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Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

hailourtruegod said:
HPHC, just a heads up, I sent an email about week ago asking about getting the PDF since I never got it. I know my donation was provided a different manner than others but I was wondering if I'm still eligible for it.

Check your e-mail, I have sent this. Also, you will of course receive the next too once ready.

nebu said:

i tried now to access the greek mp3 but…

“Hm, we couldn't find that one
This file may have been deleted, moved or made unavailable. Try reaching out to the file owner.”.

The link is online again.

Yagami Light said:
It also makes me happy to receive a "thank you" for the donation in such an invaluable way... I don't personally need a motivation to donate (I believe most, if not all of us can understand the number of current and future expenses that the JoS has, and where we want to reach), but I see it as a "thank you" for donating, and it makes me happy and to feel even more appreciated. :)

The JoS needed me to do this type of work for both appreciating those who act and for their future development as people, but also so that the JoS can advance and pull through trying times and come up as triumphant during trying times.

I am very glad you can see the feeling of appreciation in all of this. Thank you also for the very kind words.

I think you might of sent it to an old email adress I have no access to any more.

[email protected]

Is the one I have now.

I should of mentioned that, my apologies.
AFODO said:
So I can donate anytime, and get the tier? I am not late right?

Important information regarding islam:
Update 12 - PDF Coming In A Couple of Days

The 2nd issue of the PDF will be sent within 2-3 days to all Donors from Tier 1 and above, as it should.

Some are asking me if you can get the 1st PDF if you donate now. Yes, you can. For the duration until the release of the second one, you will receive this. Further, anyone who enters Tier 3-4 in the next month, will receive the two things sent below to ardent supporters of JoS.

Tier 3-4, have received last month a Ritual and an Advanced Wealth Working as extra articles from the first PDF issue. These were sent at:

April 14th: Ritual [received in e-mail by PDF]
April 19th: Advanced Wealth Working - Building the Foundation [an e-mail contained the working].

If someone from Tier 3 or 4 has not received these, then I must be mailed immediately on the e-mail given or [email protected].

Astrology begins after the next PDF is issued according to Queue. Tier 3-4 must e-mail me questions in the e-mail I have shared, so we do this perfectly and get on the self analysis processes.

The second issue will be thought provoking and it will contain certain elements everyone needs to built into their mentality as we go forward, to rewire and empower the minds of our own who want to undertake a route to serious success.

Further I want to thank those who care and want to do what is right by the Gods and the community. We are growing. Soon, we will have a torrent for foreign speaking communities of SS from all over the world into the forums here and with the sites that were allowed to be made by our efforts.

-HPHC 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soon, we will have a torrent for foreign speaking communities of SS from all over the world into the forums here and with the sites that were allowed to be made by our efforts.
Magnificent. Meanwhile, more material from the library will be translated into another library.

And, thank you, too.
Henu the Great said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soon, we will have a torrent for foreign speaking communities of SS from all over the world into the forums here and with the sites that were allowed to be made by our efforts.
Magnificent. Meanwhile, more material from the library will be translated into another library.

And, thank you, too.

Salutations for all of your efforts too brother.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Henu the Great said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soon, we will have a torrent for foreign speaking communities of SS from all over the world into the forums here and with the sites that were allowed to be made by our efforts.
Magnificent. Meanwhile, more material from the library will be translated into another library.

And, thank you, too.

Salutations for all of your efforts too brother.

Hello, HPHC, can you please tell me when will there be a new donor-free article being posted like the one about the United Consciousness and "God"?

Thank you in advance,

Caratacus said:
Hello, HPHC, can you please tell me when will there be a new donor-free article being posted like the one about the United Consciousness and "God"?

Thank you in advance,


The High Priest has explained already, every time time a new PDF is released, the main article from it will be posted on the forums for everyone else.
So I read the latest update to mean that after the next month, the current accumulated knowledge Tiers 3-4 received will be beyond reach forever even if we attain these Tiers later down the line... Am I correct?

I really want to achieve these levels sooner than later but unless I have a major stroke of sudden fortune, that's not going to happen in one month's time. And to think I could miss out on obtaining extremely valuable, literally hand-it-down-to-your-grandchildren legacy-making knowledge forever is downright frightening, especially after reaching that level, albeit at a later time.

Did I understand the situation correctly, High Priest, or did I misinterpret your words and am worrying needlessly? I mean, I could probably sell a kidney (or two :lol:) if the former case is correct!

