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About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everyone is probably reading the news in regards to Russia, Ukraine and so on. The situation is borderline tragic. I didn't want to be right when I said 02/22/2022 would be a cursed enemy date [this was pre-planned of course, we know the enemy very well]. But it is.

Apparently, this is the date where Russia officially attempted an invasion and gave invading order for Ukraine, based on whatever pretext they made up. Don't tell me you aren't seeing the Jewish Kabbalistic date here...We know better...

For those who have read history, these events repeat again and again.

The trigger of this, is a Jewish president of Ukraine, which is a full on actual Jew. One will get here vibes from World War 1. The instigation of these wars is nothing new in history. Just look at the past: endless upset and wars have been created by the enemy again and again.

Falsely, people do assume that "peace" is better than these events at this point. But we aren't really living as a world at "peace" yet. Do the last two years remind anyone of a "peaceful" world? We have already entered into a cycle of war with the enemy and those that try to enforce the enemy paradigm. It's just getting more obvious now than ever before.

The ugly factual truth is that much of this is "etched" into the fabric of this world due to enemy Rituals, planning, and of course, putting Jews in key positions of power.

The people allow this by denying the facts about this people, same as they deny all the facts about anything else. Cobra is this or that [maybe they will spend a diatribe whatever on the JoS being "evil", we know the drill], but they don't want to see the meaning of it all.

Has the JoS not told you about this date? Yes. Has the JoS not told you why it happens? Yes. Have we told you how it's going to be over with? Yes. Have the Gods not provided the means to halt this for years? Yes.

Can this be done? Yes. What about the past however, aren't all the energies, events, and the current manifestations, right on track for the enemy? Yes. Are they not all in positions of power, with which they can terrorize humanity and cause these problems over and over again? Yes.

Even through all of these attacks, which we knew would come, it's actually a great thing to know that many people are increasingly becoming more and more aware of this "parody" that they call "normal life".

They are also becoming increasingly aware of the enemy as the cause of mass decay that leads events to this situation.

The above is actually the most important thing, because that's the only way humanity will stand ever a chance. Stopping this war or the Co-Vid situation or whatever, these are all symptoms of a greater disease. If the core is not healed, then we can spend our existence trying to treat symptoms. That's not how good doctors should behave.

Haven't the people been duped once again about the "Corona" situation, which then led to energy crisis and financial crisis? Yes. Have we written about how this was going to collapse a large part of the economy? Yes. Does it make any sense our "Democracies" almost fell apart because of a coughing virus? No. Do many still reject to care? Yes.

Needless to say, bailing out humanity from all this is something the Gods have to do over and over again. The reality is however that this cannot continue indefinitely. Certain events are etched in the astrological fabric of this world. They are consequences of natural laws, and they cannot be violated or changed.

They can be delayed, blunted, reduced, but they cannot change.

Our RTR's do blunt the blows, and they will, after considerable time has passed [the New Rituals will also contribute here] to lessen all these blows. Eventually it will be so much better. But the permanent cure will only arrive when the people really understand what is going on and decide to learn. Until this point, the cycle of bad things will continue.

We can only mitigate damage. And that is the reality. I do not want to tell people lies here. I always said the Truth and that's why some people might hate this. People want to be told stupid shit that all of this will go away or something, but it will not. They will disagree or go angry when they are told, but that's that.

That's fine, they too, can earn a lot more from facts and Truth than they can earn from lies. What have lies earned us in the last 3 years? We are at the brink of some "Out of nowhere", bullshit large scale war.

We cannot close this circle of errors as a world, yet. Satan is explicit and explains that the time of Destruction and Creation is going on, and yes, it will go for a long time. It won't stop yet.

Most people want to delude themselves that they can close it permanently or fully, but the reality is, this takes fundamental change. Most people do not want to change themselves even one inch from where they are.

People wanted the enemy, which is a known alien species, to run their judicial, financial, political, spiritual systems. Tell me reasonably, how can we avoid these things if people still accept this on an overwhelming level? We cannot.

Another thing, is that you can rise above these situations as an individual and as a spirit and mind. Yes, you can. The Gods have designed it all this way. This involves the individual. But the mass, is going to be condemned to slavery with the current state of affairs ongoing globally.

If we keep accepting these collectively, as with many for example, who will see the RTR and not do it because they are afraid of semantics or whatever, then we will incur bad results as expected.

If Klaus goes literally in humanity's face and tells them that they want to chip them to rob them of all free will, or Billy Gates tells them they will never own anything while he owns most farmland in the world, or if all freedoms do get sold out over the mere delusion of a flu, then humanity will definitely experience a fall and degeneration.

That is unavoidable. Unless it is avoided...

