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An Open Message To Andrew Tate: Stop Slandering Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
An Open Message To Andrew Tate’s Slander Of Satanism

Andrew Tate,

This is High Priest Hooded Cobra from the Joy of Satan Ministries, the largest online Satanic Organization.

Recently it has come to my attention that you have falsely slandered Satan and Satanism.

This message is to help you understand the situation behind this a little bit better, so that you have a clearer view of this subject rather than following misinformation about it.

Whether or not Lil Nas X is doing hollywood selling acts about twerking his rear on what you both believe "The Devil" actually is, you are also (likely) naively reacting to this by equally presenting misinformation on subjects you seldom understand. You are both equally naive.

He was naive in playing into what his Matrix puppeteers told him, but you have been equally ignorant in accepting an array of false information that has been put in front of everyone's eyes for decades now, but extends back into centuries.

The message here is supposed to rectify this disinformation.

In our platform, when the fallout on you has taken place, I have posted a message to inquire about you instead of blindly attacking you with a barrage of defamation.

Since you have become largely viral and admittedly with great disappointment I saw how you were taken down for inflammatory comments which I personally understood as a blend of lies projected on you, and maybe some misplaced communication on your behalf due to not exactly comprehending where your fame was getting you at, or even a shortage of awareness about how your communication could affect others.

I watched with even greater disappointment on our society, on how they care for situations such as this, while true criminals and truly erosion making elements are walking around even proclaimed as heroes on a daily basis by the “establishment”.

Since in Spiritual Satanism one of the core virtues is to try to act in Justice, I have looked upon your recent situation not in the light the media wanted to present of you, but rather due to personal experience of how slander is, by attempting to create a true conversation around who you might be and what you might be doing.

In that message, I have asked our community what they think of you and about your case. Regardless of whom accepted your opinions, some of which were sounding severe, everyone agreed to the fact that un-personing you was not consistent with the values of a freedom respecting society.

As opinions in our forums were divided, there was no attempt on an official level from JoS to lie about you, let alone defame you, especially in the face of what has recently been done against you.

It is rare and almost impossible nowadays to maintain a level headed approach to emotionally debated subjects, but we have done this towards you.

Clearly, you have not done any of the same towards “us” or collectively “our faith”, as recently you spoke about in one recent video.

It has recently come to our attention that you have certain misconceptions about Real Satanism that have arose from ingesting false information and misplaced visual imagery as promoted by those who run the media outlets and are in the systemic deception of driving this world into a full and total disaster.

Some of these false perceptions include:

1. Satanism is about immorality
2. People sell their "soul to the devil for money"
3. Satanism is "evil".

In order to understand who formed these negative opinions and stimulus for you, then you must understand that the people who run the "Matrix", actually hate and detest Satanism as the "enemy faith". In Hebrew, "Ha-Satan" means "The Adversary", and any cultural thing that predates Judaism, is considered an "Enemy".

In that spirit, they are doing everything to purposefully declare Satanism as evil and promote atrocity, degeneracy, and even criminality to it, while pinning all the blame to their enemies.

The method to do this is through internal sabotage and re-affirming notions that come from the vilification of the Ancient Gods and Satan, which comes from the cultural and religious writings of the temporary "current" Matrix owners.

Your perceptions about false “Satanism”, or the creation of our enemies is correct: They have tried to pervert the religion that belongs to their cultural enemy by expressing corrosive messages through it, to sabotage the view of Satan and Satanism into this world as much as possible.

These people have written history, have been in the decision offices for centuries, and some call them the heads of the Matrix, while we have a different fundamental view and engage in more specific names and definitions for these people.

Your fundamental views on Satanism are only a surface matter, and they remain inherently false.

On the side of truth, it is truth that Satanism and everything that has to do with it, is purposefully being used in symbolism in order to defame symbols by injecting them with evil and degenerate iconography.

In war politics, that is internal sabotaging. This practice is identical to an agent trying to take over an opposing political party, to cause crimes and defame it’s whole ideology in the eyes of the world.

The people who do this and instruct others to do that, or have done this, call themselves “Jews” and in their language, “Satan” means “Enemy” or “Adversary”.

Them going into and sabotaging the religion of their enemies is a common practice they have done to cause massive defamation to the religions that oppose them.

As they are defaming you by cutting down isolated pieces from interviews, so Satan and the Ancient Gods have been likewise defamed by misinterpretations of their mythology, the writing of systematic lies, wrong usage of their symbols, and other vehement practices.

That interpretation did not happen by real disciplies of Satan, or those versed in the above mythology or knowledge, but arose out of a need to create a specific subculture to market, defame, and cause social damage while at it.

On the side of lies, you being misinformed is making you a liar in the sense that you are totally uneducated on the above or any reality pertaining to the above.

That is certainly understandable given your occupation has nothing to do with these subjects, and therefore, one’s perception like yourself has been molded carefully by the controllers of the media who want to purposefully associate all the symbols of the Ancient Religions with utter degeneracy.

Our approach to the matter does not start with the rise of Judaism centred faiths, which support that Satan is a form of evil creature.

As these beliefs are very recent chronologically and historically, the REAL seeker of any TRUTH must look on if these large lies of society are actually TRUE or FALSE.

We have made our investigation and have seen otherwise. Our beliefs are based on historical, mythological, linguistic and religious but also scientific observances on who “Satan” is and who He is not.

The largest and most well designed Matrix program is actually the false perception that Satan is “Evil”.

The careful manufacturing of this program was purposefully made in order to create a degenerate humanity, society and disallow the progress of all human beings.

