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A Little Chaos, A Little Bernie Sanders, And What This Reveals

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Of course, Bernie Sanders is rising. And the common thing jews do is give publicity to their own while they pretend that they are condemning them.

Bernie Sanders has promised the stars, the moon, and all the seas in the feet of people when he gets elected. That is a common Jewish tactic that has been practiced on many dissatisfied and fed up people, limited not only in the US, but also Rome, Russia and many other places.

When dissatisfaction reaches the maximum, as for example, when people no longer have any food, instead of the Jew thinking they should solve the situation - here is exactly where the Jew celebrates as the pinnacle of reaching damnation is their tipping point to always go into the next step. In contrast to good leaders which have their ears on top of the people and care for them in time of need, the jew only finds the greatest manifestation in increasing poverty and damnation.

In regards to what happens when jews succeed in mass manipulation - proper leaders do normally think of how they will achieve goals and actually make good things happen after elections without blowing a country to bits completely. One example here is Hitler.

Because he disproved the enemy of so many things, such as for example, that you will go "Bankrupt" if you fix a country, or that you need "Violent revolution" to make a country better [Jewish Communist claims here], or that "You need to kiss ass to jews to make a country run", and numerous other myths, he broke all these myths, and he constructed a paradise, into a phenomenon that appeared only once in modern history.

For this "Grave sin" towards the Jew, the original inventor of sin, a war was machinated against this regime, which showed Gentile superiority and that YES, Gentiles can solve all their problems, and fairly easily, and fairly quickly, insofar we have the intention to do so.

This is sort of like proving that one can get Eternal Life without kissing Rabbi Jeboo ass. When and if people understood this was the wrong way, and this was verified, of course, the Jews would be frantic that their hoax and mental control programming had collapsed.

Hitler never made any deceitful promises, outright lying propaganda [even-though that would catapult him] especially on top of a poverty and chaos ridden people. But Hitler was caring about people, so instead of promising bullshit, he did what he could, which was miraculous political work. Even all his enemies tremble to see how many things he achieved and how much acclaim and iron backing he had from people because of these attainments.

Jews work a lot like the reverse. See for example the original jewish lie: Believe in Jeboo on the stick, and you will attain automatic salvation goy, trust us. So convenient - perfectly fitting in the mind of the lazy slave - all they have to do is just keep being lazy but credit their lazy faith to a new slave master now. Nothing to meditate at or think about now - all you have to do is believe in this Rabbi, and all your problems will be fixed. Or so says the lying contract. The reality is, that one couldn't do more wrong to themselves than this - they ruined themselves.

Modern United States is a lot like Rome at the time of the late emperors. Exiting the "Golden Era" of the United States of the 50's, 60's, 70's etc, now we have a situation where many are so dissatisfied, so stupefied, and so easily swindled because of desperation, that they will vote for just about anything that promises them Free Stuff, limited but not included to Bernie Sanders.

Jews have successfully dissolved any reasonable voices in the Democratic party such as Tulsi.

The Political Establishment was laughing at Sanders, but Sanders knows how to play all the cards that the incessant brainwashing of generations has wielded as fruits in the conscience of people. Other Democratic Jews don't like Sanders as Sanders is hated as Trotsky hated Lenin, and as in how Stalin hated Trotsky - Jews hate other jews naturally when there is conflicting interest. And given his jewish brothers in arms in the United States government with their corruption, speculation, and creation of masses that work for slavery wage, are all in alignment, people are pretending that they are questioning why he has any rise at all.

Well, they know why Bernie is on the rise. Trillions of dollars of debts by people that can never be repaid, many families that live paycheck to paycheck, most American families unable to afford emergency expenses more than 400$ dollars, going to a hospital and having to sign your soul to some Jew to get checked or get hospitalized, and the list goes on.

Most of these problems until now have not been addressed because the Jewish Tribe which is the head of the American Empire, doesn't want to really pluck it's own eyes out and increase taxation or get jews to pay anything, let alone touch it's chosen Tribe and their wealth or anything like this. Nobody wanted to cleanse out the stable when the Jew was speculating in 2008 on the backs of all humanity. Jews of course aren't going to give a fuck that people cannot afford 400$ emergency costs while at the same time they are citizens of the most powerful country on Earth.