Satan has you all covered here, however. The Gods, when they made our species, they acted in great wisdom. The "masses" can literally go burn themselves, but the individual fate of a person can be largely decided by the individual.

There are also very strong reasons, why the Dedication Ritual and the practices exist. The Gods give these as these are really the primary help and medicine, not nonsense "solutions" such as those claimed of the enemy.

One's soul will be with the Gods. Yes, you will continue. Nor Klaus nor nobody can stop this, in this world or in any other. Yet, this vermin and it's works can delay the process of the world. Humanity is harassed to no end.

To go one step further, much of the things they do, they falsely do it in the hopes that this will sink humanity...But maybe the outcome will not be what they have planned and expected. The enemy is not on the level of understand what this means or what this is. They are not entitled to this understanding.

The world can become a literal war zone, but the pious person will be able to defend themselves and be saved, materially as well as spiritually. In regards to the rest, they get punished because of this ignorance.

We can and we do Rituals to help. There will be a new schedule coming up. As I have explained before, Azazel/Apollo, is the patron of wisdom and understanding. Certain affairs cannot be stopped, they can only be mitigated, or lessened.

If large rock from a mountain starts to drop on you, and you see it's cracking and that it will land on you, you don't sit there like a stupid person to literally try to grab it. That will fail. It is a waste of one's life and energy. But if one runs away, and grabs the children nearby, then the fall will be mitigated. The mountain however, was poised to fall.

And the ignorance of those who didn't see it, was poised to create a disaster. And that is unavoidable, and definitely NOT avoidable by you sitting there and trying to lift the boulder. Therefore, schedules and future Rituals will be built on wisdom and longterm planning.

We are going to see a hundred wars more if the enemy is not dealt with. Just sometime ago, people kept seeing war after war, after war, with this being a never ending scenario. Now, we are seeing hoax, after hoax, after hoax. These represent not less than wars.

In fact, most of the "Co-Vid" measures of freedom restraints, psychological abuse, enforcing police states all of these, were as bad as a literal war. We already lived through a "War" in the Co-Vid, and now they are concocting ANOTHER thing on top of this. The only thing that one would argue wasn't like a war, is the bombings and so on...

Nowadays, people died differently. But many died and more will die. And why does this occur? Because people really didn't learn anything. They still want to behave in an unfitting manner. One paradigm here is, how they simply watch and do nothing as all their rights are taken away. Well, that's not how freedom works or how it is.

A free people is far less likely to wage wars, too.

We could be spending 100% of our time solely after ourselves, but that is not what the True spiritual souls would do. I have no doubt the striking majority if not everyone here, has been with the Gods before. We are here on a form of duty. Yes, life can impede and make one forget and whatnot, but this remains a reality beyond time.

The reason the Ancient People were obsessed with "Religion", or rather, our Gods, was because this is what developed human beings. They had therefore established a greater harmony between destruction and creation.

Even wars of the past, were of a different fashion. WW1 was the most cruel war the world has ever seen. Wars in the Ancient style were fought in open fields, and so on. They weren't fought in people's households as many believe. At the peak of spiritual development, wars were fought between Commanders and selected armies, outside of cities.

Even annexations and takeovers, didn't happen on the backs of regular citizens. Now, the enemy's "Wars" are honour less. They revolve around hoaxes, frauds, scarce damnation that eats away life slowly. The level of humans back then, even in war matters, was not as it is today.

As a closing note, there are strong reasons why the Cleaning and Protection meditations are like some of the most important meditations here. They work wonders, and they can provide an immense protection.

As with anything, they have to be adhered to, in order to be mastered. The average person out there is like they are walking inside Mordor without any armor. Meanwhile, you have armours, psychic weaponry, the mind, the knowledge provided here to navigate life way better than the average person. Have faith in this and have strong faith in the Gods, even if you might doubt your own self.

Within a few days there will be not only an RTR Schedule [everyone should do the Final RTR regardless, to make sure all of this collapses on the enemy again]. The FRTR is now crucial as it has ever been.

We need as a world, help from the Gods. We need to also return to them to avoid more of this calamity, and to be able to grow on a better way. That is why this whole thing here, the schedules, and everything else is happening.

That's the reason, the goal, the purpose and the aim.

It happens for us all here as individuals, but it also happens for the world to be steered to a better direction. There are better directions. We are all partakers and holding pushing this wheel together.

