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About Guardian Demons

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!
Thank you High Priestess Lydia for this post!

#4 really speaks to me. I've always struggled with this, but I hope to overcome it one day.

For a long time reaching out to help would only lead to either parents or other people in my life to just get annoyed with me or whatnot when all I wanted/needed was help. It has left a big invisible scar on my mental psyche which often times makes me feel like I'm a burden to everyone even those who might reach out back to me to offer help.

I do not know how to overcome this, but I will reach out to my GD and ask for guidance. I never realized one could do this for this specific reason.

Thank you.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!

congratulations on the topic [HPS] Lydia, i'm sure it will be remembered and visited again and again over the years.

on the day i committed, during the ritual about 3/5 cats came from the roof and stared at me for a while until i finished.
after that, to get rid of the paper, i left the house and threw it in a trash can, and all i could notice was an owl looking at me a lot, flying above me.

Lilith made me feel absurdly important, as in less than 5 minutes i was received with a very prestigious “welcome back”.

even without knowing who exactly it was.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]

to those who have crowned guardian gods, are they people beyond the average among us SS? in power, life mission, ability to develop and impact areas…
as there is also soul compatibility between you and your demon that chose you
Thank you High Priestess, beautiful post! Our Gods are amazing.
Thank you HPS Lydia

I think I have 2 guardians is this possible
There is a lot of essential information here, so thank you for writing all of this here, HPS.

If I can add my own input in regards to communication with the Gods, it is that they seem to always hear us, even if we think of them only briefly. If we are connecting to their sigil and feeling their energy flow into our chakras, this interaction becomes even more pronounced.

In regards to beginners who think they cannot do this, for some reason: If you can draw energy from the Sun, you can draw energy from the Gods' Sigils to help create a bond.


Furthermore, HPS Lydia's point about our own blockages hurting us here is very important to be aware of. Draw their energy into your heart and throat chakras, and this should immediately make you feel both close and communicative to them. Don't force yourself to talk if you don't want to talk, but at least promise yourself to reach this point of interaction, which will make you more comfortable with anything further.


Another point about our interactions with the Gods: Make sure your own expectations or feelings are not creating obstacles here. Sometimes people ask the Gods for something and get confused why the outcome is different from expected.

Maybe you ask them for money, but instead of receiving extra cash, instead you realize a new business idea over the next few days or weeks. Don't let your panic about money, or your misunderstanding of the Gods' intentions, lead you to feel that they are not helping you, or that you are ignored.

Going further with this point on money, it would not be ethical for the Gods to just wrench some cash from someone else to put on your doorstep. The money or items do not come out of thin air, so they must derive from someone else who made them. This is one reason why it is more ideal for you to do things yourself, but with their help, rather than have things simply given to you.


With point 11 and 13: People often misunderstand that the GD associated with you is the God who will produce the best result for you, hence why the relationship was created. Furthermore, even if you were granted a higher-ranking God as your GD, this doesn't mean they are going to give you more help just because they are more powerful.

I believe it is almost entirely the case of the individual SS and their own limits which regulate the extent to which the Gods will bless you. Why would the Gods bless someone who might refuse to share or help others, or might misunderstand how to make use of these blessings, and so on. Therefore, more development is required on the part of the SS before they can achieve certain things.
Henu the Great said:
I am glad to see clarification on this subject. This will prove to be super useful going forward. Thank you.

I want to know more about the races of Bes and Pazuzu.
Superb HPS

Love this as mine is Lamia now, not traditional in the goetia.

Sometimes linked with Lilith rightly or wrongly.

Lamia was once an important Goddess in ancient Libya.

Cheers HPS Lydia pal.
I am very glad to see this post thank you! I had theories myself that the chart could indicate who could might fit someone as their Guardian based on personality and elemental make up but it makes sense that this is not a deciding factor as there are many other things. I can imagine a God being a guardian to someone having strengths that are someone's complete weakpoints which might be the whole point at the time.
This was very insightful, helpful, and blessing.

I haven't find my guardian yet, and this sermon motivates me. I truly felt blessed while reading.

Thank you HPS Lydia!

The fact that they change is pretty sad though. Once I get in touch with my GD, I would probably never want to "loose" them.
You remind me of Maxine. You write sincere and clear articles just like her.
Please keep it up. I will read with pleasure, admiration and excitement.

