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About Guardian Demons

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]
an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!

What is this experience like exactly, getting harassed by enemy entities? sounds terrifying, can they touch you physically? or can you see them if your not open psychically yet? i get the whole seeing enemy numbers or other bad things happen. haven't experienced what you describe yet though.
Cool thread! Thanks Lydia!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]

I think this is a very important post from High Priestess Lydia!

On Friday of last week, I actually watched my guardian demon using telepathy to inspire thoughts to my interlocutors so that I would not look stupid in the situation (after what was i said).

I can explain this by the fact that before receiving answers from my interlocutors, I had thoughts about what they would say in advance.

The interlocutors answered in the best way for me, thoughts were thrown straight into their heads how they should have answered and that's how they answered.

As a result, I came out clean of shit, and everything I said came out to me only as a plus ;)
Thank you for this post, HPS Lydia!
It's very helpful!
There are workings to improve intelligence. Mercury square, Yellow energy with an affirmation, and so on.

That can definitely happen. It wasn't the case for me with my GD, so it isn't always an indicator. But it can be.

View of Innocence said:
I was born with past lives memories but something that stands out to me is how close I feel to some demons in the "more demons" section. I suspect their role is greater in many things than people might assume.
This is true. Ereshkigal isn't even listed, only one mention of her as the wife of Nergal, but she has been very helpful to me.

That's wonderful :)

You'll find your GD when the time is right, you might need to put in more effort though :)

There are massive transformative steps before the rising of the kundalini, so a Guardian can change before the rising, as an example.

I'm glad I could help clear things up for you (and everyone else) :)

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Thank you HPS Lydia, this topic cleared out confusions rising from multiple articles about Guardian Demons written by several members. I clearly remember one made by an infiltrator saying your GD is the gender you're attracted to. It always seemed off for some reason.
Yes, this is what many people said when I was new too.

Lightningsnake said:
Then I went into a stupid dream world. I lost my sense of reality.
Sounds like a Neptune transit. I'm glad you got out of it. I wasn't very advanced when I found my first GD, and knowing him helped me advance more.

AskSatanOperator said:
Early forum life
Was not that great either.. like what you said, HPS Lydia, that your guardian could be the sex that you are attracted to.. there were other people and comments that I still see nowadays, that say 'the Gods are too busy' and to not bother them or to try and fix things on your own.
If your Guardian Demon is supposed to be your friend, then your friend will and should listen to your issues. If I had a best friend with some troubles, I'd like to hear about it too. They care.
I remember members saying this ("the Gods are too busy"). And during that time, I wasn't able to have much contact with the Gods, or find out who my newer GD was. So maybe they were busy for a while, but they are definitely here for us!

NinRick said:
I believe the most important work of the High Priests is, to get Satanists closer to the Gods and push them towards their arms so to speak.
Yes, this is what I have been trying to do all these years, to get members closer to the Gods :)

Retrospect said:
What is this experience like exactly, getting harassed by enemy entities? sounds terrifying, can they touch you physically? or can you see them if your not open psychically yet? i get the whole seeing enemy numbers or other bad things happen. haven't experienced what you describe yet though.
It varies... that particular time, it was a large creepy entity trying to exert a menacing feeling to make me scared or something. Sometimes they make us feel unworthy, or like despair comes over us. But it leaves quickly if you figure it out and shake off the feeling. Red energy helps immediately. Calling out to Satan makes them go away. But I always fight them too, like visualizing holding a spear or something thrust into them. That helps a lot, for us to fight them. Mental strength or something, this is needed.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!

Today I had thoughts of doing sports, although I like to draw and read books more.

I think it is very important to learn to understand the thoughts that come to your mind.

Since I work on the chakras almost every day, I began to see the signs from the guardian demon better.

I added this post of Lydia to my favorites, to my bookmarks. In my opinion, this is one of Lydia's best posts.

I am grateful to the Gods and especially to Satan that we now have a High Priestess Lydia.

