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A Most Decisive Time For The War

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

Brothers and Sisters, as everyone can observe, the situation may be difficult, that is for sure, but also, bring your attention to all the positives which have been happening: The enemy is very cornered, the energies have been calmer than ever in regards to the enemy, and so many plots of the enemy are coming bursting out in the open. Indeed, despite the disruptions, and some negative things, and all the plans of the enemy, it all tends to work against them. And this is only the beginning.

I wanted to remind something to everyone who has asked in regards to doing "Rituals" about the CoVid. We are not here to do rituals to "Stop" this or do anything like this, as this is a waste of time. We must not listen solely to our kind hearts now, especially so if this is to cost us what we would try to prevent by desiring to act. We are at war, and this is war. We need one another in the front, and all our collective effort has to go in taking down the enemy, and crushing them spiritually without mercy.

In the field of war, there are civilians, there are dogs, there are cats, helpless women, helpless elderly people. We care about them, which is why we are doing what we do to spiritually liberate the world. But if your comrades are getting shot and your enemy is exposed, you do not run to save random beings around the battlefield. If this is done, the thing one does is dilute their energies, break formation, and if we lose, then one will be shot in the back, so effectively, all the lives will be lost, warrior and civilian alike; then the enemy would take over, and everyone one wanted to protect would be gone.

We cannot allow this to happen. Humanity has been defenseless and without a spiritual people to defend it from merciless and spiteful attacks for a very long time. For that reason, we have to fight it all to the end.

Now, we have to spiritually be as organized as a major SWAT operation or a Special Forces operation. We KNOW where we are going, we have the PLAN, we know exactly why we go in, and we go in to save most people as possible, by defeating the enemy's disinformation, spreading the truth mercilessly, and spamming our RTR's which open up the gates of the New World that we are creating.

Many of you who meditate, have you noticed a "thinning" of the enemy in the air? One may be used in war, but when one has a day with the enemy weakened, they see the difference. A glimpse of beyond the veil, of beyond the dirt the enemy has raised - before the veil of dross of the enemy, this, we have experienced, when the enemy fails to uphold their wall of lies and spiritual jewtrix.

I observed something which reminded me of how this planet was once upon a time, before many people were praying for their own damnation and filling this world with nefarious energy. An energetic cleaningness which is easy to imagine, but ambrosia when one experiences it for real. I had a breath of fresh air for once- the astral areas were clear, so clear, that I believed I was somewhere else. A moment away from their energetic pollution, nefarious rituals, and disgusting filth that they heap on humanity.

That is despite the panic and the general energies around of panicked people, it was a moment of clarity without the energies of the enemy plaguing our world so tightly, a crack in the matrix, through which one could experience a pure Satanic light, a vision of how this Earth was once upon a time, without endless dross energy circulating, a world of beauty. It was revitalizing.

Our heart has to be iron, for when the enemy is defeated, all the people will be better off, more than ever could ever be helped or saved by any other means. We cannot save this world without taking the enemy down, and nobody will ever be saved without the enemy gone. The enemy is doing damage way faster than we can do repair or stop anything, but we have enough power to go after their spiritual foundation, and take them down. If we stop them, we will reverse things. The moments of clarity and purity will be upon us once again.

The enemy has attacked us for centuries without mercy, sometimes, due to their highest attacks, many people in the middle have went down the drain. We are not like them, we care. Their subversive and alien attacks have costed us a lot, and have been totally reckless. On the other hand, we want to win, but have a quality victory. The way to quality and meaningful victory is to go after THEM.

We want to win in order to put things in their place and not to cause injustices. Our fight is Noble. But allowing our enemy to catch a breath and organize a spiritual counterattack is nothing but a grave injustice to our Gods, to ourselves, to the people we want to help - to everyone and everything.

Now more than ever we are required to step in and go for the spiritually fatal strikes with the RTR. Also, the Race Awakening Ritual. People will see the lights through the cracks. We are entering into changes now and there is no going back. The Gods are with us, and so long we stand behind our own selves and loved ones, faith, hope and power, and great fortune will be on our side.

