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About Upcoming Joy of Satan Website Updates: Demons Section

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Before people read new and upcoming updates, I wanted to explain some things in regards to new forthcoming information. Mainly this post will focus on the Demons.

As many of you know, due to the destruction of the information about the Ancient Gods, there is a lot of disinformation, and much of it came from enemy sources. Before the internet was rich, and due to many other limitations, much of this knowledge was generally constrained, kept in hidden circles, and much of it, is absent from all public light.

We have been working on amassing for years the proper and correct information which is fitting in the Glory of the Demons.

Unfortunately, much of this can be rather difficult to ascertain, because of massive corruption. To name an example, many Demons have been contacted via negative or blasphemous names, which mean derogatory things. A few people have over the years described a negativity while trying to contact a Demon.

This has happened by the enemy, and other booby traps that were set there by those who purposefully published wrong information, such as jews, rabbis or xian priests. They assumed that this would dissuade people from looking deeper into the Demons, contributing further in this knowledge remaining in lockdown.

In most cases, these people can be jews, and the are afraid of them. Rabbis and other adepts of the enemy, have done specific malformations of the Demonic Names, which are tied into Numerology, Gematria, and other alterations. These can be as slight as one letter, and they do not exist in all the Names of the Satanic Deities.

These go very deep, and they are supposed to represent a negative faction of an entity, or cause energetic confusion. This can have unwanted negative overprints. But nothing very seriously negative, so one must not worry and proceed as is.

For people in whom the Demons show interest, the above should not really be a problem. Because behind the use of any Name, there is a real and actual entity waiting to be called. And so long one does not use disrespectful practices, the Demons will observe the call of true Satanic practitioner that is characterized with sanctity and respect.

The Demons also are aware of the systematic destruction of all knowledge about them, the downfall of spiritual information, and how much corruption the enemy has done. In this case, they have been tolerating these human mistakes, insofar the summoner or the person in question was of pure and respectful intentions.

But since this is no longer the case, we are going to gradually change this, because it doesn't have to be this way. To put this simply, one does not have to call someone in derogatory terms or a wrong Name, nor make a false association, since this is no longer necessary. We now have successfully restored a lot of necessary knowledge.

Despite the current absence of HPS Maxine, there will be made the necessary improvements on the Demon's Section. Another thing that is to be removed, is the "Orders" of which are obsolete information, and have to do with the spiritual power of a said entity, but they are of the enemy, and this is why you will see some things like "Order of the Archangels".

In old hieratic and spiritual liturgy, words like "Archangel", did not mean the things they do today. Arch-Angel comes from Archon and Angelos, which means Supreme Messenger, and similar translations. There's a lot of misunderstood drivel that was put there only to confuse and create wrong interconnections from the enemy. That aside, any leftovers from xianity or enemy grimoires, even the subtlest, are going to be removed.

In regards to the Sigils of the Demons, these are accurate, go all the way back to Sumeria [they survived for many centuries] and they remain a credible and accurate way of contacting said Demon.

There will also be related some in depth information about them based on spiritual and alchemical meanings, of what their Names and functions mean on a higher level. These may not be necessary for everyone at once, but for those who become adepts over a period of time, this knowledge will be good to have.

Lastly, many Demons have been thrown into insignificance, and there is not much information about them, even in the Joy of Satan. There will be more forthcoming information about them also, to help those who are guarded by these Demons to build a better relationship with them. Most of the Demons there are wonderful, and they deserve more attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Perfect timing as always. I was looking through the old Demons page and was wondering why such things like the "Orders" was allowed to stay there, as I thought it was understood to be old misinfo by now. I assume there's lots of reasons for why these things don't update right away, which is understandable, but it's certainly not good to leave it there for too long.

I look forward to these updates. Your hard work is eternally appreciated!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, many Demons have been thrown into insignificance, and there is not much information about them, even in the Joy of Satan. There will be more forthcoming information about them also, to help those who are guarded by these Demons to build a better relationship with them. Most of the Demons there are wonderful, and they deserve more attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What Demon is Roman war God Mars?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Amazing! I'm so excited for this. I was hoping this would be updated soon, and it appears I got my wish. Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra, and also to the ones who worked to compile this. I can't even fathom what a restless, daunting task it must have been. I'm really impressed.
SleepingWolf said:
Perfect timing as always. I was looking through the old Demons page and was wondering why such things like the "Orders" was allowed to stay there, as I thought it was understood to be old misinfo by now. I assume there's lots of reasons for why these things don't update right away, which is understandable, but it's certainly not good to leave it there for too long.

