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Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

AFODO said:
Vira_ said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This was not the case as much in the past. People knew basic procedures, but not everyone. ...
Were they so far ahead that they failed to nip the jewish collective and its plans in the bud?

Or so far advanced that they did not realise the infiltration of their civilisation systems?

Should I look over my shoulder in shame, knowing that I live to make up for their mistakes from which, in time, the enemy horror was born?

Can agree, how the fuck they did not noticed? And why the gods did not warned them relentlessly? Anyways, this is not an argument why the JoS should remain 100% free. We wouldn't win faster or anything if the pdfs would be free. What would change a lot is advertisement which depends on us.

All of these issues are mutually exclusive to themselves. In life there are more than one ongoing problems. Jews reflect only one aspect of a certain problem, not the whole picture of existence. Them not existing doesn't guarantee humans wouldn't do tragic mistakes or anything else.

Jews aren't a problem of the magnitude presented themselves to be. They are a bad people among many others, and certainly a pressing problem now, but there are many ongoing things. They don't represent the main goals of the Gods in this earth, the Gods are here to help humanity and create elect individuals, any action towards the enemy is based on this, not because they are after them fundamentally.

As a president of a Nation cannot solely put all their time on every thug and nonsense, the Gods give a limited and necessary time of attention to this problem every historical interval. Spending the time on thugs all day, doesn't feed the Nation or do all the things that are necessary to existence.

A parent doesn't leave their children and their real development issues to go research a flu that hits their kids every so often.

The Gods have the large picture in mind, spanning thousands of years. I wouldn't concern myself all day about the flu but rather about the development of my family.

Further any such questions should go on their relevant threads. In regards to "giving out freely things", I don't see how hanging to everyone outside nuclear access codes or keys to tanks will do anything but wreck havoc.

The people that always mattered to the Gods and strive to them, will know the Truth about the enemy and how to defend themselves, and that is how they secure their children from rampant exploitation and other issues. You won't find a single Gentile leader at the top not knowing or being oblivious to them. That's because they represent an issue, and the Gods want it known, but so that we develop.

The jews are only worth a percent of the God's time. Whatever the jews are doing, is a pointless pursuit that will end sooner or later.
That day I opened the mp3 file, I was just done with shaving my beard, as I hear the first few words my face gets all tingly. A minute goes by.. Here I am, with a full fledged beard that would make any sikh be jealous. HC you are a very bad boy, you should have put a warning about not shaving before having listened to your voice.

Now to be serious, I love this man.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darkspirit said:
Hi guys I can't download the last file(gift), someone can help me? I tried and the percentage fills up, however after download failed!

Could you please try using another browser, like Chromium or similar? It works fine on Mozilla Firefox for me.

It's okay, I also got it with the current browser, the latest update. Anyway thanks HP. Thank you for all you do for the community.

Thank you for your answer.
As an individual has to reborn several times to attain immortality, Humanity has to fall and rise so that it can attain an immortal golden age. At least that is what I think. Thank you again, for everything you do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I do not know the full context of the past and therefore judged based on what I knew.
But I still haven't figured out exactly what other problems were present, maybe that will be the topic of another thread.

As for the information, having all the information free and readily available here at JoS made me take a lot for granted.
From what I understand, the same concept of hierarchy of virtues also applies in giving knowledge.

Thank you for your replies.
Vira_ said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As for the information, having all the information free and readily available here at JoS made me take a lot for granted.
From what I understand, the same concept of hierarchy of virtues also applies in giving knowledge.

Thank you for your replies.

Correct. The Gods gave us this knowledge openly and so generously as to avoid us all being a sinking ship. Past that, they want us to acclimate ourselves in the Hierarchy of them [as expressed by the progress of the Virtues too], which is how things always were.

What I am doing here in general is trying to repay the Gods for all that they have given me too and humanity. I know I will likely never make it, but I understand the weight and the debt I have towards them for all their grace and their mercy in observing our situation.

