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I've tried asking this question a few times but was never satisfied with the answer.

I'm currently in the beginnings of a 40/90-Day working. If I hit 40 and wish to continue, I'll continue doing the UR[Uruz/s] vibrations.

Anyways I wanted to ask. Can FTS or Freeing the Soul vibration technologies be used to eliminate Squares or meditations done in the past?

I know it can alter personality or astrological effects. For example say, Neptune is negatively affecting you. You can 40/90/longer[I do recall some stating many Satanists only need 1 or maybe a second 40-day working sometime later over time or a full on 80 but why stop at 80 and not go 10 more days to 90-day working and your good for many some might need higher amounts]; you can Ansuz/Uruz/Munka and slough off the Neptunian hangups, negativity, and negative karma.

But back in 2017 or was it 2018; several years ago. I did a Saturn Square I did it to the best of my abilities with kinda a crappy affirmation. I'd like to use instead Nauthiz like Blitz has recommended not Square or direct Planetary Mantra but the Runic working.

But anyways can I perform a FTS working and slough off Saturn Square especially considering I used the words permanently. Also I have done only a few squares in my life for the larger squares one or two of them and your good for it. But I'm concerned that what I affirmed and the parameters of Squares has affected me negatively.

Can I also slough off Venus, Sun, Jupiter, and Mars squares? In essence I'd like to not return to a baseline as we are always evolving but I'd like to remove these anyways. Can I also slough off meditations if I feel they caused issues?

IF that is possible; Is it possible?

To the people who've done squares and regret it or don't want it in their system. Can we like a programming remove it as Maxine stated, the Soul is like a computer running programs and if you wish to add or remove something especially if it's unhelpful things you can do that.

[I don't know how much meditative state you need to be in while doing the Squares. I've done them and like MerKaBa never felt an ounce of differences. So did the Squares even work? I know people have replied to me stating even if you did it and nothing occurred. You still did SOMETHING, thus you affected yourself or reality.]

Can I remove Squares from my system using Freeing the Soul? or are there reprogramming mantras? whereby I can delete stuff from my soul to return it to pre-Square levels.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!

Hi good day everyone! Is there someone who can interpret my natal chart to me. I've looked over it and done my best to interpret what I can with the limited knowledge I have. I want to be able to apply the planets with my chart to know what days are key for me. I'm a quick learner so if anyone is able to give me a quick understanding and interpret my chart I would truly appreciate it and Im sure I can help you in return in some way or another. Thanks all!

Ave Satanas 🖤❤️
Hail Queen Astarte 🤎💚
Whatalife said:
Hello, I am new. I come with kindness and honesty.

I have a question. I was always taught that Satanism does human sacrifices. That religions and beliefs outside of the Judeo-Christian religions all do despicable things. Could someone chime in on this?

The judeo-christian religion say that but their "Hero" is and represent the biggest human sacrifice. The site of Jos can help you to know the truth. :)
I've been wanting to do rituals for other gods. I've noticed the intent of the rituals are mainly geared towards freeing them. Based on the rituals we already have, if I vibrate MUNKA into their sigil, visualizing their sigil glowing with light, and affirm "(name of God/Goddess), you are free from all curses, slander, and lies. You are free from any and all negativity" then meditate on the sigil, and meditate on my own soul, would this be a good ritual?
Is_that_so said:
Do you see all the minor chakras as triangles pointing inside?

You do not have to give them so much detail. You could just focus on them as points of light.
TranscendTheSun said:
I've been wanting to do rituals for other gods. I've noticed the intent of the rituals are mainly geared towards freeing them. Based on the rituals we already have, if I vibrate MUNKA into their sigil, visualizing their sigil glowing with light, and affirm "(name of God/Goddess), you are free from all curses, slander, and lies. You are free from any and all negativity" then meditate on the sigil, and meditate on my own soul, would this be a good ritual?

The gods are not trapped, and are not limited. The curses are not on the gods. The curses are on us to try to prevent us from connecting with the gods. This is the terragrammaton energy field surrounding the Earth, which is meant as a barrier of curses to trap us in a very low and weak level and remove our communication and growth.

One way you can fix this is by doing the 3 part Final RTR rituals. Specifically the 2nd part is directly focused on erasing this Tetragrammaton energy field.

