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A Brief History of "Christianity" And The Notion Of "Christ"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A lot of lack of knowledge leads to many falsehoods in regards to spiritual knowledge with more certainty than anything.

The Jewish people, in the Roman empire, were exposed to the religious tenets and beliefs of the people of the region. Back then, the Ancient Greek Culture was basically the ruling culture, and it was widely accepted by people worldwide, from Alexander's conquests and onwards. Where it was not approved and fully accepted, it was respected deeply.

In the Ancient Greek language, the word "Christ" means simply "The Anoited One" or the "One partaking in the mysteries". That is an epithet that could go to any person or any initiate of the Ancient Mysteries. It was used along the lines for many people and was rather common. That is only a "title" however.

The real "Name" of "Jesus" in the jewish soap opera, is Moshiach Ben David [The messiah descended from David] and literally just "Yeshua" or "Yehoshua". The "Christ" was added later as a title, same as "Jesus Christ" that many idiots speak left and right today.

The "story" of jesus, is nothing but Alchemical stories and stolen legends of other civilizations, mashed up together by Jews, mixing Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek and Arabic elements, into one big soup, that they later on turned into a suicidal concoction that they promoted to the illiterate masses of the Roman empire, to make them brutes and turn them against the Roman state.

The goal of this, was to create a great cultural divide within the Roman Empire, which later on destroyed the Empire through cultural appropriation and cultural warfare. Christianity was created as an exclusively "Anti-Greek" and "Anti-Pagan" ideal, to "cast down the idols" and cultural norms of the Roman Empire.

Literally, if one has any clue, the only reason "Christianity" exists is to fight "The Idols of Beelzebul, Astarte, the Throne of Satan in Pergamum [Zeus]", to "cast down the idols", to "Drive away the Satan" and so on. That's all it's there fore, it's there only to hate what has existed prior.

Then, from all that existed prior, it stole all the important codes, meanings and allegories that it could, presenting them as "it's own", to just confuse people to undertake this religion to kill their own Ancient religions.

As stupid as this might sound, this level of a very low IQ and intelligence, was rife in the Ancient world, and rife it is also today.

The jews knew that when you break a civilization's internal values that founded it, the clock is ticking until the civilization collapses. Today, the United States experiences these in sieges against Free Speech, Gun Ownership, Constitutional removal, Racial warfare of people who all share the same rights under the same Nation [this collapses a Nation no matter of the respective opinions of those involved] and so on, so forth.

The jews, later on, stole terms like this and formulated a new "faith" based on literal misappropriations of the terms and ultimate hoaxes. As one can see, Christianity is a faith that was created with the most retarded and servile in mind, and it banishes science, knowledge, understanding, the Gods, and anything great and profound as "Evil".

Meanwhile, all it does is deify the jews, tell people to obey the jews, and so on. Since most of you here are smart, you were not fooled by these messages, but people who are simpler and very illiterate at the time, were greatly confused and conned into believing this rather simplistic "religion".

Jews stole sayings from numerous philosophers, knowledge that was given to all people, they desecrated it, and progressively created a cult that on the surface appeared as a "Solar Religion" [like the Ancient people followed]. This was only it's cover for very few years, while jews continued injecting falsehoods and lies into it, and reversing all the traditional morals of the Ancient religions into it.

Eventually, the shell of this hoax resembled in some ways the old religions, but it's essence was that of a virus of the mind, ready to plague the Roman Empire.

As Judaism was basically the same as Christianity, and it was "Ancient Paganism Reversed", and they blasphemed the Gods, the Roman authorities of the time attacked Jews and many times over burned them to the ground, because they were operating like terrorist groups and constantly created religious, cultural and philosophical sacrilege.

Christians, fundamentally, were Racial Jews, who believed in the story of a rebel Rabbi they never seen from Nazareth, called "Jesus". In the Bible, the "Jesus" character is still called a Rabbi, and it's beyond any dispute all of "Christianity" is nothing but a jewish national historical hoax.

In the same way jews send infiltrators and diaspora inside the Gentiles, oftentimes pretending they are being "persecuted" or in "war" with other jews, but having the same underlying agenda, the jews did the same move of infiltration with the character of Jesus.

The story of "Jesus" is commonly laughed about by Rabbis since they know that this story is fully retarded. They know this "story" contains nothing but vague messages, false morality, is rooted on injustice, and on lies that their own jewish ancestors wrote about. Therefore, that is denied by jews as an official religion and jews constantly attack other jews who are as retarded as to believe in this hoax.

This retardation level according to jews should be reserved for the Gentiles. And upon the Gentiles of course they constantly try to impress this hoax upon.

Yet, because many people are confused deeply by the elements of the Solar religion in this cult [the cover of it] they cannot really escape from it and constantly try to lie to themselves that there is still something "Good" in Christianity, while it's all stole and corrupted notions.

But some people cannot accept this because either of stupidity, lack of knowledge, or simply because they are too lazy and they don't want anything else. The same underlying factors is also what rallied people to adopt this hoax in the Roman Empire, effectively doing a suicide move towards their own culture and themselves.

The "Christian" faith, is the revenge of the Jewish people was to create a concoction of false and reversed messages, and then try to make this a popular religion. As "Christianity" kept a pseudo-pagan shell for a few years from it's Jewish inception, the poor, the uneducated and the people who knew nothing, got absorbed in it.

Christianity began and always was a faith of the jews, yet the jews exported it out of Judea, because they considered this "Teaching" to be risky and against Judaism. First and foremost, this jewish dogma was built upon the story of a non existent jewish rebel, and this caused rebellions and disputes against jews.

This new hybrid infiltration religion the jews have made, but they saw after a while that the profound stupidity and evil of Christianity was also turning many jews against other jews.

Jews went as far as to punish or even want to murder other jews for promoting this giant hoax they made for their victims upon their own jewish people, like a drug dealer will never do his own drugs and would kill another drug dealer if they saw them selling to their own children.

To this day, the jews are adamant that they must never accept this foolish hoax, only export it and maintain it in the "Goyim Nations", banishing this religious virus inside the Roman empire.

