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About the Beauty Of This World

A Karmic society is the opposite of a Dharmic society. That's my last note on this.
I understand now.
likman666 said:
tabby said:
likman666 said:
Karma is Divine Law it means action,it's the law of cause and effect. Evolution happens because of it.

I don’t understand your thinking on this. There’s nothing divine about modern “Karma” - it puts you in a state of not acting on anything when wrong is done to you, because “Karma will take care of it”. If I had to put a better meaning to it that doesn’t sound like Christian talk, I’d say “Karma” is a little like Saturn in its ways. It gives you a kick in the butt to take care of things that need to be taken care of, and shows you what happens if you don’t.

If Karma is about action, then it should be about oneself taking action, not sitting back bowing to “Karma” letting it do things for you because you’ll only end up either dead, enslaved, or piled up with so much negative crap that you become a slave to your own energy. If you want to live, you have to ditch the boulder that is weighing you down and won’t let you climb to the peak of the mountain, and fight.

It makes me think of how one has to fight their monsters in life in order to not be haunted or consumed by them. “Karma” will haunt those who don’t fight back to bring themselves to freedom, leaving scars and chains on the soul until at some point down the line in this life or the next it’s taken care of and dealt with. If it’s not, you get swallowed by “Karma”.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people here come from a background where life has hit them really hard. Generally, people don't tend to come to Satan when they are "Good", because good events in life can bring ignorance, rather than enlightenment, the way things are today.

The thing is that when a person is feeling low, or has things to fix, the world looks far more negative than it actually might be. This view is not objective of the world, and is oftentimes, the choice of the mind of the individual. Sometimes, it can be very real: one may be experiencing negativity.

Regardless, bear this in mind: As I told people for years, we fight to improve this world, ourselves, and empower ourselves.

The aim here is, to gain strength to overcome this. Others who came in Satanism from a less oppressive or negative background, will understand this better, as in their case, Satanism just adds on top of one's power, and these values may be already understood or have been applied by them.

Spiritual Satanism and the JoS preach that life is for living. No, not everyone out there is rotten. Not everyone out there is bad. Civilization is not "corrupted". The universe is not a "prison". The fact the enemy may hold control of specific things, doesn't mean the world is evil or one should deny their own existence.

However despite of how many times this has to be told, people who already have this christian embed mentality [also manifesting itself when people getting really damaged psychologically] can insist on the same mentality even after coming here, seeing facts, etc.

It's kind of like depression. But as many people here have found, meditations and the knowledge of Satan can banish this out with the proper time and evolution, and self mind healing.

The enemy has tried to make the above the case, the "World is evil", and they say that this is the case because they admit "The world belongs to Satan". Christianity is built on one wanting to die, because this world is of 'Satan' and 'Unclean'.

The first way they constructed this worthless ideology, is by blaming the natural world, our civilizations, the wonders of life. The enemy is life hating. We are the reverse, we are life affirming and LOVING.

It is however the sad case that some people don't understand the meaning of the JoS or Satanism. The reason you are given these things, is to exist, and to restore the broken powers of appreciation of your existence, and therefore, that of others.

This is the only way towards positivity. The people who are weak and broken, despite of their claimed best motivations, will always harm other people, even without wanting to.

Xians and many others have claimed that "They want to improve the world", but this cannot happen, as none of them improve anything of themselves. This is the fastest way to corrupt this world: Do not advance yourself at all.

Lastly, for those who come in his place only to hate jews, or who consider that every failure in one's existence is due to jews...You don't understand things very well.

Yes, jews have a major control over specific things right now. Yes, they do curse. Yes, they are responsible for an excessive, undeniably huge, amount of evil. And yes, they will be dealt with. We're doing this.

The primary cause and point of failure however, can oftentimes, be one's self. Things one hasn't understood about this world or themselves, and things one has to learn, or a level not yet attained. And in this, you have to control your own life.

But this universe, it's beauty and it's life, exists now, and will exist later. Lions don't live to fight ticks, they live to exist and advance. The fact that we are confronted with spiritual ticks right now, forces us to focus on removal. This is an event of the present.

There are some people here who have interpolated the life hating instinct, by saying that "if jews own this and that, then this means the world is evil". Wrong. The universe doesn't belong to them, and it remains as positive as others can and will make it.

For this reason, Satan gives people power, rather than a stupid ideology that the universe is evil and one has to "escape" by meditation. This is the exact opposite of escapism.

The fact that a traveling ship may now have jews trying to knock the control handle, doesn't make the ship or the jews bad. Our civilization and existence, has merit, importance, and beauty on it's own. And we must never let it go.

There are many positive, uplifting, and nice things happening in this world every single day. Many things that will fill one with hope.

The enemy constantly promotes fear, negative news, attacks humans, and tells them they will be damned. The Gods instead, warn so that we can correct, but their focus remains solidly on positivity.

We are confronted now with situations such as negativity, or the enemy and so on. Yet the above is none of the far end or last level purpose of Satanism, nor it ever was the point of the natural, life loving religion, which we are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Below also a beautiful reply on the subject [Edited in later]:

Karnonnos said:
This is one of the best sermons.

Xianity preaches hatred of life. The 'church fathers' seethed with hatred at warriors, philosophers, the learned, the strong, the beautiful, athletes, singers, charioteers, engineers, entertainers, saying they would all be absorbed in hellfire. In the Constantinian dynasty anyone who could read or owned property were sentenced to death in show trials.

Many generations and existences of this garbage have imputed this into people. Hating existence, fearful of anything, wanting the 'thereafter' or 'rapture', creating a parallel world where the strong suffer for being strong, all at the behest of the static lump of shit on a stake and its 'sacrifice'. This prepares the mind for 'disssipation', communism and who knows what else. On the contrary to this malignant little program, our Gods are strong, truthful, beautiful and do not fear the world.

Nowadays unfortunately, it is true the worthless can get famous from every phone screen for being a human toilet, the hatred of the strong and truthful is being ramped up considerably, but that's a perversion designed by the enemy system, it's not nature. And a lot of these issues are not just spiritual and I do think come down to money with desperation in lacking this, it's very important to try to think outside the box with this.

But for the spiritual aspect, this is why me and some others like Henu I suspect emphasise the Void, AoP and Returning Curses very, very strongly. These things can allow someone to breathe and blossom, causing a 'reset'. It might seem like a copy/pasted response but there are a lot of people, even long-term members, who for some reason have discarded the basics.

HPS Maxine said Satanism is the religion of indulgence. The root of the word indulgence in ancient Indoeuropean means 'to engage'. Thoth relayed to her that one's ability to reincarnate depends on how much one wants to come back and loves nature, this is also tied up with the meaning of Maat and judgement.

It would benefit people to read the mythologies and stories of India, Egypt, Rome, Greece and Japan. Most of these encourage one to be brave, love life and take what one can get, even if there is carnage, strife and the hound of Pluto lurking near. It would also benefit some to read about actual heroes of WW1 that NS sprang from who didn't give up on anything.

The Universe is actually neutral what has controllable energies. I hope you will start to see our world realistically before you make Joy of Satan into Joy of Wicca. :|
NakedPluto said:
Beelzebul showed me lately the beauty of nature, reaffirming again what beautiful life is. I've been in hard situations, never I could affirm that life wasn't/isn't beautiful, even when death was at the tip of my nose. It actually made me grab the life even more and desire it even more. It is an eternal truth, and it will be so regardless of what delusions do take place in this world.

Great Post bad boy Cobra! You can bring tears of Joy with words.

Sorry for this, but the "bad boy Cobra!" Is fucking funny to me. Sorry xddddd, but I have had to tell you this xdddd :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
DragonFire11 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


This was amazing post HP Hooded Cobra, really touched my soul and heart and give me courage.
I do not pretend, my hate to those filthy kikes was and still is big, and this hate blinded me so badly I couldnt
focus on my rituals, many times even my brain was saying - do it quickly or - even if you doing it there is no result.
So, I decided to put myself together and I will try to manage my hate. These were my thoughts yesterday and before.
Today morning when I was reading your post , I just said, this is unbelievable, another post from the master what
confirms, the way I am thinking is correct or its way better than it was few years before.


You should to use black magick. You can't "managing" your hate forever. Or you can make physical actions too.
hailourtruegod said:
Many thanks! I still have spring of next year for it to be officially 10 years. :)

NinRick said:
hailourtruegod said:
I myself just give everyone I meet a basic level of respect when I first meet them. That's it. No point in me constantly being a negative Nancy to all the normies I'm surrender by. It's brings more negativity. I had a horrible upbringing that not even my immediate family knows about and it was affecting me before finding this place. I was very bitter but thanks to SS and meditation being part of my life for about 10 years I automatically embrace where there's beauty in nature. If there's days where I find myself where I didn't experience anything beautiful in the external I remind myself that I least have access to sacred knowledge and practices and the Gods and Goddesses on my side.

I salute you for being 10years a Spiritual Satanist!

Hail Satan!

Giszmon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people here come from a background where life has hit them really hard. Generally, people don't tend to come to Satan when they are "Good", because good events in life can bring ignorance, rather than enlightenment, the way things are today.

The thing is that when a person is feeling low, or has things to fix, the world looks far more negative than it actually might be. This view is not objective of the world, and is oftentimes, the choice of the mind of the individual. Sometimes, it can be very real: one may be experiencing negativity.

Regardless, bear this in mind: As I told people for years, we fight to improve this world, ourselves, and empower ourselves.

The aim here is, to gain strength to overcome this. Others who came in Satanism from a less oppressive or negative background, will understand this better, as in their case, Satanism just adds on top of one's power, and these values may be already understood or have been applied by them.

Spiritual Satanism and the JoS preach that life is for living. No, not everyone out there is rotten. Not everyone out there is bad. Civilization is not "corrupted". The universe is not a "prison". The fact the enemy may hold control of specific things, doesn't mean the world is evil or one should deny their own existence.

However despite of how many times this has to be told, people who already have this christian embed mentality [also manifesting itself when people getting really damaged psychologically] can insist on the same mentality even after coming here, seeing facts, etc.

It's kind of like depression. But as many people here have found, meditations and the knowledge of Satan can banish this out with the proper time and evolution, and self mind healing.

The enemy has tried to make the above the case, the "World is evil", and they say that this is the case because they admit "The world belongs to Satan". Christianity is built on one wanting to die, because this world is of 'Satan' and 'Unclean'.

The first way they constructed this worthless ideology, is by blaming the natural world, our civilizations, the wonders of life. The enemy is life hating. We are the reverse, we are life affirming and LOVING.

It is however the sad case that some people don't understand the meaning of the JoS or Satanism. The reason you are given these things, is to exist, and to restore the broken powers of appreciation of your existence, and therefore, that of others.

This is the only way towards positivity. The people who are weak and broken, despite of their claimed best motivations, will always harm other people, even without wanting to.

Xians and many others have claimed that "They want to improve the world", but this cannot happen, as none of them improve anything of themselves. This is the fastest way to corrupt this world: Do not advance yourself at all.

Lastly, for those who come in his place only to hate jews, or who consider that every failure in one's existence is due to jews...You don't understand things very well.

Yes, jews have a major control over specific things right now. Yes, they do curse. Yes, they are responsible for an excessive, undeniably huge, amount of evil. And yes, they will be dealt with. We're doing this.

The primary cause and point of failure however, can oftentimes, be one's self. Things one hasn't understood about this world or themselves, and things one has to learn, or a level not yet attained. And in this, you have to control your own life.

But this universe, it's beauty and it's life, exists now, and will exist later. Lions don't live to fight ticks, they live to exist and advance. The fact that we are confronted with spiritual ticks right now, forces us to focus on removal. This is an event of the present.

There are some people here who have interpolated the life hating instinct, by saying that "if jews own this and that, then this means the world is evil". Wrong. The universe doesn't belong to them, and it remains as positive as others can and will make it.

For this reason, Satan gives people power, rather than a stupid ideology that the universe is evil and one has to "escape" by meditation. This is the exact opposite of escapism.

The fact that a traveling ship may now have jews trying to knock the control handle, doesn't make the ship or the jews bad. Our civilization and existence, has merit, importance, and beauty on it's own. And we must never let it go.

There are many positive, uplifting, and nice things happening in this world every single day. Many things that will fill one with hope.

The enemy constantly promotes fear, negative news, attacks humans, and tells them they will be damned. The Gods instead, warn so that we can correct, but their focus remains solidly on positivity.

We are confronted now with situations such as negativity, or the enemy and so on. Yet the above is none of the far end or last level purpose of Satanism, nor it ever was the point of the natural, life loving religion, which we are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Below also a beautiful reply on the subject [Edited in later]:

Karnonnos said:
This is one of the best sermons.

Xianity preaches hatred of life. The 'church fathers' seethed with hatred at warriors, philosophers, the learned, the strong, the beautiful, athletes, singers, charioteers, engineers, entertainers, saying they would all be absorbed in hellfire. In the Constantinian dynasty anyone who could read or owned property were sentenced to death in show trials.

Many generations and existences of this garbage have imputed this into people. Hating existence, fearful of anything, wanting the 'thereafter' or 'rapture', creating a parallel world where the strong suffer for being strong, all at the behest of the static lump of shit on a stake and its 'sacrifice'. This prepares the mind for 'disssipation', communism and who knows what else. On the contrary to this malignant little program, our Gods are strong, truthful, beautiful and do not fear the world.

Nowadays unfortunately, it is true the worthless can get famous from every phone screen for being a human toilet, the hatred of the strong and truthful is being ramped up considerably, but that's a perversion designed by the enemy system, it's not nature. And a lot of these issues are not just spiritual and I do think come down to money with desperation in lacking this, it's very important to try to think outside the box with this.

But for the spiritual aspect, this is why me and some others like Henu I suspect emphasise the Void, AoP and Returning Curses very, very strongly. These things can allow someone to breathe and blossom, causing a 'reset'. It might seem like a copy/pasted response but there are a lot of people, even long-term members, who for some reason have discarded the basics.

HPS Maxine said Satanism is the religion of indulgence. The root of the word indulgence in ancient Indoeuropean means 'to engage'. Thoth relayed to her that one's ability to reincarnate depends on how much one wants to come back and loves nature, this is also tied up with the meaning of Maat and judgement.

It would benefit people to read the mythologies and stories of India, Egypt, Rome, Greece and Japan. Most of these encourage one to be brave, love life and take what one can get, even if there is carnage, strife and the hound of Pluto lurking near. It would also benefit some to read about actual heroes of WW1 that NS sprang from who didn't give up on anything.

The Universe is actually neutral what has controllable energies. I hope you will start to see our world realistically before you make Joy of Satan into Joy of Wicca. :|

The neutrality of the universe and/or nature is not zero. If this were the case, we would not have to learn and follow nature. Nature is not just biology and biology is nothing but chemistry and so on.

Matter, energy and other particles are alive and therefore have consciousness and are obviously the components and foundations of DNA and everything else. This is because there are levels and hierarchy of existence and power.
tabby said:
likman666 said:
tabby said:
Karma is Divine Law it means action,it's the law of cause and effect. Evolution happens because of it.

I don’t understand your thinking on this. There’s nothing divine about modern “Karma” - it puts you in a state of not acting on anything when wrong is done to you, because “Karma will take care of it”. If I had to put a better meaning to it that doesn’t sound like Christian talk, I’d say “Karma” is a little like Saturn in its ways. It gives you a kick in the butt to take care of things that need to be taken care of, and shows you what happens if you don’t.