In reality, the meaning of the very word “Satan” predates all the Abrahamic Systems by thousands of years, and finds itself sourced in Vedic and other lores of the Ancient Past, relating in all of these with Truth, Understanding, Direct Perception, Realization, and pretty much everything that makes a human being capable of perceiving truth.

Unlike other “renown” organizations which are controlled by or authored same subterranean beings who you claim are after you, the Joy of Satan is the True place of information about Spiritual Satanism.

No other place online or offline truly represents Satanism, or is in accordance to Satan’s will, whom we recognize as a True being. We are the largest and the truest Satanic Organization.

Certain other “organizations”, have been occasionally used to either troll society, or cause minor upset of societal norms, commonly being controlled by the Matrix owners or just by people who wanted to make a quick joke – or a defamation campaign towards degeneracy as the jewtrix is commonly creating for itself.

These cannot be taken seriously anymore as one would take a random crazy individual’s word over “Christianity”, compared to what the Vatican would opine on a subject.

From a standpoint, we are the highest authority in Satanism by default.

Satan is NOT what you think he is, and the same goes for the being underlying behind this identity.

You always claim yourself to be defamed, but the ultimate defamation campaign is something that has happened towards Satan Himself first and foremost.

In regards to doing any true research to find if something is true or not, which you request for others to do for you, it’s also necessary that you are requested to stop slandering Satan since you have made no research into what Satanism truly is.

If research done here does not satisfy you or you cannot read it, that means you are a liar and foolish.

Additionally, your views which in no way coincide with Christianity or the Christian Bible. Like most Christians, you have made up an identity of Christianity that is exclusively your own and in opposition with the Bible and Christianity in it's core.

Promoting sexuality, power, strength of character, wealth, empowerment of an individual and all the things you so much claim to preach as “positive messages to society”, same as the “Warrior Spirit” mentality, are not the Moral or ethical virtues of Christianity, nor they ever were.

These virtues are opposing to Christianity, which is a tool that has been used for centuries to enslave the people of the world, making them slaves of mind and spirit.

Likewise, there is nothing spiritual of Christianity, except of maybe a few stolen messages that come from religions predating it by thousands of years. These religions were later called "Of the Devil".

In addition, your purposeful or rather misinformed positioning on the subject of "Christianity being about good" and "Islam", are likewise total lies produced from what I would like to call as massive ignorance.

Christianity, Islam and Judaism, have been paragons of genocide and have collectively have done more genocide and cultural destruction than any other religious systems in the history of mankind.

The same goes for the Truth, which is used as a DEFAMATORY term within this faith. The central enemy of this faith is called “Satan”, or as explained, in Sanskrit, TRUTH.

The life that you practice and the things that you do, according to Christian Dogma or the claimed beliefs of “Jesus Christ” himself, will land you straight into the lake of fire.

If you are a “True Christian” as you claim after reading our sites and after maybe reading the “Bible”, then you must understand that selling all your possessions, communistically considering yourself an equal to all else, abandoning seeking and knowledge and just having blind faith and never doing any intellectual research on any subject.

Do not forget also about loving anyone and hating nobody such as even your enemies, among other things are the things you “ought” be doing to win “God’s Grace”. You are certainly not allowed to differentiate yourself in Christianity and remaining into a meek slave is what will reward you and get you to heaven. The more abuse you receive, the more illiterate you are, and the worse down in poverty, the “higher in heaven” you will be; “Blessed are the poor in spirit” has said the Rabbi named Jesus Christ.

In regards to your “wealth”, if you are such a good Christian, you might as well donate the entirety of it to the Church [a well known pedophiliac institution], because as Jesus has said “It is easier to pass a camel from the eye of the needle than for a rich man to go in heaven” and “The love of money is the root of all evil”, so you are undoubtedly, by Biblical standards, not only evil, but you will not be going to “heaven”.

You are commuting a sin based on the Christian Morality by being rich.

Whether or not this lack of understanding arises by you accepting popular misinformation or purposeful disinformation of the masses remains to be seen.

However, granted how common this level of hypocrisy is at the public, and those who boastfully declare like yourself that “know God”, it is not uncommon for you to require to shed some ignorance on the subject.

This can be a rather painful experience, as it will collapse most of your notions about the made up philosophical approach you have in your mind in regards to what “Christianity” or “Satan” truly are.

Lastly, it would be interesting if you also considered that since you yourself commonly find yourself under tons of allegations and accusations, to not do the same towards Satan, who is nobody else but the head of all Ancient Pantheons that predated Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

These Pantheons and Religious systems which are not only superior versions of ethical, spiritual and supernal understanding, but also, were based on the most sound, divine and naturally inspired morality.

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are only cheap and defunct copies of the above.

Values like Courage, Bravery, Masculinity, Warrior Spirit, Truth, all of these, are sourced into Pagan Spiritual knowledge and material, and ethical norms that were the central core norms of the systems that predated Christianity.

Christianity and Islam have exterminated these systems to instate values of injustice, turning the other cheek even when it’s unjust to do so, avoid life, deny one’s existence, condemn science and meditation, call money and finances “evil”, hate civilization and family, with Jesus advising his disciples to "abandon their family and society altogether if they want to follow him".

These three religions also have caused the most bloodshed in the world, and have given our world the worst downturn towards ignorance that we have ever seen.

The above cultural attack and inversion against Satan was done on political and other motivations by people that have went by many names over the centuries, such as the authors of the newfound matrix, people that are presently called the Jews, who authored lies about Satan about him being evil, and perpetuate the same lies to this day through popular media, view and opinion.

