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Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

Update 10 - April 18 2023: MP3 Of Greek Tablet DOWNLOAD

On this link everyone can download the pronunciation of the Ancient Greek Tablet in Mp3, from the First Issue of the PDF.

You can use the password from your PDF to download this:


Update 8 - April 13 2023: Astrology, MP3, Tier 3-4

I must re-do the MP3 for the First PDF's article on the pronunciation. I will forward this to everyone soon after I re-do this. Apologies for this slight inconvenience.

Tier 2's will receive their PDF soon, as I am doing what is necessitated for Tier 3 and Tier 4 to have them fully organized. This is so that there is a calm organized atmosphere.

Certain SS from Tier 2 have received Tier 3 perks, which means you are showing prospects and importance in some way. That is very good and should be treated seriously.

Astrological assistance will be arriving in increments and case by case. I am working daily on this to provide this.

Meanwhile, the new issue of the fresh PDF is also being written.

Thank you all and those who keep improving the JoS while improving themselves.
Update 18 - 3rd PDF Being Prepared, Tier 3-4 Blessings

Currently, the New and Third PDF in the series is being prepared. Those who maintain their positions will receive it as per usual. It will be extremely interesting.

Those in Tier 3 and Tier 4 have been informed, except of extra knowledge they receive privately, of extra perks and other spiritual work that will be done on everyone, to help you in your endeavours.

Everyone is thanked for your maintained support. We are just getting started with this. Now that the whole system is more in balance, and that our sites have restored, astrology and more 1 on 1 help will take place.

Further, there will be a platform from where everyone can seek help faster, but we are still organizing this now.

ALSO: ALL TRANSLATORS MUST MAIL ME AT [email protected] to receive your Tier 1 or 2 perks accordingly because of your translation work.

We will update everyone via either e-mail or in the forums.

If anyone:

1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions from those in these tiers, do e-mail!

For any inquiries, mail me at [email protected]

-HPHC 666
Hi, is using a Yahoo account to email you not allowed? I sent an email concerning donations I've sent, about 2 weeks ago and I haven't received a reply on it. I know you're extremely busy and if it's just a matter of patience, then I completely understand. I just wanted to make sure if I should send an email using a different account.
Sungio13 said:
Hi, is using a Yahoo account to email you not allowed? I sent an email concerning donations I've sent, about 2 weeks ago and I haven't received a reply on it. I know you're extremely busy and if it's just a matter of patience, then I completely understand. I just wanted to make sure if I should send an email using a different account.

Yes, any e-mail works. Greetings, this only means I have not seen your e-mail. Do e-mail me again if possible.

Hello! Just read this update, I sent you an email just a little while ago as well. :)
AFODO said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
AFODO said:
I don't want to be disrespectful. I just have a kind of fear and disgust(I can't find the right word) for rip-offs and stuff like these like BUY ONE GET TWO.

You do sound extremely disrespectful and you speculate on things you don't quite understand. There are currently at least 25 JoS languages, each probably running on its own server. In addition to these languages, there are many other websites associated with the JoS. Some of which have been attacked.

You do realize that the HP never really asked for anything, right? Literally, all he did was mention that people wanted to donate out of their own free will and that he would create the necessary conditions for that. This included a dedicated page in the forums for the donation address, which, in case you haven't noticed, is the same as the one on the main JoS site, no new address has been created. But even if it had? Why is that wrong? Because he is rewarding those who went out of their way and shared some of their money out of their own free will? How does your thinking make any sense?

But even if he did ask for money, why would it be wrong? Do you even have an idea of how much it is to maintain 25+ servers plus everything else which that entails?

With everything that is currently happening, why is that your main concern right now?

Why, at this particular moment, are you accusing the HP of scamming people and making claims about things that never occurred?

Somehow you don't actually think trough it, that there is a chance, that HP's account got hacked.
With all what happened, how this situation accoured, I had a stronger faith in that might be HP's account got hacked too.

