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About Upcoming Joy of Satan Website Updates: Demons Section

This is very exciting. I really appreciate the time and dedication you are spending to update the site and I am sure every SS here is equally appreciative. My GD is not currently listed on the site so I hope to see her on the site when it is updated!

My GD is my Nash/Nanshe from the mesopotamian pantheon. I have looked through the Gods sections and was never able to find information about her. I believe that she is one of the demons you stated were "thrown into insignificance" who there is little information on. The way I found out she was my GD is that she came to me in my dream and when I asked who she was she said her name was "nash". I did some searching for "nash goddess" and eventually found nanshe the sumerian Goddess of Social justice, Prophecy, Fertility, And fishing. Her actions in mesopotamian lore, her kindness, her fairness. She embodies the ideals I respect and value so much. I would really love for the rest of our SS brethren to be able to know her!

She is truly wonderful and I am honored to have her as my GD. I remember that you made a post about her on the old forums explaining the name NAZI and how it comes from Nanshe who healed enki and gave him his voice back when his throat was injured. Nazism is being able to stand up and speak for what is right and speak against what is wrong. To have a voice.

This is the post.


Anyways, thank you so much for your hard work and dedication!

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ara666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

I've always felt a deep connection with the name Inanna. When I tried to connect with Her the first time, it's the first name that came into my head and it just felt natural. I've never tried using other names like Astarte or Astaroth. I wonder if she has other names she likes.

Same thing for the name Utu. I had a very positive feeling when I looked at his sigil and heard "Utu." I can't imagine using another name for Him (at least for now).

Thank you for keeping our Gods alive through the JOS!

Inanna is a very fitting name also. This Name is about the union of the Soul symbolized by the Goddess.
Innana must be related to the sanskrit Jnana meaning knowledge or gnosis.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

Recently i found out that Astarte also goes under the name: Freya/Freja (Norse), One thing that really compels me is that when i just joined jos i started to use the name Freya as a ingame name for some games. Back then i did not know that Astarte was my guardian, I only know about this since a year or so.

Also the description of Freya is very similar to the description of Astarte, Besides that i get a nice and warm feeling whenever i use the word Freya.

Yes, and also Venus and Aphrodite, are both Names for Astarte/Inanna. At the same time, it's falsely believed that Venus was only the Goddess of Love and Beauty [which were her main attributes] but she also had a Warrior side [Worshipped in Ancient Sparta I think], which overlaps her completely to Inanna.
I doubt that, the warrior side of Astarte is Athena that among its etymologies is related to a Goddess that has a name similar to Inanna but I can't find anymore this etymology.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow. About four days ago I was thinking about exactly this. That the info about the Demons has lots of jewish crap. Like how certain Demons are said to 'drown ships' and other things you can tell were just the creation of some rabbi. I wanted to make a post about it but felt it wasn't in my position to talk about such and a few days later we're here.

Feel free to post any input anyone wants, conversation helps a lot with these things. I was not aware of Saurasthra [Name for Sorath], it was some advanced members that posted on this.

Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.
Definitely will. I always felt there was more to some of the Gods than the info provided. I concluded that HPS Maxine had to edit out the extreme garbage like the looks ascribed to the Gods in jewish grimoires but since the JoS was still new and much wasn't known about the Gods she had to leave some of the info that wasn't at least extreme.

TopoftheAbyss said:
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow. About four days ago I was thinking about exactly this. That the info about the Demons has lots of jewish crap. Like how certain Demons are said to 'drown ships' and other things you can tell were just the creation of some rabbi. I wanted to make a post about it but felt it wasn't in my position to talk about such and a few days later we're here.
I never liked Beelzebub as a name so I agree with you but drowning ships is something that is used in war and SS the past definitely destroyed enemy ships.
The original name was Baalzebul. I guess that can be true but there is so much more to a literal God than just showing up in a naval war to drown a few ships.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello, I have a question about one entity I've been working with. And she has provided drastically. Has anyone got info about working with Santa murte +satan at the same time?? I usually worked with Satan, but I have added santa murte as a freind sort to speak as well. Any info would be nice.
This is amazing news. Thank you guys.

