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Can anyone tell me what this feeling I have in my head? it intensifies when I meditate/do a working but also I feel it throughout the day when I'm not meditating and also intensifies when I move around. It makes me very uncomfortable and I sometimes have to half-ass my workings.

is this completely normal and what should I do to relieve the intensity it also isn't just the head but can go down towards my chest or my abdomen.
Does chewing khat affecting ispritual grouth? we use khat for every thing why b/se It gives us energy to work hard for both physical and mental work without fatigue.It frees us from problems like fatigue, Frugality, Fear depperession,anger and sleeping etc. therefore they are prohibited even by some religions. However, if there is any harm to the spiritual development, pleese comment to us.
Fikiru Abdiisa said:
Does chewing khat affecting ispritual grouth? we use khat for every thing why b/se It gives us energy to work hard for both physical and mental work without fatigue.It frees us from problems like fatigue, Frugality, Fear depperession,anger and sleeping etc. therefore they are prohibited even by some religions. However, if there is any harm to the spiritual development, pleese comment to us.

Khat is a dangerous drug.

And drugs affect spiritual growth.

Use brother DarkPagan666's guide for dealing with drugs and their dangerous effects.

Svayambhu said:
In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?

It is very unwise to remove your karma. That would stop you from existing. Karma is not solely a negative thing. It's accumulated experience. Experience may be positive, negative or otherwise. If you dissolve all your karma, you dissolve all your advancement in anything. You don't achieve liberation, you achieve the second death.

The idea of karma as a solely negative thing is the offspring of the enemy, to annihilate you completely. That is why it appears in modern yogic culture and contemporary thought in general. The enemy wants us flattened to slave and then dissipated to nothingness. Should we allow them to have it their way?

Liberation/moksha has nothing to do with eternal dissolution: it's about freeing your soul. It's about getting your energy to flow at its smoothest. When energy flows easily and effortlessly, you can reach any height. You remove all the curses, the impurities, the hang-ups, the traumas and so on. That's what your spiritual liberation is about.

Once your energy is flowing freely, your soul is fully clean and your vibration is at an optimal level for optimal synchronisation between your body, soul and mind. (I only list 3 general concepts for the seek of simplicity). When these vessels are fully married/merged, you become the perfect being. You achieve the Magnum Opus.
Svayambhu said:
Similar to this.


Hesffcs115 said:
What are some safe browsers and drives to use? Thank you.

I don't know what you mean by "drives". Hard drives or USB drives?

Brave is a good all around privacy-focused browser for normal use. If you use Android it's one of the few browsers with a native adblock that doesn't suck ass and blocks almost every annoying ad.

Tor browser is good if you want extra safety or you want to access blocked/blacklisted sites in your country and you don't want to pay money every month for a VPN. Opera has a free built-in VPN too, but it's less safe.
If i have to do (for example) 4 physical and loud vibrations, but instead i do very silent vibrations, how many silent vibrations should i do? Because they are weaker than physical, so it is better to change the amount or keep 4?

I just want to do again opening chakras mediations and make sure everything is done properly.
Gear88 said:

I believe you have everything available to you to make progress, including the many posts which I have written to you. Please ask specific questions either to us or Satan, instead of despairing or claiming that advancement is not for everyone.

For example, you had said you don't like sitting still, but you also use a lot of caffeine. These two things are almost opposed, especially if you are predisposed yin deficiencies. Reduce the coffee intake, or drink decaf, and you will be able to sit longer without getting fidgety or bored.
Bean123 said:
If i have to do (for example) 4 physical and loud vibrations, but instead i do very silent vibrations, how many silent vibrations should i do? Because they are weaker than physical, so it is better to change the amount or keep 4?

I just want to do again opening chakras mediations and make sure everything is done properly.
psychic vibration can be as strong as physical. You just have to be focused and try to feel the mantra as you vibrate it. But you can double it to be sure. :)
Gear88 said:
HP.Cobra mentioned, the Gods are a lot more advanced something like millions of years in technology.

Does that mean the Gods don't mine for resources? Are they beyond resources? In which they can just materialize molecular/atomically perfect items? Are they beyond farming and only keep farming to study or some oldschool person that likes farming?

I know Maxine said our most advanced stuff is "Archaic Junk" compared to what the Gods have. But do they still do stuff that is similar to us Humans mining, cultivating, and processing raw materials?

