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Ryan369 said:
Ol argedco luciftias,
Hi. I would reply to you directly, but I'm not seeing a link to do that.
If you haven't noticed, this is my own topic. I created this topic, I personally answered 99% of the questions, and I refresh this page 1,000 times every single day to see if there are new questions to answer. You don't need to quote me or mention me at all. There is no way for me not to see your question.
Ryan369 said:
I started read The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom by Pinkham. In the first chapter he starts talking about the Great White Brotherhood, which is also called the "Ascended Masters" in New Age and Theosophical circles. The Ascended Masters according to many [bullshit lying retarded] sources: ...[bunch of bullshit retarded lies]...
So how about you put away your new-age christ-tarded bullshit lie sources. If you are going to talk to me about a book, then talk to me about the actual contents of this book, NOT about your completely seperate and unrelated sources. I can get any homeless crackhead on the street to write a book, but does that mean that I accept their views and take them as truth? This is basically what you've done with all the new-age christian "truther" insane crackhead sources you've read before. You have to judge and filter out a source based on its qualifications and relevance, and judge the information that is presented to see if it is truth or if it is new age christian retardation lies. You can't just swallow up whatever shit floats past you without thinking "is that shit, or is it good?"

The garbage sources are obvious garbage because it's insane and doesn't make any sense. This is why you come here so confused trying to make sense of it all. Because there is no sense in the sources you've read before. You have read all these absolutely insane christian crackhead fantasies and lies and accept them like there could be any truth in them, so then you try to force everything new that you learn to conform with the crackhead stories that you read before. Then you are confused that it doesn't fit. Of course it doesn't fit! Anything new age, christian, it's all bullshit and ridiculous. It's nonsense and lies on purpose, that's the whole idea.

Judge this book for what the book is, and for what is written inside the book. You read 2 words from this book, but then you get all into what a bunch of unrelated and seperate insane christian new age "truther" liers say. But none of that is said in THIS book or by THIS author! I suggest forgetting all the insane christian new age garbage you have read before, throw it all away and forget it all because it's just a mix of purposeful lies and insanity. And to just read this book for what it is, take it all in, and see the picture that it lays out in front of you. Get past the first chapter at least. You need to actually read the book to understand. You will see the parallels and connections between all the different cultures, and it will fill you in on the bigger picture and true meanings.

This book is truth, and extremely detailed historical FACT from all over the world. When you read this book, you will NOT be confused anymore! You will understand because it is so clear and coherent. It makes sense. You can feel deep in your soul that it is obvious fact. So actually read the book and judge it for how it really is and what it really says. Based on the kinds of ideas you were reading before, you'll be amazed how clear and logical this book is.

Please just read the book, it's going to help you understand much more than I ever can. When you see how it all fits together. Then we can talk about it if you want, but we can't talk about it if you're talking about some completely unrelated nonsense instead.
Ryan369 said:
Zechariah Sitchin's work claims ...(Bunch of garbage bullshit)... If Sitchin was wrong, could you direct me to the link that proves otherwise? Thank you so much.
Zechariah Sitchin was NOT A GENTILE [won't say what he was, but you get the hint!]. That says it all right there. Do you think there is any chance at all that he would tell the truth about anything from history? Or would he twist it, and distort it, and slime it all up to fit whatever disgustingly retarded lies he wants? (It's the second option here, he lies!)
Manik said:
So I've been off here a few years, iv also got very discouraged and fell off meditation and study. I do a question though, I've been dedicated sense 2007 and still haven't found a guardian or any contact or answers at all in the years. I'm not sure after trying that long how to establish relationships, any suggestions?
Just start working, start going, "just do it"! They don't waste time on the people who don't do anything. But if you're doing the work, you get noticed.
doctor said:
Merging Astral Consciousness meditation....
Well you aren't going to shapeshift yourself into a bat or a spider :lol: But it is pretty easy to put an idea into someone's mind. You just relax and tune into them, and like focus inside of them, and it works just like a radio. It's easier if you have the natural talent, but you can practice.
wennoc said:
(Doubts about the letters and the RTR)....
They have been putting every single drop of their energy all into these letters, every moment every day, for a million years. They have no other options! Think about that. What else could they do? It can't be turned around, and there is no other backup plan. They are a hive mind like ants or bees. Great for them working together as a team, but also makes them very slow to react and dumb.
Karasukun said:
Ol argedco luciftias , Ghost in the Machine, NinRick

Thank you guys!