I’ve seen some negative imprints attached to some names before and it did cause confusion but it was overlooked. Some of those traps can be very deceiving though.
I am so curios about all Them...and I can't wait to read Them all, like Pazuzu, Zepar, Vassago and all the "minor" Demons. Thank you for this gift.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wow. About four days ago I was thinking about exactly this. That the info about the Demons has lots of jewish crap. Like how certain Demons are said to 'drown ships' and other things you can tell were just the creation of some rabbi. I wanted to make a post about it but felt it wasn't in my position to talk about such and a few days later we're here.

Feel free to post any input anyone wants, conversation helps a lot with these things. I was not aware of Saurasthra [Name for Sorath], it was some advanced members that posted on this.

Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

The name Asmodeus has been good for me at times, but I have seen the infiltration heavily from the jews with this as well. Amitayus or Brahma is better, and I personally would rather call him Brahma. Brahma has a lot of Hinduism influence. The portion about breaking up relationships and marriages does have some connotations that I’ve seen in Jewish writings on him. This is a pretty big corruption though. Brahma/Amitayus/Asmodeus deals in the divine serpent relationship and was an incredible ruler who helped humanity from the beginning. I have had relationships fall apart in working with him but I am 95% certain that this was NOT him and these were attacks. His name has been horribly blasphemed and cursed. He has taught me the true original meaning of holy satanic marriages between Gods/Goddesses and humans. There’s so much filth on demonic relationships it’s not even funny, even in the forums occasionally. I wish there were more about this but this one is a pretty big subject and there’s a reason the jews dedicated so much time to corrupting this concept.
HP Hooded Cobra,

What a wonderful gift this is, thank you very much from the heart!
I also hope that HP Maxine is doing well.
In 2017 I started an intensive research on the ancient gods that were hidden behind the term demon, and created a blog called Semper Veritas where I was publishing results of my research. I am currently focused on Paimon, and I have serious reasons to believe based on research (which may not be correct, after all I am an amateur and self-taught), and I found some interesting correlations: In Grecian, we have the god Palaemon or Palemon, Egypt o god Amun, and in Assyria if I'm not mistaken we also have a god called Amum, of the Ammonite people. And we also have the story of the twin sons of the god El, which has nothing to do with the Jewish cosmic garbage, known as SHARAR which is related to the morning star, and SHALEM the evening star.
even as the Jewish king Solomao knew, it was invented on top of the mythological history of god Shalem, and apparently Sharar and Shalem, the gracious gods, are known in Palmira as Arsu and Azizos, who in turn according to sources are twins of the goddess Ishtar. Paimon in this case would be Shalem or Azizos, and as far as I understand god Sharar may be god Shamash. Now understand, I am not saying that this is absolutely right, as I am an amateur in this, even a beginner, so I may be wrong. HP Hooded Cobra please correct me if I am wrong, is that I love mythological research and I want to learn how to proceed in independent research, so can you guide me on my thesis above? Thank you even for everything you are doing for us apprentices, and I'm sorry if I said something silly but I want to learn, so just don't make mistakes who do nothing, try nothing and whatever. Thanks.
I'm not sure if this is just me or not, but regarding King Zagan, my subconscious mind while I was in trace trying to know who my GD is kept repeating the name Zagan over and over again and I got signs when I evoked him to come to me if he is indeed my GD and give me signs everything worked, but one thing to mention is that for some reason while vibrating the name "Dagon" wasn't very pleasing, even sometimes saying the name "Dagon" isn't very pleasing, but when I think of the name "Zagan" and say it it feels absolutely positive and energizing in a friendly way of course.

I'm not sure if it is okay to say this, but thought it might be helpful?

SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

Recently i found out that Astarte also goes under the name: Freya/Freja (Norse), One thing that really compels me is that when i just joined jos i started to use the name Freya as a ingame name for some games. Back then i did not know that Astarte was my guardian, I only know about this since a year or so.

Also the description of Freya is very similar to the description of Astarte, Besides that i get a nice and warm feeling whenever i use the word Freya.

I like the name Freya too.
Blackdragon666 said:
The original name was Baalzebul. I guess that can be true but there is so much more to a literal God than just showing up in a naval war to drown a few ships.

Baalzebub Baal = Lord, Zebub/Zebul = Flies, Lord of all that flies. Therefore it may not be his actual name and just a title that derived from the Philistines. Of course we've seen this to be intentionally mistranslated throughout history.
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Wow. About four days ago I was thinking about exactly this. That the info about the Demons has lots of jewish crap. Like how certain Demons are said to 'drown ships' and other things you can tell were just the creation of some rabbi. I wanted to make a post about it but felt it wasn't in my position to talk about such and a few days later we're here.