Actually HPS Lydia is my favorite SS.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=472464 time=1699944862 user_id=57]It varies... that particular time, it was a large creepy entity trying to exert a menacing feeling to make me scared or something. Sometimes they make us feel unworthy, or like despair comes over us. But it leaves quickly if you figure it out and shake off the feeling. Red energy helps immediately. Calling out to Satan makes them go away. But I always fight them too, like visualizing holding a spear or something thrust into them. That helps a lot, for us to fight them. Mental strength or something, this is needed.

Excuse the off-topic but lately ever since the war in Israel is occurring the environment feels weird and good in a positive way it's almost like some block or energy has been wiped out and replaced with better sensation, my own personal feelings.

Excuse my verbiage. I had a dream the other day as of the time of this typing.

I woke up inside my bedroom in the dream. I can tell it's a dream because my body got up and there was nothing on the bad. I like to call them Dream projections as I get up in a very odd way almost like an internal astral projection.

I woke up and felt hands on my shoulder and something touching me. Eventually I woke up, I fell asleep having the same exact dream I try and "AP" through my wall to my neighborhood where I live. And something touched my shoulders in a sensual manner. I noticed in the first and or second part I called out to Satan for some reason.

I then got pissed off because it brought be back like a chain holding something back.

I got furious grabbed the hand squeezed it as hard as possible. And I heard the gayest sound in my life no seriously it was so stupid it sounded like a something having a spastic sound. I squeezed the hands and it was a filthy grey but it turned into a balloon like dead thing and then I almost woke up then reappeared in the same dream for the 3rd time. And I went to my full length mirror with this dead balloon like rubbery dead grey smashing my middle finger in it's face and screaming to it FUCK YOU! repeatedly for like 7 times before finally waking up.

The grey was really weird it's hands felt soft and gentle, I've said before I asked for a succubus so I wouldn't be surprised if the entity is trying to do something to me. And when I saw it hitting it's deflated head with my knuckles flipping it off going FUCK YOU! repeatedly like a super loud scream that my family would wake up to but in the dream. I noticed it's eyes were very weird.

I don't know what kind of grey it is but I'm starting to think there are different grey races with weird sharp sunglasses shape. I don't know if it was wearing sunglasses or not but it possessed these chevron eyes like some sort of fucked up insect like eyes or something not traditional Almond-shaped grey eyes.

1. Is it normal that since October and now the atmosphere feels different due to the war and everything going on?


2. I never ever want to face a real grey until ready as they literally are more powerful than us. Not to give it power and not that I'm scared but as a person who hasn't delved into the spiritual realm nor proven stuff but I am meditating in fact I feel great following a new schedule I came up with and using runes to improve myself, I'm laying the ground work to improve myself to improve my meditation.

I know dreams can be inhabited by entities like one person on Dreamviews in 2000s said due to lucid dreaming and astral projection discussions although this was a dream that they lucid in apparently they had a hostile entity in their dream and potentially not a dream character.

Is it normal for this to be some sort of self- improvement? I know it's not the right time but I banished my house and blessed it with Sananda. I wish the old Orobas/Flauros ritual would return, I clearly I understand these top Gods are VERY busy but it would be nice to improve the ritual. I think many people need to call in the Gods for of some rank lower or whatnot for blessing.

Should I take this grey incident as a real incident i.e. grey dream penetration into my inner World? Or should I take it as this isn't necessarily a hostile entity but a negative attribute broken by some form of working?

Please excuse my verbiage I've been very excited these few days and ever since I read THIS sermon. I feel like I'm being guided to something. Lately things have changed especially with my cleaning, protection, ez spinning, and light meditation, though I've been doing runic workings as of the last few days and I'm very happy with it.

Lydia what was that thing in my dream world?

This is gonna sound illogical but can entities live inside your soul. I know thoughtforms are like a minute intelligent entity but is it possible my mind crafted this scenario to break off or destroy some entity or warn me banish/bless your house.
I don't know my GD name and she knows I am really jumpy I will scream / throw what ever I have in my hand at you if I get scared or will cuss you out . I had met her when I had a nde ( near death experience) in 2017 right after I came back to father Satan. I like where my relationship is with my guardian demon

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=472464 time=1699944862 user_id=57]
There are workings to improve intelligence. Mercury square, Yellow energy with an affirmation, and so on.