As such the pedigree Jewish class right now assumes [and willingly ignores] that these issues even exist. They all have a double passport to Israel anyway for when Bernie may come in power and cause bankruptcy.

It should be understood by now that these are only their eternal methods. On one hand, we have Jews creating a very carefully manifested situation of goyim enslavement - when the Jew is leading. When dissatisfaction reaches a maximum, they launch another 'Savior Jew' who promises to save everyone, and in the end, not only ruins everyone, but swindles people twice as much as the first Jew. Then he brings this loot for the rest of the tribe to enjoy, and the people remain completely looted.

However herein lies the window of opportunity: The more people get jewed, the more people will be exposed to the fact that they are being jewed. We are in a situation where ironically, the very same things that we don't want to happen because we care about humanity and we consider these negative, such as for example, things like the Coronavirus or this endless swindling, are actually catapults for what will propel us to educate and awaken even more people than ever before.

We must not stop the enemy from making mistakes - let them continue down the same path of jewing people. Yes, they should keep jewing people for 500$ for an Asthma inhaler - perfectly fine. But don't people suffer, you may ask? Of course they do, and we do not want this. But unless people feel what living under Jews really means deeply into their consciousness, they will never really understand. And in a democratic system, the understanding of the people is required.

Before shit hit the fan in totality, only a few wise people listened to Hitler. The rest thought it was all bollocks, and found that caring for your country was too "Serious" and too "Austere", ie, too much Truth in contrast to the lies they have been corn fed, as they pleasantly were swimming in fake promises, hoaxes, and lies. Then shit really hit the fan and the people came begging to be saved, having lost faith totally in their previous "Saviors".

The RTR's will help so that this point of awakening doesn't come one moment before they are all gone, but earlier. Consider for example now the Greek revolts over their replacement under the Hajis. People were dying and getting raped for years, properties were being looted, whole islands being culturally replaced, and people lived in nightmares. This kept on for years. Then, however, the RTR opened a shatter in public consciousness and people reacted. Under normal "Jew Torah chanting" and "Xian Verse Cursing going fine as usual" circumstances, this wouldn't have happened.

The backlash of this is that the Jew is massively afraid of the people. Even the leftist communists decided it was time to "Fold" on the migrant situation and agree that the borders should remain closed. These are outrageous statements which show how much they are afraid that people are now against them.

Pretty soon enough and if they keep agitating, all these people are going to be is just condemned obvious traitors that walk around with a huge aim behind their ass saying "KICK OUR ASSES FOR LIFE!" for wanting to race mix and bastardize Europe.

See for example - this is supposed to be a Minister of Interior for Finland. Now she looks like a mid-low tier woman saying the stuff everyone is used at - allow invaders in, kiss their ass, etc etc.


That to anyone who does an RTR, is a perfect hand-rubbing situation!

Let these landwhales and mentally ill race traitors enjoy this feast of garbage with their invading hordes while they last, because the agitation of the deadly European Beast will not last for long. Let them stuff their belies for a night or two and move in front of the Great Dragon and say, "Yes, we the bitches and the inferiors, we have conspired to defeat you!".

Let the European Beast get many punches and don't be afraid for it's survival - our sole fear should be that it didn't get enough punches.

Let the agitation of the inferiors reach the all time highest, and the disrespect and agitation towards the Great Dragon reach heights never seen before.

Let our great species be hit with giant rocks from every inferior, gang and looter of the planet, until it understands it's permanent role to never sleep in slumber again.

Every rock we receive and doesn't kill us only guarantees further that the forces of decay will have a harder and more brutal reckoning than before.

So let them throw their little stones with their little hands. A dragon could never die from some stones, but it might certainly wake up if the irritation becomes too great.

Therefore, let us welcome the irritation, the stones thrown by their feeble and sickly hands, their canned slogans about our replacement, the constant hits on the Dragons mighty scale.

In regards to the stone throwers, let's hope they blaspheme the Great Dragon so much, that he desires to spit as little as one breath on top of them, and all we will be worried after this will be their ashes. Their ashes will make for great decoration in the coming World of the Dragon!