I did not criticized HPHC himself, and I know that he did a lot, and I know that mony is needed here.
I criticized the situation, and I considered that his account might got hacked too.
These factors made me think that, and they might be not 100% true or accurate, but at that time I thought that:

-New adresses
-Poorly writed comercial
-Hacked sites

You see? and I might not listed all thing that I thought of at that moment, so I don't see the problem with that somebody, in that case me, say that, and so that if somebody had the same thoughts, HP explained clearly what is going on.

I was migh be disrespectful, I can't do nothing with that now. I could apologise, but as I said, I had a good reason to write all that. Even if my knowledge had blind spots, I had a good reason.

Nah just give HoodedCobra his 20 dallas already dawg, how is he gonna pay for his chics and booz? Screw rent and shiet.

Aren't you aware of the official JoS anthem?

Anyways, I don't think there will be any leader like HC with so much commitment and loyalty. JoS is one of the greatest things to come to society. Anyone who's studied occult & alchemical history knows that knowledge like this was only at the luxury of the few elite/aristocratic families. A lot of things we often take for granted, that unfortunately many only truly grasp when such is gone.

Personally it's worth it though, especially for the greek tablet. I was surprised how effective it was. It feels like having a tool among the secret elites. Now I know how many lawyers and public officials appear so professional :cool:
Update 19 - 3rd PDF BEING SENT: Gift Upcoming...

The Third Issue Of The Joy of Satan PDF is being now sent to all those eligible to receive it, Tier 1 and 2.

Proudly I announce that the Third Issue of the Joy of Satan PDF, all devoted to Father Satan Himself with numerous articles that rectify His Name and will explain important subsets to understand Spiritual Satanism and our God better, is now READY!



Tier 3 and 4 articles will arrive to those in these Tiers in separate PDF's within 48 hours.

If anyone:

1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions about the tiers, do e-mail!

For any inquiries, mail me at [email protected]

-HPHC 666
Again, it was a very good Pdf and in time for Father's day. :D I feel it appropriate. I always love anything that allows us to understand Father Satan more.

Thank you HP.

Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-HPHC 666

HP, I know and understand that you are busy, but I hope you received my sent donation!

Powerofjustice said:
Lightning-Wings said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-HPHC 666

HP, I know and understand that you are busy, but I hope you received my sent donation!


To make sure all of your donations are credited, send proof of donation to: [email protected]

I do! It's not my first time donating! :)

But thanks for the heads up regardless!
Greetings everyone, in case anyone has not received their PDF while they should have, please contact me at [email protected].

Tier 3 and 4 Articles will be arriving shortly and will be sent via private e-mail.

-HPHC 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings everyone, in case anyone has not received their PDF while they should have, please contact me at [email protected].

Tier 3 and 4 Articles will be arriving shortly and will be sent via private e-mail.

-HPHC 666

I emailed you for this but take your time. I know you're busy and you always do excellent work. :)
Update 20 - Tier 3-4 PDF's Sent - E-mail Issues...

Tier 3 & Tier 4 Articles for 3rd PDF Issue, have been sent to all eligible SS.

PDF One: Satan's Psalm - A Meditation
PDF Two: Pythagorean Duality & Understanding

If anyone has NOT received it, I should be mailed immediately, as due to sending too many e-mails at once, it appears it might either be in spam or I might have a form of restriction for mass sending e-mails. The limitation was apparently lifted after there was an upgrade of my e-mails.

Tier 4 will also receive one additional article, in a few hours.

If anyone:

1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions about the tiers, do e-mail!

For any inquiries, mail me at [email protected]

-HPHC 666
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings everyone, in case anyone has not received their PDF while they should have, please contact me at [email protected].

Tier 3 and 4 Articles will be arriving shortly and will be sent via private e-mail.

-HPHC 666

I emailed you for this but take your time. I know you're busy and you always do excellent work. :)

Have I responded with what is needed? Do let me know if possible. Thank you.
Update 21 - GIFT TO BE SENT IN 24 HOURS!