Meanwhile, I know they have not "asked" for any "debt", it's purely out of love and duty to them and other human beings, whom after I have seen through their eyes, I believe have a wonderful future ahead.

Hope that makes more clear sense now. Thanks for asking in general.

Aquarius said:
That day I opened the mp3 file, I was just done with shaving my beard, as I hear the first few words my face gets all tingly. A minute goes by.. Here I am, with a full fledged beard that would make any sikh be jealous. HC you are a very bad boy, you should have put a warning about not shaving before having listened to your voice.

Now to be serious, I love this man.

I should include a warning that this will cause dramatic beard growth in our army, including also doubling my own speed at which my beard grows when I read such comments. Moving in the future, we know shaving is pointless for us. :lol:

After all these years, I certainly feel the same way brother. Take good care of yourself.

Darkspirit said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darkspirit said:
Hi guys I can't download the last file(gift), someone can help me? I tried and the percentage fills up, however after download failed!

Could you please try using another browser, like Chromium or similar? It works fine on Mozilla Firefox for me.

It's okay, I also got it with the current browser, the latest update. Anyway thanks HP. Thank you for all you do for the community.

I am very glad to hear this, thank you very much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I should include a warning that this will cause dramatic beard growth in our army, including also doubling my own speed at which my beard grows when I read such comments. Moving in the future, we know shaving is pointless for us. :lol:

Also testosterone increase is reported. Soon, very soon, all men in here will just turn into doppelgangers of Hafthor Bjornsson.

I know you have developed your voice as a secret weapon against the enemy, HP.
If I may ask, is one language of runes stronger than another? Let's suppose Norse and Gothic, I feel more drawn towards Norse but as I researched, Gothic should be older, meaning it should be less meddled with.
I know that each one of them is strong if used correctly, but in the perfect execution, I doubt they are equal?
Or maybe I have missed this lecture haha
Thank you HP Cobra for taking the time to remind us of what and why you do what you do. My earlier question how been due to not reading the paragraph correctly- the community you were talking about how been those in the various teirs. Sorry. I will freely admit that I haven't done anything in a long time to deserve any of these gifts. i'm glad your still doing what your doing for our whole community. I wish I could donate and I know I have plenty of work ahead of me. Thank you again.

Hail Father Satan
Thank you HP. These articles have been incredibly insightful. Your words are always a pleasure to read (and hear), and the invaluable work you put in to help us all, is infinitely appreciated.
And I am proud to be contributing to the advancement of the Joy of Satan ministries, and that is certainly something I will forever continue, in whatever form.

Blessed is the Joy of Satan!
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
That day I opened the mp3 file, I was just done with shaving my beard, as I hear the first few words my face gets all tingly. A minute goes by.. Here I am, with a full fledged beard

I should include a warning that this will cause dramatic beard growth in our army, including also doubling my own speed at which my beard grows when I read such comments.

POV you are listening to the Greekest man voice thanking your contribution:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AusarHeruShango said:
Thank you HP for all that you do and for your hard work and efforts put forward to this community. You put so much of your time into everything you do already, I'm very grateful for your labors.

That's what I am here to do. Thank you for appreciating this.

Darkspirit said:
Hi guys I can't download the last file(gift), someone can help me? I tried and the percentage fills up, however after download failed!

Could you please try using another browser, like Chromium or similar? It works fine on Mozilla Firefox for me.

existentialcrisis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It has come to my attention that there are some issues with some MP3 files that have been exported wrongly. No files are missing, but some contain bigger recordings.

For this reason I will be updating the download links with the new and corrected files.

The above is not a functional issue but it needs to be rectified.
I tried to play some files with VLC on my phone and they seem to have issues. Maybe this is why. Unless the download was corrupted.

Very strange. Do you have the codecs installed for MP3? Generally, all should be playing fine. Did you download the latest batch?

