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sola said:

You have to be told that drugs are harmful and dangerous? Almost everybody in the world already knows that drugs are bad. Usually young children are told this lesson by both their parents and teachers, and other family members. Even the people with addictions know that their bodies are being very badly damaged, but they choose to do it anyway only because the addiction is so strong.

Do you really need to be told that drugs are bad? Maybe you need to be told since you admit to injesting drugs every day for years. But most other people know this.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
sola said:

You have to be told that drugs are harmful and dangerous? Almost everybody in the world already knows that drugs are bad. Usually young children are told this lesson by both their parents and teachers, and other family members. Even the people with addictions know that their bodies are being very badly damaged, but they choose to do it anyway only because the addiction is so strong.

Do you really need to be told that drugs are bad? Maybe you need to be told since you admit to injesting drugs every day for years. But most other people know this.

I was a druggie for a couple of years, completely clean. From a perspective of someone who rose above this, while it may seem like pure stupidity, drugs give you a temporary sense of enlightenment. It's like a flash of something spiritual. There's a chance he may be mistaken into thinking there is merit in what he feels. So, Sola, as someone who has risen above, you are thirsty for spirit, but what you are drinking is dirty water which will only leave you more thirsty. Replace the drugs with meditation, it is the only way you'll truly quench that thirst. Yes, you will temporarily feel something spiritual with the drugs, but they will erode your spirit over time. And yes, that includes weed and psychedelics. Stimulants can be replaced by work on the solar. Weed can be replaced via work on root and crown chakra. Psychedelics can be replaced by work on the pineal gland. Xanax, and downers in general can be replaced with work on the root. Freeing Saturnine Karma can help with discipline, freeing Neptune Karma can help with the drugs. Lögr can help with addiction, Nauthiz can give you the discipline to stay off. Overall work on the soul will help a lot as well, since it is really spirit which you crave. Drugs also cover up problems, try to map out what your issues are and figure out how to solve them instead of hide them. I was a poly addict, trust me, you can be completely free of addiction, and eventually heal from the mental damage if you stay disciplined in your work.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
sola said:

You have to be told that drugs are harmful and dangerous? Almost everybody in the world already knows that drugs are bad. Usually young children are told this lesson by both their parents and teachers, and other family members. Even the people with addictions know that their bodies are being very badly damaged, but they choose to do it anyway only because the addiction is so strong.

Do you really need to be told that drugs are bad? Maybe you need to be told since you admit to injesting drugs every day for years. But most other people know this.
Yeah dude. Come on, man. Don't act like I'm an estranged alien out here.

Majority of individuals know that drugs are bad. But you know how it is, Jews spread misinformation all the time. And people fall for it.

Theres a large majority of people who believe THC is cancer curing or medicinal or whatever. And some people are tricked into believing that psychedelics in general are 'spiritual' experiences. 'Cause one can go online and watch Jew-made videos about how some tribe nowhere in the Amazonian rainforest drink DMT and trip balls, and the viewer thinks 'oh damn. if tHey do it, maybe its good for me too'.

Also take into account Rastafaris. Weed is 'a herb' for them - not 'drug'. Maybe a Rasta finds JoS one day and wants to renounce the old religion and join Satan. In that case, it wouldn't be far fetched to let them know that the 'natural green plant' is bad.

I also imagine scenarios where a person is raised in a family of all drug addicts. Or they are born and raised in an area where education on the dangers of drugs doesn't exist - or any education at all for that matter. It would be less obvious to those people that recreational drugs are bad.

And what about people in places where some recreational drugs are legal? Weed and psychedelics are legal in some US states and Amsterdam for example. So a person might think 'oh they mustn't be harmful because the government tested it scientifically and its legal'.

As you said "even the addicts know its bad". Yeah damn right. I felt the adverse effects of weed. But I kept doing it anyway because I thought 'the fun from the high balances the nasty sideffects, so it's net neutral'. Some dummy shit like that. I quit for life only when I saw that it could cause irreparable damage to the soul.

Dude like sure, majority of people know that it damages the body. BUT ASK ANYONE 'hey, did you know rec drugs cause irrepairable damage to the soul which can extend into lifetimes??'. Bro they'll be fucking clueless. ('Cause remember, we're addressing people without / newbies to SS.). A lot of them won't know that souls exist, or previous/next incarnations either.

I was alright with body damage. But soul damage, especially irrepairable, I would not stand for.

We usually see the before and after pics of crack addicts. Etc. Etc. But we're never told that drugs also create energetic holes in the soul/aura/light body (I'm not sure which part of the soul it is exactly), which make us susceptible to psychic attacks & so forth. So I'm saying let those facts be Explicitly obvious somewhere on the webpage.

Some people don't know about the spiritual harm caused by drugs. And some people don't know about the physical harm caused by drugs either.

Is there harm in updating that webpage by typing out a few extra sentences to address both of those aspects? 🤷‍♂️

Perhaps I'm waffling all this time and that section of the webpage is fine as it is.

Thank you in general, satanic bro. You've responded to my posts about other topics in the past. You've provided insight on those topics. And this response right now where you say 'most people know drugs are bad' is invaluable as well. Thank you and other users who actively answer peoples' forum questions.
sola said:
VoiceofEnki said:
. . . Hail Satan!