If Karma is about action, then it should be about oneself taking action, not sitting back bowing to “Karma” letting it do things for you because you’ll only end up either dead, enslaved, or piled up with so much negative crap that you become a slave to your own energy. If you want to live, you have to ditch the boulder that is weighing you down and won’t let you climb to the peak of the mountain, and fight.

It makes me think of how one has to fight their monsters in life in order to not be haunted or consumed by them. “Karma” will haunt those who don’t fight back to bring themselves to freedom, leaving scars and chains on the soul until at some point down the line in this life or the next it’s taken care of and dealt with. If it’s not, you get swallowed by “Karma”.
Look I am not talking about "modern Karma" , I don't fully understand what you mean by that. What I am talking about is straight forward the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, that's it. This is Karma .This is a immutable Universal Law. Each cause sets a corresponding effect. This law works every where as the most sublime rule. This law is actually instictive in everyone,that a good act brings good results,and an evil act brings bad results. You reap what you sow. Everybody is bound to know this law and accept it. It's this law that causes evolution. Now what I think you are really talking about is being liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This happens because of the level of consciousness and spiritual maturity most of humanity is operating on. That's in Consciousness of time and space, which is maya the physical creation. Because of operating at this level of consciousness certain actions take time to manifest and the physical body is not immortal it dies,so one has to take on another body to manifest those seeds of karma(actions). So long as one keeps operating at this level of consciousness, you will keep reincarnating. Now we are here ,to Realise Parasiva( the Self God) while in the physical body,this not only matures the soul into merging with ParaBrahman,the Primal God Soul,but also burns the seeds of karma (actions you took from previous lifetimes not yet manifested). So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh. You now have a choice whether you can reincarnate or not. If you chose too,you probably reincarnate as a great guru to teach others to do the same. When this happens Self Realisation (by raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra the seat of Parasiva) happens ,you don't need a physical body to evolve further. You will continue to evolve in higher realms as a god,but not yet at the level of the Great Gods themselves ,the Mahadevas like Satan, Isis, Ganesha and the like. This is the aim on Earth ,to experience Parasiva which is the timeless, formless and spaceless aspect of God, in your soul. The Self God.Beyond even Consciousness and is undefinable. You are then liberated from Samsara- the karmic cycle of birth and death. Karma in of itself is a Divine Law,they are also other Divine Laws like the Law of Rythim ( rise and fall), Polarity (everything is dual) and so on. They are 7 major Hermetic Laws. Then they are other numerous minor ones. But the major are 7 and Karma, that is the the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the 7 major Hermetic Universal Hermetic Laws. There is a book called the "Kybalion" on this website I think bucarialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ it explains well on this....
I have not been here much lately , though I have been very busy with a putting my house for sale. One thing that bothered me was the fixation on the jews. Sure they are control freaks , but most are very high level selfish scumbags using curses. The democratic leaders seem worse at this point in time. Your post has rejuvenated me back to the site. Our species has been betrayed by the powers that be. Most of the planet has been victimized by covid including the jews. People that have done the vaxxx trusting the science and the leaders , have truly been victimized. We must be understanding to their plight as this unfolds. Most our democrats. They are family and friends that have fallen under mind control. They are prisoners of war and don't know it. Again , thank you for showing compassion to our fellow human beings that have been victimized no matter who they are.
likman666 said:
tabby said:
likman666 said:
Karma is Divine Law it means action,it's the law of cause and effect. Evolution happens because of it.

I don’t understand your thinking on this. There’s nothing divine about modern “Karma” - it puts you in a state of not acting on anything when wrong is done to you, because “Karma will take care of it”. If I had to put a better meaning to it that doesn’t sound like Christian talk, I’d say “Karma” is a little like Saturn in its ways. It gives you a kick in the butt to take care of things that need to be taken care of, and shows you what happens if you don’t.

If Karma is about action, then it should be about oneself taking action, not sitting back bowing to “Karma” letting it do things for you because you’ll only end up either dead, enslaved, or piled up with so much negative crap that you become a slave to your own energy. If you want to live, you have to ditch the boulder that is weighing you down and won’t let you climb to the peak of the mountain, and fight.

It makes me think of how one has to fight their monsters in life in order to not be haunted or consumed by them. “Karma” will haunt those who don’t fight back to bring themselves to freedom, leaving scars and chains on the soul until at some point down the line in this life or the next it’s taken care of and dealt with. If it’s not, you get swallowed by “Karma”.
Look I am not talking about "modern Karma" , I don't fully understand what you mean by that. What I am talking about is straight forward the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, that's it. This is Karma .This is a immutable Universal Law. Each cause sets a corresponding effect. This law works every where as the most sublime rule. This law is actually instictive in everyone,that a good act brings good results,and an evil act brings bad results. You reap what you sow. Everybody is bound to know this law and accept it. It's this law that causes evolution. Now what I think you are really talking about is being liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This happens because of the level of consciousness and spiritual maturity most of humanity is operating on. That's in Consciousness of time and space, which is maya the physical creation. Because of operating at this level of consciousness certain actions take time to manifest and the physical body is not immortal it dies,so one has to take on another body to manifest those seeds of karma(actions). So long as one keeps operating at this level of consciousness, you will keep reincarnating. Now we are here ,to Realise Parasiva( the Self God) while in the physical body,this not only matures the soul into merging with ParaBrahman,the Primal God Soul,but also burns the seeds of karma (actions you took from previous lifetimes not yet manifested). So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh. You now have a choice whether you can reincarnate or not. If you chose too,you probably reincarnate as a great guru to teach others to do the same. When this happens Self Realisation (by raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra the seat of Parasiva) happens ,you don't need a physical body to evolve further. You will continue to evolve in higher realms as a god,but not yet at the level of the Great Gods themselves ,the Mahadevas like Satan, Isis, Ganesha and the like. This is the aim on Earth ,to experience Parasiva which is the timeless, formless and spaceless aspect of God, in your soul. The Self God.Beyond even Consciousness and is undefinable. You are then liberated from Samsara- the karmic cycle of birth and death. Karma in of itself is a Divine Law,they are also other Divine Laws like the Law of Rythim ( rise and fall), Polarity (everything is dual) and so on. They are 7 major Hermetic Laws. Then they are other numerous minor ones. But the major are 7 and Karma, that is the the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the 7 major Hermetic Universal Hermetic Laws. There is a book called the "Kybalion" on this website I think bucarialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ it explains well on this....

Even though you've presented this a lot better now, I still think Karma is basically just jungle law. It's what you get when society is Adharmic. In Dharmic society there's no need for Karma because everyone is in alignment with Truth.

Karma is also such a loosely defined concept with so many different interpretations. It was conceived to explain the so-called "problem of evil" which has always confounded philosophers because they can't understand the nature of the jews nor how something so disgusting and anti-life could ever even exist in the first place. You wrote before of how evil and beings of evil nature are part of God, but I disagree. No one with a sane mind would ever argue that the jews and their masters are of Satan. No one. If I had to hypothesize, I would suggest that the reptilians were a genetic experiment and intentionally made abomination engineered by enemy Nordics who went against Satan. Perhaps they corrupted and twisted the Kundalini to be the opposite of what it originally is within us. They are, after all, the opposite of us in every way - just like their offspring the jews. That's my best guess right now.
likman666 said:
Look I am not talking about "modern Karma" , I don't fully understand what you mean by that. What I am talking about is straight forward the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, that's it. This is Karma .This is a immutable Universal Law. Each cause sets a corresponding effect. This law works every where as the most sublime rule. This law is actually instictive in everyone,that a good act brings good results,and an evil act brings bad results. You reap what you sow. Everybody is bound to know this law and accept it. It's this law that causes evolution. Now what I think you are really talking about is being liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This happens because of the level of consciousness and spiritual maturity most of humanity is operating on. That's in Consciousness of time and space, which is maya the physical creation. Because of operating at this level of consciousness certain actions take time to manifest and the physical body is not immortal it dies,so one has to take on another body to manifest those seeds of karma(actions). So long as one keeps operating at this level of consciousness, you will keep reincarnating. Now we are here ,to Realise Parasiva( the Self God) while in the physical body,this not only matures the soul into merging with ParaBrahman,the Primal God Soul,but also burns the seeds of karma (actions you took from previous lifetimes not yet manifested). So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh. You now have a choice whether you can reincarnate or not. If you chose too,you probably reincarnate as a great guru to teach others to do the same. When this happens Self Realisation (by raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra the seat of Parasiva) happens ,you don't need a physical body to evolve further. You will continue to evolve in higher realms as a god,but not yet at the level of the Great Gods themselves ,the Mahadevas like Satan, Isis, Ganesha and the like. This is the aim on Earth ,to experience Parasiva which is the timeless, formless and spaceless aspect of God, in your soul. The Self God.Beyond even Consciousness and is undefinable. You are then liberated from Samsara- the karmic cycle of birth and death. Karma in of itself is a Divine Law,they are also other Divine Laws like the Law of Rythim ( rise and fall), Polarity (everything is dual) and so on. They are 7 major Hermetic Laws. Then they are other numerous minor ones. But the major are 7 and Karma, that is the the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the 7 major Hermetic Universal Hermetic Laws. There is a book called the "Kybalion" on this website I think bucarialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ it explains well on this....

I say “Modern Karma” because who actually knows what the true meaning of that word is, and what it meant to the Ancient peoples from where it originates, how it was used? We are working with what we know of it, and the meaning is rather modern hence calling it “modern Karma” i.e. its current meaning.

That’s the thing though. Acts of good don’t always result in good results, acts of so-called “evil” also don’t always result in bad results. And what one does (either good or bad) could result in bad things for themselves but good for others, and vice versa.

Let’s give an example, you’re walking through town and someone asks if you can help them find a certain shop, you agree and guide them there, but the next thing you know you’re being pushed into an ally and being murdered. An act of good with bad results. You can argue and say that this person is reaping what they’ve sowed, but often times good people end up in bad situations that they don’t deserve. Not everything that happens to a person is because of what they earned in life. We live in a world with many other living creatures and people who all act upon each others energy and have a mind of their own. You can’t expect everything that happens to a person to be their own doing because that’s just foolish thinking. We may as well not fight against our enemies by your logic with this, because we’ve somehow earned it and are reaping what we sowed.

The enemy has a holiday, as I tried explaining before, that literally tries to heap all of their “Karma” onto our people to curses us with the fault of their crimes. That “Karma” is not ours nor did we earn it through our actions, but it was redirected and heaped on us nonetheless. Now we have to deal with it by getting rid of it, along with nullifying their stupid cursed holiday so it stops happening.

This is the frustrating thing about truly defining what “Karma” is and understanding it. The name is applied to something that acts like a negative energy force that can be directed and redirected onto others. If it was a divine law of cause and effect and action, how could something that someone else sowed be redirected onto others who did not earn it?

Yet others say it’s a force of some kind of justice that acts on your behalf. When you do good you are rewarded by it, when you do bad you are punished by it, and when others do bad to you it punishes them for you. This sounds like a bunch of Christian nonsense to have people become complacent and not fight their owns battles and take care of their own garbage.

This is what I mean when I say “Karma” as we know it is not a divine law. You can continue to try tell me that it’s the law of cause and effect, you reap what you sow, but I am not convinced of this definition being true to what “Karma” actually is. Humanity did not deserve the invasion of the Deformed ones, yet here we are suffering with our wealth stolen, our knowledge stolen, our home stolen, our children dying... tell me how that’s reaping what we sowed when humanity was almost to the level of completion Father Satan desired his creations to be?

Side note: how is “Karma” and “Karmic cycles” different from each other exactly? This is just Karma and the cycles of Karma i.e. energy patterns.

“So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh...”
~ What brought you to this conclusion? There’s no need to be liberated from physical existence, because one of the stages of the MO is immortalising the body so it never dies and never ages. The Gods still have physical bodies, they are physical beings living in physical existence. So I don’t understand what you mean here.

Perhaps this should be made into its own topic now.
As the notion of Dharma shifted emphasis away from the gods as executors of Ṛta and towards the individual as upholding Ṛta through his actions, the ethical responsibility and culpability of the individual received an increasing amount of emphasis towards the end of the Vedic period. Central to the discussion of such culpability is the notion of Karma. Karma (lit. "action") refers to the works one performs, which can occur either in congruence with or in opposition to Dharma – and thus, to Ṛta – and which are posited to stand in a causal relationship to the pains and pleasures one experiences in life.

The emergence of Karma as a central doctrine of the late Vedic and early Hindu tradition is due in part to the problem of theodicy. Given the inherent goodness of Ṛta and its absolute power over the operation of the universe, the presence of gross inequality and injustice in the world represented a serious religious, philosophical and ethical dilemma. The notion of Karma helped to overcome this problem as it was conceived as a "law of moral causation" which effectively excused the gods and Ṛta from the appearance of evil in the world, placing the responsibility for the same squarely upon the individual.

Being an extension of Ṛta, Karma was conceived of as operating with the same absolute efficiency. As Day (1982) notes, "acts are causally determinative in accordance with their good or evil nature, and their out-workings are inexorable; there is no intrusive or arbitrary factor which might overcome their potentiality for causing retributional effects, or otherwise interfering with the strictly mechanical efficiency of Karma. Since, moreover, an individual's fortunes and misfortunes are solely the outcome of his past actions, he has no ground for believing that life is kindlier or harsher than is deserved. He has no cause either for praising God's benevolence nor for lamenting God's wrath.

I just found this article regarding Rta and Karma on the internet. I had no awareness of this prior to my previous post where I referred to Karma as jungle law, nor did I realize at that time just how perfectly apt that description is. Jews are always trying to push karma and blame onto us, and to get us to accept responsibility for things. It's my personal maxim that "jews always accuse others of their own crimes" and this is the epitome of that. They always blame the victim. They know that if we accept karma then we'll be open to receiving the piles of it that they try to dump on us. How many times have you heard in your life psychologists, doctors, friends, family, media personalities saying something stupid like "have you considered that maybe YOU are the problem?" Sometimes people contribute to their own problems sure, but that has become such a cliche that I know for a fact is not always the case. It's the go-to lazy counselor's tactic so that they can keep getting paid without having to put in mental effort to actually helping the person. We're not always responsible for everything that happens to us, and to believe that we are is just a kosher mind trick.

The article aside, the other thing that helped me put this together is something that One Wire Phenomenon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Is the Rotar and the Aether the the same thing ?

I understand the rotar keeps life moving therefor everything that came out of the Aether is forever evolving the living because of the Rotar ,the wheel of life until they evolve past the point where the rota can no longer exercise power over them.

So Likman666 is right. Evolution happens because of Karma. However, once an organism and its racial soul advances enough, they can pursue higher thinking, advanced groups, notions of Cosmic principles, and eventually Dharma based on Rta which leads away from Karma. Karma is meant to be risen above. It's jungle law like I said - the opposite of civilization based on Truth and Cosmic Law. Satan leads us beyond Karma. Jews want us to return to Karma, and do you think it's any coincidence that they are absolutely OBSESSED with us being animals? They want us to be animals bound by Karma. Through knowledge and truth we can rise above it.

Truth is reality, and remembering reality. Lies are not part of reality because it's not Truth, it's a distorted version of events. Lies are deliberately not reflecting reality. Therefore, lies are NOT a natural part of existence, and NOT the dualistic opposite of Truth. Lies are not part of Satan. Lies are not in his nature. The jews are not meant to exist.