When others see disasters, we can see opportunities. There has never been a greater opportunity than this! Everyone would call Hitler or anyone else believing in such "strange theories" a conspirator, a loonie, a tinfoil hatter. Now, we are in the straight path to where people will call anyone who says Hitler wasn't correct, a tinfoil hatter. The Truth has been reversed into lies, and now, the lies are reversing back into their nothingness from the obvious manifestations of the Truth.

The tipping point is being reached where people now finally get to see the manifestation - it is our enemies who are not the tinfoil hatters for denying the obvious reality. A very nice occasion overall! Soon, they will be the guilty, and ever sooner, the convicts of conspiring of the death of humanity. Then, the price of their plan will be paid.

In other words, let us do the RTR happily knowing that the situation which will freely absolve us from the enemy in the future, is manifesting through the chaos in front of our very eyes.

Finally, everyone can and will readily see the Jewish mission of our replacement. An aeons and aeons long conspiracy has now been revealed, and the RTR will reassure that it's perpetrators lose all their power.

The enemy is afraid of the swarming masses of awakening people. And pain can be beneficial in awakening people so comfortably numb. These mentally dead NPC's need to be slapped powerfully into reality. Just not as hard as to die within their sleep.

Indeed, we have to be thankful they have been doing as much against the Gentiles lately, so obviously and so without concern, and we must enjoy when the enemy panics and they show their true colors. It's great the Jew comes and tells the American people they want their guns. Indeed, one may say it's also great that they are bringing cannon fodder in Europe to replace the native populations, as the situation of "No return and no acceptance of jewish bullshit no more" is going to eventually be reached.

The more we do spiritual warfare, the earlier it will come. We just want this to happen earlier than the final breaking point, and insofar to that end, we have been quite successful. This world was moving to it's end without a reaction, without any awareness, a perfectly healthy patient unjustly dying in their sleep, with no reactions.

The enemy has always been planning to take Gentiles out without any reaction, so bad shit was bound to happen anyway, planned for centuries - and in far more intensity than now. But now, not only this happens less, but this goal will not be met, let alone, people may actually raise their head before it is too late, and with disastrous outcomes for the enemy.

All in all that is great, pleasant and happy progress.

This may be costly in the short term [for example, yes, people may suffer], but it is even more beneficial in the long-term, as the only long term plan to deal with the enemy is their full exposure. The RTR's will help to all necessary ends for their rule to be finished. Permanently.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very motivating sermon, HP.

May we all take great delight in the destruction of the enemy!
Great sermon. I just don’t get why the Jews are trying to destroy the west especially USA because when we go down there’s no one to prop up Israel anymore and the Arab nations are gonna make their move on taking back Palestine. Surely they know this, or do they just not care anymore?
The problem is if Sanders wins the baggage train of other policies he wants to bring about will destroy the policies he offers that people want such as healthcare. Sanders wants to erase the border and allow everyone into America this includes amnesty for tens of millions of illegals already in America. Yang was quite open that for the social polices such as Sanders is running on that you can't do such as it would collapse the entire infrastructure that such social systems need to exist.

Given the Democratic Party want amnesty, open borders and the destruction of the second amendment. These are the polices they will all vote with Sanders on and they will block the other policies he wants. As its bad for their bank books and those of their lobby pimps.

The situation is simply that if Sanders became President it would be the end of America within a few years. Amnesty would give the Democratic Party the base for the one party system they want to create and this would then create the platform for them to transform America into a third world, globalized Marxist dictatorship in a few generations.
This was a pretty inspiring sermon. I was honestly a bit worried about what might happen if Bernie got elected but this made me feel a lot better. Its definetly very true the more they jew the people the more they'll wake up
I agree, in this world the only thing that can wake up the sleeping NPC's is pain. This is the only way. SS should not worry because you are protected (if you do what you are supposed to do) and your loved one are too, it doesn't mean that some will not suffer a bit at all but they are far more protected that the avarage.
I fully agree with all the info you presented! Thought about those aspects a lot lately. There is one thing:

"These mentally dead NPC's need to be slapped powerfully into reality. Just not as hard as to die within their sleep. "

