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A Brief History of "Christianity" And The Notion Of "Christ"

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
xlnt said:
There is one former gangster-rapper here in Sweden who recently "found Jesus" and speaks about it in his podcast, lectures etc. Just a new way for him to be in the center of things. For him the only alternative to a destructive life as a criminal thug taking cocaine in front of his children is this - Jesus. I don't get that.

Among the deadliest lies of Christianity is that no matter what one does, one can always get away with it if they "adopt Jesus as their savior", which essentially gives every celebrity and every lazy or criminal creature a place to go when they feel like they need to bullshit people that they "changed". Or just for attention whoring and pretending they are doing major social work or something.

That is the applied and manifested attention whoring of criminals and other people on the lowest dung level of existence. They can be garbage all their life, never really "repent" or change their ways, and they just adopt the lie of Christianity for temporary fame and worldly influence, advertising Jesus and promoting him as a "savior".

Because certain parts of the masses are even more retarded, they consider this transformative and even "motivating", and then they beg Rabbi Jesus to make them as their favorite enlightened gangsta rapper. Fools follow fools, and the cycle continues.

After they are done with all this, they sniff cocaine again and then rap about Gangsta rap and killing people, while they have no balls whatsoever to kill anyone probably in real life, but they love promoting more mental virus of senseless murder to the susceptible minds of young children and other people.

Apparently Rabbi Jesus loves them and condones these actions, blessing eternally the criminals. He was after all himself, a scammer jew from Nazareth that is literally a hoax that never existed, sort of how the minds of everyone involved into this jewish cult doesn't exist in reality.

When I first started deprogramming from xnity in my late teens slowly, this was one of the biggest things that started waking me up to their bullshit. "the once saved always saved" creates a selfish complacency, an essential avoidance of responsibility and basically thinking one can get away with absolutely anything. "Repentance" is one of the most twisted concepts in their sick crap among everything else they have perverted.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
xlnt said:
The symbolism aspect is very interesting with the Jesus-Sun connection but also with all the symbols of the church in general. The whole Christianity Hoax is like one giant psyop using powerful occult symbols, philosophy, advanced architecture, music etc. The aspect of music, art and architecture should not be underestimated I think.


t's just that they really think it's coming from this fictitious jewish "Jesus" character that is the disgusting and dangerous aspect.

There is one former gangster-rapper here in Sweden who recently "found Jesus" and speaks about it in his podcast, lectures etc. Just a new way for him to be in the center of things. For him the only alternative to a destructive life as a criminal thug taking cocaine in front of his children is this - Jesus. I don't get that.

Unfortunately, as White people adopted this [and many were inclined to spirituality, but a lot of knowledge was stolen] a lot of their knowledge about architecture, the occult and other knowledge was taken into and put in motion by "Christianity". The same goes for music, composers, and all sorts of other people who were duped into believing all of this to be literal. Even today, certain people are brainwashed into following this jewish hoax only because of it's stolen elements.

As centuries passed, a lot of people, so confused by this well orchestrated hoax, tried even to hog-wash christianity back into what they considered to be a "Solar Origin", which always failed miserably, as the algorithmic program of this religion was to serve jews from the first page to the last, and turn all the Gentiles into slaves. So no matter how Gentiles or others decided to "see" it, the virus remained a virus, and it kept harming humanity on all fronts.

Christianity is the biggest and most dangerous lie that was ever created in this world. Because it took the fundamental TRUTH that we save our own souls from meditation and internal practice, and jews merely said that if people "believe" in this useless symbol of a cross or some fictitious Rabbi, then they will "have eternal life" or that "their sins will go away".

Christianity, same as Islam, were jewish cults that turned people into zealots, promoted the lack of spiritual and general education, taught the most wrong fundamental values about life, and so on. All of this, was created as a toxic soup to destroy all people who adopted this program. This is very evident in basically almost all Christians.

To find one Christian that is "Doing well", they have to be literally an Anti-Christian in most of their ways or approaches in life. The program is so poisoned, that human beings cannot truly follow it. Jews know one has to be a total idiot to follow it, but they push it on Gentiles because the toxicity of it kills people, their Nations, their soul, and above all, it hampers their spirit through atrocity and lies, so they cannot advance spiritually if they adopt this in foul program in their lifetime.