I look forward to these updates. Your hard work is eternally appreciated!

They don't immediately update because experimentation and necessary crossing of the information for it's validity is extremely important. It cannot be done on the whim.
Wonderful! And on such a glorious timing too. These past couple days I've begun a hunt for my own Guardian, and the furthering of information will make things easier in so many regards, for so many, not just for myself but all loyalists.

Thank you, truly. While I am impatient to see the updates, considering the import of it, I'm sure we can all wait, for just a little bit, to make sure it's accurate.
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
Is High Priestess Maxine doing well?

I'll share what I am in knowledge of soon, but because there is an array of events that needs to be explained alongside things, I'll just summarize with a yes for now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, many Demons have been thrown into insignificance, and there is not much information about them, even in the Joy of Satan. There will be more forthcoming information about them also, to help those who are guarded by these Demons to build a better relationship with them. Most of the Demons there are wonderful, and they deserve more attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I would be curious on some info on Minoson, if you have any. For one, a long time ago I tried to vibrate his name daily and it had pretty bad effects on me, so I'd guess it's likely a corrupted name as you mentioned. Any info on him or a not-corrupted sigil, would be good to have.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, many Demons have been thrown into insignificance, and there is not much information about them, even in the Joy of Satan. There will be more forthcoming information about them also, to help those who are guarded by these Demons to build a better relationship with them. Most of the Demons there are wonderful, and they deserve more attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I would be curious on some info on Minoson, if you have any. For one, a long time ago I tried to vibrate his name daily and it had pretty bad effects on me, so I'd guess it's likely a corrupted name as you mentioned. Any info on him or a not-corrupted sigil, would be good to have.

I will write a page on Minoson. This name is of the most corrupted ones. Actually, some of these Names, are alterations with which one can curse, and not the actual Name to invoke or summon a Demon.

Another very corrupted Name, is "Morax".
Kurat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, many Demons have been thrown into insignificance, and there is not much information about them, even in the Joy of Satan. There will be more forthcoming information about them also, to help those who are guarded by these Demons to build a better relationship with them. Most of the Demons there are wonderful, and they deserve more attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What Demon is Roman war God Mars?

Most likely Andras but don't take this hypothesis for granted.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
Is High Priestess Maxine doing well?

I'll share what I am in knowledge of soon, but because there is an array of events that needs to be explained alongside things, I'll just summarize with a yes for now.

That's good to hear
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Can I ask you something? Does the Mesopotamian God Ninurta identify as Set in Ancient Egypt? Even thinking of his name always has dramatic effect on my soul, drastically energising it, and it feels overall very positive.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
Perfect timing as always. I was looking through the old Demons page and was wondering why such things like the "Orders" was allowed to stay there, as I thought it was understood to be old misinfo by now. I assume there's lots of reasons for why these things don't update right away, which is understandable, but it's certainly not good to leave it there for too long.

I look forward to these updates. Your hard work is eternally appreciated!

They don't immediately update because experimentation and necessary crossing of the information for it's validity is extremely important. It cannot be done on the whim.

That would make sense. Sorry for underestimating the work that goes into these things! Thank you!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, many Demons have been thrown into insignificance, and there is not much information about them, even in the Joy of Satan. There will be more forthcoming information about them also, to help those who are guarded by these Demons to build a better relationship with them. Most of the Demons there are wonderful, and they deserve more attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I would be curious on some info on Minoson, if you have any. For one, a long time ago I tried to vibrate his name daily and it had pretty bad effects on me, so I'd guess it's likely a corrupted name as you mentioned. Any info on him or a not-corrupted sigil, would be good to have.

I will write a page on Minoson. This name is of the most corrupted ones. Actually, some of these Names, are alterations with which one can curse, and not the actual Name to invoke or summon a Demon.

Another very corrupted Name, is "Morax".
I remember you saying some times ago (or HP Maxine) to not use the God's name because some of them were corrupted. Its pretty sad what the jews have done. Thank you for your hard work!!!
Wonderful! This will be put in German asap! :D
This has brightened my day!

