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Shael said:
Alpella said:
Ah, I forgot asking my other question.

I've been always having problems in my love life, which means that the longest relationship of mine with a girl just lasted for 2 months, and it really sucks. I never had a relationship which was lasting more than 2 months, and I had like 10 girlfriends or so, so far.

I don't know when I was born, so I can't have any exact idea about my birth chart. And my Mudslime (((family))) don't know either. So what I'm asking you guys is what may be the problem about that, is it beacuse of my negative karma or else? I just want to have your ideas about that. I even did a Venus Square for 49 days to see if the Venus in my birth chart is the problem, but after I did that, I had another girlfriend and it just lasted for 2 weeks.

I hope somebody can find out the solution to this problem, because it really sucks as it seems.
What kind of parents dont even know what day their kid was born? Like wtf.

Go to http://lydiasastrology.com and contact Lydia with the contact-form on there. I think maybe she will be able to help you to roughly figure out your birthday. If you can successfully figure this out, order her Love Reading and you should get some more insight into why your relationships all end up like this.

Ah, I just realised that I had a mistake, I know what day I was born, but I don't know what time I was born. Sorry.

But yeah, my family sucks. I don't want to get into so deep but I remember the time when they were beating me and my brother, he is also a cock. Islam and it's programs made them in this way.

I will finish Islam off when the time comes. And thanks for the suggestions, Shael. I hope you're doing good with your de-corruption working on "The Book of Five Rings". :)
Aquarius said:
Alpella said:
Greetings to All Satanic Sisters and Brothers, It's me again. :p

Firstly, thanks to all of your replies to my questions, they have been very useful for me. And now I have another one.

I just realised that I'm a person which is not patient even since I was a kid. And I'm thinking about changing it, because it has been a really big problem for me.
And I am wondering that what would you suggest me to fix this problem? Thanks.

Hail Satan, forever.
Maybe you don’t have much earth element in you. Try invoking some earth everyday(not too much!) and affirming that it’s making you more patient permanently(in a positive way)

Maybe, I would like to reply you with the exact informations about myself though. But anyways, I will start invoking earth today. Thanks.
Alpella said:
Ah, I just realised that I had a mistake, I know what day I was born, but I don't know what time I was born. Sorry.
That is much better, then. Do contact Lydia about this as she successfully did birth-time rectification for other SS already. Once you roughly know your time of birth, you can get yourself some vital intel through astrology. :)

Alpella said:
But yeah, my family sucks. I don't want to get into so deep but I remember the time when they were beating me and my brother, he is also a cock. Islam and it's programs made them in this way.

I will finish Islam off when the time comes.
Sorry to hear that you had to go through that stuff. I hope your situation is better now.

Alpella said:
And thanks for the suggestions, Shael. I hope you're doing good with your de-corruption working on "The Book of Five Rings". :)
No problem man. It's going good, just a lot of work to do overall as usual.
Shael said:
Alpella said:
Ah, I just realised that I had a mistake, I know what day I was born, but I don't know what time I was born. Sorry.
That is much better, then. Do contact Lydia about this as she successfully did birth-time rectification for other SS already. Once you roughly know your time of birth, you can get yourself some vital intel through astrology. :)

Alpella said:
But yeah, my family sucks. I don't want to get into so deep but I remember the time when they were beating me and my brother, he is also a cock. Islam and it's programs made them in this way.

I will finish Islam off when the time comes.
Sorry to hear that you had to go through that stuff. I hope your situation is better now.

Alpella said:
And thanks for the suggestions, Shael. I hope you're doing good with your de-corruption working on "The Book of Five Rings". :)
No problem man. It's going good, just a lot of work to do overall as usual.

I'm living with the same people now, but I will get into another place when I have my financal freedom. They can't punch or beat me anymore, because I can punch harder even if they try it. I can't relent somebody who tells "Kill yourself so you can be in peace and also us." to their son. That's what they said to me, and the reason is I was doing meditations/RTRs out loud. That's the reason why I started lifting, really.

