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Answer: Help With Opioid Addiction

serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
IShatterFur said:
Hello. I truly need help in overcoming my addiction to fentanyl and heroin, I am in my twenties, and have battled with this since I was 15.

Is there anyway the clergy or higher ranking members could help guide me through this.

I overdose when I relapse.


Clinging to the gods and the meditations we have, along with seeking professional help is indeed important and paramount here.

A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

I post this so that someone, anyone reading this knows that its SO IMPORTANT to cling heavily to the gods, our meditations, and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, rehab, ect. Before it's much TOO LATE.

Life is not a toy, life is not a game. I have been given a wonderful chance, and it's important we never squander what has been given to us.

By strength of the spirit, mind and body, and combining professional help, and taking serious lifestyle changes, abd steps, one can and will SURVIVE, their is HOPE.

Hail Satan and all our gods and goddesses, for our allegiance and faith in them can level mountains, along with taking responsibility and what we MUST do in our lives to be okay.

Yeah , newb, look, don't come at someone who's been here longer and obviously has more skill. Read what I stated. I quit meth, alcohol, cigs and weed. You have no experience succeeding and aren't ANYONE predicate moderator stipulations to me. You can't even take responsibility ti quit. Do a waning Pisces moon working and next time you can't help wanna drink, take chamomile and smoke weed. It's like at 'just don't use no matter what -- plug in the jug', yeah right, you know the insanity of addiction is deep. I have laid out the most comprehensive damn plan to help them, I'm highly qualified to predicate from a position of spiritual authority based on experience. Know your place newb, stop drinking and take some advice. I bust my ass to get sober, spam daily all over gab, do intense power mediation/rituals. I wouldn't have quit if it hadn't been for all those named tools. New people are vulnerable and even people like you wo've likely been here a while who can't get a grip on it fully. Hopefully you'll be humble enough to heed this constructive criticism/tough love. I'm coming from a place of love, fam. Be a Serpent Walker not a Serpent Talker, please and thank you, Hail Satan!
SaxonStranger100 said:
5htp and dopa muccuna (L-dopa) take them hours apart because they need the same enzymes or something like that.

Do rituals with Runes and Sanskrit, power meditation and RTR/veil stuff on a psices waiting moon when it's very small warning or full. I know from experience this works wonders. I do x100 and 216 of the Sanskrit and 10x for waxing -- sobriety/clean or 9x of waiting -- diminishing addiction. I also use Passionflower for MAOI because that traps dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Eat beats/prunes if it makes you have GI issues, you know. I don't like to mention that but it's completely necessary. I've heard horror stories about that.

Also, take a hot show and get it to cold gradually. Maybe smoke some weed. If you can't get that then just maybe do kratom. I don't support kratom and I don't think weed or kratom should be done for more than a while. I've seen people without power be reliant for maintenance n those, but so what, you're not weak. I don't care what the moderators say, if you're quitting opiates, start with some bud and those herbs. All that matters is experience and I'm telling you that's it. I've quit meth and klonopin (years of klonopin) as well as many meds. Listen to isochronic alpha waves and theta waves, like Schumann. Do yoga and please, don't do NA because powerlessness is a joke. We are powerless until we take action, of course. I've had way too much of that cult in commiefornia and such. Last resort, I-doser w/ out bose headphones (use gamma 80 hz isochronic youtube tone first for a minute to entrain the brain in synchronicity). This all works, I know, trust me.

Cheers fam! SIEG HEIL.

Oh, look at you here telling people on an adiction post to smoke weed and kratom. You are a little joke aren't you. Such a high class warrior. You don't patch up an opening with another opening.

Now that I understand you better, please get your focus on much better subjects. Personal development and cleaning plus healing.
Also, stop saying N1993R, what image does that convey -- white nationalism is weak. We are GENTILES! We do have white privilege because Father Satan made us the Master Race, but don't be low-vibrational about it. I love blacks and I'm not going to be fake and say that about them like I used to. Monkey is the meanest thing you should ever say. I hate to say this as a National Socialist, but have some class, in a manner of speaking. REPRESENT US BETTER GODDAMNIT! NOBODY ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION ON BLACKS, OR LIKE IN GENERAL -- DUH! BE RESPECTFUL!

SIEG HEIL 1488666!!
ooooops that last message was for the other thread, I'm not being responsible with dyslexia, too fast, please deny it from opioid addiction, I only want my more cordial reply to serpent walker there, please don't allow this one there either it's just the only way to communicate directly...Please
I started going to the gym and I will be practicing yoga soon. Releasing natural opioids and boosting self esteem. Going to Twelve Step meetings, that's just what was recommended by the professionals..it kind of works I guess, they try to get you to believe in a Higher Power, so I choose Enki/Satan or any of the elder gods.

Working on affirmations and energy workings. Meditating every couple days, doing the final RTR everyday. Will be returning here to update. (2 weeks clean on Monday)

Thank you to all.
NakedPluto said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
5htp and dopa muccuna (L-dopa) take them hours apart because they need the same enzymes or something like that.

Do rituals with Runes and Sanskrit, power meditation and RTR/veil stuff on a psices waiting moon when it's very small warning or full. I know from experience this works wonders. I do x100 and 216 of the Sanskrit and 10x for waxing -- sobriety/clean or 9x of waiting -- diminishing addiction. I also use Passionflower for MAOI because that traps dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Eat beats/prunes if it makes you have GI issues, you know. I don't like to mention that but it's completely necessary. I've heard horror stories about that.

Also, take a hot show and get it to cold gradually. Maybe smoke some weed. If you can't get that then just maybe do kratom. I don't support kratom and I don't think weed or kratom should be done for more than a while. I've seen people without power be reliant for maintenance n those, but so what, you're not weak. I don't care what the moderators say, if you're quitting opiates, start with some bud and those herbs. All that matters is experience and I'm telling you that's it. I've quit meth and klonopin (years of klonopin) as well as many meds. Listen to isochronic alpha waves and theta waves, like Schumann. Do yoga and please, don't do NA because powerlessness is a joke. We are powerless until we take action, of course. I've had way too much of that cult in commiefornia and such. Last resort, I-doser w/ out bose headphones (use gamma 80 hz isochronic youtube tone first for a minute to entrain the brain in synchronicity). This all works, I know, trust me.

Cheers fam! SIEG HEIL.

Oh, look at you here telling people on an adiction post to smoke weed and kratom. You are a little joke aren't you. Such a high class warrior. You don't patch up an opening with another opening.

Now that I understand you better, please get your focus on much better subjects. Personal development and cleaning plus healing.