I half-hopefully, half-anxiously await your clarification. Please advise.
Powerofjustice said:
Caratacus said:
Hello, HPHC, can you please tell me when will there be a new donor-free article being posted like the one about the United Consciousness and "God"?

Thank you in advance,


The High Priest has explained already, every time time a new PDF is released, the main article from it will be posted on the forums for everyone else.

Thank you for the clarification. The articles are so good and even though at my current status I can't have access to the PDFs, maybe in the future a struck of fortune will be to donate and bring my contribution. I can't wait to see the next articles as HPHC is a very knowledgeable person and he has a lot of useful information that he shares with us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 12 - PDF Coming In A Couple of Days

The 2nd issue of the PDF will be sent within 2-3 days to all Donors from Tier 1 and above, as it should.

Some are asking me if you can get the 1st PDF if you donate now. Yes, you can. For the duration until the release of the second one, you will receive this. Further, anyone who enters Tier 3-4 in the next month, will receive the two things sent below to ardent supporters of JoS.

Tier 3-4, have received last month a Ritual and an Advanced Wealth Working as extra articles from the first PDF issue. These were sent at:

April 14th: Ritual [received in e-mail by PDF]
April 19th: Advanced Wealth Working - Building the Foundation [an e-mail contained the working].

If someone from Tier 3 or 4 has not received these, then I must be mailed immediately on the e-mail given or [email protected].

Astrology begins after the next PDF is issued according to Queue. Tier 3-4 must e-mail me questions in the e-mail I have shared, so we do this perfectly and get on the self analysis processes.

The second issue will be thought provoking and it will contain certain elements everyone needs to built into their mentality as we go forward, to rewire and empower the minds of our own who want to undertake a route to serious success.

Further I want to thank those who care and want to do what is right by the Gods and the community. We are growing. Soon, we will have a torrent for foreign speaking communities of SS from all over the world into the forums here and with the sites that were allowed to be made by our efforts.

-HPHC 666

Good evening brother Hoodedcobra I am particularly happy that the various foreign language communities are being prepared as I am actively involved in the translation project in my country. It is time for the nations to wake up and for the truth to be accessible in all languages.
OuroborphicMystery said:
So I read the latest update to mean that after the next month, the current accumulated knowledge Tiers 3-4 received will be beyond reach forever even if we attain these Tiers later down the line... Am I correct?

I really want to achieve these levels sooner than later but unless I have a major stroke of sudden fortune, that's not going to happen in one month's time. And to think I could miss out on obtaining extremely valuable, literally hand-it-down-to-your-grandchildren legacy-making knowledge forever is downright frightening, especially after reaching that level, albeit at a later time.

Did I understand the situation correctly, High Priest, or did I misinterpret your words and am worrying needlessly? I mean, I could probably sell a kidney (or two :lol:) if the former case is correct!

I half-hopefully, half-anxiously await your clarification. Please advise.

Certainly not lost forever or beyond attainment to receive. One will be able to receive at a later date, for most of the knowledge.

What scales here is what one must do, as currently, that would be easier than let's say in 10 years from now. We are on the growing times now, and that's where help to maintain and advance is very crucial.

Showing resilience in this task can gain someone these things in accordance to needs that might arise.

The striking majority of people cannot do that instantly but this is factored in. You have quite a lot of time to climb in accordance to your pace.

There is also a case of a problem due to the Bitcoin network costing 20$ to literally send 5$, so we are adjusting by adding new Crypto that will have even less fees, as the overwhelming majority of people need this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is also a case of a problem due to the Bitcoin network costing 20$ to literally send 5$, so we are adjusting by adding new Crypto that will have even less fees, as the overwhelming majority of people need this.

This is the main issue I'm currently waiting. Few days ago it would've eaten half my bitcoin just to donate. Right now it's a 20-25%. If we already have bitcoin is it better to just wait to donate or would it be better to get some of that money ASAP? Saving up for a bigger donation later vs the needs JoS have now?
SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is also a case of a problem due to the Bitcoin network costing 20$ to literally send 5$, so we are adjusting by adding new Crypto that will have even less fees, as the overwhelming majority of people need this.

This is the main issue I'm currently waiting. Few days ago it would've eaten half my bitcoin just to donate. Right now it's a 20-25%. If we already have bitcoin is it better to just wait to donate or would it be better to get some of that money ASAP? Saving up for a bigger donation later vs the needs JoS have now?

