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Henu the Great said:
Yuna24 said:
Hello everyone! Good Morning!

Does anyone know what the number 27 means?

I had a dream earlier, in the dream I looked at the time on my cell phone and it showed 27:27, then it showed 27:27:27.

As 2 + 7 is equal to 9 and 27 appeared 3 times, 9x3 is equal to 27 kkkk

Interestingly I am 27 years old in May this year, lately I have seen repeated numbers, mainly 9.
Nine is one of Satans numbers, and 27 is three times nine.

Thanks for answering me.
I didn't know, I thought that only 13, 666 and 4 were his numbers. What does the number 9 mean in Satanism?

Do you know any good books on numerology?
Yuna24 said:
Thanks for answering me.
I didn't know, I thought that only 13, 666 and 4 were his numbers. What does the number 9 mean in Satanism?

Do you know any good books on numerology?
9 entails endings, permanence, destruction.

I don't know any good resources outside of JoS.
Mühür üstünde meditasyon yapmak mührü karşıma koyup boşluk meditasyonu yapar gibi odaklanmak ile mi oluyor yoksa enerjileri bağı vs. mi hissetmem lazım ?

Hermit of 13 Swords said:
Lenore said:
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
-Sec snip-

Bir müddet zaman geçtiği için konuları kısaca alıntılamak istedim. Tekrar yazıyorum çünkü bu konuyla alakalı daha farklı durumlar yaşadım ve kafama takılan birtakım şeyler var bu yüzden ve daha önce konusu geçmiş olduğu için sana sormak istedim açıkçası.
Öncelikle 2. sorudan bahsetmek istiyorum: Sen dedikten sonra dediğin nefes egzersizini yaptım ve artık bir basınç/sıkıntı hissetmiyorum, teşekkür ederim bunun için.

Asıl söylemek istediğim şey de ilk sorudaki konuyla alakalı. Rüzgar hissinin auramla alakalı olduğunu düşünüyorum, tabii her zaman hissettiğim bir şey değil. Ancak bir müddet sonrasında garip bir şey fark ettim:

Her zaman olmasa da bazı zamanlar yatağımda uzanırken meditasyon yaptığımda özellikle sol bölgemde daha yoğun bir enerji hissediyordum (sağ tarafım duvar kenarında kalıyor), bunun da kendi enerjimle alakalı olduğunu düşünüyordum açıkçası. Ama araştırdıkça ve zaman geçtikçe yanılıyormuşum gibi hissetmeye başladım ve bu his de sadece meditasyon yaparken de olmuyor. Mesela Joy of Satan'ın kendi sitesinde, forumlarda ya da Türkiye sitesinde bir şeyler okuyup araştırırken de hissettiğim oluyor. Sanki bir basınç varmış gibi, sanki bir şey varmış gibi yani. Çok üstünde durmamıştım ama geçen gün auralar hakkındaki bir araştırmamda kişinin aurasının alanına bir varlık yaklaştığında bu tarz hisler yaşayabildiğimizi öğrendim. Sonrasında da aklıma daha önceden şu sayfada uyguladığım meditasyon aklıma geldi: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=165227#p165227

GD olduğunu düşündüğüm Tanrı'nın adını bu şekilde titretip denediğimde yanımda o kadar değişik bir basınç hissetmiştim ki anlam verememiştim bile. Aynı gün onun mührüne bakıp meditasyon yaptığımda da şu ana kadar hissettiğim en pozitif ve sıcak hissettiğim anlardan birini yaşamıştım.

Bunu anlattım çünkü yaşadığım his buna benziyor. Aslında bir iki gündür sormayı düşünüyordum ve birazcık çekindim uzun bir konu diye ama dün de benzerini yaşadım ki dün bunu yaşadığımda fark ettim de hissettiğim enerji benden ayrı :DD tabii kimin ya da neyin enerjisini hissediyorum bilmiyorum sıkıntı bu. Dün bu olaydan önce Gardiyan Demonumla konuştum (mührüne bakıp meditasyon gibi yani) bu yüzden hissettiğim şey pozitif de olabilir bilmiyorum.

Dediğim gibi uzun bir soru sorduğum için kusura bakma, benden daha iyi bildiğin için çözüm bulmam daha kolaylaşır diye düşündüğüm için sormak istedim.