I know the Gods have highly advanced automatons, Sitchen's claims are a gross hebriac lie. But just how far have the Gods gotten compared to even the enemy. It seems even the enemy wants resources to mine with slaves the Gods use technology.

I've been under the assumption after extensive existence and development of their civilizations that raw material becomes obsolete unless your looking i.e. researching new material in nature to develop and learn about. It seems like with such massive population and limited resources unless planetary wise you expand for population growth that eventually they wear out a planet's resources and need to continue mining in outerspace i.e. space matter such as meteorites and or other planets.

So how far are the Gods are?

I havn't talked with a god yet, but they probably can create things with their mind, as they can be in higher dimensions also and had live a few ten thousand years. We can't understand it yet, so they don't talk really much about their technology as i know.
Gear88 said:
Shemsu said:
Just a thought. Why not find out for yourself by going on a "field trip" after having developed the necessary skills to do so? I probably know less than you and am behind on personal development so this is also a motivational thought for myself. From what I understand, after reaching a certain level we could have a sneak peak if we ask to be shown these things.


Because in the nearly 24 years since 1999 I got the internet involving myself with studying lucid dreaming, astral projection, trance, etc.etc. and since April of 2003 nearing my 20th anniversary, 20 years ago with Joy of Satan and Spirituality.

Absolutely nothing has occurred and I've never had any spiritual phenomena. I don't even know why I even bother coming unto this forums.

I guess it's the political side. I mean after all since 1997 when I got cable tv I've been watching everything on WW2 I could get my hands on. I guess JoS is the only place that truly expresses National Socialism. I simply dedicated for the sake of dedicating same for my friend February of 2004 he dedicated and that is it.

I dedicated April 29th wanted to do it on the 30th for Eve of Belthane. And then when it was April 30th I did the succubus ritual as I wanted a to have sexual activities. And nothing has happened.

Nothing's happened I'm still the same person since ever. I can't trance, void, mindful, whatever you call basic stuff and whatnot.

I can't simply "field trip" by astral projecting I'm simply asking questions so that I can just imagine and fantasize about it and add to my databanks. I'm merely asking people in the know so I can know just for the sake of knowing. I know I'm never gonna accomplish anything spiritual.

I mean do you know how often I set down doing cleaning/protection with my mind going, "Why the fuck am I doing this annoying crap! Why in the hell do I do this if it never works.

This isn't because I'm anti-Jos or anything I like this organization but meditation and spirituality are inasmuch either an impossibility or it only works for a select few people.

Meditation for me is simply I sit down I do stuff or think about it whatever that means and then time passes and I end it and move on with my day.

For example chakra spinning I spin clockwise all the chakras that need to operate and I'm like here's an activity that takes less than 30 seconds not even 25 seconds. Did it do anything? What am I suppose to feel? Why am I doing this if it does nothing?

It reminds me of a person who replied in General666 forums to The Phantom Stranger. Paraphrasing you keep posting basic questions that through self-reflection can be solved.

And it's like the reason TPS is asking those questions is he is looking to do better or simply he wants to know for the sake of knowing.

It seems like many people reply in such ways and I'm sitting back and going is everyone in here some meditation master guru who knows everything? Here I am wondering the same thing as others. How is it done, what is supposed to happen, I did it and nothing happened or I did it for a long time and nothing happened.

Like I said before it seems Spirituality = for elite people only who actually have a phenomena occur. In my entire life being on the internet and studying this stuff since 1999. I never once accomplished a thing not even astral projection hell even in the lucid dreaming sites people postulate it's just a highly realistic dream. Even they are on the fence as to what it is.

And then from that questions pop if spirituality and religion is simply a way of controlling people to do good.

Sheer fact is I don't know and probably don't care. I've never had an iota of things occur and I'VE DONE MerKaBa bad ass vibration technology only to go I did it then what?

All I know is I've gotten older and in the prior decade early nearing the mid-2010s I suffered from mental health issues.

So no I can't just take a "field trip" I need people to tell me so I can process, imagine, and contemplate on it. And know for the sake of knowing just to pass the time and go through life thinking, processing, contemplating and simply not be bored or at least reduce my boredom a bit.

The amount of hours I spend thinking and contemplating I just want knew technologies to think about.