Stay resolute and don't exist in fear.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Our rituals have indeed blunted much damage but the fight isn't over yet. We still have a long way to go and have come a long way already. It has been the RTR's that have halted possible wars before. Our time and energy into warfare will blunt this as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stay resolute and don't exist in fear.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Perfect post dear high priest. Indeed, black magick and warfare can be extremely therapeutic for us while detrimental for the enemy. Lets all spam RTRs until theres nothing left of the enemy other than a speck of dust. HAIL SATAN
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks for the sermon, HP.
I do have one quibble though. From the statements of Macron, Boris Johnson, Biden and others, it appears that they are against Russia. But they are not the Jews? Just like Putin? Why are they against him? Maybe it's a plan of theirs to convince the population that they support them, so as to attract support???
The situation is really tense. Every day, megatons of fake news are pouring from all sources (I don’t watch them, I just fix them) and panic is artificially pumped up specifically on people who have already been subjected to such suggestions as Covid before.
I can't find anything happening on this date that differs from what has been said for a while now. What happened today?
I mostly fear events that may pull me out of my ability to easily meditate, such as having to leave my house due to a draft or other dangerous events. I do not worry about material damages, or the general suffering of the world, because I am able to detach from it, accepting that the situation will be bad for some time now.

I would rather employ a turtle method, like a person living in a zombie apocalypse. From my area of safety, I can further boost my situation with protection and freeing workings, or anything else to avoid that which would interrupt my work.

Having to deal with the fallout of the world, whilst simultaneously pretending it is fine, in regards to keeping up appearances and wasting labor at mortally-wounded work or school endeavors does prove tiring, though. Perhaps a change in the world's structures will allow SS to get into positions where they are able to better focus on SS duties.

I do feel bad about SS being caught directly in war areas, such as Russia, or other high-danger areas. This is somewhat relevant to karma I have been removing pertaining to feelings of having to work as hard or as good as possible. When I think about situations where an individual has desperately done as much as they can (such as in an emergency), yet still suffers awful setbacks, that makes me profoundly sad.
This war can be also good opportunity. Imagine if in Ukraine will be power vacuum and Azov Battalion(Ukraine NationalSocialists with 10 000 soldiers) take power. But still nothing big have not even happened yet. Putin just admitted that he is invaded on areas where he also has invaved years ago. So at the moment it is just like diplomacy crisis.
Are the gods flat earther ? The answer of this question is very important for me because all ancient history believed in the flat earth and There are a lot of documents for disclosing NASA lies and the spherical earth.
Manik said:
I can't find anything happening on this date that differs from what has been said for a while now. What happened today?

This event occurred 5 hours ago. They officially declared the "Invasion" as a formal statement in this day. Apparently this has to do with two "Rebel" groups in Ukraine that Russia invaded some hours ago for claims of doing "peacekeeping" operations".

I totally agree with you, but Satan and the Gods are all extraterrestrials, they are supposed to be a very superior race, we are not talking here about the greys (the enemy, who of course are extraterrestrials too). I mean Satan and the Gods, they are a superior race and they have the technology, the knowledge and the means to get in here (if they are not here already) and destroy all this people in power who are just mere hybrids of greys and reptilians ruling the world.

It is just a little odd that the greys can come here, even crashed their spaceships, their dead bodies taken away to study them, as well as their ships, and the greys are enemy. But then Satan and the Gods, the good guys, if you will, cannot do the same. I mean, not crash their ships and die, I mean come here and take a more conclusive action. This tells me that, definitely, humanity as we know it, is going to extinction and only the souls of us SS will survive ¿am I right? I am sorry if this sounds terrible. Because we definitely can just "put a band-aid to the wound" but we can never defeat multibillionaires in key power governmental positions ¿do we not?

I know you have explained before why they don't come here to Earth right now and solve this problem. I know they want us to evolve, to rise our souls and kundalinis, gain power through knowledge and meditation, but in the end we are only human and we don't have the tools they have to terminate these people quicker. It is quite the contrary, anyone who dares to go against any jew is immediately incarcerated, assassinated or suicided.

I take the word of Father Satan and the Gods, I firmly believe in Him and Them, I have seen some of them and they provide us with the tools to survive this horrible situation, I have received many graces from Satan and the Gods, and that is why I believe. Contrary to xianity, where they want you to believe without seeing any proof, of course, because it is all fake and false. But we have to do the job, the Gods will not do it for us, again, because it is the only way for us to evolve and achieve the Magnum Opus. I just hope I do not have to reincarnate in this mess once again.

I personally love the world as it was created, but I hate humanity every day more and more. I see, as many of us, so much cruelty and injustice, and people going like cattle, like slaves, and all I can do is save my soul. So be it. At least I have that.

Thank you Master Cobra. I definitely prefer the Truth, and as always, I stand by your side.


He went through the entire history of the Ukraine, and the fact that big parts of it have always been Russia. He also said parts of it should belong to Poland and Germany, and that it isn’t a real country.

