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My ancestors are German and Scottish. My girlfriend is a Filipina who claims Spanish and Japanese descent. If she is correct, she comes from Nordic descent. Nevertheless, I am having a difficult time continuing the relationship with her because there could be some native Filipino in her. Plus, she favors the "One is all" concept in the New Age, but also acknkwledges the Pagan Gods. She is very confused and believes that there is nothing wrong believing in both.
My question is, has anybody been presented with a situation like this, and would you take a chance on race-mixing with a Filipina?
Greetings to all Satanic Sisters and Brothers!

Two questions.

1. I would like to change some of my personality traits, what method do you suggest?

-Intelligence, outstanding memory and learning ability
-Excellent communication ability

What method do you suggest for these, would you write a specific meditation?
For example, for self-confidence, Wunjo rune, fire element invocation ... But do you need to program it?

Because I do the same in my meditation program. For example, if I inoculate a fire element by itself, does that affect my self-confidence?

2. Is the "Yoga in Daily Life" system reliable, worth using? (https://www.yogaindailylife.org/system/en/)
Or should I stay with traditional Hatha yoga?

Thank you for your help!
Ryan369 said:
My ancestors are German and Scottish. My girlfriend is a Filipina who claims Spanish and Japanese descent. If she is correct, she comes from Nordic descent. Nevertheless, I am having a difficult time continuing the relationship with her because there could be some native Filipino in her. Plus, she favors the "One is all" concept in the New Age, but also acknkwledges the Pagan Gods. She is very confused and believes that there is nothing wrong believing in both.
My question is, has anybody been presented with a situation like this, and would you take a chance on race-mixing with a Filipina?
So you aknowledge that you are race mixing but you are asking if race mixing is ok? No dude, it’s disgusting.
Peter said:
Greetings to all Satanic Sisters and Brothers!

Two questions.

1. I would like to change some of my personality traits, what method do you suggest?

-Intelligence, outstanding memory and learning ability
-Excellent communication ability

What method do you suggest for these, would you write a specific meditation?
For example, for self-confidence, Wunjo rune, fire element invocation ... But do you need to program it?

Because I do the same in my meditation program. For example, if I inoculate a fire element by itself, does that affect my self-confidence?

2. Is the "Yoga in Daily Life" system reliable, worth using? (https://www.yogaindailylife.org/system/en/)
Or should I stay with traditional Hatha yoga?

Thank you for your help!
1) You can’t just change your personality, you are who you are, you can improve areas of your personality that are lacking though but you don’t “change” personality. If you can’t accept who you are you should get rid of hangups about yourself. You can improve your memory and intelligence with the rune mannaz.
Self confidence doesent just come with you saying “today I will be confident!” That will just create a false ego. To really become confident you must understand yourself and be yourself. To improve your communication ability guess what, you gotta communicate with people.

2) Traditional one.
Peter said:
Greetings to all Satanic Sisters and Brothers!

Two questions.

1. I would like to change some of my personality traits, what method do you suggest?

-Intelligence, outstanding memory and learning ability
-Excellent communication ability

What method do you suggest for these, would you write a specific meditation?
For example, for self-confidence, Wunjo rune, fire element invocation ... But do you need to program it?

Because I do the same in my meditation program. For example, if I inoculate a fire element by itself, does that affect my self-confidence?

2. Is the "Yoga in Daily Life" system reliable, worth using? (https://www.yogaindailylife.org/system/en/)
Or should I stay with traditional Hatha yoga?

Thank you for your help!
Mercury square would be perfect for that when mercury is in the right sign, but it just left out of its best sign. So you have to wait until it's in a good sign again.
I've read different things here... please help me clarify.

When we reincarnate, do we still keep our personalities?

When we reincarnate, are we always born with the same signs in our natal chart (astrological signs) as the previous life?
Aquarius, Ol argedco luciftias!

Thank you for your help!

Where can I see the moon's idle time after 2020 (Void of Course)?
https://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp - Unfortunately, until 2020 it shows.

EgyptianStar666 said:
I've read different things here... please help me clarify.