That can definitely happen. It wasn't the case for me with my GD, so it isn't always an indicator. But it can be.

View of Innocence said:
I was born with past lives memories but something that stands out to me is how close I feel to some demons in the "more demons" section. I suspect their role is greater in many things than people might assume.
This is true. Ereshkigal isn't even listed, only one mention of her as the wife of Nergal, but she has been very helpful to me.

That's wonderful :)

You'll find your GD when the time is right, you might need to put in more effort though :)

There are massive transformative steps before the rising of the kundalini, so a Guardian can change before the rising, as an example.

I'm glad I could help clear things up for you (and everyone else) :)

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Thank you HPS Lydia, this topic cleared out confusions rising from multiple articles about Guardian Demons written by several members. I clearly remember one made by an infiltrator saying your GD is the gender you're attracted to. It always seemed off for some reason.
Yes, this is what many people said when I was new too.

Lightningsnake said:
Then I went into a stupid dream world. I lost my sense of reality.
Sounds like a Neptune transit. I'm glad you got out of it. I wasn't very advanced when I found my first GD, and knowing him helped me advance more.

AskSatanOperator said:
Early forum life
Was not that great either.. like what you said, HPS Lydia, that your guardian could be the sex that you are attracted to.. there were other people and comments that I still see nowadays, that say 'the Gods are too busy' and to not bother them or to try and fix things on your own.
If your Guardian Demon is supposed to be your friend, then your friend will and should listen to your issues. If I had a best friend with some troubles, I'd like to hear about it too. They care.
I remember members saying this ("the Gods are too busy"). And during that time, I wasn't able to have much contact with the Gods, or find out who my newer GD was. So maybe they were busy for a while, but they are definitely here for us!

NinRick said:
I believe the most important work of the High Priests is, to get Satanists closer to the Gods and push them towards their arms so to speak.
Yes, this is what I have been trying to do all these years, to get members closer to the Gods :)

Retrospect said:
What is this experience like exactly, getting harassed by enemy entities? sounds terrifying, can they touch you physically? or can you see them if your not open psychically yet? i get the whole seeing enemy numbers or other bad things happen. haven't experienced what you describe yet though.
It varies... that particular time, it was a large creepy entity trying to exert a menacing feeling to make me scared or something. Sometimes they make us feel unworthy, or like despair comes over us. But it leaves quickly if you figure it out and shake off the feeling. Red energy helps immediately. Calling out to Satan makes them go away. But I always fight them too, like visualizing holding a spear or something thrust into them. That helps a lot, for us to fight them. Mental strength or something, this is needed.

Thank you.

I was able to get out of it after a year of deep cleaning.
I have been doing the deep cleaning ever since.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=471910 time=1699632465 user_id=21286]
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you High Priestess Lydia for this post!

#4 really speaks to me. I've always struggled with this, but I hope to overcome it one day.

For a long time reaching out to help would only lead to either parents or other people in my life to just get annoyed with me or whatnot when all I wanted/needed was help. It has left a big invisible scar on my mental psyche which often times makes me feel like I'm a burden to everyone even those who might reach out back to me to offer help.

I do not know how to overcome this, but I will reach out to my GD and ask for guidance. I never realized one could do this for this specific reason.

Thank you.

In regards to love, this reflects the moon and its associated rune of Berkano. Here is where we nurture others, but also receive and feel nurtured and safe, from our own family. The moon's energy reflects in our house, also our internal sense of calm and comfort.

In regards to self-worth and feeling like a burden, this can relate to the moon, but also to our solar aspect. Here is where we feel optimistic about ourselves, happy, valuable, and able to create value through our abilities. Sowilo/the Sun would be the main solution here.

The moon and sun are the two of the "parent planets", so this is why they can be influenced heavily by family relations.

Wunjo is a great "all-rounder" in regards to healing trauma and social problems, but sometimes we need more specific options if the problem is bad enough.

What if those planets seem good in the chart, but a fixed star is what ruins relationships with parents that cause problems in the long run?
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]

I think the points you made about being open and not biased are some of the most important HPS. Thank you for this advice!