Here are some bullet points:

  • It’s not a real country now, it is completely run by foreign powers. It is not controlled by the Ukrainian people, but by foreign powers, and also by oligarchs chosen by foreign powers. Both groups have robbed the people of the country for their own purposes, primarily using the “country” as a battering ram against Russia.
  • Stalin and Krushchev gave Russian territory to the Ukraine for political administration reasons that were practical at the time but irrelevant to geopolitics because it was all the USSR. (He didn’t really make any bones about the fact that he thinks the USSR was an economic and administrative disaster.)
  • The Ukraine is a “colony with a puppet government.”
  • The Ukraine government is now saying that they are going to start building nuclear weapons, an ability that they have because they were a part of the Soviet Union.
  • NATO made promises in 1992 that they would not expand NATO eastward, and yet they started doing so immediately.
  • He asked Bill Clinton if Russia could join NATO in 2000, and Clinton blew him off and chuckled at him, proving that the plan was always to break apart Russia even further via war methods. (He said this is the first time he’s revealed he had this conversation with Clinton.)
  • He says making an enemy out of Russia just proves that the people running Washington are megalomaniacal, and have no desire for peace, and that they’ve been trying to overthrow Russia since the end of the cold war.
    He laid out the details of the “Maidan” coup, which was not a “revolution,” but a violent overthrow of an elected government by foreign powers.
  • He explained that the Ukraine is not a “democracy” and that Russian-speakers are being physically attacked, economically disenfranchised, and banned from speaking their own language not just at schools but also in shops and other public places. He says that the Ukrainians didn’t harbor this kind of hatred before, it was a “brotherly” nation, and that the West has trumped up hatred via their control of the Ukrainian government, and their connection to the oligarchs.
  • He said that like every country, Russia has a right to protect its interests, and this is exactly what they plan to do.
  • The West is not offering a peaceful solution. They pretend like they are, but then refuse any form of concession, and just start making more threats.
  • Finally: Russia will officially recognize the independence of the two declared breakaway republics in the Donbass.

After the speech, he went directly to a signing ceremony, signing orders officially recognizing the breakaway republics, just as he did with Crimea in 2014.

Then, he went ahead and ordered the Russian military to enter the Donbass as peacekeepers, ensuring the security of the territories.

#Ukraine: Footage of #Russia’s military “peacekeepers” being bussed in to the Donbas across the border. This is essentially the beginning of the invasion.

BREAKING: Al Jazeera says it has obtained footage of Russian military vehicles entering Donetsk in eastern Ukraine

A @Reuters witness saw tanks and other military hardware on the outskirts of Donetsk, the capital of one of two breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine, after Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized them as independent https://reut.rs/3s72jWg

Adm. Stavridis explains that there needn't be any debate over whether Russia has invaded Ukraine as there is a formal definition of "invasion" in international law. Watch:

The idea that Russia's aggression toward Ukraine is about NATO is a manufactured excuse, @AnneApplebaum explains. It's about the challenge of Ukraine's democracy to Putin's autocratic system.

Russia has invaded Ukraine. The U.S. must respond with significant sanctions to punish Putin’s aggression and deter further invasion. Failure to do so invites further aggression.

Decades of inaction resulted in ever increasing belligerence towards the West.

Look at this infamous Jew claiming Putin is planning to kill all the Jews in the Ukraine.

Putin’s stated intention to round up, jail or even execute dissidents, LGBTQ and religious and ethnic minorities in Ukraine portends crimes against humanity. That nation’s 200,000 Jews are directly targeted. Sadly, economic sanctions are all we and our NATO allies have available.

His ancestral memory was triggered of his grandfather made to dig a ditch once in his life.

Oh what times they were.
Thank you for the valuable information.

I know this is highly unlikely to happen. But do we have a plan of action if the grid goes down due to a world war and we find ourselves living in some sort of dystopian scenario without the ability to coordinate spiritual attacks? In this case the fight might also get very physical for some.

My concerns are similar to Blitzkreig‘s, if I had to bug in it would disrupt my spiritual practice... my other concern is that my family doesn't take preparedness seriously and we lack certain things for long time struggle. But we do what we have to do.

I will never run from the fight whatever the situation may be, spiritual or physical.
I will do my best with the FRTR when you announce it.I feel so sad,frustrated and disappointed with myself i cannot do more for JoS. I keep falling and straying from the path its become a normal thing for me its actually discusting,but i will never truely leave i will always help with whatever its just i know i can do more but im to lame to do it. I don't know whats really weong with me.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
im to lame to do it.
Don't be so hard on yourself.