Anyways, I got incredible anger about that. So I'll just move on to another, thanks. I'll contact with Lydia on this topic. Thank you for the idea.
Alpella said:
GG Allin said:
Alpella said:
Ah, I forgot asking my other question.

I've been always having problems in my love life, which means that the longest relationship of mine with a girl just lasted for 2 months, and it really sucks. I never had a relationship which was lasting more than 2 months, and I had like 10 girlfriends or so, so far.

I don't know when I was born, so I can't have any exact idea about my birth chart. And my Mudslime (((family))) don't know either. So what I'm asking you guys is what may be the problem about that, is it beacuse of my negative karma or else? I just want to have your ideas about that. I even did a Venus Square for 49 days to see if the Venus in my birth chart is the problem, but after I did that, I had another girlfriend and it just lasted for 2 weeks.

I hope somebody can find out the solution to this problem, because it really sucks as it seems.

did they tell you why they broke up ?

Actually, mostly it was me who broke up, brother. It's like there is a feeling that I couldn't name inside me and this feeling pops up after a while when I recently have a girlfriend. The situation is mostly like, I have a girlfriend, everything is incredibly good for 1-2 weeks, or 1 month, but after that, this feeling pops up in someway (even it happens when I just woke up, nothing has to be happened to manifest that feeling) and destroys all of the love inside me towards the girl. And I can't love her anymore, so we break up. It's shitty, I know.

maybe you have some hang ups which interrupt a serious relation ship. I would suggest doing a freeing the soul working.
see this topic for more information do not start at a void moon and look for ss calendar for the best date to start:

good luck
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Welcome everyone of our new members.

This post is now a Sticky Topic so that people can ask their questions.

Below I post also two important things to start with.

40 Days of Power - A meditation program designed for absolute beginners in Spiritual Satanism to get you started easily:


SATANIC FAQ's by Johnson Akemi:

I have a few questions, if it isnt too much trouble :). is there such thing as errr..not sure what to call it "astral sickness" or "ascension sickness" as in somethings getting worse before they get better when you start out with power meditation...? as in the equivalent of muscles being really sore after never working out, just being in the gym.
i'm about 2 weeks into my 40 day power meditation program, and at first i noticed the ankle arthritis was significantly reduced. The normal time of the month when i tend to have alot of aggressive and irritable dispositon, was non existant almost. the week almost ive noticed ive become very forgetful (at first i thought this was coincidental with PMS, because thats a tick of mine but it still lingers now after the fact) and ive had small to large crying spells, one just very recently...i dont think ive ever cried that hard that much since my mom died 6 years ago...and i was particularly instable today.
second queston...i have a feeling ive pissed the bad guys off (good!) i had hypnogogic imagery of them bugeyed creeps in my trance state close to sleep after meditating on my third eye...the first though i had when they persisted was these images are pissing me off. this morning i saw a liscense plate in front of me that had middle numbers 777 on them.. ( shortly before i dedicated i saw one just like this on my right side on the road with one that had 666...as if i was being told to make a choice o_O.) the day RIGHT BEFORE my dedication ( we get passes to go in and out of the plant) the pass i got had the number 777...i taped over it and wrote 666...i had a big nudge to throw it back to them i dont know why i didnt..anyway (sorry for long story) i have a feeling after my chaotic time recently and my instable day and disturbing images (especially during trying out some yoga) that the enemy is trying to get to me and threatening me with punishment...it not only made me angrier enough to do an extra RTR for the day but it made me uneasy all day. is this what would be call an astral attack?
final question..i have been gaining some experience with dowsing and a ouija board...is it possible that a void of course moon also throws the readings of these off?