Thank you for everything you do here, HP HoodedCobra and HPS Maxine.
I'm truly glad to hear of this. Like many others, I ended up here on the JoS through more mainstream Neopagan mentalities, all those years ago. I knew the Gods by their European folk names. Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, Odin, Thor, Freya, so on so forth. When I first came to the JoS main page, I wasn't exactly sure what to feel. The anti-abrahamic sentiment expressed in Exposing Christianity is what initially drew me in, as I felt this mindset wasn't common enough among a lot of Pagans at the time.

The main JoS site was a little different for me. I was unfamiliar with "Demonology" so to speak. To a lot of mainstream Pagans, "Satanism" and "Paganism" have a divide, as silly as this sounds to anyone here. To a young and uneducated me, I simply saw a list of Demons from a late medieval grimoire, as opposed to my Gods, and it took me longer than I would have liked to understand they were one in the same.

It was only due to insistent guidance from my Guardian that I realized the truth this place held and I stayed. Really, were it not for her, I may have let the JoS as a movement slip through my fingers, because my only exposure to "Satanism" in my early years were teenage edgelords who LARPed idiots like Euronymous.

Even after fully committing myself and dedicating to the movement, even then, I never felt comfortable calling my Guardian "Astaroth". Something just didn't feel right in my gut, and the first time I met Her, She didn't even present Herself as such either. I was so heavily into Hellenism at the time I called Her Athena, and She accepted that name. After dedication, and all the years since, I've always simply called Her Astarte, and this suits perfectly fine. Many of our members have already expressed they felt She had a preference for this name themselves.

Though I'm prattling on a little, I've always had some small level of concern that other young Pagans almost had the same experience I did, and weren't sure about committal to the movement because they didn't immediately see what I suppose I could call the Pagan "aesthetic", so to speak. With how much folk and ancestry is held in high esteem, it isn't an unimportant factor at all. A lot of "secular" online Thulean movements wear the ancient Norse aesthetic very blatantly, and attract reasonable followship numbers for this reason, as it resonates with people who hold staunch racial mindsets.

Point is, this is an extremely valuable thing I'm glad to see happening. I cannot judge for a second that it hadn't happened prior, as your workload is inconceivable. But all the same, thank you for taking the time.
Arcadia said:
Point is, this is an extremely valuable thing I'm glad to see happening. I cannot judge for a second that it hadn't happened prior, as your workload is inconceivable. But all the same, thank you for taking the time.

Thanks for understanding.

You see, the problem is, with these things, I would [and anyone else would] need around 20 lifetimes to get it together. Then, it may need another 10 lifetimes to revise it again. This type of work never ends. Thanks for explaining your experience.

I am emotionally divided over which Pantheon to like more, or in other words, which interpretation, but to me, the Norse/Norwegian and the Hellenic, do appear as the clearest forms of manifestation.

Hinduism is the richest, but this also has been largely incorporated to a lot of more modern and corrupted ideals.

I have a soft spot for all of these, so I would be emotionally biased. But going by a sheer judgement on which aspect brought out more function for me, and more usefulness in life, and what has led me to victories and realization, I'd pick Hellenic and Norse. The Norse presents itself as a very direct character, while the Hellenic does have the depth that one would require, without the pointless shit.

Personally, I have found the Roman approach to be very beautiful, but a watered down copy from the Hellenic, which causes in this case a lack of coherence, in my view.
Tfw I've accidentally been using her corrupted name the whole time.....
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
Point is, this is an extremely valuable thing I'm glad to see happening. I cannot judge for a second that it hadn't happened prior, as your workload is inconceivable. But all the same, thank you for taking the time.

Thanks for understanding.

You see, the problem is, with these things, I would [and anyone else would] need around 20 lifetimes to get it together. Then, it may need another 10 lifetimes to revise it again. This type of work never ends. Thanks for explaining your experience.

I am emotionally divided over which Pantheon to like more, or in other words, which interpretation, but to me, the Norse/Norwegian and the Hellenic, do appear as the clearest forms of manifestation.

Hinduism is the richest, but this also has been largely incorporated to a lot of more modern and corrupted ideals.