Start by changing this mindset into "I am capable of doing it" kind of mindset. When you do it for long enough it becomes true and your whole being follows this rule.

If you can't do that by sheer force of will, here's some great advice from HPS Maxine:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
When one encounters problems and obstacles, one should go to the bottom of this and every night before going to sleep, affirm 20-30 times when relaxed, for example: "I have perfect concentration."

Other affirmations for example- "I am always highly motivated and I always meditate every day", “I always have time to do quality meditations", “I am able to enter deep trances easily" you get the general idea. Remember, affirmations should always be in the present tense because the subconscious mind and soul do not have a time frame such as in the future tense "will" happen. Always make your affirmations in the present tense.

Before sleeping, affirmations should be done some 25-30 times for 40 days straight.

You might also benefit from workings to strengthen determination, discipline and willpower. Such as with the Nauthiz rune.

Your Natal Chart could provide some insight to what would be the root of this problem, so it is worth learning Astrology. You will have to strengthen the afflicted areas that cause this issue.

But the first step is letting go of the idea that you are some kind of loser, which you are not. That itself will change everything for you.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I will do my best with the FRTR when you announce it.I feel so sad,frustrated and disappointed with myself i cannot do more for JoS. I keep falling and straying from the path its become a normal thing for me its actually discusting,but i will never truely leave i will always help with whatever its just i know i can do more but im to lame to do it. I don't know whats really weong with me.
The fRTR is to be done everyday regardless of schedule.
I've come across this website, maybe it can help you: https://transmutation.studio/Introduction
The Judeo-Anglosphere would be insane to start a war right now especially America.

Beijing Biden is illegitimate and his regime is entirely feckless which most people can see. The southern border here has under invasion for over a year but the new administration wants to focus on a border in some far away land. There is zero public support here in the states for a war in Ukraine. It has become extremely unpopular among both political parties now to be in favor of war (anywhere in the world for that matter not just Russia).

But they will probably try their hardest to get involved to distract from all of the burdens the pant shitter in chief is saying here. Inflation, taxes, all of these things they think can be distracted from by causing some war with pootin. It’s not going to work.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I will do my best with the FRTR when you announce it.I feel so sad,frustrated and disappointed with myself i cannot do more for JoS. I keep falling and straying from the path its become a normal thing for me its actually discusting,but i will never truely leave i will always help with whatever its just i know i can do more but im to lame to do it. I don't know whats really weong with me.

You are not the reason this world has gone to shit. You however are the cure. Imagine that each RTR you do literally saves a life, because it does. Each day, every SS has to make a choice to fight. If you do this RTR, you will empower all of us, to make the right choices.

I am sure we all have an ideal image of what is the greatest SS Warrior. This is great to follow and pursue this. But always no matter how high we travel, we must learn to make the right choice in that moment.

What has helped me to make the right choices, I make a new promise to Satan each morning, that I will do my RTR. I have failed my promises, but I would rather have my word to back me up, than be ashamed of having done nothing.
It's great sermon. Thank you Commander Cobra.

Hieratic information pages of Beelzebub, Astarte and Azazel have been published. So when will the hierarchical information for Father Satan be released? Sooner this year?
I know you are very busy, HighPriest. I'm just asking because I'm curious.
I allways "knew" that this is a long war, not something that can be fixed in two or three years. But that will make our victory even more glorius!

The majority of people here is much more advanced then me, but still I just want to add, try balancing out things, do daily Rtrs and then pump more when there is a schedule, but don't forget to balance it out.

By balance it out I mean, don't forget your hobbies or the things you enojy doing. (There are alot of SS here who have the ability to only focus on Warfare and spiritual advancment but that can be hard for alot of people)

Thank you HPHC for leading the charge, it is an honour to live in this decisive era for humankind and fight alongside my Brothers and Sisters.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
F_For_Flamingo said:
I allways "knew" that this is a long war, not something that can be fixed in two or three years. But that will make our victory even more glorius!

The majority of people here is much more advanced then me, but still I just want to add, try balancing out things, do daily Rtrs and then pump more when there is a schedule, but don't forget to balance it out.

By balance it out I mean, don't forget your hobbies or the things you enojy doing. (There are alot of SS here who have the ability to only focus on Warfare and spiritual advancment but that can be hard for alot of people)

Thank you HPHC for leading the charge, it is an honour to live in this decisive era for humankind and fight alongside my Brothers and Sisters.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!

Thank you for this. I completely agree with the "Balance it out" part. Yes, that is exactly what everyone should do. Balance is necessary.

We have been doing a major lifting of the muck over the last years. That is a very positive and good thing. But the full, and by full, we mean "Never to happen again, ever" type of thing, will arrive as we go in time.