Feel free to post any input anyone wants, conversation helps a lot with these things. I was not aware of Saurasthra [Name for Sorath], it was some advanced members that posted on this.

Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

The name Asmodeus has been good for me at times, but I have seen the infiltration heavily from the jews with this as well. Amitayus or Brahma is better, and I personally would rather call him Brahma. ...

Asmodeus has nothing negative in the Name, so it is good. It's "Ashmedai" which contains corruption. Asmodeus is not "Brahma".
AryaPaimon said:
HP Hooded Cobra,

... HP Hooded Cobra please correct me if I am wrong, is that I love mythological research and I want to learn how to proceed in independent research, so can you guide me on my thesis above? Thank you even for everything you are doing for us apprentices, and I'm sorry if I said something silly but I want to learn, so just don't make mistakes who do nothing, try nothing and whatever. Thanks.

Thanks for your input.

I am sure then you'll find the case of Paimon interesting. Paimon is not a negative name. Also, Amon is used extensively, as it's a very good Name. However, this is not to be conflated with Amon-Ra which is another God altogether. Amon was also a title that was given to many Gods, to show spiritual power.
Specter said:
Blackdragon666 said:
The original name was Baalzebul. I guess that can be true but there is so much more to a literal God than just showing up in a naval war to drown a few ships.

Baalzebub Baal = Lord, Zebub/Zebul = Flies, Lord of all that flies. Therefore it may not be his actual name and just a title that derived from the Philistines. Of course we've seen this to be intentionally mistranslated throughout history.
Baal Enlil feels to me like the right name.
NameHere said:
I'm not sure if this is just me or not, but regarding King Zagan, my subconscious mind while I was in trace trying to know who my GD is kept repeating the name Zagan over and over again and I got signs when I evoked him to come to me if he is indeed my GD and give me signs everything worked, but one thing to mention is that for some reason while vibrating the name "Dagon" wasn't very pleasing, even sometimes saying the name "Dagon" isn't very pleasing, but when I think of the name "Zagan" and say it it feels absolutely positive and energizing in a friendly way of course.

I'm not sure if it is okay to say this, but thought it might be helpful?

Dagon can be found from the bible, and from one jewish influenced video game I used to play (Dota 2) has an item called dagon. There is also an item called "satanic". It has a description of "gives immense power at the cost of the soul". I played a lot of it so I remember this detail well. We know pretty well that Satanism is not "at the cost of the soul", but the other way around.

So you are probably right.
I’m still a little uncertain but I believe Anubis may be my GD. When I call to him though, he asks me to use one of his other names - Ipos - instead.

I don’t know what to make of it given some names are corrupted. Just want to be safe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Feel free to post any input anyone wants, conversation helps a lot with these things. I was not aware of Saurasthra [Name for Sorath], it was some advanced members that posted on this.

Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

The name Asmodeus has been good for me at times, but I have seen the infiltration heavily from the jews with this as well. Amitayus or Brahma is better, and I personally would rather call him Brahma. ...

Asmodeus has nothing negative in the Name, so it is good. It's "Ashmedai" which contains corruption. Asmodeus is not "Brahma".

Oh wow, maybe my studies have been off the whole time. In one post there was this

“Allegorically, Saraswati is intelligence that is wife (result) of Brahma (Crown Chakra). I don't know what exactly Brahma represent or if He is just full allegory or representation of certain God, but Brahma was very popular in other mythologies and in other people's cultures, such as Slavic where He is known as Triglav. Triglav have three heads, but in some regions he is depicted with 4 heads. (Three Heads can represent Three grantis and four heads four - this may be the allegory of opening all the grantis of the soul).”

From TalGonDon

And trying to decipher through the Jewish Tobit there’s always relation to Sara and Asmodeus. Then in the Christian Bible there’s always reference to Sarah and Abraham (a corrupted version of Brahma), it’s stated Asmodeus rules over the fully opened and enlightened crown on here as well. I’ve been really certain about this for a while so if I’m that far off that’s very good to know. The jews also depicted Asmodeus as a monster with 4 heads. I had heard that bits and pieces of the truth were hidden between the lines of the nasty things written about the Gods. Maybe what I was seeing astrally was just an attack itself and not related to the name, but I only recently started using the other names upon studying more. Saraswati is also known as brahmani in other religions. Mageson posted about Asmodeus being Amitayus and that his representation is infinite and boundless light (what I thought was Brahma/Brahman, sometimes I get those two terms confused) I believe I got more information on this from “The Knowledge of The Crown Chakra” by mageson but I can’t find the original post. Was this taken down?

