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That's why it is important to read through all of the material and use the required mental faculties to put two and two together. Very important and can not be stressed enough.
You don't have to get offended and imply that I'm stupid because of what I said.
You don't have to get offended and imply that I'm stupid because of what I said.
The issue Henu was pointing out, isn't about a lack of intelligence on your part but the simple reality that the occult is extremely complicated and requires a lot of thought and practice, the freeing the soul working is on the advanced section for a reason as a certain level of knowledge and experience is therefore assumed for those reading it and so what is considered foundational for magic such as positive affirmations won't be repeated. The variation in the mantras is due to the fact that each mantra produces somewhat differing effects yet again this is more for those who are understand such things to appreciate neither mantra is wrong they are simply different.

As you advance you will find the rules shift and bend depending on the working in question, this is the sort of thing that requires constant thought, learning and understanding to manage, and there wont always be a written guide for certain principles as you advance further.

Stick to the beginner meditations until your comfortable, having a strong foundation is very important, in both knowledge and ability, then slowly work your way through the intermediate section, the advanced section is actually a huge jump up from intermediate compared to the jump from beginner to intermediate.

Thats not to say you can't do the freeing the soul working, but the more advanced techniques get less explanation as there is more of an expectation of understanding and what can be seen as inconsistency is in fact usually a simple variation of a working.
How do I expand on my abilities to communicate with them?
In the meditation section of JoS website, there is beginner meditation section. In that section there are practices with major and minor chakras. Working on these and void meditation along with trance practice is a good starting point while also not forgoing other useful practices such as cleaning and protection meditations that are pretty much mandatory if one wants to get anywhere.
This is the first time I am writing on the main forum, but the ones I sent yesterday are still not approved, so I am writing under this heading, I hope it will be approved. Perhaps there is no clear and evidential answer to my questions. But I would still like you to answer with logical arguments as much as possible. I will ask questions that have been bothering me on SS for many years.

I have some questions against the basic claims of JoS. These questions will start from creation and go up to the present day. For example, if I am now asking about creation, my next question will be about the formation of civilizations and beliefs. I have been SS for several years and some of these questions have been bothering me for several years. Because whoever I ask says that there is no complete and clear answer. So without further ado, let me move on to my questions. Spiritual Satanism has a claim of creation. Like in Sumerian mythology. The gods come and create modern man in a laboratory using human DNA. SS says that when the gods came to earth, humanity was already extinct and they used the DNA of people who had died. If this is different, you can explain this in more detail. I know this is the case.
Now comes my questions.
How long ago did the gods come? 30,000, 50,000, 200,000, or much earlier? I ask this for a reason. If humanity completely disappeared for a while, why and when did it happen? Is there any archaeological evidence for this? Where were we created in the laboratory, at what stages and for how long?