Blackmage666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What's the password ?

Passwords -

Tier 1 & 2 - The respective passwords sent for 4th Issue Of The PDF. The same password is to be used here.

Tier 3-4 - Password has been sent in e-mail.

Vira_ said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=425668 time=1676823336 user_id=57]
In the ancient days, people paid for knowledge.
Is this wrong? Knowledge should be free, and higher knowledge should be distributed according to a practitioner's level, similar to what happens here.

The idea that spiritual knowledge has a price tag is bad enough, advanced knowledge should be earned on merit.

In this we are better than our ancestors (?).

The universal knowledge of the Joy of Satan is free for everyone to read it and get it. Even this, is a gift from the Gods to humanity.

The reason the Gods have done this is temporary and because the level of human understanding is currently at a "tragically low level". This was not the case as much in the past. People knew basic procedures, but not everyone.

In regards to the overplayed "It's from the Gods" & "I deserve it", the situation is, it's not the Gods directly on a spaceship writing this or toiling directly for this, it's actually an individual sitting there, that loses living time, energy and time from themselves to make that happen.

As I am a real entity doing real work, I want to recompensate those who give real help to make real things happen, and in regards to those who want to help nowhere in this, the "It's from Gods" excuse means nothing, as one is not participating in the living system of life that the Gods want us to learn and grow into; ie, life.

Secrecy, work, merits, work, sacrifice, were kept in high regard. It's this that judges what soul will go where, compared to those who idly always expect everything to be "done" on its own.

Knowledge has levels and layers, and in the same way someone doesn't just take you in to suddenly make you a neurosurgeon or an airplane pilot, but one has to labor and toil for it, it's the same here. Something has to be given for something. In this case the exchange is that we empower what the Gods create, to help people and humanity for free for the most part.

The higher knowledge has been secret, kept for those who worked, showed serious merits [spiritually, physically, in attainment, in personality, in support of higher goals etc]. That's how it always has been Maturity and other factors were taken in consideration.

In the past it took a decade or more to get initiated into many things and this bizarre nonsense that everything is deserved for "Free" is the same bizarre notion such as that people deserve everything by default when they have done nothing to get it.

The failures of this "all deserved" and "all for free" mentality are observable; big and pompous egos, stupidity, foolishness, and more endless demands that don't grow anyone involved.

I have done nothing to deserve to become a neurosurgeon or a nuclear scientist. In the same way, to become a master in any craft, it requires time, dedication, having a goal set, and working on it.

SapphireDragon said:

Hey there! Thank you for the PDF and all that you do.

I just sent you an email! Whenever you have time please read it and thanks again.

Sapphire honestly thank you for your kindness. I will certainly respond; I just need sometime to handle a few issues. Don't be worried.

Yami666 said:
How to receive the passwords for the tiers?
( My English isn't strong enough this is why I'm asking).

Greetings, this is part of the Joy of Satan Donor's System. You gain a tier by either:

1. Donation
2. Community contribution of a serious caliber [Translation, community work etc]
3. Other forms of outstanding attainments.
The new files are working fine. Thank you. It was probably just a fluke.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

By September, we are going to be embarking on a whole new cycle of warfare, schedules and JoS growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Having no particular reason for doing so i search here yesterday using tag "September".

What I found is a blow below the belt.

Extra information regarding warfare.
I'm a warrior. There's no way not to participate to the schedule.

I ll try to figure it out all about 'wallets' etc, hopefully tomorrow I ll send an email.

Greetings everyone,

Below you will find the links to download your Tier Gifts for August 2023. I decided to give a big gift to the community for all of your help in building JoS, for Summer

That's because I appreciate you all, those who do something for this community, those who help it. I want you to have this as part of the Tier Progression.

By September, we are going to be embarking on a whole new cycle of warfare, schedules and JoS growth.