thanks alot for any answers you can give!
Ghost in the Machine said:
Axaru said:
My name is Adam and I was a member of the jos for almost 3 years back in the days. I did the 72 name RTR everyday for months in a row and everything went fine. But then I fell for a jewish trap. It is called “anticosmic satanism 218 / TOTBL “. This left me vulnerable to the enemy and made me end up with spiritual emptiness and apathy. My soul has been much damaged during the time that I left. I have now decided to rejoin the joy of Satan and I have asked father Enki to forgive me and to take me back. I started my first Final Rtr rituals last week in the hope of mending my soul from the enemy attacks. Now, I have a question about the final Rtr. I feel like I properly protected myself but still I felt no significant benefits from the final RTR. Rather I felt real bad psychic attacks that made my stomach turn around. I also felt slowed down. Does this mean that Enki is no longer protecting me? Has he forgiven me? And is he still with me ? Or does it mean that I was too lazy with auric protection? As I understand it, once a psychic attack gets through, no amount of aftercleansing can remove its effect? Thank you.

Gotta start from square one again. This means fighting the same challenges you had to when you initially started out the first time in order to strengthen your soul again. Anti-Cosmic Satanism is a trap much like the Illuminati was and you can blatantly see in their works jewish symbols and mentions of leviathan (the jewish soul) and all their other related filth.

Satan is not, nor will he ever be, some 'awl fergiving jewsus'. If you made a mistake in your path then you damn well better correct it and make it right, because saying you're sorry and doing nothing more will get you no where.

The sickness you feel when doing the RTR is likely not a psychic attack but instead the amount of filth you've allowed in your soul from the enemy being cleaned out. When we purify our souls of filth and negativity within, as it is leaving us it manifests in a variety of ways depending on how deep-seated the garbage is. These manifestations include but are not limited to: doubt, fear, sudden depression, dread, sickness, the feeling of something 'wrong', etc.

This is a good sign in that the RTR is working to free you. Some members that have allowed enemy filth to affect them too much will find that whenever they are doing RTRs or a working that attacks the enemy, they feel like they are being attacked themselves. This is because the enemy energy they have allowed into themselves is being destroyed by the workings, because the workings destroy the enemy and such energy is of the enemy thus it is affected and you feel it.

I encourage you to continue doing the RTRs regardless of how it makes you feel, and know that any negativity that occurs while doing it is just the working cleaning the filth out of you. Don't try to get rid of everything in one day by doing like 30 RTRs as this could result in a violent reaction. Just do 1 or 2 daily for now and keep going. In addition you are in no state to be half-assing your protection and aura cleaning since you are likely much worse off now than you were before you first started out. It's not impossible to get back up on your feet and we've had members recover completely from far worse, but this requires you to make a consistent effort.

As for your relationship with Satan, I suggest you begin mending it as soon as possible while you continue to pick yourself back up. Dedicate a number of workings on yourself for a day to him to show that you are still going to fight for your personal growth to finish his work. Create or send him gifts, poems, art, crafts, something that is genuine and sincere from your love and affection. Do not expect any forgiveness as this must be earned. Satan does not want to hear you apologizing and pleading for forgiveness like mindless xtians do for their false jewish 'savior'. I don't know the story of your situation but if you have made a genuine mistake and understand that it was a mistake, then Satan will understand as well, but you must make amends.

Also as a side note, do not share any personal information about yourself whatsoever such as your name, actual location, etc. It's for your safety.
thanks also, this answered one of my questions i just posted xD. i guess when i was scrolling i didn't see ya there..very helpful though and explains alot!
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Welcome everyone of our new members.

This post is now a Sticky Topic so that people can ask their questions.

Below I post also two important things to start with.

