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Shael said:
FlameGhost said:
I've had someone mention a Japanese meditation to me. It consists of there also being 7 gates. I'm not sure where they got them from but I have kind of felt it's affects.
Generally, all you need in order to advance to very high levels is already on the JoS website. Things from external sources can be good, but in the vast majority of cases they are corrupted and either have a watered-down effect or are downright harmful to you.
If you could post a description of what this japanese meditation entails, perhaps I can give you some feedback on whether or not it is safe.

Alright, the odd thing is I haven't found another source for it online, but. " https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Eight_Gates " It seems to be refering to something like that, but the person describes it differently.

01:10]: After you cleared your mind and relaxed you can begin opening a gate
[01:13] : I good place to start is from your stomach
[01:14] : And then moveing up a gate at a time until you reach your forhead
01:14] : Each gate basicly is gonna take focus and a special way for unlocking
04:29] : Once your past a gate you usely should feel something new, behind the first gate is a chakrapoint connected to your guts that if you get to control then you should be able freely control them like me

So yes, I'm sorry I don't really not have any site in particular other than the text from this person. So basically as you have 7 chakras there are 7 gates that have to be open before you can get to opening or using your chakras It's been about 3 years since and I still haven't found out much more about it, so yes; I hope you can look into this and find out more about it. I'm happy that you could help me with this. Many thanks.
Shael said:
Alpella said:
Brother, your reply is a surprise for me actually, because I've been seeing you on the forums and took the quote in your signature as a motto in my life, I can say that it basically changed my life. How surprise it is.

And also thanks for the great advices, I'm pretty sure they will affect my workings in a huge way. I noted them down.
I am glad I was able to help you. The quote is from a book called "The Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi. All currently available copies of it are highly corrupted however, so I'd recommend to stay away from them. I'm currently working on de-corrupting it so I can properly train in it in full without the misleading corruptions.
It will still take quite a while until I'm done, but I can copy-paste you a reasonably de-corrupted version of the part that had my quote in it. This is not yet the finished version but it should be good enough to outline the essence of what Musashi meant.

The Book of Five Rings said:
With the science of martial arts of my school outlined above, the mind is naturally expanded through diligent practice day and night; transmitting it to the world as both a collective and individual science, I put in writing for the first time these five manuscripts entitled Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Aether.
For people who want to learn my military science, there are rules for learning this art:

Think of what is righteous and true.

Practice and cultivate the science.

Familiarize yourself with the arts.

Know the principles of the crafts.

Understand the harm and benefit in everything.

Learn to see everything accurately.

Be aware of the unknown.

Pay attention even to small things.

Do not do anything useless.

Generally speaking, the science of martial arts should be practiced with these principles in mind. In this particular science, you can hardly become a master of martial arts unless you can see the influence of the immediate on the big picture. Once you have learned this principle, you should not be defeated even in individual combat against twenty or thirty opponents.
First of all, keep martial arts on your mind and work diligently in a straightforward manner; then you can win with your hands, and you can also defeat others by seeing with your eyes. Furthermore, when you refine your practice to the point where you can freely control your own body, then you can beat others by means of your body. And since your mind is trained in this science, you can also defeat others with your mind. When you reach this point, how could you be defeated by others?
In the same way, large-scale military science consists of winning at keeping good people, winning at employing large numbers of people, winning at correctness of personal conduct, winning at governing nations, winning at taking care of the populace, winning at carrying out customary social observances. In whatever field of activity, the knowledge of how to avoid losing out to others, how to help oneself, and how to increase one’s honor, is part of military science.

I hope this was helpful to you :)

I'm excited to read the decorrupted version of the book, I have not heared about the book before, but did some research about Miyamoto Musashi because I am impressed of his quote. I wish you the best luck, brother.
Vaal said:
Shael said:
FlameGhost said:
I've had someone mention a Japanese meditation to me. It consists of there also being 7 gates. I'm not sure where they got them from but I have kind of felt it's affects.
Generally, all you need in order to advance to very high levels is already on the JoS website. Things from external sources can be good, but in the vast majority of cases they are corrupted and either have a watered-down effect or are downright harmful to you.
If you could post a description of what this japanese meditation entails, perhaps I can give you some feedback on whether or not it is safe.