As BTC is suffering from congestion, we are going to be including the following Crypto for donation:


One can also use XMR, which has less fees compared to Bitcoin, if the payment processor or exchange they are using does allow this.

We should have updated this very soon. Therefore nobody will have to pay these many extraordinary fees any more, hopefully.

Caratacus said:
Powerofjustice said:
Caratacus said:
Hello, HPHC, can you please tell me when will there be a new donor-free article being posted like the one about the United Consciousness and "God"?

Thank you in advance,


The High Priest has explained already, every time time a new PDF is released, the main article from it will be posted on the forums for everyone else.

Thank you for the clarification. The articles are so good and even though at my current status I can't have access to the PDFs, maybe in the future a struck of fortune will be to donate and bring my contribution. I can't wait to see the next articles as HPHC is a very knowledgeable person and he has a lot of useful information that he shares with us.

Those who are currently less able, are not going to be like this forever. Personal efforts, waking people up, Rituals and so on, will guarantee this.

A very good article is posted for everyone which represents extra research done, and is free. This wouldn't normally arrive if others weren't interested in it. Therefore those who do for JoS also incentivize work to be done for those who cannot do work. Except of maintaining everything of course, including those things that those not able to do anything are using actively.

In general the whole goal here to incentivize and empower everyone involved no matter where you might be now. It's important for people to understand this, as this can save your family and yourself later on.

The first time I understood how much I had to find ways to make a little bit over on money was when I saw all the CD's and interesting things from the JoS Marketplace more than a decade ago, and then it was the first time I actually bothered to get up and start saving up a bit to buy these.

Among the best purchases I made many years ago was a chart reading by HPS Maxine, which was one of my happiest purchases ever, and a most necessary one. This gave me incentive. I was also overjoyed that I helped her and the JoS in the meantime. It also helped me to actually find some ways to get the money I needed back then as it was not easy at all.

Unfortunately, these products now these can no longer be obtained. It also feels great to have contributed back then for obvious reasons. That's only one example.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is also a case of a problem due to the Bitcoin network costing 20$ to literally send 5$, so we are adjusting by adding new Crypto that will have even less fees, as the overwhelming majority of people need this.

There was something called lightning channels:

"The Lightning Network (also referred to as Lightning, or LN) is a scalability solution built on top of Bitcoin that allows users to quickly send and receive BTC with virtually no fees. " https://www.kraken.com/learn/lightning-network
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is also a case of a problem due to the Bitcoin network costing 20$ to literally send 5$, so we are adjusting by adding new Crypto that will have even less fees, as the overwhelming majority of people need this.

This is the main issue I'm currently waiting. Few days ago it would've eaten half my bitcoin just to donate. Right now it's a 20-25%. If we already have bitcoin is it better to just wait to donate or would it be better to get some of that money ASAP? Saving up for a bigger donation later vs the needs JoS have now?

As BTC is suffering from congestion, we are going to be including the following Crypto for donation:


One can also use XMR, which has less fees compared to Bitcoin, if the payment processor or exchange they are using does allow this.

We should have updated this very soon. Therefore nobody will have to pay these many extraordinary fees any more, hopefully.

Caratacus said:
Powerofjustice said:
The High Priest has explained already, every time time a new PDF is released, the main article from it will be posted on the forums for everyone else.

Thank you for the clarification. The articles are so good and even though at my current status I can't have access to the PDFs, maybe in the future a struck of fortune will be to donate and bring my contribution. I can't wait to see the next articles as HPHC is a very knowledgeable person and he has a lot of useful information that he shares with us.

Those who are currently less able, are not going to be like this forever. Personal efforts, waking people up, Rituals and so on, will guarantee this.

A very good article is posted for everyone which represents extra research done, and is free. This wouldn't normally arrive if others weren't interested in it. Therefore those who do for JoS also incentivize work to be done for those who cannot do work. Except of maintaining everything of course, including those things that those not able to do anything are using actively.

In general the whole goal here to incentivize and empower everyone involved no matter where you might be now. It's important for people to understand this, as this can save your family and yourself later on.

The first time I understood how much I had to find ways to make a little bit over on money was when I saw all the CD's and interesting things from the JoS Marketplace more than a decade ago, and then it was the first time I actually bothered to get up and start saving up a bit to buy these.

Among the best purchases I made many years ago was a chart reading by HPS Maxine, which was one of my happiest purchases ever, and a most necessary one. This gave me incentive. I was also overjoyed that I helped her and the JoS in the meantime. It also helped me to actually find some ways to get the money I needed back then as it was not easy at all.