40 Days of Power - A meditation program designed for absolute beginners in Spiritual Satanism to get you started easily:


SATANIC FAQ's by Johnson Akemi:

I have a few questions, if it isnt too much trouble :). is there such thing as errr..not sure what to call it "astral sickness" or "ascension sickness" as in somethings getting worse before they get better when you start out with power meditation...? as in the equivalent of muscles being really sore after never working out, just being in the gym.
i'm about 2 weeks into my 40 day power meditation program, and at first i noticed the ankle arthritis was significantly reduced. The normal time of the month when i tend to have alot of aggressive and irritable dispositon, was non existant almost. the week almost ive noticed ive become very forgetful (at first i thought this was coincidental with PMS, because thats a tick of mine but it still lingers now after the fact) and ive had small to large crying spells, one just very recently...i dont think ive ever cried that hard that much since my mom died 6 years ago...and i was particularly instable today.
second queston...i have a feeling ive pissed the bad guys off (good!) i had hypnogogic imagery of them bugeyed creeps in my trance state close to sleep after meditating on my third eye...the first though i had when they persisted was these images are pissing me off. this morning i saw a liscense plate in front of me that had middle numbers 777 on them.. ( shortly before i dedicated i saw one just like this on my right side on the road with one that had 666...as if i was being told to make a choice o_O.) the day RIGHT BEFORE my dedication ( we get passes to go in and out of the plant) the pass i got had the number 777...i taped over it and wrote 666...i had a big nudge to throw it back to them i dont know why i didnt..anyway (sorry for long story) i have a feeling after my chaotic time recently and my instable day and disturbing images (especially during trying out some yoga) that the enemy is trying to get to me and threatening me with punishment...it not only made me angrier enough to do an extra RTR for the day but it made me uneasy all day. is this what would be call an astral attack?
final question..i have been gaining some experience with dowsing and a ouija board...is it possible that a void of course moon also throws the readings of these off?

thanks alot for any answers you can give!
Yes meditation cures problems, and yes, those were astral attacks. Welcome:)
GG Allin said:
Alpella said:
GG Allin said:
did they tell you why they broke up ?

Actually, mostly it was me who broke up, brother. It's like there is a feeling that I couldn't name inside me and this feeling pops up after a while when I recently have a girlfriend. The situation is mostly like, I have a girlfriend, everything is incredibly good for 1-2 weeks, or 1 month, but after that, this feeling pops up in someway (even it happens when I just woke up, nothing has to be happened to manifest that feeling) and destroys all of the love inside me towards the girl. And I can't love her anymore, so we break up. It's shitty, I know.

maybe you have some hang ups which interrupt a serious relation ship. I would suggest doing a freeing the soul working.
see this topic for more information do not start at a void moon and look for ss calendar for the best date to start:

good luck

Thank you.
After I open all of my 7 main chakras ( today I'm starting on base chakra) I am planning on opening all other minor chakras. So do I do them for 4 constant days as well or just until I feel like I completely opened them? I had to do some of my main chakras for longer than 4 days. Thanks for answers
Lydia said:
G… M… said:
Morgenröte said:
Good day all. I have the two following questions regarding a new rune meditation program for myself.
I want to start with the mannaz rune for strengthening the memory. When is the best calender day to start for this and with colour should I visualize, while vibrating it into my left side of the brain.

Second I also will start with Utal to get back useful talents of my previous reincarnations. On which date can I start with this to increase its power?

I appreciate every help I get
Thank you very much

Hail the gods of hell

I think Lydia would be able to assist you regarding the calendar dates... she'll see this obviously just by me mentioning her name....

Here I am :p

For improving memory, the soonest date would be Wednesday July 3, it's a new/waxing Moon in Cancer. Make sure to start before the Void Moon. A fuller Moon would be better, but there are other factors which make this date suitable. Moon rules the memory and it will be strong in it's home sign Cancer.

Personally I would not vibrate it into the brain, I would just vibrate it as usual into my entire being, all the energy, as memory also involves the soul ability, not just the physical brain. With a fitting affirmation, the energy will go where it is needed.

For Othal and past life talents, there will be a New Moon eclipse on Tuesday July 2. Day of Mars is not the best, but the eclipse will be powerful.

Or, you can do a 40 day working with Mannaz first, and then Othal in some months when it will be Full Moon in Pisces, a good time for meditation and spiritual endeavours such as Othal for past lives. A good date will be Thursday September 12, after the Void Moon.