When jews noticed this, they removed all of this cult and solely exported it on the Roman empire to people of lower class and lesser intelligence, where the cult grew in power, destroying the Roman empire from the inside.

Jews tried their utmost to never allow any jew to believe in any of this, and to this day, they laugh at the "stupid goyim" that was literally so retarded as to accept this excretion of jewish culture and make it their "religion".

Jews laugh, because they know this was nothing but literal spiritual dung that they created, but the well shapely statue that they made out of dung, apparently got accepted by a lot of people on a similar level of consciousness.

What is even worse, that as time went, people infected by this virus, created great and marvelous things while being infected from this virus that was working against their own interests, and they tried to purposefully ignore the jewish roots of the jewish religion of Christianity, and try to hog-wash it into something else.

This never fundamentally worked, but people try this even to this day, because they do not want to accept that they must return back to their primary origins, which are clear and pure, and waiting for them. Even in modern society, we see this everyday.

In the Roman times, as the mob kept getting ingrained with the virus, they started turning against their own native Roman religion, and great upset with clashes and civil warfare broke inside the Roman empire.

As one can see, most of the Gospels of Christianity, is the jewish cultural attack on the Roman people and brainwashing them, especially the gospel of "Paul". There, people are being threatened with eternal hellfire and manipulated to give up their Roman religion, because that would send them in perpetual roasting in the place of torment for worshiping the "Devil".

As crazy as this idea sounds to us, this was believed by some really low people in the Roman Empire, who had no clue in regards to the afterlife or didn't care to read. Fear acted as a very powerful motivator, and fear shuts down common sense.

Combined with political infiltration, bribes and other forms of manipulation, Jews finally instated "Christianity" as an acceptable religion in the Roman empire after a few centuries of this hoax taking ground. Tempted by the power of this population control hoax, many generations have passed where leaders had to endure it or tolerate it, and because it got very ingrained, many just wanted to rule without reforming any of it, just allowing the virus to go on like an illness one would have to deal with at a later date. Others, tried to make use of this illness, oftentimes with catastrophic outcomes for themselves and their Nations.

The Roman Empire's bill to pay was it's own collapse. Then, the butchery of the Pagans and people of the Ancient faiths and their marginalization from society started to be everyday life. The people who kept the Ancient faith had to become slowly a minority, and were progressively kept out of political and other offices in life.

At this point, the jews scored a great cultural victory against the "Goyim", since the above progressively worked itself to the point that the cultural confusion that ensued was too great to handle, and it almost ripped apart the Roman Empire. While the Roman Empire later on became the Byzantine Empire, the cultural underpinnings of the Roman Empire got nuked out of existence.

Words like "Christos" or "Jesus Christ", which are literally epithets and titles for generic traits of occult practitioners, fermented in hundreds of years of hoaxing to illiterate masses, were believed to be factual events with real "people" back in these days.

Truly, back in these days before Christianity came about, there quite a few Ancient mystics and High Priests who had miraculous powers and Siddhis. The epithet "Iesous" which nowadays Americans know as a latin-ization of "Jesus" which is a stolen title for the Jesus hoax, translates to "The healed one", but also to "The healer", and this term has to do with healing the soul which is achieved from meditation. It was a common title for healers and Siddhi workers of the time.

Next time you see zealots talking to you about "Jesus", "Christos" and so on, pity them, for they are a generation of deceived dangerous fools, who know nothing spiritually or otherwise. They represent the lowest level of understanding in everyway, and they have been the cause of demise and cultural downfall of humanity. They will not accept this, but they know it.

Only the intelligent and the higher people will inherit the True Knowledge of the past. As for the above category, let them pay the price of their own lies, for in the face of the universe, they will be cleaned like dust. As time has shown, this bunch of hypocritical simpletons will not survive, and will in the end, never outsmart us the higher types.

It's a matter of time in the Age of Aquarius until this ignorant jewish cult they so fondly believe in will be removed, and it will happen one way or another, because this idol the jews made for these fools of dung, carries great sacrilege and blasphemy on it. We must celebrate as this foul faith stands on it's last legs, and laugh at those who still believe in it in this day and age, with a great inner smile that we will not yet publicly express.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

xlnt said:
The symbolism aspect is very interesting with the Jesus-Sun connection but also with all the symbols of the church in general. The whole Christianity Hoax is like one giant psyop using powerful occult symbols, philosophy, advanced architecture, music etc. The aspect of music, art and architecture should not be underestimated I think.


t's just that they really think it's coming from this fictitious jewish "Jesus" character that is the disgusting and dangerous aspect.

There is one former gangster-rapper here in Sweden who recently "found Jesus" and speaks about it in his podcast, lectures etc. Just a new way for him to be in the center of things. For him the only alternative to a destructive life as a criminal thug taking cocaine in front of his children is this - Jesus. I don't get that.

Unfortunately, as White people adopted this [and many were inclined to spirituality, but a lot of knowledge was stolen] a lot of their knowledge about architecture, the occult and other knowledge was taken into and put in motion by "Christianity". The same goes for music, composers, and all sorts of other people who were duped into believing all of this to be literal. Even today, certain people are brainwashed into following this jewish hoax only because of it's stolen elements.

As centuries passed, a lot of people, so confused by this well orchestrated hoax, tried even to hog-wash christianity back into what they considered to be a "Solar Origin", which always failed miserably, as the algorithmic program of this religion was to serve jews from the first page to the last, and turn all the Gentiles into slaves. So no matter how Gentiles or others decided to "see" it, the virus remained a virus, and it kept harming humanity on all fronts.

Christianity is the biggest and most dangerous lie that was ever created in this world. Because it took the fundamental TRUTH that we save our own souls from meditation and internal practice, and jews merely said that if people "believe" in this useless symbol of a cross or some fictitious Rabbi, then they will "have eternal life" or that "their sins will go away".

Christianity, same as Islam, were jewish cults that turned people into zealots, promoted the lack of spiritual and general education, taught the most wrong fundamental values about life, and so on. All of this, was created as a toxic soup to destroy all people who adopted this program. This is very evident in basically almost all Christians.