We humans as 3 races are supposed to get 3 different DNAs. If whites are homosapiens and yellows are homoerectus, which primate are blacks? Evolutionists say that the most diversity is in Africa. It is said that the first humans were black and became white as they migrated northward. How do you explain this logically?
Do you think there was a stone age? If there was a stone age, even when these stone age people were hunter-gatherers, they developed some kind of beliefs according to the nature they were in. For example, they buried their dead and left objects on their graves. I'm talking about people who walked around with spears hundreds of thousands of years ago. When they started to farm a little bit, they started to believe in "mother earth" and women were blessed. But after a while, when they switched to advanced irrigated agriculture, men took women's jobs and when women were no longer needed, the mother goddess was replaced by a patriarchal god, the sun god. Because now they could rule the land and the water, but not the sun. And this led to a fundamental change in their beliefs. From an outsider's point of view, the formation and development of beliefs seems to have happened in a very simple and ordinary way.
That's all my questions for now. I hope someone will be able to give a good and logical answer. I would like a chronological answer, thank you.
Hey guys, I feel like I’m doing everything wrong. I’m brand new to this, and felt very drawn to orobas, so I’ve been praying to him and doing a lot of meditation to audio of his enn chant. Since starting this, I have felt really crappy physically. My head has been hurting, and I’m getting flu like symptoms. It could be a coincidence but I feel like it’s not.
Hey guys, I feel like I’m doing everything wrong. I’m brand new to this, and felt very drawn to orobas, so I’ve been praying to him and doing a lot of meditation to audio of his enn chant. Since starting this, I have felt really crappy physically. My head has been hurting, and I’m getting flu like symptoms. It could be a coincidence but I feel like it’s not.
These are the consequences of playing with "enns" which are a products of our enemy. Josrituals.com has all the rituals you need (Orobas Power Ritual as well, look it up!), and so do the other sites of which links are in my forum signature. Please stop hurting yourself, get closer to Gods, and start getting into real spiritual practices presented by JoS.
That's all my questions for now. I hope someone will be able to give a good and logical answer. I would like a chronological answer, thank you.
That is a really big ask and you will not likely get an accurate answer here. Your best bet is to advance yourself and to pick that information up in meditation and or ask from Gods or Demons who are able to relay this information reliably to you.
How do I expand on my abilities to communicate with them?
For now at least you can do is praying to Them, visualize their sigil , do Father Satan incantation 3x times or more while visualizing and truly trying to call Him in, ask Him kindly and respectfully to help you achieving what is that you're trying to achieve so if that's to talk with some specific God then you can do that trough Satan as He is the God of the God's and He has put in place God's , He made God's , He's making God's. If you're good and your intent is true and pure and you're truly looking onto evolving and not just false lies to yourself then you will surely be worthy and will succeed in your endeavors.

As per meditation point of view all of them help , protection , empowring over all, you need empowrment on all levels not just the 3th eye and the minor chakras but actual power in the soul and chakras , you need power to be able to stand even stand next to one of the God's or a Being with vast bioelectricity as they posses MASSIVELY, but more specific for connection as you've asked then what Mr Henu advised is right, the : Pineal Gland , 3th Chakra, 6th and the side astral eyes, there's many more minor chakras . Work on those other eyes, release, clean and empower your third eye [constantly all of them], sexual energy also very beneficial into opening/empowering it[and the rest of the chakras and soul].
In time you will be able to speak with Them more easy and freely , more vivid and for longer , more potent connections , more clear understanding as well , one can be evolved spiritually and even being powerful enough to connect with the God's but if the God's do not wish to so then this will never happen.

Meditations links that are more specific for your question:
1. 2. 3. l - this one is great but must be done at the right time, you can still try the mantra for the third eye if you wish to see how it goes also the mantra ISIS is amazing as well!
4. - This is also amazing but you got to translate what it say onto English or you natal language, this is easy to be done trough a free online translate.
5. Sexual Energy for overall empowering your everything and yourself , fixing and upgrading, evolving , transforming

Pictures and more information's about the minor chakras:
- Pineal Gland : https://joyofsatan.org/BRAIN2.gif
- Minor chakras for 3th eye : https://joyofsatan.org/Meditation_Points_Eyes2.gif
- "Audio" minors chakras : https://joyofsatan.org/Clairaudience_Points.gif
*The eye is to see but that do not mean you can hear as well therefore working on all of the minor chakra is important in a full 1v1 connection with more proper access "
-"Audio2" minors chakras : https://joyofsatan.org/Clairaudience.gif

For as long you're one of us and remain loyal and prove right to Father Satan that you're a kind hearted fellow with good intent and with a vision towards a great and beautiful future , then , the Universe will smile upon you , I know what I am saying, good luck and don't stress over about talking with Them just yet, You will surely do, at the right time , do not let this be a burden or a blockage which will do nothing more then stopping you. Have Faith, do what's right , do it willingly and with all of your heart and sooner or later you will talk to them again but for now If I would were you I would start looking more onto who they were and read more about them beings , this also shows and denote respect and in their eyes shows that we truly really want to connect with them which in reality it does connect with them even more.
Link on number 3 is : https://joyofsatan.org/Necronomicon_Meditations.html
Above one won't work because it has not an "l" in the end link of the website.
Also I've forgot to add some more which helps a lot with the regard question of communicating with the higher Beings not just our own God's but overall many other beings from all levels.
Rest of the new meditation and links that I've forgot to add:

