How do I expand on my abilities to communicate with them?
For now at least you can do is praying to Them, visualize their sigil , do Father Satan incantation 3x times or more while visualizing and truly trying to call Him in, ask Him kindly and respectfully to help you achieving what is that you're trying to achieve so if that's to talk with some specific God then you can do that trough Satan as He is the God of the God's and He has put in place God's , He made God's , He's making God's. If you're good and your intent is true and pure and you're truly looking onto evolving and not just false lies to yourself then you will surely be worthy and will succeed in your endeavors.
As per meditation point of view all of them help , protection , empowring over all, you need empowrment on all levels not just the 3th eye and the minor chakras but actual power in the soul and chakras , you need power to be able to stand even stand next to one of the God's or a Being with vast bioelectricity as they posses MASSIVELY, but more specific for connection as you've asked then what Mr Henu advised is right, the :
Pineal Gland , 3th Chakra, 6th and the side astral eyes, there's many more minor chakras . Work on those other eyes, release, clean and empower your third eye [constantly all of them], sexual energy also very beneficial into opening/empowering it[and the rest of the chakras and soul].
In time you will be able to speak with Them more easy and freely , more vivid and for longer , more potent connections , more clear understanding as well , one can be evolved spiritually and even being powerful enough to connect with the God's but if the God's do not wish to so then this will never happen.
Meditations links that are more specific for your question:
l -
this one is great but must be done at the right time, you can still try the mantra for the third eye if you wish to see how it goes also the mantra ISIS is amazing as well!
This is also amazing but you got to translate what it say onto English or you natal language, this is easy to be done trough a free online translate.
Sexual Energy for overall empowering your everything and yourself , fixing and upgrading, evolving , transforming
Pictures and more information's about the minor chakras:
- Pineal Gland :
- Minor chakras for 3th eye :
- "Audio" minors chakras :
*The eye is to see but that do not mean you can hear as well therefore working on all of the minor chakra is important in a full 1v1 connection with more proper access "
-"Audio2" minors chakras :
For as long you're one of us and remain loyal and prove right to Father Satan that you're a kind hearted fellow with good intent and with a vision towards a great and beautiful future , then , the Universe will smile upon you , I know what I am saying, good luck and don't stress over about talking with Them just yet, You will surely do, at the right time , do not let this be a burden or a blockage which will do nothing more then stopping you. Have Faith, do what's right , do it willingly and with all of your heart and sooner or later you will talk to them again but for now If I would were you I would start looking more onto who they were and read more about them beings , this also shows and denote respect and in their eyes shows that we truly really want to connect with them which in reality it does connect with them even more.