To find Void Moon calendar, click the link in my signature and download the one in your time zone, or use lunarium.co.uk and make sure to input your location (default is London UK).

to remember the date, which is tomorrow, for those in need...
Greetings, my Satanic family. I have been initiated into Spiritual Satanism for a year and several months. I am seriously working in the fight against the enemy of Satan. Three months ago (after the ritual of the reversal of the Torah and intense meditation) I had a dream.I usually don’t remember my dreams, but this one was very distinct. It was Hitler with his army, and two Runes of Soul were very distinctly burning in the sky. The army seemed to be descending from the sky ... It was a beautiful and magnificent sight. And after I saw this dream, I very often began to see the numbers 1:11 on the clock. This has been going on for several months. It looks like a date .... After a Halloween night. May I ask your opinion about this? With what it can be connected. Personally, I feel that this is due to the return of the Antichrist. And it will happen soon Thank you all
I started doing the "40 day power meditation program" by HPHC ,4 days ago.
Do I have to get myself into trance while doing the meditations? I was trying to get myself into trance, but it's too advanced to me, I think; I got no results.

I have a question about Magick in general. When you vibrate a rune or a mantra, where do you Focus your attention, light body or Aura. I have done some successful rune working focusing on the Aura. But that’s something else when you use your aura to attract things. What if I’m to do a magical square?
Another question when I’m programming and directing the energy, does it have to be at exact same time. It’s just sometimes hard to focus on two things at the same time affirmation and visualization.

Hail Satan
Hail Ishtar
Hail Hitler
Vaal said:
I started doing the "40 day power meditation program" by HPHC ,4 days ago.
Do I have to get myself into trance while doing the meditations? I was trying to get myself into trance, but it's too advanced to me, I think; I got no results.

No need to get overly fixated on this in the beginning. The important part is that you focus your mind on the vibrations and on what you are doing in the current moment. Also, results can take time to manifest. Just keep working on it and you will see results in time :)
Eannatum said:
I have a question about Magick in general. When you vibrate a rune or a mantra, where do you Focus your attention, light body or Aura. I have done some successful rune working focusing on the Aura. But that’s something else when you use your aura to attract things. What if I’m to do a magical square?
There is no need to be overly paranoid about this. As long as you focus on the mantra you are vibrating, you will be fine. Generally you'd try to vibrate it into your entire body. If you are working on a specific area like healing an organ, or empowering a chakra, you would try to focus your vibration to this specific area.

Eannatum said:
Another question when I’m programming and directing the energy, does it have to be at exact same time. It’s just sometimes hard to focus on two things at the same time affirmation and visualization.

Hail Satan
Hail Ishtar
Hail Hitler
Above all else, focus on the affirmation itself. Do not just fall into a habit of stating it in your head without even being focused on what you are affirming. Stay focused on the affirmation and state it with powerful intent, and with confidence. To my knowledge, the stating of the affirmation is what is done consciously with full intent and focus, and the directing of energies is what is done in the "background" while you state the affirmation. For example strongly stating an affirmation to empower your solar chakra, while focusing on it and in the background visualizing it shining golden and bright like the sun.
Shael said:
Vaal said:
I started doing the "40 day power meditation program" by HPHC ,4 days ago.
Do I have to get myself into trance while doing the meditations? I was trying to get myself into trance, but it's too advanced to me, I think; I got no results.

No need to get overly fixated on this in the beginning. The important part is that you focus your mind on the vibrations and on what you are doing in the current moment. Also, results can take time to manifest. Just keep working on it and you will see results in time :)