To find one Christian that is "Doing well", they have to be literally an Anti-Christian in most of their ways or approaches in life. The program is so poisoned, that human beings cannot truly follow it. Jews know one has to be a total idiot to follow it, but they push it on Gentiles because the toxicity of it kills people, their Nations, their soul, and above all, it hampers their spirit through atrocity and lies, so they cannot advance spiritually if they adopt this in foul program in their lifetime.

The above lie and all it's satellite lies that the jews very carefully put in this virus, are what has destroyed our civilization. As Marcus Eli Ravage says, this contrast in the mind of White people between trying to hog-wash Christianity and pretend it is not jewish, while it's basically an inverted copy with endless very dangerous lies, contradictions, and falsehoods, is what broke the spirit of not only the Romans, but many other Gentiles in history.

For more reading:

1. Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
2. The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God
3. Adoplhe Lods: "The Truth About Christianity", whole of these series.
4. A Real Case Against The Jews - by Marcus Eli Ravage Reprinted from The Century Magazine February 1928 [For the thoughts of higher up Jews on the subject]
5. The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours Christianity Before Christ by Graves
6. Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth by Jackson

There are also many books in the Joy of Satan Booklist that do fully give unequivocal proof of all of the above.
Hail Satan!!!!!
A thought occurs as I worry that these Sermons, despite their quality, most certainly don't reach the eyes and ears of as many as they should.

Has anyone thought of recording these to be listened to on actual free speech sites? I can only imagine that'd help if someone was capable of that. I'd use my own voice, but it's known to certain circles that'd be found. Although I wonder if there's anyone then who can risk there voice being out there like that...
Xtianity is an energy and condition of the soul more so than a belief system. The thought forms and energies behind it acts like a computer virus as well as the ideas.
It always tries to spread no matter what for those taken over.

This is why I secretly in my mind call some xtians things like Borgy the Robot or AI advanced Idiocy things like that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, because many people are confused deeply by the elements of the Solar religion in this cult [the cover of it] they cannot really escape from it and constantly try to lie to themselves that there is still something "Good" in Christianity, while it's all stole and corrupted notions.

But some people cannot accept this because either of stupidity, lack of knowledge, or simply because they are too lazy and they don't want anything else. The same underlying factors is also what rallied people to adopt this hoax in the Roman Empire, effectively doing a suicide move towards their own culture and themselves.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This reminds me how my mother and some other people keep insisting in "believing in Jebus" despite not believing in The Babble. My mom told me more than a time: "Why can't you just ignore Augustine, Aquinas or the Bible and appreciate Jesus?" She is basically telling me to invent a "god" of my own with no basis. :lol:

I've also remember a very toxic former friend of mine (from the few time I've seen his face I suspect that he was a jew) that claimed that the Apocalypse was nothing more than a Medieval superstition, but he still believed (in some way) in a Jesus invented on his own.

As you said, there is nothing good in following the teaching of a psychopath, but considering that most human race IQ is currently very low, it should have at least a justification if you prefer lies over the truth in the Gods.
A great reminder of Jewish strategy and corruption, thanks.

A theme that seems to be used with the Jews also is to "buy the opposition", be it political parties, popular socialist bloggers, religion, spiritual groups, media outlets, journalists, science, social media platforms. Anything that could be used against them is bought by them and corrupted. And when they can't buy - they try to replicate.

I don't know if anyone remembers, there used to be a very similar site to JoS. I think it was called aquarians and strongly pushed Enki, but most of the content was copied from JoS. It had a black background with blue text, except all of the advanced information was removed and apparently given out to advanced members only. They also had forums... I'm not sure what happened to that, but I suspect it was their early approach to the JoS following unsuccessful attempts at take over.
The Greek word Christos (Χριστός) means he who has the anointing (chrisma/χρίσμα). the word jesus it was a title for priests of Apollon/Azazel who means therapist. xians have claime this from Ancient Pagan (Satanic) Greece
Down here in the south, it's oftentimes nothing but jewsus this jewsus that. Over the past year, I have had people come up to me asking me if i wanted them to pray for me, to pamphlets for shitmas and all about the filthy nazarene loves you*gag*.

There's some guy on the job I just got laid off from tonight...he walked in during shift and i could just feel sudden disdain and anxiety. I knew from day one for whatever reason he didn't like me as it was. But tonight he walked in...his energy was disgusting. Shortly after I registered that, he mentioned that he was just baptized at some weird thing over the weekend. Who knows what kind of crap he raised. Just being around him the entire time felt filthy.

xtians are so blind and brainwashed with filth they know not how disgusting this filth even is. The cognitive dissonance they go through also to rectify the atrocities in the bible and such are baffling. I actually had a discussion a few days ago with another, and his rebuttal for all the atrocities and genocides and horrors committed during the crusades and inquisition was the typical "bud dey wuz bein bunished fur durr zinz k" FFS. Talk about half a brain. But this is what abrahamic filth does.

The ultimate dumbing down.
HP HC read this "@AryanraceAIM" as I have a lot of media photos of what I write uploaded.
It disgusts me knowing I was brought up in that vile "religion".
I feel nothing but hatred against all who follow that bastard Nazarene.
It still boggles my mind that some retarded xians actually think the Third Reich was xian LMAO
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As stupid as this might sound, this level of a very low IQ and intelligence, was rife in the Ancient world, and rife it is also today.

The poor, the uneducated and the people who knew nothing, got absorbed in it.

If you were there in power back then, when christianity was just started, what would have you done to prevent it´s spreading?

If the poor and uneducated were the problem then, then this problem should have been worked on. I also don´t understand why the gods did not give orders in this regard. Where the priests then not as good with communication as the clergy is now?

I see this as a future/near future problem, so it is not a mere complaining about the past errors. There will be always poor or uneducated people compared to the higher ones. Compared to the Gods every human is uneducated. I can´t understand how this could have not been prevented. Especially because the gods can predict the future.