Remember also we have done the Rituals for Protection and our own. So maintain into this route with one's personal protection, and faith in the Gods, is important. Pray, or for accurate wording, telepathically communicate to them and let them know: You will be here for them, and they are here for us, "Guiding our own through unseen means". We will also guide the purpose we are given to what we have been commanded. They do their part, and we do our own.

Lastly, pay close attention, but without letting it to get to you: The enemy is making fatal mistakes from which they will never return, and they will reveal themselves so openly this time that all of the world will remain with an open mouth. Enough with the crimes and exploitation of the earth, of humanity, and of the wealth of the Nations. The enemy is in a knockdown. That is all there is to it.

The Eyes of the Gods are upon the Nations, and gazing with fire upon those in "Leadership", enemies and neutrals.

Their patience will run dry. Those in power have to comply before it is too late.

Yes, they must stop with the forced taxes, forced banking payments. Stop raping people financially during a disaster, stop putting people out and attacking them. Stop strangulating people out of their life and future. If they do not, the punishment of the Gods will befall them even harder than it was ordained for the crimes done until now.

The Eyes of the Gods are blazing on top of this world, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Stay strong and stay safe Brothers and Sisters, may Satan and the Gods bless everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Satan! This crack in the matrix started shining through and it’s like coming up from under water. Things are going bat shit crazy but the sun is shining in a whole new way. I saw a friend posting online about the Jews being in charge of the corona virus the other day, and many people are bringing up Satan in a positive light. A couple of years ago it didn’t feel safe to freely speak about Satan, and now I feel like I could tell anyone. Thanks for the strengthening post, and thanks for all you do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have been in war for Centuries now. This is where my mind dwells. I could not stand the stench of this false peace. While I watched everyone I loved, my comrades, die in Germany.

To just go about things, like it never happened. To have to smell these disgusting American pieces of shit. That were too stupid not to be played by a jew. To stop Hitlers great work.

To sit in their fat and their arrogance. To proclaim that slaughtering the Germans was necessary, and they should be given some kinda hero medal for this.

My Energies shall definetely be going towards the virus. At least 200 mill out of the 300 mill in America, need to be taught a little lesson.

Oh I'm so excited. When Christianity is Illegalized, I wanna be the prosecutor. Let's see first offence shall be their tongue cut front their throat. Yes no more lies from you, race traitor.

Second offence? Well I will be merciful. 40 whippings minus 1? Then thrown in a hole for a few days? To show you could have died and been buried. Now arise from your grave! A new person! Twice born!

Because, if you violate the terms a third time, you will sorely regret it.

Bring on the times of Nero! I cannot do this normal life shit. Have a wife and some little kids. No no no. My life is to be a warrior. To destroy.

We are finally coming into my element. All the little whambie bambies, who wouldn't meditate and do the Rituals. Who betrayed our people, by shirking your duty or race mixing or whatever the case is.

Hehehehehe. Your not gonna have his protection any more. I am so ready for the weak to die off. To look to my sides and see Strong Aryan Men. Who are ready to Build an empire. An empire ruled by an iron fist.

A long forgotten glory, that I have not seen in sooo long.
I've noticed something that has had me baffled. I've been doing a lot of RTRs every day for a while now and haven't had one single enemy attack upon me since I started doing almost triple that over a week ago. Last year every time I dared to do even half of what I'm doing now I would frequently get hit with something time and time again.

This tells me they're severely weakened now and seem to have dispersed direct attacks on members to focus attention towards other desperate matters in attempting to regain power, or at least try to retain it as best they can.

We are winning, hands down.
Lord Azazel warned us. We have all read messages from Azazel to Maxine. He said that difficult times are upon us. But, we will endure.

The victory will be ours!

Hail Satan! Forever!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many of you who meditate, have you noticed a "thinning" of the enemy in the air?

Yes. And even the half-asleep people are opening their minds and are more receptive to how the enemy moves. The enemy is exposing themselves with literally every little thing they do, causing more and more people to become upset. It's like a domino effect, I'm noticing.