I fucked up I am way dyslexic and didn't take responsibility to look, I was way tired and stressed and I fucked up. I am very busy spamming and don't spend ANy time on here until now. I just had some serious drama in my day and came on here and was a little put out by how people are. I've quit a lot of shit and none of it due to a 40 day working, yes I was out of line and I followed up by posting in the other etiquette for newbies section. I'm never posting on here and I go too fast sometimes when I just wanted to be done with this. Yeah I know, I'm a fallible human. Furthermore, People are on here telling them to see a kike doctor fr subutex, which is far worse than weed or kratom for like a week or two. You're obviously all talk dude, but you're right about the posting. HEroin addiction is serious -- weed and kratom. Ever tried to meditate through server cravings while new...doubt it, but props if you made it. Not everyone is strong like that. Know your fucking place. I'm off this fucking forum, none of you do shit for spamming and it's true. I just got banned on gab today for going all out, following my orders -- not being insubordinate. Anything you say doesn't matter because this is a program of actuiion. You want this kid to succeed, don't tell him to meditate all day without a fucking cushion. I know some advanced members here who still couldn't quit. Do you? Your fake. Go spam, stop chatting and chanting only. Sieg heil!
IShatterFur said:
I started going to the gym and I will be practicing yoga soon. Releasing natural opioids and boosting self esteem. Going to Twelve Step meetings, that's just what was recommended by the professionals..it kind of works I guess, they try to get you to believe in a Higher Power, so I choose Enki/Satan or any of the elder gods.

Working on affirmations and energy workings. Meditating every couple days, doing the final RTR everyday. Will be returning here to update. (2 weeks clean on Monday)

Thank you to all.
Some tips:

In the meetings if there is even a slightest of push of xianity you need to take measures to stay protected both mentally and spiritually from that filth. Aura cleaning and aura of protection works wonders. You would also consciously need to reject any mention of xian filth, even when you nod in agreement to some xian fool (if that's the case for you, that is).

After doing f-rtr always clean aura. Rtrs dislodge spiritual dirt on us, and it has to be cleaned off separately.

Anyway, gongratulation on your progress!

Hail Satanas!
Just meditate, when I meditate I feel good, I live in the moment, and only in the moment. Time flies by, I am happy.

It is basically like taking drugs. Just much better as you grow stronger.

If you meditate consistently, you have no need or urge to take any consciousness altering substances.

You find solutions for your issues instead of running away from reality.
HauptSturm said:
I didn't read anything on this thread but I'll say this. The threat that opioids are spiked with fentanyl and could kill you is enough of a deterrent to keep anyone away from opioids. I would never touch any of that shit because you never know what is in it. I've known people die from it. You see someone one day and they are gone the next. Fuck around, find out.

Weed is not that bad for your health, and I do NOT want to take any of that ever again. Being sober and yourself is the best there is. Just meditate.
SaxonStranger100 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Clinging to the gods and the meditations we have, along with seeking professional help is indeed important and paramount here.

A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

I post this so that someone, anyone reading this knows that its SO IMPORTANT to cling heavily to the gods, our meditations, and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, rehab, ect. Before it's much TOO LATE.

Life is not a toy, life is not a game. I have been given a wonderful chance, and it's important we never squander what has been given to us.

By strength of the spirit, mind and body, and combining professional help, and taking serious lifestyle changes, abd steps, one can and will SURVIVE, their is HOPE.

Hail Satan and all our gods and goddesses, for our allegiance and faith in them can level mountains, along with taking responsibility and what we MUST do in our lives to be okay.

Yeah , newb, look, don't come at someone who's been here longer and obviously has more skill. Read what I stated. I quit meth, alcohol, cigs and weed. You have no experience succeeding and aren't ANYONE predicate moderator stipulations to me. You can't even take responsibility ti quit. Do a waning Pisces moon working and next time you can't help wanna drink, take chamomile and smoke weed. It's like at 'just don't use no matter what -- plug in the jug', yeah right, you know the insanity of addiction is deep. I have laid out the most comprehensive damn plan to help them, I'm highly qualified to predicate from a position of spiritual authority based on experience. Know your place newb, stop drinking and take some advice. I bust my ass to get sober, spam daily all over gab, do intense power mediation/rituals. I wouldn't have quit if it hadn't been for all those named tools. New people are vulnerable and even people like you wo've likely been here a while who can't get a grip on it fully. Hopefully you'll be humble enough to heed this constructive criticism/tough love. I'm coming from a place of love, fam. Be a Serpent Walker not a Serpent Talker, please and thank you, Hail Satan!

None of this sounds like „constructive criticism“.
You do sound like you are still taking something, if not, you have wrecked your brain, nervous system and mind.

Talking about spiritual authority? You are the only talker I can see here. You can tell who is strong and who is weak, sorry my friend, you sound like someone weak, even weaker than me. You don’t come close to the higher-ups of this place, to the satanic elite. Sorry, you are not one of them.
SaxonStranger100 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Clinging to the gods and the meditations we have, along with seeking professional help is indeed important and paramount here.

A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

I post this so that someone, anyone reading this knows that its SO IMPORTANT to cling heavily to the gods, our meditations, and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, rehab, ect. Before it's much TOO LATE.

Life is not a toy, life is not a game. I have been given a wonderful chance, and it's important we never squander what has been given to us.

By strength of the spirit, mind and body, and combining professional help, and taking serious lifestyle changes, abd steps, one can and will SURVIVE, their is HOPE.

Hail Satan and all our gods and goddesses, for our allegiance and faith in them can level mountains, along with taking responsibility and what we MUST do in our lives to be okay.

Yeah , newb, look, don't come at someone who's been here longer and obviously has more skill. Read what I stated. I quit meth, alcohol, cigs and weed. You have no experience succeeding and aren't ANYONE predicate moderator stipulations to me. You can't even take responsibility ti quit. Do a waning Pisces moon working and next time you can't help wanna drink, take chamomile and smoke weed. It's like at 'just don't use no matter what -- plug in the jug', yeah right, you know the insanity of addiction is deep. I have laid out the most comprehensive damn plan to help them, I'm highly qualified to predicate from a position of spiritual authority based on experience. Know your place newb, stop drinking and take some advice. I bust my ass to get sober, spam daily all over gab, do intense power mediation/rituals. I wouldn't have quit if it hadn't been for all those named tools. New people are vulnerable and even people like you wo've likely been here a while who can't get a grip on it fully. Hopefully you'll be humble enough to heed this constructive criticism/tough love. I'm coming from a place of love, fam. Be a Serpent Walker not a Serpent Talker, please and thank you, Hail Satan!