As a concluding note this should serve as a thought process to follow before you launch blind attacks as you constantly complain you have been the victim of.

We believe in Satya and the striving for eternal Truth.

Anyone who is on the side of Truth in this world is on our side, and whomever follows lies and perpetuates decay is on the side of our enemy.

Try to not be one of them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Oy vey, slandering Satan after being , I suppose , personally, officially, unofficially, directly and indirectly informed about JoS? What a cohencidence.
NakedPluto said:
Oy vey, slandering Satan after being , I suppose , personally, officially, unofficially, directly and indirectly informed about JoS? What a cohencidence.

Someone sent me a video. He slandered what he "believes" is "Satanism", ie, the jew circus we already know.

Not sure about what is behind this, likely, it's ignorance.

I am not familiar with his content but it appears he is doing the usual "Satan is bad" thing just for mass absorption.

I do honestly believe that he has no clue what he is saying, and he just tried to make a point, but based on nothing.

Therefore, I reply, like it has been the case with others who are open minded and intelligent but have done the same without any consideration.
Does the joy have celebrities and VIPs on the side?
I don't know this Andrew Tate, but he needs to learn to live and let live.

It's not wise to go about attacking other people's belief systems.

I'm not forcing my religion on anyone so I expect respect as I will respect others that have their own beliefs.

If Mr. Tate has been slandering Satan he must be slandering other sects that are corruptions of true Spiritual Satanism. We don't do any blood sacrifice.

Mr. Tate needs to look at JOS material and he will be informed that Spiritual Satanism is a life loving self improvement religion.

Satan and the Demons/ Demonesses are humanities true Gods. They help and guide humankind to become spiritually awakened and enlightened.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Oy vey, slandering Satan after being , I suppose , personally, officially, unofficially, directly and indirectly informed about JoS? What a cohencidence.

Someone sent me a video. He slandered what he "believes" is "Satanism", ie, the jew circus we already know.

Not sure about what is behind this, likely, it's ignorance.

I am not familiar with his content but it appears he is doing the usual "Satan is bad" thing just for mass absorption.

I do honestly believe that he has no clue what he is saying, and he just tried to make a point, but based on nothing.

Therefore, I reply, like it has been the case with others who are open minded and intelligent but have done the same without any consideration.

I hope as well, that he was not saying anything based on any prior notification of JOS from the wrong people, because looking back at the supportive post that was made for him here it would be a huge ungrateful slap in the face.

Most xtians only cherry-pick what they want to, what suits them out of the jeboo book, and nothing more. It is the only consistency with this toxic program's constant contradictions and hypocrisy.

Oh and in case he sees this.

Kabbalahexposed.com (down atm)
It is why I said jewlywood is trying to push another satanic panic, an scare people away from Satan,

(Oooooooooo goyims scary Satan's Oooooooooo no why you go to joy of Satan bad goyims slaveses no no join nooooooooooooooo)

Which is why I said their needs to be more videos,memes,etc to fight the jewish false narrative,people are probably waking up to Xian an Abrahamic trash,an are returning to the gentile Gods again which is good,more information about the Gods, an how the jews smear their names would be great,
I haven't written anything on Hp.Cobra's first topic regarding andrew tate.

I saw a lot of mixed comments so I went to see videos of him.

I found a video that in my opinion is something very valuable.

in this video, he talks about the difference between motivation and discipline.

the way he deals with the subject is something exceptional, who is a spiritual satanist, can only share this mentality.

practically tate explains that most of the time he had to train for 6 hours a day to become world champion he didn't want to do it but his discipline required him to do it.

even if this seems trivial put into words, every Satanist and every human being worthy of the name should understand the extreme value of these words.

how many times, in the past, for various reasons, lack of privacy, etc. I have meditated in hospital bathrooms and even worse places, or I took a swim to have privacy and do my meditations and not skip the routine, or how even now that I write sleep 4 hours just to finish my meditations, this is discipline.

tate also talks about how in life you can't control anything, you can't control the weather, people, your death etc, but you can control your mind and be disciplined.

this is different for us, we KNOW that we can control many aspects of our life with magic, here comes the point of his hatred for "satanism" he just doesn't know what he is talking about.

as well as many curious people who hate the deep state and Jews, they are the same ones who say that bill gates and other Jews are satanists ... He is sad as the human, not satanist, more curious, and who has the courage to put in doubt things, you think shit like that.

if you see the situation is similar it all stems from ignorance despite there being good foundations.

this is where Hp Cobra's interest in tate arises. There are millions of nannies in the world with a strong mentality that is not Satanic, but inclined to Satanism.

and millions of onlookers who question the matrix, the illuminati and the Jews.

but both the strong-minded like nanny and the curious have to be educated, to get them to our side.

i am sure satanism would benefit people like nannies a lot and save them, but also people like nannies if they knew the truth with that mentality would benefit the whole world.

if I misunderstood your thoughts correct me Hp.
In fact you understand me really well because you understand Satanism really well. Thanks for asking regardless for a clarification of my thoughts instead of just jumping on an assumption.

Yes, it's as you have understood. There are social issues such as the ones you explained behind why I address these topics, as you touched on your reply.

I have communicated things about discipline and so on, because these are part of the Satanic Mentality, hardwired into the Ancient Culture, and in reality itself. I have written about these all the time again and again, because it's necessary.

Also, people have falsely accused him of being Jewish, but him and his brother Tristan are clearly Gentiles.

Regardless, he should not slander Satan pointlessly and I do believe this message should be transferred to him. It's up to him to try to understand and choose whether to respect this or not.