The Gift this month is a full collection of all the Runic variations, in all the languages, as shown in the JoS. They are in high quality, so you never have to wonder again how they are vibrated. Further, there is a PDF in there, according to Tier, that will help you unlock more power from the Runes in your Magickal Workings.

The gifts are delegated in accordance to Tier and they are as follows.



Tier 1 PDF of "Runes: Mastering Runic Spellwork – Mp3 & Notes" with important for Rune Usage + 59 Recordings in Germanic & Anglo-Saxon


Tier 2 PDF of "Runes: Mastering Runic Spellwork – Mp3 & Notes" with important tips for Rune Usage+ 72 Recordings in Germanic, Anglosaxon, Gothic

PASS: Same as 4th Issue Of Latest PDF

Tier 3 PDF of "Runes: Mastering Runic Spellwork – Mp3 & Notes" with highly important tips for Rune Usage+ 97 Recordings in Germanic, Anglosaxon, Gothic, Norse, Norwegian

PASS: Same as said in e-mail that everyone received

Tier 4 Receives: Tier 4 PDF of "Runes: Mastering Runic Spellwork – Mp3 & Notes", full tips on Runic Usage + Full Collection of 123 Recordings in Germanic, Anglosaxon, Gothic, Norse, Norwegian.

PASS: Same as said in e-mail that everyone received

1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions about the tiers, do e-mail!

For any inquiries, mail me at [email protected]

-HPHC 666
Update 28: New PDF To Arrive Soon + Top Donor Of The Month!!

Greetings everyone, the latest PDF will be sent in approximately 72 hours to all those eligible to receive it from all Tiers. It will be an interesting PDF as I will include a few stories that will arouse everyone's interest, and some personal things as well.

Also, we have a new thing in the Tier System. Every month, there will be a person who will be picked out of the highest contribution, a Top Donor. The Top Donor will be undisclosed to the public unless they want this to be the case.

This SS will work with me for a whole month, daily, so we can can evaluate and work on their problems 1-1 in a close manner [provided they want this of course]. The tutorship can be in Astrology or other disciplines as it's agreed and one needs.

If anyone wants to pass on this educational, does not have time, or is unavailable, it will be postponed for a later date in their journey upon agreement, and then the next SS with the best contribution will be picked.

The above will be set to start in 15th of September.

As I am observing certain people of higher tiers do not always have the time, the above will not affect anyone from a higher tier but will simultaneously give everyone and opportunity to work with me closely. No amount is too small, as certain months, one could win even by a small contribution to be exact.

I am thinking of a plan to also include a person randomly from the Donor's list [sort of a draw, maybe] to include them into the above. That however is still being thought over by myself and other SS so it can be finally decided.

-HPHC 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This SS will work with me for a whole month, daily, so we can can evaluate and work on their problems 1-1 in a close manner [provided they want this of course]. The tutorship can be in Astrology or other disciplines as it's agreed and one needs.

Wow. Now that Venus is direct, everyone should look to the SS Calendar to find the best dates to do money workings. The Money Spells pdf is in the Library. This is a wonderful opportunity!
THANK YOU Dear Commander brother Cobra!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am thinking of a plan to also include a person randomly from the Donor's list [sort of a draw, maybe] to include them into the above. That however is still being thought over by myself and other SS so it can be finally decided.

-HPHC 666

Like a lottery, I once visited the "Völkerschlacht" Monument in germany:


50% off itś funding was raised by a lottery.

In the audio guide the did state about the lottery:

"Off course if someone has the chance to get rich quick, without doing much, everyone is on bord".

I think a lottery system can really do much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 28: New PDF To Arrive Soon + Top Donor Of The Month!!


Holy wow. Personal, private tutoring from the greatest Satanic mind present? For a whole month? On practically any matter imaginable?

Time to win the bank.**

[Disclaimer to the 3-letter agencies: It is a joke!]
Draconi666 said:
THANK YOU Dear Commander brother Cobra!!!