The issue here is you were giving dangerous advice, and while you may think and feel that you are justified in some of your suggestions, it's not helpful to suggest drugs to someone trying to abstain from drug use.

As for the "newb" and "I cant stop drinking" the "stop being a serpent talker and be a serpentwalker" thanks.

Real mature and "advanced" way of handling this.

Not here to argue with you. If you want to give dangerous advice and suggestions, and try to defend yourself of your botched way of going about things, go right ahead. But dont act surprised if other members are quick to reprimand this type of behavior, and not take you seriously.

Yes, I have struggled with alcohol. I have finally been able to break free from this, after being in a sort of corrosive situation dealing with some internal dross, with heavy spiritual attacks, thankfully I'm finally free.

Smoking weed is not what anyone should do, and you shouldnt recommend this to people.

If you want to boast erroneously that you are highly qualified and advanced, its very important to understand a few things first.

If you were truly as qualified you say you are, why tell a heroin addict to smoke marijuana? Do you truly think that's a good idea, to switch one addiction for another.? It's a horrible idea to that persons detriment.

Please think about this next time you offer advice to someone. Especially to someone in such a serious position as this member suffering from opioid addiction.
people have used kratom to kick opioid addiction but i cant recommend it since its still an addicting substance. if one has opioid dependency you can basically switch to kratom and use that instead but its exchanging one shit substance to another not as shit substance.

people online literally preach about how good kratom is but i experienced it first hand and its not something i can recommend to anyone properly unless they want to be addicted to that instead, although its better than an opioid addiction.

there has been some good answers here but i know that opioids are literally the hardest substance to get over, and even years after quitting people will still crave it.

NinRick said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Clinging to the gods and the meditations we have, along with seeking professional help is indeed important and paramount here.

A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

I post this so that someone, anyone reading this knows that its SO IMPORTANT to cling heavily to the gods, our meditations, and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, rehab, ect. Before it's much TOO LATE.

Life is not a toy, life is not a game. I have been given a wonderful chance, and it's important we never squander what has been given to us.

By strength of the spirit, mind and body, and combining professional help, and taking serious lifestyle changes, abd steps, one can and will SURVIVE, their is HOPE.

Hail Satan and all our gods and goddesses, for our allegiance and faith in them can level mountains, along with taking responsibility and what we MUST do in our lives to be okay.

Yeah , newb, look, don't come at someone who's been here longer and obviously has more skill. Read what I stated. I quit meth, alcohol, cigs and weed. You have no experience succeeding and aren't ANYONE predicate moderator stipulations to me. You can't even take responsibility ti quit. Do a waning Pisces moon working and next time you can't help wanna drink, take chamomile and smoke weed. It's like at 'just don't use no matter what -- plug in the jug', yeah right, you know the insanity of addiction is deep. I have laid out the most comprehensive damn plan to help them, I'm highly qualified to predicate from a position of spiritual authority based on experience. Know your place newb, stop drinking and take some advice. I bust my ass to get sober, spam daily all over gab, do intense power mediation/rituals. I wouldn't have quit if it hadn't been for all those named tools. New people are vulnerable and even people like you wo've likely been here a while who can't get a grip on it fully. Hopefully you'll be humble enough to heed this constructive criticism/tough love. I'm coming from a place of love, fam. Be a Serpent Walker not a Serpent Talker, please and thank you, Hail Satan!

None of this sounds like „constructive criticism“.
You do sound like you are still taking something, if not, you have wrecked your brain, nervous system and mind.

Talking about spiritual authority? You are the only talker I can see here. You can tell who is strong and who is weak, sorry my friend, you sound like someone weak, even weaker than me. You don’t come close to the higher-ups of this place, to the satanic elite. Sorry, you are not one of them.

Doesn't matter what I sound like or what you think, you obviously don't have the abilities to tell. I'm coming from experience, they aren't. period. That post was on the wrong page, no legit excuse. I was irritated and I wasn't being responsible with intense dyslexia. You know what. If you were busting our ass spamming and then came on here to this shit show with a bunch of ranting chanters who don't practice propaganda, you might get mad too; oh wait, never mind, you don't spam. I'm double leo dragon with a Fuego merkaba and vril, I'm not weak. Yu're fake for being false, insubordinate for not spamming -- just like the rest. See my post in etiquette for newbies, that's where I elaborated. Dragon signs stir public anger for inspiration. I wasn't trying to inspire through kindness because nice guys finish last. I've been on here over the years asking nicely for members who are serious to spam -to no avail. This serpent-talker just was the straw that broke the camel's back. I come on here with EXPERIENCE of quitting ll kinds of shit and staying off -- all without a 40 day working. Someone with a baby avatar names NinRick isn't someone I take seriously, even if you do the schedule. The schedule doesn't make you bad, it's a baseline requirement. Get out there and do something for those who are without. How's that for weak, chump. You all get the last word and the last laugh is always mine -- because I do my fucking best. I flood gab, xephula, brighten. I just got banned and now I'm back. What the fuck makes you stand out. All you guys do is rant and chant. You guys ain't shit and I won't sit at your table. I laugh at anyone who calls me weak. You don't know what the fuck I've been through and why I get that nice guys finish last. I have a huge heart and lots of love, but when I see insubordination and get flack for helping a fellow addict, you guys should know you're fucking place. I quit meth and klonopin with meditation, yoga, and minimal (that's right) frequencies and some weed for a bit -- what the fuck have you done -- not that I bet. You know how hard it is to quit benzos. I hope to make an example of you all for this newb addict. At least I give a fuck to fight for them, I hope they see this. Anyone who is too weak to do what I said shouldn't be here -- they won't last. I was very scared and weak and I had perseverance... You don't do what your supposed to be doing and then sit around and moderate, it's embarrassing. The clergy says don't moderate and spam, but that's too much to ask for entitles elitist members, at least I earn my stripes, not jump on the bandwagon and crank out an easy schedule to think highly of myself. I'll swing my cock where I please, given you all are soft now, with a lack of strict regimentation because the clergy is shorthanded. Just because you are here doesn't mean shit. Get real. Hail Satan!
serpentwalker666 said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Clinging to the gods and the meditations we have, along with seeking professional help is indeed important and paramount here.

A few days ago, I relapsed heavily into alcohol use, and ended up dead on the floor, collapsed with no breath, or pulse, and was cold and blue.

By some miracle from the gods who have been closely watching and guiding me, after over an hour of being dead, I seemed to have survived, and am alive, more then ever.