They can see which human they can choose for a position, how he will be probably succeed, how he will handle situations etc. I can´t believe that how it went was the best possibel outcome.

This is a question i have been thinking about for a long time.

One solution could be/have been:

Instead off burning some christians, would it not been better to educate the uneducated. Make it a rule everyone has to have a basic occult knowledge or they are not allowed to work/live in the reich or something like this.
Jesus in ancient times:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The "story" of jesus, is nothing but Alchemical stories and stolen legends of other civilizations, mashed up together by Jews, mixing Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek and Arabic elements, into one big soup, that they later on turned into a suicidal concoction that they promoted to the illiterate masses of the Roman empire, to make them brutes and turn them against the Roman state.

Jesus around 2000 years later:

Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Sources and references? Trust me bro

Sources and references, to name a few, because your illiterate blasphemous and "constantly agitating the groups" ass, are some of the following:

For more reading:

1. Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
2. The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God
3. Adoplhe Lods: "The Truth About Christianity", whole of these series.
4. A Real Case Against The Jews - by Marcus Eli Ravage Reprinted from The Century Magazine February 1928 [For the thoughts of higher up Jews on the subject]
5. The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours Christianity Before Christ by Graves
6. Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth by Jackson

There are also many books in the Joy of Satan Booklist that do fully give unequivocal proof of all of the above.

You clearly never bothered to even try to find online, that speak of all of this, but you as a virus always willing to try to procure nonsense, same as you are always willing to provoke fights with other Satanists for no reason.
Fuchs said:
If you were there in power back then, when christianity was just started, what would have you done to prevent it´s spreading?

If the poor and uneducated were the problem then, then this problem should have been worked on. I also don´t understand why the gods did not give orders in this regard. Where the priests then not as good with communication as the clergy is now?
As far as I remember the Roman Empire nearly destroyed the entire jewish race entirely in a war. What I don't knoq yet is how exactly the jews managed afterwards to inflitrate the Roman aristocracy and take over the power positions, from which they proclaimed their puppet Constantine I as ruler, the genocidal criminal who is sanctified by orthodox christianity.
The Alchemist7 said:
Jesus in ancient times:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The "story" of jesus, is nothing but Alchemical stories and stolen legends of other civilizations, mashed up together by Jews, mixing Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek and Arabic elements, into one big soup, that they later on turned into a suicidal concoction that they promoted to the illiterate masses of the Roman empire, to make them brutes and turn them against the Roman state.

Jesus around 2000 years later:


This Jesus is at least more existing than the previous one, we all saw him in a video.
slyscorpion said:
Xtianity is an energy and condition of the soul more so than a belief system. The thought forms and energies behind it acts like a computer virus as well as the ideas.
It always tries to spread no matter what for those taken over.

This is why I secretly in my mind call some xtians things like Borgy the Robot or AI advanced Idiocy things like that.

I've noticed that, especially seeing for myself the difference between me when I was a Christian and me now as an SS. It's like a robot with old software that malfunctions and shuts down like a "app is not responding" notification on Android devices. It doesn't really allow growth and expansion of the mind, because it's made to make one be limited to a particular way of thinking, and they be the same ones teaching about "repentance", which what they offer isn't it at all.

A human soul, a Gentile soul, is meant to grow and evolve, to improve on yesterday, and expand ones powers for infinity. It's eternal. What they offer isn't "eternal life". It's an eternal stagnation and death of one's soul and identity. Everyone is different. Everyone has an unique blueprint, and it's ones goal to make that one blueprint they have the best, healthiest and strongest they can make it. Forfeiting it to a thought form let alone your enemies is the dumbest decision anyone can make.
I'm wondering why there were so many illiterate people in ancient Rome?? Where did they come from?
Buona sera a tutti fratelli e sorelle in SATANA quello che sto per scrivere non ha niente a che vedere con questo sermone ,ma e solo una fase di quello che mi sta succedendo nella mia vita in questo momento.voglio condividerlo con voi per avere qualche consilho da voi ,da un po di tempo ho comunciato dei lavori per atrarre denaro ,meditazioni nelle fasi giuste ecc...ecc.
Il lavoro non e finito ma sembra che invece di atrarre questo stia fuggendo,mi spiego meglio un anno fa circa ho fatto dei debiti di lavoro e adesso la finanza (organo governo) mi sta tolhendo questo denaro..
Io so que ho sbalhato e sono responsabile di questo .ma se qualquno a qualqe consilho da darmi vi ringrazio. Volevo sapere se sono sulla strafa giusta ,se questo e solo coincidenza di un errore mio passato ecc...se avete dei consigli , i ringrazio . HAIL SATAN.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sources and references, to name a few...

For more reading:

1. Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
2. The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God
3. Adoplhe Lods: "The Truth About Christianity", whole of these series.
4. A Real Case Against The Jews - by Marcus Eli Ravage Reprinted from The Century Magazine February 1928 [For the thoughts of higher up Jews on the subject]
5. The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours Christianity Before Christ by Graves
6. Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth by Jackson

There are also many books in the Joy of Satan Booklist that do fully give unequivocal proof of all of the above.

I do not know if it is possible, but adding sources may be better when publishing new sermons, not out of our SS who absolutely should not question your authority and trustworthy. But maybe it can facilitate to cite where this knowledge comes from, when talking these matters with non-SS.

But I understand, finding in which book you had read the knowledge most likely will take time and it is just a proposal.

Thank you for this sermon, High Priest.
Fanboy said:
Youre a professional, you need need include your sources, if you can't handle a little teasing then that's on you.

Gritting your teeth over me is just ridiculous. I'm trying my best here. Besides I know how beautiful you are, stop acting ugly.

Sometimes, even leaders need proposals from his subordinates, but it should be in respectful manner and hierarchical order. Imagine a general giving orders, tactics and so on, and even common soldier questions his decisions. How he supposed to win? Should he explain all the senseful sides of his plan, one by one to all army members?