SS66610888 said:
I haven't written anything on Hp.Cobra's first topic regarding andrew tate.

I saw a lot of mixed comments so I went to see videos of him.

I found a video that in my opinion is something very valuable.

in this video, he talks about the difference between motivation and discipline.

There are millions of nannies in the world with a strong mentality that is not Satanic, but inclined to Satanism.

and millions of onlookers who question the matrix, the illuminati and the Jews.

but both the strong-minded like nanny and the curious have to be educated, to get them to our side.

i am sure satanism would benefit people like nannies a lot and save them, but also people like nannies if they knew the truth with that mentality would benefit the whole world.

if I misunderstood your thoughts correct me Hp.
nebu said:
Does the joy have celebrities and VIPs on the side?

Yes, but nobody can and would talk about it either from us or them, because the world we live in is currently on a hostile ignorance based paradigm about "us".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An Open Message To Andrew Tate’s Slander Of Satanism

Andrew Tate,

This is High Priest Hooded Cobra from the Joy of Satan Ministries, the largest online Satanic Organization.


We believe in Satya and the striving for eternal Truth.

Anyone who is on the side of Truth in this world is on our side, and whomever follows lies and perpetuates decay is on the side of our enemy.

Try to not be one of them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HOODEDCOBRA666 you couldn't have said it better than you said.

They all do the same crap as Kanye, Tate and many more.

They fail to see the brighter, plain, simple truth.

They cannot fight the jewish yhvh and at the same time pray to the same jewish spirit they say they are fighting against.

They cannot fight jewish judaism with its offshoots the abrahamic religions of christianity islam and at the same time pray to the same jewish yhvh jehova they say they are fighting against.

They support jewish judaism, christianity, islam, just as they support the supposed jewish Satanism, a supposed to be Satanism, created under the writings of the Jews again in a such a form and formula to keep it within the framework of a safe Satanism.

They even fail to see the Hebrew letters used by the Jews in the symbols of the alleged Satanism, the more obvious that the Jews are behind of it again.

The Jews will just use them and throw them away in the end as used useless destroyed waste.

As they will do the same to all the fake satanists who again fail to see that the jews with their manufactured jewish satanism offer them nothing but a big piece of shit.

Again JoS holds whole truth, all the cards.
The real tools to fight the enemy, RTRS.
The tools for our empowerment, Power Meditation, Satanic Witchcraft, Astrology
all true real knowledge.


And let me emphasize ALL FREE.

Music another wonderful gift from Satan to us.

Every beauty of this world is a creation of Satan.

Andrew Tate is a hopless fool... !!! Lol SCERIOUSLY!!!??? Soooo dude...
Slamming Satan down and making a mockery of him?... shows how weak and ignorant this Imature individual is..... I WOULD THINK TWICE!!! IF I WERE YOU....!!!! ANDREW TATE.... ...💀 Look before you leap. And before you say the next negative thing to anybody! You should take a look at yourself in the mirror first? And try on your hurtful words and your fucking lies upon yourself! Before You cast your lies and your nonsense before somebody else or upon anybody else!!!! 💯 because you never know who you're attacking! And the fact that you're going against yourself? And your own frame of mind is an utter mess! Putting yourself in the hands of the matrix! Putting yourself out there to be a joke!!! Father Satan knows who you are! And he can see what kind of a spectacle you've become of yourself! Before the world and your family laugh out loud and those that know you!.. through your stupidity and your actions! And the fact that it comes around and goes around thick!? You would think a fool like this would know better? And it makes me sad I to think that we have to deal with individuals like this!? And stupid idiots like this that don't know what they're talking about or what they're getting into! Nothing but retardation! And an excuse to be a fucking joke and a pain in the ass! Before anybody that knows you enemy or friend? And the fact that you lose respect everywhere you go! Laugh out loud because you've got such compulsive liar!... talking shit about father satan! And spiritual satanism!... it does not make you into the better person! Slamming other people down! I don't even know This Zipper neck John doe Andrew Tate is.. but! From what I have heard! And according to the posts on social media... this guy is going to end up, zapped!!! He'll only knows what's going to happen to this individual!? And I don't care at this point! Nobody talks shit about father SATAN! And nobody talks shit about the joy of satan!!!! EVER!!!!
CandiceLee1313 said:
Andrew Tate is a hopless fool... !!! Lol SCERIOUSLY!!!??? Soooo dude...
Slamming Satan down and making a mockery of him?... shows how weak and ignorant this Imature individual is..... I WOULD THINK TWICE!!! IF I WERE YOU....!!!! ANDREW TATE.... ...💀 Look before you leap. And before you say the next negative thing to anybody! You should take a look at yourself in the mirror first? And try on your hurtful words and your fucking lies upon yourself! Before You cast your lies and your nonsense before somebody else or upon anybody else!!!! 💯 because you never know who you're attacking! And the fact that you're going against yourself? And your own frame of mind is an utter mess! Putting yourself in the hands of the matrix! Putting yourself out there to be a joke!!! Father Satan knows who you are! And he can see what kind of a spectacle you've become of yourself! Before the world and your family laugh out loud and those that know you!.. through your stupidity and your actions! And the fact that it comes around and goes around thick!? You would think a fool like this would know better? And it makes me sad I to think that we have to deal with individuals like this!? And stupid idiots like this that don't know what they're talking about or what they're getting into! Nothing but retardation! And an excuse to be a fucking joke and a pain in the ass! Before anybody that knows you enemy or friend? And the fact that you lose respect everywhere you go! Laugh out loud because you've got such compulsive liar!... talking shit about father satan! And spiritual satanism!... it does not make you into the better person! Slamming other people down! I don't even know This Zipper neck John doe Andrew Tate is.. but! From what I have heard! And according to the posts on social media... this guy is going to end up, zapped!!! He'll only knows what's going to happen to this individual!? And I don't care at this point! Nobody talks shit about father SATAN! And nobody talks shit about the joy of satan!!!! EVER!!!!