Thank you. I need to be more patient with this, I guess. :)
Am I correct in assuming that the commonly suggested technique of using breaths to invoke elements and vital energy is a simple physical mnemonic for generating the correct etheric/astral actions? I've been experimenting with invoking using a constant suction or pulling sensation rather than focusing on my in breaths and it seems to work just as good, but I don't know if ignoring this aspect of invocation will have negative repercussions later on in my development.
Sorry I forgot to add this to my question. Dose the magical square get you a permanent results or you should state permanently in the affirmation.
Eannatum said:
Sorry I forgot to add this to my question. Dose the magical square get you a permanent results or you should state permanently in the affirmation.
Depends what you are working on and what your affirmation is about. But it does permanently put more of that planet's energy into your soul. I noticed that the energy of the planet keeps building up in me more and more even after the square is done, like months later. It's like doing the square makes an acceleration of that planet's energy going into you, so the flow and velocity is still there even after the acceleration stopped. Like when you suck on a siphon hose to get it to start flowing, then when you stop and put the hose down it keeps flowing by itself now.
Eannatum said:
Sorry I forgot to add this to my question. Dose the magical square get you a permanent results or you should state permanently in the affirmation.
It's usually good practice to add "permanently" or "eternally" or "forever" in your affirmation regardless of what method you are using, if you want the results to be permanent.
Hail Satan!
I'm new in this forum but I'm SS since 2012 and now I have big problem with my husband who is also SS and I need help to advise me what to do. It would be great is someone have a little time to talk in private because problem is a very big.

Hail Satan to all new members and all new in JoS.
Morax said:
Hail Satan!
I'm new in this forum but I'm SS since 2012 and now I have big problem with my husband who is also SS and I need help to advise me what to do. It would be great is someone have a little time to talk in private because problem is a very big.

Hail Satan to all new members and all new in JoS.
I think you should talk to your husband about it. What is a marriage if you can't even talk to each other about everything?
Morax said:
Hail Satan!
I'm new in this forum but I'm SS since 2012 and now I have big problem with my husband who is also SS and I need help to advise me what to do. It would be great is someone have a little time to talk in private because problem is a very big.

Hail Satan to all new members and all new in JoS.
Feel free to post a topic on the main forums here regarding your problem (without revealing anything that would identify you personally) and I'm sure you will get many replies to address your issue. :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Morax said:
Hail Satan!
I'm new in this forum but I'm SS since 2012 and now I have big problem with my husband who is also SS and I need help to advise me what to do. It would be great is someone have a little time to talk in private because problem is a very big.

Hail Satan to all new members and all new in JoS.
I think you should talk to your husband about it. What is a marriage if you can't even talk to each other about everything?

Yes I know, we always talked and resolved our problems, but now is something else, I just think that he is now under the influence of his Christian father and he listens him, more than me and our father Satan. I really trying to reach him but I just can't. He isn't at home, he is embark on cruise ship to work and don't have time to meditate, so I think he is very weak now and Christians can reach his soul. He is changed and he told me some nasty think that is forbidden for us, it's involved kids, especially our kid. I won't to say public but you can assume what's about. I was in shock when I read that, because it's not something to even joke about.
That's why I need advise what can I do to diskonect him from his Christians perents, they still trying to take him back to Christianity and he don't see that clearly.
I have been having issues with the kundalini for a long while. I do alternate nostril breathing every day, but it does not fix the problem or even noticably diminish it. One side has been consistently dominant for a very long time, ever since I activated it around a year ago. While this has increased my levels of bio-electricity and caused some major benefits, it has also caused some serious problems because it has always been dominant in just that one side. It is to the extent where even the blood flow on that side is much more intense and it renders getting to sleep difficult.

I do meditate every day for a small amount, but it is just not fixing this problem whatsoever. I also do a small degree of yoga, and it is still not fixing this. What amount of meditation and what kind of exercises are needed to solve this? Any advice that could be of somewhat quick and verifiable effect would be greatly appreciated, as this is really a serious issue for me. I think that if I could solve it, the benefits of having that level of bio-electricity balanced on both sides would probably be immense, but I have been stuck on this for a long time, and I'm really hoping for a solution rather than having to assume it is unfixable. Please let me know if there is a clear solution to this.
Greetings to all Satanic Sisters and Brothers!

(Forgive me, I don't speak English well.)

I have some questions.

