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Arno Dorian said:
Tçm'yi uzun süredir deniyorum ama ne kadar işe yarıyor bilmiyorum , ki bence yaramıyor . İmajinasyon süresini uzun tutmadığımdan olabilir mi ?

Bright Truth said:
Arno Dorian said:
Forty days of meditation ended two months ago, but I haven't been able to meditate regularly for two months. Do I have to start meditation for six months or should I continue with sanskrit mantras?

TÇM'yi dene kardeşim. Enerji fazla gelirse vücudunu enerjiye alıştırmak adına çeşitli çalışmalar yapabilirsin.

Bu tür durumlarda genellikle en büyük sebep kişinin düzgün boşluk meditasyonu yapmaması oluyor.

Boşluk dikkat sürenizi arttırmanın yanında sağladığı konsantrasyon diğer tüm meditasyonlarda aldığınız verimin artmasına sebep olacaktır. O yüzden öncelikle temel meditasyonları(Boşluk, koruma aurası, temizlenme) ile RTR'ları düzgün ve eksiksiz bir şekilde yapmaya çalışmanı öneririm. Ondan sonra üzerine TÇM koy ve devam et.

Eğer düzeni oturtmakta zorluk çekersen kendine bir ödül ceza sistemi kur. Mesela günlük meditasyon ve RTRları yapamadan sosyal medyaya gireme, oyun oynayama vb. Zaten alışınca bu sisteme gerek kalmayacaktır.

Onun yanında hatırlatmak isterim. Arasıra kaçamaklar olabilir. Bu normal. Lakin asla iki kere ard arda kaçamak yapmadığından emin olmalısın.
Hello!! Some time ago I opened my third eye, sixth and seventh chakra, having already done this I understand that what continues to open my astral sight is to practice with visualization but I have 2 doubts about it and I would like to be able to receive a good answer: )

First, would going into a trance help me to be able to visualize the astral more easily?

Second, does basic power meditation (breathing energy) also help to open my astral senses? I mean, I know it helps me sensitize myself to energy, but how does it help me open my astral senses or just breathe energy into the respective chakras?

Postscript: lately from time to time I see bright spots out of nowhere and when I focus on my astral sight sometimes purple lights come out where my astral vision should be, is that a good sign?
Mas preguntas sobre los sentidos astrales, espero no fastidiar pero desde niño siempre fue un sueño y me he estado enfocando mucho en ese aspecto de lo oculto/espiritual, aqui mi duda es:

Sin una glandula pineal activa, es basicamente imposible activar la vista astral cierto?

lo que me hizo pensar esto es que lei que la glandula pineal es la que libera el dmt natural en el cuerpo, siendo una sustancia que es capaz de hacernos "alucinar" hasta cierto punto, al ser capaz de controlarla supongo que con una activacion total de la glandula pineal mas el tercer ojo, sexto y septimo chakras es inevitable con el tiempo que los sentidos astrales despierten y se activen completamente, estoy en lo correcto?
How do you destroy a thoughtform/servitor that is not your own?
The thoughtform is there, attached to me I can see it sometimes, a black globe. It is really recking havoc on me. I'm trying to read up on it, just seems like a servitor to me. Knows magic, talks to me, makes me confused. Very confused right now trying to get help.

Any help is appreciative!

Thank you!

Hail Satan and the true Gods and Goddesses!
Hello I was just wondering if Satan created us doesn’t that mean he came from nature?
Silentwarrior said:
How do you destroy a thoughtform/servitor that is not your own?
The thoughtform is there, attached to me I can see it sometimes, a black globe. It is really recking havoc on me. I'm trying to read up on it, just seems like a servitor to me. Knows magic, talks to me, makes me confused. Very confused right now trying to get help.

Any help is appreciative!

Thank you!

Hail Satan and the true Gods and Goddesses!

If you know it's name, you can reverse that, and program it to die.

If you do not, you can do this by cleaning, usage of a banishing mantra like Vinasa, or by raw overpowering, such as attacking it.