The specific individual gods' rituals are for becoming personally closer to that god, and increasing the connection between yourself and the god. Improving communication, and increasing the influence of that god in your life. Which comes with many blessings.
I do the final Rtr every day, all 3 parts. I already have that covered. I always do the power rituals for the gods, and I meditate on the sigils for other gods. So I guess what I'm really asking, is what can I do to become even more connected to a god? To destroy curses that disconnect me from a specific god?
Shadowmage said:
Whatalife said:
Hello, I am new. I come with kindness and honesty.

I have a question. I was always taught that Satanism does human sacrifices. That religions and beliefs outside of the Judeo-Christian religions all do despicable things. Could someone chime in on this?

You were taught lies. Christianity and the Abrahamic hoaxes have done the most despicable things in history: mass murdered people, even other christians whom they labeled as "heretics" because they didn't agree with the official dogma (there were no religious wars in Europe before xianity), destroyed libraries, burned books, burned down temples e.t.c.

Even in their bible their god, especially the Old Testament god is a moral monster who sends 2 bears to kill a bunch of teenagers because they called a prophet "baldy" and orders all sorts of mass murder, killing children, ripping open pregnant women and forcefully aborting their babies as a punishment (Hosea 13:16, any christian who is "pro-life" is a hypocrite) and all sorts of other despicable things.

Christ-Insanity is an evil and horrible religion which has committed crimes against humanity.

It has all be explained in the Exposing Christianity site.

Although we don't believe in the christian version of Satan, even the biblical Satan is a good guy: never killed anyone, never lied to anyone while their "god" mass murders millions of people, puts lying spirits in the mouths of prophets and sends delusions to people and make them believe lies so they be damned (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

Modern Christians not doing horrible things doesn't have to do with religion but culture: If you take a look at 3rd world Christian countries like Uganda, they all do horrible things: stone homosexuals, burn witches, crucify cats e.t.c.

Read the Joy of Satan website.

So does Satanism still do the barbaric act of sacrifices?
Darkspirit said:
Whatalife said:
Hello, I am new. I come with kindness and honesty.

I have a question. I was always taught that Satanism does human sacrifices. That religions and beliefs outside of the Judeo-Christian religions all do despicable things. Could someone chime in on this?

The judeo-christian religion say that but their "Hero" is and represent the biggest human sacrifice. The site of Jos can help you to know the truth. :)

But he was resurrected so it wasn't really much of a sacrifice. I know the whole thing makes 0 sense.
What is the end goal of non-biblical Satanism?

For example the end goal of Christianity is world domination so everyone will go to "heaven". Plenty of poor souls have sacrificed their LIFE going to foreign regions of the world for this cause, known as "missionaries".
Whatalife said:
Darkspirit said:
Whatalife said:
Hello, I am new. I come with kindness and honesty.

I have a question. I was always taught that Satanism does human sacrifices. That religions and beliefs outside of the Judeo-Christian religions all do despicable things. Could someone chime in on this?

The judeo-christian religion say that but their "Hero" is and represent the biggest human sacrifice. The site of Jos can help you to know the truth. :)

But he was resurrected so it wasn't really much of a sacrifice. I know the whole thing makes 0 sense.

Look, if you want to analyze it like this there is not even credible evidence of its existence, but you must know that those fairy tales that are told to people as if they were true usually have a hidden spiritual message connected to their purposes.
For example what I wrote above about Jesu depicts non-Jewish humanity being sacrificed for their purposes, and there are some Christian rites where this is done physically.
Now that I think about it there, is an even more detailed article for this.
Whatalife said:
So does Satanism still do the barbaric act of sacrifices?

Did you read the site I linked above? It clearly says:

Joy of Satan Website said:
We are law abiding.

We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."

Whatalife said:
What is the end goal of non-biblical Satanism?

For example the end goal of Christianity is world domination so everyone will go to "heaven". Plenty of poor souls have sacrificed their LIFE going to foreign regions of the world for this cause, known as "missionaries".

Satanism is about reaching Godhood and transforming yourself spiritually. We seek to transform our souls and become Gods, with the help and guidance of Satan and the Gods/Demons. Again it's been explained in the website above.

Joy of Satan Website said:
3. True Satanism preceded Christianity by thousands of years and is based upon total transformation of the soul. Christians are deluded into "accepting Jesus Christ" and "living saved" which is all false. Everything in the Christian religion is false and we prove this beyond all doubts. The Christian "saved" hoax is based upon stolen and corrupted knowledge of alchemy, where one truly works spiritually to transform one's soul into godhead.
Whatalife said:
What is the end goal of non-biblical Satanism?