Many of us SS are getting so involved in this war and fighting explaining debating using argumentation, we interract with the most stupid most desgusting race traitors and related. Some of us even got sick because of so much anger and involvment. I am not complaining. Here I am back on my feet fighting again. I am obsessed with justice and a bit afraid that one day when our side starts winning majorly they may switch sides and join us. I am refering here to the most brainwashed npcs and race traitors or xian fanatics. Those are the type of people that alwas wanna be on the winning side. I wouldn't wanna have such a person on my side when things start getting hard against me again. I just hope that somehow they will pay for all the damage they did. It's one thng to be a leftist or xian but to be rather ballanced and question things from time to time, but being a total ass kissing droid is unforgivable.
I had always wondered why the masses of people could see something that is so apparent and why is it that a small set of people on par with the Jewish population are able to be antisemitic. This is changing with Europeans and people around the world becoming aware of the Jewish problem. What changed was these people had to personally suffer the effects the jews created in their lives through their economies,their coordinated plans and their schemes. In their desperation when they searched for the answer ,the antisemites happily answered them "These people are responsible. It wasn't a coincidence. There us proof. There is definitive proof. " Until they've suffered to a point or been bewildered with the stuff going around them to the point it makes them question reality, they do not become aware of a reality that is apparent, yet deceptively hidden from the masses. There is no turning back. Only thing required in a revolution is that 1/4th of a population agree among their premise. Once there is agreement, more people will band and reach a 50+% majority. When that happens, its a done deal. Theres no going back, except to heating the ovens .
Awesome post.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy is afraid of the swarming masses of awakening people. And pain can be beneficial in awakening people so comfortably numb. These mentally dead NPC's need to be slapped powerfully into reality. Just not as hard as to die within their sleep.

Indeed, we have to be thankful they have been doing as much against the Gentiles lately, so obviously and so without concern, and we must enjoy when the enemy panics and they show their true colors. It's great the Jew comes and tells the American people they want their guns. Indeed, one may say it's also great that they are bringing cannon fodder in Europe to replace the native populations, as the situation of "No return and no acceptance of jewish bullshit no more" is going to eventually be reached.

The more we do spiritual warfare, the earlier it will come. We just want this to happen earlier than the final breaking point, and insofar to that end, we have been quite successful. This world was moving to it's end without a reaction, without any awareness, a perfectly healthy patient unjustly dying in their sleep, with no reactions.

The enemy has always been planning to take Gentiles out without any reaction, so bad shit was bound to happen anyway, planned for centuries - and in far more intensity than now. But now, not only this happens less, but this goal will not be met, let alone, people may actually raise their head before it is too late, and with disastrous outcomes for the enemy.

All in all that is great, pleasant and happy progress.

This may be costly in the short term [for example, yes, people may suffer], but it is even more beneficial in the long-term, as the only long term plan to deal with the enemy is their full exposure. The RTR's will help to all necessary ends for their rule to be finished. Permanently.

The biggest problem of Europe of the 10s, 20s, 30s, and 40s. Is no one had the internet; everyone was living in a shell with only "controlled news". So thanks to the WWW/666 people are informed. It's a shame we didn't have what we have now in the past. Our RTRs could have completely side-stepped the WW2.

Anyways I agree with these statement as much as I hate to see people suffer. Most NPCs are fucking retarded and don't pay attention. It's a shame most NPCs aren't normal people who care and whatnot, some do. But most live in their own little world.

So shattering their perception of reality and a little push should wake them up. After all that is what occult-spiritual warfare is all about dominating the masses and helping the World. Sure we are just doing simple RTRs not full blown global coven rituals similar to say the 88/99 rituals. But non-the less I do have a question that popped up with this sermon.

If the jewish control and financial termination ritual was done as well as the economic rituals. Which you mentioned cause changes in economic status. Wouldn't these rituals be accelerating the decay of economies and cause issues to Gentiles?

I'm not against causing issues. Like Artanis, I do enjoy Starcraft once in a while. The great Nick "Tasteless" Plott stated "The entire point of harassment is to set up as many fires as possible, on your enemy". In other words there is so much harassment that the enemy has no time to do things except scrounge up a defense and try and clear you out, such as stopping you from killing workers or destroying buildings or taxing their APM.