Having certain expectations and preconceptions may slow us down a lot in finding our GD. We need to be open and ready for the unexpected in this specific situation.
Sorry for the delay in my reply :)

Yes, the atmosphere does seem different. More calm, despite the wars. I think it's because the jew torah spells are not affecting us like they used to.

As for the dream, it may have been some sort of attack, but you managed it so there's no need to worry. It wasn't an actual gray that entered your dream, it wasn't in your soul. Doing banishing and Sananda is good. It's important to take care of our homes astrally like that.
This post is very clarifying, it should be added to the Demons section on the website. :)
Lightning-Wings said:
What if those planets seem good in the chart, but a fixed star is what ruins relationships with parents that cause problems in the long run?

As far as doing spiritual work to solve the problem, I don't think it makes much of a difference here. It could alter your affirmations, as you would want to direct the energy appropriately.

If the fixed star aspects one of these planets, then I wouldn't consider them as "good" in the sense of being without negative karma. If the fixed star is not directly aspecting any of the planet's or their ruled houses, you could broaden any planetary square or other workings to focus on the topic itself (problems with parents) versus the planet itself (moon).
THEFreire said:
Where can I see the GD list? I want to know each one
Hello :)

Always make sure to read the Joy of Satan. This forum is not of itself, it is of the website.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!

I’m stuck with enemy entities smiling and mocking me constantly, I think my guardian understandably hates me. Took a big toll on my life, and deaths around the corner. Maybe my guardians just negligent but it ruined the bright future I could’ve had before.

But hey I’m happy with where I’m at, nothing to complain about.

HPS Lydia you have a cute name
We take responsibility for our own lives and our own mistakes. The Gods give us free will, if we mess up then that's our own fault. But they do guide us when we are willing to listen! Never think your life is ruined. Start meditating, learn how to communicate with your GD. Your life can turn around for the better, but it takes time and effort.
Hello Lydia, do we know how Thoth's sigil looks like?
After reading your post, I actively started trying to find out who my GD is, again.
Over the past week I have noticed a few coincidences (signs?) that would point to Thoth.
I know he is a busy and important God, but I still would like to get to know him more, even if he is not my GD.

Hail Satan!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474774 time=1701155901 user_id=57]
We take responsibility for our own lives and our own mistakes. The Gods give us free will, if we mess up then that's our own fault. But they do guide us when we are willing to listen! Never think your life is ruined. Start meditating, learn how to communicate with your GD. Your life can turn around for the better, but it takes time and effort.

Hello, Lydia!
Can I ask my guardian demon to say his name in my dream?
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474774 time=1701155901 user_id=57]
We take responsibility for our own lives and our own mistakes. The Gods give us free will, if we mess up then that's our own fault. But they do guide us when we are willing to listen! Never think your life is ruined. Start meditating, learn how to communicate with your GD. Your life can turn around for the better, but it takes time and effort.
Just read this whole thing pls and thank you
My GD is uninterested in any form of relationship with me and I have this ugly bastard (looks like a gremlin, has yellow eyes) that keeps mocking me for not training abs and still weight lifting anyway. It hates my ultimate lifestyle combination of lifting, surfing and bjj, it’s constantly at war with my subconscious mind over this, like it always has something to say, tries to compare me with my dad (who’s just some ex convict) and say it wants to have sex with him whenever I’m around him, it pretends to be my guardian demoness or says it’s a succubus, that’s just one of a multitude of examples. It’s disturbing. I’m benching more than he was benching at my age; back then I probably would’ve called my dad a twink. We’ve had physical fights over religion, I was standing for satanism and Odin, he was standing for Christianity, I punched him and gave him a black eye, he pulled a paddle on me (because we’re both paddle surfers) and I was forbidden to go back to his island hut on the big island of Hawaii.

Anyway, I’m constantly getting mocked by this angelic entity, it’s almost as if it’s complaining about my life, but I’m okay with how I live. Maybe I need to do RTRs or a formal ritual to my guardian, or dedication ritual to her. In order to get rid of it, what meditation would you suggest me to do?