Ve son olarak da farklı bir konuda fikrini alabilir miyim? Üst bölgede bulunan üç dişil çakrayı çok rahat hissediyorum. Eril çakraları da hissediyorum tabii ki ama üsttekiler daha yoğun. Auraları görebiliyorum zaten ve uğraşsam durugörü ve duruişiti noktalarını da zorlanmadan açabilirim diye düşünüyorum ama kök çakramı üsttekiler kadar yoğun hissedemediğim için o noktaları açtığımda sıkıntı yaşayabileceğimi düşünüyorum o yüzden dengeyi sağlamadan bunu yapmama kararı aldım. Aldığım karar mantıklı mı, yoksa sadece Tanrılar ile olan ilişkimi ilerletmemi mi engelliyor?

Teşekkür ederim.


Öncelikle sol tarafında neden daha yoğun hissetmene sebep olabilecek aklıma gelen durumlardan başlayalım.

1-Sağ ve sol taraflarının hissetme miktarı farklı:

Bunu çözmek için en basit çözüm uzun süre raum meditasyonu(Normalde hemen başlanmaması gereken bir meditasyon. Mer Ka Ba gibi meditasyonlara daha başlamadıysan yapma.) olurdu muhtemelen. Yanında Ay/Güneş nefesi de benzer bir etki yaratacaktır. Eğer sorun bundan ibaretse bu yeterli olacaktır.

2-Odanda bir ruh var:

Gardiyan veya başka bir ruh olabilir. Negatif bir ruh olduğu kanısına varırsan kovma ritüeli yaparak bundan kurtulabilirsin. Aynı zamanda, her zaman olması gerektiği gibi, koruma ve temizlenmeni eksik etme.

3-Auranı daha iyi hissetmeye başlıyorsun:

Bazen auramızda belli kısımları daha önce hissetmeye başlarız. Bu benim için 3. gözüm çevresi ve ellerim idi. Diğer yerleri de hissedebilesek de bu yerler daha net gelir. Bu durumu yaşıyorsan, astral hislerin zamanla açılınca bir sorun olmayacaktır.

Şimdi diğer konudan bahsedelim.

Bu durumu ben de yaşamıştım. Doğrusu hala üst çakraları daha rahat hissediyorum. Diğer konu için olan birinci önerim bu durumda da geçerli.

Onun yanında astral hislerini açmanın büyük bir dengesizlik yaratacağını düşünmüyorum. Dengesizlik korkun varsa enerjini dengeleyen teknikleri sık sık ve bol miktarda yapabilirsin. Biraz düz mantık olsa bile fazla büyük olmadıkça dengesizlik problemini çözecektir.

İyi akşamlar.
Henu the Great said:
Yuna24 said:
Thanks for answering me.
I didn't know, I thought that only 13, 666 and 4 were his numbers. What does the number 9 mean in Satanism?

Do you know any good books on numerology?
9 entails endings, permanence, destruction.

I don't know any good resources outside of JoS.

I understand. A number of things are happening in my life, I almost died in my work, maybe I just have this year.
Thanks for answering me. May Satan bless you.
Yuna24 said:
I understand. A number of things are happening in my life, I almost died in my work, maybe I just have this year.
Thanks for answering me. May Satan bless you.
Most likely some hard planetary transits.

You should put the work in cleaning and protection to mitigate these issues.
Arno Dorian said:
Mühür üstünde meditasyon yapmak mührü karşıma koyup boşluk meditasyonu yapar gibi odaklanmak ile mi oluyor yoksa enerjileri bağı vs. mi hissetmem lazım ?

Boşluk meditasyonu yapar gibi ama 'boşluğa' odaklanmak yerine mühüre odaklanmalısın. Ondan sonra istersen bir bağ yaratmak sana kalmış. Her türlü yeterince odaklanınca mühürün enerjisini hissedeceksindir.
Henu the Great said:
Yuna24 said:
I understand. A number of things are happening in my life, I almost died in my work, maybe I just have this year.
Thanks for answering me. May Satan bless you.
Most likely some hard planetary transits.

You should put the work in cleaning and protection to mitigate these issues.

It may be, I don't know much about astrology. I do a lot of protection and cleaning work, I have been feeling very good about it, the meds and meditations help me a lot.

I can only thank the Gods and Goddesses for making the meditations available to us, the people in the forum, to the HP's for their hard work.