Unfortunately, these products now these can no longer be obtained. It also feels great to have contributed back then for obvious reasons. That's only one example.

Thanks for the information. I know and I wish to be active more and more for the JoS community, but the times don't allow me to do it, unfortunately, but like you have said it will resolve.

But, tell me, please, HPHC, if you may: What do you do for a living? Like, how, besides learning a lot on the occult, what job do you practice so I can do the same in the future and earn a lot of money and donate it all to the JoS?

It may sound crazy I know, but I want that a big part of the money in the future to be donated to the JoS.

Thank you and I wait for you answer

Caratacus said:
Powerofjustice said:
Caratacus said:
Hello, HPHC, can you please tell me when will there be a new donor-free article being posted like the one about the United Consciousness and "God"?

Thank you in advance,


The High Priest has explained already, every time time a new PDF is released, the main article from it will be posted on the forums for everyone else.

Thank you for the clarification. The articles are so good and even though at my current status I can't have access to the PDFs, maybe in the future a struck of fortune will be to donate and bring my contribution. I can't wait to see the next articles as HPHC is a very knowledgeable person and he has a lot of useful information that he shares with us.
Don't wait for fortune, which does not exactly exist, the planets and our natal karma control our lives unless we have access to the knowledge the Jos provides (for free) which can make things we want manifest.
Dragonheart666 said:
Am I allowed it to read this to? Or is this for those how paid only ?

Are you reading this or not? All on the forum is free of charge for you. You seem angry about the fact that people contributing to JoS gets more infos than people who are not able/don't want to donate?
Caratacus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
This is the main issue I'm currently waiting. Few days ago it would've eaten half my bitcoin just to donate. Right now it's a 20-25%. If we already have bitcoin is it better to just wait to donate or would it be better to get some of that money ASAP? Saving up for a bigger donation later vs the needs JoS have now?

As BTC is suffering from congestion, we are going to be including the following Crypto for donation:


One can also use XMR, which has less fees compared to Bitcoin, if the payment processor or exchange they are using does allow this.

We should have updated this very soon. Therefore nobody will have to pay these many extraordinary fees any more, hopefully.

Caratacus said:
Thank you for the clarification. The articles are so good and even though at my current status I can't have access to the PDFs, maybe in the future a struck of fortune will be to donate and bring my contribution. I can't wait to see the next articles as HPHC is a very knowledgeable person and he has a lot of useful information that he shares with us.

Those who are currently less able, are not going to be like this forever. Personal efforts, waking people up, Rituals and so on, will guarantee this.

A very good article is posted for everyone which represents extra research done, and is free. This wouldn't normally arrive if others weren't interested in it. Therefore those who do for JoS also incentivize work to be done for those who cannot do work. Except of maintaining everything of course, including those things that those not able to do anything are using actively.

In general the whole goal here to incentivize and empower everyone involved no matter where you might be now. It's important for people to understand this, as this can save your family and yourself later on.

The first time I understood how much I had to find ways to make a little bit over on money was when I saw all the CD's and interesting things from the JoS Marketplace more than a decade ago, and then it was the first time I actually bothered to get up and start saving up a bit to buy these.

Among the best purchases I made many years ago was a chart reading by HPS Maxine, which was one of my happiest purchases ever, and a most necessary one. This gave me incentive. I was also overjoyed that I helped her and the JoS in the meantime. It also helped me to actually find some ways to get the money I needed back then as it was not easy at all.

Unfortunately, these products now these can no longer be obtained. It also feels great to have contributed back then for obvious reasons. That's only one example.

Thanks for the information. I know and I wish to be active more and more for the JoS community, but the times don't allow me to do it, unfortunately, but like you have said it will resolve.

But, tell me, please, HPHC, if you may: What do you do for a living? Like, how, besides learning a lot on the occult, what job do you practice so I can do the same in the future and earn a lot of money and donate it all to the JoS?

It may sound crazy I know, but I want that a big part of the money in the future to be donated to the JoS.

Thank you and I wait for you answer


Everybody is different, depending on your birthchart you can earn in different areas the most/easiest way money, here is a good book for starters:


you can increase the outcome by working on your soul/sun chakra for example.