Perhaps, it's something like this.

and this Jewish star over there?
Vaal said:
Shael said:
FlameGhost said:
I've had someone mention a Japanese meditation to me. It consists of there also being 7 gates. I'm not sure where they got them from but I have kind of felt it's affects.
Generally, all you need in order to advance to very high levels is already on the JoS website. Things from external sources can be good, but in the vast majority of cases they are corrupted and either have a watered-down effect or are downright harmful to you.
If you could post a description of what this japanese meditation entails, perhaps I can give you some feedback on whether or not it is safe.

Perhaps, it's something like this.

Alright, I'm not used to how this site works, but yes that would be it. Where did you get that from if I may ask? And yes, I haven't really heard about anything like that here. So I don't really know what that is for other than seals for each chakra as I would assume. It's neat that you found one for it and I appreciate it. I do wonder if or how relivant it would be to the overall meditations.
scorpiorising said:

I am new to the forum, the site, and SS. Naturally, I have a lot of questions. One of the questions is: Will someone be accepted as a SS or will Satan accept someone if that someone is in a mixed race marriage or is married to a Jew, even though that marriage took place before the discovery of SS? How would this case be handled in SS?
You’ll have to break the marriage, race mixing is something that disgusts the Gods and us, especially with a jew. In the future race mixing will most likely (rightfully)be punishable by death.
FlameGhost said:
Alright, the odd thing is I haven't found another source for it online, but. " https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Eight_Gates " It seems to be refering to something like that, but the person describes it differently.

01:10]: After you cleared your mind and relaxed you can begin opening a gate
[01:13] : I good place to start is from your stomach
[01:14] : And then moveing up a gate at a time until you reach your forhead
01:14] : Each gate basicly is gonna take focus and a special way for unlocking
04:29] : Once your past a gate you usely should feel something new, behind the first gate is a chakrapoint connected to your guts that if you get to control then you should be able freely control them like me

So yes, I'm sorry I don't really not have any site in particular other than the text from this person. So basically as you have 7 chakras there are 7 gates that have to be open before you can get to opening or using your chakras It's been about 3 years since and I still haven't found out much more about it, so yes; I hope you can look into this and find out more about it. I'm happy that you could help me with this. Many thanks.
This seems to be nothing more than a corrupted, watered-down version of simple chakra opening and empowerment.

Read the JoS website. It has tons of knowledge on it including meditations on opening your chakras. https://satanisgod.org

Also check the link in my signature to the "40 day meditation program" by HP. Hoodedcobra666. It includes this chakra opening as well.
StyleCoin said:
Vaal said:
Shael said:
Generally, all you need in order to advance to very high levels is already on the JoS website. Things from external sources can be good, but in the vast majority of cases they are corrupted and either have a watered-down effect or are downright harmful to you.
If you could post a description of what this japanese meditation entails, perhaps I can give you some feedback on whether or not it is safe.

Perhaps, it's something like this.

and this Jewish star over there?

It was originally the star of Vishnu and the Jews stole it.
FlameGhost said:
Vaal said:
Shael said:
Generally, all you need in order to advance to very high levels is already on the JoS website. Things from external sources can be good, but in the vast majority of cases they are corrupted and either have a watered-down effect or are downright harmful to you.
If you could post a description of what this japanese meditation entails, perhaps I can give you some feedback on whether or not it is safe.

Perhaps, it's something like this.

Alright, I'm not used to how this site works, but yes that would be it. Where did you get that from if I may ask? And yes, I haven't really heard about anything like that here. So I don't really know what that is for other than seals for each chakra as I would assume. It's neat that you found one for it and I appreciate it. I do wonder if or how relivant it would be to the overall meditations.

It's from Naruto wiki I think. The guy that drew Naruto took it from Buddhism's "The Eight Gates of Zen". If it's from Buddhism then it's probably BS, anyway.
Aquarius said:
scorpiorising said:

I am new to the forum, the site, and SS. Naturally, I have a lot of questions. One of the questions is: Will someone be accepted as a SS or will Satan accept someone if that someone is in a mixed race marriage or is married to a Jew, even though that marriage took place before the discovery of SS? How would this case be handled in SS?
You’ll have to break the marriage, race mixing is something that disgusts the Gods and us, especially with a jew. In the future race mixing will most likely (rightfully)be punishable by death.

Thank you for the reply. So with that, what happens, then, to the offspring of two interracial couples? They will not have a chance?

Also, will the person who is married to another race (or married to a jew) and their children will not enjoy afterlife or will not reincarnate?
Thank you BlackDragon666 for answering my prior question, I will read the book soon.