It reminds me of a quote from the game Dark Souls which I know is like the ultimate jewish video game. It said something about Demons being twisted, malformed, and an existence that was never meant to be. That goes back to my aforementioned maxim, "jews always accuse others of their own crimes."
Needless to say, my convictions are solidified.
jrvan said:
I just found this article regarding Rta and Karma on the internet. I had no awareness of this prior to my previous post where I referred to Karma as jungle law, nor did I realize at that time just how perfectly apt that description is.

No wait... I think I did read that article when I made the post, but I hadn't reflected on it to the extent that I did later in the evening. The insights and conclusions came after, and I reviewed the article again in my excitement to make sure. I think that's how it went. Please excuse my tired mind last night.
Master said:
Giszmon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people here come from a background where life has hit them really hard. Generally, people don't tend to come to Satan when they are "Good", because good events in life can bring ignorance, rather than enlightenment, the way things are today.

The thing is that when a person is feeling low, or has things to fix, the world looks far more negative than it actually might be. This view is not objective of the world, and is oftentimes, the choice of the mind of the individual. Sometimes, it can be very real: one may be experiencing negativity.

Regardless, bear this in mind: As I told people for years, we fight to improve this world, ourselves, and empower ourselves.

The aim here is, to gain strength to overcome this. Others who came in Satanism from a less oppressive or negative background, will understand this better, as in their case, Satanism just adds on top of one's power, and these values may be already understood or have been applied by them.

Spiritual Satanism and the JoS preach that life is for living. No, not everyone out there is rotten. Not everyone out there is bad. Civilization is not "corrupted". The universe is not a "prison". The fact the enemy may hold control of specific things, doesn't mean the world is evil or one should deny their own existence.

However despite of how many times this has to be told, people who already have this christian embed mentality [also manifesting itself when people getting really damaged psychologically] can insist on the same mentality even after coming here, seeing facts, etc.

It's kind of like depression. But as many people here have found, meditations and the knowledge of Satan can banish this out with the proper time and evolution, and self mind healing.

The enemy has tried to make the above the case, the "World is evil", and they say that this is the case because they admit "The world belongs to Satan". Christianity is built on one wanting to die, because this world is of 'Satan' and 'Unclean'.

The first way they constructed this worthless ideology, is by blaming the natural world, our civilizations, the wonders of life. The enemy is life hating. We are the reverse, we are life affirming and LOVING.

It is however the sad case that some people don't understand the meaning of the JoS or Satanism. The reason you are given these things, is to exist, and to restore the broken powers of appreciation of your existence, and therefore, that of others.

This is the only way towards positivity. The people who are weak and broken, despite of their claimed best motivations, will always harm other people, even without wanting to.

Xians and many others have claimed that "They want to improve the world", but this cannot happen, as none of them improve anything of themselves. This is the fastest way to corrupt this world: Do not advance yourself at all.

Lastly, for those who come in his place only to hate jews, or who consider that every failure in one's existence is due to jews...You don't understand things very well.

Yes, jews have a major control over specific things right now. Yes, they do curse. Yes, they are responsible for an excessive, undeniably huge, amount of evil. And yes, they will be dealt with. We're doing this.

The primary cause and point of failure however, can oftentimes, be one's self. Things one hasn't understood about this world or themselves, and things one has to learn, or a level not yet attained. And in this, you have to control your own life.

But this universe, it's beauty and it's life, exists now, and will exist later. Lions don't live to fight ticks, they live to exist and advance. The fact that we are confronted with spiritual ticks right now, forces us to focus on removal. This is an event of the present.

There are some people here who have interpolated the life hating instinct, by saying that "if jews own this and that, then this means the world is evil". Wrong. The universe doesn't belong to them, and it remains as positive as others can and will make it.

For this reason, Satan gives people power, rather than a stupid ideology that the universe is evil and one has to "escape" by meditation. This is the exact opposite of escapism.

The fact that a traveling ship may now have jews trying to knock the control handle, doesn't make the ship or the jews bad. Our civilization and existence, has merit, importance, and beauty on it's own. And we must never let it go.

There are many positive, uplifting, and nice things happening in this world every single day. Many things that will fill one with hope.

The enemy constantly promotes fear, negative news, attacks humans, and tells them they will be damned. The Gods instead, warn so that we can correct, but their focus remains solidly on positivity.

We are confronted now with situations such as negativity, or the enemy and so on. Yet the above is none of the far end or last level purpose of Satanism, nor it ever was the point of the natural, life loving religion, which we are.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Below also a beautiful reply on the subject [Edited in later]:

The Universe is actually neutral what has controllable energies. I hope you will start to see our world realistically before you make Joy of Satan into Joy of Wicca. :|

The neutrality of the universe and/or nature is not zero. If this were the case, we would not have to learn and follow nature. Nature is not just biology and biology is nothing but chemistry and so on.

Matter, energy and other particles are alive and therefore have consciousness and are obviously the components and foundations of DNA and everything else. This is because there are levels and hierarchy of existence and power.

1. The word "beautiful" is a typical subjective thing, but the reality and the truth will be always objective, so it is impossible to say the Universe as "ugly" or "beautiful" because it is just being and you can use it's energies how you want.
2.Hierarchy is absolutely brokenable, because in a spiritual hierarchy everyone is evolving and it is possible with time, that there will be people whos will be so much better leaders from whos are now the leaders.
3. The nature is really not just from biology and chemistry, there is actually physics to, and we can learn about the Universe everything in a logical way.
4. Happiness is actually about from hormones. No more nor less.
5. I think that every ss/ns should to learn to see the reality how it is. Pessimism is as wrong as optimism, because to survive this world is the only one option is to see the world realistically.
6. To see our world "perfect"/ "too beautiful" is very christian like, because the yewish says always, that everyone MUST TO SEE THIS WORLD BEAUTIFUL WHAT HAS "MADE" FROM A YEWISH "GOD" WHO IS SITTING ALWAYS ON A FUCKING CLOUD.
jrvan said:
likman666 said:
tabby said:
I don’t understand your thinking on this. There’s nothing divine about modern “Karma” - it puts you in a state of not acting on anything when wrong is done to you, because “Karma will take care of it”. If I had to put a better meaning to it that doesn’t sound like Christian talk, I’d say “Karma” is a little like Saturn in its ways. It gives you a kick in the butt to take care of things that need to be taken care of, and shows you what happens if you don’t.

If Karma is about action, then it should be about oneself taking action, not sitting back bowing to “Karma” letting it do things for you because you’ll only end up either dead, enslaved, or piled up with so much negative crap that you become a slave to your own energy. If you want to live, you have to ditch the boulder that is weighing you down and won’t let you climb to the peak of the mountain, and fight.

It makes me think of how one has to fight their monsters in life in order to not be haunted or consumed by them. “Karma” will haunt those who don’t fight back to bring themselves to freedom, leaving scars and chains on the soul until at some point down the line in this life or the next it’s taken care of and dealt with. If it’s not, you get swallowed by “Karma”.
Look I am not talking about "modern Karma" , I don't fully understand what you mean by that. What I am talking about is straight forward the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, that's it. This is Karma .This is a immutable Universal Law. Each cause sets a corresponding effect. This law works every where as the most sublime rule. This law is actually instictive in everyone,that a good act brings good results,and an evil act brings bad results. You reap what you sow. Everybody is bound to know this law and accept it. It's this law that causes evolution. Now what I think you are really talking about is being liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This happens because of the level of consciousness and spiritual maturity most of humanity is operating on. That's in Consciousness of time and space, which is maya the physical creation. Because of operating at this level of consciousness certain actions take time to manifest and the physical body is not immortal it dies,so one has to take on another body to manifest those seeds of karma(actions). So long as one keeps operating at this level of consciousness, you will keep reincarnating. Now we are here ,to Realise Parasiva( the Self God) while in the physical body,this not only matures the soul into merging with ParaBrahman,the Primal God Soul,but also burns the seeds of karma (actions you took from previous lifetimes not yet manifested). So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh. You now have a choice whether you can reincarnate or not. If you chose too,you probably reincarnate as a great guru to teach others to do the same. When this happens Self Realisation (by raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra the seat of Parasiva) happens ,you don't need a physical body to evolve further. You will continue to evolve in higher realms as a god,but not yet at the level of the Great Gods themselves ,the Mahadevas like Satan, Isis, Ganesha and the like. This is the aim on Earth ,to experience Parasiva which is the timeless, formless and spaceless aspect of God, in your soul. The Self God.Beyond even Consciousness and is undefinable. You are then liberated from Samsara- the karmic cycle of birth and death. Karma in of itself is a Divine Law,they are also other Divine Laws like the Law of Rythim ( rise and fall), Polarity (everything is dual) and so on. They are 7 major Hermetic Laws. Then they are other numerous minor ones. But the major are 7 and Karma, that is the the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the 7 major Hermetic Universal Hermetic Laws. There is a book called the "Kybalion" on this website I think bucarialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ it explains well on this....

Even though you've presented this a lot better now, I still think Karma is basically just jungle law. It's what you get when society is Adharmic. In Dharmic society there's no need for Karma because everyone is in alignment with Truth.

Karma is also such a loosely defined concept with so many different interpretations. It was conceived to explain the so-called "problem of evil" which has always confounded philosophers because they can't understand the nature of the jews nor how something so disgusting and anti-life could ever even exist in the first place. You wrote before of how evil and beings of evil nature are part of God, but I disagree. No one with a sane mind would ever argue that the jews and their masters are of Satan. No one. If I had to hypothesize, I would suggest that the reptilians were a genetic experiment and intentionally made abomination engineered by enemy Nordics who went against Satan. Perhaps they corrupted and twisted the Kundalini to be the opposite of what it originally is within us. They are, after all, the opposite of us in every way - just like their offspring the jews. That's my best guess right now.
We are all work in progress here but you need to consult further occult literature and obviously meditate more. You have to understand the basic make up of the Universe. Good and Evil are actually human conceptions limited and at emotional and intellectual levels. What they really is,is Polarity. An example courage and fear are just two opposite ends of the same emotion. Hot and cold are just two opposite ends of the same thing and so on. On Karma ,l don't think I can explain more than I have done. The Universe has a Divine Order to it based on certain immutable laws. These laws are always in existence and are operating whether you believe them or not. Those who have fully understood and mastered these laws can imitate Nature and it's works. So if you are a serious mage, knowing these laws are a must. The highest sages from Ancient times through the Gods and realising the Self God within themselves, said they are 7 Major Hermitic Universal Laws. Note "Hermitic" this is of the Greek God Hermes,The Egyptian Thoth,the Roman Mercury. And Karma, cause and effect is one of these Laws. This is from the Gods it's not a jungle law. Everything created is bound by this Laws. The Reptilians being a part of nature also understand these and are using these same laws for their own agenda. Everything is founded on the same Essence,the All,Siva, Aether and so on. Even Asuric beings to a certain extent follow these Laws because if you don't you will cease to exist. Israel for instance is National Socialistic in their Jew way. They understand Natural Law,they call Israel a Jewish state,it's a racial state and if a species has to exist they have to have space of their own. They know that the more you don't adhere to these laws the more you will degenerate. These Laws where well understood by all the Ancients. And Adhering to these Laws would lead to Liberation, Godhead. This is the Natural Way,Dharma by the Hindus. Every species including evil or asuric beings understand and know these laws,for the laws are God in themselves and are therefore unchangeable, eternal laws. The Ancients recognized 7 , given to them by the God Hermes and Karma the law of cause and effect is one of these 7. I don't know what more I say....
tabby said:
likman666 said:
Look I am not talking about "modern Karma" , I don't fully understand what you mean by that. What I am talking about is straight forward the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, that's it. This is Karma .This is a immutable Universal Law. Each cause sets a corresponding effect. This law works every where as the most sublime rule. This law is actually instictive in everyone,that a good act brings good results,and an evil act brings bad results. You reap what you sow. Everybody is bound to know this law and accept it. It's this law that causes evolution. Now what I think you are really talking about is being liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This happens because of the level of consciousness and spiritual maturity most of humanity is operating on. That's in Consciousness of time and space, which is maya the physical creation. Because of operating at this level of consciousness certain actions take time to manifest and the physical body is not immortal it dies,so one has to take on another body to manifest those seeds of karma(actions). So long as one keeps operating at this level of consciousness, you will keep reincarnating. Now we are here ,to Realise Parasiva( the Self God) while in the physical body,this not only matures the soul into merging with ParaBrahman,the Primal God Soul,but also burns the seeds of karma (actions you took from previous lifetimes not yet manifested). So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh. You now have a choice whether you can reincarnate or not. If you chose too,you probably reincarnate as a great guru to teach others to do the same. When this happens Self Realisation (by raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra the seat of Parasiva) happens ,you don't need a physical body to evolve further. You will continue to evolve in higher realms as a god,but not yet at the level of the Great Gods themselves ,the Mahadevas like Satan, Isis, Ganesha and the like. This is the aim on Earth ,to experience Parasiva which is the timeless, formless and spaceless aspect of God, in your soul. The Self God.Beyond even Consciousness and is undefinable. You are then liberated from Samsara- the karmic cycle of birth and death. Karma in of itself is a Divine Law,they are also other Divine Laws like the Law of Rythim ( rise and fall), Polarity (everything is dual) and so on. They are 7 major Hermetic Laws. Then they are other numerous minor ones. But the major are 7 and Karma, that is the the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the 7 major Hermetic Universal Hermetic Laws. There is a book called the "Kybalion" on this website I think bucarialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ it explains well on this....

I say “Modern Karma” because who actually knows what the true meaning of that word is, and what it meant to the Ancient peoples from where it originates, how it was used? We are working with what we know of it, and the meaning is rather modern hence calling it “modern Karma” i.e. its current meaning.

That’s the thing though. Acts of good don’t always result in good results, acts of so-called “evil” also don’t always result in bad results. And what one does (either good or bad) could result in bad things for themselves but good for others, and vice versa.

Let’s give an example, you’re walking through town and someone asks if you can help them find a certain shop, you agree and guide them there, but the next thing you know you’re being pushed into an ally and being murdered. An act of good with bad results. You can argue and say that this person is reaping what they’ve sowed, but often times good people end up in bad situations that they don’t deserve. Not everything that happens to a person is because of what they earned in life. We live in a world with many other living creatures and people who all act upon each others energy and have a mind of their own. You can’t expect everything that happens to a person to be their own doing because that’s just foolish thinking. We may as well not fight against our enemies by your logic with this, because we’ve somehow earned it and are reaping what we sowed.

The enemy has a holiday, as I tried explaining before, that literally tries to heap all of their “Karma” onto our people to curses us with the fault of their crimes. That “Karma” is not ours nor did we earn it through our actions, but it was redirected and heaped on us nonetheless. Now we have to deal with it by getting rid of it, along with nullifying their stupid cursed holiday so it stops happening.

This is the frustrating thing about truly defining what “Karma” is and understanding it. The name is applied to something that acts like a negative energy force that can be directed and redirected onto others. If it was a divine law of cause and effect and action, how could something that someone else sowed be redirected onto others who did not earn it?

Yet others say it’s a force of some kind of justice that acts on your behalf. When you do good you are rewarded by it, when you do bad you are punished by it, and when others do bad to you it punishes them for you. This sounds like a bunch of Christian nonsense to have people become complacent and not fight their owns battles and take care of their own garbage.

This is what I mean when I say “Karma” as we know it is not a divine law. You can continue to try tell me that it’s the law of cause and effect, you reap what you sow, but I am not convinced of this definition being true to what “Karma” actually is. Humanity did not deserve the invasion of the Deformed ones, yet here we are suffering with our wealth stolen, our knowledge stolen, our home stolen, our children dying... tell me how that’s reaping what we sowed when humanity was almost to the level of completion Father Satan desired his creations to be?

