David Chacón
New member
I as many people like to watch movies and series. But I see that in movies as Freddy Krueger, the godfather, Hell raiser etc.. Appear catholic images, only in the first movie of Hell raiser appear one statue of one virgen other movie where appeared crucifix are in the movies of Amityville. In the movies of the godfather appeared scenes in christian churchs and are many movies where invoque the cursed name of the Nazarene as the 2 movie of it invoque the cursed name of the nazarene without razón. Taking advantage also I question what happened with this masters of the Satanism who have something of christian as Yogananda that in his book autobiography of one Yogui talk of our God's but also of the cursed nazarene, Mussolini also invoque the nazarene in their writings include I this person's in my canon? A difference of Joy of Satan that for me is the best Satanism in Demons God's of Hell not mentioned the ugly and cursed name of the nazarene in any moment. Other masters of the Satanism as Sadhguru talks also of the nazarene as Osho that in the Satanism renovado of Brazil accepted. That is all I think.