Greetings everyone, as a thank you to all Donors, the gift I spoke about a few days ago in Update 20 [You can find the update below on the log] is finally ready.

Currently, this is going through an editorial and feedback check from JoS Guardians. Once completed [should not take more than 24 hours] this will be sent to everyone.

Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 will respectively receive this in more content in the PDF. The PDF will be divided in knowledge about the Runes and each Tier will receive according to these categories:

• Financial [Tier 1],
• Productivity [Tier 2],
• Relationships [Tier 3],
• Spiritual [Tier 4]

If anyone:

1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions about the tiers, do e-mail!

For any inquiries, mail me at [email protected]

-HPHC 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 21 - GIFT TO BE SENT IN 24 HOURS!

• Financial [Tier 1],

-HPHC 666

Update 22 - GIFT HAS BEEN SENT!!


Tiers 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been mailed.

Thank you all for being such an inspiration for us to continue working and building.

More gifts will arrive, alongside the Joy of Satan PDF Issue. These gifts will range in what they will be. But they will always be extremely useful and of a very unique character.

If anyone has not received this, do e-mail me.
If anyone has not received the proper tier PDF for them, do e-mail me, too.
If anyone has donated but not received a response / the PDF - e-mail me!


1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions about the tiers, do e-mail!

For any inquiries, mail me at [email protected]

-HPHC 666
nebu said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 21 - GIFT TO BE SENT IN 24 HOURS!

• Financial [Tier 1],

-HPHC 666


Hahahaha that gif cracked me up!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But it was exactly my expression. 😂

I also really like how the gift categories for the Tiers were divided! I find it very thoughtful and proper.

Hello! :D thank you for sending this gift! It's very informative and deeply appreciated.

Also I've sent you the current info for my most recent donation, I know you have many emails a day, just giving you a heads up to check for it when you have time! Thank you for all the things you do for us!
Update 23 - New PDF Being Made...Next Gift Will Be Big...!!!

I am writing to inform that the 4th JoS Donor PDF issue is currently being prepared. I foresee it will be ready in the next very few days. That's because of all of you that are making this possible to happen.

Further, this month will also have a gift, divided over by the 4 Tiers of the Donor Tier System. It will be a very important and sought after gift. That will take about more than a week, but will be delivered before the month's end.

May the Gods keep you all safe and secure, successful in all your works.

-HPHC 666

1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions about the tiers, do e-mail!

For any inquiries, mail me at [email protected]

-HPHC 666
With each new round of PDFs, our expectations and the quality of the PDFs we receive as a result of those expectations are getting higher and higher.

And, as I see it, the level of understanding and comprehension is also increasing. Not only that, they are layered.

So as the person evolves, the meaning of these PDFs will also change and evolve. Which is very valuable.

Thank you for that, High Priest.
Spine said:
With each new round of PDFs, our expectations and the quality of the PDFs we receive as a result of those expectations are getting higher and higher.

And, as I see it, the level of understanding and comprehension is also increasing. Not only that, they are layered.

So as the person evolves, the meaning of these PDFs will also change and evolve. Which is very valuable.

Thank you for that, High Priest.

They are supposed to be materials that you hold in your heart and soul, which will evolve alongside you. Essentially as one will go "back" at them over the years, one will see that one will gain more knowledge in them.

I put clues and other things in them. These will be seen by the eyes of those able, and those who contribute and rise here have monumental things to gain and to understand.

The same thing goes for all the JoS Work.
ramses13th said:
Is it alright to use the gift formulas for coven group workings?

Only if every member has access to them through their donation tier. Otherwise, secrecy needs to be kept accordingly.
ramses13th said:
Is it alright to use the gift formulas for coven group workings?

As Stormblood has explained, these things are to be kept for those who receive them.

If essentially a large coven exists then I believe it would be great to earn their rights to certain things such as knowledge and assist in the growth of JoS, rather than just freeloading on the effort of one member of the Coven to receive certain materials.