I was able to do it in the end, It wasn't as loud as the other 3 times, but as I read, absoulte loudness isn't neccessary.
Sometimes doing it more quiet is better, if you are doing it in the best way. Because all the vibration of the mantra is inside yourself so you feel it vibrating strong in your body. But less of the vibration is going outward to the room, so it sounds quieter. But really it is a stronger effect with less sound if you do it this way. You really have to relax and do it in the way that you feel it best. :D
Nikolas said:

It's hard to distinguish what you hear as something on the astral unless you deeply tune into your clairaudience with focus and they are exercised enough, my advice is to not concern yourself about it for now and just keep working on your clairaudience, what is from your astral senses and what isn't will become more clear as you advance.

And just because you don't yet see anything through your third eye does not mean it isn't open. If you've been working on your third-eye for long enough (A week to a month, it varies from individual to individual) and you can feel your third eye when you focus on it, then it is open. Just because your third eye is open though does not mean you'll see things instantaneously. From there you need to exercise and further empower your third eye by breathing energy into it like you would with the foundation meditation.

Exercise your third eye daily by using it. Just 'look' through it, close your eyes, relax, look up at your third eye and focus on it like you did when working to open it. Do this for several minutes every day as long as you can and desire, the longer the better. After a time, whether this is a week or a few months, of exercising it you'll start to see flashes of light at first and shapes, as you keep on exercising it every day you'll eventually start seeing colour and eventually if you keep going you'll be able to see vague imagery and then as your third eye keeps getting stronger full complete images. Keep exercising and using your third eye everyday.

When it comes to you practically burning yourself out, you should be careful not to push yourself too much. I once made the mistake in overdoing it in the past and it translated into excruciating physical pain and aching for several days, any damage or overexertion done on your soul will reflect on the physical as well, remember that and know your limits. Some of us so-called 'veterans' had to learn through mistakes, trial and error, a lot of us had to figure out what not to do personally so newer members down the road will learn from our mistakes, so if we give a warning about something it's in your best interest to heed to it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Morgenröte said:
Good day all. I have the two following questions regarding a new rune meditation program for myself.
I want to start with the mannaz rune for strengthening the memory. When is the best calender day to start for this and with colour should I visualize, while vibrating it into my left side of the brain.

Second I also will start with Utal to get back useful talents of my previous reincarnations. On which date can I start with this to increase its power?

I appreciate every help I get
Thank you very much

Hail the gods of hell

I think Lydia would be able to assist you regarding the calendar dates... she'll see this obviously just by me mentioning her name....

Here I am :p

For improving memory, the soonest date would be Wednesday July 3, it's a new/waxing Moon in Cancer. Make sure to start before the Void Moon. A fuller Moon would be better, but there are other factors which make this date suitable. Moon rules the memory and it will be strong in it's home sign Cancer.

Personally I would not vibrate it into the brain, I would just vibrate it as usual into my entire being, all the energy, as memory also involves the soul ability, not just the physical brain. With a fitting affirmation, the energy will go where it is needed.

For Othal and past life talents, there will be a New Moon eclipse on Tuesday July 2. Day of Mars is not the best, but the eclipse will be powerful.

Or, you can do a 40 day working with Mannaz first, and then Othal in some months when it will be Full Moon in Pisces, a good time for meditation and spiritual endeavours such as Othal for past lives. A good date will be Thursday September 12, after the Void Moon.

To find Void Moon calendar, click the link in my signature and download the one in your time zone, or use lunarium.co.uk and make sure to input your location (default is London UK).
Lydia said:
Here I am :p

I want to send you a notice of appreciation here as I personally am very thankful on the behalf of many others for the efforts you put in to help others regarding astrology. I haven't personally needed any assistance regarding astrology from you, at least not yet, but I definitely notice when you help others on it.

There isn't yet many of us that are very adept at astrology that are as actively dedicated as you are to helping others on the subject. So thank you.

I have a question about 40 day program and it's day and night meditations.

