and advanced of us aren't going to fall for their trickery. The greys have never bothered trying to disguise themselves to me and all I ever see are ugly big-headed grey creatures.

NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
I have one more question: One time I had done some meditation, I was listening to Binaural Beats to help me with my meditation. After a while somewhere between 30mins to an hour I had a heavy but relaxed feeling all out through my body and I experienced a falling effect, I have experienced this before however it didnt feel like my entire body was falling it felt like as if I was falling head first and this frightened me out of my meditative state. I was just wondering if I was close to entering the trance state, my thoughts were almost completely shut away during the session I did hear some occasional chatter but only just a few words.

You were entering the trance state, it is a state where we become more in tune with our astral selves. Things on the astral become more clear and audible, the physical realm becomes muffled and it's in this state that mental workings and things involving the mind are far more effective. It's normal to be startled and frightened the first few times, but doing it repeatedly enough and you will grow accustomed to it. Being able to enter a trance state at will is something you should definitely train yourself to master as it is crucial further down in advancement.

NoCreativeNameHereV2 said:
Hello, I'm doing the flame meditation since its an easy to do beginner meditation. However it seems to be a lot harder then I thought I'm doing the Beginners part of the meditation, I focus on the flame for 2 minutes and when I place my hands over my closed eyes in a cupped position I can only focus on the flame in my vision for not even 5 seconds. Is it normal to hold it for such a little time, and is there any tips/advice anyone could give so I increase the time I can hold the flame imprint in my vision?

You must know as well as everyone else here that everything is going to take practice. Unless you were already extremely advanced or powerful in a previous lifetime, you are not going to master or do everything to the letter right away or overnight. It could take weeks or even months for some to get the hang of even the most basic things depending on how atrophied ones spiritual powers and abilities are or if you are a newer soul. There's nothing wrong with this and everyone has their own pace that they work at. Don't give up and don't consider anything as 'failed' or 'unsuccessful' as every little effort works towards betterment regardless of the results.

LucianxS said:
okay I didn't know in what topic should I put this but here we go:
So my girlfriend is a satanist,or that's what I tough.The thing is she was tricked by her own mother by saying she(her mother) is a satanist and she wants to teach her.The thing is we just found out she isn't a satanist,she is a mason(masonery).And she teached my gf spells and things and I taked some from here without knowing they are not satanist.Even my gf didn't know she is not a satanist.She said she wants to do the satanic dedication as soon as possible . So basically I did masonery things without knowing.
And her mother just keeps controling her and using her like a puppet.
How bad is it? :cry:

Easy to fix, it's called stop doing them and inform her immediately. Refer to this for fighting back and deflecting curses and negative energy from an individual, show it to your girlfriend as well. Also both of you should preform a binding spell on this woman as this will prevent her from being able to act against either of you on the spiritual level. Both of you need to clean your auras on a daily basis twice every day and build up your AoPs to protect yourself against any negative energy. Be careful about exposing her mother though or telling her mother that you know she's tricking you two as this can be dangerous. Definitely preform the binding spell and stop having her 'teach' the both of you.

Everything you want to learn about real spells and magic can be found on our website. If you want to learn real Witchcraft, then look through this page and please read the information provided and ask people on the forums before trying or experimenting with anything. ALWAYS ask questions here if you are confused about something or stuck. For working to advance your soul, empower it and make yourself spiritually stronger to preform magic, workings and spells, etc, refer to our meditation page, this is where everyone should start under the BEGINNERS heading.

JohnnyDee123 said:

Quit your cringey LARPing and game of pretend as you obviously know yourself that you're lying through your teeth to try and make yourself as some kind of 'kool und awsum persun, oy vey such speshull, very individual, ooo worship my rareness and think of me as incrudible'. You're definitely not the first person to do this here and I'm going to tell you right now that literally nobody is going to take you seriously unless they're also LARPers.

What we do here is real and not some fantasy where you can be anyone you want. I can just as easily say I'm some cosmic being that fell to this planet millennia ago and 'oh i wus livin' amongst teh human race in secrecy dis whole teim, muh fantasy'. There have been people here too that have literally had like a mental breakdown when faced with the truth that they aren't some plot-worthy character in a universe centred around them. Are you really going to dig yourself into this delusional hole where you eventually reach a point where you completely crumble once reality hits you? Because as you advance here the truth will find you and it will kick you down hard the more you build around this LARP fantasy and hold to it like it's real.