For example the end goal of Christianity is world domination so everyone will go to "heaven". Plenty of poor souls have sacrificed their LIFE going to foreign regions of the world for this cause, known as "missionaries".

The "end goal" of Satanism pertains to continual advancement of the soul, society, happiness, etc. Nature has a pattern of continuing to propagate and develop life in a certain order. We can even see this in the cosmos, through the way that black holes draw in matter, supercharge it, then expel it "into another dimension" as Stephen Hawking put it.

Looking at out souls, we use energy to build upon the existing aspects within it, so that we become more capable people. Not only that, but we continue this path of development alongside the Gods, who teach and instruct us, and want for us to exist alongside them on the eternal path of life and evolution.

Whatalife said:
But he was resurrected so it wasn't really much of a sacrifice. I know the whole thing makes 0 sense.

That is a sacrifice. They are "teaching" us that the death and suffering of another will result in a benefit for you. Christianity is a death religion, with the Gentiles as the sacrifice.

Furthermore, death and resurrection is a concept that pertains to transformations, like killing a bad habit and creating a good one in its place. The Jews made this into a literal event, so as to ruin the allegorical nature of what is otherwise just a concept that pertains to evolution.

Whatalife said:
So does Satanism still do the barbaric act of sacrifices?

No, and you would absolutely ruin yourself and your soul by doing this. Connecting to such horrible energy is not only inefficient, but extremely damaging to you. Satanism is a path of life.

People with high degrees of sensitivity to energy can clearly sense the depravity of such an act.
What are the best works for slowing down aging?

I realize that I'm entering that age where it's not that long before I start to give up on my looks.

I notice that I look better than most of my peers and others notice this, I would like to maximize this effect and prolong it, what works/runes/planetary energies are best for this? Thank you in advance!
Recycler1337 said:
What are the best works for slowing down aging?

I realize that I'm entering that age where it's not that long before I start to give up on my looks.

I notice that I look better than most of my peers and others notice this, I would like to maximize this effect and prolong it, what works/runes/planetary energies are best for this? Thank you in advance!
Practice yoga two times per day, if possible. One session is for Kundalini Yoga, and the other session is for other Yoga, such as Hatha Yoga. This will help you not only to reach MO faster but also to slow down the aging process. If you can not practice Yoga two times per day, then Kundalini Yoga once per day every day would be my choice. I would also recommend other Kriyas than Basic Spinal Energy Series, but what is required depends on you and your personal situation.

As for mantras... Anything that would boost your health-related attributes would help. In general, or in specific terms, depending on what you choose to use and how you use it. You should also learn about basic (or even advanced) biology to better understand the effects of aging and how your workings can and will manifest in your body and mind.
TranscendTheSun said:
I do the final Rtr every day, all 3 parts. I already have that covered. I always do the power rituals for the gods, and I meditate on the sigils for other gods. So I guess what I'm really asking, is what can I do to become even more connected to a god? To destroy curses that disconnect me from a specific god?
Cleaning of your whole being. Empowering your whole being. Removing obstacles and karma specifically pertaining to disconnection from others.
I have been advancing on meditations for the last couple of weeks. I have a few questions that have came up.

1.) I read what HP Maxine said in one of her sermons that when you dedicate your life unbelievable improves afterward. After being in this for a couple weeks I see what she meant. My life has improved more in the last 2 weeks than the last two years. I feel a bit guilty because of this although. I feel like I have been given a great deal but I haven't given back yet. Since I am in engineering school and work I don't have very much time or money. I would like to give back to JOS but I am not sure what I could do. I can donate some money but other than it seems that all I can do is advance for right now until I am spiritually competent at a basic level. Is there anything I could help out with when I have these handicaps currently?

2.) In the Al Jilwah Satan mentioned that he does not allow friendly association with those who are without. How exactly does JOS interpret this? I am currently living in a christian household because my parents are helping me through college. I am in a situation where they don't ask me to go to church anymore but I am still living here with them. Is it in accordance with Satan's commandments that I keep them at an arms distance? Or should I move out entirely?