You need to relax he is just ignorant like 99% of Gentiles. And at least capitalize Satan's name when speaking His name. you look like a troll when you don't even do this. I personally agree with a lot of Andrew Tate's points on relationships, and responsibility. Clearly he is just ignorant of the truth. I also tried his Hustler's University and all knowledge I've come across so far is valid.
Yeah, they're all like this, alt-right media figures, outright deluded people looking for attention. I remember infiltrating one of these "alt-right" groups in the past, their members admitted to being Masons, not the original Masons of the Founding Fathers but the corrupted Masonry/fake Satanism of today.....all the woo-woo "I saw a Grey/Reptilian claiming to be Satan and said that child sacrificing is good"-type BS.
You see now Cobra they are all miserable self absorbed dogs and to you Andrew Tate you, you dare i hope Satan slaps you good and hard for your nonchalant slander you confused mouth breather figure out what side of the fence you are on and be quick about it for shame.

I don't know how to put memes into a comment but if you could all imagine Hermione Granger with her broom stick saying what an idiot that would be great.
The Jews, the greatest swindlers in the history of Humanity. They have invalidated us spiritually, they also want to invalidate us intellectually.
SS66610888 said:
I haven't written anything on Hp.Cobra's first topic regarding andrew tate.

I saw a lot of mixed comments so I went to see videos of him.

I found a video that in my opinion is something very valuable.

in this video, he talks about the difference between motivation and discipline.

the way he deals with the subject is something exceptional, who is a spiritual satanist, can only share this mentality.

practically tate explains that most of the time he had to train for 6 hours a day to become world champion he didn't want to do it but his discipline required him to do it.

even if this seems trivial put into words, every Satanist and every human being worthy of the name should understand the extreme value of these words.

how many times, in the past, for various reasons, lack of privacy, etc. I have meditated in hospital bathrooms and even worse places, or I took a swim to have privacy and do my meditations and not skip the routine, or how even now that I write sleep 4 hours just to finish my meditations, this is discipline.

tate also talks about how in life you can't control anything, you can't control the weather, people, your death etc, but you can control your mind and be disciplined.

this is different for us, we KNOW that we can control many aspects of our life with magic, here comes the point of his hatred for "satanism" he just doesn't know what he is talking about.

as well as many curious people who hate the deep state and Jews, they are the same ones who say that bill gates and other Jews are satanists ... He is sad as the human, not satanist, more curious, and who has the courage to put in doubt things, you think shit like that.

if you see the situation is similar it all stems from ignorance despite there being good foundations.

this is where Hp Cobra's interest in tate arises. There are millions of nannies in the world with a strong mentality that is not Satanic, but inclined to Satanism.

and millions of onlookers who question the matrix, the illuminati and the Jews.

but both the strong-minded like nanny and the curious have to be educated, to get them to our side.

i am sure satanism would benefit people like nannies a lot and save them, but also people like nannies if they knew the truth with that mentality would benefit the whole world.

if I misunderstood your thoughts correct me Hp.

I hope the 4h thing is an incident only. Sleeping that little every day is unhealthy.
CandiceLee1313 said:

I second this. CandiceLee, what you write makes my day every time you post, truly. I think you are an awesome Satanist, and you bless this forum with only awesome. The emojis are the cherry of your comments ❤️
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Oy vey, slandering Satan after being , I suppose , personally, officially, unofficially, directly and indirectly informed about JoS? What a cohencidence.

Someone sent me a video. He slandered what he "believes" is "Satanism", ie, the jew circus we already know.

Not sure about what is behind this, likely, it's ignorance.

I am not familiar with his content but it appears he is doing the usual "Satan is bad" thing just for mass absorption.

I do honestly believe that he has no clue what he is saying, and he just tried to make a point, but based on nothing.

Therefore, I reply, like it has been the case with others who are open minded and intelligent but have done the same without any consideration.

After some event, something that set off this slander, I suppose, I wonder what (as he was treated nicely ), he started posting on rumble "tweets" against Satan and his brother as well, with innuendo and underhanded things. Now he said it on camera as well?

Satan needs real justice in face of the world. These types of individuals will want to have known and be polite. The truth will be and is out already. We need to only follow thru by natural consequence.