Cleaning your aura from blockages/curses helps also.
No I'm not angry. I just wanted to know if that was for everyone to read? Or if I was doing something wrong. And to let you know I am not the least bit jealous! If anybody on here paying tribute. I just don't want to get into trouble on here that's why I asked. 🙏🔥
Dragonheart666 said:
No I'm not angry. I just wanted to know if that was for everyone to read? Or if I was doing something wrong. And to let you know I am not the least bit jealous! If anybody on here paying tribute. I just don't want to get into trouble on here that's why I asked. 🙏🔥
The ones who donate and/or help here with the sites get a pdf with various spiritual articles. The ones who do not donate get a free article picked from these pdf's.
Fuchs said:
Caratacus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As BTC is suffering from congestion, we are going to be including the following Crypto for donation:


One can also use XMR, which has less fees compared to Bitcoin, if the payment processor or exchange they are using does allow this.

We should have updated this very soon. Therefore nobody will have to pay these many extraordinary fees any more, hopefully.

Those who are currently less able, are not going to be like this forever. Personal efforts, waking people up, Rituals and so on, will guarantee this.

A very good article is posted for everyone which represents extra research done, and is free. This wouldn't normally arrive if others weren't interested in it. Therefore those who do for JoS also incentivize work to be done for those who cannot do work. Except of maintaining everything of course, including those things that those not able to do anything are using actively.

In general the whole goal here to incentivize and empower everyone involved no matter where you might be now. It's important for people to understand this, as this can save your family and yourself later on.

The first time I understood how much I had to find ways to make a little bit over on money was when I saw all the CD's and interesting things from the JoS Marketplace more than a decade ago, and then it was the first time I actually bothered to get up and start saving up a bit to buy these.

Among the best purchases I made many years ago was a chart reading by HPS Maxine, which was one of my happiest purchases ever, and a most necessary one. This gave me incentive. I was also overjoyed that I helped her and the JoS in the meantime. It also helped me to actually find some ways to get the money I needed back then as it was not easy at all.

Unfortunately, these products now these can no longer be obtained. It also feels great to have contributed back then for obvious reasons. That's only one example.

Thanks for the information. I know and I wish to be active more and more for the JoS community, but the times don't allow me to do it, unfortunately, but like you have said it will resolve.

But, tell me, please, HPHC, if you may: What do you do for a living? Like, how, besides learning a lot on the occult, what job do you practice so I can do the same in the future and earn a lot of money and donate it all to the JoS?

It may sound crazy I know, but I want that a big part of the money in the future to be donated to the JoS.

Thank you and I wait for you answer


Everybody is different, depending on your birthchart you can earn in different areas the most/easiest way money, here is a good book for starters:


you can increase the outcome by working on your soul/sun chakra for example.

Cleaning your aura from blockages/curses helps also.

Thank you for providing such an useful answer :).

It will really help in the future.
Update 13 - PDF's SENT / 2nd Issue of the PDF has ARRIVED!

With great happiness I announce that another great work has manifested.

The PDF's for Tier 1 and 2 have been sent. IF ANYONE HAS NOT RECEIVED THIS AS YOU SHOULD, DO MAIL ME!

Tier 3 and 4 have received PDF of Tier 2, and will receive two additional articles SEPARATELY as part of their higher tier.

Tier 1 has received a PDF with 6 articles.
Tier 2 has received a PDF with 7 articles.
Tier 3 has received the Tier 2 PDF, plus one extra article [these will arrive in a few days and will arrive by e-mail, separately from the first PDF].
Tier 4 has received the Tier 2 PDF, plus two extra articles[these will arrive in a few days and will arrive by e-mail, separately from the first PDF].

Everyone of the following should contact if certain issues arise:

1. If you have not received your PDF within 24 hours but have donated.
2. If you got a wrong Tier PDF.
3. If you have any other issues related to donations not having been answered for reception or factored in, lost e-mails sent, etc [remember, Mercury was retrograde...]

We will fix all of the above issues no problem, effortlessly as usual.

Contact me at [email protected] for any inquiries.

-HPHC 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-HPHC 666
Thank you for the PDF HP, I kinda like this one more also the first and second issue are very important for each SS especially the new one.

Btw, I am curious, is there a certain sum of money as a total amount one should donate to JOS to reach Tier 2 or it depends on each individual?
If the 1st Issue was great, this 2nd one is even greater! I enjoyed the most the articles about the Ouroboros and the Ley Lines, I tend to devour this kind of Knowledge. And then comes the Tier 2 article...simply superb! It gave me a new perspective about magical workings.