But by then all that gives the enemy power will reduce and shrink, so as time goes, they will matter less and less.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...future rituals/past engraving

You mentioned last year nearing the fall I believe. That eventually the RTR/RNTR technology is going to become obsolete. You mentioned the enemy engraved so much stuff that as you mentioned in this sermon. That these things are bound to happen just blunted or mitigated.

But are we getting closer to the era when RTR/RNTR becomes obsolete?

I recall you mentioning except inasmuch the enhanced race awakening rituals. You also mentioned as the future we'll be doing more civilization magick rituals perhaps Runic rituals as they seem more in line with a safe or safer form of producing events.

Is this correct? That as time goes by we'll move on to other things?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
I allways "knew" that this is a long war, not something that can be fixed in two or three years. But that will make our victory even more glorius!

The majority of people here is much more advanced then me, but still I just want to add, try balancing out things, do daily Rtrs and then pump more when there is a schedule, but don't forget to balance it out.

By balance it out I mean, don't forget your hobbies or the things you enojy doing. (There are alot of SS here who have the ability to only focus on Warfare and spiritual advancment but that can be hard for alot of people)

Thank you HPHC for leading the charge, it is an honour to live in this decisive era for humankind and fight alongside my Brothers and Sisters.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!

Thank you for this. I completely agree with the "Balance it out" part. Yes, that is exactly what everyone should do. Balance is necessary.

We have been doing a major lifting of the muck over the last years. That is a very positive and good thing. But the full, and by full, we mean "Never to happen again, ever" type of thing, will arrive as we go in time.

But by then all that gives the enemy power will reduce and shrink, so as time goes, they will matter less and less.

I've noticed this too. Spiritual warfare and doing this for the long haul is necessary. For example, based on my birth chart, I fit best as a painter, a musician, architect, detective, however, there are more important things going on, especially considering JoS clergy are necessary to keep the torch lit, especially for the new generation of Satanists who possibly are reincarnations of respected people of the past.

And even if I went down the road of for example, being a musician, knowing how Jews run the music industry and the media, how there is a lot of pedofilic and sick ass cults in the entertainment industry and them basically having the power to destroy your career if you make the wrong move against them, that's not a smart move, and even less of a smart decision to ignore the Jewish problem and ignoring the power one has to do spiritual warfare to reduce and then remove completely this issue, not just on one aspect of life, but multiple as a chain reaction. So yeah, this is something for the long haul, and a very strong Earth element is needed for things to be concrete and stable for what JoS will inevitably succeed in doing.
Blue said:
I totally agree with you, but Satan and the Gods are all extraterrestrials, they are supposed to be a very superior race, we are not talking here about the greys (the enemy, who of course are extraterrestrials too). I mean Satan and the Gods, they are a superior race and they have the technology, the knowledge and the means to get in here (if they are not here already) and destroy all this people in power who are just mere hybrids of greys and reptilians ruling the world.

It is just a little odd that the greys can come here, even crashed their spaceships, their dead bodies taken away to study them, as well as their ships, and the greys are enemy. But then Satan and the Gods, the good guys, if you will, cannot do the same. I mean, not crash their ships and die, I mean come here and take a more conclusive action. This tells me that, definitely, humanity as we know it, is going to extinction and only the souls of us SS will survive ¿am I right? I am sorry if this sounds terrible. Because we definitely can just "put a band-aid to the wound" but we can never defeat multibillionaires in key power governmental positions ¿do we not?

I know you have explained before why they don't come here to Earth right now and solve this problem. I know they want us to evolve, to rise our souls and kundalinis, gain power through knowledge and meditation, but in the end we are only human and we don't have the tools they have to terminate these people quicker. It is quite the contrary, anyone who dares to go against any jew is immediately incarcerated, assassinated or suicided.

I take the word of Father Satan and the Gods, I firmly believe in Him and Them, I have seen some of them and they provide us with the tools to survive this horrible situation, I have received many graces from Satan and the Gods, and that is why I believe. Contrary to xianity, where they want you to believe without seeing any proof, of course, because it is all fake and false. But we have to do the job, the Gods will not do it for us, again, because it is the only way for us to evolve and achieve the Magnum Opus. I just hope I do not have to reincarnate in this mess once again.

I personally love the world as it was created, but I hate humanity every day more and more. I see, as many of us, so much cruelty and injustice, and people going like cattle, like slaves, and all I can do is save my soul. So be it. At least I have that.

Thank you Master Cobra. I definitely prefer the Truth, and as always, I stand by your side.
It has been explained by Cobra before that Gods residing on higher frequency by coming here physically would impose serious risk lowering their state of being due to the war we are at. It's not a matter of 'can', but rather what is 'sensible'.
Manik said:
I can't find anything happening on this date that differs from what has been said for a while now. What happened today?