And with many staying indoors, and cities essentially coming to a halt, and not having to work or even worry about bills since they're being postponed, the people have nothing to do but contemplate where they are and what's going on. Which leads to questions and searching for answers etc. Nobody is really taking what the media tells them at face value, anymore. They want to think for themselves.

The way this is all happening, none of this could be possible without the RTRs! We keep this up, and we will definitely be seeing more positive change than we could ever imagine.
The time is right! Let's toss gasoline to the kikes while they're on fire!
Spam RTRs untill the fucking jew squeal like the pigs they are! Return their curses so they drown in their own filth!

Hail Bastet!
Hail the crouned princes and all the demons of hell!
Hail Satan FOREVER!
Not only I feel the energy of the planet much cleaner but I do feel more "light" like the pressure of the negative energy has been lifted off me, I even feel more powerful.
This is a golden time to attack them harder, with the church closed they do not have the same energy anymore, they are weak and you have to attack the enemy more when is weak. Honestly, if more xians dies because of the coronavirus I won't even be mad, I know that especially old people's are affected by the virus and especially them are the few xians that still pray and go to church in this world, it may be bad to say but we are in a war and they better die instead to feed their energy to the enemy every day.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Stay strong and stay safe Brothers and Sisters, may Satan and the Gods bless everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very well said brother.
Now is our chance to use our powers and values to destroy the Jews altogether.
And I do the RTR Ritual every day + the Surya Protection Ritual and many more.

We must be merciless.
If Father Satan says to Destroy, then Destroy.
There is no mercy or withdrawal in any form.

Thank you -High Priest Hooded Cobra 666- for this message of absolute power.

The Hebrew alphabet, the Jews, the Reptilians, and Jehovah are dead now and forever.

Father Satan Almighty has defeated and governed this earth and the Universe now and forever and ever.

Hmm, so it’s not only me feeling like the enemies energy is hella flattened when doing the Final RTR? i was hoping that wasn’t my imagination lol. it feels like the RTRs are doing quite a blow right now, let’s see though. It’s really Us Vs them right now, let’s make this count guys.
I agree completely and we should do whatever it takes to ensure that our well being will be in good condition no matter what as it's important we keep doing what we're doing and not let anything drag us down because people like us are a major solution to the problems of this Earth but Satan ensures this as I've seen so long as we do are part.
Many other people are already doing rituals to stop the pandemic this includes Hindu Brahmin's. The Final RTR removes the enemies energy field so the rituals of others to stop this pandemic can also manifest. While the Final RTR also removes the curses the enemy are using to spread this pandemic.
Hi HP,

I admire your optimism, but I do not share it.

For instance you talk about leaders and leadership, but do you see how politicians are? Even if they are neutral or with good intentions they lack spirituality. At best they are good xians or believe in science and want proofs hence atheism. Those of us here are outcasts. How many of us are in leadership positions? Don't make me laugh. I think a great majority are even lacking social skills by today's standards.

Try and talk spiritual things to a normie, I mean a well educated one and with moral standards. They laugh in your face and ask if you have taken your pills. Our world?
8 billion souls and how many satanists tens of thousands maybe. Hardly our world.

Let's say we win this. You know what will the normies say? Yeah, I knew something was off with those jews. And that yeshua boy too. The bible, a bunch of lies anyone could see that. And all of a sudden they will all be spiritual. Like now everybody wears their mask and stays indoors.

So I do the race awakening ritual. But in the end I will be led by the same normies. I don't pretend to be the most spiritual from here, far from that, maybe at the bottom somewhere. But meritocracy is a long way from being applied here on earth. Besides, we are not leaders in sports or doctors in science or whatever,we are just a bunch of guys, a minority, who are doing some rituals. And even if spirituality would be the top meritocracy characteristic, I think we already have zillions of yogis more advanced than us.

So how I think this actually goes. I have let's say 20 more years to live here. Do my rituals barely among hours of work and raising my kid. Work, rituals, sleep weekend some social life plus rest and house chores then again work rituals sleep. For 20 years. No chance of completing magnum opus, just advancing a bit more I hope if nothing bad happens like I hit on booze or something.