Not trying to debate any of what you know, just curious about this. My senses may not be as good as an HP’s senses. I figured certainly the jews would’ve corrupted his name, especially after reading that his name was Amitayus.
Hp hooded cobra i wanted to ask you is the egyptian goddess named "tawaret" reptilian or its a demon from our side?? Here is her pictures



HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Feel free to post any input anyone wants, conversation helps a lot with these things. I was not aware of Saurasthra [Name for Sorath], it was some advanced members that posted on this.

Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

The name Asmodeus has been good for me at times, but I have seen the infiltration heavily from the jews with this as well. Amitayus or Brahma is better, and I personally would rather call him Brahma. ...

Asmodeus has nothing negative in the Name, so it is good. It's "Ashmedai" which contains corruption. Asmodeus is not "Brahma".

I don’t know for sure if it was the knowledge of the crown chakra post, but I had also suspected that saraswati represented the 3rd chakra as a counterpart to Asmodeus and have also thought this to be valid despite not having much to go off of just from the forums. The crown chakra connects to the pineal gland and produces “the dew drop from heaven” which drops into the 3rd, and Asmodeus’s Sigil also seems to show the connection. So with his heavy relation to the crown and possibly pineal, combined with all of the stories of Saraswati and Brahma, I’m still suspecting that he at least represents the Brahma/Brahman, whichever is accurate. I started from studying just signals and shitty texts about the gods with this. I’ve been reluctant to say where I’ve come to these conclusions because of possibility of disinformation. But it’s never a bad time to clear shit up along the way. Brahma could just be a concept and not one of his actual names. Same with Saraswati. Though, I have found some very vague information on a possible pharaoh with the name Sara attached from Egypt and some relation to the arts just as the tales of Saraswati state from eastern origins. There was a temple found, but it was difficult to try and find it. I see how long it takes to unbury these things and find actual evidence aligning with psychic senses. I have used Saraswati as a vibration and have felt it in the 3rd as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another example, when I met Astarte, she communicated that Names like Astarte are more fitting [pronunciation will be explained], and this also certifies the findings further.

Recently i found out that Astarte also goes under the name: Freya/Freja (Norse), One thing that really compels me is that when i just joined jos i started to use the name Freya as a ingame name for some games. Back then i did not know that Astarte was my guardian, I only know about this since a year or so.

Also the description of Freya is very similar to the description of Astarte, Besides that i get a nice and warm feeling whenever i use the word Freya.

Yes, and also Venus and Aphrodite, are both Names for Astarte/Inanna. At the same time, it's falsely believed that Venus was only the Goddess of Love and Beauty [which were her main attributes] but she also had a Warrior side [Worshipped in Ancient Sparta I think], which overlaps her completely to Inanna.
Freya fehu Friday rune and lakshmi all closely linked aswel to her ? imo
Egon said:
Also the mantra Maum for the chakra ruled by Jupiter (Zeus).

Wotanwarrior said:
Apart from the case of Astarte that we all know, Beelzebub is a corruption of Baalzebul, I also understand that Mammon is a corruption of Memnon which is another name by which the god Zeus was known.

Totally correct, Memnon represents the crown chakra and the pineal gland, when he is pierced by the spear of Achilles symbolizes the energy of the kundalini ascending through the spine and the tears of the goddess Eos mourning his death symbolizes the elixir secreted by the pineal gland.
Specter said:
Blackdragon666 said:
The original name was Baalzebul. I guess that can be true but there is so much more to a literal God than just showing up in a naval war to drown a few ships.

Baalzebub Baal = Lord, Zebub/Zebul = Flies, Lord of all that flies. Therefore it may not be his actual name and just a title that derived from the Philistines. Of course we've seen this to be intentionally mistranslated throughout history.

This is an example of how changing a single letter changes totally the meaning, Zebub = Flies, Zebul = High House.
BaalZebul means lord of the highest house.
by the way,could you announce when it's ready?i'm using word to make a revised copy of jos and i stopped there,so i could get the updated info
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
But going by a sheer judgement on which aspect brought out more function for me, and more usefulness in life, and what has led me to victories and realization, I'd pick Hellenic and Norse.