I post this so that someone, anyone reading this knows that its SO IMPORTANT to cling heavily to the gods, our meditations, and SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, rehab, ect. Before it's much TOO LATE.

Life is not a toy, life is not a game. I have been given a wonderful chance, and it's important we never squander what has been given to us.

By strength of the spirit, mind and body, and combining professional help, and taking serious lifestyle changes, abd steps, one can and will SURVIVE, their is HOPE.

Hail Satan and all our gods and goddesses, for our allegiance and faith in them can level mountains, along with taking responsibility and what we MUST do in our lives to be okay.

Yeah , newb, look, don't come at someone who's been here longer and obviously has more skill. Read what I stated. I quit meth, alcohol, cigs and weed. You have no experience succeeding and aren't ANYONE predicate moderator stipulations to me. You can't even take responsibility ti quit. Do a waning Pisces moon working and next time you can't help wanna drink, take chamomile and smoke weed. It's like at 'just don't use no matter what -- plug in the jug', yeah right, you know the insanity of addiction is deep. I have laid out the most comprehensive damn plan to help them, I'm highly qualified to predicate from a position of spiritual authority based on experience. Know your place newb, stop drinking and take some advice. I bust my ass to get sober, spam daily all over gab, do intense power mediation/rituals. I wouldn't have quit if it hadn't been for all those named tools. New people are vulnerable and even people like you wo've likely been here a while who can't get a grip on it fully. Hopefully you'll be humble enough to heed this constructive criticism/tough love. I'm coming from a place of love, fam. Be a Serpent Walker not a Serpent Talker, please and thank you, Hail Satan!

The issue here is you were giving dangerous advice, and while you may think and feel that you are justified in some of your suggestions, it's not helpful to suggest drugs to someone trying to abstain from drug use.

As for the "newb" and "I cant stop drinking" the "stop being a serpent talker and be a serpentwalker" thanks.

Real mature and "advanced" way of handling this.

Not here to argue with you. If you want to give dangerous advice and suggestions, and try to defend yourself of your botched way of going about things, go right ahead. But dont act surprised if other members are quick to reprimand this type of behavior, and not take you seriously.

Yes, I have struggled with alcohol. I have finally been able to break free from this, after being in a sort of corrosive situation dealing with some internal dross, with heavy spiritual attacks, thankfully I'm finally free.

Smoking weed is not what anyone should do, and you shouldnt recommend this to people.

If you want to boast erroneously that you are highly qualified and advanced, its very important to understand a few things first.

If you were truly as qualified you say you are, why tell a heroin addict to smoke marijuana? Do you truly think that's a good idea, to switch one addiction for another.? It's a horrible idea to that persons detriment.

Please think about this next time you offer advice to someone. Especially to someone in such a serious position as this member suffering from opioid addiction.

Not about being immatmture, I just called you out for being interfering and lacking experience, if anyone is immature, it's you, duh. You have no idea how hard it was, alcohol ain't shit compared to meth with benzos at once, lol...You're experience is valid, but like with 12-step slave-programs, you have to walk before you talk, serpent-talker...I hate to say that but it's necessary to my point. You're fake. Go spam and be quiet, insubordinate. You lack experience, obviously you've struggled but you're a problem-oriented person given what you've stated and your recent experience, I am; however, a solution-based person. I'm strong as fuck for quitting -- even without a 40 day working because my soul is raw. You have nothing newb, go get sober. and then puff your chest out. The last word is yours, the last laugh is mine. I coined that and it's so perfect. LOL, just because you are here doesn't make you badass, you can't even handle a little weed or alcohol and you preach, you ranting chanter, go spam and be quiet, your last message was the same as the one before, while I sink my claws in. Hail Satan

IShatterFur said:
Yes thank you for your care and response. I will do all these things advised and stay determined. I see the support here and I am grateful. Thank you to anyone and all that respond.

I appreciate this, but compare this well-intended post to mine -- and see where the solution is. I've done the;ve steps for years, but occultism and meditation got me through. Sometimes it's hard to work out with high blood pressure, especially when the endorphins are drawrfed by the depletion from drugs. I may stir the pot -- ruffle feathers, but my solution and experience speak for themselves people. Thanks for posting this ShatterFur, Sieg Heil!
IShatterFur said:
Yes thank you for your care and response. I will do all these things advised and stay determined. I see the support here and I am grateful. Thank you to anyone and all that respond.

I appreciate this, but compare this well-intended post to mine -- and see where the solution is. I've done the;ve steps for years, but occultism and meditation got me through. Sometimes it's hard to work out with high blood pressure, especially when the endorphins are drawrfed by the depletion from drugs. I may stir the pot -- ruffle feathers, but my solution and experience speak for themselves people. Thanks for posting this ShatterFur, Sieg Heil!
SaxonStranger100 said:
NinRick said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Yeah , newb, look, don't come at someone who's been here longer and obviously has more skill. Read what I stated. I quit meth, alcohol, cigs and weed. You have no experience succeeding and aren't ANYONE predicate moderator stipulations to me. You can't even take responsibility ti quit. Do a waning Pisces moon working and next time you can't help wanna drink, take chamomile and smoke weed. It's like at 'just don't use no matter what -- plug in the jug', yeah right, you know the insanity of addiction is deep. I have laid out the most comprehensive damn plan to help them, I'm highly qualified to predicate from a position of spiritual authority based on experience. Know your place newb, stop drinking and take some advice. I bust my ass to get sober, spam daily all over gab, do intense power mediation/rituals. I wouldn't have quit if it hadn't been for all those named tools. New people are vulnerable and even people like you wo've likely been here a while who can't get a grip on it fully. Hopefully you'll be humble enough to heed this constructive criticism/tough love. I'm coming from a place of love, fam. Be a Serpent Walker not a Serpent Talker, please and thank you, Hail Satan!

None of this sounds like „constructive criticism“.
You do sound like you are still taking something, if not, you have wrecked your brain, nervous system and mind.

Talking about spiritual authority? You are the only talker I can see here. You can tell who is strong and who is weak, sorry my friend, you sound like someone weak, even weaker than me. You don’t come close to the higher-ups of this place, to the satanic elite. Sorry, you are not one of them.