Regardless, I saw a lot of manifestation of our workings, and this only goes to a breaking point against the jews. We will see a lot of strange events.
If Tate has some honour left he should know that slandering someone after they took the slander off of you is not a thing to do.
CandiceLee1313 said:
Andrew Tate is a hopless fool... !!! Lol SCERIOUSLY!!!??? Soooo dude...
Slamming Satan down and making a mockery of him?... shows how weak and ignorant this Imature individual is..... I WOULD THINK TWICE!!! IF I WERE YOU....!!!! ANDREW TATE.... ...💀 Look before you leap. And before you say the next negative thing to anybody! You should take a look at yourself in the mirror first? And try on your hurtful words and your fucking lies upon yourself! Before You cast your lies and your nonsense before somebody else or upon anybody else!!!! 💯 because you never know who you're attacking! And the fact that you're going against yourself? And your own frame of mind is an utter mess! Putting yourself in the hands of the matrix! Putting yourself out there to be a joke!!! Father Satan knows who you are! And he can see what kind of a spectacle you've become of yourself! Before the world and your family laugh out loud and those that know you!.. through your stupidity and your actions! And the fact that it comes around and goes around thick!? You would think a fool like this would know better? And it makes me sad I to think that we have to deal with individuals like this!? And stupid idiots like this that don't know what they're talking about or what they're getting into! Nothing but retardation! And an excuse to be a fucking joke and a pain in the ass! Before anybody that knows you enemy or friend? And the fact that you lose respect everywhere you go! Laugh out loud because you've got such compulsive liar!... talking shit about father satan! And spiritual satanism!... it does not make you into the better person! Slamming other people down! I don't even know This Zipper neck John doe Andrew Tate is.. but! From what I have heard! And according to the posts on social media... this guy is going to end up, zapped!!! He'll only knows what's going to happen to this individual!? And I don't care at this point! Nobody talks shit about father SATAN! And nobody talks shit about the joy of satan!!!! EVER!!!!
At last one sensible comment on this topic!!
Its the one thing most people just cant get their heads around, that Satan is the one that has been the most defamed. When I woke up to the joyofsatan, some time before I just got the sudden ideia that everything must be a lie. That Hitler and Satan must be the good guys. It happened "magickaly".
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
I am advocating for a Group Revenge/Black Magic Ritual against the producers of Montero (Call Me by Your Name).
One of the trash is a jewish parasite from pissrael called Omer Fedi.
They even created 666 Nike Satan Shoes with human blood in them and sold them to the public !!!

This massive public attack and slander against our God and against us shouldn't go unpunished!

These are just low level attacks compared to what Rabbis do, therefore we focus on the larger targets first.
CandiceLee1313 said:

Well Candice, nobody can say you don't love our Father!
HP cobra you are so kind)but do you know this fool donates thousands of dollars to christian church every year?and he is a believing christian(he mentioned this in a lot of his videos).He also said he supports Islamic teachings!!! He is not just a normal christian!He donates thousands of dollars to christian church!!!
Ive been following the figure of andrew tate for sone time now and the forces moving him and giving him the mentality he has are sure similar to our if not the same. The jewtrix sphere still has him under control even if he escapes the matrix as he claims like many others will be vert difficult for him to unite the dots without the gods help. Blitzkreig did well to push this forward in his personal contact page (something to do that came right away to my mind).
But one thing i have noticed in these recent times the enemies will take real action only when our truth is in the way of coming out. The war ongoing is very significative on this aspect, now the"neo nazis" of ukraine have only been used in the russian side of exposing events, but for how i see it the civilians of ukraine were starting to have this nationalist sentment propagued everywhere in their country. Ive seen videos of youngsters being disciplined as ss. Thats something the enemy will not tilerate and will actually start a war anywhere this happensni think. All this to say that even in the rare eventuality that tate was to somehow understand what we sayung here its important fornhim to play his part cautiously, as hes walking on thin ice im telling u. Before being slammed out of various platforms he would be in contact with a certain Adin ross just check him out and you will understand that he was just a jew kid put there to create some sort of "contact" with the crazy bullet that tate can potentially be
CandiceLee1313 said:

99.9% of the world spreads misinformation about Satan, and why is explained in the initial post. Therefore this post covers all of this.

You can thank the Jews for this.
Missrainbow said:
HP cobra you are so kind)but do you know this fool donates thousands of dollars to christian church every year?and he is a believing christian(he mentioned this in a lot of his videos).He also said he supports Islamic teachings!!! He is not just a normal christian!He donates thousands of dollars to christian church!!!

The bad thing is NOT in donating to children. This is actually a good thing to do. He should in fact do this, because children are helpless in this world. It's better than only doing unimportant things all day.

But he's clueless about what Christianity really is and represents like most people.

The bad thing is that this money will never make it to children as he probably anticipates, because Christian Churches not only steal it but do all sorts of other things. He has likely no idea on the slightest what these places do to people, and especially children.

In regards to Islam I have no clue. I have not studied "everything" about this personality. I think he makes some joke comments on Islam sometimes here and there, relating to polygamy, but that is that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Anyone who is on the side of Truth in this world is on our side, and whomever follows lies and perpetuates decay is on the side of our enemy.

Try to not be one of them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

etat werdna LOL,

This "guy" was spouting about joining up pislam just a few months ago when critiquing the will smith situation at the Oscars.

Every platform cancelled him recently and all at once too.

So he just started making guest appearances on other channels.

His story and tune changes weekly, just ignore him.

He will do and say anything to "come up" and stay relevant.

And his methods are obviously by way of vampirism, energetically and psychically.

werdna, we can See that you are a shill.

Spouting off constantly and providing disinformation for (((them))).

Once again they want to make Masculinity toxic.

Always playing both sides against each other.

On one end they make Masculinity toxic and the other pushing feminism, which is just toxic femininity nowadays.

Spiritually, they are making it wholly toxic to absorb energies (Feminine) or to project energies (Masculine) in any sort of traditional or productive manner, including physically toxic by poisoning the Air and releasing "see nine teen" everywhere.

(((They))) are always trying to distort reality to hide it from people.

Well we are on to you and you are only weal-working your woe.

There is no way possible for you to spin all of your garbage in a positive way.

"The Truth will set you Free" and the Truth always comes out, because it wants to be Free, it is only a matter of Time.

Time is the past, present, and future all in the current moment though.

So there is no amount of planning you can do, all you have is deception, but it cannot last forever.

And if not in this Lifetime, We will be seeing you on the Other Side.