My lord Azazel has always been very understanding with me. Once when I called out to him, my light blinked on and off by itself without any explanation.
I discovered mine ( i think) meanwhile i am watching the demon sigils...at a moment a sigil look me too much familiar like i already see and i feel attracted...the alternative sigil of Azazel (on the old demon list of Jos)...i think this can be a good signal?
The Phantom Stranger said:
I want to know more about the races of Bes and Pazuzu.
Perhaps in time I will be able to post more about them, but for now, there's this page which I should have linked in my OP:

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=471852 time=1699623774 user_id=21286]
Thank you for adding this, JG Blitzkreig :)

AFODO said:
The fact that they change is pretty sad though. Once I get in touch with my GD, I would probably never want to "loose" them.
I had my first GD for 5 years, and then they changed. I was sad! But he and I still keep in touch and I still love him dearly.
I was born with past lives memories but something that stands out to me is how close I feel to some demons in the "more demons" section. I suspect their role is greater in many things than people might assume.
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you High Priestess Lydia for this post!

#4 really speaks to me. I've always struggled with this, but I hope to overcome it one day.

For a long time reaching out to help would only lead to either parents or other people in my life to just get annoyed with me or whatnot when all I wanted/needed was help. It has left a big invisible scar on my mental psyche which often times makes me feel like I'm a burden to everyone even those who might reach out back to me to offer help.

I do not know how to overcome this, but I will reach out to my GD and ask for guidance. I never realized one could do this for this specific reason.

Thank you.

In regards to love, this reflects the moon and its associated rune of Berkano. Here is where we nurture others, but also receive and feel nurtured and safe, from our own family. The moon's energy reflects in our house, also our internal sense of calm and comfort.

In regards to self-worth and feeling like a burden, this can relate to the moon, but also to our solar aspect. Here is where we feel optimistic about ourselves, happy, valuable, and able to create value through our abilities. Sowilo/the Sun would be the main solution here.

The moon and sun are the two of the "parent planets", so this is why they can be influenced heavily by family relations.

Wunjo is a great "all-rounder" in regards to healing trauma and social problems, but sometimes we need more specific options if the problem is bad enough.
I discovered that the demon that has been helping me all this time to remove the curses and with the deep cleansing is a Pazuzu type demon, they act as messengers when the high-ranking gods are very busy.
Even guides me to remove bindings from specific curses, such as feeling the need to do a specific RTR on a certain chakra, also when he carrying off the energy sphere after removing curses.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]
This will help clear up misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding our dear Guardian Demons.

1. You do not choose your GD, they choose you.

They are far more advanced, wise, and psychic than we are, they know more than you do about yourself and what you need in order to advance. As you advance you will understand why your GD is more suited for you, rather than a Demon you wanted to choose as your GD.

Just because you admire the traits or personality of a Demon, does not mean they must be your GD. You can definitely keep other Demons in mind as role models though!

2. Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

3. You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

4. Some members think they do not need to find out who their GD is, or otherwise completely dismiss the idea of being guided by a GD.

These mindsets are actually caused by something psychological. Perhaps you did not get enough guidance from your parents or teachers while growing up, leading you to subconsciously believe that nobody can or will help you, that you must go it alone. Or perhaps you had bad advice from those you looked up to, causing you to feel like you must figure out everything on your own.

When advancing, there is only so far we can go alone. Your Guardian will be the one to advise certain things you should do, and to point out areas you need to work on, and give you advanced knowledge and lead you through the journey of advancement. Humans were not created to do everything by ourselves; we were created by Satan to advance through Satan!

As a bonus effect, when we develop a strong relation to such advanced beings, we are able to heal ourselves from various problems we may have. Connecting and bonding to your GD will help you better understand yourself and what is best for you. Your Guardian always wants what is best for you, to help you heal and advance to your fullest potential. (This is not to say that our Guardians show us everything or do everything for us, we still make our own lives.)

5. Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

6. Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

7. You might not feel drawn to your GD at first.

Not until a closer bond has been established. This means that if you look through the list of Gods and Goddesses, your GD might actually be one that you do not yet feel drawn to. The reason for this could have something to do with the next point…

8. For those of you who have had much difficulty in finding out who your GD is:

There could be a blockage in your soul or mind that needs to be worked on. Ask to be led to finding out what you need to work on, in order to find out who your GD is. It will all be worth the time and effort once the issue is resolved. You will also become more healed and advanced as a result.