However, you seem to maybe be early on with spirituality and your description is not clear on if it is a thought form or what it is. You will know more as you go along.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Silentwarrior said:
How do you destroy a thoughtform/servitor that is not your own?
The thoughtform is there, attached to me I can see it sometimes, a black globe. It is really recking havoc on me. I'm trying to read up on it, just seems like a servitor to me. Knows magic, talks to me, makes me confused. Very confused right now trying to get help.

Any help is appreciative!

Thank you!

Hail Satan and the true Gods and Goddesses!

If you know it's name, you can reverse that, and program it to die.

If you do not, you can do this by cleaning, usage of a banishing mantra like Vinasa, or by raw overpowering, such as attacking it.

However, you seem to maybe be early on with spirituality and your description is not clear on if it is a thought form or what it is. You will know more as you go along.
Thank you!
I have been doing the banishing and currently doing the detaching of persons on this. I do not know its name.
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
Player7 said:
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
It depends on the person's talent, practice and spiritual development. I think if you practice 10 mins everyday, it could take from a few days to months. You can also do a spell to fasten the process.

My best advice is don't give up. Not having results in few days discourages a lot of people. You usually get the results you desire after those hardships.
Thank you. I suppose by spell you mean something with runes?

Depends on you. Use runes, mantras or just do a planetary square. I didn't made a spell for astral projection before, so i don't know what you should use. Maybe someone made one before and can share it but it's usually better to do one yourself.
I see. Thank you!
balo666 said:
Hello!! Some time ago I opened my third eye, sixth and seventh chakra, having already done this I understand that what continues to open my astral sight is to practice with visualization but I have 2 doubts about it and I would like to be able to receive a good answer: )

First, would going into a trance help me to be able to visualize the astral more easily?

Second, does basic power meditation (breathing energy) also help to open my astral senses? I mean, I know it helps me sensitize myself to energy, but how does it help me open my astral senses or just breathe energy into the respective chakras?

Postscript: lately from time to time I see bright spots out of nowhere and when I focus on my astral sight sometimes purple lights come out where my astral vision should be, is that a good sign?

In regards to the First and Postscript, most definitely. When we first start we need to get into trance to get the best results. The results are still there if one can't get into a deep trance hut it gets way better the deeper the trance.

Many here have reported the same about flashing lights when working on their top chakras and astral sights including the 3rd eye. I believe it's written in the main site that this is a good sign.

I recommend checking the intermediate meditations as it sounds your good to go on those. You will find more info and higher level of energy breathing.

balo666 said:
Mas preguntas sobre los sentidos astrales, espero no fastidiar pero desde niño siempre fue un sueño y me he estado enfocando mucho en ese aspecto de lo oculto/espiritual, aqui mi duda es:

Sin una glandula pineal activa, es basicamente imposible activar la vista astral cierto?

lo que me hizo pensar esto es que lei que la glandula pineal es la que libera el dmt natural en el cuerpo, siendo una sustancia que es capaz de hacernos "alucinar" hasta cierto punto, al ser capaz de controlarla supongo que con una activacion total de la glandula pineal mas el tercer ojo, sexto y septimo chakras es inevitable con el tiempo que los sentidos astrales despierten y se activen completamente, estoy en lo correcto?

Creo que si. Pero ayuda tambien trabajar el treser ojo y seis y septimo chakras. Si tiene un glandula pineal fuerte si creo que es mas facil abrir los sentidos astrales. Con todo que a leido y las experiansas que yo a tenido peinso que si eres correcto.

Tambien querio decir que yo no soy bien avansado como otros aqui todavia ja ja.
Muchas gracias por responder mis preguntas :)
hailourtruegod said:
balo666 said:
Hello!! Some time ago I opened my third eye, sixth and seventh chakra, having already done this I understand that what continues to open my astral sight is to practice with visualization but I have 2 doubts about it and I would like to be able to receive a good answer: )

First, would going into a trance help me to be able to visualize the astral more easily?