I really don't know if I will finish this year alive and without accidents, every day I go out to work and I don’t know if I’m alive, it’s my job. Yesterday I saw the number 666, it’s so rare that I see this number, I like to think that Satan was taking care of me, maybe it’s just a coincidence.

Thank you so much for answering me Henu.
Can I vibrate the words of power such as aum, satanama, and isa in my head as oppose to out loud? Thank you.
What is the economy, market and factories of National Socialism?
Yuna24 said:
It may be, I don't know much about astrology. I do a lot of protection and cleaning work, I have been feeling very good about it, the meds and meditations help me a lot.

I can only thank the Gods and Goddesses for making the meditations available to us, the people in the forum, to the HP's for their hard work.

I really don't know if I will finish this year alive and without accidents, every day I go out to work and I don’t know if I’m alive, it’s my job. Yesterday I saw the number 666, it’s so rare that I see this number, I like to think that Satan was taking care of me, maybe it’s just a coincidence.

Thank you so much for answering me Henu.
Satan is with us. Keep your head up and don't let negative thoughts dictate your life.

You'll come on top of your challenges eventually.
Hi all,

I am new to the forums and Satanism as well. I have been very curios about it and wanted to know more. My question is all I have done so far is my 3rd eye exercises and the basic starters of aura meditation, when I do the aura meditation all I see is black - is this normal?
I did the deviation ritual , but deviated from Satanism and converted to a other religion..... do I need to do the dedication ritual again to come back to Satan?
Rumpl said:
Hi all,

I am new to the forums and Satanism as well. I have been very curios about it and wanted to know more. My question is all I have done so far is my 3rd eye exercises and the basic starters of aura meditation, when I do the aura meditation all I see is black - is this normal?

Here is a Satanic FAQ pdf


This will have answers for most questions you may have as a new Satanist.

Study the whole JoS wesbite thoroughly and try to be consistent on your meditations. With consistency, your visualisations and sensitivity to energy will increase dramatically.
Rumpl said:
Hi all,

I am new to the forums and Satanism as well. I have been very curios about it and wanted to know more. My question is all I have done so far is my 3rd eye exercises and the basic starters of aura meditation, when I do the aura meditation all I see is black - is this normal?

Yes, visualization takes practice and persistence to develop.

When I first had to visualize my chakras they were non existent, or dark and misshapen.
Rumpl said:
Hi all,

I am new to the forums and Satanism as well. I have been very curios about it and wanted to know more. My question is all I have done so far is my 3rd eye exercises and the basic starters of aura meditation, when I do the aura meditation all I see is black - is this normal?

Yes, visualization takes practice and persistence to develop.

When I first had to visualize my chakras they were non existent, or dark and misshapen.
Rumpl said:
Hi all,

I am new to the forums and Satanism as well. I have been very curios about it and wanted to know more. My question is all I have done so far is my 3rd eye exercises and the basic starters of aura meditation, when I do the aura meditation all I see is black - is this normal?

The more you visualize the better you will get. Your aura is probably very dirty and will take alot of time to clean. be sure to start returning curses parts one and 2. it takes about 1 to 2 years to fully clean the aura. When your third eye is more open you can start to see swirls of color even with your eyes cloesd during the night. some people have had this all their lives as they have probably worked on their third eye in previous lives. Do follow the 40 day mediation program by HP.cobra if you havent already :)
I have my question.
Last night I fall asleep after using DXM.
Then I watched dream which has a sing shows me red colored "8" and Jupiter.
How do you think about it?
and also I want to know about sort of merit/demerit of psych drugs.
Rumpl said:
Hi all,

I am new to the forums and Satanism as well. I have been very curios about it and wanted to know more. My question is all I have done so far is my 3rd eye exercises and the basic starters of aura meditation, when I do the aura meditation all I see is black - is this normal?