I also can't believe that you fantasize being someone who was an enemy of ours. I mean are you fucking serious? You think if anyone was our enemy even once that we'd suddenly accept them with open arms? I strongly suggest you grow up if you're to remain on this path or you're going to end up stuck and trapped.
Hi everyone, when doing the final rtr it opens the watchtowers? which prevent the serpent from rising.
StyleCoin said:
Hi everyone, when doing the final rtr it opens the watchtowers? which prevent the serpent from rising.

I'm not sure where you're getting that from... The final RTR works to remove the curses and bindings of the enemy on the gentile soul. The RTR helps in being able to raise the kundalini as it is not only reversing the enemy energies but also empowering our own that strengthens our souls and power as the words we vibrate are also a working on the gentile soul.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
StyleCoin said:
Hi everyone, when doing the final rtr it opens the watchtowers? which prevent the serpent from rising.
The watch towers need to be opened, it's a requirement. The Final RTR does help open the watchtowers, which is a very good and important thing.
that is, the final rtr is more effective than the meditation "Opening the Watchtowers"?
StyleCoin said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
StyleCoin said:
Hi everyone, when doing the final rtr it opens the watchtowers? which prevent the serpent from rising.
The watch towers need to be opened, it's a requirement. The Final RTR does help open the watchtowers, which is a very good and important thing.
that is, the final rtr is more effective than the meditation "Opening the Watchtowers"?
That is not the focus of the RTR, but it is a small side effect of the RTR. The RTR removes the curses that block the soul, so it unblocks the entire soul including the watchtowers. But the watchtowers is only a very small effect of what it does. The meditation is much more effective for that because it has the direct purpose of opening the watchtowers. If that is your goal, you should do the meditation for it. But the RTR is the most important thing ever so if you are going to only do one thing choose to do the RTR.
Hey guys,

This might sound pathetic and not your problem but, I am very lazy in general and about SS. I didn't even get all the way through the 40 day meditation, I went like 14 days. I have Mars retrograde in libra and tons of Taurus placements in my birth chart. So it makes sense in that regard.

I'll read a article on here and be very motivated to help save the world but it wears off by the next day...what can I do?
I was the same way...but "if you think the world is full of shit, you can start by cleaning your own house" I restarted the 40 day program like 6 times then I finally got through it and realized I had alot to do to improve myself because of all the years of not being aware of my soul and what I was doing to it.

if anything just try to use routine to reprogram yourself... Maybe waking up and doing Hatha, meditation , doing your bed, taking a shower. Etc.
This will develop your will power which is important in my opinion, not only for advancing your soul but for everything in life

Even still i'm working on it but it's mostly about growing up and not being a lil brainwashed kid
If you are able to do your bed in the morning, brush, and wash your ass every day...you should have no problems with ss
Unless you just like the idea of it and aren't serious about it
Taurus said:
Hey guys,

This might sound pathetic and not your problem but, I am very lazy in general and about SS. I didn't even get all the way through the 40 day meditation, I went like 14 days. I have Mars retrograde in libra and tons of Taurus placements in my birth chart. So it makes sense in that regard.

I'll read a article on here and be very motivated to help save the world but it wears off by the next day...what can I do?

Low Priest said:

People seem to think there is a magical cure for laziness that will spontaneously fall upon them if they just wait long enough, or some miracle that will happen to make them suddenly motivated and empowered to do everything. The hard truth is that you are going to have to just do things. If you only wait to feel motivated, nothing will get done.

I strongly advise a working to alter that aspect of your personality to where you will always be motivated and self-disciplined to do things that need to be done, especially spiritual workings and advancement. The moon will be entering Scorpio on the 13th this can be a time to start a working for willpower and 'destroying' laziness. No change is going to happen unless you make it happen.
Its not as if Im a racist but i would like to know if any thing good can come from a jew? can a jew be accepted by father Satan?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
StyleCoin said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The watch towers need to be opened, it's a requirement. The Final RTR does help open the watchtowers, which is a very good and important thing.
that is, the final rtr is more effective than the meditation "Opening the Watchtowers"?
That is not the focus of the RTR, but it is a small side effect of the RTR. The RTR removes the curses that block the soul, so it unblocks the entire soul including the watchtowers. But the watchtowers is only a very small effect of what it does. The meditation is much more effective for that because it has the direct purpose of opening the watchtowers. If that is your goal, you should do the meditation for it. But the RTR is the most important thing ever so if you are going to only do one thing choose to do the RTR.
now I understand, thank you I'll do rtr 50 times a day and soon after yoga kundalini.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