When we reincarnate, do we still keep our personalities?

When we reincarnate, are we always born with the same signs in our natal chart (astrological signs) as the previous life?
We keep the same personality, just maybe a little bit different. Like maybe some new focuses and qualities added in that weren't as strong before, or a little bit less focus on a quality you used to have.

You're astrology won't be exactly the same, but it will usually be very similar.
Peter said:
Aquarius, Ol argedco luciftias!

Thank you for your help!

Where can I see the moon's idle time after 2020 (Void of Course)?
https://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp - Unfortunately, until 2020 it shows.

Do you really need to know next year's already? :lol: The moon goes void about every 1 or 2 days, for between a few minutes or a few hours each time. It isn't a big deal. Just don't start anything for the first time when moon is void, but if you already started it and you do it every day, it is okay to do it during void moon.
Shael said:
ConsistentMeditator said:

I only tried a little bit of this and it already seems to have had some effect. I'm not sure how effective it is compared to normal as I have been doing them very quietly to not be heard, but I definitely felt something. Thanks for posting this.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Peter said:
Aquarius, Ol argedco luciftias!

Thank you for your help!

Where can I see the moon's idle time after 2020 (Void of Course)?
https://www.lunarium.co.uk/calendar/universal.jsp - Unfortunately, until 2020 it shows.

Do you really need to know next year's already? :lol: The moon goes void about every 1 or 2 days, for between a few minutes or a few hours each time. It isn't a big deal. Just don't start anything for the first time when moon is void, but if you already started it and you do it every day, it is okay to do it during void moon.

Yes. I would like to work out possible start dates for cabalistic squares for the next 5 years. I like to plan ahead.
But I found a page fortunately. (https://www.findyourfate.com/astrology/year2021/2021-vocmoon.html)
ConsistentMeditator said:
Shael said:
ConsistentMeditator said:

I only tried a little bit of this and it already seems to have had some effect. I'm not sure how effective it is compared to normal as I have been doing them very quietly to not be heard, but I definitely felt something. Thanks for posting this.
I hope it helps you.
Generally, vibrations will be much more poweful when vibrated strongly. They will of course also work when done quietly, and this goes for what I recommended, too, but it will have less power. I generally recommend to do them powerfully and thoroughly because I've been disillusioned about this in the past thinking it wouldnt matter how strongly/thoroughly you vibrate, and my workings ended up much less powerful as a result. If you have the needed privacy, then strong and thorough vibrations should be prioritized, alongside with proper focus. :)
Can you give me credible accounts of the experience of the rise of the Kundalini Serpent? Whether here in the forum or elsewhere. I like to read such, I'm far from that level. This is a kind of motivation for me.

Honestly, after reading here in the forum that the Kundalini accounts of Vovim Baghie and Kai Purr are not authentic, a world has collapsed in me, and I have been greatly disappointed.

Are any of these claimed to exist 'Reptillians' immortal? If not, what are their life spans? I'm confused about this, as if they are so incredibly less advanced than the Gods, it would be strange that they even stand a chance in a war against infinitely more advanced beings. They would seem far more capable of creating powerful technology if they are immortal and also possess a super-conscious state that their enemies cannot achieve Does the enemy just possess far more star systems and overall resources despite having inferior technology? Or something else I can't think of?

Additionally, I do not understand why it is that the Gods left the earth. If they retreated due to an enemy advance, I don't see why they couldn't have just brought humanity with them back to whatever planets would be safe, or why they didn't openly colonize Earth instead and use enough ships so that it would be safe. Even if it is a situation where if the Gods tried to intervene right now, they would trigger a war of Mutually Assured Destruction that would devastate Earth even if they defeated the enemy, i don't see why they couldn't have prevented that by moving humanity to a safe location thousands of years earlier or instead openly colonizing the place. Or why they couldn't have instead had some Gods remain on earth and manage the development of humanity. It seems like humanity would be much safer under the management of Gods who could quickly develop civilization to extreme levels so that Earth becomes a well defended planet. Maybe I'm missing something in this analysis that makes it make sense, but i'm not sure what that could be. I would be glad if someone explained in a clear way, as it has been very difficult for me to understand the internal logic of this space war narrative as it's written in the articles listed on this site.
I've worked out Hatha yoga programs for every chakra.