Enjoy your borrowed Time "Man"...
Hate to say, but to rank the enemy systems, on a "quality" basis:

1. Judaism: That's because those who made the other two kept the good things for "themselves". Genocidal against everyone else.

Judaism is what the "masters" use for themselves, while they export the other two systems. To their slaves and future victims.

2. Christianity: Because it was made to enslave people but has Pagan Solar Religion that is strong, yet is extremely dangerous and perverted, genocidal too, bastion and bulwark of Jewish protection as it advises the utmost protection towards Jews and self-mutilation of the soul of those who follow it.

The little wisdom in it is stolen, and misplaced, making it very dangerous with the only thing that can compare to it being Islam, which is the pinnacle of ignorance. It creates a self-suicide to those who get it.

3. Islam: Deadliest and stupidest among the three, it preaches the stupidest values. The worst, as it is deviated from the Pagan Solar Religion with stolen elements, stands above all as the dumbest. It's built also on protecting jews to a lesser extent, and preaches genocide.

Islam is based on both stupidity and brutality, making it effective for enslaving people, but dangerous for the same end. The low degree of intelligence that it brings humans to create societal collapse.

Wisdom in it is very little on purpose, it is not made for pseudo-thinkers like Christianity is. Made superficially for the most foolish and simplest minded, without any wisdom in it, to turn them further into genocidal brutes.
This may not have anything to do with the subject on here. But it seems like I'm getting some mixed messages here? And made a fool of myself perhaps? On what ever I shared earlier? AND JUST READ... now that I am trying to figure out my new phone. And correcting grammar errors... and shit# other things!? I get people angry....? Or confused? Over some silly post ??? Over some dumb dude with a few screws lose Andrew Tate!!?? Some fruit cake I know very little of! Except for what people have told me? Sharing my personal perspective on this unorthodox shit show.... tate.. And YES I Love Father Satan. HAIL SATAN!!!
And at least I'm not being an idiot here! And there's certainly no reason to be? So Centier? Or did I mention Sinner ?... I don't think I wrote anything about being a sinner or a center? Unless of course you're talking about a typo? On one or the other? And I didn't take the time to correct the type of graphical air?... yes I know ? What you mean by being centered? And finding your balance! And unless you're trying to be funny? And throw in a question to see if I'm smart ? Or to see ? I am for real or not. I get it!. Helping somebody is one thing? But being rude is another thing? And making a comment on how much I love and appreciate Father Satan..? And questioning me? On that post... how it was worded ? I APOLOGIZE.... if not why do I feel like I'm in trouble?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Missrainbow said:
HP cobra you are so kind)but do you know this fool donates thousands of dollars to christian church every year?and he is a believing christian(he mentioned this in a lot of his videos).He also said he supports Islamic teachings!!! He is not just a normal christian!He donates thousands of dollars to christian church!!!

The bad thing is NOT in donating to children. This is actually a good thing to do. He should in fact do this, because children are helpless in this world. It's better than only doing unimportant things all day.

But he's clueless about what Christianity really is and represents like most people.

The bad thing is that this money will never make it to children as he probably anticipates, because Christian Churches not only steal it but do all sorts of other things. He has likely no idea on the slightest what these places do to people, and especially children.

In regards to Islam I have no clue. I have not studied "everything" about this personality. I think he makes some joke comments on Islam sometimes here and there, relating to polygamy, but that is that.
Im an ex muslim ex christian) I also was reading torah and Talmud to become jewish)then I saw how evil Abrahamic religions are...If you needed any proof for these religions being evil you can ask me.I have been reading about them for years.Islam is worse than Judaism and Christianity
I read some above comments saying live and let live and not to atrack other people's Faith but this is impossible.
Any criticism to christinaity will be perceived as an attack, there is no middle ground for tolerance.

When I read this fellow name I get an instant headache, call it an emotional reaction but is based on following his content who doesn't have any MEANING. fucking zero useless garbage mixed with some truth.

A double standard individual who destroyed the lives of so many.
They hunt virgins to fuck them up for life. They use whores to take all their money. They use blackmail and coercion. They do not have so much money they suggests or they keep them hidden. Hopefully they will be held accountable for all the harm they did.

Tate doesn't care about any religion at all. Since he lives in an orthodox Christian country, he will say he follows the contry customs. This is done to give the impression of respect and not make enemies.

Andrew tate is a whore, would say anything to get what he wants. There is no truth in him.

His life (women) experience is based on camgirls. He got so sick in assisting clients jerking off in his ear, that he went to the other extreme. The law of balance will hit him hard. The same with the freedom, he wants to do whatever he wants (at the expense of others) and he will pay the ultimate price.

I have little expectations from mixed people, there are exceptional ones but very rare. That very rare ones I highly respect, are here with us. He is an example of an HORRIBLE outcome

I am sorry, I understand we need visibility, but I would suggest magic on those people. I would not respect his free will.
NakedPluto said:
CandiceLee1313 said:
The emojis are the cherry of your comments ❤️
I think,a little bit childish with plenty(lot of) the emojis,but other than that,she comments are perfectly fine.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

3. Islam: Deadliest and stupidest among the three, it preaches the stupidest values. The worst, as it is deviated from the Pagan Solar Religion with stolen elements, stands above all as the dumbest. It's built also on protecting jews to a lesser extent, and preaches genocide.

Islam is based on both stupidity and brutality, making it effective for enslaving people, but dangerous for the same end. The low degree of intelligence that it brings humans to create societal collapse.