Side note: how is “Karma” and “Karmic cycles” different from each other exactly? This is just Karma and the cycles of Karma i.e. energy patterns.

“So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh...”
~ What brought you to this conclusion? There’s no need to be liberated from physical existence, because one of the stages of the MO is immortalising the body so it never dies and never ages. The Gods still have physical bodies, they are physical beings living in physical existence. So I don’t understand what you mean here.

Perhaps this should be made into its own topic now.
You should read the Kybalion found on the link. I gave on the previous reply. As for Karma it simply means cause and effect. They are 7 Hermitic Universal Laws. Note "Hermitic" , this is of the Egyptian God Thoth , the Roman God Mercury,the Greek God Hermes. It's from the Gods and the law of cause and effect is one of these laws. Whether you acknowledge this or not ,these laws are always in operation. The enemy understands these laws and uses them for their agenda. To fully understand these laws requires one to be Self Realised ( God Realised). The thing about Karma and this is what the highest mages on the planet have said is that ,when you look at events in isolation, especially in the current age we are in. Things seem unfair. Its because you are looking at things from a limited perception,that is from an emotional, intellectual mind level. The intellect is limited,now those who have raised their snake power to the crown chakra are God Conscious,and are therefore even able to go back into past lives and trace someones actions to their current state of what's happening. Satgurus (persons with risen serpent Consciousness) say you find that everything happening to person is totally justified and is based on their actions from previous lives. What happens in people's lives is based on the seeds of action in there soul , that is the causal ethereal body,and God,Siva,Aether, Para Brahman,the All e.t.c is the executioner of these seeds of action,their consequences. And God is never wrong in His execution of these karmic seeds. It's your own actions and thoughts that plant these seeds no else can plant these seeds in your soul. That's why if you have followed my replies , l said all Karma is just,it's based on this. That's why the enemy has got to deceive you into wrong conduct,for you to plant the kind of wrong seeds they want to manifest ,to bring about the kind of World they want. Through religion , media, idealogy and so on but it's you who actually plants those karmic seeds by your own thoughts and actions. Some take time to manifest and because the physical body dies you have to reincarnate to manifest those seeds. You forget those actions from previous lifetimes but they are in your soul and those seeds which are ripe manifest in your current life ,this is the Natal Chart. Those who are adept in Astrology will tell you that Astrology is never wrong,you can predict the exact events of some ones life,how they will die,if they will have children and so on . This is based on their own previous actions. As for spiritual progression why we are here on this planet, l recommend you read occult literature like sermons on JOS and if you read my replies l also mention the Lemurian Scrolls by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya you can download for free just google them. Satan opened his most private akashic library to Satguru Subramuniyaswami in 1973 they detail how we came from other planets and needed Earth a fire planet to develop physical bodies and evolve. People who achieve the Magnum Opus Don't stay on Earth their work on Earth is done they ascend to higher realms and keeping evolving. This also happens when one experiences Parasiva Consciousness in the Crown Chakra. You are then Self Realised (the Self being the God in you) you are liberated from cycle of birth and death. On this issue consult further occult literature especially the Hindus because unlike other Ancient Cultures whose occult knowledge is destroyed ,they still have most of theirs intact,they still have lineages of Satgurus. In fact the lineage that Satguru Subramuniyaswami belonged to is said to have started with Satan from Lemurian times!! Given directly to the Dravidian Indian peoples ,who still build temples to Satan whom they call Murugan (beautiful one) and directly worship Him to this day. This lineage still exists, Satguru Subramuniyaswami was the first White in this lineage and this is the lineage that Satan communicated the Lemurian Scrolls to . I highly recommend this book and others of this lineage found here Himalayanacademy.com/resource/books
I don't think there is anything more I can say on this issue than what I have said in my replies. As for Reptilians attacking can us, if you read one of my replies I said this must have happened in the the current age of Kali Yuga, because reduced radiation from the Central Sun (it's radiation from the Central Sun that determines the Yugas), spirituality was compromised, the position of Earth made it more isolated from other planet civilisations including the Gods and because of compromised spiritual environment the Gods could no longer manifest like they did in previous ages. The Kundalini power began to sleep in most of mankind,this must have been what had given the Reptilians the window to attack. Spirituality was already being compromised, before they attacked. Because if a planet/solar system is going through a Sat Yuga (Golden age) the radiation from the Central Sun is at its highest, everyone serpent power is fully active, everyone is God Conscious. You can't attack or compromise a planet under such conditions. Read the "Lemurian Scrolls"by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya who was a devotee of Murugan ( Satan). Satan personally appeared to him,and opened his akashic library to give him the Scrolls. Satan has never opened His library since then. Satan guided him and his Yoga Church on these Schrolls until he gave him the thunderbolt approval in 1997 to release them to the
tabby said:
likman666 said:
Look I am not talking about "modern Karma" , I don't fully understand what you mean by that. What I am talking about is straight forward the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, that's it. This is Karma .This is a immutable Universal Law. Each cause sets a corresponding effect. This law works every where as the most sublime rule. This law is actually instictive in everyone,that a good act brings good results,and an evil act brings bad results. You reap what you sow. Everybody is bound to know this law and accept it. It's this law that causes evolution. Now what I think you are really talking about is being liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This happens because of the level of consciousness and spiritual maturity most of humanity is operating on. That's in Consciousness of time and space, which is maya the physical creation. Because of operating at this level of consciousness certain actions take time to manifest and the physical body is not immortal it dies,so one has to take on another body to manifest those seeds of karma(actions). So long as one keeps operating at this level of consciousness, you will keep reincarnating. Now we are here ,to Realise Parasiva( the Self God) while in the physical body,this not only matures the soul into merging with ParaBrahman,the Primal God Soul,but also burns the seeds of karma (actions you took from previous lifetimes not yet manifested). So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh. You now have a choice whether you can reincarnate or not. If you chose too,you probably reincarnate as a great guru to teach others to do the same. When this happens Self Realisation (by raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra the seat of Parasiva) happens ,you don't need a physical body to evolve further. You will continue to evolve in higher realms as a god,but not yet at the level of the Great Gods themselves ,the Mahadevas like Satan, Isis, Ganesha and the like. This is the aim on Earth ,to experience Parasiva which is the timeless, formless and spaceless aspect of God, in your soul. The Self God.Beyond even Consciousness and is undefinable. You are then liberated from Samsara- the karmic cycle of birth and death. Karma in of itself is a Divine Law,they are also other Divine Laws like the Law of Rythim ( rise and fall), Polarity (everything is dual) and so on. They are 7 major Hermetic Laws. Then they are other numerous minor ones. But the major are 7 and Karma, that is the the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the 7 major Hermetic Universal Hermetic Laws. There is a book called the "Kybalion" on this website I think bucarialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ it explains well on this....

I say “Modern Karma” because who actually knows what the true meaning of that word is, and what it meant to the Ancient peoples from where it originates, how it was used? We are working with what we know of it, and the meaning is rather modern hence calling it “modern Karma” i.e. its current meaning.

That’s the thing though. Acts of good don’t always result in good results, acts of so-called “evil” also don’t always result in bad results. And what one does (either good or bad) could result in bad things for themselves but good for others, and vice versa.

Let’s give an example, you’re walking through town and someone asks if you can help them find a certain shop, you agree and guide them there, but the next thing you know you’re being pushed into an ally and being murdered. An act of good with bad results. You can argue and say that this person is reaping what they’ve sowed, but often times good people end up in bad situations that they don’t deserve. Not everything that happens to a person is because of what they earned in life. We live in a world with many other living creatures and people who all act upon each others energy and have a mind of their own. You can’t expect everything that happens to a person to be their own doing because that’s just foolish thinking. We may as well not fight against our enemies by your logic with this, because we’ve somehow earned it and are reaping what we sowed.

The enemy has a holiday, as I tried explaining before, that literally tries to heap all of their “Karma” onto our people to curses us with the fault of their crimes. That “Karma” is not ours nor did we earn it through our actions, but it was redirected and heaped on us nonetheless. Now we have to deal with it by getting rid of it, along with nullifying their stupid cursed holiday so it stops happening.

This is the frustrating thing about truly defining what “Karma” is and understanding it. The name is applied to something that acts like a negative energy force that can be directed and redirected onto others. If it was a divine law of cause and effect and action, how could something that someone else sowed be redirected onto others who did not earn it?

Yet others say it’s a force of some kind of justice that acts on your behalf. When you do good you are rewarded by it, when you do bad you are punished by it, and when others do bad to you it punishes them for you. This sounds like a bunch of Christian nonsense to have people become complacent and not fight their owns battles and take care of their own garbage.

This is what I mean when I say “Karma” as we know it is not a divine law. You can continue to try tell me that it’s the law of cause and effect, you reap what you sow, but I am not convinced of this definition being true to what “Karma” actually is. Humanity did not deserve the invasion of the Deformed ones, yet here we are suffering with our wealth stolen, our knowledge stolen, our home stolen, our children dying... tell me how that’s reaping what we sowed when humanity was almost to the level of completion Father Satan desired his creations to be?

Side note: how is “Karma” and “Karmic cycles” different from each other exactly? This is just Karma and the cycles of Karma i.e. energy patterns.

“So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh...”
~ What brought you to this conclusion? There’s no need to be liberated from physical existence, because one of the stages of the MO is immortalising the body so it never dies and never ages. The Gods still have physical bodies, they are physical beings living in physical existence. So I don’t understand what you mean here.

Perhaps this should be made into its own topic now.
One last thing on the Bodies of the Gods. Their bodies are not as physical, material as ours. They are bodies of Light. They are Golden Ethereal Solar bodies. This is the body that the physical body converts into when you do Magnum Opus. It's the Body of the Sun, it's immortal. When one attains this body it's too spiritual for this earthly realm,you will ascend to higher realms of the Gods. Your soul is actually a body of light. This light is called Satchidananda in sanscrit, which is Superconsiousness, Universal Light, Existence-consciousness-bliss. It's Parasakti. Lord Siva's(God) Divine Mind and simultaneously the pure superconscious mind of each individual soul. It permeates all existence. This is the Light that a star is manifesting. You have this in you ,Magnum Opus manifests this Light and converts the physical body into this light. The Golden Light Siva Body or the Golden Light Buddha Body. It's 666 perfection Body of the Sun. That is the body the Gods have. Infact when read the Lemurian Scrolls,the Gods would have to make a physical but highly spiritual body on Earth to manifest themselves where they are physically seen and when done these physical bodies dissipate and the devotees would then Infuse or partake of the essence of the body. The Gods exist in Siva Loka in their Natural Bodies of Light. That's why they are called Mahadevas it means Beings of Light. If the God wants to manifest on Earth where you physically see them,they have to create a physical Earth body to manifest in,they can even participate in eating a meal with you,but when done the earthly body they manifested dissipates....
likman666 said:
tabby said:
You should read the Kybalion found on the link. I gave on the previous reply. As for Karma it simply means cause and effect. They are 7 Hermitic Universal Laws. Note "Hermitic" , this is of the Egyptian God Thoth , the Roman God Mercury,the Greek God Hermes. It's from the Gods and the law of cause and effect is one of these laws. Whether you acknowledge this or not ,these laws are always in operation. The enemy understands these laws and uses them for their agenda. To fully understand these laws requires one to be Self Realised ( God Realised). The thing about Karma and this is what the highest mages on the planet have said is that ,when you look at events in isolation, especially in the current age we are in. Things seem unfair. Its because you are looking at things from a limited perception,that is from an emotional, intellectual mind level. The intellect is limited,now those who have raised their snake power to the crown chakra are God Conscious,and are therefore even able to go back into past lives and trace someones actions to their current state of what's happening. Satgurus (persons with risen serpent Consciousness) say you find that everything happening to person is totally justified and is based on their actions from previous lives. What happens in people's lives is based on the seeds of action in there soul , that is the causal ethereal body,and God,Siva,Aether, Para Brahman,the All e.t.c is the executioner of these seeds of action,their consequences. And God is never wrong in His execution of these karmic seeds. It's your own actions and thoughts that plant these seeds no else can plant these seeds in your soul. That's why if you have followed my replies , l said all Karma is just,it's based on this. That's why the enemy has got to deceive you into wrong conduct,for you to plant the kind of wrong seeds they want to manifest ,to bring about the kind of World they want. Through religion , media, idealogy and so on but it's you who actually plants those karmic seeds by your own thoughts and actions. Some take time to manifest and because the physical body dies you have to reincarnate to manifest those seeds. You forget those actions from previous lifetimes but they are in your soul and those seeds which are ripe manifest in your current life ,this is the Natal Chart. Those who are adept in Astrology will tell you that Astrology is never wrong,you can predict the exact events of some ones life,how they will die,if they will have children and so on . This is based on their own previous actions. As for spiritual progression why we are here on this planet, l recommend you read occult literature like sermons on JOS and if you read my replies l also mention the Lemurian Scrolls by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya you can download for free just google them. Satan opened his most private akashic library to Satguru Subramuniyaswami in 1973 they detail how we came from other planets and needed Earth a fire planet to develop physical bodies and evolve. People who achieve the Magnum Opus Don't stay on Earth their work on Earth is done they ascend to higher realms and keeping evolving. This also happens when one experiences Parasiva Consciousness in the Crown Chakra. You are then Self Realised (the Self being the God in you) you are liberated from cycle of birth and death. On this issue consult further occult literature especially the Hindus because unlike other Ancient Cultures whose occult knowledge is destroyed ,they still have most of theirs intact,they still have lineages of Satgurus. In fact the lineage that Satguru Subramuniyaswami belonged to is said to have started with Satan from Lemurian times!! Given directly to the Dravidian Indian peoples ,who still build temples to Satan whom they call Murugan (beautiful one) and directly worship Him to this day. This lineage still exists, Satguru Subramuniyaswami was the first White in this lineage and this is the lineage that Satan communicated the Lemurian Scrolls to . I highly recommend this book and others of this lineage found here Himalayanacademy.com/resource/books
I don't think there is anything more I can say on this issue than what I have said in my replies. As for Reptilians attacking can us, if you read one of my replies I said this must have happened in the the current age of Kali Yuga, because reduced radiation from the Central Sun (it's radiation from the Central Sun that determines the Yugas), spirituality was compromised, the position of Earth made it more isolated from other planet civilisations including the Gods and because of compromised spiritual environment the Gods could no longer manifest like they did in previous ages. The Kundalini power began to sleep in most of mankind,this must have been what had given the Reptilians the window to attack. Spirituality was already being compromised, before they attacked. Because if a planet/solar system is going through a Sat Yuga (Golden age) the radiation from the Central Sun is at its highest, everyone serpent power is fully active, everyone is God Conscious. You can't attack or compromise a planet under such conditions. Read the "Lemurian Scrolls"by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya who was a devotee of Murugan ( Satan). Satan personally appeared to him,and opened his akashic library to give him the Scrolls. Satan has never opened His library since then. Satan guided him and his Yoga Church on these Schrolls until he gave him the thunderbolt approval in 1997 to release them to the

You're dogmatic, and you believe that writings can't be corrupted. Satan says that he leads to the straight path without a book. We don't need scrolls to know Truth, we only need to trust and follow Satan. Your reliance on some scrolls and some human calling himself a spiritual guru (The Demons are the only true gurus as said by one of the clergy IIRC) is a hindrance to yourself.