Thank all of you who want to grow our community under the Gods.

I plan to include two nice stories we had with HPS Maxine in the PDF. I hope everyone will like these.

blueFlame666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

By September, we are going to be embarking on a whole new cycle of warfare, schedules and JoS growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Having no particular reason for doing so i search here yesterday using tag "September".

What I found is a blow below the belt.

Extra information regarding warfare.
I'm a warrior. There's no way not to participate to the schedule.

I ll try to figure it out all about 'wallets' etc, hopefully tomorrow I ll send an email.

In about 3 days, there will be a major release. This is a Ritual for the Gods and yes, it is very much related to warfare.

OuroborphicMystery said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 28: New PDF To Arrive Soon + Top Donor Of The Month!!


Holy wow. Personal, private tutoring from the greatest Satanic mind present? For a whole month? On practically any matter imaginable?

Time to win the bank.**

[Disclaimer to the 3-letter agencies: It is a joke!]

There are two other things also planned because I know some people are very serious and they want to help the JoS on top of it, so except of this there will be two more things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are two other things also planned because I know some people are very serious and they want to help the JoS on top of it, so except of this there will be two more things.

I could not be more serious. Of course, I was completely joking in my unedited post but I would swim through seas of fire and climb mountains of blades for the Gods. So I want to win, earn, learn and grow so much for the sake of advancing Their agenda on our planet.

I look forward to the new things to come.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=461457 time=1693891417 user_id=57]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This SS will work with me for a whole month, daily, so we can can evaluate and work on their problems 1-1 in a close manner [provided they want this of course]. The tutorship can be in Astrology or other disciplines as it's agreed and one needs.

Wow. Now that Venus is direct, everyone should look to the SS Calendar to find the best dates to do money workings. The Money Spells pdf is in the Library. This is a wonderful opportunity!

Can this be good?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-HPHC 666

Do you pick the first top donor on september 15 or you count donations for this incredible news, from september 15 through october?

Thank you so much for all the fantastic gifts you are giving the donors!
The last one with knowledge about the Rune Secrets is very Powerful and Interesting.
The money one is donating is really nothing comparing to the quality of this secret knowledge you give us.

Thanks again for everything you do for us High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 28: New PDF To Arrive Soon + Top Donor Of The Month!!

Greetings everyone, the latest PDF will be sent in approximately 72 hours to all those eligible to receive it from all Tiers. It will be an interesting PDF as I will include a few stories that will arouse everyone's interest, and some personal things as well.


I sent you an e-mail about this and my latest donation quite a while ago.
Update 29: Latest PDF Delayed - Top Donor System in place

Greetings everyone, due to the latest Demon Rituals and overwhelming work in regards to them (these involve back end work that is spiritual, intellectual, research oriented and so on), there is a delay with the PDF's. Do not worry as they will be sent as they always are.

Another major Ritual is on the way and the enemy is not really happy with all of this, either. That's why there has been a delay to the latest PDF.

Issues that have cropped up are being resolved and now I can tend to finish the PDF. Not much work has remained on it, I am on the finishing side. Please be a little patient. I want to get this done within 1-2 days, circumstances allowing.

The Top Donor System is effective from September 15th as explained before, and at October 15th the winner of each Tier will be picked and announced, and we will work for a month in a close up way.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
By the power and grace of Satan, the enemy will soon fail and fall, his ass will be revealed, and his followers will judge and curse him. They shall say to Satan, O' GOD leads us into the straight path.
Please how do those in Africa donate especially Ghana , I am finding it difficult to donate , and those in Africa should tell us the way they did theirs.HAIL SATAN.
id pay but I’m broke and a minor and my card is locked :/
Latest PDF will arrive in 48 hours. This is one of the most helpful and applicable to ones life that I have punlished until now.