Doesn't matter what I sound like or what you think, you obviously don't have the abilities to tell. I'm coming from experience, they aren't. period. That post was on the wrong page, no legit excuse. I was irritated and I wasn't being responsible with intense dyslexia. You know what. If you were busting our ass spamming and then came on here to this shit show with a bunch of ranting chanters who don't practice propaganda, you might get mad too; oh wait, never mind, you don't spam. I'm double leo dragon with a Fuego merkaba and vril, I'm not weak. Yu're fake for being false, insubordinate for not spamming -- just like the rest. See my post in etiquette for newbies, that's where I elaborated. Dragon signs stir public anger for inspiration. I wasn't trying to inspire through kindness because nice guys finish last. I've been on here over the years asking nicely for members who are serious to spam -to no avail. This serpent-talker just was the straw that broke the camel's back. I come on here with EXPERIENCE of quitting ll kinds of shit and staying off -- all without a 40 day working. Someone with a baby avatar names NinRick isn't someone I take seriously, even if you do the schedule. The schedule doesn't make you bad, it's a baseline requirement. Get out there and do something for those who are without. How's that for weak, chump. You all get the last word and the last laugh is always mine -- because I do my fucking best. I flood gab, xephula, brighten. I just got banned and now I'm back. What the fuck makes you stand out. All you guys do is rant and chant. You guys ain't shit and I won't sit at your table. I laugh at anyone who calls me weak. You don't know what the fuck I've been through and why I get that nice guys finish last. I have a huge heart and lots of love, but when I see insubordination and get flack for helping a fellow addict, you guys should know you're fucking place. I quit meth and klonopin with meditation, yoga, and minimal (that's right) frequencies and some weed for a bit -- what the fuck have you done -- not that I bet. You know how hard it is to quit benzos. I hope to make an example of you all for this newb addict. At least I give a fuck to fight for them, I hope they see this. Anyone who is too weak to do what I said shouldn't be here -- they won't last. I was very scared and weak and I had perseverance... You don't do what your supposed to be doing and then sit around and moderate, it's embarrassing. The clergy says don't moderate and spam, but that's too much to ask for entitles elitist members, at least I earn my stripes, not jump on the bandwagon and crank out an easy schedule to think highly of myself. I'll swing my cock where I please, given you all are soft now, with a lack of strict regimentation because the clergy is shorthanded. Just because you are here doesn't mean shit. Get real. Hail Satan!

You sure like to talk a lot, right?
SaxonStranger100 said:
NinRick said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Yeah , newb, look, don't come at someone who's been here longer and obviously has more skill. Read what I stated. I quit meth, alcohol, cigs and weed. You have no experience succeeding and aren't ANYONE predicate moderator stipulations to me. You can't even take responsibility ti quit. Do a waning Pisces moon working and next time you can't help wanna drink, take chamomile and smoke weed. It's like at 'just don't use no matter what -- plug in the jug', yeah right, you know the insanity of addiction is deep. I have laid out the most comprehensive damn plan to help them, I'm highly qualified to predicate from a position of spiritual authority based on experience. Know your place newb, stop drinking and take some advice. I bust my ass to get sober, spam daily all over gab, do intense power mediation/rituals. I wouldn't have quit if it hadn't been for all those named tools. New people are vulnerable and even people like you wo've likely been here a while who can't get a grip on it fully. Hopefully you'll be humble enough to heed this constructive criticism/tough love. I'm coming from a place of love, fam. Be a Serpent Walker not a Serpent Talker, please and thank you, Hail Satan!

None of this sounds like „constructive criticism“.
You do sound like you are still taking something, if not, you have wrecked your brain, nervous system and mind.

Talking about spiritual authority? You are the only talker I can see here. You can tell who is strong and who is weak, sorry my friend, you sound like someone weak, even weaker than me. You don’t come close to the higher-ups of this place, to the satanic elite. Sorry, you are not one of them.

Doesn't matter what I sound like or what you think, you obviously don't have the abilities to tell. I'm coming from experience, they aren't. period. That post was on the wrong page, no legit excuse. I was irritated and I wasn't being responsible with intense dyslexia. You know what. If you were busting our ass spamming and then came on here to this shit show with a bunch of ranting chanters who don't practice propaganda, you might get mad too; oh wait, never mind, you don't spam. I'm double leo dragon with a Fuego merkaba and vril, I'm not weak. Yu're fake for being false, insubordinate for not spamming -- just like the rest. See my post in etiquette for newbies, that's where I elaborated. Dragon signs stir public anger for inspiration. I wasn't trying to inspire through kindness because nice guys finish last. I've been on here over the years asking nicely for members who are serious to spam -to no avail. This serpent-talker just was the straw that broke the camel's back. I come on here with EXPERIENCE of quitting ll kinds of shit and staying off -- all without a 40 day working. Someone with a baby avatar names NinRick isn't someone I take seriously, even if you do the schedule. The schedule doesn't make you bad, it's a baseline requirement. Get out there and do something for those who are without. How's that for weak, chump. You all get the last word and the last laugh is always mine -- because I do my fucking best. I flood gab, xephula, brighten. I just got banned and now I'm back. What the fuck makes you stand out. All you guys do is rant and chant. You guys ain't shit and I won't sit at your table. I laugh at anyone who calls me weak. You don't know what the fuck I've been through and why I get that nice guys finish last. I have a huge heart and lots of love, but when I see insubordination and get flack for helping a fellow addict, you guys should know you're fucking place. I quit meth and klonopin with meditation, yoga, and minimal (that's right) frequencies and some weed for a bit -- what the fuck have you done -- not that I bet. You know how hard it is to quit benzos. I hope to make an example of you all for this newb addict. At least I give a fuck to fight for them, I hope they see this. Anyone who is too weak to do what I said shouldn't be here -- they won't last. I was very scared and weak and I had perseverance... You don't do what your supposed to be doing and then sit around and moderate, it's embarrassing. The clergy says don't moderate and spam, but that's too much to ask for entitles elitist members, at least I earn my stripes, not jump on the bandwagon and crank out an easy schedule to think highly of myself. I'll swing my cock where I please, given you all are soft now, with a lack of strict regimentation because the clergy is shorthanded. Just because you are here doesn't mean shit. Get real. Hail Satan!

You call yourself so strong, and yet, my few words triggered you so hard. This is what I call „fragile ego“. ;D

1) There was a reason for you to get banned, I am sure of it. No need to be proud of it, do you think you deserve a medal for it?

2) you are proud because you were a hardcore Junkie, and quit that shit. And oh yeah, you went insane in the process. Nice! Was it worth it? Is a normal life possible for you now? I bet not. Calling other people „newb addicts“ lmao, sorry you super drug veteran. =D
You blame other people for your demise and that they don’t get along with you too well. Maybe you are the problem?

Took you long enough to quit that shit. Is some who harms themselves, and other people around them, for an extended period of time strong?
Is this what a man should do??