The above lie and all it's satellite lies that the jews very carefully put in this virus, are what has destroyed our civilization. As Marcus Eli Ravage says, this contrast in the mind of White people between trying to hog-wash Christianity and pretend it is not jewish, while it's basically an inverted copy with endless very dangerous lies, contradictions, and falsehoods, is what broke the spirit of not only the Romans, but many other Gentiles in history.

Thank you indeed for this lengthy reply. Very interesting.
Quote from the page about Azazel: (https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AzazelHC.html)
All the writings, teachings and instructions of Apollonius, were later, after copious perversion and forgery, falsely accredited to the non existent character named “Jesus”. These include teachings such as “The Kingdom of God is within” and other occult statements.

It would be interesting to know what more teachings from Apollonius is attributed to 'Jesus' other than "The Kingdom of God is within".
Since the teachings of Apollonius are so wise and true it must also be one of the key factors that makes this religion so credible for some people.
There are some things I would like to add here also. This goes for all abrahamic religions; the tendency of them wanting to 'copyright' not only goodness and righteousness but also having a harmonious and civilized life.

When I once talked to a Hare Krishna member he said that this is not so, and that anyone can be righteous.
Apparently not according to the founder of I.S.K.O.N though, who I've heard say "how can you do good if you do not know what is good?" - as if humans cannot do good things without proper 'knowledge' about "God" (in this case Krishna).

I think these religions and especially Christinsanity (because of it's "goodness" and "being civilized") can be attractive to people having a bad and destructive lifestyle; perhaps they see it as their only way out as they are too weak to help themselves become civilized etc. It's quite disgusting how religions like xianity can sort of prey on weak people like that.

I'm all for being civilized and righteous which I see most people here are also. Judging from JoS testimonials it's pretty clear many people have gotten their life together thanks to JoS, stopped using drugs etc.

The utopian world of the JoS would not only be civilized and righteous but also striving for perfection, encouraging spirituality and science instead of destroying it. Being righteous for real and thus persecuting those who deserve prosecution, instead of having them as rulers (as it is now).
Perhaps I'm going too off topic but I came to think of yet another aspect of religion. When debating with a muslim I did explain my beliefs in JoS whereby he claimed I was following a "doctrine" by doing so. I personally don't consider myself following any doctrine. I do however think JoS reveals the true origins of religion and simply, truth. Truth about how to become infinitely more strong and free than many NPC's living someone else's life, following trends and so on.

Most people are followers and thus want to follow something or someone instead of being independent, making independent choices etc. which only the strong are capable of. JoS teaches how to become strong in spirit, and thus having less need for any doctrine, dogma, trend etc. That is not to say JoS has nothing to offer in guidance, but people criticizing JoS expect this to be like xianity - a full instruction of how to think, how to act, how to live, how to have sex etc. etc. which is not the case, but rather the opposite. It's instructing us to become independent enough to think for ourselves, live as we choose, create our own trends and traditions etc. Scary thought for a xian.

Besides that JoS reveals the reality of other things; what the soul is, what Gods are, what jews are, the astral etc. Things which science have been hindered to be discovered by jews and their religions, xianity in particular.
xlnt said:
Perhaps I'm going too off topic but I came to think of yet another aspect of religion. When debating with a muslim I did explain my beliefs in JoS whereby he claimed I was following a "doctrine" by doing so. I personally don't consider myself following any doctrine. I do however think JoS reveals the true origins of religion and simply, truth. Truth about how to become infinitely more strong and free than many NPC's living someone else's life, following trends and so on.

A muslim telling you about following a doctrine? It's him that is following a "Doctrine", since nothing in Islam makes any sense whatsoever. Muslims have a way they forcibly have to dress, have to eat and not to eat, a long list on never ending punishments for violating these crazy regulations, the list goes.

The JoS is just built on common and obvious sense, individual choice, and freedom.