Karma is the result of Adharma. Dharmic society is based on Truth, Rta, Cosmic Law given by the Gods. When people follow Rta, that is Dharma. When people don't follow Rta, that is Adharma. Adharmic society which does not follow Rta is not true society based on the Divine model from the Gods, and without society all we have is the wild. Jungle law where karma binds us. Through spirituality and knowledge gained by following Satan, we are able to overcome karma. He helps us rise above it. As advanced beings we are not meant to be bound by karma.

The enemy didn't only deceive. They slaughtered, tortured, mutilated, and so much more. The effects of their crimes upon people leaves stains upon peoples' souls through reincarnations (because they didn't achieve immortality before the enemy invaded Earth), damage that needs to be healed and overcome. This drags the soul down along with lack of knowledge and spirituality, and that's what leads to natal charts being the way they are. On top of that, as Tabby already mentioned, they try to get people to accept the blame for their suffering so that the jews can throw their karma on to them (like with original sin and always feeling guilty for everything). The jews can never escape karma (they can only convince other people to accept it upon themselves in place of the jews) because they can never follow Truth - it's not in their souls. They're incapable of following Rta. They are not of Satan. Lies are not part of reality, only Truth is reality. Jews are a reversal of everything we are, they are literally lies. Lies are not part of dualism, nor the universe. Jews and reptilians are a distortion of Truth that is not meant to exist because it doesn't reflect reality.
likman666 said:

You’re giving me a headache. I have not stated with certainty that I know what “Karma” is, I’m trying rather hard not to since it’s a field of knowledge that makes little sense to me with what info I can work with. Though still, I’m not convinced that what you have told me isn’t corrupted.

The law of cause and effect doesn’t sound anything like what people describe “Karma” to be. An event or action/lack of action happens = consequence takes place - makes sense as a law. “Karma” can somehow be redirected onto others who don’t deserve it, that’s not just, which suggests heavily to me “Karma” is a term used for negative energy that is created as a result of something that doesn’t get resolved or dealt with. This would make “Karma” different from the law of cause and effect, and more of a by-product from a particular consequence instead of being the equation of the law itself.

This is why I felt it is similar to Saturn in its ways. “Karma” will bite you hard if you don’t clean it away and resolve problems.

Humanity didn’t deserve its knowledge being stripped away by beings with no regards for life. Women didn’t deserve torture and death by the church whenever someone cried ‘witch!’. The Inquisition, and so on. I can go on and on for you... calling what has happened to our people and Father Satan’s creations as “totally justified” is bogus to me. No amount of “past life this and that” would ever justify to me a child being tormented by the church.

Astrology patterns can be overcome with advancement, it is why people can avoid death and misfortune through developing spiritually, strengthening their awareness, and prepare. Our birth placement may be set in stone, but everything after you either advance spiritually and take a level of control over your fate, or you are at the mercy of it.

There’s a page in JoS talking of a conversation HPS Maxine had with Father Satan and Lord Azazel. 10,000 years ago humanity was almost complete, and then they were attacked. This places the timeline roughly in the Age of Cancer, if my math is correct. Does this match with what you mean about the age of Kali Yuga?


For answers in regards to our purpose and spiritual progress, divine laws, etc, I trust only Satan and his Demons, the HPs, the sermons here, jrvan and myself to find and be guided to the answers I need. I have dealt with a cult trying to shove so-called truth and spiritual knowledge down my throat for years before, so no, I decline your offer of answers written by other people. I don’t learn well from reading books anyway... I’ll go to Father or my GD directly and ask for guidance if I want to find answers.

Especially since I’m a little off about your wording, particularly here:

“What happens in people's lives is based on the seeds of action in there soul , that is the causal ethereal body,and God,Siva,Aether, Para Brahman,the All e.t.c is the executioner of these seeds of action,their consequences. And God is never wrong in His execution of these karmic seeds

I’m curious, who is “God” to you?
jrvan said:
likman666 said:
tabby said:
You should read the Kybalion found on the link. I gave on the previous reply. As for Karma it simply means cause and effect. They are 7 Hermitic Universal Laws. Note "Hermitic" , this is of the Egyptian God Thoth , the Roman God Mercury,the Greek God Hermes. It's from the Gods and the law of cause and effect is one of these laws. Whether you acknowledge this or not ,these laws are always in operation. The enemy understands these laws and uses them for their agenda. To fully understand these laws requires one to be Self Realised ( God Realised). The thing about Karma and this is what the highest mages on the planet have said is that ,when you look at events in isolation, especially in the current age we are in. Things seem unfair. Its because you are looking at things from a limited perception,that is from an emotional, intellectual mind level. The intellect is limited,now those who have raised their snake power to the crown chakra are God Conscious,and are therefore even able to go back into past lives and trace someones actions to their current state of what's happening. Satgurus (persons with risen serpent Consciousness) say you find that everything happening to person is totally justified and is based on their actions from previous lives. What happens in people's lives is based on the seeds of action in there soul , that is the causal ethereal body,and God,Siva,Aether, Para Brahman,the All e.t.c is the executioner of these seeds of action,their consequences. And God is never wrong in His execution of these karmic seeds. It's your own actions and thoughts that plant these seeds no else can plant these seeds in your soul. That's why if you have followed my replies , l said all Karma is just,it's based on this. That's why the enemy has got to deceive you into wrong conduct,for you to plant the kind of wrong seeds they want to manifest ,to bring about the kind of World they want. Through religion , media, idealogy and so on but it's you who actually plants those karmic seeds by your own thoughts and actions. Some take time to manifest and because the physical body dies you have to reincarnate to manifest those seeds. You forget those actions from previous lifetimes but they are in your soul and those seeds which are ripe manifest in your current life ,this is the Natal Chart. Those who are adept in Astrology will tell you that Astrology is never wrong,you can predict the exact events of some ones life,how they will die,if they will have children and so on . This is based on their own previous actions. As for spiritual progression why we are here on this planet, l recommend you read occult literature like sermons on JOS and if you read my replies l also mention the Lemurian Scrolls by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya you can download for free just google them. Satan opened his most private akashic library to Satguru Subramuniyaswami in 1973 they detail how we came from other planets and needed Earth a fire planet to develop physical bodies and evolve. People who achieve the Magnum Opus Don't stay on Earth their work on Earth is done they ascend to higher realms and keeping evolving. This also happens when one experiences Parasiva Consciousness in the Crown Chakra. You are then Self Realised (the Self being the God in you) you are liberated from cycle of birth and death. On this issue consult further occult literature especially the Hindus because unlike other Ancient Cultures whose occult knowledge is destroyed ,they still have most of theirs intact,they still have lineages of Satgurus. In fact the lineage that Satguru Subramuniyaswami belonged to is said to have started with Satan from Lemurian times!! Given directly to the Dravidian Indian peoples ,who still build temples to Satan whom they call Murugan (beautiful one) and directly worship Him to this day. This lineage still exists, Satguru Subramuniyaswami was the first White in this lineage and this is the lineage that Satan communicated the Lemurian Scrolls to . I highly recommend this book and others of this lineage found here Himalayanacademy.com/resource/books
I don't think there is anything more I can say on this issue than what I have said in my replies. As for Reptilians attacking can us, if you read one of my replies I said this must have happened in the the current age of Kali Yuga, because reduced radiation from the Central Sun (it's radiation from the Central Sun that determines the Yugas), spirituality was compromised, the position of Earth made it more isolated from other planet civilisations including the Gods and because of compromised spiritual environment the Gods could no longer manifest like they did in previous ages. The Kundalini power began to sleep in most of mankind,this must have been what had given the Reptilians the window to attack. Spirituality was already being compromised, before they attacked. Because if a planet/solar system is going through a Sat Yuga (Golden age) the radiation from the Central Sun is at its highest, everyone serpent power is fully active, everyone is God Conscious. You can't attack or compromise a planet under such conditions. Read the "Lemurian Scrolls"by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya who was a devotee of Murugan ( Satan). Satan personally appeared to him,and opened his akashic library to give him the Scrolls. Satan has never opened His library since then. Satan guided him and his Yoga Church on these Schrolls until he gave him the thunderbolt approval in 1997 to release them to the

You're dogmatic, and you believe that writings can't be corrupted. Satan says that he leads to the straight path without a book. We don't need scrolls to know Truth, we only need to trust and follow Satan. Your reliance on some scrolls and some human calling himself a spiritual guru (The Demons are the only true gurus as said by one of the clergy IIRC) is a hindrance to yourself.

Karma is the result of Adharma. Dharmic society is based on Truth, Rta, Cosmic Law given by the Gods. When people follow Rta, that is Dharma. When people don't follow Rta, that is Adharma. Adharmic society which does not follow Rta is not true society based on the Divine model from the Gods, and without society all we have is the wild. Jungle law where karma binds us. Through spirituality and knowledge gained by following Satan, we are able to overcome karma. He helps us rise above it. As advanced beings we are not meant to be bound by karma.

The enemy didn't only deceive. They slaughtered, tortured, mutilated, and so much more. The effects of their crimes upon people leaves stains upon peoples' souls through reincarnations (because they didn't achieve immortality before the enemy invaded Earth), damage that needs to be healed and overcome. This drags the soul down along with lack of knowledge and spirituality, and that's what leads to natal charts being the way they are. On top of that, as Tabby already mentioned, they try to get people to accept the blame for their suffering so that the jews can throw their karma on to them (like with original sin and always feeling guilty for everything). The jews can never escape karma (they can only convince other people to accept it upon themselves in place of the jews) because they can never follow Truth - it's not in their souls. They're incapable of following Rta. They are not of Satan. Lies are not part of reality, only Truth is reality. Jews are a reversal of everything we are, they are literally lies. Lies are not part of dualism, nor the universe. Jews and reptilians are a distortion of Truth that is not meant to exist because it doesn't reflect reality.
Sat guru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya's credentials are proven,highly respected in the Hindu community. You can read his works and make your own judgement on him. To me he was genuine, his story is well documented ,he established the first Hindu temple in America and so on. They are many gurus but the term "Satguru" is not a term that is given anyhow. You have to be proven,the Hindus have Dharmic tradition which has not been lost. There is a process when one is given the term "Satguru" it means one who has Realised the Truth, Self-Realised. These are monks who live just for Self-Realisation and nothing else and to maintain Dharmic tradition. It's because of such , that's why the Hindus have never lost the Dharmic Culture. You can even ask Satan ,if you are in doubt about the Lemurian Scrolls....
As for Karma I have said what I said , I will just keep repeating myself in cycles. The goodness of the path we are on is that for as long as one keeps training,you will be able to prove many of these things for yourself. It becomes revealed Faith at some point. They are many paths to the Godhead. For as long we keep training we will come to understand these things much better,they are certain things that can only be fully understood with the Superconsious mind only and not the intellect. And when one grasps the understanding through Superconsious means ,it can't be explained intellectually because the intellect is limited. Even one of the meanings of the "Crooked Cross" the Swastika is that Godhead is not reached through the intellectual mind but through the intuitional mind. You
can't read yourself into Godhead you have to meditate. So long we keep doing that,we will all eventually fully understand these things and they will be no arguments. So we keep meditating and doing warfare ,I leave it there....
tabby said:
likman666 said:

You’re giving me a headache. I have not stated with certainty that I know what “Karma” is, I’m trying rather hard not to since it’s a field of knowledge that makes little sense to me with what info I can work with. Though still, I’m not convinced that what you have told me isn’t corrupted.

The law of cause and effect doesn’t sound anything like what people describe “Karma” to be. An event or action/lack of action happens = consequence takes place - makes sense as a law. “Karma” can somehow be redirected onto others who don’t deserve it, that’s not just, which suggests heavily to me “Karma” is a term used for negative energy that is created as a result of something that doesn’t get resolved or dealt with. This would make “Karma” different from the law of cause and effect, and more of a by-product from a particular consequence instead of being the equation of the law itself.

This is why I felt it is similar to Saturn in its ways. “Karma” will bite you hard if you don’t clean it away and resolve problems.

Humanity didn’t deserve its knowledge being stripped away by beings with no regards for life. Women didn’t deserve torture and death by the church whenever someone cried ‘witch!’. The Inquisition, and so on. I can go on and on for you... calling what has happened to our people and Father Satan’s creations as “totally justified” is bogus to me. No amount of “past life this and that” would ever justify to me a child being tormented by the church.

Astrology patterns can be overcome with advancement, it is why people can avoid death and misfortune through developing spiritually, strengthening their awareness, and prepare. Our birth placement may be set in stone, but everything after you either advance spiritually and take a level of control over your fate, or you are at the mercy of it.

There’s a page in JoS talking of a conversation HPS Maxine had with Father Satan and Lord Azazel. 10,000 years ago humanity was almost complete, and then they were attacked. This places the timeline roughly in the Age of Cancer, if my math is correct. Does this match with what you mean about the age of Kali Yuga?


For answers in regards to our purpose and spiritual progress, divine laws, etc, I trust only Satan and his Demons, the HPs, the sermons here, jrvan and myself to find and be guided to the answers I need. I have dealt with a cult trying to shove so-called truth and spiritual knowledge down my throat for years before, so no, I decline your offer of answers written by other people. I don’t learn well from reading books anyway... I’ll go to Father or my GD directly and ask for guidance if I want to find answers.

Especially since I’m a little off about your wording, particularly here:

“What happens in people's lives is based on the seeds of action in there soul , that is the causal ethereal body,and God,Siva,Aether, Para Brahman,the All e.t.c is the executioner of these seeds of action,their consequences. And God is never wrong in His execution of these karmic seeds

I’m curious, who is “God” to you?
God is the underlying Essence that animates everything. The whole creation is a manifestation of God. The Hindu Saivites ( Saivism being the oldest religion on the planet,all the Ancient Dharmic Civilisations where Saivite Civilisations) understand God (Siva) in three perfections 1. The Absolute Reality that is beyond Consciousness, is timeless, formless and spaceless. Is undefinable. Pervades all things and is at the root of all things. The centre of this state is in the Crown Chakra in man. They call this first uncreated perfection Parasiva. It's unmanifested. When one experiences this state through raising the Kundalini power to the crown, they are said to Self Realised. All karmic seeds are burnt,you are liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This is Moksha. You become a god, and don't need a physical body to acsend further. You will keep evolving in higher realms or if you choose to reincarnate,you will probably be a great guru or a leader of a nation anything in those lines to help the people achieve the same.
The other two perfections of God are manifested forms of God. These they call Parasakti,and is considered the feminine aspect of God, Parasiva is male aspect. There is Satchidananda meaning "existence-consciousness-bliss". Siva or God's Divine mind and simultaneously the pure superconscious mind of each individual soul. It is perfect love and omniscient, omnipotent Consciousness,the fountainhead of all existence,yet containing and permeating all existence. The centre of this man is the Ajna Chakra ,the Third Eye, Sixth Chakra.The other 3. Is Paramesvara or Siva Nataraja- God Siva's third perfection,God in Being form the Primal Soul. This is what your soul body merges with. Every soul is in this image. It's Supreme Mahadeva. Collectively these 3 perfections the Hindu Saivites worship as Siva/God. Personally this is the view I have also taken ,it makes sense to me. So you have God,Gods and Goddesses,the Gods and Goddesses are created Beings just like the rest. They are at the same level as God Siva the main difference is that Siva is uncreated.
Now as for Karma, I have said what I said , I will just keep going around in circles. The goodness of the path we are on is ,for so long as we keep meditating,we will come to understand many of these things perfectly. As we ourselves become gods in our own right. Divine Laws like Karma run very deep and they certain aspects one can only understand if one becomes Consciously Superconsious (Satchidananda). Because you will see the Inner Workings of everything from the inside out .And when one has Superconsious understanding of certain things, you can't explain intellectually,as the intellect is limited. So this is a state we all have to experience for ourselves , that is being Consciously Superconsious.I think I will end here. We just keep meditating and doing warfare,whether in this lifetime or the next under the guidance of the Gods,we will all eventually achieve Godhead(Parasiva Consciousness). That's the prime purpose of life on Earth.
Giszmon666 said:
Master said:
Giszmon666 said:
The Universe is actually neutral what has controllable energies. I hope you will start to see our world realistically before you make Joy of Satan into Joy of Wicca. :|

The neutrality of the universe and/or nature is not zero. If this were the case, we would not have to learn and follow nature. Nature is not just biology and biology is nothing but chemistry and so on.