So I guess what I'm trying to state considering things like BCP, Black Conservative Patriot, stating Dr.Shelton's rise to the Fed. Or even stating he believes Trump may end the Fed and put us on Gold Standard. I guess the question that I'm asking is, is the economic situation gonna get worse?

I'm sure the jews would love to avoid a pre-33 situation but more and more people are protesting over wages. Hell look at China now, 2-3-to-6-8 trillion lost dollars in economic movement.

So what I'm trying to ask is "Economy wise", what do you foresee happening?
Sermon really very well written. Honour and respect to you Cobra and thank you.
Should not the people that openly went for the enemy too much just be destroyed somehow or will the enemy do that for us.

I know not related fully to what you said but the sermon bought up this to my mind I thought about it for awhile.

There is your a brain dead person for now or your really smart but connected in but your really good anyways and want what’s best these are the ones id love to save the person I was talking about on here awhile back is one example. Then there is you are not really a great person and your following the enemy because you actually agree with them in your heart or maybe you even know the truth and are a bad person. These are the people we might not want to have around forever

Or am I looking at this wrong and there actually is hope some of the people can become better and not lower the vibe of humanity forever.
EU sends $800 million to Greece, and claim they will protect their borders from an organized invasion.

She announced nearly $800 million in funding for Greece, for establishing and keeping up “infrastructure” at the border. The dramatic move comes amid a sharply escalating crisis after Turkey opened the country’s border to Greece as part of an apparent push to make Europe offer more support in dealing with the fallout of the Syrian war.

“Our first priority is making sure that order is maintained at the Greek external border, which is also a European border. I am fully committed to mobilizing all the necessary operational support to the Greek authorities,” she said

Those little stupid liberals are gonna regret so much their retarded decision of voting for a jew, when their family is gonna be raped and beheaded just for being whitey.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Great sermon. I just don’t get why the Jews are trying to destroy the west especially USA because when we go down there’s no one to prop up Israel anymore and the Arab nations are gonna make their move on taking back Palestine. Surely they know this, or do they just not care anymore?

Because they think if the USA goes down that will make it easier to take down all other free or somewhat free countries (such as some of the European ones or Canada ) and the world will be communist in short order. This is the main reason they seem to target it the most. They are probably aware on some level of what your saying as well unless they really are dumb which I don’t think so given their IQ levels but Jews don’t think in their own best interests like the reptilians don’t they are not logical like we are. They are motivated by hatred and a desire for dominance and control. They always think in the bigger picture but ignore the short term is what it seems like more and more and they don’t even seem to be able to understand or think about how people will react to things. For example with this virus it was so obvious that someone is controlling the world and suppressing things everywhere that even very low IQ xtian might know something is wrong.

This is all to our advantage that they can’t think short term or in the moment seemingly.

The fact that they are having to make quick decisions is good cause they never had to do this much before they are like the greys slow to react since they are hive mind apparently (id love to be able to read one of their minds so I can better understand this cause I don’t) so reacting quickly they likely will make huge mistakes.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Theres a high chance were heading towards a great depression. But that's what the economists were saying every year so you won't know when it will happen until it happens. But the monetary system to collapse is a certainty. Its basically fake money being created on internet. When the people who own the stock and bonds lose confidence in the market, it will all come crashing down. I wouldn't be surprised if the jews orchestrate this themselves because there is profit to be made during economic collapses. Like during the soviet union collapse, these jews bought property and assets which eventually became thousands of millions of dollars being sold at pennies on the dollar. It was completely insane. It also happened when Napoleon had been defeated and the jews started a fake rumor that napoleon had won so they started selling stocks like crazy and the rothschilds bought all if it in an extremely cheap rate essentially owning the British Empire this effectively gaining control over 1/4th of the world. These jews have been market manipulators since Babylon so you never know what they might do and when.
slyscorpion said:
Should not the people that openly went for the enemy too much just be destroyed somehow or will the enemy do that for us.

I know not related fully to what you said but the sermon bought up this to my mind I thought about it for awhile.