Yea man, that's kinda it. You got this! Good luck and success to you Brother.
So, I'm apologizing in advance if this is considered low effort, feel free to delete my post if this is the case. I'm skimming the website and seeing a lot of resources to learn, which do seem very interesting, but I'd be interested in a quick gist of what this is all about. I only know Satan as literally meaning Adversary, I reject all abrahamism and am NS, pagan religions sound interesting to me but I have no real knowledge of them yet. In a very quick manner, what is Satan, do you actually worship him as an entity, what are the core tenants/principles of all this and what is the end-goal of this spirituality?
has anyone succesfully raised their kundalinis here and if so, are they still a dedicated satanist? i came out the other side a Hindu after doing the heart chakra. this was not planned nor did i have any prior knowledge of hinduism really. i'd love to have more heart meditation data. i did not, however, experience the solar chakra being more powerful. the chakras i feel the most are crown, third eye, and heart chakra. what chakras do you feel the most, and does this make me a sort of elemental?
So, I'm apologizing in advance if this is considered low effort, feel free to delete my post if this is the case. I'm skimming the website and seeing a lot of resources to learn, which do seem very interesting, but I'd be interested in a quick gist of what this is all about. I only know Satan as literally meaning Adversary, I reject all abrahamism and am NS, pagan religions sound interesting to me but I have no real knowledge of them yet. In a very quick manner, what is Satan, do you actually worship him as an entity, what are the core tenants/principles of all this and what is the end-goal of this spirituality?
HI. There is no reason to delete posts from people who want to learn. The goal of JoS is to evolve humanity, to bring it to higher levels, to spread the truth, to stop falsehoods and lies, to free people from the slavery in which they live.
has anyone succesfully raised their kundalinis here and if so, are they still a dedicated satanist? i came out the other side a Hindu after doing the heart chakra. this was not planned nor did i have any prior knowledge of hinduism really. i'd love to have more heart meditation data. i did not, however, experience the solar chakra being more powerful. the chakras i feel the most are crown, third eye, and heart chakra. what chakras do you feel the most, and does this make me a sort of elemental?
Listen, you're overthinking it too much.

Firsts of all , how would it matter to you or to anyone if you know who raised their kundalini or not, those kind of information's should be not even spread around , one's level , powers and so on so forth. Don't you bother about who can do what or whatever, those information's are irrelevant for yourself.

Secondly , there's not a so called more important and powerful chakra then other, each has it's own meaning and doing , all are important to be perfect in order to become a God, therefore I advise you to focus on all the meditations JOS has to offer in regards of chakra's development and overall empowerment.

Where did you get this one from " this make me a sort of elemental " , you're crazy? You've got a consciousness , look in the mirror , what you're seeing ? Is that a human flesh with it's own mind or you're seeing an elemental , c'mon man , think.
So, I'm apologizing in advance if this is considered low effort, feel free to delete my post if this is the case. I'm skimming the website and seeing a lot of resources to learn, which do seem very interesting, but I'd be interested in a quick gist of what this is all about. I only know Satan as literally meaning Adversary, I reject all abrahamism and am NS, pagan religions sound interesting to me but I have no real knowledge of them yet. In a very quick manner, what is Satan, do you actually worship him as an entity, what are the core tenants/principles of all this and what is the end-goal of this spirituality?
We recognize and see Father Satan and the God's for what They truly are and represent.

We have had the ability and capacity to see what not many can and that is the truth , most of us have joined because we've knew and literally seen how great our God's truly are, myself for instance I have always been attracted towards occult and spirituality and many other things, from all of the things that I have looked in all of the worlds possible there was nobody Greater and more Perfect then Father Satan to teach me all of those things, therefore , me , personally , that's one of the main reasons that I have chosen Them.