Matter, energy and other particles are alive and therefore have consciousness and are obviously the components and foundations of DNA and everything else. This is because there are levels and hierarchy of existence and power.

1. The word "beautiful" is a typical subjective thing, but the reality and the truth will be always objective, so it is impossible to say the Universe as "ugly" or "beautiful" because it is just being and you can use it's energies how you want.
2.Hierarchy is absolutely brokenable, because in a spiritual hierarchy everyone is evolving and it is possible with time, that there will be people whos will be so much better leaders from whos are now the leaders.
3. The nature is really not just from biology and chemistry, there is actually physics to, and we can learn about the Universe everything in a logical way.
4. Happiness is actually about from hormones. No more nor less.
5. I think that every ss/ns should to learn to see the reality how it is. Pessimism is as wrong as optimism, because to survive this world is the only one option is to see the world realistically.
6. To see our world "perfect"/ "too beautiful" is very christian like, because the yewish says always, that everyone MUST TO SEE THIS WORLD BEAUTIFUL WHAT HAS "MADE" FROM A YEWISH "GOD" WHO IS SITTING ALWAYS ON A FUCKING CLOUD.

Chemistry and biology study the same matter and energy that physics studies. Besides that, physics also studies other particles and goes deeper into the microcosm as well as the macrocosm such as planets, solar systems, galaxies etc.

You can't do anything to particles because they have properties and they interact with each other and they are not all the same. To give a few examples:

An atom may not have the power and influence that a planet or star has but it has its own little power and influence not nothing.

A bacterium cannot do what a human can do but it has its potential and value. It can be an ally and make symbiosis in the gut flora of humans or it can have other purposes and live elsewhere.

Even our bodies are organized and have hierarchy like a civilization. I was referring to the different manifestations of life and existence in nature and the levels and hierarchies they are, have and represent. I was not referring to hierarchy in civilization, of course that is also part of nature.
RAH55 said:
Again , thank you for showing compassion to our fellow human beings that have been victimized no matter who they are.

*except jews.
likman666 said:
jrvan said:
likman666 said:
Look I am not talking about "modern Karma" , I don't fully understand what you mean by that. What I am talking about is straight forward the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, that's it. This is Karma .This is a immutable Universal Law. Each cause sets a corresponding effect. This law works every where as the most sublime rule. This law is actually instictive in everyone,that a good act brings good results,and an evil act brings bad results. You reap what you sow. Everybody is bound to know this law and accept it. It's this law that causes evolution. Now what I think you are really talking about is being liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This happens because of the level of consciousness and spiritual maturity most of humanity is operating on. That's in Consciousness of time and space, which is maya the physical creation. Because of operating at this level of consciousness certain actions take time to manifest and the physical body is not immortal it dies,so one has to take on another body to manifest those seeds of karma(actions). So long as one keeps operating at this level of consciousness, you will keep reincarnating. Now we are here ,to Realise Parasiva( the Self God) while in the physical body,this not only matures the soul into merging with ParaBrahman,the Primal God Soul,but also burns the seeds of karma (actions you took from previous lifetimes not yet manifested). So you are liberated from physical existence in the flesh. You now have a choice whether you can reincarnate or not. If you chose too,you probably reincarnate as a great guru to teach others to do the same. When this happens Self Realisation (by raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra the seat of Parasiva) happens ,you don't need a physical body to evolve further. You will continue to evolve in higher realms as a god,but not yet at the level of the Great Gods themselves ,the Mahadevas like Satan, Isis, Ganesha and the like. This is the aim on Earth ,to experience Parasiva which is the timeless, formless and spaceless aspect of God, in your soul. The Self God.Beyond even Consciousness and is undefinable. You are then liberated from Samsara- the karmic cycle of birth and death. Karma in of itself is a Divine Law,they are also other Divine Laws like the Law of Rythim ( rise and fall), Polarity (everything is dual) and so on. They are 7 major Hermetic Laws. Then they are other numerous minor ones. But the major are 7 and Karma, that is the the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the 7 major Hermetic Universal Hermetic Laws. There is a book called the "Kybalion" on this website I think bucarialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books/ it explains well on this....

Even though you've presented this a lot better now, I still think Karma is basically just jungle law. It's what you get when society is Adharmic. In Dharmic society there's no need for Karma because everyone is in alignment with Truth.

Karma is also such a loosely defined concept with so many different interpretations. It was conceived to explain the so-called "problem of evil" which has always confounded philosophers because they can't understand the nature of the jews nor how something so disgusting and anti-life could ever even exist in the first place. You wrote before of how evil and beings of evil nature are part of God, but I disagree. No one with a sane mind would ever argue that the jews and their masters are of Satan. No one. If I had to hypothesize, I would suggest that the reptilians were a genetic experiment and intentionally made abomination engineered by enemy Nordics who went against Satan. Perhaps they corrupted and twisted the Kundalini to be the opposite of what it originally is within us. They are, after all, the opposite of us in every way - just like their offspring the jews. That's my best guess right now.
We are all work in progress here but you need to consult further occult literature and obviously meditate more. You have to understand the basic make up of the Universe. Good and Evil are actually human conceptions limited and at emotional and intellectual levels. What they really is,is Polarity. An example courage and fear are just two opposite ends of the same emotion. Hot and cold are just two opposite ends of the same thing and so on. On Karma ,l don't think I can explain more than I have done. The Universe has a Divine Order to it based on certain immutable laws. These laws are always in existence and are operating whether you believe them or not. Those who have fully understood and mastered these laws can imitate Nature and it's works. So if you are a serious mage, knowing these laws are a must. The highest sages from Ancient times through the Gods and realising the Self God within themselves, said they are 7 Major Hermitic Universal Laws. Note "Hermitic" this is of the Greek God Hermes,The Egyptian Thoth,the Roman Mercury. And Karma, cause and effect is one of these Laws. This is from the Gods it's not a jungle law. Everything created is bound by this Laws. The Reptilians being a part of nature also understand these and are using these same laws for their own agenda. Everything is founded on the same Essence,the All,Siva, Aether and so on. Even Asuric beings to a certain extent follow these Laws because if you don't you will cease to exist. Israel for instance is National Socialistic in their Jew way. They understand Natural Law,they call Israel a Jewish state,it's a racial state and if a species has to exist they have to have space of their own. They know that the more you don't adhere to these laws the more you will degenerate. These Laws where well understood by all the Ancients. And Adhering to these Laws would lead to Liberation, Godhead. This is the Natural Way,Dharma by the Hindus. Every species including evil or asuric beings understand and know these laws,for the laws are God in themselves and are therefore unchangeable, eternal laws. The Ancients recognized 7 , given to them by the God Hermes and Karma the law of cause and effect is one of these 7. I don't know what more I say....

The reptilians are not part of nature. They are a twisted corruption and reversal of nature. They don't fit into polarity of the universe, they're literally not meant to exist. They are the enemies of Satan. Satan is Truth and Reality, so how can the enemies of Truth and Reality be part of Truth and Reality? They were engineered to be a reversal of everything we are as the children of Satan.

Jews and xians are anti-life, anti-nature. They hate nature and always try to destroy nature. They are a reversal of life, reality, truth. Truth is remembering reality. If they are a reversal of Truth, and all they do is lie to get people to remember a false version of reality, then they are not meant to exist in reality because they don't reflect it and they're not part of it.

The Asuras are cognate with the Titans in Greek mythology, the Jotnar in Norse mythology, etc. It's the female and male aspects of the mind that are always at war with each other until they are brought into harmony and balance, united. It's an allegory.

As for the jewish state of israel, that's just a strategy. If you haven't noticed, they don't actually create anything of their own. They just get others to do it for them. Because they can't create, it's not part of their nature and souls. They are literally lies in the flesh and soul, and lies are not meant to exist because lies are not part of reality which is Truth. Lies do not reflect reality.
likman666 said:
tabby said:
likman666 said:
God is the underlying Essence that animates everything. The whole creation is a manifestation of God. The Hindu Saivites ( Saivism being the oldest religion on the planet,all the Ancient Dharmic Civilisations where Saivite Civilisations) understand God (Siva) in three perfections 1. The Absolute Reality that is beyond Consciousness, is timeless, formless and spaceless. Is undefinable. Pervades all things and is at the root of all things. The centre of this state is in the Crown Chakra in man. They call this first uncreated perfection Parasiva. It's unmanifested. When one experiences this state through raising the Kundalini power to the crown, they are said to Self Realised. All karmic seeds are burnt,you are liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This is Moksha. You become a god, and don't need a physical body to acsend further. You will keep evolving in higher realms or if you choose to reincarnate,you will probably be a great guru or a leader of a nation anything in those lines to help the people achieve the same.
The other two perfections of God are manifested forms of God. These they call Parasakti,and is considered the feminine aspect of God, Parasiva is male aspect. There is Satchidananda meaning "existence-consciousness-bliss". Siva or God's Divine mind and simultaneously the pure superconscious mind of each individual soul. It is perfect love and omniscient, omnipotent Consciousness,the fountainhead of all existence,yet containing and permeating all existence. The centre of this man is the Ajna Chakra ,the Third Eye, Sixth Chakra.The other 3. Is Paramesvara or Siva Nataraja- God Siva's third perfection,God in Being form the Primal Soul. This is what your soul body merges with. Every soul is in this image. It's Supreme Mahadeva. Collectively these 3 perfections the Hindu Saivites worship as Siva/God. Personally this is the view I have also taken ,it makes sense to me. So you have God,Gods and Goddesses,the Gods and Goddesses are created Beings just like the rest. They are at the same level as God Siva the main difference is that Siva is uncreated.
Now as for Karma, I have said what I said , I will just keep going around in circles. The goodness of the path we are on is ,for so long as we keep meditating,we will come to understand many of these things perfectly. As we ourselves become gods in our own right. Divine Laws like Karma run very deep and they certain aspects one can only understand if one becomes Consciously Superconsious (Satchidananda). Because you will see the Inner Workings of everything from the inside out .And when one has Superconsious understanding of certain things, you can't explain intellectually,as the intellect is limited. So this is a state we all have to experience for ourselves , that is being Consciously Superconsious.I think I will end here. We just keep meditating and doing warfare,whether in this lifetime or the next under the guidance of the Gods,we will all eventually achieve Godhead(Parasiva Consciousness). That's the prime purpose of life on Earth.

Can’t help but notice you didn’t really answer my question and completely skipped my question about the Age of Cancer and the age of Kali Yuga.

The way you word things makes it sound like you believe there’s a being or energy force that is higher than Father Satan, whilst attempting to reword things after my question to appear that you believe “God” is equal to Father.

The Aether can’t be a God, because a God would be something, a created thing, whilst the Aether remains as untapped potential. Once something is created from the Aether it is no longer Aether because now it is created. Father is the face of the Aether, but he is not immaterial like the Aether because if he was, we would not be able to interact with him and feel him, and see him come to Earth physically one day. HPS Maxine has stated before that Father Satan and his Demons have physical bodies on other planets (I tried explaining this before I believe). He rules the physical Empire of Orion and is the Lord of Earth.

No one is equal in power to Father Satan and no one is above him. It’s a pyramidal hierarchy and Father Satan is at the top, always. He is like the sun, shining the brightest.

In my experience, there is no such thing as “omnipotent” whatever, otherwise we wouldn’t have to fight a war and the enemies would have already been dealt with. This is a christian concept. I believe it was explained what it meant when we say that Father is almighty and all-powerful in another thread so I won’t get into that here.

Your views sound like they are enlaced with Christian concepts.
tabby said:
likman666 said:
tabby said:
God is the underlying Essence that animates everything. The whole creation is a manifestation of God. The Hindu Saivites ( Saivism being the oldest religion on the planet,all the Ancient Dharmic Civilisations where Saivite Civilisations) understand God (Siva) in three perfections 1. The Absolute Reality that is beyond Consciousness, is timeless, formless and spaceless. Is undefinable. Pervades all things and is at the root of all things. The centre of this state is in the Crown Chakra in man. They call this first uncreated perfection Parasiva. It's unmanifested. When one experiences this state through raising the Kundalini power to the crown, they are said to Self Realised. All karmic seeds are burnt,you are liberated from the karmic cycle of birth and death. This is Moksha. You become a god, and don't need a physical body to acsend further. You will keep evolving in higher realms or if you choose to reincarnate,you will probably be a great guru or a leader of a nation anything in those lines to help the people achieve the same.
The other two perfections of God are manifested forms of God. These they call Parasakti,and is considered the feminine aspect of God, Parasiva is male aspect. There is Satchidananda meaning "existence-consciousness-bliss". Siva or God's Divine mind and simultaneously the pure superconscious mind of each individual soul. It is perfect love and omniscient, omnipotent Consciousness,the fountainhead of all existence,yet containing and permeating all existence. The centre of this man is the Ajna Chakra ,the Third Eye, Sixth Chakra.The other 3. Is Paramesvara or Siva Nataraja- God Siva's third perfection,God in Being form the Primal Soul. This is what your soul body merges with. Every soul is in this image. It's Supreme Mahadeva. Collectively these 3 perfections the Hindu Saivites worship as Siva/God. Personally this is the view I have also taken ,it makes sense to me. So you have God,Gods and Goddesses,the Gods and Goddesses are created Beings just like the rest. They are at the same level as God Siva the main difference is that Siva is uncreated.
Now as for Karma, I have said what I said , I will just keep going around in circles. The goodness of the path we are on is ,for so long as we keep meditating,we will come to understand many of these things perfectly. As we ourselves become gods in our own right. Divine Laws like Karma run very deep and they certain aspects one can only understand if one becomes Consciously Superconsious (Satchidananda). Because you will see the Inner Workings of everything from the inside out .And when one has Superconsious understanding of certain things, you can't explain intellectually,as the intellect is limited. So this is a state we all have to experience for ourselves , that is being Consciously Superconsious.I think I will end here. We just keep meditating and doing warfare,whether in this lifetime or the next under the guidance of the Gods,we will all eventually achieve Godhead(Parasiva Consciousness). That's the prime purpose of life on Earth.

Can’t help but notice you didn’t really answer my question and completely skipped my question about the Age of Cancer and the age of Kali Yuga.

The way you word things makes it sound like you believe there’s a being or energy force that is higher than Father Satan, whilst attempting to reword things after my question to appear that you believe “God” is equal to Father.

The Aether can’t be a God, because a God would be something, a created thing, whilst the Aether remains as untapped potential. Once something is created from the Aether it is no longer Aether because now it is created. Father is the face of the Aether, but he is not immaterial like the Aether because if he was, we would not be able to interact with him and feel him, and see him come to Earth physically one day. HPS Maxine has stated before that Father Satan and his Demons have physical bodies on other planets (I tried explaining this before I believe). He rules the physical Empire of Orion and is the Lord of Earth.