Second, does basic power meditation (breathing energy) also help to open my astral senses? I mean, I know it helps me sensitize myself to energy, but how does it help me open my astral senses or just breathe energy into the respective chakras?

Postscript: lately from time to time I see bright spots out of nowhere and when I focus on my astral sight sometimes purple lights come out where my astral vision should be, is that a good sign?

In regards to the First and Postscript, most definitely. When we first start we need to get into trance to get the best results. The results are still there if one can't get into a deep trance hut it gets way better the deeper the trance.

Many here have reported the same about flashing lights when working on their top chakras and astral sights including the 3rd eye. I believe it's written in the main site that this is a good sign.

I recommend checking the intermediate meditations as it sounds your good to go on those. You will find more info and higher level of energy breathing.

balo666 said:
Mas preguntas sobre los sentidos astrales, espero no fastidiar pero desde niño siempre fue un sueño y me he estado enfocando mucho en ese aspecto de lo oculto/espiritual, aqui mi duda es:

Sin una glandula pineal activa, es basicamente imposible activar la vista astral cierto?

lo que me hizo pensar esto es que lei que la glandula pineal es la que libera el dmt natural en el cuerpo, siendo una sustancia que es capaz de hacernos "alucinar" hasta cierto punto, al ser capaz de controlarla supongo que con una activacion total de la glandula pineal mas el tercer ojo, sexto y septimo chakras es inevitable con el tiempo que los sentidos astrales despierten y se activen completamente, estoy en lo correcto?

Creo que si. Pero ayuda tambien trabajar el treser ojo y seis y septimo chakras. Si tiene un glandula pineal fuerte si creo que es mas facil abrir los sentidos astrales. Con todo que a leido y las experiansas que yo a tenido peinso que si eres correcto.

Tambien querio decir que yo no soy bien avansado como otros aqui todavia ja ja.

No creo que estabas deciendo que la droga DMT ayuda pero en caso ay unos que piensen o estan confudidos, la droga DMT no ayuda para nada para el espirito (spelling?) Hace daño a los que usan eso. Lo que el cuerpo produce es natural y se puede controlar pero usando drogas quita ese control y tambien a los que tienen una glandula pineal fuerte y daña el cerebro.

I had an urge to clear this up just in case.
Can I ask my guard demon to introduce itself in my dream? And should I do the standard ritual for this or is it enough to call him?
There are two things I want to ask about.

1) Do Satanists ever perform any black magic or death rituals on those who blatantly abuse their position of power?
2) Can an SS remote view at locations like Bilderberg meetings and such?

Just curious. ^_^
Hello!! good morning

Meditating last night I concentrated on opening my sixth chakra side chakras and then my third eye, to proceed to breathe energy through the 3 to my sixth chakra, to which my vision suddenly and strongly lights up. It almost made me jump with fright, when I noticed this I continued directing energy to the sixth chakra. It gave me the impression that this light "blinked" as I read in an article, now, the information that I have obtained speaks of a light when ida and pingala are in the sixth chakra:

"The third eye is the front of the sixth chakra. The sixth chakra is where the Ida and Pingala snakes meet. When the kundalini pierces this chakra, it opens the last of the three knots. A flash of light is often experienced when this occurs. Opening the third eye is an important step in consciousness. "

Here he talks about when the kundalini pierces the sixth chakra, but I never felt the heat through my spine or some of the other symptoms mentioned, at least I have not noticed it, I practice meditation on all the chakras daily, yoga, exercise, I eat well and meditate a lot.

When I saw this very strong light I remember feeling a great pressure in the sixth chakra, I visualized it very vibrant and tried to direct the energy to the seventh chakra, which made me relieve that pressure

My question here is is it possible that I have raised the kundalini and really not noticed it? and if not, could someone help me identify what happened?

Thanks so much for reading
Arno Dorian said:
Can I ask my guard demon to introduce itself in my dream? And should I do the standard ritual for this or is it enough to call him?

You can but i reccomend using this[url] guide to at least narrow it down to some extend. Knowing your potential guardians would make it easier to understand the dream and find out who he/she is.