Let me ask you, what do you do for the advancement of Satanism? Please don’t tell me someone as insane as you go out on the streets and promotes Satanism. All you do is promote a bad picture.

You think too highly of yourself, when everybody Thinks that you are an insane insecure knucklehead.
But I am nice enough to tell you. =D
I also do believe you still do drugs, as much of what you say doesn’t make any sense.

All I can detect is that you don’t rule over your own mind. Prove me wrong.
I am happily waiting for your reply btw, it is fun talking to you, we should do that more often! =D

Meanwhile I am in control of my mind, my body, getting stronger by the day, step by step, have no financial problems, no addictions, and I am working on my career. =D
People like me, I know how to behave, and step up if I see that someone is being wronged in front of me.
As I want to become a strong shoulder for people who are important for me.
A man has to provide stability and security. I don’t think that you can provide stability and security, you need someone who does this for you.. but you’re sooo strooong!

There is much more to strength, than to „swing your cock where you please“. Get real. And fix your issues before talking about strength.

Ahh yeah, you get it don‘t you? I am just using „constructive criticism“ cuz nice guys finish last!
NinRick said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
NinRick said:
None of this sounds like „constructive criticism“.
You do sound like you are still taking something, if not, you have wrecked your brain, nervous system and mind.

Talking about spiritual authority? You are the only talker I can see here. You can tell who is strong and who is weak, sorry my friend, you sound like someone weak, even weaker than me. You don’t come close to the higher-ups of this place, to the satanic elite. Sorry, you are not one of them.

Doesn't matter what I sound like or what you think, you obviously don't have the abilities to tell. I'm coming from experience, they aren't. period. That post was on the wrong page, no legit excuse. I was irritated and I wasn't being responsible with intense dyslexia. You know what. If you were busting our ass spamming and then came on here to this shit show with a bunch of ranting chanters who don't practice propaganda, you might get mad too; oh wait, never mind, you don't spam. I'm double leo dragon with a Fuego merkaba and vril, I'm not weak. Yu're fake for being false, insubordinate for not spamming -- just like the rest. See my post in etiquette for newbies, that's where I elaborated. Dragon signs stir public anger for inspiration. I wasn't trying to inspire through kindness because nice guys finish last. I've been on here over the years asking nicely for members who are serious to spam -to no avail. This serpent-talker just was the straw that broke the camel's back. I come on here with EXPERIENCE of quitting ll kinds of shit and staying off -- all without a 40 day working. Someone with a baby avatar names NinRick isn't someone I take seriously, even if you do the schedule. The schedule doesn't make you bad, it's a baseline requirement. Get out there and do something for those who are without. How's that for weak, chump. You all get the last word and the last laugh is always mine -- because I do my fucking best. I flood gab, xephula, brighten. I just got banned and now I'm back. What the fuck makes you stand out. All you guys do is rant and chant. You guys ain't shit and I won't sit at your table. I laugh at anyone who calls me weak. You don't know what the fuck I've been through and why I get that nice guys finish last. I have a huge heart and lots of love, but when I see insubordination and get flack for helping a fellow addict, you guys should know you're fucking place. I quit meth and klonopin with meditation, yoga, and minimal (that's right) frequencies and some weed for a bit -- what the fuck have you done -- not that I bet. You know how hard it is to quit benzos. I hope to make an example of you all for this newb addict. At least I give a fuck to fight for them, I hope they see this. Anyone who is too weak to do what I said shouldn't be here -- they won't last. I was very scared and weak and I had perseverance... You don't do what your supposed to be doing and then sit around and moderate, it's embarrassing. The clergy says don't moderate and spam, but that's too much to ask for entitles elitist members, at least I earn my stripes, not jump on the bandwagon and crank out an easy schedule to think highly of myself. I'll swing my cock where I please, given you all are soft now, with a lack of strict regimentation because the clergy is shorthanded. Just because you are here doesn't mean shit. Get real. Hail Satan!

You sure like to talk a lot, right?

I have Scorpio in the third house and a double Leo double Dragon Fuego chart going on. My testimonial is hard-core, everything I comment about I offer solution. I have a manifold nexus of it. I did the whole 12 step thing and had an epiphany, I came way closer to Satan, but that in itself was not enough because it was still in my aura. I’m really good at talking but I’m better at pushing the word through dissemination be a spiritual warfare. Dragons cause public outrage through ruffling feathers and stirring the pot — to catalyze change in a positive direction. I came on here and started calling people out for being fake for not spamming, which to me is as objective as possible, and Clerical-Commander Cobra wrote a sermon about it — right away. The Joy of Satan Ministryes handles business quickly. I have a strong enough throat chakra and intellect to be able to take on like eight people at once online, do you think coming here and handling people I out-rank (figuratively/literally* whatever) is any different. Constructive criticism and Toughlove were the greatest lessons of my life and gave me gratitude and fortitude and I could take or leave drugs any day. People suggesting preliminary things to those who are not born with the ability is already inherent/innate, just don’t know from experience unless they handled an addiction later in their development, which I kind of doubt. Low priest magedaughter777 ( my buddy made that up not me LOL) came on here and predicated stipulations for years. That leads to one thing, moderators. It’s all about having moderation not listening to moderators. The serpent will not rise if you deny yourself that Friday night toke and go without just because you’re trying to be an elitist. Trust me on that. That shit. He stated that alcohol was the liquid you, when the Holy Gods taught the Sumerians to make spirits. The only ones who probably got hooked on that shit back then were those who lost people they loved, or the ability to do what they love, generally speaking. Unfortunately, this only leads to one thing, moderators. It’s all about moderation, not moderators. Never forget I told you that please, but if your vibration is higher than it will not fuck with you. A Viking will throw down some L after throwing down on RTR’s. A Viking will throw down some L after throwing down on RTRs,. He’ll wake up and do an RTR if he’s doing what he supposed to be doing, or she for that matter, they’re going to rock at life and nothing is going to get in their way. The last time I had shit get in my Way is when I had a hole in my aura. I’m just trying to give you some perspective because I don’t wanna leave you with a bad feeling… I just have to call people out when they are fucking up but I want people to feel good. Anyone who thinks I’m a dick can thank me for being the catalyst. Now you have more responsibilities that you should’ve done from the beginning. There wasn’t a day I never thought of spamming… I literally started spamming joy of Satan before I even started powering up in cleansing when I was younger. It’s was like “gee, I wonder how many more powerful people I can attract to this because they’re the ones who’d get it anyway”. I’m just trying to give you some perspective because I don’t wanna leave you with a bad feeling… I want to make everybody here feel good about themselves it’s just when I see people fucking up I’m gonna treat them the way that I was treated. Cobra called me out and I won’t do it anymore. I’m not even gonna be on here hardly unless I’m like commenting on somethings are very specific. Clerical-Commander Cobra kindly called me out and I won’t do it anymore. I’m not even gonna be on here hardly unless I’m like commenting on somethings are very specific. I don’t mean to come down on you so hard but people need to know their place… There are no moderators and Satanism and people who snubbed her nose that experience are sheltered. I know how to talk, it’s my job. Cheers Sieg heil!
NinRick said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
NinRick said:
None of this sounds like „constructive criticism“.
You do sound like you are still taking something, if not, you have wrecked your brain, nervous system and mind.