Thank you for the previous 2 responses.

I have had another SS tell me that alcohol is different, in that it can be consumed moderately without inhibiting our ability to meditate. And that it won't block us from completing the Magnum Opus. Do you know if its true?

Also, is there a way to know if drugs have damaged a soul beyond repair in it's current incarnation? I've done weed nearly everyday for 3 years, Xanax once, LSD twice. Am I prevented from completing the Magnum Opus in this incarnation because of that?

There is nothing wrong about drinking alcohol here and there.

Though personally I do not drink often, only on special occasions (maybe 2-3 times a year, if even that), because alcohol does tax your health which I personally would rather avoid since I do not get anything out of drinking it.

However, I do believe it is harmless to drink small amounts, even regularly.

I don't think it would inhibit your ability to advance spiritually if say, you were to drink a glass of wine daily, or have a few beers with friends on the weekends regularly.

However, if someone regularly drinks to the point of drunkenness, this will affect you and prevent you from reaching higher states, both due to the harm to your health and also due to the state of mind one is in when engaging in habits like that, it would inhibit one's ability to advance.

However, unless you have done noticeable harm to your body from excessive alchohol abuse over a long period, like a decade, you can absolutely recover from this and still can advance in life.

For example, someone who has been a party animal in their youth, drinking a lot for years, while this would have definitely done harm to their health, they can likely recover from any damage it may have done, at least enough to advance spiritually just fine.

How far one is able to go is difficult to say, however if one does manage to reach higher levels of advancement by consistent meditation, you can heal from almost anything.

Even severe damage to the organs, or damage to the brain can be healed and reversed. But getting to that point if one has damaged their body to such an extend is a different story.

One may be limited due to preexisting health issues before reaching high enough advancement to reverse these, but even that should not stop you from following the spiritual path as far as you can go in this life, as all your work and effort done now will carry over and propel you higher in your next life.

The Magnum Opus is the end goal, however do not be disheartened if you may not be able to get there this life, since you can advance very far even before reaching the MO, even if you had less than optimal habits or had to deal with circumstances in your life which harmed your body and health.

In your case, you definitely aren't unable to reach the MO. At least, the damage from the weed you smoked would not be so extensive that you cannot advance and aim for the MO.

You may experience difficulty feeling energy properly, working your upper chakra's, your lungs are likely damaged and cognitive ability may be affected to a smaller extend, however if you abstain from smoking weed your body will recover.

Before finding the JoS, I have experienced my share of stupidity and also other things.

I don't want to go into detail, however I know from first hand experience you can heal from chemical imbalances and other damage done to your body by substances or medical equivalents.

Depending on the severity of the abuse/use, it may take a long time to recover, but you can advance and heal as you go.

The worst side effect of long term use of weed is how it numbs your mind, and how it numbs the neurological responses in your nerves and brain.

You don't really notice this while you smoke regularly, but after quitting the realization will hit you like a truck how much it really has affected your brain.

However, from what I have seen in other people who quit weed after daily use for years, your body will heal over the course of a few years just fine.

Since you are an SS, there shouldn't be any serious long term issues at all, as you have the tools of meditation and spiritual knowledge from the JoS to help overcome obstacles like this.

However I do strongly suggest you quit this entirely, as continuing to use weed will only end up interfering worse with your ability to advance over time, not to mention other health issues which come from smoking itself (vapor smoking too has its own problems, such as making the lungs too damp).

You do not require this to live a fulfilling life, and you will be better of without it, even if you feel otherwise at present.

Hail Satan!
TranscendTheSun said:
So, Sola, as someone who has risen above, you are thirsty for spirit, but what you are drinking is dirty water which will only leave you more thirsty. Replace the drugs with meditation, it is the only way you'll truly quench that thirst.

Thank you. And we are pleased that you have risen.

I've not used recreational drugs for over a year now, and I don't plan to resume either. I quit for life (this life, and the next, and the next).

It's just that I don't want there to be a next and next incarnation 💀. I'd rather complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime and be done with this s***. So I must know if my soul is already too damaged to complete it in this lifetime, or if I'm generally fine and still have a shot at completing it in this incarnation. I had the idea that a fellow SS could give me the answer, yet it makes sense if they are unable to do so.

VoiceofEnki said:
There is nothing wrong about drinking alcohol here and there.

Hail Satan!

I drink a maximum of 4 beer bottles a day (each bottle is 250ml 6% ABV). Is that too much?

Hail Satan.
sola said:
VoiceofEnki said:
There is nothing wrong about drinking alcohol here and there.

Hail Satan!

I drink a maximum of 4 beer bottles a day (each bottle is 250ml 6% ABV). Is that too much?

Hail Satan.

If you do that everyday, I would say yes. It's not necessarily a lot of alcohol, however this alcohol needs to be broken down by your liver everyday, which is an extra tax on your liver constantly.

Not to mention that alcohol as a drink is very high caloric and doesn't offer any nutritional benefits either. In a similar way that I almost never drink, I also never drink soda's and whatever for similar reasons.