I know it is not the case for this example, but respect and hierarchy is necessary. If you claim to know his good intentions, then be less rude, give your ideas in respectful manner, and trust in him at other things else. Nobody is gritting teeth because of your request, main problem in here is the way you want sources.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
Sources and references? Trust me bro

Sources and references, to name a few, because your illiterate blasphemous and "constantly agitating the groups" ass, are some of the following:

For more reading:

1. Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
2. The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God
3. Adoplhe Lods: "The Truth About Christianity", whole of these series.
4. A Real Case Against The Jews - by Marcus Eli Ravage Reprinted from The Century Magazine February 1928 [For the thoughts of higher up Jews on the subject]
5. The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours Christianity Before Christ by Graves
6. Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth by Jackson

There are also many books in the Joy of Satan Booklist that do fully give unequivocal proof of all of the above.

You clearly never bothered to even try to find online, that speak of all of this, but you as a virus always willing to try to procure nonsense, same as you are always willing to provoke fights with other Satanists for no reason.

Youre a professional, you need need include your sources, if you can't handle a little teasing then that's on you.

Gritting your teeth over me is just ridiculous. I'm trying my best here. Besides I know how beautiful you are, stop acting ugly.

Your reply is not teasing, it's trying to pretend that all of the above was just "word of mouth", while in fact, it's completely founded upon historicity, sources and only then observation. There is no "Trust me bro" into anything there, and you know this to be fact. You are clearly just trying to agitate others for no reason.

Now, to verify your own insinuations as fully retarded, go read these books I recommended, and meditate daily until you understand I have replied to you in this manner which you deserved, especially after constant months of agitation towards other members and so on.

Regardless this is approved and answered as it is, so now, before you "tease" further, might as well sit down and read these books, after a good meditation session to consider if it's of any use to go around and keep doing this for literally no reason to basically too many threads per week.
Nero said:
I'm wondering why there were so many illiterate people in ancient Rome?? Where did they come from?

I wonder the same for today's Americans, but these are my guesses:

You know those people who actually think speaking up with a powerful voice will pose a long-lasting threat to the (Jewish) tyrants? I think that's one factor to this problem;

I suspect that another factor to the problem is that people are unaware of or purposefully ignore the fact that the emotions we express, while they do make us human, can be exploited like anything else, something the Jews have demonstrated time and again.

In my opinion, another part of the problem is that people who think having meaning and purpose in life ignore the sinister possibility that they too can unknowingly be pawns on the (Jewish) Chessboard, ready to be discarded.

Lastly, there's the whole "Don't give up" advice I've been hearing people say. Good advice on paper, but what happens when people don't give up on something they can't win on?

Besides what's being said on this site, it's bloody hard to pinpoint why people keep getting duped by the Jews and their "religions" over and over again.
SleepingWolf said:
A thought occurs as I worry that these Sermons, despite their quality, most certainly don't reach the eyes and ears of as many as they should.

Has anyone thought of recording these to be listened to on actual free speech sites? I can only imagine that'd help if someone was capable of that. I'd use my own voice, but it's known to certain circles that'd be found. Although I wonder if there's anyone then who can risk there voice being out there like that...
Even if this doesn't hit too much people it will hit the right people
SleepingWolf said:
A thought occurs as I worry that these Sermons, despite their quality, most certainly don't reach the eyes and ears of as many as they should.

Has anyone thought of recording these to be listened to on actual free speech sites? I can only imagine that'd help if someone was capable of that. I'd use my own voice, but it's known to certain circles that'd be found. Although I wonder if there's anyone then who can risk there voice being out there like that...

There are tools online where you just insert a text then it does create a speech. Once on steam I saw a "game" which could do just this or also create videos include a good looking avatar speeking, including more or less good lips moving while speaking, like in a pixar animated movie quality.

There is no need for once own voice.
Fuchs said:
SleepingWolf said:
A thought occurs as I worry that these Sermons, despite their quality, most certainly don't reach the eyes and ears of as many as they should.

Has anyone thought of recording these to be listened to on actual free speech sites? I can only imagine that'd help if someone was capable of that. I'd use my own voice, but it's known to certain circles that'd be found. Although I wonder if there's anyone then who can risk there voice being out there like that...

There are tools online where you just insert a text then it does create a speech. Once on steam I saw a "game" which could do just this or also create videos include a good looking avatar speeking, including more or less good lips moving while speaking, like in a pixar animated movie quality.

There is no need for once own voice.

I hadn't considered that, that is a good idea, I forgot text to speech. I worry it would give a robotic feeling and impression however, which would be the opposite intent. I mainly wanted to put the idea out there in case someone who wouldn't have a recognized voice would be willing, but that's better than nothing if not.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sources and references, to name a few, because your illiterate blasphemous and "constantly agitating the groups" ass, are some of the following:

You clearly never bothered to even try to find online, that speak of all of this, but you as a virus always willing to try to procure nonsense, same as you are always willing to provoke fights with other Satanists for no reason.

Youre a professional, you need need include your sources, if you can't handle a little teasing then that's on you.

Gritting your teeth over me is just ridiculous. I'm trying my best here. Besides I know how beautiful you are, stop acting ugly.

Your reply is not teasing, it's trying to pretend that all of the above was just "word of mouth", while in fact, it's completely founded upon historicity, sources and only then observation. There is no "Trust me bro" into anything there, and you know this to be fact. You are clearly just trying to agitate others for no reason.

Now, to verify your own insinuations as fully retarded, go read these books I recommended, and meditate daily until you understand I have replied to you in this manner which you deserved, especially after constant months of agitation towards other members and so on.

Regardless this is approved and answered as it is, so now, before you "tease" further, might as well sit down and read these books, after a good meditation session to consider if it's of any use to go around and keep doing this for literally no reason to basically too many threads per week.

Whats your signature about? gaslight, gatekeep, goyboss?