Talking about spiritual authority? You are the only talker I can see here. You can tell who is strong and who is weak, sorry my friend, you sound like someone weak, even weaker than me. You don’t come close to the higher-ups of this place, to the satanic elite. Sorry, you are not one of them.

Doesn't matter what I sound like or what you think, you obviously don't have the abilities to tell. I'm coming from experience, they aren't. period. That post was on the wrong page, no legit excuse. I was irritated and I wasn't being responsible with intense dyslexia. You know what. If you were busting our ass spamming and then came on here to this shit show with a bunch of ranting chanters who don't practice propaganda, you might get mad too; oh wait, never mind, you don't spam. I'm double leo dragon with a Fuego merkaba and vril, I'm not weak. Yu're fake for being false, insubordinate for not spamming -- just like the rest. See my post in etiquette for newbies, that's where I elaborated. Dragon signs stir public anger for inspiration. I wasn't trying to inspire through kindness because nice guys finish last. I've been on here over the years asking nicely for members who are serious to spam -to no avail. This serpent-talker just was the straw that broke the camel's back. I come on here with EXPERIENCE of quitting ll kinds of shit and staying off -- all without a 40 day working. Someone with a baby avatar names NinRick isn't someone I take seriously, even if you do the schedule. The schedule doesn't make you bad, it's a baseline requirement. Get out there and do something for those who are without. How's that for weak, chump. You all get the last word and the last laugh is always mine -- because I do my fucking best. I flood gab, xephula, brighten. I just got banned and now I'm back. What the fuck makes you stand out. All you guys do is rant and chant. You guys ain't shit and I won't sit at your table. I laugh at anyone who calls me weak. You don't know what the fuck I've been through and why I get that nice guys finish last. I have a huge heart and lots of love, but when I see insubordination and get flack for helping a fellow addict, you guys should know you're fucking place. I quit meth and klonopin with meditation, yoga, and minimal (that's right) frequencies and some weed for a bit -- what the fuck have you done -- not that I bet. You know how hard it is to quit benzos. I hope to make an example of you all for this newb addict. At least I give a fuck to fight for them, I hope they see this. Anyone who is too weak to do what I said shouldn't be here -- they won't last. I was very scared and weak and I had perseverance... You don't do what your supposed to be doing and then sit around and moderate, it's embarrassing. The clergy says don't moderate and spam, but that's too much to ask for entitles elitist members, at least I earn my stripes, not jump on the bandwagon and crank out an easy schedule to think highly of myself. I'll swing my cock where I please, given you all are soft now, with a lack of strict regimentation because the clergy is shorthanded. Just because you are here doesn't mean shit. Get real. Hail Satan!

You sure like to talk a lot, right?

This guy is just wow.... lol. I havent seen anyone as egotistical, and argumentive like this "saxon" stranger in a long time.
Being a good runner can easily eliminate an opioid addiction, although being a good runner is actually pretty difficult. Your body gives of endogenous morphine when you hit a certain level, but it took me years of daily training to get to that level, and if you follow this with a yoga session immediately after the energy can be phenomenal. I have done heroin twice, and while it was extremely pleasurable, and lasted twice as long as the high I would get from my running/yoga combo, it is not as clean or ecstatic. There is a dirty nervousness, as well as dopeyness, to opiates that I dont get when I run so I can honestly say that I could do heroin again and not be the slightest bit worried that I would become and addict. I just don't really care for it.

I wrote about going the extra mile for Satan about a decade ago under the old Yahoo forums. Father Satan was testing me to see if I would listen and he very quickly told me to do an extra mile when I was at the end of a 4 mile run being ran at a pace that had me almost on an empty tank by the end of it. I told him if I did another that I would literally die. I knew myself pretty well after running on a daily basis for years and I was certain I would at least pass out, but I was willing to do so. I suffered through one of the most difficult runs, if not the most dangerous run I have ever had. When I was finished my wings were in full bloom and I realized I wasn't being tested to see If I was willful enough to follow through, but rather I was at a high enough energy level, and perfect timing as well, to have my wings poof open a few seconds after I stopped the treadmill. The reward was in the actual doing. I have never been able to replicate it, but it is possible to open your wings through distance running and also having a fast energy flow to your upper body which I developed through a combination of stretching, calisthenics, and lifting. My back muscles were especially strong at this point in my life so this is partially why I was able to do this.
SaxonStranger100 said:

I wanted to apologise to you. You just pissed me hardcore off, so I wanted to piss you hardcore off as well. I said those things deliberately to trigger you.
Astralnaut said:
Being a good runner can easily eliminate an opioid addiction, although being a good runner is actually pretty difficult. Your body gives of endogenous morphine when you hit a certain level, but it took me years of daily training to get to that level, and if you follow this with a yoga session immediately after the energy can be phenomenal. I have done heroin twice, and while it was extremely pleasurable, and lasted twice as long as the high I would get from my running/yoga combo, it is not as clean or ecstatic. There is a dirty nervousness, as well as dopeyness, to opiates that I dont get when I run so I can honestly say that I could do heroin again and not be the slightest bit worried that I would become and addict. I just don't really care for it.

I wrote about going the extra mile for Satan about a decade ago under the old Yahoo forums. Father Satan was testing me to see if I would listen and he very quickly told me to do an extra mile when I was at the end of a 4 mile run being ran at a pace that had me almost on an empty tank by the end of it. I told him if I did another that I would literally die. I knew myself pretty well after running on a daily basis for years and I was certain I would at least pass out, but I was willing to do so. I suffered through one of the most difficult runs, if not the most dangerous run I have ever had. When I was finished my wings were in full bloom and I realized I wasn't being tested to see If I was willful enough to follow through, but rather I was at a high enough energy level, and perfect timing as well, to have my wings poof open a few seconds after I stopped the treadmill. The reward was in the actual doing. I have never been able to replicate it, but it is possible to open your wings through distance running and also having a fast energy flow to your upper body which I developed through a combination of stretching, calisthenics, and lifting. My back muscles were especially strong at this point in my life so this is partially why I was able to do this.
Runner, cyclist, skier and so on and so forth.