Then I die, I contemplate my miserable life, forget everything, get reincarnated again in some stupid xian family or worse. Being watched by my guardian demon again for 30 years how I do the same stupid mistakes. Then I find satanism again. Hopefully. 10 years after that I find out who she is. Great. Now what. Not much, I don't feel really happy about this as some folks here actually do. Depression is the same. The nightmares are the same. I dream of myself as a poor scared little boy. Deep inside I am still that person.

So no, forgive me but I don't actually give a fuck about these normies or about this world. Yes, I do the race awakening rituals, yes I do want the good of the planet in general, but I do not feel it as being mine. In my world I would not be surrounded by so many normies. We are satanists, but I don't even have one fucking satanist friend in my day to day life. How is this my world? In my world I wouldn't work at some shitty job doing what others are telling my all day long. In my world, my Gods would appear to me and I would talk to them. I am a bad meditator yes my fault, but I didn't once see my guardian demon. Just sort of felt her. Yet I can see everyday pictures with yeshua. I've been feeling miserable for as long as I remember and despite things improving somewhat by being a satanist, deep down I still feel the same. I mean it's fucking hard to not feel shitty when you are still the same poor dumbass and still grind a job for living. Unless you are delusional.

Yes, I am grateful for all I have. It could have been way worse with me being a slave or a junkie or an alcoholic. But it's not great either. And I don't think things will change in my life span. I know how happiness should feel. I know how being powerful should feel. The only thing I can think of is this quote from Warhammer:

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those
times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

I know I sound like a crying little bitch, but this is how I feel. I feel weak. I feel hatred and bitterness. I wish I feel the same way you do HP, but I don't :( Maybe you're closer to the Gods and can see things more clearly than I do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.


Stay strong and stay safe Brothers and Sisters, may Satan and the Gods bless everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Excellent sermon. Thank you, Commander. May Satan bless you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many of you who meditate, have you noticed a "thinning" of the enemy in the air? One may be used in war, but when one has a day with the enemy weakened, they see the difference. A glimpse of beyond the veil, of beyond the dirt the enemy has raised - before the veil of dross of the enemy, this, we have experienced, when the enemy fails to uphold their wall of lies and spiritual jewtrix.
I noticed exactly this just yesterday. With the whole world going crazy, I felt unusually relaxed. None of the chaos seemed to matter. I was just staring out my bedroom window at the trees and squirrels and birds. It felt as if everything was somehow better. This was just after I did about 10 Final RTRs over the past few days, so that probably helped clean and open my soul to sense the cracks appearing in the jewtrix.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wanted to remind something to everyone who has asked in regards to doing "Rituals" about the CoVid. We are not here to do rituals to "Stop" this or do anything like this, as this is a waste of time. We must not listen solely to our kind hearts now, especially so if this is to cost us what we would try to prevent by desiring to act. We are at war, and this is war. We need one another in the front, and all our collective effort has to go in taking down the enemy, and crushing them spiritually without mercy.
Alright then, onward to victory with the Final RTR and the Race Awakening Ritual!
Hail Satan!
Larissa666 said:
Lord Azazel warned us. We have all read messages from Azazel to Maxine. He said that difficult times are upon us. But, we will endure.

The victory will be ours!

Hail Satan! Forever!

We are mostly protected and privileged than most other people, in regards to protection. Never doubt this.