There is your a brain dead person for now or your really smart but connected in but your really good anyways and want what’s best these are the ones id love to save the person I was talking about on here awhile back is one example. Then there is you are not really a great person and your following the enemy because you actually agree with them in your heart or maybe you even know the truth and are a bad person. These are the people we might not want to have around forever

Or am I looking at this wrong and there actually is hope some of the people can become better and not lower the vibe of humanity forever.

Some are beyond the acceptable limit of brainwashing or simply "i don't care". They must pay somehow. Those are people who love confort too much and avoid getting their hands dirty. The NWO is leftist? They are leftists... the future NWO will be satanic? They will become satanic even though they don't understand a thing of either of them they just wanna be with the majority/the power. I refuse to believe after some of us got sick fighting for this cause (and I always will fight no matter what) that those fuckers will just switch sides and be forgiven. Easy as fuck eh? There are countries where the race mixing goes peacefully out of complete stupidity. No violence no islamic fanatism ... it just does. So there is no pain to wake them up. You either have that inner instinct of preservation and acknowledge what the genetics achieved in history or you perish. You don't need the blacks and arabs to rape you to wake up. If they all integrate this means we should fuck with them? NO WAY! Besides what we know and they don't is the decreasing of soul ability trough mixing.

So yeah we take tremendous time to explain, justify, elaborate our cause, with details and civilised explanations and reach 10 people while some reply with "fuck off you retarded nazi, we are intelectuals and raists are retarded" (general mentality in my country). While the media says a short shocking phrase that goes like "Far rightr on the rise" and tens of thousands see it and like it.

No they don't deserve forgiveness...
Before the mighty dragon's flames, the rat, the bug, the lizard and the microbes who swarm around them to do their bidding faithfully, all who oppose it are equal, as all things are equal in death.

All the lackey's who aided and abetted the jews in their crimes against the Mighty White Dragon realize in the moment the white hot breath equalizes them to nothingness, how truly foolish it has been to anger the greatest force known to this world.

As for the jews themselves, they have long known what is coming if the Mighty White Dragon wakes before they have robbed his hoard and put it to eternal sleep with their toxic lullabies of death, but little did they know the Dragon's consciousness would never truly wane even in it's deepest slumber, and learn the Hymn to wake itself from it's endless dreams, before it had been robbed of all it's might and splendor.

Hail Satan!
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Great sermon. I just don’t get why the Jews are trying to destroy the west especially USA because when we go down there’s no one to prop up Israel anymore and the Arab nations are gonna make their move on taking back Palestine. Surely they know this, or do they just not care anymore?

Lol Dude you really need to study.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Great sermon. I just don’t get why the Jews are trying to destroy the west especially USA because when we go down there’s no one to prop up Israel anymore and the Arab nations are gonna make their move on taking back Palestine. Surely they know this, or do they just not care anymore?
How could the Arabs take back Palestine, praying the giant chip in Mecca?
What a unique and fascinating way to look at our situation - loved the sermon, HP. Victory is nigh! Sieg Heil!
dragon wakes up only when the rock gets between the beast and its wagner playlist
StraitShot47 said:
EU sends $800 million to Greece, and claim they will protect their borders from an organized invasion.

She announced nearly $800 million in funding for Greece, for establishing and keeping up “infrastructure” at the border. The dramatic move comes amid a sharply escalating crisis after Turkey opened the country’s border to Greece as part of an apparent push to make Europe offer more support in dealing with the fallout of the Syrian war.

“Our first priority is making sure that order is maintained at the Greek external border, which is also a European border. I am fully committed to mobilizing all the necessary operational support to the Greek authorities,” she said


3 Billion was spent on Turkey to stop the jew invasion to really no avail. They gave Erdogan 3 billion and expected he was going to keep his word to "Contain" the migrants.

Maybe if he fucks off and stops causing wars in Syria, he would save his people of endless invasion and injustice. Our brother a Turkish SS explained that this hoards are not only excellent paid, but that they are about 5 million or more.