I have a soft spot for all of these, so I would be emotionally biased. But going by a sheer judgement on which aspect brought out more function for me, and more usefulness in life, and what has led me to victories and realization, I'd pick Hellenic and Norse. The Norse presents itself as a very direct character, while the Hellenic does have the depth that one would require, without the pointless shit.

Personally, I have found the Roman approach to be very beautiful, but a watered down copy from the Hellenic, which causes in this case a lack of coherence, in my view.

Very interesting to hear this from you, choosing between Greco-Roman and Norse has always been difficult given they have the most spotlight and records in this era.

Curious why the Egyptian pantheon wasn't mentioned. Is it too much of a mess even more than the Hindu?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow. About four days ago I was thinking about exactly this. That the info about the Demons has lots of jewish crap. Like how certain Demons are said to 'drown ships' and other things you can tell were just the creation of some rabbi. I wanted to make a post about it but felt it wasn't in my position to talk about such and a few days later we're here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am emotionally divided over which Pantheon to like more, or in other words, which interpretation, but to me, the Norse/Norwegian and the Hellenic, do appear as the clearest forms of manifestation.

Hinduism is the richest, but this also has been largely incorporated to a lot of more modern and corrupted ideals.

I have a soft spot for all of these, so I would be emotionally biased. But going by a sheer judgement on which aspect brought out more function for me, and more usefulness in life, and what has led me to victories and realization, I'd pick Hellenic and Norse. The Norse presents itself as a very direct character, while the Hellenic does have the depth that one would require, without the pointless shit.

Personally, I have found the Roman approach to be very beautiful, but a watered down copy from the Hellenic, which causes in this case a lack of coherence, in my view.

The Roman approach definitely does have its beauty. The Roman perspective on Ares, in the form of Mars, for instance, I find to be a lot more in-line with the Norse deity Tyr. But there are certain aspects that do feel somewhat diluted, that they were almost missing the forest for the trees, so to speak. The ancient Greek perspective tended to be a bit more freeflowing and natural, and the ancient "myths" were more visibly evocative of spiritual development and aetherial wisdom. Part of the Roman perspective was sort of, sanitizing and streamlining the theology as a means of creating a more structured religion that suited the benefit of the Republic state, which did have its uses, but at loss of spiritual elegance that could be found in earlier Greek interpretations. Greek Temples tended to have their own system of governing and operated independently, like the Oracle at Delphi, but the Roman Priesthood were strictly Republic officials who held position of office. Given the stricter bonds of religion and state in Rome, it's of little surprise Greek Paganism managed to survive against the onslaught of Abrahamism longer than its Roman counterpart did, as they were much harder to purge all at once. Ironically, I feel the original Etruscan pagan religion of Rome was more in line with Ancient Greek Hellenism, than the copy of Hellenism, that they installed when Rome first started rising to power.

Norse, on the other hand, there's definitely a reason it tends to be more blatantly popular among the racially aware Neopagan types, and it's why you said, strength of character. The stories there tend to be very honestly representative of the aryan character, and this no doubt played apart in the longevity of Paganism in Scandinavia. Though, there is a degree of regrettable mystery to it, due to how much has been lost. In spite of all my research it's borderline impossible to grasp some elements of the Nordic religion, like the theology behind some of the Nine Norse realms like Vanaheim and Alfheim.

Ancient Celtic Paganism would have held some truly remarkable knowledge to it also. Deities like Cernunnos were some of the most openly blatant portrayals of the risen kundalini you can find in Europe. But, Celtic religion was the most purged of all in Europe. Little of it remains.

It's definitely hard to pick Pantheon favorites, I certainly agree. I think the subtle differences and aesthetic are important though. Even though European Aryans are ultimately one race, there is still always value to understanding the different folk and Ancestral lines. To me, even generations into the future when the enemy is nothing more than a memory, I'd still find meaning in different folk lines maintaining their own Pantheon and aesthetic, and different peoples restoring the brand of Paganism most native to their own ancestry and homeland. It's a nice thought.

It was hard to keep this post curt, heh. Years worth of obsession and reading about polytheism with no outlet to pour it into tends to make one ramble if ever given the excuse or opportunity to talk about it. Perhaps a constructive use for it will one day come along.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
Is High Priestess Maxine doing well?

I'll share what I am in knowledge of soon, but because there is an array of events that needs to be explained alongside things, I'll just summarize with a yes for now.
I have been waiting for this particular update for quite sometime.