Since my daily life is quite fluid like, sometimes I can't do certain meditations at the written time, so I tend to do it earlier or later from the written time.
*Example Scenario: It is day X. I have a meditation for night, which requies sound. However I cannot do it night time, because I have a fairly unstable private place, and usally I'm not alone, in fact we are crowded. But in the other hand, I'm alone in the entire morning, so I do my mentioned night meditation in the morning.

Is this wrong?
Guys, one question, is the energy of the gods greater than the energy of the black holes? What would happen if you were immortal and a black hole sucked you? Would you be stuck forever?

and one more question, who created our Father Satan?

Are there infinite gods in the universe and most of them do not care about humanity?

only Satan and his demons really care about us?
Karasukun said:

I have a question about 40 day program and it's day and night meditations.

Since my daily life is quite fluid like, sometimes I can't do certain meditations at the written time, so I tend to do it earlier or later from the written time.
It's not a big deal what time you do them as long as you get it done. Just do it in whatever way you are able to. The 40 days program is just a general guide, it is not a law. I never even done it before because I made my own schedule instead.
StyleCoin said:
Guys, one question, is the energy of the gods greater than the energy of the black holes? What would happen if you were immortal and a black hole sucked you? Would you be stuck forever?

and one more question, who created our Father Satan?

Are there infinite gods in the universe and most of them do not care about humanity?

only Satan and his demons really care about us?

It's been stated before black holes don't exist. I believe these so-called black hole areas are actually Schwarzsonnes. Black suns; and they need to be viewed spirituality or through spiritual technologies. I might be wrong though black holes are just psuedo-judeo bolshevik sciences.

Yep got that correct infinite universe = infinite development. So there might be entities stronger than Satan but perhaps it's kinda like some sci-fi movies they stay at their own and have a non-interference policy. Not sure if they are malefic for not helping or simply wishing for the civilization or Star Lord/s(Satan/Astarte) to get to higher levels.

Again it's all speculation we know anti-Gods outnumber Gods greatly since negativity is easier than positivity. But again Quality outmuscles Quantity.

So whom created Satan no idea perhaps it might even be speculation that at the higher realms of development they incarnate beings into advancing civilizations and plant Souls of powerful creations to upgun that civilization more so than they could. After all they state Satan is special for being just another Nordic extraterrestial.

Unfortunately everything is speculation. Is it wrong to speculate no but perhaps to some it might be counter-productive.

No Satan and Demons aren't the only one that care per say. Perhaps there are civilizations way out there that care about the Earth. The only issues are distance, spiritual, mental only, and that Tula(Milky Way) is Aldebaran/Orion territory so perhaps again there might be treaties or issues at hand with helping maybe trying to distance themselves from pissing off Reptards and being attacked.

Again speculation, key word and key problem.
StyleCoin said:
Guys, one question, is the energy of the gods greater than the energy of the black holes? What would happen if you were immortal and a black hole sucked you? Would you be stuck forever?

and one more question, who created our Father Satan?

Are there infinite gods in the universe and most of them do not care about humanity?

only Satan and his demons really care about us?

You're thinking of physical invincibility.... which I'm sure even our gods are not. There is the means of using power to protect yourself but this does not mean you are physically indestructible. By immortal we mean there is no ageing process in that one can physically live forever without growing old or dying of old age.

If I had to guess, nobody 'created' Satan and he was born of the evolutionary process like the majority of living things.

It would be ignorant to deny the existence of multiple gods and even species and races more powerful than Satan, the universe is endless and I'm pretty sure they care not to bother with our problems either out of respect for us to grow strong through helping ourselves or minding their own business. There have been a couple of reports and evidence that some races or beings outside of Satan's people and allies may have came and provided aid to us on certain matters, but this is speculation.

We are the children of Satan, he and his most loyal people have practically made 'raising us' a full-time gig but not all demons are of Satan and not all of them care much for us, that is what freewill is. There may be some other beings out there that see or sympathize with our struggles that might help in one way or another but we are to only trust and remain loyal to Satan only and his loyal demons that look after and guide us. Above all, Satan alone is who we place our unrelenting and ceaseless loyalty to, even above our guardian demons and demon friends. If a demon tells us to do something but Satan tells us to do something else instead then we listen to Satan.
Ghost in the Machine said:
StyleCoin said:
Guys, one question, is the energy of the gods greater than the energy of the black holes? What would happen if you were immortal and a black hole sucked you? Would you be stuck forever?

and one more question, who created our Father Satan?