This means that I do 7 different yoga asanas a day, each asana affects a different chakra.

However, I didn't care that one day there would be all kinds of asanas (Standing asanas, Sitting asanas, Forward bending asanas, Backward bending asanas, Side to side bending asanas, Twisting asanas, Inverted asanas, Lying asanas). It's like back and forth. Is that a big problem?

Here's my program, I'll show you a couple of examples:

On top of that, I'm doing the Kundalini yoga kriya and the 5 Tibetans, I think that's enough.
sziasztok testvereim bocsanat a helyes írásért ez a google fordito. Az lenne a kérdésem' hogy a négyzetek vibrálasai után . Mennyi a megerősítések száma ? 9 vagy annak többszöröse? és ugyan így a ŕúnáknál is?
hi my brothers sorry for spelling this google translation. That would be my question after quad vibrating. What is the number of fixings? 9 or its multiple? and how is it with the ounces?
Peter said:
I've worked out Hatha yoga programs for every chakra.

This means that I do 7 different yoga asanas a day, each asana affects a different chakra.

However, I didn't care that one day there would be all kinds of asanas (Standing asanas, Sitting asanas, Forward bending asanas, Backward bending asanas, Side to side bending asanas, Twisting asanas, Inverted asanas, Lying asanas). It's like back and forth. Is that a big problem?
Egon already did that before, combined with mantras for each chakra. Here you go :)
Keksz666 said:
sziasztok testvereim bocsanat a helyes írásért ez a google fordito. Az lenne a kérdésem' hogy a négyzetek vibrálasai után . Mennyi a megerősítések száma ? 9 vagy annak többszöröse? és ugyan így a ŕúnáknál is?

Egyszerűen csak többször kell. Idézek neked a Kabbalisztikus négyzetek és a Sátáni Boszorkányság PDF-ből:

"Ha végeztél a vibrálással, és nem spirituális, hanem materiális célokért dolgozol, fontos hogy az összegyűjtött energiát irányítsd, azáltal hogy többször jelen idejű megerősítést mondasz néhányszor, és a jelen valóságában vizualizálod a célt."

"A megerősítéseket ismételgetni kell a fejedben, 5-10 vagy több alkalommal, akarva hogy
megtörténjen a kívánt dolog. Vizualizálhatod is az energiát mint a 3. lépésnél, egész nap, és
többször elmondhatod a megerősítéseket hogy megerősítsd a munkát."
how many spells can a beginner cast in one cast if there new to magic is there any rule to that in real life?
Please I want to know if there is a spell to make someone return money he owes you
Or is their a spell book and also have issues on pronouncing runes in d rune Kabbalah don't know if there is any audio pronunciation just like d final RTR
Hi, so I'm new here. I've (((lost))) my pasword for the egroups, I know I didn't because it was a simple sentence I used. So I've been struggling for about three days just to join the groups with a new account. Instructions are vague and it's like the groups are disabled for me specifically because I followed online tutorials and everything, tried on multiple devices and being open about personal info regarding registration to yahoo and linking account to my yahoo Id..... I gave up nothing worked.... so I remembered these forums and now this will be an alternative place of guidance for me. Anyway without making this too long... I want to help Satan, it's feels like my life's purpose. Had lots of positive experiences that were blatant... This may sound dumb and maybe egocentric but I'm special in a way to him, it's a strong sensation. So I was wondering are there any routines I can do to help our kind on a everyday basis? Is this where the reverse torah rituals comes in? Are those still a thing? Where do I start and what else can I do? Thank you.
Lovelorn 666 said:
Hi, so I'm new here. I've (((lost))) my pasword for the egroups, I know I didn't because it was a simple sentence I used. So I've been struggling for about three days just to join the groups with a new account. Instructions are vague and it's like the groups are disabled for me specifically because I followed online tutorials and everything, tried on multiple devices and being open about personal info regarding registration to yahoo and linking account to my yahoo Id..... I gave up nothing worked.... so I remembered these forums and now this will be an alternative place of guidance for me. Anyway without making this too long... I want to help Satan, it's feels like my life's purpose. Had lots of positive experiences that were blatant... This may sound dumb and maybe egocentric but I'm special in a way to him, it's a strong sensation. So I was wondering are there any routines I can do to help our kind on a everyday basis? Is this where the reverse torah rituals comes in? Are those still a thing? Where do I start and what else can I do? Thank you.