Another factor is that many people these days are always in a rush. Set aside some time every week to sit quietly and be open to receiving a sign from your Guardian.

And make sure your chakras are clean! Dirty chakras keep us back in every way.

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

10. Your GD is not based on your gender or sexual orientation.

For many people, their GD might be of the opposite gender. Or it might be based on which gender you feel more comfortable in the company of. Or it might be based on other factors. Regardless, there is no set rule for what your Guardian’s gender will be, and your sexual orientation does not make a difference either.

11. Your GD is not about your ego.

Some members only want one of the Crowned Princes to be their GD, in order to feel more important. This is not how it works. All the Demons, even the lower ranking ones, are still incredibly more advanced and powerful than humans are. You are blessed and fortunate to have whomever your Guardian might be!

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!

Thank you for this post. Personally, I have never been seriously involved in finding my Guardian Demon, but I have always been interested. I felt something special about one Demon, not so much about others, and years ago I did a Ritual to find out if She was really my Guardian Demon.

In hindsight, it turned out to be Her. This post got me thinking a bit about why Her, and made me realise that my Guardian Demon is a particularly kind, caring and wonderful Demon. She cares for me tremendously, and I need that, as I tend to stray from my Path a lot.

I also have a very good relationship with another Demon who I have been talking to almost every week and He has brought many things to my attention. He also told me about Himself to help me understand Him better. However, with my Guardian Demon, I have to say that I was very lucky.

She also told me about my past lives. However, I often forget these things because I am forgetful, and even though She told me that I can go extremely far, for some reason I feel I have to succumb to my melancholy and be self-destructive...

The fact is, if I die, I can at least say that I had such a Wonderful Guardian Demon and that I belong to such a great Teacher, Master and Friend as My Father Satan.

Sieg Heil!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]
13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!.

thank you, lydia! that's a nice post overall with many good points made indeed ^

especially point N13 which i'm quoting is something that is often overlooked... lesser known/powerful deities of that kind are not remembered as much as they would deserve... infact, i did decide to dedicate my forum signature in honour of the souls of nekhen which are definitely not mentioned often, albeit they do play a positive,uplifting role ^
they are not exactly my GD, but i do like their characteristics,and when invoked, they offer their moral support anyway ! ^

in regards to the other main points in general, there's no doubt that i was already strongly attached to Anubis, way before i discovered the JOS... i was already bearing his name even when i still wasn't sure if he was my GD... the official promise to keep doing so basically forever has been made only recently infact..less than 2months ago...i wanted to be sure about what i was doing and therefore indeed, i took all the time necessary in order to ensure i wasn't committing a mistake... at this point, i'm 100% sure he's my GD and it'll remain that, forever and ever ^

now, hypothetically speaking,just a "what if" scenario... if Anubis did not exist at all but the rest of the egyptian pantheon was available, then i can feel that my GD would have been one of the two : Seth ...or...WepWaWet ^

since we need all the gods though,it is fortunate that this "what if" scenario,and any other scenarios of that kind one can think of, are not reality...and never will ^
Very informative post its so cool to see a new high priest posting on here ive been with satan for years and i still dont exactly know who my guradian demon is, theres some i have in mind
That i believe could possibly be, because i was drawn to them for some reason, I dont know nothing for a fact though
Thank you for this post.🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Point number 4 hits close to home, so much.
As a kid, my parents were emotionally absent and my teachers at school never prepared us for the big bad world so I just sort of drifted aimlessly through life. Now I know why I don't think about my GD much, even though I know I should reach out to her.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]
13. Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

Thank you for a great sermon and also a huge thank you for mentioning these Demons. I'd also like to hear more about them! I have fond feelings for Pazuzu, even though I haven't had the chance to interact with them yet. But just the mention of them makes my soul warm.
My guardian Demon was originally Gusion. Then as I became more open and was able to communicate and kept advancing, Andras then took this role over as my Guardian Demon.

The Gods see and understand where we stand as beings and will have the right Demon or Demoness guide us in this path as a guardian.