I have a hard time advance my self spiritually too. It's been like 3 mounths meditateing on my chakras and my upper chakras good but, I just started feeling the lower chakras today. But it was 3 mounths, every day for like 10-20minutes. It is a hard work but you have to work hard to get something. Satanism is not National Socialism, National Socialism IS Satanism, It is way more important for you and for Satan to spiritually advance. You can't advance without meditateing. The phenomenas not for elit people, it's for people who seek phenomenas. Without astral hearing and seeing you won't see or hear no phenomena. I strongly recomend you to ask Satan for help, if you even wan't to advance.
Hi, lads.

I had a thought to help the homeless people in my area get on their feet. I thought about giving them access to showers, clean clothes, food, and potentially jobs. (And helping them quit drugs if they want that support too).

But I seek advice from our community first: Is helping the homeless worth doing? Not in a selfish sense, but rather, is it worth spending my time on them?

Or is it more efficient for me to forget about it and invest my time into power meditation?

Or should I do both - help the homeless and still meditate?

It's not that I have a bunch of money or anything. If I did, I would hire other people to do the work for me. So the question of 'should I spend time meditating or helping others?' won't matter anymore.

I ask the question because I'll be doing this with little to no fund. There are free public showers here, so I'd provide the people with shower gel. They clean themselves and are given a temporary change of clothing. Their dirty clothes are put in a laundromat and eventually become clean.

At that point, they might want a job. So I would enter the local town hall and speak to the people inside. I'd ask the local government if they have a lack of workers in any sector. Perhaps garbage collectors, janitors, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be an unpleasant job either. It can be any position which the local gov would benefit from if it was filled. In theory, economy is boosted when more people are employed - so the local gov should be thrilled and be on board with finding jobs for the homeless people. I would also ask the local gov if they can provide a temporary house, until the people can afford rent. If not, I would see if they can provide sleeping bags. Anything to make the nights easier.

If the local gov has no work for the people, I would turn to businesses on the street (franchise as well as privately owned). Ask KFC if they need workers. Or if the hotel could do with a maid. Or if the local mechanic could do with an extra hand. Etc. You get the point.

I'd assist the people in obtaining official I.D. if they don't have it already, so they can apply for bank cards and rent. The goal is to have these people live normal lives.

Certainly the process would be slow if it was just me doing all these things for numerous individuals. So I thought about calling upon the humanitarians among us. People that will gladly volunteer for free and share the workload with me. I would instruct them what to do, and take their feedback into consideration as well. Perhaps they inform me of a more efficient way to go about something. In any case, a team would be established.

The details I described are by no means 'complete'. It's supposed to just give a gist of the idea. Now the question remains, siblings;

Should I bother carrying out the idea, or forget it and invest my time into power meditation?
The majority of homeless people are not able to be helped, and do not want to be helped. Most of them are drug addicts and/or have extreme mental problems, and are not wanting to live in a different way than what they are doing. They will take as much money or food as you will give them, spend all of the money on more drugs, and nothing will change. Homeless shelters usually require the person to not be using any drugs, and this is why the person is outside because he would rather have the drugs instead of the shelter.

A small number of homeless people are regular normal people who just have been unlucky, and will be successful and have a regular life again in the future. But this is only an extremely small percentage of the homeless people.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The majority of homeless people are not able to be helped, and do not want to be helped. Most of them are drug addicts and/or have extreme mental problems, and are not wanting to live in a different way than what they are doing. They will take as much money or food as you will give them, spend all of the money on more drugs, and nothing will change. Homeless shelters usually require the person to not be using any drugs, and this is why the person is outside because he would rather have the drugs instead of the shelter.

A small number of homeless people are regular normal people who just have been unlucky, and will be successful and have a regular life again in the future. But this is only an extremely small percentage of the homeless people.

Thank you.

Indeed many homeless people can not be helped. I would not bother helping such people.

Instead, I'd focus attention on the "regular normal people" who can integrate into society.

Henu the Great said:
sola said:
Whatever you decide to do the best approach is to incorporate spiritual routine into day-to-day activities.

Thank you.