I used to drink a lot of soda's, and also alcohol. Regularly I'd drink heavy drinks, whiskey or rum, but I wondered why do I need this, and stopped.

For example, it always felt to me I needed some alcohol to enjoy moments such as a party or whatever, but that really wasn't the case.

I realized, if I require alcohol to enjoy something, then it isn't very enjoyable in the first place, so I quit drinking and never went to parties which I couldn't enjoy while sober anymore.

Your case sounds to me like habitualization, somewhere along the line you have programmed yourself to need a few beers on the daily and it has become habit for you to drink them.

You probably aren't even very conscious about it, you just pick a beer and drink it as habit without thinking much of it or even really enjoying it.

Similar to how it becomes habit for people to smoke, or for some people to always snack on stuff (leading to obesity eventually).

Try to understand where this habit has come from and ask yourself why you need to drink alcohol so often.

Your wallet and your health will appreciate if you become more conscious of your habit and reduce it.

However if purely from the context of spirituality, likely this level of drinking won't impact you too much.

I cannot judge how it would affect your path to the MO, as this depends on a lot of other factors as well, and I do not want to give false information.

In my experience, life has felt better when I stopped drinking alcohol, so I am a bit biased against it, however you may be the same if you break this habit and it is worth trying in my opinion.

Another factor to consider is, when you drink regularly, the possibility of eventually falling into alcoholism is there. You may say you can control yourself and wouldn't do this, but that is what everyone who fell into alcoholism has said.

I would reduce this to a few beers once every few days rather than daily at least, if only purely to escape the negative potential of alcoholism existing on me.

Hail Satan!
sola said:
I've not used recreational drugs for over a year now, and I don't plan to resume either. I quit for life (this life, and the next, and the next).

It's just that I don't want there to be a next and next incarnation 💀. I'd rather complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime and be done with this s***. So I must know if my soul is already too damaged to complete it in this lifetime, or if I'm generally fine and still have a shot at completing it in this incarnation. I had the idea that a fellow SS could give me the answer, yet it makes sense if they are unable to do so.
As you've said yourself, we're all programmed and misinformed. So strip what you've been programmed with, and look at alcohol from the outside. Alcohol, is pretty damaging. It doesn't have the stigma, but the effects of it is on the same level as a hard drug. You might as well say "I only take a line of coke a day". Obviously it's not the same, as coke is cut with other things, is illegal, and has stigma, but purely from a health aspect, and a spiritual one, you should look at alcohol as any other drug. I would drop alcohol completely. That may seem rough, but like I said, I was a polyaddict, every single drug you consume, can be replaced with energy, much better energy. If alcohol gives you confidence, Winja and Sauil can help with that. If it gives you peace, Pairthra can help. If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy, consistent work with the sun can give you that warm and fuzzy feeling. I know it seems hard to let go of any addiction, you say to yourself "I don't want to be without this feeling" which is actually a valid concern. If you let go of that drug, you are not letting go of the feeling, but learning to discover that feeling without a crutch.
sola said:
It's just that I don't want there to be a next and next incarnation 💀. I'd rather complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime and be done with this s***. So I must know if my soul is already too damaged to complete it in this lifetime, or if I'm generally fine and still have a shot at completing it in this incarnation. I had the idea that a fellow SS could give me the answer, yet it makes sense if they are unable to do so.

You will be fine. However the reality of this, and the rate at which you advance, are dependent on how well you do as an SS, which includes many factors. Talk to the Gods here, and do your studying.

No, you are not screwed, however drinking 4 beers a day is definitely not helping you detox from all of this. Don't fall into a trap of calling it "fine" when you only recently removed yourself from other drug use.

In all addictions, remember that your brain resets itself and you will feel normal without them. Just be mindful of karma and neptune energy which can pull you back into negative situations.
Is_that_so said:
Are these Clairaudience points correct?

When reading on Opening and Meditating on Your Clairaudience Points: https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Psychic_Centers.html

Why does it say centers of clairaudience? I was trying to feel these in the center of my head.

It does say "both sides of the head" but when saying centers it could mean it looks like same from both sides.

Here's the model of my understanding of "Centers":


I figured something was off and I came across this saying there on both sides.

So I sucked up the casual white-gold energy and most of the points I actually felt just like that.

Is the new model on the bottom close to the actual Clairaudience Points locations?

I think I've been trying to feel it in the wrong spots for a while now.../:


does anyone have any recommendations for documentaries on

Tartaria? (as so many have flat earth influences)

or the Vril society ? (as so many have hollow earth influences)

thanks for your guidance
sola said:
TranscendTheSun said:
So, Sola, as someone who has risen above, you are thirsty for spirit, but what you are drinking is dirty water which will only leave you more thirsty. Replace the drugs with meditation, it is the only way you'll truly quench that thirst.

Thank you. And we are pleased that you have risen.

I've not used recreational drugs for over a year now, and I don't plan to resume either. I quit for life (this life, and the next, and the next).

It's just that I don't want there to be a next and next incarnation 💀. I'd rather complete the Magnum Opus in this lifetime and be done with this s***. So I must know if my soul is already too damaged to complete it in this lifetime, or if I'm generally fine and still have a shot at completing it in this incarnation. I had the idea that a fellow SS could give me the answer, yet it makes sense if they are unable to do so.