Most xians are walking there already dead. We have had an early warning and a lot of protection is on us, so despite of where anyone falls individually [we all have our serious problems] we will be at a major advantage.
meena_venus said:
Did my post get deleted?
I see it just fine. Maybe you scrolled past it.
As for feeling a thinning in their energy during RTR's lately i have had images in my mind, enduring ones of israel flattened to ashes. Some are depictions on the news in what seems to be a day dream and in a couple i saw beings with bright auras walking over the ashes. Am not sure if it was my own envisioning or if it just came to me...either way got a good vibe from them. I know i have more time myself now so 3 to 5 aday will no longer be the maximum for some times, that is if i can handle/help it
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many of you who meditate, have you noticed a "thinning" of the enemy in the air? One may be used in war, but when one has a day with the enemy weakened, they see the difference. A glimpse of beyond the veil, of beyond the dirt the enemy has raised - before the veil of dross of the enemy, this, we have experienced, when the enemy fails to uphold their wall of lies and spiritual jewtrix.
I noticed exactly this just yesterday. With the whole world going crazy, I felt unusually relaxed. None of the chaos seemed to matter. I was just staring out my bedroom window at the trees and squirrels and birds. It felt as if everything was somehow better. This was just after I did about 10 Final RTRs over the past few days, so that probably helped clean and open my soul to sense the cracks appearing in the jewtrix.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wanted to remind something to everyone who has asked in regards to doing "Rituals" about the CoVid. We are not here to do rituals to "Stop" this or do anything like this, as this is a waste of time. We must not listen solely to our kind hearts now, especially so if this is to cost us what we would try to prevent by desiring to act. We are at war, and this is war. We need one another in the front, and all our collective effort has to go in taking down the enemy, and crushing them spiritually without mercy.
Alright then, onward to victory with the Final RTR and the Race Awakening Ritual!
Hail Satan!

Same here! Everyone is uber hoarding and stressing scared. Not that the situation isnt dire but i find myself calmly thinking in an orderly process about chronological plans of action when alot of times im really an erratic flame. Other things have transpired as well that have given me a great sense of reassurance and peace in what actually is a time of grief for me. I have has spats with the enemy recently and in the past on a personal level as well but in my mind i always get "go for the whole. Dont divert your energy and we will get them all."
Shadowcat said:
As for feeling a thinning in their energy during RTR's lately i have had images in my mind, enduring ones of israel flattened to ashes. Some are depictions on the news in what seems to be a day dream and in a couple i saw beings with bright auras walking over the ashes. Am not sure if it was my own envisioning or if it just came to me...either way got a good vibe from them. I know i have more time myself now so 3 to 5 aday will no longer be the maximum for some times, that is if i can handle/help it

I saw a week ago Jews being executed by firing squad synogauges being burned when I did that masses of people protesting. I think if I keep this up I will not have to go back to a boring meaningless existence I complained about a lot on here anyways when this is over with or at least have some people to hang out with that are awake. I think we can do this. I went by a church in the car and noticed the energy was still gone empty feeling as if it wasn't there and it was just another building. That was cool.

I am really not that worried but Anxious.
Immortal said:
Hi HP,

I admire your optimism, but I do not share it.

I really enjoyed your post, thank you. However despite understanding exactly how you feel, I have in the depths of my soul the slightest bit of optimism. There are too many people that I can remember who meant something to me as well as many that I've never met that suffer who aren't hollow shells of a human being. I know I am not the only one here who has mastered the burning rage of someone who is tired of seeing the world burn under the jew. If I look hard enough occasionally I can see a world beyond their control that will be the product of our work. I don't care how many life times I must suffer to get to that place but I will if it means being rid of that filth and watching gentiles finally be free to live their lives in peace.
Lydia said:
Thank you for this. Extra RTR's now.

Hail Satan!

Yes. And as always dont go for insane amounts of RTRs people. keep 10 a day MAX.
I truly hope the jews will be full blown exposed now and dealt with.

Maybe I am just more open to the astral these days, or the enemies curse are weakened enough so I can see things clearer.

I can't wait for the sermon that Maxine is going to give us on the solar return that is from Satan that will change everything.
Lydia said:
Thank you for this. Extra RTR's now.

Hail Satan!
A bunch of relatives just moved in to stay with my family. Just beautiful. I'm afraid I won't be able to take part in spiritual warfare much more or do any of my usual rituals and spiritual activities, because I'm now sharing my room, I even have to 'clean' my laptop's content. I may however do a few silent or whispered RTRs.

This situation is just getting worse, we barely have enough supplies to last a few months and I can't do workings or rituals any more.
meena_venus said:
Did my post get deleted?