I mainly just need somebody to talk to that’s not going to call me a schizophrenic. Can I email you?
Hello :)

No, his sigil is not public. You can still contact him without a sigil though. You can find his Egyptian image to meditate on.

loktamina said:
Hello, Lydia!
Can I ask my guardian demon to say his name in my dream?
You can, but you might not hear or remember it. You can try though :)

Based on your previous posts that were disapproved/deleted by other mods, I'm not sure how to reply. If there is an enemy entity attached to you then you need to remove it. Ask Satan for help.

It could just be within your own mind though, like you are projecting certain thoughts to be from "an entity" instead. Void meditation and banishing rituals would be advised.

And if you have a GD they are not uninterested in any form of relationship with you as you say, it's that you are unable to communicate with him/her yet.
A GD can have animal form?

I have seen an animal with the eyes open before awake, like a dream that continues on reality.

But I'm not sure if it is a GD. It was so clean and pure, that's why I thought is from Satan.

Hail Satan!
My favourit Gaurdian demon is Father Satan. He saved my life again this last weekend. Such love for me his son how could I ever be decieved by that traitor lier Jesus Allah etc! Working with Our Father Satan I bit of the archangel Michaels head and offered it up to HIM on a silver platter. I did this with the magic of my heart and mind. Jesus nagging at you just off that son of a bitch in your heart and mind and same too with Our other enemies! You wouldnt believe what Satan can do with the magic of Our hearts and minds. That os until you do it! -Hail Satan
Dhruv said:
What are signs that your GD has changed?

They might not change through your life. In the case this happens, you will know it. Even if you don't know it, it doesn't matter if you pray to your previous Guardian or even know their Name, they will still help you and send you over to the other Demon.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474375 time=1700917936 user_id=21286]
Lightning-Wings said:
What if those planets seem good in the chart, but a fixed star is what ruins relationships with parents that cause problems in the long run?

As far as doing spiritual work to solve the problem, I don't think it makes much of a difference here. It could alter your affirmations, as you would want to direct the energy appropriately.

If the fixed star aspects one of these planets, then I wouldn't consider them as "good" in the sense of being without negative karma. If the fixed star is not directly aspecting any of the planet's or their ruled houses, you could broaden any planetary square or other workings to focus on the topic itself (problems with parents) versus the planet itself (moon).

Oh that's very good!! Thank you so much for explaining this!!

Also thank you for the suggestion earlier in this sermons replies about forming a bond with your GD like drawing energy from the Sun.

I focus on my GD's and imagine a soft white light tie tying with my heart and throat chakra that feels very positive and right. I've been doing it for a while now and each time I end up feeling so happy and overjoyed, like celebration!
It makes me feel closer to them than ever before and also makes it more easier to communicate with them.

Also, this is a little off topic, but I must thank you for that emotional healing working you had posted in the past. It's working very well!!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=471852 time=1699623774 user_id=21286]
There is a lot of essential information here, so thank you for writing all of this here, HPS.

If I can add my own input in regards to communication with the Gods, it is that they seem to always hear us, even if we think of them only briefly. If we are connecting to their sigil and feeling their energy flow into our chakras, this interaction becomes even more pronounced.

In regards to beginners who think they cannot do this, for some reason: If you can draw energy from the Sun, you can draw energy from the Gods' Sigils to help create a bond.


Furthermore, HPS Lydia's point about our own blockages hurting us here is very important to be aware of. Draw their energy into your heart and throat chakras, and this should immediately make you feel both close and communicative to them. Don't force yourself to talk if you don't want to talk, but at least promise yourself to reach this point of interaction, which will make you more comfortable with anything further.


Another point about our interactions with the Gods: Make sure your own expectations or feelings are not creating obstacles here. Sometimes people ask the Gods for something and get confused why the outcome is different from expected.


About drawing in the demon's energy from their sigil to better communicate with them,
so I don't know who my guardian demon is, but I may suspect who it might be.
Can I absorb the energy from the sigil to communicate with that demon who I suspect of being my guardian demon to find out if they are really my guardian demon or would that be rude?
TruthSeekerXX said:
About drawing in the demon's energy from their sigil to better communicate with them,
so I don't know who my guardian demon is, but I may suspect who it might be.
Can I absorb the energy from the sigil to communicate with that demon who I suspect of being my guardian demon to find out if they are really my guardian demon or would that be rude?