All of the philosophical knowledge that has existed in the Ancient cultures, which basically that too, was only common sense.

xlnt said:
There are some things I would like to add here also. This goes for all abrahamic religions; the tendency of them wanting to 'copyright' not only goodness and righteousness but also having a harmonious and civilized life.


I'm all for being civilized and righteous which I see most people here are also. Judging from JoS testimonials it's pretty clear many people have gotten their life together thanks to JoS, stopped using drugs etc.

The utopian world of the JoS would not only be civilized and righteous but also striving for perfection, encouraging spirituality and science instead of destroying it. Being righteous for real and thus persecuting those who deserve prosecution, instead of having them as rulers (as it is now).

Goodness in people is inherent. The Joy of Satan produces more powerful people, self masters, and people who advance and become with time better individuals. The whole system promoted by the JoS does create better people and also very, very quickly and fundamentally, like at the core.

But instead of only getting "Good", people are also getting stronger, and then "Good", ie, they are allowed to have freedom and power, self expression etc. In that regard, JoS is opposite of other approaches to "goodness" that preach vivisection of human beings, ignorance and so on.

Since the Joy of Satan also puts understanding, awareness, spiritual growth, advancement of the person and the whole at the center, it clearly produces goodness and strength, which definitely gives rise to better human beings. Harmonious and civilized life is the outcome of the above, because it's the natural outcome of development and understanding.

I have not met any Spiritual Satanist who is not at least on a very decent level of intelligence [it takes intelligence to join] or who is truly a Satanist and isn't like at least somewhat civilized. Even those of us who want to be more on the rural aspects of life, we are quite civil and so on.

People in Spiritual Satanism are of very good quality. People also rapidly advance as they do the meditations and expand their awareness. The quality of any SS is way higher even on a very regular level [as in, not yet advanced as a soul for example] to Muslim and Christian pigs one meets on a daily basis.

While advancing people have a lot of work to do, the distinction at least from my observation from many years is very clear. The gap is insane. Still, we have work we all do on ourselves as it is, developing constantly. The more one develops in this path, the more the gaps between themselves and "outsiders" are going to show.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
xlnt said:
Perhaps I'm going too off topic but I came to think of yet another aspect of religion. When debating with a muslim I did explain my beliefs in JoS whereby he claimed I was following a "doctrine" by doing so. I personally don't consider myself following any doctrine. I do however think JoS reveals the true origins of religion and simply, truth. Truth about how to become infinitely more strong and free than many NPC's living someone else's life, following trends and so on.

A muslim telling you about following a doctrine? It's him that is following a "Doctrine", since nothing in Islam makes any sense whatsoever. Muslims have a way they forcibly have to dress, have to eat and not to eat, a long list on never ending punishments for violating these crazy regulations, the list goes.

The JoS is just built on common and obvious sense, individual choice, and freedom.

All of the philosophical knowledge that has existed in the Ancient cultures, which basically that too, was only common sense.

xlnt said:
There are some things I would like to add here also. This goes for all abrahamic religions; the tendency of them wanting to 'copyright' not only goodness and righteousness but also having a harmonious and civilized life.


I'm all for being civilized and righteous which I see most people here are also. Judging from JoS testimonials it's pretty clear many people have gotten their life together thanks to JoS, stopped using drugs etc.

The utopian world of the JoS would not only be civilized and righteous but also striving for perfection, encouraging spirituality and science instead of destroying it. Being righteous for real and thus persecuting those who deserve prosecution, instead of having them as rulers (as it is now).

Goodness in people is inherent. The Joy of Satan produces more powerful people, self masters, and people who advance and become with time better individuals. The whole system promoted by the JoS does create better people and also very, very quickly and fundamentally, like at the core.

But instead of only getting "Good", people are also getting stronger, and then "Good", ie, they are allowed to have freedom and power, self expression etc. In that regard, JoS is opposite of other approaches to "goodness" that preach vivisection of human beings, ignorance and so on.

Since the Joy of Satan also puts understanding, awareness, spiritual growth, advancement of the person and the whole at the center, it clearly produces goodness and strength, which definitely gives rise to better human beings. Harmonious and civilized life is the outcome of the above, because it's the natural outcome of development and understanding.