1. What happens if I fail to complete Magnum Opust in this life? Can I continue in my next life?

2. What do you do after you have successfully completed Magnum Opus? Do you go to work in the same way, do you live your "everyday" life?

3. If I currently belong to a particular race, will I be in the same race in my next life? How many earthly life could a soul have? Are there younger (later created) and older souls?

Thank you in advance for your help!
ConsistentMeditator said:
Okay so I had a huge post written here and the site decided to show me the "resource limit reached" error and now it's gone.

Basically what I was saying is that my friend used the mantra Sirsir to fix spinal/kundalini issues. While their case was a bit different from yours, the mantra turned out to be very potent and fixed years of spinal issues within 40 days.
I would recommend trying this mantra for like 3 days and seeing what effects it has for you. If it is applicable to your situation like I think, then you should see verifiably big effects within just these few days.

Out of time constraints I will not write the entire gigantic message again and instead keep it short. If anything is unclear, just ask.

Basically, for these things you have 2 mantras that are vibrated one after the other. Normally you'd do it for a multiple of its number in the necronomicon spellbook (which in this case would be 28), but my friend did it for 50 each so this is what I would recommend here.

Here the basic rundown of how to do it:

Vibrate SIRSIR 50 times
State affirmation for 10, 16, or 18 times
During the whole thing from start to finish, focus on this sigil:

And that's all.

The second mantra is rather long and may seem complex, but it's really easy. Here an mp3 on how to correctly vibrate it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9nx01ev7k1c17yj/APIRIKUBABADAZUZUKANPA.wav?dl=1

In addition to this, try to do more lengthy yoga sessions and exercise regularly. Especially things like short sessions of running, to make sure your circulation stays healthy.

Just to paint a picture, this message is maybe one third of how long it was originally. I hope this still remains somewhat clear and understandable despite being shorter. Again if anything is unclear, just ask and I'll try to clarify.
I hope this helps you.
Peter said:
Greetings to all Satanic Sisters and Brothers!

(Forgive me, I don't speak English well.)

I have some questions.

1. What happens if I fail to complete Magnum Opust in this life? Can I continue in my next life?

2. What do you do after you have successfully completed Magnum Opus? Do you go to work in the same way, do you live your "everyday" life?

3. If I currently belong to a particular race, will I be in the same race in my next life? How many earthly life could a soul have? Are there younger (later created) and older souls?

Thank you in advance for your help!
1. Yes, you will keep working on it in your next lives. This work takes multiple lifetimes to do, so the only way you will finish it now is if you have already done most of the work in your past lives. Just keep working in the best way for yourself. Everybody is on their own track and has their own work to do.

2. Yes, I guess so. You still need money and all that.

3. Yes, you are the same race forever as you have always been. It is not possible to change races. This is why our enemies want to make white people go extinct, so none of us could ever reincarnate anymore. Even though white people are often the friendliest and most helpful people anyway, the rats want to get rid of us because those rats are pure evil.

You can have many different lifetimes on Earth and there is no limit. You have been here already many times, since a long time ago. Yes there are more older, and more younger souls, that were started at different times. Most Satanists are older souls who are very well developed.
Peter said:
Greetings to all Satanic Sisters and Brothers!

(Forgive me, I don't speak English well.)

I have some questions.

1. What happens if I fail to complete Magnum Opust in this life? Can I continue in my next life?
Yes. Depending on how far you advance, you will even be able to keep your memories from this life and bring them into your next one.

Peter said:
2. What do you do after you have successfully completed Magnum Opus? Do you go to work in the same way, do you live your "everyday" life?
These things will be obvious to you once you do complete it. With the Magnum Opus, and raising of the kundalini, there comes a state of "all-knowing", and you will easily be able to communicate with our Gods in depth.

Peter said:
3. If I currently belong to a particular race, will I be in the same race in my next life? How many earthly life could a soul have? Are there younger (later created) and older souls?