3.) How can I avoid disrespecting Satanas and his Daemons? I am worried that I am going to do something stupid and that I might make some error that offends Satanas or the daemon assigned to me. I am not spiritually open enough to get continuous direct communication. But I do get the non stop synchronous events. I can't ask where I am going wrong so I might retartedly continue disrespectful behavior unknowingly. People who think that they can grift off a demons services might come in here and think that they can get away with it, but they are pretty much trying to piss off what amounts to a real life elder god. I don't want to be one of those people.

Any help at all would be much appreciated.
Inventor_Occulti_Fati said:
1.)...I would like to give back to JOS but I am not sure what I could do. I can donate some money but other than it seems that all I can do is advance for right now until I am spiritually competent at a basic level. Is there anything I could help out with when I have these handicaps currently?

You can help the Gods directly just like you would offer things after summoning a Demon.

Inventor_Occulti_Fati said:
2.) In the Al Jilwah Satan mentioned that he does not allow friendly association with those who are without. How exactly does JOS interpret this? I am currently living in a christian household because my parents are helping me through college. I am in a situation where they don't ask me to go to church anymore but I am still living here with them. Is it in accordance with Satan's commandments that I keep them at an arms distance? Or should I move out entirely?

Read the sermon "The Commandments of Satan", it explains in detail what the commandments in the Al Jilwah mean. I'll quote the relevant part.

As for associating with those who are without, how many times have we read about or have been direct recipients of problems with Christians alone? Most Christians will try to convert us, especially if they know we are Satanists. Very few if any, will have a live and let live attitude towards a known Satanist. Nearly all will pray for us and this invites psychic harassment that can be more than just annoying. As for hard core Muslims, their practice has been if they cannot convert someone, they resort to murder. Many Yezidis have been murdered en masse by Muslims. In addition, the enemy works through Christians, Muslims and Jews to create upsets and problems for us and this can be serious.

Note that although they are termed "commandments", they are guidelines for our personal safety, not things to be "obeyed or you'll be punished" like in xianity or Islam. They were given particularly to the Yezidis who were brutally persecuted by Muslims and they had to be extra careful about what they do.

Inventor_Occulti_Fati said:
3.) How can I avoid disrespecting Satanas and his Daemons? I am worried that I am going to do something stupid and that I might make some error that offends Satanas or the daemon assigned to me. I am not spiritually open enough to get continuous direct communication. But I do get the non stop synchronous events. I can't ask where I am going wrong so I might retartedly continue disrespectful behavior unknowingly.

You can't disrespect Satan and the Demons without an intention to do so, because:

  1. They are telepathic and know your inner thoughts better than you, and if you do something disrespectful without your knowledge they understand that you didn't mean it.
  2. There are very few things to do that are considered so disrespectful that they will make them angry, and you can only do these these extremely disrespectful things consciously and willingly.

Are you planning to abuse the Demons in the name of Yahweh and enemy angels using the Lesser Key of Solomon or other enemy grimoires? Are you working to write a hit piece insulting Satan and the Demons or the JoS? Are you trying to commit crimes in the name of Satan and the Demons believing that they are "evil"?

These three are pretty much the only things you can do to make them angry, so If you aren't trying to do any of those things you don't have to worry about insulting them.

There some disrespectful symbols/letters that the Gods will not get offended if you use them without knowing that they are of the enemy, because they are of lesser importance, but Spiritual Satanists still avoid them: using anything Hebrew or jewish like the kabbalah or qliphoth in rituals or magick, using circles in rituals because they were used to abuse the Demons, using a mainstream Laveyan Baphomet symbol which has Hebrew letters and double circles around it e.t.c.

The Gods do understand that humans are imperfect beings and can sometimes be clumsy or awkward, so they do not take offense if we don't do things perfectly or forget some things, or do other things we didn't mean or we didn't know that they come from the enemy.
Nagaraja said:
I am not a native speaker of English. The term 'Dark blessings' is sometimes used here. Why 'Dark'? I feel it has a special meaning.

You could ask those people who say it, as it's not an official thing and not used by high ranking members or high priests.

But it doesn't have a special meaning. Wiccans say "bright blessings" as a greeting so "dark blessings" is just an inversion of it used by some Satanists.
Shadowmage said:
Nagaraja said:
I am not a native speaker of English. The term 'Dark blessings' is sometimes used here. Why 'Dark'? I feel it has a special meaning.

You could ask those people who say it, as it's not an official thing and not used by high ranking members or high priests.