No one is equal in power to Father Satan and no one is above him. It’s a pyramidal hierarchy and Father Satan is at the top, always. He is like the sun, shining the brightest.

In my experience, there is no such thing as “omnipotent” whatever, otherwise we wouldn’t have to fight a war and the enemies would have already been dealt with. This is a christian concept. I believe it was explained what it meant when we say that Father is almighty and all-powerful in another thread so I won’t get into that here.

Your views sound like they are enlaced with Christian concepts.
The view of God I put is based on Saivism,as for the Mahadevas they are created Beings just like humans ,they are the most advanced souls in the Universe. Many Self Realised mages have said this. Yoga means Union,now Union with what?. With God within you. You need to read Hindu literature on this, even Himler was known to carry the Bhagavad Gita on him always. The Nazis where well versed in Hindu scripture. On the concept of God it's actually a book(Bhagavad Gita) I would highly recommend. You see every race had it's own Dharmic Culture and scriptures most it was destroyed ,but Asians kept theirs. It's the same Culture whether you talk about Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon Mayans, India, Inca,Aztecs, Sumeria,Persia e.t.c Asians kept theirs quite intact, especially the Hindus and Tibetans.
That's why Himler went to Tibet and brought some monks with him back to Germany to train his SS. Asians are Dharma aware that's why even Hitler liked them alot,we don't even have to do race awakening rituals for them. Now on God. You need to understand the anatomy of your soul , which is in mainly two parts or aspects- the form or body of soul and the essence of the soul. The body of the soul is the individual you,the ego. The essence is the power or energy animating it,mans' innermost and unchanging being-Pure Consciousness (Parasakti or Satchidananda) and Absolute Reality ( Parasiva) which is beyond the Light. The Light of the soul which shines is Parasakti ,this is Pure Awareness,this is the feminine aspect of God. This is what is giving awareness right now. This Awareness is God ,it's Eternal. (Note the term 'soul' is from Sol. It's a solar term ,so the soul is the internal sun)
You soul body changes arccording to the karmic seeds or actions in it. This is what gives you personality,this changes from different lifetimes. You won't have the same type of body or character in the next life or from previous lifetimes but the Awareness doesn't change. You are still aware. It's the "I " so to speak. The "I exist". This is God. It's this same awareness operating in a dog,fish,an ant, butterfly,tiger,lion e.t.c. It's Pure Consciousness , everything created is animated by this Pure Consciousness/Awareness. This when seen with the 3rd Eye is Pure Light it's in all things. Now beyond this Light is Parasiva which is formless, spaceless and timeless. It's simply called the Void , because it can't be defined. It's this state we are here to experience,and was once you experience it, people who have raised their serpent powers to the Crown ,have said it can't be explained,it must be experienced. When you experience this state ,then you are liberated. This state if you have been following what I written over and over is another perfect aspect of God. Then there's is Paramesvara ,the Primal Soul Body of God. This perfect uncreated "Trinity of God" so to speak exists in all things and in the human being it's called the Self God. So you have the Self God animating your soul body which is the individual you ,the ego,the personality. Yoga means Union with the Self God within you . This is what Socrates meant when he said "Know Thy Self". It's a Yogic statement it means to merge your soul/individual ego with the Self God within you. This is Yoga. The Hindu adepts say the Self God is closer to you than your breath. You need to read occult literature on this especially Hindu scriptures , because the Hindus have most of the Ancient works intact. This is something in one way or another I said over and over,if are you paying attention. You need to meditate on this and ask Satan or the Gods for better clarification, maybe the way I am describing this issue is not very clear. These are concepts that sometimes take time to comprehend. A simple meditation would be to sit in lotus pose or any cross legged position and visualise a bright light within you . To do void meditation on this internal light. This internal light is the energy and awareness of the soul,it is God within you. Practice this everyday.There's nothing more I can say on this issue, otherwise I will keep repeating myself in circles. As for the Yugas, every Galaxy has a Central Sun, where all the Solar Systems and their planets rotate around. Our Galaxy ,I think has got about 400 billion Suns. And they are other perhaps billions perhaps trillions of other Galaxies. Now as a solar system rotates around the Central Sun,the radiation from it changes, when the radiation is at it's fullest a planet , goes through a Golden age. Everything is highly ehanced on the planet,the trees are much bigger,plants are big such that even children can sit on the flower petals, even animals talk under such an age. And if they are humans ,they are all God Conscious,the Kundalini power is fully awake and functional. Then things start to descend ,with reduced radiation from the Central Sun,as the revolution around the Central Sun continues. You will have the Silver age,then Bronze age then finally the Iron age (Kali Yuga) when the radiation is at its lowest. Again I recommend reading the Lemurian Scrolls by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya on this. The book explains well on this. You can make your own judgement after. This cycle of Yugas takes about 4230000 solar years. As for Cancer age and the like those are mini Astrological ages that happen within the Yugas. I am not sure which Astrological age ,Kali
Yuga starting in. But one thing that marked the Kaili Yuga was when man started to kill each other,the first murder marked the beginning of the Kail Yuga. Its age of conflict. And we will know that this age of Kali has ended when all the killing has stopped. That's what the Hindu scriptures, Satgurus, rishis e.t.c and even the Lemurian Scrolls say, which again I highly recommend for you to read. Then make your own judgement afterwards. They contain many these issues, especially about the Ages and so on...
jrvan said:
likman666 said:
jrvan said:
Even though you've presented this a lot better now, I still think Karma is basically just jungle law. It's what you get when society is Adharmic. In Dharmic society there's no need for Karma because everyone is in alignment with Truth.

Karma is also such a loosely defined concept with so many different interpretations. It was conceived to explain the so-called "problem of evil" which has always confounded philosophers because they can't understand the nature of the jews nor how something so disgusting and anti-life could ever even exist in the first place. You wrote before of how evil and beings of evil nature are part of God, but I disagree. No one with a sane mind would ever argue that the jews and their masters are of Satan. No one. If I had to hypothesize, I would suggest that the reptilians were a genetic experiment and intentionally made abomination engineered by enemy Nordics who went against Satan. Perhaps they corrupted and twisted the Kundalini to be the opposite of what it originally is within us. They are, after all, the opposite of us in every way - just like their offspring the jews. That's my best guess right now.
We are all work in progress here but you need to consult further occult literature and obviously meditate more. You have to understand the basic make up of the Universe. Good and Evil are actually human conceptions limited and at emotional and intellectual levels. What they really is,is Polarity. An example courage and fear are just two opposite ends of the same emotion. Hot and cold are just two opposite ends of the same thing and so on. On Karma ,l don't think I can explain more than I have done. The Universe has a Divine Order to it based on certain immutable laws. These laws are always in existence and are operating whether you believe them or not. Those who have fully understood and mastered these laws can imitate Nature and it's works. So if you are a serious mage, knowing these laws are a must. The highest sages from Ancient times through the Gods and realising the Self God within themselves, said they are 7 Major Hermitic Universal Laws. Note "Hermitic" this is of the Greek God Hermes,The Egyptian Thoth,the Roman Mercury. And Karma, cause and effect is one of these Laws. This is from the Gods it's not a jungle law. Everything created is bound by this Laws. The Reptilians being a part of nature also understand these and are using these same laws for their own agenda. Everything is founded on the same Essence,the All,Siva, Aether and so on. Even Asuric beings to a certain extent follow these Laws because if you don't you will cease to exist. Israel for instance is National Socialistic in their Jew way. They understand Natural Law,they call Israel a Jewish state,it's a racial state and if a species has to exist they have to have space of their own. They know that the more you don't adhere to these laws the more you will degenerate. These Laws where well understood by all the Ancients. And Adhering to these Laws would lead to Liberation, Godhead. This is the Natural Way,Dharma by the Hindus. Every species including evil or asuric beings understand and know these laws,for the laws are God in themselves and are therefore unchangeable, eternal laws. The Ancients recognized 7 , given to them by the God Hermes and Karma the law of cause and effect is one of these 7. I don't know what more I say....

The reptilians are not part of nature. They are a twisted corruption and reversal of nature. They don't fit into polarity of the universe, they're literally not meant to exist. They are the enemies of Satan. Satan is Truth and Reality, so how can the enemies of Truth and Reality be part of Truth and Reality? They were engineered to be a reversal of everything we are as the children of Satan.

Jews and xians are anti-life, anti-nature. They hate nature and always try to destroy nature. They are a reversal of life, reality, truth. Truth is remembering reality. If they are a reversal of Truth, and all they do is lie to get people to remember a false version of reality, then they are not meant to exist in reality because they don't reflect it and they're not part of it.

The Asuras are cognate with the Titans in Greek mythology, the Jotnar in Norse mythology, etc. It's the female and male aspects of the mind that are always at war with each other until they are brought into harmony and balance, united. It's an allegory.

As for the jewish state of israel, that's just a strategy. If you haven't noticed, they don't actually create anything of their own. They just get others to do it for them. Because they can't create, it's not part of their nature and souls. They are literally lies in the flesh and soul, and lies are not meant to exist because lies are not part of reality which is Truth. Lies do not reflect reality.
Meditate and read occult literature on this, I recommend the Kybalion, Lemurian Scrolls and especially Hindu scriptures. On the issue of the makeup of the universe and God. Himler was known to always have the Bhagavad Gita on him at all times. The Nazis where known to be quite well versed in the Hindu scriptures and sanscrit. Even Germans in general have been known to have a number of sanscrit scholars. On occult literature this website bucurialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books...it's a JOS website and I again, I Highly recommend reading the Lemurian Scrolls by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya you can Google them and download them for free. Read them first then make your own judgement,
have an open mind,meditate and ask for the Gods guidance. The Bhagavad Gita is also a good book, I personally read a chapter everyday. As mentioned above Himler liked it also....There is nothing more I say than what I have already said. If you don't want to even consider or contemplate and some of the issues I have written. There's nothing I can do about that....We are not here to win a debate ,we are here to Realise the Self God within ourselves,which is the prime purpose of existence.
Awesome post high priest! its so hard to see the beauty of this world with the injustices. that being said, even for myself, its hard to see the good part of this planet I lost my ups job, I'm single, I feel lost and alone. I need an escape. suicide is on my mind before I go to sleep, and when I wake up. That being said, being a Satanist is the life I chose, and must deal with it as a man, I will mediate and control my chakras as I know it can be wild. The jos is all I got keeping me alive. thank you all for your humanitarian work.
likman666 said:
jrvan said:
The reptilians are not part of nature. They are a twisted corruption and reversal of nature. They don't fit into polarity of the universe, they're literally not meant to exist. They are the enemies of Satan. Satan is Truth and Reality, so how can the enemies of Truth and Reality be part of Truth and Reality? They were engineered to be a reversal of everything we are as the children of Satan.

Jews and xians are anti-life, anti-nature. They hate nature and always try to destroy nature. They are a reversal of life, reality, truth. Truth is remembering reality. If they are a reversal of Truth, and all they do is lie to get people to remember a false version of reality, then they are not meant to exist in reality because they don't reflect it and they're not part of it.

The Asuras are cognate with the Titans in Greek mythology, the Jotnar in Norse mythology, etc. It's the female and male aspects of the mind that are always at war with each other until they are brought into harmony and balance, united. It's an allegory.

As for the jewish state of israel, that's just a strategy. If you haven't noticed, they don't actually create anything of their own. They just get others to do it for them. Because they can't create, it's not part of their nature and souls. They are literally lies in the flesh and soul, and lies are not meant to exist because lies are not part of reality which is Truth. Lies do not reflect reality.
Meditate and read occult literature on this, I recommend the Kybalion, Lemurian Scrolls and especially Hindu scriptures. On the issue of the makeup of the universe and God. Himler was known to always have the Bhagavad Gita on him at all times. The Nazis where known to be quite well versed in the Hindu scriptures and sanscrit. Even Germans in general have been known to have a number of sanscrit scholars. On occult literature this website bucurialuisatan.com/great-pdf-books...it's a JOS website and I again, I Highly recommend reading the Lemurian Scrolls by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya you can Google them and download them for free. Read them first then make your own judgement,
have an open mind,meditate and ask for the Gods guidance. The Bhagavad Gita is also a good book, I personally read a chapter everyday. As mentioned above Himler liked it also....There is nothing more I say than what I have already said. If you don't want to even consider or contemplate and some of the issues I have written. There's nothing I can do about that....We are not here to win a debate ,we are here to Realise the Self God within ourselves,which is the prime purpose of existence.

Everything I've learned so far by reading the JoS material and many, many sermons is all what my GD has guided me towards. I don't need to read anything that my GD hasn't directed my attention to. I felt no pull to go and read those scrolls at all. It didn't register as important to my intuition. I might make time for it at some point if you're so adamant and insistent upon it, but I maintain what I said before that Father Satan himself says that he "leads to the straight path without a book." Father Satan guides us to Truth, to Sat, and he doesn't need a book to do so.

I don't see why I should consider the words of a self proclaimed Satguru over what I have been shown and revealed by my GD. You know, jews have called themselves by our sacred titles many times before. They called themselves Pharaohs, they called themselves priests, they called themselves Yews from the sacred Druid rank/title which is where the word jew came from. They even made up a fake story where the central jew character calls himself "the truth, the way, and the light" which is a ripoff from Satan because Satan is Truth and the Light bringer. They then killed that fake character themselves in that fake story because it's a symbolic ritual of them killing Truth because they are the embodiment of lies. They also said in the Protocols of Zion that they will "kill God" which means killing Sat. I repeat, the jews as a DISTORTION of reality are not meant to exist in reality. Reality is Truth, and Satan is Truth.

I HAVE considered and contemplated on the things you have said - otherwise I wouldn't have been able to form effective arguments against you. And speak for yourself because I AM here to win a debate. I want the truth to shine the brightest, and that can only happen by dispelling falsehood and corrupted information. Many have already said that Hindu religion is extremely corrupted, just like all the religions have been corrupted. The jews have been at this for thousands of years... do you really think they missed a spot? You have no idea how many fake self proclaimed gurus they have in India. I'll namedrop a very famous one. Ghandi.

HPS Maxine spent many years researching books. She read everything you can imagine and more. She sorted the truth from the dross, and then she compiled it all for us on the JoS. She also had many Demons helping her with bringing all of this knowledge to us, and not all of it came from books. The JoS material is superior to anything else we can read on this planet right now, and that includes writings from self proclaimed Satgurus which have probably made such sacred titles dubious. Jews have no respect for our sacred titles whatsoever. Remember that.
jrvan said:
The reptilians are not part of nature. They are a twisted corruption and reversal of nature. They don't fit into polarity of the universe, they're literally not meant to exist. They are the enemies of Satan. Satan is Truth and Reality, so how can the enemies of Truth and Reality be part of Truth and Reality? They were engineered to be a reversal of everything we are as the children of Satan.
I disagree. Nature is not always positive and it does not always produce positive and beneficial things such as unicorns and rainbows. Natural law is rough and many people can’t handle it which is why they turn to the enemy programs as a cope which you pointed out.

It just is what it is. Nature gives us things good and bad. Marijuana is natural but if you become a 420 weed bro it will destroy your aura and chakras. Even beings such as literal parasites and other creature that don’t really serve any purpose are a part of nature. This point has already been very emphasized through this discussion but there has to be negative or else there is no positive. Also reptilians don’t really fit this example.