If you couldn't find it in the dream then a ritual might be better and you can ask the gods to make it more clear.

BioElektrik said:

1) You can use black magic according to your own judgment. There really isn't hard rules like "If you use black magic on X then gods will punish you!" etc. Bear in mind that infighting between SS isn't welcome. We need to stand strong together. No need to bear our fangs to each other. Especially in times like this.

2) You can. I recommend working on your third eye for this. Astral projection might be better. It would give you a better view of the place in my opinion.
Yesterday rtr, I meditated and then went to sleep. In my dream, I saw a woman.A pars in front of him was accompanying him, he looked at me, reached out his hand, gave me a path, said I should use that path after that.I looked at the Gods / Goddesses, but I didn't see a god/goddess that fit my description. I wonder if the person I see is a God / Goddess or an enemy.

[The person I see is of medium height, brown skin and black hair. her dress was satin red, like a prom dress, and the skirt part was fluffy.]

Yesterday rtr, I meditated and then went to sleep. In my dream, I saw a woman.A pars in front of him was accompanying him, he looked at me, reached out his hand, gave me a path, said I should use that path after that.I looked at the Gods / Goddesses, but I didn't see a god/goddess that fit my description. I wonder if the person I see is a God / Goddess or an enemy.

[The person I see is of medium height, brown skin and black hair. her dress was satin red, like a prom dress, and the skirt part was fluffy.]

I have been trying to open my sixth chakra for six days with the mantra of YAUM, but although I feel a slight pressure and headache, there is no sign of feeling intense bliss. What should I do? Am I doing the right thing or is something wrong?
Aren't we allowed to post anything in Arabic on this forum? I wrote an article of more than 13 pages which has been accepted. It talks about how to clean the aura with much infornarion of the Jewish agenda and the truth about Satan and the gentile Gods.
If no moderator in here understands Arabic, let me be a moderator. We need more Arabic material on JoS and I'm already writing some more articles.
hailourtruegod said:
hailourtruegod said:
balo666 said:
Hello!! Some time ago I opened my third eye, sixth and seventh chakra, having already done this I understand that what continues to open my astral sight is to practice with visualization but I have 2 doubts about it and I would like to be able to receive a good answer: )

First, would going into a trance help me to be able to visualize the astral more easily?

Second, does basic power meditation (breathing energy) also help to open my astral senses? I mean, I know it helps me sensitize myself to energy, but how does it help me open my astral senses or just breathe energy into the respective chakras?

Postscript: lately from time to time I see bright spots out of nowhere and when I focus on my astral sight sometimes purple lights come out where my astral vision should be, is that a good sign?

In regards to the First and Postscript, most definitely. When we first start we need to get into trance to get the best results. The results are still there if one can't get into a deep trance hut it gets way better the deeper the trance.

Many here have reported the same about flashing lights when working on their top chakras and astral sights including the 3rd eye. I believe it's written in the main site that this is a good sign.

I recommend checking the intermediate meditations as it sounds your good to go on those. You will find more info and higher level of energy breathing.

balo666 said:
Mas preguntas sobre los sentidos astrales, espero no fastidiar pero desde niño siempre fue un sueño y me he estado enfocando mucho en ese aspecto de lo oculto/espiritual, aqui mi duda es:

Sin una glandula pineal activa, es basicamente imposible activar la vista astral cierto?

lo que me hizo pensar esto es que lei que la glandula pineal es la que libera el dmt natural en el cuerpo, siendo una sustancia que es capaz de hacernos "alucinar" hasta cierto punto, al ser capaz de controlarla supongo que con una activacion total de la glandula pineal mas el tercer ojo, sexto y septimo chakras es inevitable con el tiempo que los sentidos astrales despierten y se activen completamente, estoy en lo correcto?

Creo que si. Pero ayuda tambien trabajar el treser ojo y seis y septimo chakras. Si tiene un glandula pineal fuerte si creo que es mas facil abrir los sentidos astrales. Con todo que a leido y las experiansas que yo a tenido peinso que si eres correcto.