For many , this is not the first their lifetime , for many , this has felt like a nostalgic and somehow strange and powerful connection , in a good way, as that you've seen Them before you've even saw Them in this lifetime, meaning we're very old as in soul age time, from far ahead times.

It was not only the desire to know about the universe ,power, existence and many other things but also I was feeling lost and without a purpose , The God's not only that They gave me their hand and took me under their Wings to provide, protect and take care good of me until I learn to fly on my own but They also have me the Greatest Purpose there it is.

There's so many things I could say for being what I am but short, we are the Makers and Protectors of Peace , of Enlightenment , Freedom , Individuality , Progress.
We are the descendants of our own very God's and the whole main purpose it's to advance and becoming a God, I can't see myself living for some other reason greater then the search and meaning of Life. Got to be nuts not to do anything with your souls since we are in for a great journey , all of us.
has anyone succesfully raised their kundalinis here and if so, are they still a dedicated satanist? i came out the other side a Hindu after doing the heart chakra. this was not planned nor did i have any prior knowledge of hinduism really. i'd love to have more heart meditation data. i did not, however, experience the solar chakra being more powerful. the chakras i feel the most are crown, third eye, and heart chakra. what chakras do you feel the most, and does this make me a sort of elemental

Listen, you're overthinking it too much.

Firsts of all , how would it matter to you or to anyone if you know who raised their kundalini or not, those kind of information's should be not even spread around , one's level , powers and so on so forth. Don't you bother about who can do what or whatever, those information's are irrelevant for yourself.

Secondly , there's not a so called more important and powerful chakra then other, each has it's own meaning and doing , all are important to be perfect in order to become a God, therefore I advise you to focus on all the meditations JOS has to offer in regards of chakra's development and overall empowerment.

Where did you get this one from " this make me a sort of elemental " , you're crazy? You've got a consciousness , look in the mirror , what you're seeing ? Is that a human flesh with it's own mind or you're seeing an elemental , c'mon man , think.
Listen, you're overthinking it too much.

Firsts of all , how would it matter to you or to anyone if you know who raised their kundalini or not, those kind of information's should be not even spread around , one's level , powers and so on so forth. Don't you bother about who can do what or whatever, those information's are irrelevant for yourself.

Secondly , there's not a so called more important and powerful chakra then other, each has it's own meaning and doing , all are important to be perfect in order to become a God, therefore I advise you to focus on all the meditations JOS has to offer in regards of chakra's development and overall empowerment.

Where did you get this one from " this make me a sort of elemental " , you're crazy? You've got a consciousness , look in the mirror , what you're seeing ? Is that a human flesh with it's own mind or you're seeing an elemental , c'mon man , think.
apologies, im bad at forums. i was going through a massive reality overhaul (paradigm shift (?)) Theres at least 1 article or paragraph within JoS that mentions the solar chakra being more powerful over heart chakra. i've been only been reading the site since i was 14 so what do i know. i opened the heart chakra, lucifer? nope, no lucifer its Shiva. sorry. anyone else getting shivia just me? just checking. oh, i shouldnt say that out loud, but would that make me fearful? hows that gonna play in the root chakra? stop shaking the ruler at me acting like a NUN
apologies, im bad at forums. i was going through a massive reality overhaul (paradigm shift (?)) Theres at least 1 article or paragraph within JoS that mentions the solar chakra being more powerful over heart chakra. i've been only been reading the site since i was 14 so what do i know. i opened the heart chakra, lucifer? nope, no lucifer its Shiva. sorry. anyone else getting shivia just me? just checking. oh, i shouldnt say that out loud, but would that make me fearful? hows that gonna play in the root chakra? stop shaking the ruler at me acting like a NUN
You sound confused.

Open all the chakras. Follow these instructions, and do it in the order that it says.