Best things anyone can do are first and foremost the Final RTR. Internet warfare is a must as well and make sure to do anonymously always. Being in the groups and forums and engaging in conversations and helping people when they ask questions is great way to help as well.

So , today I met two strangers and they said they are from some company and they put me some questions about shopping's and supermarkets . Then they asked my my name and my phone number , and intellectually they asked where I live and I said , and after 5 mins , I gone back where we met , to ask their name and show me some id cards , and they weren't there anymore after 5 minutes , and I'm panicked and don't know what to do , I just idk everything is a mess in my head rn , and if I would tell my parents it would worse , I'm bot worried about me , I'm worried about my little sister , so please help me , u are the only ones I can talk , what should I do
I have a question.

Nowadays, there are a lot of Kundalini yoga posts on this forum.

I quote from Vovim Baghie's writing:

What I can say about the True Rising is that it is ONLY possible if one is of Father
Satan and if Satan himself is guiding you and your Serpent. As I have said before, the
Kundalini is the Part of Satan within us, and it is not possible to reach this level
without HIS Guidance. Even Satyananda Saraswati did not fully Reach the True
Rising, [Although, He was Serving Father, just by a different perception
I have a question.

Nowadays, there are a lot of Kundalini yoga posts on this forum.

As we know, kundalini yoga is practiced worldwide by many.
And there are instructors for these kundalini yoga.
Where I live, there are many places in Hungary where kundalini yoga is taught.

I wonder if people who teach Kundalini yoga can be at what level? I doubt they have a fully ascended kundalini!

I quote from Vovim Baghie's writing:

What I can say about the True Rising is that it is ONLY possible if one is of Father
Satan and if Satan himself is guiding you and your Serpent. As I have said before, the
Kundalini is the Part of Satan within us, and it is not possible to reach this level
without HIS Guidance. Even Satyananda Saraswati did not fully Reach the True
Rising, [Although, He was Serving Father, just by a different perception]

This is true? Without our Father, how far are these people going in the Kundalini?

For example, there was Yogi Bhajan. Was he able to reach a high level in the kundalini?

Or, for example, Shri Mataji. Although he was promoting another technique. But he claimed to have raised his kundalini.

And Szvámi Sivananda? Or Ramana Maharsi?

Sorry, I hope it is understandable, I found it difficult to formulate!

I need help, I think I'm losing my mind , I can't eat or sleep , so I just feel so guilty I want everything to end , so today two man stopped me and they said they are from some company and they asked me about supermarkets and shopping , then they asked me my name my phone number a, I told them my name , gave them an old number and they asked where I live , and me being a Stupiddd I told my address was instinctively , and if they weren't real ,if they are bad, my mind is going crazy , I think I need help , if I would tell my mom it would only get worse , but I'm planning to and I need your help , you are the only ones who I can talk to , so please helpp me ...
Casian said:
I need help, I think I'm losing my mind , I can't eat or sleep , so I just feel so guilty I want everything to end , so today two man stopped me and they said they are from some company and they asked me about supermarkets and shopping , then they asked me my name my phone number a, I told them my name , gave them an old number and they asked where I live , and me being a Stupiddd I told my address was instinctively , and if they weren't real ,if they are bad, my mind is going crazy , I think I need help , if I would tell my mom it would only get worse , but I'm planning to and I need your help , you are the only ones who I can talk to , so please helpp me ...
This is very common for companies like supermarkets and stores to do surveys of what customers like. So the company knows what choices to make about how to attract more customers. Companies do this all the time every day, so they can know how to make the most money.