This certainly can change like you mentioned High Priestess Lydia. As this is important to know and happens here and there depending on one's advancement or other factors.

For me personally, I was very close with Andras in a past life. That and I require a more stern and strict guide because of just how I am as a person. Andras is the best fit for this role and the Gods see what is best for us.
Thank you HPS Lydia for this.

It's been much needed. I'd like to also add on that having a dedicated space like a Astral Temple does really help make communication with your GD as even during workings they do tend to enter your temple and watch you/correct you/advise you [very dependent on your GD and have advanced you are].

Also having a good personal bond with your GD is very crucial. As much as you can go off others experience to get an idea ... Your own relationship with your GD and yourself will be very different and 100% based on how well you work together.

In my personal experience my GD is more a passive protector. His made it clear that he won't let anything do me harm but doesn't entertain something like a negative spirit or thought form following me around. Because he wants me to practice and get use to banishing them on my own and not relying on him just because his there. I've also learnt that any questions he doesn't answer which another God could answer, he had specifically chosen not to answer as he doesn't think it will benefit me at the time or will distract me.

Also the first time going to Father Satan's Castle was with my GD. So having one and understanding who they are plays a much larger role in your and life as an SS.
Very useful information HPS Lydia. I want to share something more, and maybe it's just my experience as we are different. There is planet to pay attention, Neptune, now in my case the planet is strong in my chart, so it caused me a lot of issue regarding my GD (lets just say I misinterpreted the identity of mine for many years) as it rules deception and confusion among its domain.

When I finally got a direct sign of the true identity of my GD, it was like a slap in the face that brought me to reality. I felt stupid, I always knew Neptune was dominant in my chart, but we costant learn from mistakes, and I'm glad I received that gentle slap, it help me grow and gave me awareness that we can't ignore our chart. Once again this is just my experience.

As we spiritually advance we can fix what is wrong, our Gods and Goddesses' understanding of all things is far superior than human, so if this ever happen or happened to you, don't get drown in shame, keep work to improve your inner world.

All this are just a tips or a reminder of you prefer, but still sometimes these energies can misguide us, and it's better be prepared to push back.
Wonderful Sermon, thank you HPS Lydia. :)

The part where you said we need help from the Gods is something I agree with 100%. It has been quite a transformative journey, and I have learned so much and am eternally thankful for everything.

It took me some years to be sure of who my Guardian is, but once I finally realized, and when I reached out and asked for guidance, everything changed. She was always with me from the very start, after I left xianity all those years ago and had my first taste of Paganism. In retrospect, the signs were very evident, and it's wonderful to look back and realize this.

The bond we build with the Gods takes time to develop, but it grows exponentially. Then we reach a point where everything becomes clear, everything makes sense, and we can finally grasp all the pieces of the puzzle.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=471829 time=1699616019 user_id=57]

9. You cannot tell who your GD is by your birth chart.

Sometimes it is shown, but quite often it is not.

12. Who your Guardian is might change.

Some members might have the same GD for their entire lives; some members might have one GD for a certain period of time, and another GD for a different stage of their advancement. This is completely individual and up to Satan and our Guardians themselves. Some Guardians specialize in newer members, some specialize in members who have certain things to work on for a certain stage of their advancement, and so on.

Regardless, the Guardian you have at the time is perfect for you for that time. It is all carefully planned and considered, so there is no need to worry about anything.

About the number 9, you said sometimes it is shown in the astral chart who is your GD, i already know mine but i would like to have an idea on how do you define that.

Also about the number 12, you say that your GD could change due to different situations, like for example, you could have certain GD until you rise your kundalini and then your GD change for another who’s gonna be the one who will help you with the next step on the magnum opus, being this an example it could be for many different reasons, does this make sense?

Thank you so much lydia for this topic, i always enjoy them as they always concern things that im very curious about.