I have not met any Spiritual Satanist who is not at least on a very decent level of intelligence [it takes intelligence to join] or who is truly a Satanist and isn't like at least somewhat civilized. Even those of us who want to be more on the rural aspects of life, we are quite civil and so on.

People in Spiritual Satanism are of very good quality. People also rapidly advance as they do the meditations and expand their awareness. The quality of any SS is way higher even on a very regular level [as in, not yet advanced as a soul for example] to Muslim and Christian pigs one meets on a daily basis.

While advancing people have a lot of work to do, the distinction at least from my observation from many years is very clear. The gap is insane. Still, we have work we all do on ourselves as it is, developing constantly. The more one develops in this path, the more the gaps between themselves and "outsiders" are going to show.

When I was debating with this muslim I also mentioned about my own beliefs, and how true spirituality and knowledge about the soul, yoga etc. has been lost. His own opinion of that was somewhat in the opposite direction; that yoga and meditation is promoted today as a "new religion" and that it's somehow "evil". He referred to some organisation called Lucis Trust - https://www.lucistrust.org/, and since Lucifer is evil devil to him it must be evil. Totally brainwashed individual. According to him Islam was the best way to live and "nothing brings more peace of mind" etc.

It's true what you say that someone who is dedicated to spiritual advancement, doing yoga, meditations etc. will become more harmonious, happier and thus more civilized, law abiding etc. More free in his/her mind also to live the life one chooses, mastering ones own destiny.

Xians and muslims always want someone else to decide their life for them and think they will be rewarded for it.
"Rewarded" for celibacy, not eating this and that, wearing certain clothes and also not meditating.
If they only knew who's dirty hands they have put their fate in.
I was reading you website, well the thing that shows up when you click on the website, and you said that Christianity is built from death, lies, and i think deception. If you think about it every religion is built like that even this..satanism, you may not kill, lie or trick people but there are records of satanists killing and doing all kinds of other stuff, so why should I believe you are not doing the exact same thing, tricking people into believing that Satan is real, and excepting you for who you are. to me it sounds like you are just to much of a wimp, because you don't know how to solve your own problems and you just blame or try to pray to someone else to fix your problems, and yes Christianity was built off of death, lies, and deception.... You want to know why because every single human including me is a piece of shit, all we do is plege the world and because everyone is a pussy we just always want a helping hand. Also everything is fake you want to know why... That's because of humans, every religion use to be just a thought in a human brain oh wow
Youpeakintrest said:
If you think about it every religion is built like that even this..satanism, you may not kill, lie or trick people but there are records of satanists killing and doing all kinds of other stuff, so why should I believe you are not doing the exact same thing, tricking people into believing that Satan is real, and excepting you for who you are. to me it sounds like you are just to much of a wimp, because you don't know how to solve your own problems and you just blame or try to pray to someone else to fix your problems, and yes Christianity was built off of death, lies, and deception....

Continue reading the website, because what you described is the opposite of Satanism. You're taking Christianity and project the views of Christianity to Satanism and all other religions and so you convinced yourself that all religions are the same as Christianity. But there are all sorts of religions including atheistic ones. Satanism is an occult/inner religion. It's less about worshiping a being and more about inner transformation. Satanists do solve their own problems. Satan is real and accepts as we are and he guides us in our inner path, but Satanism isn't focused on pleasing him or depending on him. The website states in the front page that unlike Christianity where Jesus performs miracles and heals people, Satan teaches us how to heal ourselves, so as to not depend on him all the time. A typical everyday practice in Satanism is meditating and empowering your chakras. That's right, spiritual self-empowerment is a Satanist's first priority! It's completely different from Christianity: Christians say this sort of meditation is evil.