All chakras are important Mr ManWithName , Shiva is Lucifer, it's one single same Being.
Yes, solar chakra it's the "most important and powerful" but in order to achieve GodHead all of your chakra has to be equilibrated and perfect, not just one, so proceed with doing just so.
I know that there are other Gods besides the ones from JoS, and i was seeing the pdf of astrology and there was Gods from certain planets.
Guardian Demons can be them too? Or only the ones listed in JoS? And how could i contact them or maybe they would come up to me with signals?
I'm not exactly sure but it's like there is some sort of time or memory thing going on where I keep Getting put into the body of my past self
It is normal for some visions or information about previous lives to come to you. Or it is possible that it could just be a dream, and that it is not actually accurate to your past lives. Either way, this is normal.
I know that there are other Gods besides the ones from JoS, and i was seeing the pdf of astrology and there was Gods from certain planets.
Guardian Demons can be them too? Or only the ones listed in JoS? And how could i contact them or maybe they would come up to me with signals?
Hi, I think that the Demons/Gods that are in the JoS site are enough for now, try to contact them first, to contact the Gods you need to be open, open your capacities open your soul.
Hi all, I want to ask a (hopefully) simple question:

Can you offer any techniques or advice for dealing with strong energies like rage, depression, lust, etc?
I am hoping to employ these myself as well as with a friend of mine who isn't necessarily an SS. I personally generally try to dissociate from any powerful force that is swaying me when I know it is becoming destructive, and wait it out while at some point also trying to focus on something else to fill the place of the unwanted energies. Still, certain things can trigger very powerful energetic pulls and I wish to get better at dealing with them.

I would assume there, in most cases, must be an unhealthy energy regulation throughout the chakras of the soul to begin with if someone is struggling greatly to direct or block certain energies like I asked about above. So I know exercises pertaining to the chakras and energy flow may help.. however, I don't seem to have made as much progress as I'd like, even after years of being aware of how this system works. Sometimes things come on so suddenly or powerfully that I feel more vulnerable to them that I would like to.

I have also noticed in my life that some people around me are not very good at flushing out bad energies and that when they are taken over by them, the energy is very hard for them to discharge and sometimes lingers for hours or even days in bad cases.

I will start researching these things more in-depth in our library here and on the forums and the regular JoS site, but was hoping for some pointers or some guidance in finding the right materials that could help.

Thank you and if it strikes any positivity in anyone, I wish for you to know that I intend to do a lot of good with the information I gain here - good for others, even. Sometimes logical thinking is not very useful or even applicable at all when trying to help someone deal with their energy/feelings.. which may be obvious to some, but I still feel should be mentioned.

Hail Satan. Thanks again, and may what you offer to me be returned to you amply in some way.
I'm not exactly sure but it's like there is some sort of time or memory thing going on where I keep Getting put into the body of my past self
You're saying you are waking up like this - that is a bit confusing. You are not having dreams where this is occurring, but it is happening in everyday, awake life? Can you elaborate some more (as much as possible, really, even paragraphs/essays), because this is quite interesting. I know someone has already begun to respond to you but since I am asking for help with my own question, and I find yours interesting, I would like to try to unravel this with you guys.
Thanks every one for advice. I seem to have a problem now with intention, I called on gusion tonight and he came about before I'd even finished the request. Could really feel the energy and bio electricity, even saw a glimpse like a scan of a landscape with my eyes closed when I asked him to invoke. He left immediatly when I said I'm lost and don't really even know what I want to know. This is a reoccurring problem for me, I can't seem to pick one big important thing as my intention and they don't seem to like it.
Thanks every one for advice. I seem to have a problem now with intention, I called on gusion tonight and he came about before I'd even finished the request. Could really feel the energy and bio electricity, even saw a glimpse like a scan of a landscape with my eyes closed when I asked him to invoke. He left immediatly when I said I'm lost and don't really even know what I want to know. This is a reoccurring problem for me, I can't seem to pick one big important thing as my intention and they don't seem to like it.
Writing things down can help to clear the mind. Reading through the list you can then pick something, and ask about it or whatever the topic might be.
What do you guys think about movies and television shows? For me, I can remember being around 3 years old and feeling alienated from T.V. and feeling weird looking at other kids sitting and gazing into the screen mesmerized. And now that I know it's a tool used to control the way people perceive information..