Hail Satan!
Awesome!! This explains a lot of the situations I have been dealing with the past 3 years since I first got on this website. First of all reading all of the content on the joy of Satan website and then about 3 weeks after the reading I made my dedication to Father Satan. I've always been curious about demons and whether or not it would be necessary to get to know them first. ? And then decide whether or not it would be right for me? Personally to find out who my guardian demon is. I have always been curious myself to who my guardian demon is. And if I want one? How to do it and how to do it right. And knowing that I'm getting somewhere? And if I'm going to get into trouble! All these things going through my head! Wondering if I'm going to get into trouble or if I'm going to do something wrong? And this pretty much explains it! All I need to do is sit down and think about this! And take it to the next step! With the information that I've read on here seriously! All I need to do is settle down and relax especially after a yoga class or something to prepare me. And call up on him or her? And find out who. This has been a curiosity to me for quite some time now! And this has helped me out a lot! In fact in more ways than one! To be able to calm down! And to relax! And to at least prepare. And I have nothing to worry about and nothing to fear! You explained everything perfectly! Thank you HPS Lydia 🙏❤️
Thank you, HPS Lydia,
Hail Satan!
Hail to all of our Guardians who guide us!
Thank you HPS Lydia, this topic cleared out confusions rising from multiple articles about Guardian Demons written by several members. I clearly remember one made by an infiltrator saying your GD is the gender you're attracted to. It always seemed off for some reason.
Thank you.

Thoroughly thoughtful writing.

I searched fanatically for my Guardian Demon for the first few years.
For a while I thought I had found it.
Then I went into a stupid dream world. I lost my sense of reality.

Since I've managed to stabilize myself for the most part, I've stopped dealing with this issue.

When I'm more advanced. Maybe then.
Thank you, Lydia. I have to say, you're Amazing. This helps me in so many ways, and I'm glad I'm not the only one with stupid psychological hangups who feels #4 is a strong problem.
I have tried many times to find out who my GD is, I've been contacted by a few Demons, one even introduced Herself when I managed to ask Her name mentally, but I never got any "I know!" answer or sign (or was too inexperienced to tell, more like).

Thank you for writing this. I'll treasure your advice.

Dear operators, I'd like this reply posted at HPS Lydia's 'About Guardian Demons' thread :) - Thank you in advance.

I had asked a question about communicating better with my Guardian Demon, and then within 12 hours, this topic was posted.

Blockages ...
Last summer I had done some RTRs, aimed them at opening up my astral senses and along with it, I finally gained full access to my aura. I have been here and practicing for years, but I've always had trouble cleaning the outer edge of my aura. Everything felt much clearer when I finally could.

Confusion, Fear
When I tried to meditate and try to communicate with my GD's I'd also get visions or my mind would wander and make up random stuff.. Sometimes I'd see things that'd happen literally like I saw them, a week later and this also really affected my attemps and that I would not trust anything that I felt, saw or noticed as true.
I had asked to try to point me to things, to catch me off guard with them.. with little success..

Other people have also told me that I should really be careful with what I dwell upon.. it's also easy to make yourself look at the clock and see double numbers time and time again.. Or other things that make you think you could just be talking to yourself whilst it might not be the case..

Early forum life
Was not that great either.. like what you said, HPS Lydia, that your guardian could be the sex that you are attracted to.. there were other people and comments that I still see nowadays, that say 'the Gods are too busy' and to not bother them or to try and fix things on your own.
If your Guardian Demon is supposed to be your friend, then your friend will and should listen to your issues. If I had a best friend with some troubles, I'd like to hear about it too. They care.

Only a sicko would do such a thing, to ignore a child or make them feel like they are not good enough. Or to simply refuse to answer certain questions.

I thought I didn't get a response or not something I understood for the longest time or that I was simply neglected ... and I quit talking to mine for a while. I just talked to Satan because who else could I turn to? I still didn't hear much, did not understand much, so it was very sporadic.

That I had a falling out with an infiltrator in my first year, at whom I snapped and barely could control myself for months because I was so angry .. did not help either.
In hindsight I should just have vented. Vented. Vented. Vented. As much as I could. We didn't know it was an infiltrator back then, that only came to light years later.

I hope that in the future I am able to finally meet with mine, and to have the courage to open up more and break all that is holding me back from becoming prosperous in every way.
Lydia, I appreciate it very much that you have become a HPS now and that you are up for the challenge.

I believe the most important work of the High Priests is, to get Satanists closer to the Gods and push them towards their arms so to speak.

When HP Cobra released the Sermons about the crowned princess of Hell, I made much more progress in my meditations, because his Sermons had opened my mind, soul and heart more to the Gods.

So I want to thank you for this!

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