More sources info:

"Nevertheless, the evidence is overwhelming that these ideas long preceded the
Christian era and it was not Christ who came out with them but a Jewish sect
called the Essenes who lived on the border of the Dead Sea. It was they who had
already evolved the ideas contained in the Sermon on the Mount but have been
attributed to Christ. Not only had they evolved the same ideas as set forth in
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but the wording, the phraseology and the
sentences were the same and they preceded the supposed time of the Sermon
on the Mount by anywhere from 50 to 150 years.
The Essenes were a Jewish religious group living in approximately the first
century B.C. And the first century A.D. We have important sources of their
contemporary writings in the historian Josephus and also in the philosopher
Philo. They are also mentioned by various other Roman and Greek writers of
those times in which their religious teachings are revealed in considerable detail.
However, in the last twenty years the thousands of Dead Sea Scrolls, many of
which were written by the Essenes themselves, reveal a tremendous amount of
insight into their religious teachings, and above all, reveal that they preceded and
preempted the Sermon on the Mount word for word, so that the so-called "new"
teachings of a figure supposedly appearing from heaven in the year 1 A.D. And
preaching during the years 3 to 33 A.D. Were neither original nor were they new.
Furthermore, we learn that the Essenes were notable for their communistic
society, their extreme piety and purity and their practice of celibacy. They
possessed all their worldly goods in common and looked upon private property
as an evil which might divert them from sanctity. They engaged in agriculture and
handicrafts, considering these occupations less sinful than others. They also
practiced baptism, and this practice preceded the the Christian era by at least
one hundred. So the Christian apostles can hardly be credited with having
instituted the ritual of baptism, as is claimed.
Why, the average reader might ask, haven't we been told more about the
Essenes if they were the original practitioners of Christianity? There are two good
and overriding answers for that. The Christians on their part, although the early
Christian fathers were well aware of the Essene teachings and writings, took
every measure possible to destroy them and purge them from circulation. The
reason being they did not want their presence known because it would
undermine their dogma that Christ was the originator of the New teaching. It
would make impossible the claim that this was a great new revelation sent forth
by God himself amid the hosannas and singing of angels. The Jews, on the other
hand, did not want to reveal the presence of the Essenes because they wish to
completely hide any connection between the Jews and the new religious
teaching that they were about to administer unto the Gentiles. They even went to
great lengths to appear hostile to it.
Before I go further into the highly illuminating and highly interesting Dead Sea
Scrolls I want to make just one further point that is that the original manuscripts
on which the New Testament supposedly based is always alluded to being
translated from the "Original Greek." Since the New Testament repeats over and
over again and again that Paul spoke to his flock in Jewish and that Jesus spoke
in Jewish and that the Apostles were Jewish, why, then, is it that the manuscripts
were all in Greek?
The historical facts add up to this : the Jewish hierarchy and undoubtedly the
whole conspiracy was well coordinated and had many, many members and coworkers. It was not written at the time of Christ at all, but the movement was
given great promotion by the combined efforts of the Jewish nation. As they
organized and promoted their ideas further, these were reduced to writing
considerably later than the years 30 to 33 A.D. When Christ supposedly came
out with these startlingly and "new" revelations. The conclusions are that they
were written by Jewish persons whose identity we shall never know and were
written by collectively by many authors, were revised from time to time and not
only in their original formation and formulation but have been revised time and
time again throughout the centuries to become more effective and persuasive
However, we want to go further into the teachings of the Essenes and who they
were and why their particular teachings were pounced upon by the Jews to be
formulated into a well distilled poisonous brew and then fed to the Gentiles. The
Dead Sea Scrolls, which are more numerous and much more revealing than the
Jewish press of today has informed us tell us much about the teachings and the
life of the Essenes. One of the important things that they tell us about the
Essenes is that they vanished from the face of the earth after about two centuries
of existance and the termination date being somewhere around the year 100
A.D. They were, needless to say, only a very small sect of the Jewish tribes and
not a part of the Jewish conspiracy as such. Being outside of the mainstream of
Jewish activity and thought, the Jews nevertheless observed from them that this
kind of teaching could ruin and destroy a people. The Jews, looking for a way to
destroy the Roman nation, who in the year 70 A.D. had destroyed and levelled
Jerusalem to the ground, noted well what these teachings were and decided to
perpetuate them on the Romans.
Essenism was really a revolutionary new form of social order, an ideal
cooperative commonwealth in miniature. Instead of the Messiah, the ideal of the
Essenes was the "Teacher of Righteousness." They established a new
cooperative communitarian brotherhood and they were the first religious society
to establish and observe the sacraments of baptism and the eucharistic meal.
Most important of all they were the firs group to condemn and abolish the age old
institution of human slavery. Furthermore, the "Teacher of Righteousness" as
promulgated by the Essenes may not have been the first pacifist in history, but
he was the first to implement his pacifist theories with an overall practical
measure, which if generally adopted, would abolish war. This, of course, was a
wonderful religion for the Jews to sell to the Romans, for if they convert the
Romans into submissive pacifists they could certainly soon thereafter dominate
them in full. And this they did.
The Essenes lived in the area of Qumran near the Dead Sea and according to
Philo, the Jewish Philosopher and writer contemporary of that age, "the Essene
brotherhood would not allow the manufacture of any weapons or allow within
their community any maker of arrows, spears, swords or any manufacture of
engines of war, nor any man occupied with a military avocation, or even with
peaceful practices which might easily be converted to mischief." Not only does
Philo tell us about the Essenes, but also Josephus and Pliny, both contemporary
historians, tell us much about the Essenes.
As mentioned before, much is emerging also from the study of the Dead Sea
Scrolls. The overriding fact that emerges from the study of the writings of the
historians of that time and the Dead Sea Scrolls is this tremendously significant
fact: namely that the beliefs, teachings, and practices attributed to Jesus Christ,
although not exactly identical in all respects with those of the Essene school,
were nevertheless, closer to those of the Essenes than to those of the Bishops of
the Ecumenical Council which determined the Nicene Creed of orthodox
So we can come to the obvious conclusion that the Christian beliefs and
doctrines as supposedly enunciated by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount did
not originate at all at that time but at least 100 years earlier from a Jewish sect
called the Essenes living near the Dead Sea; that the Elders of Sanhedrin
recognized this teaching as being deadly and suicidal; that they further took this
doctrine and distilled and refined it into a working creed; the Jews then, with a
great deal of energy and tremendous amounts of propaganda (in which they
excel), promoted and distributed this poisonous doctrine among the Romans.
Setting this creed down in writing in what is now called the New Testament
evolved over the next several centuries. It was written by persons unknown to us
today but undoubtedly of Jewish origin. Furthermore, to give it a mystical and
heavenly sent deification, they invented the person of Jesus Christ, and claimed
that he was the Son of God. Then, having laid the ground work for this new
church, they consolidated that power at a meeting in Nicene, where the creation
of the new church was solidified, the creed formalized and given official
sanctification. Thus, in short, was launched the new church and the new religion
of "Jesus Christ" which was fabricated out of thin air. Not a single trace of the
Jesus Christ personage can be found in authentic history. Nevertheless, this
newly fabricated hoax of Jesus Christ, the Son of God this idea, with all its
suicidal doctrines, was soon to pull down in ruins the great Roman Empire and
the great White civilization that went with it." HPS Maxine