But it doesn't have a special meaning. Wiccans say "bright blessings" as a greeting so "dark blessings" is just an inversion of it used by some Satanists.

I see. So it's a inversion of the Wiccan 'bright blessing'. That's what I wanted to hear. Thank you very much!
lexa666 said:
I'm new on this forum and i have a question.
I dedicated myself to satan so i did the ritual but the sheet of paper is burning very slowly, it has been 6 hours and it doesn't stop.
Does it mean something?
Usually a sheet of paper burn in less than 30minutes.

Thank you in advance.

Can someone verify I got the minor body chakras correct?

I haven't opened all of mine yet, thanks!!!

Front side:

Back side:

P.S. The full 3D models are almost done. I'll be shooting rendered videos in all sorts of ways so people can have clips to make those short videos and stuff.

I could even do animated meditation tutorials. My plan is to provide free clips so yall can spread it around the web!
I'm baffled. On the JoS website, it says:

"Recreational drug is your own business and your own judgement. Responsibility to the responsible. Spiritual Satanism advocates empowering the soul without the use of artificial stimulants or mind-altering substances, but this is up to the individual."

Then why has HPS Maxine said that things like recreational weed (THC) is to be fully avoided? She said the same thing for LSD - 'Don't f***ing take it'.

Now the JoS webpage says 'take it if you want'. What's the discrepancy?
sola said:

It means that nobody is going to punish you for these things. This is unlike Christianity or Islam which directly punish you for taking in restricted substances. At the same time, HPS Maxine can still give advice on the subject, including her own judgement.

This type of freedom is especially needed now in history, where many rights are lost to "protect you". We can figure out what we want to do on our own.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=433609 time=1680233037 user_id=21286]
sola said:

It means that nobody is going to punish you for these things. This is unlike Christianity or Islam which directly punish you for taking in restricted substances. At the same time, HPS Maxine can still give advice on the subject, including her own judgement.

This type of freedom is especially needed now in history, where many rights are lost to "protect you". We can figure out what we want to do on our own.

Thank you for the response.

On a previous occasion, I asked if consuming recreational THC or LSD will block us from spiritual growth. To which, a fellow SS said 'Yes, it blocks spiritual growth'.

If that's true why would the JoS say that taking such substances is 'fine'? Unless one CAN in-fact grow spiritually even while using recreational drugs.

It all boils down to 'will it block growth or not?'. Because if it does block spiritual growth/evolution/advancement, I would never do recreational drugs, even if I can & not get punished for it. On the other hand, I will indulge in weed and lsd if it doesn't stop me from completing the Magnum Opus.
sola said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=433609 time=1680233037 user_id=21286]
sola said:

It means that nobody is going to punish you for these things. This is unlike Christianity or Islam which directly punish you for taking in restricted substances. At the same time, HPS Maxine can still give advice on the subject, including her own judgement.

This type of freedom is especially needed now in history, where many rights are lost to "protect you". We can figure out what we want to do on our own.

Thank you for the response.

On a previous occasion, I asked if consuming recreational THC or LSD will block us from spiritual growth. To which, a fellow SS said 'Yes, it blocks spiritual growth'.

If that's true why would the JoS say that taking such substances is 'fine'? Unless one CAN in-fact grow spiritually even while using recreational drugs.

It all boils down to 'will it block growth or not?'. Because if it does block spiritual growth/evolution/advancement, I would never do recreational drugs, even if I can & not get punished for it. On the other hand, I will indulge in weed and lsd if it doesn't stop me from completing the Magnum Opus.

Reply by HP HoodedCobra here on that same subject: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=433543#p433543
VoiceofEnki said:

So if I have this correct, recreational drugs DO block us from completing the Magnum Opus and shouldn't be used. (?)

If so, it might be worth rewording that section of the website. It might be mistaken by newcomers as an invitation to continue their drug habit, or even start a new one.
sola said:

You are spreading a lie that you invented. There is nowhere that says it is "fine" to do these things, and there is nowhere that says it is safe or harmless.

It just says it is your choice. If you choose to destroy yourself, nobody is going to rescue you from your own horrible choices. You also have the ability to make the choice to jump off of a cliff, or to hold yourself under water and drown yourself. You being able to do this, does not mean that it is safe or harmless or "fine."
sola said:
VoiceofEnki said:

So if I have this correct, recreational drugs DO block us from completing the Magnum Opus and shouldn't be used. (?)