About “Karma” and that whole topic, it is something that will never be fully understood or agreed upon because of the limitation of human understanding. Karma, Dharma and the aether are things that will not be comprehended until we achieve the Light Body/MO.
likman666 said:
tabby said:
likman666 said:
The view of God I put is based on Saivism,as for the Mahadevas they are created Beings just like humans ,they are the most advanced souls in the Universe. Many Self Realised mages have said this. Yoga means Union,now Union with what?. With God within you. You need to read Hindu literature on this, even Himler was known to carry the Bhagavad Gita on him always. The Nazis where well versed in Hindu scripture. On the concept of God it's actually a book(Bhagavad Gita) I would highly recommend. You see every race had it's own Dharmic Culture and scriptures most it was destroyed ,but Asians kept theirs. It's the same Culture whether you talk about Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon Mayans, India, Inca,Aztecs, Sumeria,Persia e.t.c Asians kept theirs quite intact, especially the Hindus and Tibetans.
That's why Himler went to Tibet and brought some monks with him back to Germany to train his SS. Asians are Dharma aware that's why even Hitler liked them alot,we don't even have to do race awakening rituals for them. Now on God. You need to understand the anatomy of your soul , which is in mainly two parts or aspects- the form or body of soul and the essence of the soul. The body of the soul is the individual you,the ego. The essence is the power or energy animating it,mans' innermost and unchanging being-Pure Consciousness (Parasakti or Satchidananda) and Absolute Reality ( Parasiva) which is beyond the Light. The Light of the soul which shines is Parasakti ,this is Pure Awareness,this is the feminine aspect of God. This is what is giving awareness right now. This Awareness is God ,it's Eternal. (Note the term 'soul' is from Sol. It's a solar term ,so the soul is the internal sun)
You soul body changes arccording to the karmic seeds or actions in it. This is what gives you personality,this changes from different lifetimes. You won't have the same type of body or character in the next life or from previous lifetimes but the Awareness doesn't change. You are still aware. It's the "I " so to speak. The "I exist". This is God. It's this same awareness operating in a dog,fish,an ant, butterfly,tiger,lion e.t.c. It's Pure Consciousness , everything created is animated by this Pure Consciousness/Awareness. This when seen with the 3rd Eye is Pure Light it's in all things. Now beyond this Light is Parasiva which is formless, spaceless and timeless. It's simply called the Void , because it can't be defined. It's this state we are here to experience,and was once you experience it, people who have raised their serpent powers to the Crown ,have said it can't be explained,it must be experienced. When you experience this state ,then you are liberated. This state if you have been following what I written over and over is another perfect aspect of God. Then there's is Paramesvara ,the Primal Soul Body of God. This perfect uncreated "Trinity of God" so to speak exists in all things and in the human being it's called the Self God. So you have the Self God animating your soul body which is the individual you ,the ego,the personality. Yoga means Union with the Self God within you . This is what Socrates meant when he said "Know Thy Self". It's a Yogic statement it means to merge your soul/individual ego with the Self God within you. This is Yoga. The Hindu adepts say the Self God is closer to you than your breath. You need to read occult literature on this especially Hindu scriptures , because the Hindus have most of the Ancient works intact. This is something in one way or another I said over and over,if are you paying attention. You need to meditate on this and ask Satan or the Gods for better clarification, maybe the way I am describing this issue is not very clear. These are concepts that sometimes take time to comprehend. A simple meditation would be to sit in lotus pose or any cross legged position and visualise a bright light within you . To do void meditation on this internal light. This internal light is the energy and awareness of the soul,it is God within you. Practice this everyday.There's nothing more I can say on this issue, otherwise I will keep repeating myself in circles. As for the Yugas, every Galaxy has a Central Sun, where all the Solar Systems and their planets rotate around. Our Galaxy ,I think has got about 400 billion Suns. And they are other perhaps billions perhaps trillions of other Galaxies. Now as a solar system rotates around the Central Sun,the radiation from it changes, when the radiation is at it's fullest a planet , goes through a Golden age. Everything is highly ehanced on the planet,the trees are much bigger,plants are big such that even children can sit on the flower petals, even animals talk under such an age. And if they are humans ,they are all God Conscious,the Kundalini power is fully awake and functional. Then things start to descend ,with reduced radiation from the Central Sun,as the revolution around the Central Sun continues. You will have the Silver age,then Bronze age then finally the Iron age (Kali Yuga) when the radiation is at its lowest. Again I recommend reading the Lemurian Scrolls by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya on this. The book explains well on this. You can make your own judgement after. This cycle of Yugas takes about 4230000 solar years. As for Cancer age and the like those are mini Astrological ages that happen within the Yugas. I am not sure which Astrological age ,Kali
Yuga starting in. But one thing that marked the Kaili Yuga was when man started to kill each other,the first murder marked the beginning of the Kail Yuga. Its age of conflict. And we will know that this age of Kali has ended when all the killing has stopped. That's what the Hindu scriptures, Satgurus, rishis e.t.c and even the Lemurian Scrolls say, which again I highly recommend for you to read. Then make your own judgement afterwards. They contain many these issues, especially about the Ages and so on...

The “God within us” i.e. Self God as you keep calling it, is not equal to Father Satan in power or rank or knowledge.

I’ve heard before that the body is the Temple of the Sun. Temple (body) being the vessel and home of the soul (Sun) - the soul’s armour, protector, and sacred place to advance. A soul has all 5 elements, darkness, a shadow, a name, an aura, towers (chakras), bodies (physical, astral, light etc), and minds (higher, conscious, subconscious, etc). At least that’s my understanding of the aspects of the soul.

We clean and realign the chakras to make way for the serpent to ascend. A language only known by the serpent becomes known to the mind when the serpent strikes the crown and merges with the sun disc. But information doesn’t come all at once, so one isn’t totally self realised yet. Answers are easier to find, knowledge easier to grasp, truth easier to distinguish from lies, etc, because this language of the serpent is connected into the universe and Satan. He is the Father of our serpents, after all. But one still needs to direct their thought to seek out answers. Our energy is like a magnet and it acts on other energies to attract, filter, and find what it is that we seek to know. Knowing the serpents language ensures that the answers we attract are true.

Umm... I don’t think that’s how the Ages work. If our advancement was because of the position of the sun, then all we’d have to do is wait for that golden position to return in order to raise our serpents and have everything be merry again, which would make the spiritual work we’re doing now redundant. This sounds too much like “wait for good ol’ christ to come and save us!”

Position of the planets do create a mix of energies that makes it easier or not so easy to sway things in a certain direction. But not to the point that you’re claiming. The Golden Age is named such because it was a time in history when life was prosperous, healthy, wealthy, and “golden”. People thrived in life. Spirituality and knowledge was aligned with truth. Our Gods were upon Earth with us. Mankind was advancing almost to completion.

If what I understand about the ages is correct, the Silver Age, most likely began after the attack by the enemies. Life had to be a little more careful and moderate things, because the reality of a second death, the soul death, was becoming more and more of a problem with attacks upon spiritual knowledge. However, we still had much of our spiritual knowledge. Then came the other ages and the rise of christianity all but destroyed our knowledge.

The loss of our spiritual knowledge, health, wealth, and eventually the collapse of justice aligned with truth, is why we are where we are now without them. (But it’s okay! Because according to you we deserve it from our collected Karma and the Sun will make everything happy in a few years! *eye roll*).

As you go through the ages, you see the descent of humanity from their “golden” state of spiritual advancement, achievement and prosperity to the current age, where working tirelessly to earn just enough to pay bills and put food on the table is the reality, and spiritual knowledge is outlawed unless it comes from the mouth of the enemies. So little of humanity today actually know that the siddhis are not just Hollywood movie stunts. If we want our Golden Age to return, we have to fight for it.

“But one thing that marked the Kaili Yuga was when man started to kill each other,the first murder marked the beginning of the Kail Yuga. Its age of conflict. And we will know that this age of Kali has ended when all the killing has stopped.”

I have to raise a brow at this one. If this is what those scrolls and gurus are claiming, then I’m not interested. People make killing a bad thing, but it is murder - unlawful killing that is bad imo. Killing is what Christians try to make everyone fear so we make peace with enemies and be killed instead like slaughtered cattle. HPHC has said before that Kali Yuga isn’t to do with killing or the “evils” of the world.

Side note: I find it funny how people think animals can’t talk just because they don’t speak a human language. Animals all have their own language among the different species. What do you think a dog is doing when it barks at you? Or when birds sing to each other?

Humans just don’t understand it because many don’t care to learn it. An animal doesn’t need to reach the level of “higher intelligence” humans have in order to “talk”, they already can. It’d be nice if some people didn’t think animals are lower life forms or “less advanced” just because they don’t build a brick house and puff a pipe on Saturday morning whilst reading the newspaper saying “Good day, Sir!” in english.

One can learn to talk to animals by learning their respective languages or learning telepathy. It’s just being patient and learning how to communicate. A lot of people try to get animals to learn our languages, but they forget we can learn theirs.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
The reptilians are not part of nature. They are a twisted corruption and reversal of nature. They don't fit into polarity of the universe, they're literally not meant to exist. They are the enemies of Satan. Satan is Truth and Reality, so how can the enemies of Truth and Reality be part of Truth and Reality? They were engineered to be a reversal of everything we are as the children of Satan.
I disagree. Nature is not always positive and it does not always produce positive and beneficial things such as unicorns and rainbows. Natural law is rough and many people can’t handle it which is why they turn to the enemy programs as a cope which you pointed out.

It just is what it is. Nature gives us things good and bad. Marijuana is natural but if you become a 420 weed bro it will destroy your aura and chakras. Even beings such as literal parasites and other creature that don’t really serve any purpose are a part of nature. This point has already been very emphasized through this discussion but there has to be negative or else there is no positive. Also reptilians don’t really fit this example.

They're literally anti-life and committed to destroying nature, and trying to kill Satan. If something like that is nature running on its natural program then that would be a nightmare. Why would nature try to stop itself from existing when nature encourages beings to evolve and advance? What the reptilians do is try to make nature go backwards, make creatures devolve, and to erase nature altogether. Look at the twin creations of the jews, new york and tel aviv. If you can honestly say that those are in anyway natural then I'll be very surprised. Everything the jews/reptilians are, do, and manifest, is the reverse of nature and truth. I think a good proof of my statements is the fact that the jews literally CAN'T for the life of them tell the truth, and if they do then it's always mixed with lies. It causes them pain to tell the truth. If Truth is remembrance of reality as HPHC has said, then the jews/reptilians by their very nature are the opposite of that. And that's not dualism of creation, that's an artificial genetic experiment gone wrong - a glitch that was never meant to be.

We can't think of the jews and reptilians as an opposite polarity of Father Satan like Likman666 was suggesting. They are not part of him. They aren't meant to exist. Only Truth reflects reality, not lies.

I wasn't saying that bad things can't arise from nature. I'm suggesting that the reptilians were a genetic experiment that is anti-nature/anti-life/anti-truth. A corruption of the Kundalini Serpent of Satan is what I think happened.

Another piece of evidence to support my idea is what HPHC said in a post about how the RTRs work. We make a counter sound to cancel out their sound, essentially. They did the same thing to us to begin with. A sound is made to be a reverse of our sound, and thus attempts to cancels it out. Now we're doing the same back to them with the RTRs. Think of this, but their souls and kundalinis are a reversed vibration of ours, in a way. They blot out our sacred names, symbols, etc. and replace it with theirs. It's a total reversal of reality, truth, existence. A total reversal of everything we are, and are made from.

What do you think?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
About “Karma” and that whole topic, it is something that will never be fully understood or agreed upon because of the limitation of human understanding. Karma, Dharma and the aether are things that will not be comprehended until we achieve the Light Body/MO.

I think the corruption in the concept of Karma is the association of it with morality. Yes Karma is the fruit of the planted seed, but I don't think that has anything to do with morality. It's not good actions versus bad actions... rather I would say the sliding scale is ignorance versus knowledge. When one is ignorant, it leads to karma. When one has knowledge, it leads to Dharma.

That's what came to my mind when I pondered it again now. And it supports everything I said before about Karma being jungle law. Knowledge leads to civilization, ignorance destroys civilization and leads back to the jungle.
jrvan said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
About “Karma” and that whole topic, it is something that will never be fully understood or agreed upon because of the limitation of human understanding. Karma, Dharma and the aether are things that will not be comprehended until we achieve the Light Body/MO.

I think the corruption in the concept of Karma is the association of it with morality. Yes Karma is the fruit of the planted seed, but I don't think that has anything to do with morality. It's not good actions versus bad actions... rather I would say the sliding scale is ignorance versus knowledge. When one is ignorant, it leads to karma. When one has knowledge, it leads to Dharma.

That's what came to my mind when I pondered it again now. And it supports everything I said before about Karma being jungle law. Knowledge leads to civilization, ignorance destroys civilization and leads back to the jungle.

This makes a lot more sense. Actually it reminds me of that video I showed you the other day, and the guy talked about why bad people get their way and good people don’t - not to do with balance or morality or “Karma”, but instead, who has more power so to speak.

How do weak people over throw strong people? Numbers. That’s why sheep have large herds because the quality of their power as individuals is lower, but in numbers stronger.

One on one, a sheep would be devoured by a lion. But a lion would be trampled by a herd of sheep. But a pride of lions would be able to overcome a herd of sheep.

... am I making sense?
jrvan said:
The Asuras are cognate with the Titans in Greek mythology, the Jotnar in Norse mythology, etc. It's the female and male aspects of the mind that are always at war with each other until they are brought into harmony and balance, united. It's an allegory.

By the way, credit to Stormblood for pointing this out on another thread. It was very helpful to me.
Stormblood said:
At The Gates Of Satan said:
do you think Asuras are the same of our Gods, or some negative forces that hinder the development of siddhis, powers and realization?

The asuras and the devata clearly represent masculine and feminine forces in the soul, that are always at war. The Vedas instruct SS that these opposing forces need to work together in harmony for us to advance. This activates the sushumna nadi, preparing the soul for the ascension of the kundalini. The key to do this are the alternate nostril breathing and the twin serpent meditation, both of which are provided on JoS. To them, a balancing mantra can be added, such as SATANAMA.
jrvan said:
I think the corruption in the concept of Karma is the association of it with morality. Yes Karma is the fruit of the planted seed, but I don't think that has anything to do with morality. It's not good actions versus bad actions... rather I would say the sliding scale is ignorance versus knowledge. When one is ignorant, it leads to karma. When one has knowledge, it leads to Dharma.

That's what came to my mind when I pondered it again now. And it supports everything I said before about Karma being jungle law. Knowledge leads to civilization, ignorance destroys civilization and leads back to the jungle.
I get what you mean but the opposite of ignorance isn’t knowledge it’s enlightenment which is almost entirely psychic, though having physical knowledge is a big part of reaching true enlightenment/understanding.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
I think the corruption in the concept of Karma is the association of it with morality. Yes Karma is the fruit of the planted seed, but I don't think that has anything to do with morality. It's not good actions versus bad actions... rather I would say the sliding scale is ignorance versus knowledge. When one is ignorant, it leads to karma. When one has knowledge, it leads to Dharma.

That's what came to my mind when I pondered it again now. And it supports everything I said before about Karma being jungle law. Knowledge leads to civilization, ignorance destroys civilization and leads back to the jungle.
I get what you mean but the opposite of ignorance isn’t knowledge it’s enlightenment which is almost entirely psychic, though having physical knowledge is a big part of reaching true enlightenment/understanding.

Ah, oops. I'm glad you understand the essence of my meaning though. Father gives us knowledge which leads us out of ignorance and into enlightenment. Is that more accurate?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