I have my spiritual routine (RTR + power meditation). And I have a lot of free time. I wonder what I can do with the free time which can make our Gods happy. I want to do our Gods favours if I'm capable, I just don't know what exactly. (I've not activated my psychic centres, nor have I had communication with any Demon). (Also I saw the post which said how people can advance JoS' cause. Such as by subtly posting SS content online, or creating animated GIFs, or memes, etc. - That's beyond me, fam'. That involves being proficient and up to date with the internet; something which I am not. Action in the outside world suits me better. Maybe I can hand out leaflets on the street with www.satanisgod.org on it 💀)

Maybe I need to unlock my psychic centres and vibrate Ehwaz since its "used in spiritual divination to understand the will of the Gods". I don't know if the Gods are pleased with what I currently offer. If they're not pleased, I want that to change by being more useful.

I thought that helping homeless people get jobs and eventually a house could be a service to the Gods, but of course I could be wrong about that assumption, so I sought answers from the lovely SS community.

Cheers for the response, lads.
So yesterday I finished 4-day meditation for opening third eye for the second time. Then and now I didn't feel on my forehead. I was even in trance (maybe not deep trance, but i still was focused and relaxed).

And I am wondering should i continue doing that meditation for more than 4 days or start it again tomorrow or start it in a month?
Bean123 said:
So yesterday I finished 4-day meditation for opening third eye for the second time. Then and now I didn't feel on my forehead. I was even in trance (maybe not deep trance, but i still was focused and relaxed).

And I am wondering should i continue doing that meditation for more than 4 days or start it again tomorrow or start it in a month?

If you didn't feel anything, you should read the instructions more clearly. If you read them, you'll find out that it says you need to adjust your pitch until you find the right vibration that you will feel on your forehead.

If you don't manage to adjust it at all costs, I would postpone the opening and focus on the foundation meditation first until you gain a feel for energy. Then, once you gain a feel, you can start breathing indigo or white energy into your third eye. Do this second step until your third eye starts reacting. For the least sensitive people, it could take a few days to a few weeks to get there.

Once you can finally feel your third eye, then you can go back to the opening.

During step 1 and 2, you can also do vocal exercises that teach you to adjust your pitch. You can find examples on Youtube. This can also be done as an alternative to step 1 and 2, if the problem is not energy sensitivity but poor control over your pitch.

Best of luck!

That sounds like a piece of good advice. I will try these things. Thank youuu.
Primal Spirit said:
Is it okay to supplement HPHC's 40-day program with outside yogic practices not affiliated with JoS but also not Jewish or any of that crap?

A long time ago here, on a different account, I showed to everyone a place called Kundalini Lounge. Doing one of their sessions made me feel bioelectricity for the first time, and one of the forum members here gave me the thumbs up in saying that it wasn't kike-related and was a completely neutral, yoga thing. I've proven to myself that I'm more than capable of sticking to a rigorous powerlifting and Judo training program, so adding actual spiritual practice to my schedule should be no issue. My real concern is if doing the Kundalini Lounge sessions might conflict with HPHC's own 40-day program.

Thanks very much.
This is closer to the source: http://pinklotus.org/

And Basic Spinal Energy Series is included in the 40 day program.
Primal Spirit said:
Sirs and ma'ams...

Earlier I made a grand apology to everyone here in this forum. That thread isn't approved. But please hear me out. Please give me another chance. I learned my lesson. I will treat everyone here with respect and I'll make amends to Father Satan. Please give me another chance.

I'm formerly known as Primal, some guy who got banned.

And please, moderators. Consider approving my original apology to this subforum. I beg of you. I poured my heart and soul into that apology. I want everyone to hear me.

You have already shown all of us who you are. Do you expect any of us to like you, or to trust you, or to respect you? For most of us, I expect this will take a long time and will require for there to be large and obvious growth and improvement of yourself. Which is more than just pretending to be nice for a couple weeks.

What opinions the gods have of you is between them and you. It is none of our business. You are welcomed by them to use the information to help yourself. You are welcome to participate in doing the work. But there is no connection between that and our opinions about you.
Question: What to do and not do during a void moon + checklist?

(((Disclaimer this is not a approaved list Do Not go by this!)))

To do:
- Do yoga and by the time you are done yoga the void moon is over and you can continue with your meditation session.
- Clean house
- Work out

Not to do:
- Final RTR
- Any aura of protection stuff (But what if the moon is void all day? Can you still clean your aura?)
- Spells
- Start new projects or something you want to maintain/be successful.