VoiceofEnki said:
There is nothing wrong about drinking alcohol here and there.

Hail Satan!

I drink a maximum of 4 beer bottles a day (each bottle is 250ml 6% ABV). Is that too much?

Hail Satan.
From the physical point of view, alcohol prevents your body from getting into REM sleep, which is extremely important for your health and recovery. Other alcohol-derived damages have been explained in other topics.

From the spiritual point of view, there are a host of negative effects that you'll get from drinking alcohol:

1. It lowers your vibration, which counters the purpose of your meditations. Your vibration is supposed to be high at all times. Low vibration lowers the effect of your meditations and your witchcraft. Not to mention, low vibration also makes you more susceptible to spiritual attacks such as curses. Also, a lower vibration prevents you from connecting with higher realms because access to other realms, such as the astral, requires you to match the same level of vibration.

2. It creates holes in the aura and the chakras. This is due to the fact that these parts of the soul stretch to contain an excess of energy. Holes in those areas open you to psychic attack too and, in general, allow negative energies to penetrate you more easily. Holes take a while to repair.

3. It also interferes with psychic ability as it takes away from your ability to focus efficiently. Clarity of mind is essential on your spiritual mind, as is awareness.

These are some of the reasons many of us decide to completely abstain from alcohol. Remember that we can only raise awareness on the issue. Then it's your personal choice whether you want to drink alcohol or not.
Stormblood said:

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
sola said:

i saw the posts regarding recreational drug use.
from it, i gathered that weed and lsd etcetera must not be used if we wish to evolve spiritually.

in another post, i asked if its okay to use weed like once a month.
a fellow SS replied and said that even using it once a month will hinder spiritual development.
was our SS correct?

also, whats the case with alcohol?
will it also hinder spiritual development if used at all?
or is alcohol different than weed in that sense?

furthermore, are there any recreational substances which cAn be used without stopping spiritual development?
Recreational drugs damage your Soul - once a month or thrice a month or every day, they still hurt you (albeit more or less), but the damage is nevertheless done. You cannot use drugs a certain number of times per month and expect your Soul is just as it's been until then.
Alcohol, as I know, is different, meaning it is acceptable but in sensible quantities. Unlike drugs, it doesn't hinder spiritual development or damage your Soul by simply using it, but the quantity (and the reason why you're drinking, and what you're doing under the influence) matters. Basically, don't drink to drown out your problems and don't get drunk to the point you lose control over yourself or your memory. Also, some water it down (50%, like the Romans if I recall correctly)

Hi Stormblood. Only reason I began drinking is because another Sibling stated that 'alcohol doesn't hinder spiritual development or cause damage the Soul' (provided that the amount consumed is moderate).

Now you basically state the opposite of our Sibling. I quit alcohol for life if you are correct, Stormblood. Otherwise, I'm inclined to continue alcohol (2-3 bottles of 4% ABV daily - in reality). In the last post I stated higher than what I actually consume (used conservative numbers) to see if that was okay, because if it was, then the lesser amount that I Actually drink will be more-than-ok.

In any case; I see two conflicting statements from two lovely Siblings. May someone provide clarity on this matter?
All alcohol does some damage. Just like all processed white sugar does some damage to the body, and other things. There are many things which are not harmless. The worst damage is not from the alcohol itself, but when the liver digests it it is turned into Acetaldehyde which is more damaging. Then the liver digests that, and it is turned into vineger, acetic acid. Which makes the blood more acidic and is not good for the body. Another thing is that a more acidic environment makes it easier for cancer to grow.

Alcohol in large amounts, or alcohol drank every day, both of these will do larger amounts of damage to the body which will be more difficult to heal. Alcohol is not supposed to be drank every day, and it is never supposed to be drank in large amounts. If you are drinking every day or multiple times per week, the damage will be increasing because you will not have time to heal. Damage will be added faster than it is able to be healed, and it would also make your immune system weaker.

But 1 or 2 or 3 beers every once in a while, is not going to do any lasting harm. It will do a small amount of harm for maybe 2 or 3 days, then you will be fine if you drink a lot of water. This is if you do not do this often. If it is only a few times per year, there is no lasting damage.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Is_that_so said:

You have a good skill for animations. Maybe you can help with some work that Dahaarkan has done.


I just need some feedback on the link below on whether I got the minor body chakras correct and then I could easily make animations of everything. Also, the photos I've shown aren't even rendered! (:)

In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?
Svayambhu said:
In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?
The idea is indeed to raise above and beyond the influence of celestial forces, to be a master of your own fate. The idea is not to cease existing, but to exist on a higher level and also having a physical existence at the same time.

Shiva bestows the path for us, and we walk the walk. No walking, and no liberation from the shackles happens.
Adolf Hitler is known to have completed the Magnum Opus.

Has he completed it in his incarnation as 'Adolf Hitler'? Or has he already completed in an incarnation before that one?
HP.Cobra mentioned, the Gods are a lot more advanced something like millions of years in technology.