Are there infinite gods in the universe and most of them do not care about humanity?

only Satan and his demons really care about us?

You're thinking of physical invincibility.... which I'm sure even our gods are not. There is the means of using power to protect yourself but this does not mean you are physically indestructible. By immortal we mean there is no ageing process in that one can physically live forever without growing old or dying of old age.

If I had to guess, nobody 'created' Satan and he was born of the evolutionary process like the majority of living things.

It would be ignorant to deny the existence of multiple gods and even species and races more powerful than Satan, the universe is endless and I'm pretty sure they care not to bother with our problems either out of respect for us to grow strong through helping ourselves or minding their own business. There have been a couple of reports and evidence that some races or beings outside of Satan's people and allies may have came and provided aid to us on certain matters, but this is speculation.

We are the children of Satan, he and his most loyal people have practically made 'raising us' a full-time gig but not all demons are of Satan and not all of them care much for us, that is what freewill is. There may be some other beings out there that see or sympathize with our struggles that might help in one way or another but we are to only trust and remain loyal to Satan only and his loyal demons that look after and guide us. Above all, Satan alone is who we place our unrelenting and ceaseless loyalty to, even above our guardian demons and demon friends. If a demon tells us to do something but Satan tells us to do something else instead then we listen to Satan.

Thank you very much for your response, it helped a lot.

when we reach the magnum opus, we never grow old and live forever, but if, for example, I were shot in the head, would I die?
Gear88 said:
StyleCoin said:
Guys, one question, is the energy of the gods greater than the energy of the black holes? What would happen if you were immortal and a black hole sucked you? Would you be stuck forever?

and one more question, who created our Father Satan?

Are there infinite gods in the universe and most of them do not care about humanity?

only Satan and his demons really care about us?

It's been stated before black holes don't exist. I believe these so-called black hole areas are actually Schwarzsonnes. Black suns; and they need to be viewed spirituality or through spiritual technologies. I might be wrong though black holes are just psuedo-judeo bolshevik sciences.

Yep got that correct infinite universe = infinite development. So there might be entities stronger than Satan but perhaps it's kinda like some sci-fi movies they stay at their own and have a non-interference policy. Not sure if they are malefic for not helping or simply wishing for the civilization or Star Lord/s(Satan/Astarte) to get to higher levels.

Again it's all speculation we know anti-Gods outnumber Gods greatly since negativity is easier than positivity. But again Quality outmuscles Quantity.

So whom created Satan no idea perhaps it might even be speculation that at the higher realms of development they incarnate beings into advancing civilizations and plant Souls of powerful creations to upgun that civilization more so than they could. After all they state Satan is special for being just another Nordic extraterrestial.

Unfortunately everything is speculation. Is it wrong to speculate no but perhaps to some it might be counter-productive.

No Satan and Demons aren't the only one that care per say. Perhaps there are civilizations way out there that care about the Earth. The only issues are distance, spiritual, mental only, and that Tula(Milky Way) is Aldebaran/Orion territory so perhaps again there might be treaties or issues at hand with helping maybe trying to distance themselves from pissing off Reptards and being attacked.

Again speculation, key word and key problem.

Thank you very much for your response, it helped a lot.
Ghost in the Machine said:
StyleCoin said:
Guys, one question, is the energy of the gods greater than the energy of the black holes? What would happen if you were immortal and a black hole sucked you? Would you be stuck forever?

and one more question, who created our Father Satan?

Are there infinite gods in the universe and most of them do not care about humanity?

only Satan and his demons really care about us?

You're thinking of physical invincibility.... which I'm sure even our gods are not. There is the means of using power to protect yourself but this does not mean you are physically indestructible. By immortal we mean there is no ageing process in that one can physically live forever without growing old or dying of old age.

If I had to guess, nobody 'created' Satan and he was born of the evolutionary process like the majority of living things.

It would be ignorant to deny the existence of multiple gods and even species and races more powerful than Satan, the universe is endless and I'm pretty sure they care not to bother with our problems either out of respect for us to grow strong through helping ourselves or minding their own business. There have been a couple of reports and evidence that some races or beings outside of Satan's people and allies may have came and provided aid to us on certain matters, but this is speculation.