A lot of people are posting frantically and making threads in panic and concern, not to mention the High Priests and High Priestesses are going to be extra, extra busy in light of everything going on.

Post and thread approval is going to be really slow for a long while, everyone should be patient and respect the efforts the clergy is making to make sure information and everyone's thoughts and questions get through in a steady pace. It's likely more important posts and threads will be prioritized to get out sooner than others.

So just be patient.
meena_venus said:
Did my post get deleted?

As far as I know nope, it's above.
Blackdragon666 said:
Lydia said:
Thank you for this. Extra RTR's now.

Hail Satan!
A bunch of relatives just moved in to stay with my family. Just beautiful. I'm afraid I won't be able to take part in spiritual warfare much more or do any of my usual rituals and spiritual activities, because I'm now sharing my room, I even have to 'clean' my laptop's content. I may however do a few silent or whispered RTRs.

This situation is just getting worse, we barely have enough supplies to last a few months and I can't do workings or rituals any more.
Is it possible for you to tell them that you just do Yoga for relaxation? There many studies online that show the benefits of chanting a mantra, show them this and they should not question it. Even if you do the bare minimum it's better than nothing. If they are the type that will say or do bad things to you because you do something that they do not accept then, of course, be safe and don't say anything. I do understand you, I do have now more time because of this situation but it's a bit harder now because unlike before everyone is home and its always too quiet and I live in an apartment, so it's a bit awkward but honestly I do not care and I do my best!
Immortal said:
Hi HP,

I know I sound like a crying little bitch, but this is how I feel. I feel weak. I feel hatred and bitterness. I wish I feel the same way you do HP, but I don't :( Maybe you're closer to the Gods and can see things more clearly than I do.[/quote]

You appear to be overburdened by the following:

1. How retarded people are [you cannot change this, but not everyone is as retarded/hopeless as you describe.]. We don't seek their validation for all of this, not really. Just their education on some subjects.
2. Your own position in all of this, a feeling of a little weakness, which is nothing to be concerned about [you can change this in fully with time and determination, and therefore have a different perspective].
3. Forcing yourself to understand how things will be solved when you aren't on the level of solving them, causing you desperation. [Things will be solved by many people not just you or anyone else individually].

Solve yourself first and you will see a lot of hope for humanity too. We just do some effort for the greater good but everything else should focus on you.

Hatred and bitterness are very good and with proper sublimation will make you a better person.

When the mind is confronted with questions it cannot answer on the level where it hasn't reached yet, confusion, fear and anxiety may arise. This doesn't mean that questions cannot be solved or results cannot be attained, with the proper organization and spiritual power.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Eyes of the Gods are blazing on top of this world, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Stay strong and stay safe Brothers and Sisters, may Satan and the Gods bless everyone.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Despite what has been going in the world this a great year for me. After alot of suffering, reflecting time, laziness, depression and sadness that I recently had in the last year. I have improved alot and learned alot and actually found my way again. But this time I am better. I have started doing my meditations and never skipping a day it feels great and I enjoy it I don't feel the enemy's attacks. They are drastically weakened. I will start to really participate in the spiritual warfare and ruin the enemy with my brothers and sisters. I am very grateful for the gods blessings and protection. I will make sure that I will fight for our freedom and to make father Satan and the gods proud.

Hail Father Satan
Hail All of our Gods

And thank you Hps for being our role model and working hard to bring Father's kingdom on Earth
I want to lisen t men-I have a important infornmation that gives a fignt with gods-I will tel uou a lot-I we mast kill god!!
This is when we must shine like suns of a hundreds galaxy and roar our thunders like a thousand storms, nurture our being as billions of trees that cover our Planet , and throw our hits with the might of all of our Ancestors combined !!! We are to become real Humans , WE ARE THE PROGENY OF THE GODS AND GODDESSES OF SATAN ! Never waver , Never forget ! Show your inner DAEMONS !
im going to buy a blank book tomorrow and start writing some of the JOS down in case electricity goes down and nobody can turn on thier computers anymore. like they said the future is fluid.

im wondering about RTRs if we lost power...probably print like 1000 pages of RTRs or somthing?
Taurus said:
im going to buy a blank book tomorrow and start writing some of the JOS down in case electricity goes down and nobody can turn on thier computers anymore. like they said the future is fluid.

im wondering about RTRs if we lost power...probably print like 1000 pages of RTRs or somthing?