Does that mean the Gods don't mine for resources? Are they beyond resources? In which they can just materialize molecular/atomically perfect items? Are they beyond farming and only keep farming to study or some oldschool person that likes farming?

I know Maxine said our most advanced stuff is "Archaic Junk" compared to what the Gods have. But do they still do stuff that is similar to us Humans mining, cultivating, and processing raw materials?

I know the Gods have highly advanced automatons, Sitchen's claims are a gross hebriac lie. But just how far have the Gods gotten compared to even the enemy. It seems even the enemy wants resources to mine with slaves the Gods use technology.

I've been under the assumption after extensive existence and development of their civilizations that raw material becomes obsolete unless your looking i.e. researching new material in nature to develop and learn about. It seems like with such massive population and limited resources unless planetary wise you expand for population growth that eventually they wear out a planet's resources and need to continue mining in outerspace i.e. space matter such as meteorites and or other planets.

So how far are the Gods are?
Gear88 said:
HP.Cobra mentioned, the Gods are a lot more advanced something like millions of years in technology.

Does that mean the Gods don't mine for resources? Are they beyond resources? In which they can just materialize molecular/atomically perfect items? Are they beyond farming and only keep farming to study or some oldschool person that likes farming?

I know Maxine said our most advanced stuff is "Archaic Junk" compared to what the Gods have. But do they still do stuff that is similar to us Humans mining, cultivating, and processing raw materials?

I know the Gods have highly advanced automatons, Sitchen's claims are a gross hebriac lie. But just how far have the Gods gotten compared to even the enemy. It seems even the enemy wants resources to mine with slaves the Gods use technology.

I've been under the assumption after extensive existence and development of their civilizations that raw material becomes obsolete unless your looking i.e. researching new material in nature to develop and learn about. It seems like with such massive population and limited resources unless planetary wise you expand for population growth that eventually they wear out a planet's resources and need to continue mining in outerspace i.e. space matter such as meteorites and or other planets.

So how far are the Gods are?

Just a thought. Why not find out for yourself by going on a "field trip" after having developed the necessary skills to do so? I probably know less than you and am behind on personal development so this is also a motivational thought for myself. From what I understand, after reaching a certain level we could have a sneak peak if we ask to be shown these things.

Fast question. For the chakra spin, do the chakras spin clockwise? so the facing down chakras will spin clockwise if we view it from above. The facing up chakras will spin counter clockwise if we view it from above, but from below it is spinnin clockwise. It is realy obvious, just making sure.
Also I'd like to ask maybe I should do this as a separate post on General but since my entire meditations are beginners even if I've been around a long time.

I posses, through self-diagnosis, Maladaptive Daydreaming. In other words I spend an exorbitant volume of time. Daydreaming; my usual statements when other ask me what I'm doing I state, I'm busy, they laugh busy at what? I reply back: Thinking, processing, contemplating, imagining. I'm extraordinary bored all the time, if I get myself involved with video games like in my past I would just play 12-15 hours daily straight. My usually commentary inside my head is I get up in the morning and I'm like, great 16 more hours to go to sleep.

I've had my family laugh and then after doing it a lot either they laugh or they get annoyed.

My question is: Does freeing the soul work on personality issues or issues involving non-Spiritual principles?

It can be very annoying thing but to be honest it's a part of me. I invent this movie in my head and when I go to the place in question nothing of it occurred. It's like I shouldn't even expect anything. I just go through with it knowing full well I wasted a solid period of time concocting this movie in my head and non of it ever manifests. Even if somehow something manifests the words the events my usual physicality occurs. It's like my mind isn't real and just does not procure an event in actual terms it just invents this massive movie and when I go ahead and go everything is different my usual disposition my shyness, timidness, usual asocial aspects.

Can freeing the soul work for eliminating this phenomena?

Ex: I am fully free from any and all maladaptive daydreaming, now and forever.

I don't want to eliminate daydreaming as I posses very good daydreams but I'm sorta addicted like a drug. I've tried the whole meditation thing and even mindfulness and it never helped me out. To be honest I've already returned to being sick and tired of meditation even 10-15 minute cleaning x2 is annoying for me.

But I'm willing to try meditation to solve this issue even if I never accomplished anything with meditation even the almost 24 years I've involved myself with knowing occult things like astral projection or trance or whatever and never accomplishing anything.

For a person who's never had anything happen. My entire spirituality is simply thinking about it. Like one person said, Thinking does not equal spiritual. Well for me thinking is spiritual I just use it to advance myself mentally. Or like my usual just pass the time got nothing better to do since life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit.

So how does a person such as myself who cannot meditate at all and I'm burnt out trying. Can I use freeing the soul to remove this from myself?

99% of my thoughts are simply, processes, imagination, and thinking i.e. daydreaming are simply to pass the time until I go to sleep. I just do it cause I got nothing better to do.

Can freeing the soul overcome this phenomena?
Svayambhu said:
In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?