The Alchemist7 said:
As far as I remember the Roman Empire nearly destroyed the entire jewish race entirely in a war. What I don't knoq yet is how exactly the jews managed afterwards to inflitrate the Roman aristocracy and take over the power positions, from which they proclaimed their puppet Constantine I as ruler, the genocidal criminal who is sanctified by orthodox christianity.

Emperor Nero killed so many Christians that they believed he is the real antichrist. He has a reputation for being an evil and extravagant tyrant. I believe that he owes this reputation to being an enemy of Christians. Apart from his murder spree and interest in married women, he seems like a decent person, giving rights to slaves and joining the rescue team in the great fire. Well, getting your mother murdered (due to treason - nobody believed him), your brother poisoned (rumored that due to jelaousy), and your wives killed wouldn't give you a nice reputation. His second wife looks like a real traitor -may be a convert Jew- and influenced him on many occasions to help Jews. Some of his doings helped Jews while others caused damage to Jews’ side eventually leading great Jewish-Roman wars that caused the destruction of Jerusalem and the second temple years later.

Some Jews claim Nero was a convert but you know, Jews like to claim everyone is a Jew. I don't know if he was one but he clearly was surrounded by them.

Christians lost their rights as equal citizens during the reign of Nero, until Constantine accepted Christianity.

Mass destruction of Jews in the Jewish-Roman wars pushed them to go into disguise when they realized that they have no chance in the physical field and formulate Christianity that is only another branch of Jews until then. I think I’ve read this in a sermon and learned the above part in Italian History classes that I had to take for stupid reasons. They add up.
Shadowcat said:
Down here in the south, it's oftentimes nothing but jewsus this jewsus that. Over the past year, I have had people come up to me asking me if i wanted them to pray for me, to pamphlets for shitmas and all about the filthy nazarene loves you*gag*.

There's some guy on the job I just got laid off from tonight...he walked in during shift and i could just feel sudden disdain and anxiety. I knew from day one for whatever reason he didn't like me as it was. But tonight he walked in...his energy was disgusting. Shortly after I registered that, he mentioned that he was just baptized at some weird thing over the weekend. Who knows what kind of crap he raised. Just being around him the entire time felt filthy.

xtians are so blind and brainwashed with filth they know not how disgusting this filth even is. The cognitive dissonance they go through also to rectify the atrocities in the bible and such are baffling. I actually had a discussion a few days ago with another, and his rebuttal for all the atrocities and genocides and horrors committed during the crusades and inquisition was the typical "bud dey wuz bein bunished fur durr zinz k" FFS. Talk about half a brain. But this is what abrahamic filth does.

The ultimate dumbing down.

So are almost all these believers of nothingness, they are dirty and deranged and the conversations or the relationship with them will fall apart if both sides honestly say their opinion on anything, because there is a cosmic difference between slavery and freedom. ... they have a choice, death; we have two, death or life.

But the thing that really makes me laugh is when they try to teach me something "good", to "improve me", as HPHC says we have to have pity in such cases, because since they believe in Christianity and they believe in it so deeply ... they are not well and they are not going anywhere.
SleepingWolf said:
Fuchs said:
SleepingWolf said:
A thought occurs as I worry that these Sermons, despite their quality, most certainly don't reach the eyes and ears of as many as they should.

Has anyone thought of recording these to be listened to on actual free speech sites? I can only imagine that'd help if someone was capable of that. I'd use my own voice, but it's known to certain circles that'd be found. Although I wonder if there's anyone then who can risk there voice being out there like that...

There are tools online where you just insert a text then it does create a speech. Once on steam I saw a "game" which could do just this or also create videos include a good looking avatar speeking, including more or less good lips moving while speaking, like in a pixar animated movie quality.

There is no need for once own voice.

I hadn't considered that, that is a good idea, I forgot text to speech. I worry it would give a robotic feeling and impression however, which would be the opposite intent. I mainly wanted to put the idea out there in case someone who wouldn't have a recognized voice would be willing, but that's better than nothing if not.

First, HPHC should agree to this - 1. to decide where to spread them, 2. to include the mp3's in the library project and 3. to give permission of use (crediting, obviously) because he is the author . Looking forward to these :)
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
SleepingWolf said:
Fuchs said:
There are tools online where you just insert a text then it does create a speech. Once on steam I saw a "game" which could do just this or also create videos include a good looking avatar speeking, including more or less good lips moving while speaking, like in a pixar animated movie quality.

There is no need for once own voice.

I hadn't considered that, that is a good idea, I forgot text to speech. I worry it would give a robotic feeling and impression however, which would be the opposite intent. I mainly wanted to put the idea out there in case someone who wouldn't have a recognized voice would be willing, but that's better than nothing if not.