Other questions:
1) Starting a RTR on a void moon? Do I wait 24 hours before I do it again?

For example, I did the first vibration of the final RTR and then realized the moon was void. Do I wait untell the void is
over or wait until the next day to do the RTR again?
2) How specific does this get?

For example I'm designing a chair and completed the design of the seat. Now the moon is
void and I want to start designing the legs of the chair. I didn't start a brand new project but I started working on a new
component within the project. Should I wait to start building the chair legs?
3) Got into a relationship on a void moon.

Could I just say we're breaking up while fully knowing I'm lying to the universe then get back together after the void moon? Or lie to the universe about quitting my business idea while knowing I'll be working on it in another 2 days.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Primal Spirit said:
Sirs and ma'ams...

Earlier I made a grand apology to everyone here in this forum. That thread isn't approved. But please hear me out. Please give me another chance. I learned my lesson. I will treat everyone here with respect and I'll make amends to Father Satan. Please give me another chance.

I'm formerly known as Primal, some guy who got banned.

And please, moderators. Consider approving my original apology to this subforum. I beg of you. I poured my heart and soul into that apology. I want everyone to hear me.

You have already shown all of us who you are. Do you expect any of us to like you, or to trust you, or to respect you? For most of us, I expect this will take a long time and will require for there to be large and obvious growth and improvement of yourself. Which is more than just pretending to be nice for a couple weeks.

What opinions the gods have of you is between them and you. It is none of our business. You are welcomed by them to use the information to help yourself. You are welcome to participate in doing the work. But there is no connection between that and our opinions about you.

Like many other who have left JoS thinking they knew best, Primal have learn the hard way.

Don't take it too personnaly, other people did benefit from what experience satanist wrote to help Primal before he went batshit crazy. Let the knowledge rise above any troll.

I'll try my best to help you but i could definitely be wrong about these :)

1. The Final RTR is unaffected by the void of course moon cause this was basically started as a group ritual
2. Any Aura of Protection that you previously started when the moon wasn't void is not affected. This only affects a meditation or working that is started during a VOC
3. While it does say not to start any projects which is true for spiritual work, I am unsure about material work like the example you mentioned with designing a chair.

As of for the rest of your reply, I am unsure hopefully someone with more knowledge can help you, I felt the urge to offer a response so I hope it's somewhat helpful to you

Goodest evening, lads.

Apparently the fluoride in toothpaste "damages the pineal gland, so alternative toothpastes must be used instead".

That's the theory anyway. Is any of it true?

Should people use toothpaste without fluoride? Or is that yet another myth perpetuated by kikes.
sola said:
Goodest evening, lads.

Apparently the fluoride in toothpaste "damages the pineal gland, so alternative toothpastes must be used instead".

That's the theory anyway. Is any of it true?

Should people use toothpaste without fluoride? Or is that yet another myth perpetuated by kikes.

It's no myth. It's true. It calcifies the pineal gland. This happens because the enemy engineered a system where too much fluorine is introduced in your body, leading to fluorine poisoning. They give you fluorine in your toothpaste, tap water, bottled water, improperly-filtered water. Most foods are laced with it too.

In small, controlled amounts, fluorine is not damaging but you already exceed that amount with everything else. Your toothpaste and mouth wash are just the icing on the cake.
Stormblood said:

Thank you, Stormblood.

And hello again, siblings.

What's the deal with Squares & Affirmations?

Suppose I want to affirm; "The Sun's energy keeps me physically healthy", and "The Sun's energy brings me enormous wealth", and "The Sun's energy nullifies the malefic energy of Saturn", and so on and so on.

Those are mere examples. The point is, what if I want to make 10 different affirmations for the same planetary Square? (Each affirmation is 'unique' in the sense that it's not just a reworded version of other affirmations).

Will I have to do 10 Sun Squares, one for each affirmation? Or can I do 1 Square and affirm all the 10 things? (provided they all fit into the same Nama/Svaha category)
sola said:
Will I have to do 10 Sun Squares, one for each affirmation? Or can I do 1 Square and affirm all the 10 things? (provided they all fit into the same Nama/Svaha category)
The idea with goals is to focus on one goal at a time. Going about this another way you would not attain your goals, but scatter the energy you gathered all around not making much progress toward any of your desires.
Primal Spirit said:
Is this insignificant or very telling of something?