i was expriencing this as well for some time. It can be expected if you lack visualization skills or have a dirty aura. What helped me for both of these was closing my eyes either in direct sunlight or closing your eyes facing a bright light and using that as a crutch to help with vizualizaton. Another thing that helped me really was that with each exhale i was breathing out the blackness or dark spots in my aura and rifilling it or replacing it with white gold energy (preferably from the sun). I took the initative on this to find out what would work best for myself and i gotta say that every time i do aura cleansing i get intense heat through my body and sometimes ill start sweating a lil depending on how intense the heat is. It is pretty stimulating and over all a good feeling. Im sure that with daily and nightly cleansing plus aura of protection meditaions youll start to notice how dirty your aura can get after a long hard day which is why its important to keep practicing on cleansing and building a strong aura of protection. the aura of protection will help protect you more and more from these harmful energies that dirty the aura, also usually making it easier to clean as you continue to be consistent with your meditation. I highly recommend the 40 day meditation program if you havent heard about it. The 40 day meditation program is a great starting program if you want to know what a meditation schedule should look like and slowly transition into making meditation a daily habbit. Its also a good program to help start you off in the right direction.
Thank-you all for the replies, I have downloaded the 40 Day PDF which was in the first couple of posts in this forum :)
one of goat ppl said:
I have my question.
Last night I fall asleep after using DXM.
Then I watched dream which has a sing shows me red colored "8" and Jupiter.
How do you think about it?
and also I want to know about sort of merit/demerit of psych drugs.

Dream analysis is not my forte.

I can tell you that drugs are not of Satan.
During void meditation at first, I couldn't sit 5 minutes without feeling agitated or intense desire to go do something else. I could do power meditations with no problem. Sitting 1:30 minutes at a time sometimes using mantras or visualizations, although my legs would fall asleep or get uncomfortable sometimes.
Now I'm more focused on mastering void and I can sit for about 30-40 minutes without getting that irritated feeling of wanting to do something else, during this time I've been able to stop talking in my head as much, but I'm always in the search of something more, like an out of body experience or something big is supposed to happen from meditating. I don't really know what it is but it doesn't let me really master void meditation or benefit as much as I should. It's like I can't help visualizing higher states of being, without ever getting there because I can't relax my mind completely. I feel the right side of my brain and body(sometimes) kinda heavier, and my right temple gets random pressure but not my left idk. Hopefully this passes with time. I've cut my power meditations by a lot and try to do void meditation or guided chakra meditations so I can practice chakra spinning and being patient just sitting, although Im really starting to like void meditation with no noise :)
one of goat ppl said:
I have my question.
Last night I fall asleep after using DXM.
Then I watched dream which has a sing shows me red colored "8" and Jupiter.
How do you think about it?
and also I want to know about sort of merit/demerit of psych drugs.
All of those drugs are garbage. They are all harmful, and none of them will show you anything real. If you see some hallucination, it is only because your brain is being flooded with false signals from the drug. It is not real, and it is not any spiritual experience.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
one of goat ppl said:
I have my question.
Last night I fall asleep after using DXM.
Then I watched dream which has a sing shows me red colored "8" and Jupiter.
How do you think about it?
and also I want to know about sort of merit/demerit of psych drugs.
All of those drugs are garbage. They are all harmful, and none of them will show you anything real. If you see some hallucination, it is only because your brain is being flooded with false signals from the drug. It is not real, and it is not any spiritual experience.

Thankyou for a reply.
I avoid them.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
What is the economy, market and factories of National Socialism?

Please, reply that.
Rumpl said:
Another question,

Where can I get a real Satanic rosary from?

You can very easily make one.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
SatanicMonarch666 said:
What is the economy, market and factories of National Socialism?

Please, reply that.

What was the National Socialist "Financial System"?

The Nazi's Created Free Energy To Liberate The World From The Jewish Oil And Banker Grip

The Jews Slaughter Of Baku, Nobel Oil And Tesla

Your Financial Slavery Explained

The Ancient Financial System Explained
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SatanicMonarch666 said:
SatanicMonarch666 said:
What is the economy, market and factories of National Socialism?

Please, reply that.

What was the National Socialist "Financial System"?

The Nazi's Created Free Energy To Liberate The World From The Jewish Oil And Banker Grip

The Jews Slaughter Of Baku, Nobel Oil And Tesla

Your Financial Slavery Explained

The Ancient Financial System Explained

I have vivid memories of my past life given to me through dreams which I have confirmed through the use of my natal chart, and I wish to truly explore more. I know a few things that are for certain in regards to my profession in my past life and what my involvement was during that specific timeline, but I wish to know my name and other things regarding my most valuable relationships/friendships from my past life and pretty much confirmation of whom I may have worked for. Is this possible, and how?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