We are the children of Satan, he and his most loyal people have practically made 'raising us' a full-time gig but not all demons are of Satan and not all of them care much for us, that is what freewill is. There may be some other beings out there that see or sympathize with our struggles that might help in one way or another but we are to only trust and remain loyal to Satan only and his loyal demons that look after and guide us. Above all, Satan alone is who we place our unrelenting and ceaseless loyalty to, even above our guardian demons and demon friends. If a demon tells us to do something but Satan tells us to do something else instead then we listen to Satan.

Só mais uma pergunta, é possível para um humano ter um relacionamento amoroso com os deuses?
StyleCoin said:
Só mais uma pergunta, é possível para um humano ter um relacionamento amoroso com os deuses?

Yes and no. A lot of the gods already have significant others and their own partners whom they are loyal to. The more popular and known gods seem to discourage their followers from seeking out such a romantic relationship with them and often encourage you to seek partnership with a demon lover or someone else.

You're free to 'love' the gods as you please but the chances of ever being in a real partnering relationship with them is highly unlikely so your best bet is with incubi or succubi or some other demon.
Ghost in the Machine said:
StyleCoin said:
Só mais uma pergunta, é possível para um humano ter um relacionamento amoroso com os deuses?

Yes and no. A lot of the gods already have significant others and their own partners whom they are loyal to. The more popular and known gods seem to discourage their followers from seeking out such a romantic relationship with them and often encourage you to seek partnership with a demon lover or someone else.

You're free to 'love' the gods as you please but the chances of ever being in a real partnering relationship with them is highly unlikely so your best bet is with incubi or succubi or some other demon.

hum, interesting. thanks for answering.
Nikolas said:

If at any moment you think you're being attacked right then and there, visualize yourself engulfed in vibrant and powerful blue flames, blue flames are of Satan and they directly harm and repel entities not of Satan. Feel the flames flickering violently to attack any and all enemies that touch it, focus on it as a weapon and a form of protective armour.

With your rapid advancement, entities will be able to sense and see you like a beacon on the astral. Practice and integrate more void meditation regularly into your daily routine and encase yourself in a protective black 'bubble' when you're meditating to conceal yourself on the astral; you will be much more difficult to find and will draw much less attention.

This black bubble stays 'outside' of you, you do not invoke it into yourself, just visualize yourself hidden in it on the astral, it also should not be suffocatingly tight or feel claustrophobic. An alternative method is using the walls and doors, etc in the room you are in. Just visualize every wall, window, door, the floor, the ceiling, every nook and cranny as a solid protective black veil on the astral that is concealing and keeping you hidden. Know that enemy entities and beings not of Satan are incapable of seeing you and that you are virtually invisible.

Of course if things ever become serious or too much that you believe you truly cannot yet handle it on your own, call upon your guardian demon to assist you.
Greetings to all Satanic sisters and brothers.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I want to feel *right-side of my soul* (aka *masculine* side) but I guess I can't. The reason why I'm trying to feel the right side of my soul is that I want to feel my masculinity and improve it, but of course not in an unhealthy way. I just want to feel it, I love to be a man, I love my gender, and I want to be more masculine in a characteristic and spiritual way. I saw the males which expose their masculinity even without saying anything at all. It's fantastic and I guess this is because of masculine side of their soul. So I wonder if there is any vibrations or else to improve my masculinity?

Ghost in the Machine said:
I want to send you a notice of appreciation here as I personally am very thankful on the behalf of many others for the efforts you put in to help others regarding astrology. I haven't personally needed any assistance regarding astrology from you, at least not yet, but I definitely notice when you help others on it.

There isn't yet many of us that are very adept at astrology that are as actively dedicated as you are to helping others on the subject. So thank you.
Nikolas said:
I also want to thank Lydia for all her work. She is a nice sister :D
Thank you :)
hi guys, is it possible to use kabbalistic squares with runes instead of mantra?

I'm vibrating Satanama 108 times every day, does this mantra only help slow aging? Are there any other benefits to using this mantra?