Because Hinduism is corrupted, that's why. This has been explained on JoS. The Magnum Opus is about physical and spiritual immortality and strengthening your individual existence. You do not merge with existence, but instead you separate yourself from existence and exist as an isolated being, a separate God of your own with many advanced psychic/spiritual powers and total control over your own destiny. When you complete your Magnum Opus you also remove all past karma, but karma has a different meaning here: karma is past conditioning that hinders you. With all karma removed, you don't let fate control you or your personality to be stuck in repetitive, unhealthy habits, but you control your own fate and destiny.
Shemsu said:
Just a thought. Why not find out for yourself by going on a "field trip" after having developed the necessary skills to do so? I probably know less than you and am behind on personal development so this is also a motivational thought for myself. From what I understand, after reaching a certain level we could have a sneak peak if we ask to be shown these things.


Because in the nearly 24 years since 1999 I got the internet involving myself with studying lucid dreaming, astral projection, trance, etc.etc. and since April of 2003 nearing my 20th anniversary, 20 years ago with Joy of Satan and Spirituality.

Absolutely nothing has occurred and I've never had any spiritual phenomena. I don't even know why I even bother coming unto this forums.

I guess it's the political side. I mean after all since 1997 when I got cable tv I've been watching everything on WW2 I could get my hands on. I guess JoS is the only place that truly expresses National Socialism. I simply dedicated for the sake of dedicating same for my friend February of 2004 he dedicated and that is it.

I dedicated April 29th wanted to do it on the 30th for Eve of Belthane. And then when it was April 30th I did the succubus ritual as I wanted a to have sexual activities. And nothing has happened.

Nothing's happened I'm still the same person since ever. I can't trance, void, mindful, whatever you call basic stuff and whatnot.

I can't simply "field trip" by astral projecting I'm simply asking questions so that I can just imagine and fantasize about it and add to my databanks. I'm merely asking people in the know so I can know just for the sake of knowing. I know I'm never gonna accomplish anything spiritual.

I mean do you know how often I set down doing cleaning/protection with my mind going, "Why the fuck am I doing this annoying crap! Why in the hell do I do this if it never works.

This isn't because I'm anti-Jos or anything I like this organization but meditation and spirituality are inasmuch either an impossibility or it only works for a select few people.

Meditation for me is simply I sit down I do stuff or think about it whatever that means and then time passes and I end it and move on with my day.

For example chakra spinning I spin clockwise all the chakras that need to operate and I'm like here's an activity that takes less than 30 seconds not even 25 seconds. Did it do anything? What am I suppose to feel? Why am I doing this if it does nothing?

It reminds me of a person who replied in General666 forums to The Phantom Stranger. Paraphrasing you keep posting basic questions that through self-reflection can be solved.

And it's like the reason TPS is asking those questions is he is looking to do better or simply he wants to know for the sake of knowing.

It seems like many people reply in such ways and I'm sitting back and going is everyone in here some meditation master guru who knows everything? Here I am wondering the same thing as others. How is it done, what is supposed to happen, I did it and nothing happened or I did it for a long time and nothing happened.

Like I said before it seems Spirituality = for elite people only who actually have a phenomena occur. In my entire life being on the internet and studying this stuff since 1999. I never once accomplished a thing not even astral projection hell even in the lucid dreaming sites people postulate it's just a highly realistic dream. Even they are on the fence as to what it is.

And then from that questions pop if spirituality and religion is simply a way of controlling people to do good.

Sheer fact is I don't know and probably don't care. I've never had an iota of things occur and I'VE DONE MerKaBa bad ass vibration technology only to go I did it then what?

All I know is I've gotten older and in the prior decade early nearing the mid-2010s I suffered from mental health issues.

So no I can't just take a "field trip" I need people to tell me so I can process, imagine, and contemplate on it. And know for the sake of knowing just to pass the time and go through life thinking, processing, contemplating and simply not be bored or at least reduce my boredom a bit.

The amount of hours I spend thinking and contemplating I just want knew technologies to think about.
Gear88 said:

I give this analogy a lot to people who can't focus and find the motivation to do things.

~ When hard-ass gangsters are thrown in jail for long enough they will mate with each other. There left with nothing so you appreciate the little you have.

The first step I always tell people is to eliminate all things that over-stimulate dopamine in your life aka taking the easy way out. You need to do the hard things if not already and by hard I mean not as stimulating to the brain as video-games.

So you should stop (if doing so): junk food, porn, video games, putting people down, sleeping in, shitty eating habits, and not working out.

Idk your situation but don't go to the gym to lose weight, just eat less and yes it's that easy. If you want to gain weight you still don't need to go to the gym. Can you do 100 push-ups? I can't lol but just know you can work out anywhere.

Doing all this will drive you crazy as your brain is resetting itself, but just know things will get better and it has to be done.

Once this is done you'll have a decent mindset to start with.

I personally daydream a lot and can't do void meditation for more than 20 seconds. So you are not alone in this.

Figure out your insecurities or whatever it is about what leads you to daydream and how it makes you feel.

Just keep askings yourself "why?"

You can use chat gpt to help you explore yourself if you haven't talked with a person or a counselor before.

Let's say for example if your family and children were held hostage and you had to do what you are struggling to do right now in order to get them back. How hard would you start trying? You would obsess over it and do whatever it takes to get them back.

You need to "Just Do It!"

Easier said than done, like when saying I won't chew my nails anymore.