This is great because i always felt a strong connection to the Nordic Gods even before i dedicated myself.

Thank you for your consistency HP Cobra. I'm waiting impatiently for the updates.
Henu the Great said:
NameHere said:
I'm not sure if this is just me or not, but regarding King Zagan, my subconscious mind while I was in trace trying to know who my GD is kept repeating the name Zagan over and over again and I got signs when I evoked him to come to me if he is indeed my GD and give me signs everything worked, but one thing to mention is that for some reason while vibrating the name "Dagon" wasn't very pleasing, even sometimes saying the name "Dagon" isn't very pleasing, but when I think of the name "Zagan" and say it it feels absolutely positive and energizing in a friendly way of course.

I'm not sure if it is okay to say this, but thought it might be helpful?

Dagon can be found from the bible, and from one jewish influenced video game I used to play (Dota 2) has an item called dagon. There is also an item called "satanic". It has a description of "gives immense power at the cost of the soul". I played a lot of it so I remember this detail well. We know pretty well that Satanism is not "at the cost of the soul", but the other way around.

So you are probably right.

That's interesting and I completely agree!!
Dagon is also a jewish surname from the pdf of how to identify a jew part 2.
NameHere said:
Henu the Great said:
NameHere said:
I'm not sure if this is just me or not, but regarding King Zagan, my subconscious mind while I was in trace trying to know who my GD is kept repeating the name Zagan over and over again and I got signs when I evoked him to come to me if he is indeed my GD and give me signs everything worked, but one thing to mention is that for some reason while vibrating the name "Dagon" wasn't very pleasing, even sometimes saying the name "Dagon" isn't very pleasing, but when I think of the name "Zagan" and say it it feels absolutely positive and energizing in a friendly way of course.

I'm not sure if it is okay to say this, but thought it might be helpful?

Dagon can be found from the bible, and from one jewish influenced video game I used to play (Dota 2) has an item called dagon. There is also an item called "satanic". It has a description of "gives immense power at the cost of the soul". I played a lot of it so I remember this detail well. We know pretty well that Satanism is not "at the cost of the soul", but the other way around.

So you are probably right.

That's interesting and I completely agree!!
Dagon is also a jewish surname from the pdf of how to identify a jew part 2.

My thoughts would be that, Dagon, in regards to the Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar, in the capital of Yangon - which translates to Golden Dagon Pagoda, or Great Dagon Pagoda - is recognized at the most sacred pagoda in the entire south of Myanmar, and is quite possibly the oldest Buddhist stupa in the world. It's said to have been created more than 2,600 years ago. I visited there a couple years, and of all the pagodas of Myanmar I saw, it truly is quite a spectacle. Unfortunately, Buddhism has subverted the temple... I was not allowed entry because I was wearing a tank top, and you are not allowed to enter if your shoulders are showing. I could've rented a gown, but my ego & disgust said, "the Gods would not care if my shoulders are showing to visit their temple, so why I should pay extra to give in to this Buddhist crap of my 'unholy shoulder skin showing,'" so I left. Regardless since this temple was made in reverence to Dagon, hence the name Shwedagon having persevered, I feel that the name Dagon isn't corrupted. But I'm not sure - that's just my thoughts.
Wotanwarrior said:
Specter said:
Blackdragon666 said:
The original name was Baalzebul. I guess that can be true but there is so much more to a literal God than just showing up in a naval war to drown a few ships.

Baalzebub Baal = Lord, Zebub/Zebul = Flies, Lord of all that flies. Therefore it may not be his actual name and just a title that derived from the Philistines. Of course we've seen this to be intentionally mistranslated throughout history.

This is an example of how changing a single letter changes totally the meaning, Zebub = Flies, Zebul = High House.
BaalZebul means lord of the highest house.

The ancients could have associated the name with Vimana aircraft, in which he was the lord/ruler of. Both respectively referring to the same thing. But I do feel Baal Enlil is proper fitting name as Ol argedco luciftias said.
Wotanwarrior said:
Egon said:
Also the mantra Maum for the chakra ruled by Jupiter (Zeus).

Wotanwarrior said:
Apart from the case of Astarte that we all know, Beelzebub is a corruption of Baalzebul, I also understand that Mammon is a corruption of Memnon which is another name by which the god Zeus was known.