Anyway, specifically I am curious to see how other people view Horror genre movies? I feel like it is a category of "entertainment" focused around the suffering of human beings, and so I dislike it because the urge is there for me (like for most of us) to feel thrilled when we observe such things, but I don't like to behave and operate that way as I feel I am better than that so I cannot enjoy watching Horror movies/tv with people. It's almost like a "light" form of watching snuff movies.. isn't it? You can draw power from it but, to me, it's dishonorable and depraved and jewish..

Apologies if this is coming out disorganized, there is a lot of sound around me affecting my concentration right now as I write this.

As a pastime, T.V./entertainment seems so destructive but it is so ingrained in people today and hard to get them away from.
What do you guys think about movies and television shows? For me, I can remember being around 3 years old and feeling alienated from T.V. and feeling weird looking at other kids sitting and gazing into the screen mesmerized. And now that I know it's a tool used to control the way people perceive information..

Anyway, specifically I am curious to see how other people view Horror genre movies? I feel like it is a category of "entertainment" focused around the suffering of human beings, and so I dislike it because the urge is there for me (like for most of us) to feel thrilled when we observe such things, but I don't like to behave and operate that way as I feel I am better than that so I cannot enjoy watching Horror movies/tv with people. It's almost like a "light" form of watching snuff movies.. isn't it? You can draw power from it but, to me, it's dishonorable and depraved and jewish..

Apologies if this is coming out disorganized, there is a lot of sound around me affecting my concentration right now as I write this.

As a pastime, T.V./entertainment seems so destructive but it is so ingrained in people today and hard to get them away from.
You're spot on about tv and horror movies. Much better ways to invest your time like void meditation or working out or just enjoying the moment and being aware of your surroundings or spending time with animals.

There was a period in my youth when I watched a lot of asian horror movies and thought of it as a study or exploration of the psychopathology of certain groups of people but ultimately it was just an excuse.

You are better than that, ss know what to do with our precious time.
The whole purpose of the TV is to brainwash people. They are made very smart so the people will get emotionally and psychologically attached towards the rubbish's they are trying to sell and promote in today's time. I have stopped looked at the tv for the past 10 years at least , there's nothing good to be learned , just a waste of time.
You know how they want us to be " be a consumer and don't ask questions " , we are better, we can see trough their deceptions.
The whole purpose of the TV is to brainwash people. They are made very smart so the people will get emotionally and psychologically attached towards the rubbish's they are trying to sell and promote in today's time. I have stopped looked at the tv for the past 10 years at least , there's nothing good to be learned , just a waste of time.
You know how they want us to be " be a consumer and don't ask questions " , we are better, we can see trough their deceptions.
I can't help but see serious underlying ways that digesting media affects the way we perceive the world. You create connections in your brain that go into the subconscious and offer suggestions to your mind when you later perceive that thing again, or something similar - meaning that it guides you to think a certain way.. to say very little. We tend to empathize with characters that we like and respect - whether they're on T.V. or if they're musicians or some other type of celebrity or figure that we accept as a role model. Then their decisions become more credible in our brains and it can result in "monkey see, monkey do." This is probably not news to many of you.. it is still important to keep this information around though for anyone that doesn't know or who hasn't done a lot of thinking about it.

I have a question while I am here - to anyone reading this, do you feel like it's become harder to fall asleep & stay asleep these days? Like maybe starting within the last 5 years? I understand this could be unique to me but I wanted to hear what others have to say. Thanks.
I have a question while I am here - to anyone reading this, do you feel like it's become harder to fall asleep & stay asleep these days? Like maybe starting within the last 5 years? I understand this could be unique to me but I wanted to hear what others have to say. Thanks.
And if let's say 1.000 thousands people will come and say " Yea man, I got the same problem for the exact same time" would truly matter to you? Would that motivate and make you more to taking action onto your situation ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