What I did to stop chewing my nails after failing multiple times was I got this polish on Amazon that you put on your nails that taste so bad that I couldn't even eat with my hands cause I would taste the shit on my nails.

So if daydreaming is on an extreme level you might need something to discipline your self with.

This could be:

- Writing a note on the top of your hand saying "Focus"
- Having a special phrase to say to yourself once you start to daydream. Mine is "Focus on the here and the now"
- Rubber band on your wrist so you can pull it back then let it go.

I always have piano music playing in my head (especially the song I'm learning), and my meditation session sounds like I'm fighting a fucking giant lizard boss on the hardest difficulty.

Yet I just do it, continuing on with my meditation. No matter what. I say my special phrase and breathe in for 4, hold for 4 exhale for 4, and then hold again for 4.

You need to figure out how to use your daydreaming to your advantage. Write down the Pros and Cons and make a plan.

You will not be able to free it from your soul because you can't even focus enough to fully clean out your soul.

So you need to get creative and use your imagination (pun intended) to come up with ways around this.

This video about dopamine changed my life.

You need to reprogram yourself!!! Sounds exciting doesn't it? Just imagine if we couldn't!!!

You'll figure it out, just have the just do it mindset and things will slowly fall into place! :)

Gear88 said:
My question is: Does freeing the soul work on personality issues or issues involving non-Spiritual principles?
Maybe you do not undestand what spirituality is. It's underlying our whole reality.
Can freeing the soul overcome this phenomena?
Yes, you can remove negative patterns via meditation.

This does not necessarily always need to happen through meditating with a mantra as self-hypnosis ans affirmations can produce desired outcome.

Also, do not expect a quick result. What you seek and how you are, you are going to need to spend a lot of time, perhaps years, to change your thinking patterns.

Do not be disheartened however as it is completely possible.
quelles sont les regles sataniques?
sur internet et livres on en parle qu il y a 11 regles sataniques et 11 principes sataniques
j ai cherché sur JOS mais je n ai pas trouvé ces 11 regles.

I apologize if I upset you, didn't mean to. It is very strange what you're saying. I can relate to some of the difficulties you're experiencing because I had an extremely hard time getting to do void or anything that required a disciplined mind but nothing in all those years? I've also dealt with mental health issues and made many bad choices that resulted in being unable to meditate properly for a long time.

Don't give up. Maybe a different approach with a change of life style can produce better results. I don't know your circumstances but if your body and psyche are reasonably healthy I don't know why you're not having results. Healing workings and asking for help with this directly from Satan should do something. You seem like a smart guy, you should at least be able to do the basic stuff.

Also as someone else suggested cutting out bad habits helps. It is worth it regardless of how hard it is. I'll be rooting for you. Good luck
litabon666 said:
quelles sont les regles sataniques?
sur internet et livres on en parle qu il y a 11 regles sataniques et 11 principes sataniques
j ai cherché sur JOS mais je n ai pas trouvé ces 11 regles.

Les 11 règles/principes sataniques sont LaVeyen. Nous ne sommes pas des satanistes LaVeyens, nous sommes des satanistes Spirituels (notre forme de satanisme est séparée et distincte). Les LaVeyens sont athées.
Shemsu said:
I apologize if I upset you, didn't mean to.

No if anything I need to apologize. This is why I like the JoS even the most absurd hateful person. Becomes a JoS member. We tell them do XYZ they do it and then go ABC we go FGH they go DEF and we go again XYZ to ABC the DGF.

And then they become a JoS member. It's almost like JoS takes the abuse of everyone and goes. Okay everyone now listen. Bim, bam, boom; this is what you do and this is how you solve it or if it can't be solved now the ground work is done.

People are like WTF are these guys retarded we attacked them. And we continue our attack i.e. constructive work and go this is how you solve this issue.

I'm guessing if an HP or prominent member were reading this. They'd state even curing the disease with an antidote isn't gonna be easy. Even if we hit you with a Rife Machine to cure you of cancer your still gonna feel like shit, coughing up and excreting the cancer. But afterwards you feel better. Or to take the analogy from HP.Cobra Mankind is sick as fuck. They need surgery and healing/rehabilitation. Sheer fact is it's never easy.

I shouldn't lash out at JOS but like HP.Cobra said in early-mid 2020. If people need to punching bag us. Do it it'll help them out. Don't contain it.

I apologize Shemsu your not the bad guy here. If anything I'm the one being the bad guy. Meditation for me is a very difficult subject for me and probably a reason why I continue. I appreciate reading JoS stuff and thinking outside the box.

Especially in this world full of NPC cockknockers.

But I need to chill out some more. My main issue is I never grew up knowing this spiritual stuff in the beginning. For example it seemed in the past people would have Gods and other Holy Men guiding people in groups or masses to help them. Doing group meditation or everyday meditation, reading studying etc.etc.

I'd like that. As much as I hated school I do like school if it taught cool things and ACTUALLY functioned to help one.

I feel like a learned helpless person and I feel like school ingrained bad habits in me that make my life more difficult than it is or non-existent.