Vibrate a rune 216 times is more powerful than 108?
Nikolas said:

Relax man, sometimes I have my off days or sometimes off weeks where it takes me a longer amount of time to focus and tune in on myself, certain factors can contribute to this including planetary and moon positions. Make sure that you're doing the foundation meditation multiple times a day if you find yourself using a lot of energy, this includes physical things like exercise or lengthy amounts of time that include lots of moving around and physical activity. Do it after every working or anything you do where you have to spend or put energy into when meditating, otherwise you're just draining yourself and not refueling.

Try going outside somewhere to meditate for a few days and see if you can determine whether it might be some sort of electrical influence in your home, things like 5g radio waves, etc in modems among other electronics have been noted to be stuff that are fucking things up with our bio-electricity among other things. I personally think you may just not be refueling your energy. You can also vibrate RAUM to raise your energies.

Think of your energy as a kind of signal, the less there is the weaker the signal which means the less you'll sense/feel. You'll be fine.
Nikolas said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Make sure that you're doing the foundation meditation multiple times a day if you find yourself using a lot of energy

Fuck. I forgot about that. This is the problem 100%.I have to do it a lot.
f******* ******* ** ****. :lol: :lol:
I didnt do the foundation. Godhead IQ :lol:

It's a common mistake even advanced meditators make, don't beat yourself over it.
Hello everyone, I'm going to summon a demon in a few days.
Is it necessary to draw the sigil perfectly on the paper?
I bought the best incense (the most expensive) to show my great respect for them, the best candles.

open my hearing points and astral vision completely.

I swear, this is not trolling, I'm being attacked by ashes physically and spiritually, days ago comes a light walking in the sky and then stopped walking and then disappeared, this happened when I was meditating in the open, every day I hear footsteps , today my sister shouted saying that there was something going on in the yard.

unfortunately I am still not strong enough, I am mixed breed White with black, I think this makes the powers decrease.

but that's it, I'm going to summon the demon Beelzebub and Astaroth.
Is it true that by invoking a demon you will keep his energy flowing? That for a certain time we will think and see as a God?
I've practiced George Gurdjieff's Self-Observation and Self-Remembering techniques for over two years now, and I'm familiar with focusing the breath, directing consciousness to various parts of the body, and void meditation. The reality of "absorbing" energy is new to me. When I try this, I feel the bio-electricity flowing through my body. I have felt this same energy for years. Does absorbing energy and releasing energy give the same feeling in the body? What about absorbing vs. circulating? How does a person know they're taking it in?
Right after having a dream of the God's return, I heard my door open and felt this familiar negative energy come in my house. It walked to my room and I felt my bed sink a little, as if it sat next to me...it whispered some stuff in another language then it was saying something like "poot oh" Or "Pluto" repeatedly before I started breathing slowly to calm down and wake up out my sleep.
I'm paranoid that it's put a curse on me or something cause its been thirty minutes and I feel like it stuck some energy on me or something cause the left side of my body feels weird ,(the side it was whispering to me)
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
I'm paranoid that it's put a curse on me or something cause its been thirty minutes and I feel like it stuck some energy on me or something cause the left side of my body feels weird ,(the side it was whispering to me)

Alpella said:
Greetings to all Satanic sisters and brothers.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I want to feel *right-side of my soul* (aka *masculine* side) but I guess I can't. The reason why I'm trying to feel the right side of my soul is that I want to feel my masculinity and improve it, but of course not in an unhealthy way. I just want to feel it, I love to be a man, I love my gender, and I want to be more masculine in a characteristic and spiritual way. I saw the males which expose their masculinity even without saying anything at all. It's fantastic and I guess this is because of masculine side of their soul. So I wonder if there is any vibrations or else to improve my masculinity?

Over time, with consistent meditation and yoga the soul balances out it's energies, so therefore a man will balance his masculine side with his feminine side and achieve a crucial harmony. There are some men who are more feminine than others by virtue of their personality and their souls, and others who have more masculine tendencies. Simply be yourself and not feel the need to expose your masculinity more than is natural for you. Men who become better and stronger men follow the ways of their nature rather than worrying about if they are becoming more masculine. Also, occult practices tend to stimulate and trigger the feminine side of the soul so if you are new to meditation, you might be experiencing this, it is normal.

However if this is not the case and you merely feel unbalanced spiritually or lacking in masculine energy, you can work with a Mars square (which will begin in November this year) or the Uruz rune, making sure that you program the energies of both properly and suitable to what you want to do in particular.