Thank you all and apologies for this delay. The content will enlighten you to compensate for any delay!
lilith_fangirlo9a said:
id pay but I’m broke and a minor and my card is locked :/

You can contribute in other ways. Ask Satan or your GD how best you can contribute.
lilith_fangirlo9a said:
id pay but I’m broke and a minor and my card is locked :/
There are other ways to be useful as well, and reaching tier 1 is not hard without financial contribution. We are talking five bucks a month -type of tier. This is not a hard effort to be useful in some other way at all.
Hey cobra I sent you a mail, I am not a spiritual satanic and I haven't experienced what people here commonly experience. I like Maxine sermons and the meditations are really great and all and helped me alot, I can donate because of the meditations. I CAN NOT say I have experienced more as an athiest working in magic, I would sum it up scientifically but I don't intend to disturb anyone here. If we can work and communicate it'll be great to learn and apply things I learn here to better myself and without getting involved in the politics part of things

I hope you can understand me, I rather not go off hearsay. I am after satanic meditations and understanding runes and vibrational forces, it's really deep i figured. And often it maybe easy to drive off course when alot of new elements and worlds present theirsselves, and I would like to start at the point where we're gods and work towards there through meditations

Tbh it's a nice subject understanding history before the distortion and stuff but I think it's better for me if we can communicate about developing the soul

I have great respect for you and your sermons are really great
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Deep Darkness said:
The primary purpose of donations should be to keep the websites up and running. I am not donating yet because I am a student and not an employee.

But I work with the JoS Estonian page and I'm upset that you carelessly handle the web pages, like for example Kabbalah Exposed has been down for two months and you haven't even commented it.

And I am not sure does I want to donate if you continue such style.

As a person like many others who don't know internal works you don't have a central overview of what consists of a few things.

In this case it's better to ask before one speaks, instead of writing nonsense that is based on lack of information, for example. This helps nowhere.

The Kabbalah Exposed site is one of the actually not the most relevant, that's why in the midst of about 50 ongoing sites this is going to be cared for in the future. We have an even larger amount of projects being made. The Kabbalah Exposed based on traffic is very low hanging fruit.

Further, the writings of this site have also been written by an ex-infiltrator so they need a full re-check, therefore, that makes it a whole more complicated issue. Because if things have been put in, this means the whole site needs a full re-view and reconstruction.

As you are a student this means you are still not very much aware of certain things related to management and time and effort, or where effort is best invested, or why. Therefore your understanding of priorities also lacks, which you didn't ask for an elaboration of.

That is also reflected in your lack of understanding in what has it taken and how it's all going to keep things that are already up, in that state.

Except of this you are at a bitter state of constant judgement, wasting time around with fake Nazi groups, etc. So more learning has to happen in regards to priorities.

Another thing you will have to learn is actually manners and for example to provide some input like an e-mail saying to the administration: "Hey, I know you have 1000's problems in your hands, and I am out of this but I want to help, and I can't understand this but I can say boastful things to you, but maybe I can do something useful too, so can you look at this problem and fix Kabbalah Exposed? Is there some reason this isn't happening?".

The reasons are above. For this, in the larger JoS projects situation which are too many ongoing, people will be appointed to check in this first and make sure the information presented is absolutely correct. I am almost certain that it is, but it needs a thorough check.

Hello high priest
I have a question about astral projecting
So when you imagine your spirit is looking at your body will you still be able to astral project if you accidentally stop imagining your spirit looking at your body for like 5 or 10 seconds?
Update 30: Latest PDF sent to all donors

Greetings to all of our esteemed Joy of Satan Donors. Thanks to all of you, the JoS is moving forward, the Gods are being brought to glory.

Meanwhile, this allows for works such as these to happen and to help more and more of us out. That makes the Gods happy and proud that we as a whole work in this way.

The latest PDF has been sent to all Donors. If anyone has donated but not received this, please mail me at [email protected] to resolve this and send you the PDF that you are entitled to.

If anyone also received a wrong Tier PDF, don't hesitate to contact me either.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