Anyways excuse me Shemsu it's my fault not yours. Astral projection is something I learned nearly a quarter-of-a-century ago and I'd love nothing more than to explore the astral. I'm not big on dreaming or sleeping as I sleep either blacked out or I have dreams and I forget as immediate as I wake. I've done the whole lucid dreaming dream journal and even did once a recording on my phone.

But it gets annoying. I'd like to advance and feel my progressions. Lately after quitting meditation. I've gone back to clean/protect/spin/mindfulness. I know mindfulness isn't what JoS recommends as that is a basic meditation and something buddhist and other meditators world-wide do but we aren't against it. In fact the buddhist website that best talks about it keeps the buddhist spiel down to a tiny level barely 1% of it pops up. The guy is simply pragmatic and wants to help people.

So excuse me Shemsu. I'm not gonna say "sorry" as I didn't create a fault of that level like Azazel Apollo said in Maxine's sermon never apologize with "sorry" what do you have to be "sorry" about most problems are minor they don't require bending at the knee profusely apologizing in a demeaning way. But a simple excuse me is fine. I lashed out at a member and feel bad but my demeanor got the best of me. But it's understandable i.e. spiritual frustrations of being limited to the same low levels and not progressing.

BTW Shemsu your signature were you the person with the Helghast GIF? I believe it was you who had it the Dragon activating and showing Helghast personnel ready to crack some skulls.

Or am I confusing you with someone else?

It's totally fine Brother, no need to apologize. I'm not a snowflake and you didn't write anything questionable. Although negative statements (and thoughts) about yourself like "I know I'm never gonna accomplish anything spiritual" may be a part of the problem you're having with meditating. You may want to apologize to yourself for the treatment and cut yourself some slack in order to move forward. I've been dealing and still am to some extent with deprograming from intense self hate and it has done wonders for me.

Having read a lot of what you've written I can see that you've already accomplished plenty both spiritually and otherwise. Keep trying and you will feel the effects eventually.

I had no idea what helghast is (I'm very ignorant when it comes to popular culture and proud of it) but after looking it up I remember there was someone who's name I can't recall with that in their sig but it isn't me. I used to have a different account that I lost access to under luggaldimmerankia369.

We're not alone in this. I'm not that knowledgeable and can't help you with specific solutions for your situation but there's Blitzkreig, HP HC, Lydia and others that I'm sure would be willing to offer assistance if you ask them.

Satan is an understanding parent and helps his children when they're in need.


Satanism is for the elite, in the sense that it takes character to go through the hardships of building yourself and becoming better. It's not exclusively for "gifted/reincarnated pseudo demigods". Anyone can advance, weak or strong.

You have never had an encounter with a God? Why would you? What have you done for them? Guidance is one thing, and every SS gets it, but an actual visit, from a being like that, what have you done to earn it?

People do rituals for the Gods, fight the spiritual war, contribute to the website and community, achieve great spiritual progress and so on. How have you proven yourself and made yourself valuable to the Gods? By asking useless questions and wasting members' time just to amuse yourself and "add to your databank?"

What the fuck man. I'm not speaking an alien language here, it doesn't take a fucking genius to understand what I'm saying. The more you put in the more you get out. Clearly, you haven't done your best, tried hard enough, or even want it that bad if at all.

I don't care who you are, if in 24 years you couldn't void your thoughts for even 1 minute, clearly, you just aren't even trying.
Greetings, I hope you are having a good day or night

(I would like to clarify that I don't know if my message applies here if it is not, please let me know)

For years I have made mistakes that have come to hurt or even get to know a lot of people who have done me good. My question is if there is a method with which I can remove the generated pain and either transfer it to me or simply remove it.

That has led me here and yes, unfortunately I know that I sound like a very newbie

You need to get rid of those limitations you put on yourself, nobody is going to save you. Nobody is supposed to be responsible for the work you have to do on your own. You need to become self-sufficient, sooner rather than later. You know this, because you haven't been around for 2 days. So what's holding you back? Why do you purposefully deprive yourself of the good things in life just to avoid some temporary struggle?

The only way to overcome your limitations is by becoming so extremely uncomfortable and fanatical about it that the expected outcome can only be transcendence and nothing else. It's time for you to pick yourself up and start embracing the hard work and never look back, and don't expect to be comfortable and happy any time soon. We are at war and we have been for many centuries. The world needs you to become the best possible version of yourself. Stop creating limitations where none exist.
hi. i did the cleaning area by light meditation greatly for 3 or 4 days and now i feel something around me. its like glass and its feels i have a aura with glass material or something like that and when i imagine light from top of my head to go down, the light slides over my glass aura and it did not come to my body except when i imagine light inside all of my body (now its get better than first days). is it normal?
and thank you to translate the site in to persian.
Philcal said:
Greetings, I hope you are having a good day or night

(I would like to clarify that I don't know if my message applies here if it is not, please let me know)

For years I have made mistakes that have come to hurt or even get to know a lot of people who have done me good. My question is if there is a method with which I can remove the generated pain and either transfer it to me or simply remove it.

That has led me here and yes, unfortunately I know that I sound like a very newbie
You can clean their auras and evoke runes on them with positive affirmations, for example.

Do not take in dirt from others as it would be counterproductive for your wellbeing and growth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