Russia Orders Troops Into Eastern Ukraine: What’s Next | WSJ


Reporting says the invasion officially started early Tuesday (the 22nd). HP HC right on the money.
Henu the Great said:
It has been explained by Cobra before that Gods residing on higher frequency by coming here physically would impose serious risk lowering their state of being due to the war we are at. It's not a matter of 'can', but rather what is 'sensible'.

In all the time I've been here I've never heard such a thing.

Even if he did. The sheer fact is it seems like it's silly to state it. I mean beings of higher power who live through spiritual and highly advanced technologies. Are bothered by coming here.


I mean what about when the Earth was first detected by them. Was it not a low level? Yes Humans and some animals have taken the Earth to a lower level i.e. more destructive properties.

I'm very surprised beings of higher power are bothered so much by physically being here from a higher frequency. Aren't they so advanced or so resistive to lower levels that a lower frequency can't out muscle them. It just seems strange, seems to me like physically coming here is pointless. Even if we somehow improve the Earth there is just as much if not greater destructive forces around the corner.

I really don't get it, I understand why they want to return and deal with physical. But maybe you mean lower entities such as entities not sufficiently progressed thoroughly on spiritual like their military forces or Orion civilians working with the Gods.

If that is the case what about the underground aliens whom from time to time do activities countering the enemy E.T. threat. Are they not spiritually propagated to remove the negatives of a lower dimensional frequency. What about them as well?
erick_erick said:
Are the gods flat earther ? The answer of this question is very important for me because all ancient history believed in the flat earth and There are a lot of documents for disclosing NASA lies and the spherical earth.

The flat earth conspiracy theory was funded by the Alphabet agencies to discredit other conspiracy theories like holohoax and the rise of drug use like cocaine which led to the degredation of the blacks in America.

To answer your question, the ancient people saw the world as flat throught their perspective but know that the world is round. The ancient greeks portray Atlas holding a round world and the indians call Earth "Bhugol" which means round place.
erick_erick said:
Are the gods flat earther ? The answer of this question is very important for me because all ancient history believed in the flat earth and There are a lot of documents for disclosing NASA lies and the spherical earth.

Archimedes's work reflects all the views of the Ancient World. The material planet is a sphere and the earth is round. We have known this for thousands if not more years. Planets are illustrated as spheres. The accurate term is spherical oblique I believe.

The "Flat Earth" is a lie that was created out of sheer superstition of the enemy's programs. It is not the case.
Blue said:
I mean Satan and the Gods, they are a superior race and they have the technology, the knowledge and the means to get in here (if they are not here already) and destroy all this people in power who are just mere hybrids of greys and reptilians ruling the world.

It is just a little odd that the greys can come here, even crashed their spaceships, their dead bodies taken away to study them, as well as their ships, and the greys are enemy. But then Satan and the Gods, the good guys, if you will, cannot do the same. I mean, not crash their ships and die, I mean come here and take a more conclusive action. This tells me that, definitely, humanity as we know it, is going to extinction and only the souls of us SS will survive ¿am I right? I am sorry if this sounds terrible. Because we definitely can just "put a band-aid to the wound" but we can never defeat multibillionaires in key power governmental positions ¿do we not?


The gods are already here for they can easily astral project here. We can't suffer an all out war with the reptillians and a worse outcome is the reptards nuking our planet. It is more efficient and safe is to fight using spiritual methods like cursing jews and doing rtrs.
So why does NASA not have real photos of Earth? They are all Photoshop and their movies are lies. This can be understood from their sibilant. Radars use a flat ground map. International organizations also use the gleason flat land symbol. With a telescope, we can see stars and planets vibrating, which means they are not made of rock. Travel to Antarctica is prohibited. People in the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere both see an one image of the moon. If the moon is a sphere, we should not see an same image of it from any angle, the images should be different. Curvature has never been scientifically proven, but the smoothness of the sea horizon has been proven many times. In spherical earth, short and long day and night are meaningless, but in flat earth, this can be justified by changing the orbit of the sun. Even the material of the moon and the sun are different, and a sphere (moon) cannot reflect light. The moon has been seen many times clear, and the stars behind it have been shown to mean that the moon is made of plasma, not rock. The Polaris star can be seen from anywhere on Earth. This is only possible on flat ground. NASA employees repeatedly exposed that NASA was lying and they were killed after the revelation. In my opinion, the globular earth is a Jewish lie to devalue the world and control human beings. Have the gods ever talked about the shape of the earth? I am eager to know their opinion as well
erick_erick said:
...In my opinion, the globular earth is a Jewish lie to devalue the world and control human beings. Have the gods ever talked about the shape of the earth? I am eager to know their opinion as well

How does the earth being a globe have anything got to do with demeaning earth or not demeaning it? You clearly aren't interested in the opinion of what's real but you want to comfortably believe something as stupid as a flat earth is the "key conspiracy" of something when it has literally no meaning to it. What if the earth was a triangle too? Does that mean anything in the end of the day to demean it?