Alpella said:
Greetings to all Satanic sisters and brothers.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I want to feel *right-side of my soul* (aka *masculine* side) but I guess I can't. The reason why I'm trying to feel the right side of my soul is that I want to feel my masculinity and improve it, but of course not in an unhealthy way. I just want to feel it, I love to be a man, I love my gender, and I want to be more masculine in a characteristic and spiritual way. I saw the males which expose their masculinity even without saying anything at all. It's fantastic and I guess this is because of masculine side of their soul. So I wonder if there is any vibrations or else to improve my masculinity?
Base and Sacral chakras, the 1st and 2nd chakras. Make them stronger
Ghost in the Machine said:
Know that enemy entities and beings not of Satan are incapable of seeing you and that you are virtually invisible.

Perhaps I'm kinda self-answering by stating the stronger you get the less they perform their actions. Albeit even with strong people it seems like the enemy doesn't learn the lesson and continue to attack.

But what exactly is stopping an entity or entities from marking your position and attacking you?

Not to make it paranoical but if these enemy entities have a collection of data and computers and whatnot. What exactly is stopping them from putting you on a list with coordinates in time and space and sending masses of entities at you.

I've always found it strange that if some grey pops into your house or senses you. What exactly is stopping them from relaying your whereabouts to an entire cabal of nefarious entities and drowning you in mass assaults of hive minds of spiritual and physical-spiritual entities ranging from thoughtforms to astral projected beings.

I know the word small fry exists but seems like the enemy doesn't mind devoting resources at a small fry particularly those already attached to the matrix of xtianity.
Nikolas said:
Why do I feel a sensation of heat while meditating? It makes me lose my concentration and get frustrated.
This may be the enemy, they want you to stop meditating, practice empty meditation, or ask your guardian demon for help.

you can vibrate the Algiz rune to protect you against negative energies.

Do the Final RTR every day without stopping, this removes all the curses in your soul and destroys the garbage of Christianity.

Any questions just contact me.
Ghost in the Machine said:
StyleCoin said:
but that's it, I'm going to summon the demon Beelzebub and Astaroth.

I hope you're summoning Beelzebub and Astarte for something important, as they are high ranking gods, not demons, gods, that are among the most busiest. If you're summoning them just to see if you can then I strongly advise you don't and try searching for a demon or god that can legitimately help or assist you with something whom you can summon.

The gray ones stopped attacking me when I called Astaroth, I had a damn angel bothering me too, but thanks to Astaroth and Lucifuge Rofocale they stopped attacking me.
Nikolas said:
Why do I feel a sensation of heat while meditating? It makes me lose my concentration and get frustrated.

That's normal it's your bioeletricity being raised. Keep at it. For those that are clean in the soul it should be a positive experience but if you have dirt it may bring some unpleasant feelings or experiences. Just keep going. Good luck
StyleCoin said:
Nikolas said:
Why do I feel a sensation of heat while meditating? It makes me lose my concentration and get frustrated.
This may be the enemy,
No, this has nothing to do with any enemy. It is normal and natural to feel heat like this, especially along the spine. Many of the energies of your soul are very hot and fiery, and when you do the meditations it makes the energy stronger so it makes things hotter. When you do the meditations, remember you are adding energy into yourself, and making the energy bigger. Like putting energy into a pot of water on the stove, and the water gets hot and boils.

Nothing to do with the enemy, this is normal. So just decide not to lose your concentration and decide not to be frustrated. These emotions are all your own choices how you choose to react.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
StyleCoin said:
Nikolas said:
Why do I feel a sensation of heat while meditating? It makes me lose my concentration and get frustrated.
This may be the enemy,
No, this has nothing to do with any enemy. It is normal and natural to feel heat like this, especially along the spine. Many of the energies of your soul are very hot and fiery, and when you do the meditations it makes the energy stronger so it makes things hotter. When you do the meditations, remember you are adding energy into yourself, and making the energy bigger. Like putting energy into a pot of water on the stove, and the water gets hot and boils.

Nothing to do with the enemy, this is normal. So just decide not to lose your concentration and decide not to be frustrated. These emotions are all your own choices how you choose to react.

cool, that means he's moving on, I've done rtr for nine days in a row and I feel my soul cleaner but I can not feel my energy, chakras and aura since April, what can that be?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
