Thank you for answer
I have a few other questions.
What about dedicated satanists who don't mind about RTR? Are they seen or traited by gods in different way, or something like that? I heard other satanist mentioning "not to do RTR" and "leave jews alone", while later she said that her and jews energies felt "uncompatiable" (this confuses me). I asked that satanist some questions just like here, but I didn't get any answer. And I don't really fully understand what's with jews. Well, their government/authorites do and say dumb and crazy shit things, I noticed that. I also know what's wrong with xtianity and islam (I've never been very religious anyway), but are all jews actually bad? What about those who decided to become a jew?
Umm, I forgot to ask a few things about dreams.
Are dreams "linked" to soul? Is it possible that something could "prevent" me from practicing lucid dreaming? (Just wondering) I mean, I'm completely unable to do LD, even after a few years of training. Everytime, I had a lucid dream, I felt like something "locked" my movement and made me wake up immidiately.
And can someone who's interested in spiritual satanism be attacked by something in dreams? Do those attacks differ on someone's interest in satanism? I read that entites may attack anyone who's into satanism.