No, that is not rude or anything like that. It is very important for humanity to be in contact with, and under the influence of the Gods, therefore we shouldn't be restrictive about our contact with them.
My guardian demon is paimon

I thought it my own voice was speaking on its own saying “payment” then I realize its “paimon”

So why do i feel more drawn to other gods sigil such as azazel and separ

But then when i look at paimon sigil, it feels like i had this dream before when i was new back in 2022

So That’ll be all :) my short story, less read.
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!
Can you get a guardian Demon that's outside those listed as JOS?
Or how do we treat a being that has introduced or been introduced to you as your guardian demon but you can't find the name on the list,or doesn't resemble any Nordic Gods,Bes race or Pazuzu?
So why do i feel more drawn to other gods sigil such as azazel and separ
It's fine to feel drawn to other Gods, as they have traits we admire, or their sigils are healing for us.

Can you get a guardian Demon that's outside those listed as JOS?
Or how do we treat a being that has introduced or been introduced to you as your guardian demon but you can't find the name on the list,or doesn't resemble any Nordic Gods,Bes race or Pazuzu?
If they don't resemble our known Gods, then make sure it is not another entity posing as a Guardian, or just your imagination. There have been members lead astray by their imagination, which is why I need to emphasize this.
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!
Love this, thank you for the info. I was wondering if it was multiple or just one or how that worked; Thank you HP Lydia for your work. Bless the JoS and hail Satan.
It's fine to feel drawn to other Gods, as they have traits we admire, or their sigils are healing for us.

If they don't resemble our known Gods, then make sure it is not another entity posing as a Guardian, or just your imagination. There have been members lead astray by their imagination, which is why I need to emphasize this.
How ' to make sure?
I literally have not that much experience with non human entities so don't even know how to know who is who
Is there formality or a way Demon allied to Satan do,or things to look out for?
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!
Thank you for clearing this up, I had seen this floating around and was curious about all of it; also number 12 was very interesting and stood out to me so that’s also helpful.
Hail Satan
Hail ma at
Hail Dagon
Hail All Guardian demons,
may you bless us and guide us
How ' to make sure?
I literally have not that much experience with non human entities so don't even know how to know who is who
Is there formality or a way Demon allied to Satan do,or things to look out for?
Just be cautious, and perhaps hold a standard ritual to Satan, or after doing Satan's God ritual, ask Satan for clear guidance on finding your GD.

It can take some time before you establish a clear enough bond to your GD, but when you do, you will know who they are for certain :)
How ' to make sure?
I literally have not that much experience with non human entities so don't even know how to know who is who
Is there formality or a way Demon allied to Satan do,or things to look out for?
In addition to the wonderful advice from HPS Lydia, I just want to mention Ouija boards can be great tools for such a task with practice, provided you have performed your dedication ritual already. When starting communication on the board, "always ask any entity if he/she is of Satan. Enemy spirits will not reply back and will usually leave on their own."

An excerpt from the JoS page on Ouija boards:

"Normally Ouija Boards present no problem and are safe to use. No one should ever fear. In the case of a negative entity, the longer the contact, the more the entity can intrude into your world. Several Joy of Satan members have stated that they always ask any entity if he/she is of Satan. Enemy spirits will not reply back and will usually leave on their own. With performing the dedication to Satan, we have his protection as we advance in power and spiritual knowledge. This includes working with Ouija Boards. As with anything else, the environment in which you are working the board matters."
A bit topic but when I dedicated I saw lord Azazel for glimpse but the photo on The jos pdf where he has this golden hair and ancient look
I think maby he protected me or something as I did the ritual because at that day was in a constant feeling wat if it does work or wat if I don't get accepted
I dont know wat meant exactly maybe my mind play tricks on for wanting especially a strong bond with the Gods at the time

Regarding guardian demon a friend of mine found out for be asking another sister SS TO FIND WHO IS MY GUARDIAN DEMON they said lord satanachia I myself am not sure but I do hope can establish a strong bond with my Guardian Demon


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