The real conspiracies are those that affect life. It's not the flat earth which isn't even the case. People were burned alive for proving these things as early as the Middle Ages, but it was common knowledge this wasn't the case. Another infamous lie was that the Earth was the center of the universe, which it was NOT.

Anyone who has seen a night sky, you know that some constellations get lost from your sight. That's because the earth moves around it's axis.

Please don't derail the thread with this pointless argument. The posts will now be moved because they derail the important thread.

Sort of how Agencies have tried to derail all of the conversation about legitimate conspiracies and suspicions by creating hoaxes.
erick_erick said:
So why does NASA not have real photos of Earth? They are all Photoshop and their movies are lies. This can be understood from their sibilant. Radars use a flat ground map. International organizations also use the gleason flat land symbol. With a telescope, we can see stars and planets vibrating, which means they are not made of rock. Travel to Antarctica is prohibited. People in the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere both see an one image of the moon. If the moon is a sphere, we should not see an same image of it from any angle, the images should be different. Curvature has never been scientifically proven, but the smoothness of the sea horizon has been proven many times. In spherical earth, short and long day and night are meaningless, but in flat earth, this can be justified by changing the orbit of the sun. Even the material of the moon and the sun are different, and a sphere (moon) cannot reflect light. The moon has been seen many times clear, and the stars behind it have been shown to mean that the moon is made of plasma, not rock. The Polaris star can be seen from anywhere on Earth. This is only possible on flat ground. NASA employees repeatedly exposed that NASA was lying and they were killed after the revelation. In my opinion, the globular earth is a Jewish lie to devalue the world and control human beings. Have the gods ever talked about the shape of the earth? I am eager to know their opinion as well
Have you ever been on a plane? You can clearly see the Earth is not flat... that is really all it takes to debunk this whole nonsense.
RockSeed13 said:
Blue said:
I mean Satan and the Gods, they are a superior race and they have the technology, the knowledge and the means to get in here (if they are not here already) and destroy all this people in power who are just mere hybrids of greys and reptilians ruling the world.

It is just a little odd that the greys can come here, even crashed their spaceships, their dead bodies taken away to study them, as well as their ships, and the greys are enemy. But then Satan and the Gods, the good guys, if you will, cannot do the same. I mean, not crash their ships and die, I mean come here and take a more conclusive action. This tells me that, definitely, humanity as we know it, is going to extinction and only the souls of us SS will survive ¿am I right? I am sorry if this sounds terrible. Because we definitely can just "put a band-aid to the wound" but we can never defeat multibillionaires in key power governmental positions ¿do we not?


The gods are already here for they can easily astral project here. We can't suffer an all out war with the reptillians and a worse outcome is the reptards nuking our planet. It is more efficient and safe is to fight using spiritual methods like cursing jews and doing rtrs.

man... not to be ungrateful or faithless but, i honestly got upset and even sad about the gods ACTUALLY being vulnerable at some point...i just can't accept it i dunno why. it kinda makes me worry. maybe i have had the wrong idea about the gods all this time.
erick_erick said:
So why does NASA not have real photos of Earth? They are all Photoshop and their movies are lies. This can be understood from their sibilant. Radars use a flat ground map. International organizations also use the gleason flat land symbol. With a telescope, we can see stars and planets vibrating, which means they are not made of rock. Travel to Antarctica is prohibited. People in the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere both see an one image of the moon. If the moon is a sphere, we should not see an same image of it from any angle, the images should be different. Curvature has never been scientifically proven, but the smoothness of the sea horizon has been proven many times. In spherical earth, short and long day and night are meaningless, but in flat earth, this can be justified by changing the orbit of the sun. Even the material of the moon and the sun are different, and a sphere (moon) cannot reflect light. The moon has been seen many times clear, and the stars behind it have been shown to mean that the moon is made of plasma, not rock. The Polaris star can be seen from anywhere on Earth. This is only possible on flat ground. NASA employees repeatedly exposed that NASA was lying and they were killed after the revelation. In my opinion, the globular earth is a Jewish lie to devalue the world and control human beings. Have the gods ever talked about the shape of the earth? I am eager to know their opinion as well



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