I have one more question, does this love spell [ https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Love_Spell.html ] affect the person if they do not like me? I am pretty sure the person in question likes me, but I do not want to force them into loving me if that is not in their best interest or what they truly want.

I tried searching this question on the forums a while ago and I found a thread about it but the answer was unclear. Some were saying things like you shouldn't use magic to affect the love of a woman. Others said as a Satanist you should use everything in your means to get what you want. Some said that it won't work if the connection isn't their. Others said that a Satanist's magic will always work on someone with no magical influence. :? Clarification on the subject would be appreciated.
Aquarius said:
animeman666 said:
Can an Asian be part jew. Did asian Jews mix with asain gentiles ?
Yes, for example kim jong un is jewish.
You can find jew asians if you search for it on google.

But what would show up on a DNA test, askenashi Jew? Or would asian Jews still have the Cohen Gene?
Solar Falcon said:
I have a bit of a problem. Unfortunately, I still live with my parents who are jehovah’s witnesses. I’m working on moving out finally with my sibling. I want to be able to fully dedicate myself to Satan but I feel I’m not ready yet for a few reasons. But when I finally am, should I cut my parents off completely, along with the rest of my family? (as the majority of them are JWs)

I also have a friend whom I’ve known since high school, she’s an avid church goer and loves loves loves the shit out of jesus :| She’s supposed to be my future business partner as well. Anyway, she’s never tried to push her beliefs on me or anyone, which I was happy for. But as she is against Satan and ultimately the other gods, this friendship cannot last. I was reading one of HPS Maxine’s sermons and she mentioned a xtian woman whom was really friendly to her, and vice versa. Maxine needed new shoes and the woman offered to buy her some. Basically, Maxine realized she couldn’t be buddy-buddy with this woman despite how nice she was (in the end Maxine received a brand new pair of shoes suddenly, a gift straight from Satan :D ) And it made me realize I need to do the same.

I’d like advice on how I should properly approach this problem without it turning into screaming matches or attacks of any kind between me and them.

its hard but i would work on freeing your soul from jehovahs witness or jw control programs i heard it effects you really bad i would free my soul if i were you cause if you dont their is going to be many problems for you down the line dont be scared though move out an as far as your parents i probably would cause their going to cut you off as soon as they find out your not a jw do what you can an live your life dont let the jw religion control you
For opening the chakras, should I do the "empowering the chakras" meditations every day or should I just do the full chakra meditations? When cleaning the chakras do I vibrate raum into each chakra 18 times or do I just do the raum meditation?
animeman666 said:
Aquarius said:
animeman666 said:
Can an Asian be part jew. Did asian Jews mix with asain gentiles ?
Yes, for example kim jong un is jewish.
You can find jew asians if you search for it on google.

But what would show up on a DNA test, askenashi Jew? Or would asian Jews still have the Cohen Gene?
No idea, but a jew is a jew, ashkenazi or secular or whatever they are all the same jews
Is it true that underneath the earth there are reptilians that evolved from the Dinosaurs(they ,apparently, have hid under the earth to survive the asteroid impact)?
And, is this true that they have befriended with the reptilians that our gods fight with?
I heard there are various species of reptilians under earth waiting to attack humans.
What does a Jewish soul look like?

What are their chakras and where are they located in their soul?
What do you do if you can't meditate sometimes due to family or other issues is it ok to just pick up where you left off the next day or something
animeman666 said:
What do you do if you can't meditate sometimes due to family or other issues is it ok to just pick up where you left off the next day or something
Unless you’re using mantras you can just meditate anywhere.
I have been seeing an entity with short blonde curly hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. He has been with me since I was little (at times he can change his hair to straight and shoulder length). He wears a tan loincloth and I never see his legs or else I would know what else he wears....

Please brothers and sisters... who is this person. I have seen him have discussions with Lilith and I am at a loss.
EgyptianStar666 said:
I have been seeing an entity with short blonde curly hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. He has been with me since I was little (at times he can change his hair to straight and shoulder length). He wears a tan loincloth and I never see his legs or else I would know what else he wears....

Please brothers and sisters... who is this person. I have seen him have discussions with Lilith and I am at a loss.
can be an angel (Enemy), better be careful.
Who are you guys referring to when you say the enemy? like enemy Nordics,Grey's,reptilians ?
animeman666 said:
Who are you guys referring to when you say the enemy? like enemy Nordics,Grey's,reptilians ?
the enemies are the ashes, reptiles, and Jehovah, the Nazarene garbage.
If I didn't do the rtrs for 2 days, should I make up for those days, or should I just keep doing the same amount?
animeman666 said:
I'm crazy, what do I do
Void meditation. If needed in combination with the Isa rune. Work on stilling your thoughts and on controlling them.