As Covens constitute of memberships with a lot of people, those who are more able can support the JoS on the behalf of others.

Lastly, for Coven workings there is different knowledge. You could theoretically use these formulas, but there are many more powerful things to do as parts of a coven.

If any Covens are in the above situation where you need knowledge on how to formally engage what I sent, you can contact me at [email protected]
I wish to publicly thank Gods and High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for his gifts and give a brief testimony of how these worked out in my life.

I prayed Gods for some issue and started recently rune working provided in specific Tier rune Triad and the next day I received result coming in the most desirable form. Since it came now some of my other wishes is also going to come true. These are really very powerful!

May the Gods be praised and stay rulers of the universe for eternity and may you be blessed with eternal life and may us be blessed with your presence for yourself are the best gift you ever made for us!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 22 - GIFT HAS BEEN SENT!!

-HPHC 666
ARE YOU PLANNING THE U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSING and so are not using things like Paypal.??? It is reliable for me. IS THE U.S. DOLLAR GOING TO DEVALUE SEVERELY,, and you are not warning us.???
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't know if I should send you another mail or write you here, I've sent you a new donation but you did not answer my email.
Edward Lonsa said:
I wish to publicly thank Gods and High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for his gifts and give a brief testimony of how these worked out in my life.

I prayed Gods for some issue and started recently rune working provided in specific Tier rune Triad and the next day I received result coming in the most desirable form. Since it came now some of my other wishes is also going to come true. These are really very powerful!

May the Gods be praised and stay rulers of the universe for eternity and may you be blessed with eternal life and may us be blessed with your presence for yourself are the best gift you ever made for us!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 22 - GIFT HAS BEEN SENT!!

-HPHC 666

Thank you, this is what this is supposed to be about. More upcoming things soon.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't know if I should send you another mail or write you here, I've sent you a new donation but you did not answer my email.

No worries at all here, all mails have been read. There is a giant backlog of emails and therefore a delay (not only donations, but emails in general). Everything will be managed in 24 hours, do not worry.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't know if I should send you another mail or write you here, I've sent you a new donation but you did not answer my email.

No worries at all here, all mails have been read. There is a giant backlog of emails and therefore a delay (not only donations, but emails in general). Everything will be managed in 24 hours, do not worry.
I understand, thank you.
Yagami Light said:
nebu said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 21 - GIFT TO BE SENT IN 24 HOURS!

• Financial [Tier 1],

-HPHC 666


Hahahaha that gif cracked me up!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But it was exactly my expression. 😂

I also really like how the gift categories for the Tiers were divided! I find it very thoughtful and proper.

Very thoughtful, I agree. The Tier1 need that to climb.
I want to just write that 25% of those in the Tier System have not donated but rather have earned entry due to doing meaningful work for the Joy of Satan and it's community over a decent period of time. Ascent in the Tier system is happening over time for these SS too. This means that people earn this on merits and work done for JoS that has been proven to be of value.

Therefore nobody should think that one's financial situation can pose an obstacle here. The gates are open to receive these.

Further I want to thank those who do contributions financially as we are experiencing a major growth and stability unlike ever before, which could never be possible without those who do their part.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I want to just write that 25% of those in the Tier System have not donated but rather have earned entry due to doing meaningful work for the Joy of Satan and it's community over a decent period of time. Ascent in the Tier system is happening over time for these SS too. This means that people earn this on merits and work done for JoS that has been proven to be of value.

Therefore nobody should think that one's financial situation can pose an obstacle here. The gates are open to receive these.

Further I want to thank those who do contributions financially as we are experiencing a major growth and stability unlike ever before, which could never be possible without those who do their part.

I have sent you a mail for a long time to consult the Tiers for translators and I did not receive any response from your part.
I’m a long time lurker and SS. I saw on here that we had the option to donate. I donated twice, and I haven’t received an answer yet. I made an account here to confirm&clarify to make sure that got them!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