Thank you in advance for your help!
Race is in the soul. You will always be of the same race. Souls can have many lives. It all depends on whether or not the person is doing meditation and advancing themselves. If this is not done, then after few lifetimes the soul can lose all its energy and dissipate back into the Aether.
Yes, there are old souls here, some even going back many thoudands of years. :)
Ol argedco luciftias, Shael!

Thank you for your help!

I wonder if I have completed Magnum Opus, is it possible to be born to the place where our Gods exist?
By 2021 I would like to work out possible start dates for Kabbalistic squares (worked out by 2020).

What websites / programs can you recommend me?
I've used https://www.lunarium.co.uk to void the Moon so far, but it only shows until 2020 ...
I've been looking at the planet-zodiac here a long time ago (https://www.theplanetstoday.com/the_planets.html), but that's not good either...

Thank you in advance for your help!
Thank you brothers for your valuable answers. I’m just curious about how affirmations affects energy. I’m gonna start Jupiter square this Thursday and I’m gonna use this affirmation “ I’m permanently attracting larger amounts of free and easy money and wealth to myself, this money is my own to keep and spend as I choose, in a positive way for me “. Now when I use permanently wouldn’t this require more energy to attract large amounts permanently. As with Runic money working you can add more reps but with square you have to stick with the numbers. I would really appreciate you guys sharing your experience on the subject. And I’m running out of time knowing Jupiter is entering Capricorn in December.
Please forgive me for the many questions!

I read in the forum that Kai Purr's writings are incorrect, unreliable.

Does this mean that creating the Philosopher's Stone is also wrong with meditation?
Or is that meditation correct, so does it really have to be done as Kai Purr describes it?

Thank you in advance for your help!
Peter said:
Please forgive me for the many questions!

I read in the forum that Kai Purr's writings are incorrect, unreliable.

Does this mean that creating the Philosopher's Stone is also wrong with meditation?
Or is that meditation correct, so does it really have to be done as Kai Purr describes it?

Thank you in advance for your help!
I do not know about any meditation that has been officially posted regarding the philosopher's stone. This is an advanced concept relating to the Magnum Opus as far as I am aware, but do not trust the writings of Kai Purr and Vovim Baghie. These people are not actual SS. They became delusional and ended up siding with the enemy. Their writings are dangerous and to be avoided.
Eannatum said:
Thank you brothers for your valuable answers. I’m just curious about how affirmations affects energy. I’m gonna start Jupiter square this Thursday and I’m gonna use this affirmation “ I’m permanently attracting larger amounts of free and easy money and wealth to myself, this money is my own to keep and spend as I choose, in a positive way for me “. Now when I use permanently wouldn’t this require more energy to attract large amounts permanently. As with Runic money working you can add more reps but with square you have to stick with the numbers. I would really appreciate you guys sharing your experience on the subject. And I’m running out of time knowing Jupiter is entering Capricorn in December.
Instead of "in a positive way for me" I would say "In the best and happiest way for me" much more direct and clear that way. Just saying "it's positive" doesn't really say anything, I think.

It's good to do a work for money since we all always need more money. But I think a Jupiter square can give you so much more than just money. All kinds of rewards and prizes and benefits of all kinds, physical rewards, spiritual advances, good events, good luck. I think Jupiter is what brings every kind of good thing that could ever happen. So you can use it for money, but I think that is narrow and leaving out all kinds of other gifts and rewards that you might also want.

I started a Jupiter square too, and my affirmation is something like "Jupiter always gives me the greatest and happiest rewards and benefits in every way forever."
Because I want to build up a big flow of good luck into me that always brings me all the best prizes that I could ever have, in every way. You don't have to do it like this, but you might want to think about that.
SdD said:
Shael said:

So I copy it before I post... now :D
Sometimes when it makes you log in agagain and your comment disappeared, after you log in you can hit the back arrow back to your comment and it might still be there. But that doesn't always works. But get in the habit of clicking "preview" before you click submit. Because then it always works. After you log in, you click back arrow and you will go back to the preview page of your comment, so it is saved that way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