I was doing the aura cleaning meditation and for some reason, my belly-button chakra was yellow. In two occasions, I had to really switch it to bright white light because it kept insisting it would be yellow. And on both occasions, without me really even thinking about it, it really was yellow.

Does that mean anything or should I just shrug it off as some kind of minor brain dysfunction?

The solar chakra is yellow. You're doing fine.

Primal Spirit said:
How exactly does racial purity work?

I'm Filipino. Let's not get into the overcomplicated details of my mom being Filipino and my dad (whom I've never met) was Japanese and then my grandpa has some Portuguese blood. I'm a Filipino and that's that. So how does that work?

So basically, as an Asian, I'm allowed to date all Asians? Or only Filipinos?

And umm... What about my Japanese and Portuguese "impurity"? Am I an abomination? Am I not worthy of being part of the Gentile race? I'm almost afraid to ask but whatever man.

So what is it?

Everything you need to know about this can be found through forum searches. It's been answered many times as it is a common concern and question for people.
Primal Spirit said:
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=436987 time=1681742021 user_id=46372]
Primal Spirit said:
Is this insignificant or very telling of something?

I was doing the aura cleaning meditation and for some reason, my belly-button chakra was yellow. In two occasions, I had to really switch it to bright white light because it kept insisting it would be yellow. And on both occasions, without me really even thinking about it, it really was yellow.

Does that mean anything or should I just shrug it off as some kind of minor brain dysfunction?

The solar chakra is yellow. You're doing fine.

The heck...

So this whole spirituality is real??

Man, when the bio-electricity hit me many months ago, I shrugged it off as some undiscovered muscle being warmed up in those yoga movements. I wanted to deny it. But now this...

I'm an idiot.

The more you dive into the meditations, the more undeniable it all gets. Keep going.
Hello, can someone of higher brothers or sisters tell me if this affirmation good and what can be changed? I’m trying to program myself to be free from any enemy programmings, so “I am always completely free from any programmings by the enemy.” Would this boost my progress in deprogram? For example if I would make 40days to make it permanent.
Bean123 said:
So yesterday I finished 4-day meditation for opening third eye for the second time. Then and now I didn't feel on my forehead. I was even in trance (maybe not deep trance, but i still was focused and relaxed).

And I am wondering should i continue doing that meditation for more than 4 days or start it again tomorrow or start it in a month?

Do it on a Monday during the hours of the Moon (TODAY when the Moon is not VoC, which is listed on the calendar), then do it the next 3 days during the hour of the Moon. You WILL feel it. You can find the hours of the Moon on Chronos XP.

Make sure you keep to the recommended amount of vibrations too.
Please do you still continue on your working square , if it has manifest but you have not completed .
Primal Spirit said:

"Oyy Vey! It's too hard!"

Jrvan did nothing wrong. There is zero cruelty and zero anger in his message. Your reaction to have a shitty attitude is not based on anything Jrvan said. It's only based on your own habits of frequently having a shitty attitude.

You go around pretending to apologize, pretending to kiss our asses (which none of us want anyway.) You pretend to be so thankful for the information we give, and that it is so valuable to you. If you actually meant this, you would read everything on www.joyofsatan.org , you would learn how to use the search, and you would find and read all topics relative to the information you want. Do you expect us to treat you like a baby and put the food directly in your mouth for you?

You pretend to be some kind of strong man but you are unable to do even the simplest tasks, and you are unable to have the type of emotional response that anybody other than a young child would have.

You expect us to give you everything, to do the work for you, and for you to have to do nothing. It is not good enough for you that all of us have shared the most valuable information, in as large of a quantity that it would fill a shelf full of books. But you even want us to sit here and read all of it to you so you don't have to put in the effort of reading.

What do you deserve? You already have access (for free) to an enormous amount of information and guidance that was not available to almost anybody for the last thousands of years, and that millions of people had been killed just for having small pieces of this information. But you have all of this available to you. And your response is to act like a crying baby. Then you expect any of us to have any amount of respect for you.

You're the same troll with a shitty attitude that you've always been. If you want to change this and transform yourself into a good person, you have available to you all of the necessary information on how to make these improvements. There is nothing else that you need from any of us. And any question you might ask, somebody has already asked and somebody has already written the answer. If you actually care, you will find and read these answers.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