If so, it might be worth rewording that section of the website. It might be mistaken by newcomers as an invitation to continue their drug habit, or even start a new one.

Yes you got that right.

Recreational drugs create chemical imbalances in your brain and damage your cognitive function, inhibit your senses and many also directly act upon and harm the glands of the body (which also affects the endocrine system), all of which inhibits the persons ability to effectively meditate and work on their soul, thus making it impossible to get anywhere near the Magnum Opus before these negative habits are overcome and the damage done is healed (which may not be fully possible in the present life depending on how severe the abuse had been).

There are a bunch of sections on the JoS which should be updated, I think HP HoodedCobra and the JG's will look into that as time permits.

Someone may indeed interpret the meaning here to say it is fine for them to continue abusing substances while being an SS, however that is not what is being said.

The meaning is more to signify that Satan or the JoS doesn't treat your past mistakes (or ongoing issues) of that kind as some unforgivable sin for which the person will suffer for eternity in some hellfire or whatever, but to show that these are difficulties a person can run into in life which one can overcome and surpass, and also heal from, but that at the same time responsibility over oneself also lies with yourself and ultimately it is a choice to continue a harmful habit or attempt to overcome and heal from it.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
. . . Hail Satan!

Thank you for the previous 2 responses.

I have had another SS tell me that alcohol is different, in that it can be consumed moderately without inhibiting our ability to meditate. And that it won't block us from completing the Magnum Opus. Do you know if its true?

Also, is there a way to know if drugs have damaged a soul beyond repair in it's current incarnation? I've done weed nearly everyday for 3 years, Xanax once, LSD twice. Am I prevented from completing the Magnum Opus in this incarnation because of that?

Ol argedco luciftias said:
sola said:

You are spreading a lie that you invented. There is nowhere that says it is "fine" to do these things, and there is nowhere that says it is safe or harmless.

It just says it is your choice. If you choose to destroy yourself, nobody is going to rescue you from your own horrible choices. You also have the ability to make the choice to jump off of a cliff, or to hold yourself under water and drown yourself. You being able to do this, does not mean that it is safe or harmless or "fine."

Na mang. I spread no lie, 'cause I'm not telling anyone its fine. And I never invented the statement. I only asked wether or not thats what the webpage was 'implying', cause I was genuinely confused. I'm certainly against recreational drug use, and I discourage people from using it.

The webpage doesn't explicitly say it's fine, but it doesn't explicitly say that recreational drugs are bad either. It merely says 'you shan't be punished for using them' - and says nothing more than that. Which a newcomer can potentially misinterpret as saying 'it's fine to use'.

To leave no room for confusion, it might be wise to explicitly state 'The Gods won't punish you for using recreational drugs. However, the drugs will block you from advancing your soul. They can even cause unrepairable damage to your soul, which could require more than one lifetime to resolve. Therefore, recreational drugs should be avoided at all cost.'.
Something along those lines.

Also, I heard that alcohol in moderate amounts doesn't damage the soul. That should also be explicitly mentioned if its true.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
there is nowhere that says it is safe or harmless

I must also add;

You are correct that "there is nowhere that says it is safe or harmless".

It's just that there was also nowhere that said it is dangerous and harmful. That was the source of confusion for me.

(I forgot to type that in the original response) (Pretend its all one post thhx)

I was wondering if anyone has any information about

1/ the black sun

2/ how the stars /planets effect the formation of the soul or astral /etheric body at the time of birth?— i.e. how the astrological macrocosm imprints itself on the human microcosm at the time of birth?

thanks v much for your help
Is_that_so said:
Can someone verify I got the minor body chakras correct?

I know I asked this question a few times but are the minor body chakras here correct? (Big red dots)

I'm gonna shoot some animations this weekend. I just need to confirm this.

The red dots in the front photo is only on the front and vice versa for the back.


isn't there a good reason why I'm coming here I remember seeing Sonic.exe in my childhood I swear
Are these Clairaudience points correct?

My center points are weak and I'm questioning whether I even understand where they are.


360 Video:
Psidewinder said:
isn't there a good reason why I'm coming here I remember seeing Sonic.exe in my childhood I swear

Since you're here see also:
In my opinion if you are here, something connects you with this place, maybe something internal.
I suggest you also see the documentary in my signature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