Why would you be worried about that? You are acting like you think you saw an alien. They probably signed your address up so you will get their advertisements and coupons in the mail. All they want is for you to buy stuff from their store.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Casian said:
I need help, I think I'm losing my mind , I can't eat or sleep , so I just feel so guilty I want everything to end , so today two man stopped me and they said they are from some company and they asked me about supermarkets and shopping , then they asked me my name my phone number a, I told them my name , gave them an old number and they asked where I live , and me being a Stupiddd I told my address was instinctively , and if they weren't real ,if they are bad, my mind is going crazy , I think I need help , if I would tell my mom it would only get worse , but I'm planning to and I need your help , you are the only ones who I can talk to , so please helpp me ...
This is very common for companies like supermarkets and stores to do surveys of what customers like. So the company knows what choices to make about how to attract more customers. Companies do this all the time every day, so they can know how to make the most money.

Why would you be worried about that? You are acting like you think you saw an alien. They probably signed your address up so you will get their advertisements and coupons in the mail. All they want is for you to buy stuff from their store.
. It's not usually in my town , it's a small town , and they weren't from a unic company , they were making polls about what supermarket is your favourite and why and how many times a month you buy , and I can't take my mind from there , It's not that usually here , I prayed to Satan to help me and if there are any other protections spells I'll be glad ...
Peter said:
I'm pretty sure it is entirely possible that some very few people managed to fully raise their kundalini in the past, without "direct guidance". What matters in my opinion is the amount of knowledge the person has on the whole process, and how well they can control their mind to properly deal with any dirt that comes to the surface.

Obviously, receiving guidance from Satan and the Gods will make this whole process much, much easier than trying to do it all on your own.
Casian said:
Relax dude. Of course you should avoid giving your personal data to random people, but telling these survey guys your address isn't gonna kill you. You are fine.
Aquarius said:
Ryan369 said:
My ancestors are German and Scottish. My girlfriend is a Filipina who claims Spanish and Japanese descent. If she is correct, she comes from Nordic descent. Nevertheless, I am having a difficult time continuing the relationship with her because there could be some native Filipino in her. Plus, she favors the "One is all" concept in the New Age, but also acknkwledges the Pagan Gods. She is very confused and believes that there is nothing wrong believing in both.
My question is, has anybody been presented with a situation like this, and would you take a chance on race-mixing with a Filipina?
So you aknowledge that you are race mixing but you are asking if race mixing is ok? No dude, it’s disgusting.

I said I knew she was European and Oriental. Hitler said the Japanese are "Aryans" of the East, which is why he allied with them. Ultimately, unless you know a person's full pedigree, you have no idea what race they are. The JOS also says that many DNA tests are faulty. So how is a person supposed to go about finding a pure Aryan, when everybody is so mixed up today? Also, why does it matter at the end of the day? What is the biggest reason to keep your pedigree pure?
I have one more question.
Can Astarte show up to you in her child form(In dreams, f.e.)?
Shael said:
Peter said:
I'm pretty sure it is entirely possible that some very few people managed to fully raise their kundalini in the past, without "direct guidance". What matters in my opinion is the amount of knowledge the person has on the whole process, and how well they can control their mind to properly deal with any dirt that comes to the surface.

Obviously, receiving guidance from Satan and the Gods will make this whole process much, much easier than trying to do it all on your own.

Thank you!

Perhaps someone who is already elevated (not just awakened) by his kundalini can write me a few lines of experience about what to expect? Since the writings of Vovim Baghie and Kai Purr are not reliable, it would be nice to know what to expect. I know everyone is different, but I'm curious and motivated by the story of others.
Ryan369 said:
Aquarius said:
Ryan369 said:
My ancestors are German and Scottish. My girlfriend is a Filipina who claims Spanish and Japanese descent. If she is correct, she comes from Nordic descent. Nevertheless, I am having a difficult time continuing the relationship with her because there could be some native Filipino in her. Plus, she favors the "One is all" concept in the New Age, but also acknkwledges the Pagan Gods. She is very confused and believes that there is nothing wrong believing in both.
My question is, has anybody been presented with a situation like this, and would you take a chance on race-mixing with a Filipina?
So you aknowledge that you are race mixing but you are asking if race mixing is ok? No dude, it’s disgusting.