This money will in reality stop nothing, that is for certain. The jews and traitors currently in power do want the invasion.
User said:
dragon wakes up only when the rock gets between the beast and its wagner playlist

Wagner has to play on the streets and then in around a week we will have the promised results, you're a man of culture I see!
Jack said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Theres a high chance were heading towards a great depression. But that's what the economists were saying every year so you won't know when it will happen until it happens. But the monetary system to collapse is a certainty. Its basically fake money being created on internet. When the people who own the stock and bonds lose confidence in the market, it will all come crashing down. I wouldn't be surprised if the jews orchestrate this themselves because there is profit to be made during economic collapses. Like during the soviet union collapse, these jews bought property and assets which eventually became thousands of millions of dollars being sold at pennies on the dollar. It was completely insane. It also happened when Napoleon had been defeated and the jews started a fake rumor that napoleon had won so they started selling stocks like crazy and the rothschilds bought all if it in an extremely cheap rate essentially owning the British Empire this effectively gaining control over 1/4th of the world. These jews have been market manipulators since Babylon so you never know what they might do and when.

The "Real" economy is the labour, real money in existence and circulation, infrastructure, resources, the produced goods and other things. This one is the hardest to "break". As for the macro-economy and the artificial types of crises [of which most have been only artificial to this day], if they make another one of these, they will reap tremendous damage, way more than what they tried to cause.

These did not affect the "Real economy" but were numbers crises over numbers of money that didn't even exist or was created from deceitful enterprises, such as extreme loaning that would be "To-be" paid from a real economy that didn't even exist. Normal countries in this case would not tax people to fill the gap but try instead to fill the blanks with banks and outlaw and penaltize the practices that lead to this. Jews repeating another such crisis that reaches global scale will just end them permanently. They may fall from power if this happens, rather than get any elevated power.

The economy has become so abstract that it's impossible to see now by logical means when and if. Not even the planets can really answer clearly on that one. However, all of the information and the planets do coincide for a down dive. We as a planet collectively took a dive down with this Coronavirus thing which created trillions of sinkholes. Still, this will not mandate crash the economy, but if the panic continues and the Jews keep doing false advertising, it might.

The Jew created panic is what affects mostly the economy as this creates investor fear. Investor fear creates for pulling money out of assets and so forth, and this can cause a crash, or send bad ripples in the economy.

The markets have took hits but they have not crashed. Also, whomever talks on these subjects with fake certainty, never believe them. I listen yearly and without fail from the time I remember myself that at some point there will be financial collapse. When the collapse was really coming, even with the most blatant signs [the 2008 was blatant], nobody really paid attention. A lot of this is psychological.
A big part of Bernie Sanders supporters are well off self hating white liberals. These people along with the non whites who are have parents who did well to put their child thru school are part of the stereotypical millenials. Obviously there are good people in this generation but it really is true many are lazy and incredibly self entitled man/woman children. They had snow plow parents, parents who just babied them all their lives , making sure they push away any obstacle for their child so now we have a bunch of people who just want everything with out working for it and these people are 100% socialists.

I think if the democrats and their media didn't lie so much many lower class and workimg class would understand that trumps tax cuts for the rich did benefit the people in lower status but unfortunately the lowest of the low did get a bit of an increase if I remember correctly. I think it was anyone who at the very least made 30k to 50k had a positive outcome from the taxes.

I can definetly see with there are jews who don't like Bernie since they'll be taxed out of their 1% status within a few years with socialism.

It is nice seeing more and more people out side of here seeing the relevance between jews and their messed up systems and ideas they push onto us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The "Real" economy is the labour, real money in existence and circulation, infrastructure, resources, the produced goods and other things. This one is the hardest to "break". As for the macro-economy and the artificial types of crises [of which most have been only artificial to this day], if they make another one of these, they will reap tremendous damage, way more than what they tried to cause.

Didn't realize you replied to my post, till now. Anyways my question is, is it our intention with the rituals we have done in the past and in current F-RTR to collapse the economies of nations?

You mentioned a long time ago probably ProPhp forum-era the intention of the jewish financial and control termination ritual is to bring about new economic policies to better help the World.

Is it our intention and the Gods intention to push the collapse?

(FYI I'm not against occult warfare towards the enemy. I'm all for it but is this a situation of making people see the World in a different light by putting them on the spot and bringing suffering to them?)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