Then a working with Wunjo to heal yourself mentally.

Make sure you also do an Aura of Protection atleast twice daily. Refer to the "Returning Curses I & II" for this.
I think enemy is trying to harm me through other people. I'm doing the AOP, so I don't thing the enemy can harm directly;but, I thing he's trying to ruin my life by the manipulating other people, thus affecting me(Is this even possible btw.).
What can I do in situation like this?
StyleCoin said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
I have been seeing an entity with short blonde curly hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. He has been with me since I was little (at times he can change his hair to straight and shoulder length). He wears a tan loincloth and I never see his legs or else I would know what else he wears....

Please brothers and sisters... who is this person. I have seen him have discussions with Lilith and I am at a loss.
can be an angel (Enemy), better be careful.

I'll ask my guardian demon who he is.

Also, I have other questions.

I saw a woman who has chakras like us, but she had a bright orb that was big above her head that was purple and there was a golden ray of light that circles the base of it that came off looking like horns. Her wings were not fatherly but black and leathery like bat wings....

Was this person a jew? Or is she a gentile? Or what was she?
EgyptianStar666 said:
StyleCoin said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
I have been seeing an entity with short blonde curly hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. He has been with me since I was little (at times he can change his hair to straight and shoulder length). He wears a tan loincloth and I never see his legs or else I would know what else he wears....

Please brothers and sisters... who is this person. I have seen him have discussions with Lilith and I am at a loss.
can be an angel (Enemy), better be careful.

I'll ask my guardian demon who he is.

Also, I have other questions.

I saw a woman who has chakras like us, but she had a bright orb that was big above her head that was purple and there was a golden ray of light that circles the base of it that came off looking like horns. Her wings were not fatherly but black and leathery like bat wings....

Was this person a jew? Or is she a gentile? Or what was she?
well this question i won't be able to answer but you better ask your guardian demon he'll answer you.
StyleCoin said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
StyleCoin said:
can be an angel (Enemy), better be careful.

I'll ask my guardian demon who he is.

Also, I have other questions.

I saw a woman who has chakras like us, but she had a bright orb that was big above her head that was purple and there was a golden ray of light that circles the base of it that came off looking like horns. Her wings were not fatherly but black and leathery like bat wings....

Was this person a jew? Or is she a gentile? Or what was she?
well this question i won't be able to answer but you better ask your guardian demon he'll answer you.

Above her head looked like this:

Vaal said:
If I didn't do the rtrs for 2 days, should I make up for those days, or should I just keep doing the same amount?
Keep doing them normally.
Burning yourself out will just increase the odds of repeating this same cycle of "skipping and then doing a lot" over and over again, which is much less effective than just doing the same amount every day.
Vaal said:
I think enemy is trying to harm me through other people. I'm doing the AOP, so I don't thing the enemy can harm directly;but, I thing he's trying to ruin my life by the manipulating other people, thus affecting me(Is this even possible btw.).
What can I do in situation like this?
Yes it is possible, but do not become paranoid with this. There are many other factors such as bad planetary transits that can make such things happen in your life.

Try to increase your AoP. Make sure you do the Returning Curses I & II atleast twice daily, preferrably in the morning and in the evening. If despite this you still experience these things, try to add a seperate working on top of the Returning Curses that also works on your AoP, but more specifically centered around protecting you from negative influences/actions of others. You can use Surya(e), Algiz, Raum, Saulo/Sowilo, Thurisaz, etc. for this. Go with what feels best.

If on top of all this you still experience issues, you can do a binding spell on the people to prevent them from taking negative actions against you. You can use Isa for this. Start the working during the waning moon.

Good luck :)
Shael said:
Vaal said:
If I didn't do the rtrs for 2 days, should I make up for those days, or should I just keep doing the same amount?
Keep doing them normally.
Burning yourself out will just increase the odds of repeating this same cycle of "skipping and then doing a lot" over and over again, which is much less effective than just doing the same amount every day.

Thanks. I was thinking the same. I'm,currently, doing 2 rtrs a day 'cause after 3 I feel burnt out. I think I need to advance more.
Vaal said:
Thanks. I was thinking the same. I'm,currently, doing 2 rtrs a day 'cause after 3 I feel burnt out. I think I need to advance more.
Vaal said:
Thank you ,shael! I always appreciate your help.