First, HPHC should agree to this - 1. to decide where to spread them, 2. to include the mp3's in the library project and 3. to give permission of use (crediting, obviously) because he is the author . Looking forward to these :)

Excellent idea guys, I also like that we also expand to other places, sites like you said or even in YouTube for example, but there is also the factor of advertising these places then, because otherwise what good would it be. :ugeek:
I understand now,how could xianism strive for power.I understood everything about it what a lie,fraud,etc.,but I never understood,if it is so rotten then,how did they rise.I understand now.Back then there were also many people of low intelligence lived,who were easily persuaded to xianism.Although I did not think,that a thriving in pagan civilization,there are so many dumb people. :eek: :shock: :roll: :(
Nowadays completely understandable,that there are so many stupid people, because of the spiritual knowledge of withholding,but that at that time too(in the Roman Empire).
Very interesting article. I've heard about the source of this term "Christ" before by researcher Jordan Maxwell who I've interviewed also even though he's jewish.
Quote: "I don’t believe for a moment that Jesus existed as a man. The entire New Testament story is an encoded, symbolic metaphor."

The symbolism aspect is very interesting with the Jesus-Sun connection but also with all the symbols of the church in general. The whole Christianity Hoax is like one giant psyop using powerful occult symbols, philosophy, advanced architecture, music etc. The aspect of music, art and architecture should not be underestimated I think.

I've recently been looking at some church service gatherings of "Word of Life", founded by the insane Ulf Ekman. They sing xian songs for like hours and repeat how Jesus is wonderful like a mantra, before giving out some short retarded speeches that don't really teach one anything. Just how "God loves you, he can heal you" etc. Nothing really of value for anyone. Sometimes one can actually see this in the eyes of some of the audience.

Singing happy songs together with people who share the same ideals etc. is not a bad thing per se and it in itself can be a bit healing for sure. It's just that they really think it's coming from this fictitious jewish "Jesus" character that is the disgusting and dangerous aspect.

There is one former gangster-rapper here in Sweden who recently "found Jesus" and speaks about it in his podcast, lectures etc. Just a new way for him to be in the center of things. For him the only alternative to a destructive life as a criminal thug taking cocaine in front of his children is this - Jesus. I don't get that.
xlnt said:
The symbolism aspect is very interesting with the Jesus-Sun connection but also with all the symbols of the church in general. The whole Christianity Hoax is like one giant psyop using powerful occult symbols, philosophy, advanced architecture, music etc. The aspect of music, art and architecture should not be underestimated I think.


t's just that they really think it's coming from this fictitious jewish "Jesus" character that is the disgusting and dangerous aspect.

There is one former gangster-rapper here in Sweden who recently "found Jesus" and speaks about it in his podcast, lectures etc. Just a new way for him to be in the center of things. For him the only alternative to a destructive life as a criminal thug taking cocaine in front of his children is this - Jesus. I don't get that.

Unfortunately, as White people adopted this [and many were inclined to spirituality, but a lot of knowledge was stolen] a lot of their knowledge about architecture, the occult and other knowledge was taken into and put in motion by "Christianity". The same goes for music, composers, and all sorts of other people who were duped into believing all of this to be literal. Even today, certain people are brainwashed into following this jewish hoax only because of it's stolen elements.

As centuries passed, a lot of people, so confused by this well orchestrated hoax, tried even to hog-wash christianity back into what they considered to be a "Solar Origin", which always failed miserably, as the algorithmic program of this religion was to serve jews from the first page to the last, and turn all the Gentiles into slaves. So no matter how Gentiles or others decided to "see" it, the virus remained a virus, and it kept harming humanity on all fronts.

Christianity is the biggest and most dangerous lie that was ever created in this world. Because it took the fundamental TRUTH that we save our own souls from meditation and internal practice, and jews merely said that if people "believe" in this useless symbol of a cross or some fictitious Rabbi, then they will "have eternal life" or that "their sins will go away".

Christianity, same as Islam, were jewish cults that turned people into zealots, promoted the lack of spiritual and general education, taught the most wrong fundamental values about life, and so on. All of this, was created as a toxic soup to destroy all people who adopted this program. This is very evident in basically almost all Christians.

To find one Christian that is "Doing well", they have to be literally an Anti-Christian in most of their ways or approaches in life. The program is so poisoned, that human beings cannot truly follow it. Jews know one has to be a total idiot to follow it, but they push it on Gentiles because the toxicity of it kills people, their Nations, their soul, and above all, it hampers their spirit through atrocity and lies, so they cannot advance spiritually if they adopt this in foul program in their lifetime.

The above lie and all it's satellite lies that the jews very carefully put in this virus, are what has destroyed our civilization. As Marcus Eli Ravage says, this contrast in the mind of White people between trying to hog-wash Christianity and pretend it is not jewish, while it's basically an inverted copy with endless very dangerous lies, contradictions, and falsehoods, is what broke the spirit of not only the Romans, but many other Gentiles in history.
xlnt said:
There is one former gangster-rapper here in Sweden who recently "found Jesus" and speaks about it in his podcast, lectures etc. Just a new way for him to be in the center of things. For him the only alternative to a destructive life as a criminal thug taking cocaine in front of his children is this - Jesus. I don't get that.

Among the deadliest lies of Christianity is that no matter what one does, one can always get away with it if they "adopt Jesus as their savior", which essentially gives every celebrity and every lazy or criminal creature a place to go when they feel like they need to bullshit people that they "changed". Or just for attention whoring and pretending they are doing major social work or something.

That is the applied and manifested attention whoring of criminals and other people on the lowest dung level of existence. They can be garbage all their life, never really "repent" or change their ways, and they just adopt the lie of Christianity for temporary fame and worldly influence, advertising Jesus and promoting him as a "savior".

Because certain parts of the masses are even more retarded, they consider this transformative and even "motivating", and then they beg Rabbi Jesus to make them as their favorite enlightened gangsta rapper. Fools follow fools, and the cycle continues.

After they are done with all this, they sniff cocaine again and then rap about Gangsta rap and killing people, while they have no balls whatsoever to kill anyone probably in real life, but they love promoting more mental virus of senseless murder to the susceptible minds of young children and other people.

Apparently Rabbi Jesus loves them and condones these actions, blessing eternally the criminals. He was after all himself, a scammer jew from Nazareth that is literally a hoax that never existed, sort of how the minds of everyone involved into this jewish cult doesn't exist in reality.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