Wisdom in it is very little on purpose, it is not made for pseudo-thinkers like Christianity is. Made superficially for the most foolish and simplest minded, without any wisdom in it, to turn them further into genocidal brutes.
Pisslam is also worse than that.
This video shows communists,or gopniks, the neo-communist subculture.
I read and did not understand: who is slandering Satan and Satanists? Who's the message for?
FuckGodAndReligion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Three things to say.

1: how can you say I need to respect free speech if I’m not allowed to “attack you guys” which means I have no free speech. Kinda funny.
2: if beelzebub had said I let everybody follow the dictates of their own nature , how can you say I’m not allowed to “attack you” verbally.

I would almost think your a fake satanist.
Oh yeah that’s right satanism is fake.

3: I guess it’s true ey, few actually read the Bible. Rip veil.

I demand riches or I’ll blow this whole world up with truth.

1. When we say "attack" what we really mean is slander, lying and insolence. Speaking not with the aim of spreading truth, but with the aim of spreading misinformation and corruption. This stems from either ignorance, or malice.

2. It was Satan who said that, Not Beelzebub. And, when it is said " the dictates of their own nature" it basically means what makes that person unique and is in the "nature" of the person per se, and people either learn from the warnings of others, or through facing brick walls in their life. Each... " uniqueness"... of a person has bad and good sides to it. Some people are born with some of the bad sides more pronounced and vice versa (astrology). But in the end the person must break free of anything harmful and anti-nature, and learn to ascend and advance. Improvement.

Attacking or insulting the JoS and Satan's true disciples, especially if your questions aren't constructive and are only based on ignorance, does not fall in Satan's favor very much. You'll realize that once you read the rest of Satan's quote you have written.

Regardless of who you are, it wouldn't hurt to spend even an hour daily to research and pose your questions here. You are wasting your time with shitposting.

You demand nothing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
nebu said:
Does the joy have celebrities and VIPs on the side?

Yes, but nobody can and would talk about it either from us or them, because the world we live in is currently on a hostile ignorance based paradigm about "us".

There is another guy, Brandon Martinez who seem to differentiate himself from other nazi wannabees. Besides being racially and jew aware, he also warned about all abrahamic faiths. He is also advicing people on his podcasts on odysee not to fall for Putintard psyops and other Schwabb controlled ops. The spiritual work is gradually paying off and on Gab for example, people are slowly throwing christianity away. Most hand on to it because they are afraid and need to believe in something, but I am fully sure 99% of people know what is hsppening and have this internal suffering. The soul is trying to break trough.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hate to say, but to rank the enemy systems, on a "quality" basis:

1. Judaism: That's because those who made the other two kept the good things for "themselves". Genocidal against everyone else.

Judaism is what the "masters" use for themselves, while they export the other two systems. To their slaves and future victims.

2. Christianity: Because it was made to enslave people but has Pagan Solar Religion that is strong, yet is extremely dangerous and perverted, genocidal too, bastion and bulwark of Jewish protection as it advises the utmost protection towards Jews and self-mutilation of the soul of those who follow it.

The little wisdom in it is stolen, and misplaced, making it very dangerous with the only thing that can compare to it being Islam, which is the pinnacle of ignorance. It creates a self-suicide to those who get it.

3. Islam: Deadliest and stupidest among the three, it preaches the stupidest values. The worst, as it is deviated from the Pagan Solar Religion with stolen elements, stands above all as the dumbest. It's built also on protecting jews to a lesser extent, and preaches genocide.

Islam is based on both stupidity and brutality, making it effective for enslaving people, but dangerous for the same end. The low degree of intelligence that it brings humans to create societal collapse.

Wisdom in it is very little on purpose, it is not made for pseudo-thinkers like Christianity is. Made superficially for the most foolish and simplest minded, without any wisdom in it, to turn them further into genocidal brutes.

This was an awesome thread. I don't know a thing about the guy (will research more) but 'joogle' says he's a mysoginist, linking some alleged posts he made. I'm guessing this is where he's been falsely discredited and judging from the comments it appears that he's alt-right.

One major take away in reading this thread is the fact that not all celebrities are with the NWO and that many are just regular NPCs. I'm elated to hear that even some have found their way to our side and I agree their anonymity is essential in this immense war against humanity.

Aside from all that I have one question about Islam. Why is it that they are attacked so heavily? I've noticed that christians look too those people like the 'sodom and gommorah' of their bible. Beyond that the media paints these countries as far more hostile than they are in reality by means of only reporting on poverty, terrorism and war. As well, Coco-cola's logo in reverse reads (in Arabic) 'No Mohammed, no Mecca." It's almost like "they" want civil war in Europe...

I know very little about Islam yet the little I've learned here proves that certain countries/regions participate in mass animal sacrifice annually. They also mutilate themselves as a means of prayer (some kind of self-flagellation thing). In essence, these are insane and violent people.

I understand there are also different variations of Islam, those who practice sharia law and those who don't. Places like Egypt do (or at least used to) and I've heard that homosexuals receive death penalties there. In spite of this I know a couple very open minded African followers of Islam who have a strong 'live and let live' mentality. It's all very confusing to me yet at the end of the day all major religions are against each other and thus these inconsistencies actually serve to further divide people. It makes me very angry to see how division creates diversity and diversity leads to more division. It's an endless cycle that exists in every aspect of society and it's no wonder there are so many identities and genders these days. People are being pushed to put themselves in a smaller identity box to avoid confrontation. These meek and cowardly people will be the lepers of our world however as I'm confident the strong will outlast them.

Anyway, sorry to go on a tangent there. :roll:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