Thanks HP HoodedCobra666! May the Gods bless you for your unbounded love for this community, your hard work will be remembered for centuries.
HP Cobra,

Do you perhaps have saved that bitcoin donation qr thing?

If so, would appreciate if you could post it here until the main website is back up and running again, thanks!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 13 - PDF's SENT / 2nd Issue of the PDF has ARRIVED!

With great happiness I announce that another great work has manifested.

The PDF's for Tier 1 and 2 have been sent. IF ANYONE HAS NOT RECEIVED THIS AS YOU SHOULD, DO MAIL ME!

Tier 3 and 4 have received PDF of Tier 2, and will receive two additional articles SEPARATELY as part of their higher tier.

Tier 1 has received a PDF with 6 articles.
Tier 2 has received a PDF with 7 articles.
Tier 3 has received the Tier 2 PDF, plus one extra article [these will arrive in a few days and will arrive by e-mail, separately from the first PDF].
Tier 4 has received the Tier 2 PDF, plus two extra articles[these will arrive in a few days and will arrive by e-mail, separately from the first PDF].

Everyone of the following should contact if certain issues arise:

1. If you have not received your PDF within 24 hours but have donated.
2. If you got a wrong Tier PDF.
3. If you have any other issues related to donations not having been answered for reception or factored in, lost e-mails sent, etc [remember, Mercury was retrograde...]

We will fix all of the above issues no problem, effortlessly as usual.

Contact me at [email protected] for any inquiries.

-HPHC 666
Thank you for all that you do, HPHC. Maxine left the JOS in good hands.

The topic of classical literature seems to come up frequently. Could you suggest a core curriculum or something of the sort that you would recommend SS to study?

I know it's tricky to make recommendations due to the level of corruption and variation in translations, and the fact that translators are typically unspiritual. But there must be some works that can be considered essential for building satanic understanding, and it's not easy to see where to start.

I'm sure the Iliad would make the list. But again, translations vary so much.

What do you think?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear, High Priest HoodedCobra666, I want somehow to get up to next tier until all pdfs are available and as circumstances are given it is perfect possibility to do this now, if you could answer to my email about this I would try to do my best to fit into any kind requirements. Thank you.
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Few SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666
TerKorian666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear, High Priest HoodedCobra666, I want somehow to get up to next tier until all pdfs are available and as circumstances are given it is perfect possibility to do this now, if you could answer to my email about this I would try to do my best to fit into any kind requirements. Thank you.

Sure, do mail me at [email protected]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Few SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666

I already wanted to.make a donation tonight, I will try to double the amount
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Certain SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666

I don't know about that Cobra, It's realy starts to sounds like a commercial, are you good? Idk if these are new adresses but if they are, why would we have new ones, and also a lot more adresses?

What do you mean you will write down 100 as 150, it's a bit wird.

Seriously, what is the difference between when JoS is down and when It's not???? I understand that maybe you had to buy a new server, but that's what the donations for. This all has nothing to do with that the JoS is down, and as Soaring Eagle 666 has said, the server has already been ordered, so you also can't say that you can't afford the new servers.

Didn't you felt bad when you wrote this? something is not OK.
AFODO said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Certain SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666

I don't know about that Cobra, It's realy starts to sounds like a commercial, are you good? Idk if these are new adresses but if they are, why would we have new ones, and also a lot more adresses?

What do you mean you will write down 100 as 150, it's a bit wird.

Seriously, what is the difference between when JoS is down and when It's not???? I understand that maybe you had to buy a new server, but that's what the donations for. This all has nothing to do with that the JoS is down, and as Soaring Eagle 666 has said, the server has already been ordered, so you also can't say that you can't afford the new servers.

Didn't you felt bad when you wrote this? something is not OK.

Things are not exactly what they seem at this time. Yes, this isn't OK or very regular, we have to move more things than previously anticipated. We started thinking 1 or 2 servers were breached, apparently, we have to reform on 5 or 6 fronts now.

We currently have like probably 6 servers down, not just one.

Soaring's field was just exposed to one of these which he commented about, and he never had any oversight on anything else past that.

There have been other projects that had to be removed or permanently moved etc.

He also does not have any insight on these internal workings. As far as his insight has went, he said what he did and did what he did to the effects which have happened.

If anyone is helping during this time, I am giving them extra acceleration to reach a higher tier. What is your problem based on this?

Other than that thank you for your concern which unfortunately lacked a lot of information. The above should enlighten you now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