Tambien querio decir que yo no soy bien avansado como otros aqui todavia ja ja.

No creo que estabas deciendo que la droga DMT ayuda pero en caso ay unos que piensen o estan confudidos, la droga DMT no ayuda para nada para el espirito (spelling?) Hace daño a los que usan eso. Lo que el cuerpo produce es natural y se puede controlar pero usando drogas quita ese control y tambien a los que tienen una glandula pineal fuerte y daña el cerebro.

I had an urge to clear this up just in case.

Hola! Me refería al dmt natural que libera la glándula pineal, hasta donde he leido, la glándula pineal libera esta sustancia cuando soñamos y en otras ocasiones como al nacer y al fallecer
I was reading some old discussions surrounding Enochian, and there seems to be a strong opinion that it is either a fake language, inherently jewish, or not all that powerful.

If that is true, then why is the Necronomicon not considered the same? It is attributed to John Dee...
Is there a link to what all numbers represent like for example number 9 being the number of endings and finality?
Osiris Silvio said:
Aren't we allowed to post anything in Arabic on this forum? I wrote an article of more than 13 pages which has been accepted. It talks about how to clean the aura with much infornarion of the Jewish agenda and the truth about Satan and the gentile Gods.
If no moderator in here understands Arabic, let me be a moderator. We need more Arabic material on JoS and I'm already writing some more articles.

There is an automatic translation for most browsers, it wouldn't matter.
Basically nothing changed in the physical world and my meditation routine, but recently I feel quite hot that sometimes I find it hard to sleep and become lethargy, I can sleep up to 9 hours. Is there any reason for that?
Hello again. :)
Could any of you can suggest some workings that improve clairvoyance?

I completed the 'opening third eye' meditation 3 times and I've meditated on my third eye everyday over a month period. I've also tried the meditation for clairvoyance a few times (the 6 astral eyes) and should probably make it a daily task as well.

I'm finally moving to the sixth chakra but I am still feeling eager to see auras/energy. I let my impatience take over for a while, wanting to master the third eye's abilities before moving on. I can feel my third eye's presence very easily so I figure it's probably open. Since that's the case I may as well continue opening the other chakras while working on clairvoyance.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help.
BioElektrik said:
Hello again. :)
Could any of you can suggest some workings that improve clairvoyance?

I completed the 'opening third eye' meditation 3 times and I've meditated on my third eye everyday over a month period. I've also tried the meditation for clairvoyance a few times (the 6 astral eyes) and should probably make it a daily task as well.

I'm finally moving to the sixth chakra but I am still feeling eager to see auras/energy. I let my impatience take over for a while, wanting to master the third eye's abilities before moving on. I can feel my third eye's presence very easily so I figure it's probably open. Since that's the case I may as well continue opening the other chakras while working on clairvoyance.

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help.
Opening is just the opening, it is not exactly the same thing as empowering. But it does do some empowering.

You must move to the other chakras and open those also. Think of it like flowing water; you have opened one valve, but all the other valves are still shut, so there is no current.

Open the 6th, open the crown. Open all of your chakras, but it is time now to do the 6th and crown. You can also do the Tuning Chakras Through Vibration meditation. Stick to the mantras that end in "aum." The planetary mantras on that page are also effective, but I do not want you to use the Saturn mantra Shanisvara because it could bring harm to you. So stick with the full set of -aum mantras, because all of these are safe and effective.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Aren't we allowed to post anything in Arabic on this forum? I wrote an article of more than 13 pages which has been accepted. It talks about how to clean the aura with much infornarion of the Jewish agenda and the truth about Satan and the gentile Gods.
If no moderator in here understands Arabic, let me be a moderator. We need more Arabic material on JoS and I'm already writing some more articles.