I said I knew she was European and Oriental. Hitler said the Japanese are "Aryans" of the East, which is why he allied with them. Ultimately, unless you know a person's full pedigree, you have no idea what race they are. The JOS also says that many DNA tests are faulty. So how is a person supposed to go about finding a pure Aryan, when everybody is so mixed up today? Also, why does it matter at the end of the day? What is the biggest reason to keep your pedigree pure?
The biggest reason to keep your pedigree pure is survival of the race and some damn values, race mixing is disgusting and that’s not what only I believe but what also the Gods believe, because it’s retarded, degenerated and sick, there is no greater disgrace than being a traitor to your own race by mixing with other races. Hitler might have said that, but you have totally not understood the meaning of that, he doesent mean that they are are white, that’s just stupid to think, but that they are pure race asians.
If you are not a pure Aryan yourself don’t worry about finding a pure Aryan as you would just be corrupting her bloodline if you are not of pure race but focus on finding a partner that isnt of another race, that too difficult or you would rather go along with the plan of the jews of mongrelizing the west?
hi my brothers i have some questions about runes.
1. A rune can be sung only several times its number. Or can the number of repetitions be up to 40-80-108?
2. After work do the reinforcements have to be kept fixed until the end of the work or can I do it once 10 then if I have up to 100 the number of reinforcements?
Aquarius said:
Ryan369 said:
Aquarius said:
So you aknowledge that you are race mixing but you are asking if race mixing is ok? No dude, it’s disgusting.

I said I knew she was European and Oriental. Hitler said the Japanese are "Aryans" of the East, which is why he allied with them. Ultimately, unless you know a person's full pedigree, you have no idea what race they are. The JOS also says that many DNA tests are faulty. So how is a person supposed to go about finding a pure Aryan, when everybody is so mixed up today? Also, why does it matter at the end of the day? What is the biggest reason to keep your pedigree pure?
The biggest reason to keep your pedigree pure is survival of the race and some damn values, race mixing is disgusting and that’s not what only I believe but what also the Gods believe, because it’s retarded, degenerated and sick, there is no greater disgrace than being a traitor to your own race by mixing with other races. Hitler might have said that, but you have totally not understood the meaning of that, he doesent mean that they are are white, that’s just stupid to think, but that they are pure race asians.
If you are not a pure Aryan yourself don’t worry about finding a pure Aryan as you would just be corrupting her bloodline if you are not of pure race but focus on finding a partner that isnt of another race, that too difficult or you would rather go along with the plan of the jews of mongrelizing the west?

Okay. I understand the concept, but what is the point of creating many races and then telling them to stay away from each other? What is the real meaning behind all of it? When I hear JOS talk about this, they explain it in such a superficial way that it almost sounds like the Christians who say "The Bible says it, so I believe it". The Christians dont know why they believe their crap. They just believe it without understanding it. There's a wisdom that comes with understanding. I believe that race-mixing goes against nature, but I dont understand it, nor do I understand why its so important to the Gods. Why didnt they just make everybody white and be done with it? Why does it have to be so complex? A black man can harness just as much prana as a white guy and attain the same level of consciousness and do the same magic, so what makes them inferior? Just the fact that they're nit from Enki? I'm open to all logical explanations. Not, "Its disgusting". Thats not an argument. Thats an emotional bias. I want real evidence.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
I've read different things here... please help me clarify.

When we reincarnate, do we still keep our personalities?

When we reincarnate, are we always born with the same signs in our natal chart (astrological signs) as the previous life?
We keep the same personality, just maybe a little bit different. Like maybe some new focuses and qualities added in that weren't as strong before, or a little bit less focus on a quality you used to have.

You're astrology won't be exactly the same, but it will usually be very similar.

I have a demon mate, will he be in my next life? I'm nervous to ask him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