I'm glad that my replies were helpful to you. :)
Shael said:
FlameGhost said:
Alright, the odd thing is I haven't found another source for it online, but. " https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Eight_Gates " It seems to be refering to something like that, but the person describes it differently.

01:10]: After you cleared your mind and relaxed you can begin opening a gate
[01:13] : I good place to start is from your stomach
[01:14] : And then moveing up a gate at a time until you reach your forhead
01:14] : Each gate basicly is gonna take focus and a special way for unlocking
04:29] : Once your past a gate you usely should feel something new, behind the first gate is a chakrapoint connected to your guts that if you get to control then you should be able freely control them like me

So yes, I'm sorry I don't really not have any site in particular other than the text from this person. So basically as you have 7 chakras there are 7 gates that have to be open before you can get to opening or using your chakras It's been about 3 years since and I still haven't found out much more about it, so yes; I hope you can look into this and find out more about it. I'm happy that you could help me with this. Many thanks.
This seems to be nothing more than a corrupted, watered-down version of simple chakra opening and empowerment.

Read the JoS website. It has tons of knowledge on it including meditations on opening your chakras. https://satanisgod.org

Also check the link in my signature to the "40 day meditation program" by HP. Hoodedcobra666. It includes this chakra opening as well.

I'm sorry for the long reply but I have been working on the meditations and I guess that I haven't been persistant with it till now and I do actually feel the results. So thank you for showing me about the 40 day meditation program. I do have a question about that though. What is the differance between the "void meditation" and the "yogic breath" if I'm already breathing from the bottom of my stomach up with the void meditation? Should I still do both? And again, thank you for helping with that. I'm now seeing the benefits of doing each one.
FlameGhost said:
I'm sorry for the long reply but I have been working on the meditations and I guess that I haven't been persistant with it till now and I do actually feel the results. So thank you for showing me about the 40 day meditation program. I do have a question about that though. What is the differance between the "void meditation" and the "yogic breath" if I'm already breathing from the bottom of my stomach up with the void meditation? Should I still do both? And again, thank you for helping with that. I'm now seeing the benefits of doing each one.
I'm not entirely sure if you're supposed to do the yogic breath 24/7 like that, but go with what works for you personally. Just make sure to stop if it feels bad.
As for your question, I don't think there is any negative to doing them simultaneously (yogic breath while doing void meditation). During yoga you would essentially do the same anyways, focusing on your body and breathing deeply in a relaxed manner.
I know that my earlier question and this answer was written at may (lel), and I hope my another questions won't be a problem.
Dedicate your time to this and do them not as a chore but as some thing as natural and everyday
Okay, I got It, but I'm unable to do any meditation which requires more than two days. What should I do?

My another question is about dedication (I'm still considering it). If I will be unable to work on my spirituality (for example for several years) and I start all of my spiritual work much later, something might happen, or stop happening? Is it possible that gods won't care about me anymore? I read somewhere that gods might invest their energy and time to someone who's dedicated. They may stop doing it if I won't begin any work, right? I heard somewhere else that I HAVE TO deserve to get ANY attention from them. This makes me confused.
If It is all true, I simply don't want to bother anyone/anything because of being unable to practice. I really want to treat it seriously.

And my last question here is abouth death. I had experienced such a dream where I went to meet that person at the hospital. He was there, and told me a few things which only one guy from my family knew. If someone who I had very good relation with me died, can he/she appear in my dreams? Or is It just my mind tricking me?
Hello.. I'm kinda new.. kinda not, but I'm very confused on a few things that I read on the JOS site.. These both have alot to do with why my long and winding nearly 30 year path that at this time, lead me 'blindly' to the JOS website and after reading what I did, I had to ask how whoever came to this statement. So, to keep from writing a 'wall of text'... I'll keep it short for now.

1. If Satan and Enki are one in the same (person, god, God?) then why does everyone on JOS continue to call 'him / Him', Satan and not Enki? Please be as descriptive as possible.

1a> Could someone point me to where it says that Enki is Satan / Satan is Enki (and the source not be from any domain owned by JOS)? Just looking for a non-biased source if possible.

2. Since so very little is known regarding physical identity's.. Is Satan/Enki in any way related to or directly part of the Draco / Reptilian bloodlines? I recall reading somewhere on JOS that some have seen Enki in a physical form and this might shed some 'light' to this. (Source?)

Okay.. Thanks for any replies.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