Print one prototype and then you can copy each letter and blot it out and go for lower cost. Or just print a lot.
Blackdragon666 said:
Lydia said:
Thank you for this. Extra RTR's now.

Hail Satan!
A bunch of relatives just moved in to stay with my family. Just beautiful. I'm afraid I won't be able to take part in spiritual warfare much more or do any of my usual rituals and spiritual activities, because I'm now sharing my room, I even have to 'clean' my laptop's content. I may however do a few silent or whispered RTRs.

This situation is just getting worse, we barely have enough supplies to last a few months and I can't do workings or rituals any more.

No need to do any rituals to be honest especially if you don’t have privacy. I believe even in things where rituals are required such as summoning a demon the Gods understand if you don’t have privacy and you can do it in your astral temple or improvise.
So don’t worry too much about that.

But workings and meditations that’s kind of important if you know who your Gaurdian is even if your not fully open they maybe can give you advice various ways on what to do. Such as intuition dreams or bringing stuff to mind.

The other thing is my person advice is this. I grew up in an xtian home where my Dad was a pastor I came to Satanism before I left his house. I still did meditations and rituals like regular.

Can you go out for walks as long as you are in a place no one can hear you and are aware of your surroundings (as in pause what your doing if someone approaches or adjust volume) you can bring a phone or device or even a piece of paper with the rtr and vibrate it while your walking then cross out letters as you get a chance. I know not as ideal as sitting in privacy fully focused and maybe a little weaker but it’s still quite effective energetically especially if you raise energies before doing it.

The next thing are if your ever in a place that is quite loud either with a bunch of people (way less likely now) or with a high volume of some thing do the same thing. I sometimes meditated at work when there were a lot of people around and everyone was paying attention to their own little things no one ever noticed who I was doing or said anything but be careful again and adjust volume of vibrations if need be and don’t be obvious as in pulling out a device with the letters on it in full view of people and sitting there crossing them out after each one. Just cross them out like 10 at a time or something quickly.

Next up can you turn up the volume of a Radio TV just about anything and leave it on just to mask the sounds again remember to adjust volume if need be.

Something like being in the shower and turning on the fan (most bathrooms have one as far as I know) do a quick rtr or meditation if you can have extended time for a bath you can do much more.

Improvise be creative you may even be able to think of other ideas yourself. Good luck oh and if you have a basement or room people barely go into your all set this is the trick I used growing up. There was a fully furnished basement in the home my family barely went into I’d pretend to go watch movies down there since they had a tv down there and mediate and do the warfare stuff back then.

You can think of something maybe even pretend you are anxious and just want to hang out in a room somewhere alone for a bit and relax and do it quietly.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
As for feeling a thinning in their energy during RTR's lately i have had images in my mind, enduring ones of israel flattened to ashes. Some are depictions on the news in what seems to be a day dream and in a couple i saw beings with bright auras walking over the ashes. Am not sure if it was my own envisioning or if it just came to me...either way got a good vibe from them. I know i have more time myself now so 3 to 5 aday will no longer be the maximum for some times, that is if i can handle/help it

I saw a week ago Jews being executed by firing squad synogauges being burned when I did that masses of people protesting. I think if I keep this up I will not have to go back to a boring meaningless existence I complained about a lot on here anyways when this is over with or at least have some people to hang out with that are awake. I think we can do this. I went by a church in the car and noticed the energy was still gone empty feeling as if it wasn't there and it was just another building. That was cool.

I am really not that worried but Anxious.

Sounds like we are being showed some of the very same things. the burning synogauges and firing squads! (the first is actually recent for me) burn those mother fuckers :twisted:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