Lady Agares has been with me for about a year and she is my personal Guardian Demoness.

I have also received guidance from Lord Belial and Lady Astaroth on several occasions.

Nothing would make me happier then to have more than a paragraph on some of our beloved Gods.
I always loved anything Ancient Greek-related since I was a little child, also some of the Egyptian. I am very glad the Demons Section will be updated, looking forward to it.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am emotionally divided over which Pantheon to like more, or in other words, which interpretation, but to me, the Norse/Norwegian and the Hellenic, do appear as the clearest forms of manifestation.
Apart from the case of Astarte that we all know, Beelzebub is a corruption of Baalzebul, I also understand that Mammon is a corruption of Memnon which is another name by which the god Zeus was known.
Kurat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, many Demons have been thrown into insignificance, and there is not much information about them, even in the Joy of Satan. There will be more forthcoming information about them also, to help those who are guarded by these Demons to build a better relationship with them. Most of the Demons there are wonderful, and they deserve more attention.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What Demon is Roman war God Mars?

Ares/Tyr/Mars/Andras. He works closely with Baalzebul.
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow. About four days ago I was thinking about exactly this. That the info about the Demons has lots of jewish crap. Like how certain Demons are said to 'drown ships' and other things you can tell were just the creation of some rabbi. I wanted to make a post about it but felt it wasn't in my position to talk about such and a few days later we're here.

Feel free to post any input anyone wants, conversation helps a lot with these things. I was not aware of Saurasthra [Name for Sorath], it was some advanced members that posted on this.

Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow. About four days ago I was thinking about exactly this. That the info about the Demons has lots of jewish crap. Like how certain Demons are said to 'drown ships' and other things you can tell were just the creation of some rabbi. I wanted to make a post about it but felt it wasn't in my position to talk about such and a few days later we're here.
I never liked Beelzebub as a name so I agree with you but drowning ships is something that is used in war and SS the past definitely destroyed enemy ships.
Egon said:
I always loved anything Ancient Greek-related since I was a little child, also some of the Egyptian. I am very glad the Demons Section will be updated, looking forward to it.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am emotionally divided over which Pantheon to like more, or in other words, which interpretation, but to me, the Norse/Norwegian and the Hellenic, do appear as the clearest forms of manifestation.
Me too, I am very attracted towards ancient Greece, it feels very familiar.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

Recently i found out that Astarte also goes under the name: Freya/Freja (Norse), One thing that really compels me is that when i just joined jos i started to use the name Freya as a ingame name for some games. Back then i did not know that Astarte was my guardian, I only know about this since a year or so.

Also the description of Freya is very similar to the description of Astarte, Besides that i get a nice and warm feeling whenever i use the word Freya.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

I've always felt a deep connection with the name Inanna. When I tried to connect with Her the first time, it's the first name that came into my head and it just felt natural. I've never tried using other names like Astarte or Astaroth. I wonder if she has other names she likes.

Same thing for the name Utu. I had a very positive feeling when I looked at his sigil and heard "Utu." I can't imagine using another name for Him (at least for now).

Thank you for keeping our Gods alive through the JOS!
Ara666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

I've always felt a deep connection with the name Inanna. When I tried to connect with Her the first time, it's the first name that came into my head and it just felt natural. I've never tried using other names like Astarte or Astaroth. I wonder if she has other names she likes.

Same thing for the name Utu. I had a very positive feeling when I looked at his sigil and heard "Utu." I can't imagine using another name for Him (at least for now).

Thank you for keeping our Gods alive through the JOS!

Inanna is a very fitting name also. This Name is about the union of the Soul symbolized by the Goddess.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

Recently i found out that Astarte also goes under the name: Freya/Freja (Norse), One thing that really compels me is that when i just joined jos i started to use the name Freya as a ingame name for some games. Back then i did not know that Astarte was my guardian, I only know about this since a year or so.

Also the description of Freya is very similar to the description of Astarte, Besides that i get a nice and warm feeling whenever i use the word Freya.

Yes, and also Venus and Aphrodite, are both Names for Astarte/Inanna. At the same time, it's falsely believed that Venus was only the Goddess of Love and Beauty [which were her main attributes] but she also had a Warrior side [Worshipped in Ancient Sparta I think], which overlaps her completely to Inanna.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