There is an automatic translation for most browsers, it wouldn't matter.
In that case we wouldn't have subforums for other languages and there wouldn't be different websites for different languages.
You did good Silvio, thank you for your contributions.
BioElektrik said:
There are two things I want to ask about.
1) Do Satanists ever perform any black magic or death rituals on those who blatantly abuse their position of power?
Like against a public figure? No. Everytime someone has asked the consensus is to just do the RTR as it is more affective than just targeting one person. I think it can be useful though. We all could could have gotten together and cursed someone very sick and old like Biden before he got into office.

2) Can an SS remote view at locations like Bilderberg meetings and such?
I’m not sure I honestly never see people discuss remote viewing which seems strange since it has endless potential for our side.
A couple of days ago, meditating in the dark, even having my eyes closed, my vision suddenly lit up so much that it almost scared me, today my perineum has been burning all day, it is quite an unpleasant pain, and I have also been feeling some pressure in the zone, is it possible for my kundalini to rise at any moment?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I understand now, the other chakras help to empower each other so opening more while I continue to empower each of them has a synergistic effect.

I also didn't realize you can use mantras for sound meditations. (I assumed you simply hum a note).
In this case do I use the mantras respective to each chakra (eg. thaum for 3rd eye, raum for 6th chakra, etc)?

Thank you for sharing your time and experience here.
Aquarius said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Aren't we allowed to post anything in Arabic on this forum? I wrote an article of more than 13 pages which has been accepted. It talks about how to clean the aura with much infornarion of the Jewish agenda and the truth about Satan and the gentile Gods.
If no moderator in here understands Arabic, let me be a moderator. We need more Arabic material on JoS and I'm already writing some more articles.

There is an automatic translation for most browsers, it wouldn't matter.
In that case we wouldn't have subforums for other languages and there wouldn't be different websites for different languages.
You did good Silvio, thank you for your contributions.

We have sub forums to keep each race unified with their own. It is not specific to language even though that does fall under category. Every single browser or smartphone has a translation feature. It is built in.

I never said his contributions weren't valued.
When are all the times we should allign our chakras? I've been reading about it I'm just a little confused about it and the chakras are located in the middle and the extensions are at the spine and front right?
GoldenxChild1 said:
Aquarius said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
There is an automatic translation for most browsers, it wouldn't matter.
In that case we wouldn't have subforums for other languages and there wouldn't be different websites for different languages.
You did good Silvio, thank you for your contributions.

We have sub forums to keep each race unified with their own. It is not specific to language even though that does fall under category. Every single browser or smartphone has a translation feature. It is built in.

I never said his contributions weren't valued.
Translations are still better that the web translation features. You said it wouldn't matter, I say it matters.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Like against a public figure? No. Everytime someone has asked the consensus is to just do the RTR as it is more affective than just targeting one person. I think it can be useful though. We all could could have gotten together and cursed someone very sick and old like Biden before he got into office.
Targeting single individuals in this manner is very ineffective. Biden is a simple puppet as a front man. There is also another person right behind him, probably already doing more work than Biden and that is Kamala Harris.

Not to mention the administration is along the lines of 95% jewish. So that alone would be a good reason not to target Biden or someone else in particual alone but focus on group rituals.

Altough, there must be advanced and elite and thus very silent warriors in our forces who might or might not do something that Gods direct them to do which is outside of our rtr efforts.
Hello, I hope someone will notice this post as I'm not often on this thread.

Just have to ask... anyone know where the Leviathan page ended up in the JoS?? :O

Am I going stupid of there WAS a Leviathan Demon description back in the day and now it's not there anymore? I did the word search in every page, English and Italian both (the ones I use), but couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked.

Anyone know where the page is??

I was looking into something regarding dreams and remembered Leviathan's description mentioned that. Has he been removed from the JoS for some reason, or is there another Demon that has 'Leviathan' as a second name?

Thank you.

Hesffcs115 said:
When are all the times we should allign our chakras? I've been reading about it I'm just a little confused about it and the chakras are located in the middle and the extensions are at the spine and front right?

Align them everyday until they are regularly aligned.

Yes the main chakras are in the center up the spine with extension in the back and front.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