So basically endurance athletics compliment this path well. I know this from expierence as well. However not everyone is built the same way and what works for one works worse for another.

All in all some form of sports is a must.
NinRick said:
HauptSturm said:
I didn't read anything on this thread but I'll say this. The threat that opioids are spiked with fentanyl and could kill you is enough of a deterrent to keep anyone away from opioids. I would never touch any of that shit because you never know what is in it. I've known people die from it. You see someone one day and they are gone the next. Fuck around, find out.

Weed is not that bad for your health, and I do NOT want to take any of that ever again. Being sober and yourself is the best there is. Just meditate.
Weed is not harmful? Where did you get this information?
Logan said:
NinRick said:
HauptSturm said:
I didn't read anything on this thread but I'll say this. The threat that opioids are spiked with fentanyl and could kill you is enough of a deterrent to keep anyone away from opioids. I would never touch any of that shit because you never know what is in it. I've known people die from it. You see someone one day and they are gone the next. Fuck around, find out.

Weed is not that bad for your health, and I do NOT want to take any of that ever again. Being sober and yourself is the best there is. Just meditate.
Weed is not harmful? Where did you get this information?

Sorry it is bad.
It is bad for your character, bad for your psyche, and also not the best thing for your nervous system and brain. However, it is not as bad as other drugs, like alcohol, or speed etc.

Don’t do weed.
NinRick said:
Logan said:
NinRick said:
Weed is not that bad for your health, and I do NOT want to take any of that ever again. Being sober and yourself is the best there is. Just meditate.
Weed is not harmful? Where did you get this information?

Sorry it is bad.
It is bad for your character, bad for your psyche, and also not the best thing for your nervous system and brain. However, it is not as bad as other drugs, like alcohol, or speed etc.

Don’t do weed.
Don’t do weed!!!
Astralnaut said:
Being a good runner can easily eliminate an opioid addiction, although being a good runner is actually pretty difficult. Your body gives of endogenous morphine when you hit a certain level, but it took me years of daily training to get to that level, and if you follow this with a yoga session immediately after the energy can be phenomenal. I have done heroin twice, and while it was extremely pleasurable, and lasted twice as long as the high I would get from my running/yoga combo, it is not as clean or ecstatic. There is a dirty nervousness, as well as dopeyness, to opiates that I dont get when I run so I can honestly say that I could do heroin again and not be the slightest bit worried that I would become and addict. I just don't really care for it.

I wrote about going the extra mile for Satan about a decade ago under the old Yahoo forums. Father Satan was testing me to see if I would listen and he very quickly told me to do an extra mile when I was at the end of a 4 mile run being ran at a pace that had me almost on an empty tank by the end of it. I told him if I did another that I would literally die. I knew myself pretty well after running on a daily basis for years and I was certain I would at least pass out, but I was willing to do so. I suffered through one of the most difficult runs, if not the most dangerous run I have ever had. When I was finished my wings were in full bloom and I realized I wasn't being tested to see If I was willful enough to follow through, but rather I was at a high enough energy level, and perfect timing as well, to have my wings poof open a few seconds after I stopped the treadmill. The reward was in the actual doing. I have never been able to replicate it, but it is possible to open your wings through distance running and also having a fast energy flow to your upper body which I developed through a combination of stretching, calisthenics, and lifting. My back muscles were especially strong at this point in my life so this is partially why I was able to do this.
I remember reading that post! That was a long long ago.
Aquarius said:
Astralnaut said:
Being a good runner can easily eliminate an opioid addiction, although being a good runner is actually pretty difficult. Your body gives of endogenous morphine when you hit a certain level, but it took me years of daily training to get to that level, and if you follow this with a yoga session immediately after the energy can be phenomenal. I have done heroin twice, and while it was extremely pleasurable, and lasted twice as long as the high I would get from my running/yoga combo, it is not as clean or ecstatic. There is a dirty nervousness, as well as dopeyness, to opiates that I dont get when I run so I can honestly say that I could do heroin again and not be the slightest bit worried that I would become and addict. I just don't really care for it.

I wrote about going the extra mile for Satan about a decade ago under the old Yahoo forums. Father Satan was testing me to see if I would listen and he very quickly told me to do an extra mile when I was at the end of a 4 mile run being ran at a pace that had me almost on an empty tank by the end of it. I told him if I did another that I would literally die. I knew myself pretty well after running on a daily basis for years and I was certain I would at least pass out, but I was willing to do so. I suffered through one of the most difficult runs, if not the most dangerous run I have ever had. When I was finished my wings were in full bloom and I realized I wasn't being tested to see If I was willful enough to follow through, but rather I was at a high enough energy level, and perfect timing as well, to have my wings poof open a few seconds after I stopped the treadmill. The reward was in the actual doing. I have never been able to replicate it, but it is possible to open your wings through distance running and also having a fast energy flow to your upper body which I developed through a combination of stretching, calisthenics, and lifting. My back muscles were especially strong at this point in my life so this is partially why I was able to do this.
I remember reading that post! That was a long long ago.

I forgot to mention that buying a chair that supports your shoulders for headstands and being able to hold for 10-15, preferably 15-20 minutes, will open up the points in your back that allow your wings to open. Obviously this takes time and you have to keep track of your progress. Even increasing by 1 second a day will have you at over 6 minutes by the end of the year. Make sure you flex your calves slightly and point your toes up so your feet dont go numb from the lack of blood flow.
With Satan’s and Gods help, I quitted marijuana, ecstasy, amph, meth, nicotine and alcohol addiction in very short time. Į noticed if you trust in them, and do whatever you can to advance and keep fighting enemy no matter what it costs even it costs yourself, they will lead you and even award you in some cases, in time you will notice that it turns to unconditional love. I do not have words how I am happy that they are with us. I even didn’t thought that it is possible in my life for situation like this to take a place. Just show them respect and hard work.
OfficerAnglo said:

It’s all water under the bridge now. We both didn’t behave properly.
To be honest, recently I thought about you.
And I must say that I do understand you, you just hate halfheartedness so much.
Same here.
I overdosed three times this past week. Leaving the hospital now.
IShatterFur said:
I overdosed three times this past week. Leaving the hospital now.
Congrats. Maybe now you're not gonna try to kill yourself?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