Totally correct, Memnon represents the crown chakra and the pineal gland, when he is pierced by the spear of Achilles symbolizes the energy of the kundalini ascending through the spine and the tears of the goddess Eos mourning his death symbolizes the elixir secreted by the pineal gland.

Memnon was a legendary hero who also was a mortal that attained immortality.

In regards to Zeus, he is not "Mammon", "Mammon" is only a title, which was frequenly ascribed to Zeus, such as Ammonas Zeus. And definitely not a hebrew god of "Shekels" as decribed in enemy Grimoires.

The first big update which is courtesy to Beelzebul, will elaborate on these things and clear up potential confusion.
Will there be explanations on the meaning of some Pantheon rankings, like some Gods having "more proiminence" than Satan as in Zeus being the chief God of the Olympus. Are these allegories or just mistranslations or misinterpretations in general.

I say that as I thought the name of Zeus was just another title of Satan because convoluted informations of Satan being many Gods at once, as Satan = Dyonisus = Zeus, from copy-paste articles by Magestein claiming that from the "Satan's altar in Pergamon" passage in the bible.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The first big update which is courtesy to Beelzebul, will elaborate on these things and clear up potential confusion.
956GOD said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello, I have a question about one entity I've been working with. And she has provided drastically. Has anyone got info about working with Santa murte +satan at the same time?? I usually worked with Satan, but I have added santa murte as a freind sort to speak as well. Any info would be nice.

I read somewhere that she is Mictēcacihuātl of aztec pantheon. Don't take my word for it, just pointing you in a direction of an interesting idea to look into. I myself am barley getting into mexican/central american gods before they were corrupted with sacrifices and other wild shit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Egon said:
Also the mantra Maum for the chakra ruled by Jupiter (Zeus).

Totally correct, Memnon represents the crown chakra and the pineal gland, when he is pierced by the spear of Achilles symbolizes the energy of the kundalini ascending through the spine and the tears of the goddess Eos mourning his death symbolizes the elixir secreted by the pineal gland.

Memnon was a legendary hero who also was a mortal that attained immortality.

In regards to Zeus, he is not "Mammon", "Mammon" is only a title, which was frequenly ascribed to Zeus, such as Ammonas Zeus. And definitely not a hebrew god of "Shekels" as decribed in enemy Grimoires.

The first big update which is courtesy to Beelzebul, will elaborate on these things and clear up potential confusion.

Thanks for clarifying this doubt, I do not even know the reason but for a long time I have always felt attracted by this mythological character, also if I am not mistaken the goddess of dawn Eos is Astarte.
what about goddess '' NEPHTHYS '' also named '' BATHIN '' i don't know and never communicated with her is this right name for her to pronounce and communicate i have intense feeling that she is my guardian . and also about her husband '' SET '' is this right name for him to pronounce and communicate
Egon said:
Will there be explanations on the meaning of some Pantheon rankings, like some Gods having "more proiminence" than Satan as in Zeus being the chief God of the Olympus. Are these allegories or just mistranslations or misinterpretations in general.

I say that as I thought the name of Zeus was just another title of Satan because convoluted informations of Satan being many Gods at once, as Satan = Dyonisus = Zeus, from copy-paste articles by Magestein claiming that from the "Satan's altar in Pergamon" passage in the bible.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The first big update which is courtesy to Beelzebul, will elaborate on these things and clear up potential confusion.
I think it was possible for different Gods to be the head Gods in various places. Satan was the head God in Vedic India and Mesopotamia, Zeus was the head God in Greece, Amon-Ra was the head God in Egypt and so on. Maybe it had to do with the God who helped a lot when the particular civilization was being founded.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Can I ask you something? Does the Mesopotamian God Ninurta identify as Set in Ancient Egypt? Even thinking of his name always has dramatic effect on my soul, drastically energising it, and it feels overall very positive.

I'm pinging this in case you did not see it.
Low Priest said:
956GOD said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello, I have a question about one entity I've been working with. And she has provided drastically. Has anyone got info about working with Santa murte +satan at the same time?? I usually worked with Satan, but I have added santa murte as a freind sort to speak as well. Any info would be nice.

I read somewhere that she is Mictēcacihuātl of aztec pantheon. Don't take my word for it, just pointing you in a direction of an interesting idea to look into. I myself am barley getting into mexican/central american gods before they were corrupted with sacrifices and other wild shit.
Thanks for the info, quite useful for my spiritual progress. Very much appreciated. Lots of historical analysis I need to do! Have a good one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