As for the "Satanists" killing and doing all sorts of nasty stuff: The enemies of Satan have lied about Satan and Satanism for centuries. As a consequence many people followed the lies the enemies spewed about Satan and did horrible things that Satan hates. The Jews and Christians are to blame for that, not Satanists. Tell them to stop spewing lies about Satan if you want these fake Satanists to stop. The website does its job by telling people the truth about Satan.
Youpeakintrest said:
I was reading you website, well the thing that shows up when you click on the website, and you said that Christianity is built from death, lies, and i think deception. If you think about it every religion is built like that even this..satanism, you may not kill, lie or trick people but there are records of satanists killing and doing all kinds of other stuff, so why should I believe you are not doing the exact same thing, tricking people into believing that Satan is real, and excepting you for who you are. to me it sounds like you are just to much of a wimp, because you don't know how to solve your own problems and you just blame or try to pray to someone else to fix your problems, and yes Christianity was built off of death, lies, and deception.... You want to know why because every single human including me is a piece of shit, all we do is plege the world and because everyone is a pussy we just always want a helping hand. Also everything is fake you want to know why... That's because of humans, every religion use to be just a thought in a human brain oh wow

What one believes is their own business, and will be their own blessing or damnation in the fight to come.
If you do not say something of constructive impact, we do not need your opinion, as we are steady on our path.
If you don't like us, leave and let us do our work.
This place is exclusively for those who realize the Truth in what we say and wish to advance and do something to help this world.
No amount of proof can convince some people, and this seems to be the case with you - sometimes people blindfold themselves and brag about how clearly they can see.
But just for your common cultural knowledge, Satanism is Paganism = the religion the Gods handed us and we gratefully received. It was not forced, hence no abuse and deception. The Gods are honest, and they exist since many of us have seen them, each falls under one of them who is their Guardian, and all the cultures of the past speak of them, under different names.
No, we are not pieces of shit. If we succumb to the worst of ourselves, then yes you could say that. But nihilism is false, and is for the people that are too blind to recognize beauty and realize their purpose. Many of them come from rough conditions, but nevertheless in Satanism one gradually knows themselves. We can become good Humans and Gods, if only we stop whining and work to advance.
A war is presently waging. Nothing is "without purpose" in this. This planet, if still in the Golden Ages, not ruined by the enemy, would be a wonderful place to live. The only thing that ruins everything and annihilates the purpose of anything is the enemy, that does this especially because confused, lost, scope-less people are the easiest to control, compared to those who know where and why they are going. In Satanism we do not wait for a helping hand. Have you even read our material? We literally say that "we save ourselves". I wonder why... Demons do help, but it is our duty to live our own life and to take part in Spiritual Warfare.
Defamation about us happens at every corner. Because the powers at work want to keep others away from us. It's logical.
Oh, and one last thing. Not that this would affect him, but calling our High Priest a "wimp" is a huge demonstration of disrespect, if the minds of people who are without can comprehend this. There was no time when HP and we know here that merely praying solves nothing. He is so powerful, that why would he need anyone else to do things for him? In Satanism we learn to self-empower not to become parasites, like the enemy.
From what you say, defamation of our religion, insulting our Clergy, dismissing even the notion of Religion itself, you know nothing about Satanism, so do not pretend you know what is going on around here. You just read a website. You haven't practiced anything.
I don't understand why you made an account just to insult us. No one's keeping you here. Only yourself.
Youpeakintrest said:
there are records of satanists killing and doing all kinds of other stuff, so why should I believe you are not doing the exact same thing

Because those "Satanists" were not of the Joy of Satan which stands for true spirituality and self development (which is forbidden and labeled evil by xianity), if you really read the website. And even if some so called Satanists have done some killing, it's nothing in comparison to Islam and xianity.
the incarnation is impossible,because a self-sufficient infinite entity cannot get thirsty,hunger or be exhausted,can do nothing of his own self or not know the hour.

also,human limitations would be predicated of the divine.
I found this article recently, might be interesting to read.
I have recently found a man that has spent over a decade putting together the real history gleaned only from old manuscripts and calendars and putting it all together showing repeating patterns. He is in agreement with the Jews rewriting and changing history all the time. the world is very different than we think. He talks about the gods, how their names were different in different cultures. He has some excellent paylists on the Annunaki and the phoenix reset that has happened periodically through out history and due again in about 19 years. https://www.youtube.com/c/Archaix138/videos

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
