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21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews if they aren't defeated?

(About the sources: Only indicative. Sources have to be understood in conjunction)

"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

Source: "Rich Countries Should Only Eat Synthetic Beef - Billy Gates: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/bill-gates-rich-countries-should-eat-100-25-synthetic-beef/ar-BB1dJ4cT

2. You will never own anything again. You'll rent things and not work anymore to have the right of any ownership.
Source: World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/

Klaus Schwab: You will own nothing and you will be happy https://youtu.be/NcAO4-o_4Ug

3. Since you'll not work anymore, you'll only be thrown a few coins from "The Overlords", as a form of mercy for your sorry ass. Call it UBI*.

*Conditions apply. You will have to be a perfect slave for it, otherwise, nothing for you. Where and how it's spent will be under full control and surveillance. You'll only buy bugs and grass to eat with it.

"United States: Green New Deal – the environmental and social revolutions are linked" https://basicincome.org/news/2019/04/united-states-green-new-deal-the-environmental-and-social-revolutions-are-linke/

4. How many children you will have will be prohibited. Any children against the "Racial Unified Prototype" ie, non UniRace or what race is decided by Jews, are to be exterminated. Probably we are going for the "Goyim UniRace", which where all people will be the same. There will be only "One Humanity".

-> Why Declining Birthrates Are Good for the Planet | TIME.com - https://science.time.com/2012/03/14/population-studies-birth-rates-are-declining-for-the-earth-and-a-lot-of-people-thats-not-a-bad-thing/
-> Lower birth rates are good for the planet | Population | The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/11/lower-birth-rates-are-good-for-the-planet
->One Child Policy by Encyclopedia Britannica in Communist China https://www.britannica.com/topic/one-child-policy

5. You'll be forced to copulate with any race those in power want, until a singular race is created. Castration may also happen at birth, because you may copulate by accident, and further problems like Global Warming if you do that (related to the above), by creating one more idle eater.

The Changing Face of America - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2013/10/changing-face-america/

6. You'll be injected with anything they want or deem considerate. It could be anything. You won't be asked because you're stupid and you read Fake News. Those who do not take drugs that turn them friendly or pacifistic, will have to be disposed.

Should employers force workers to get COVID-19 vaccine? Some experts say they should? - https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/08/26/coronavirus-vaccine-mandates-covid-19/3346210001/

7. You will be spied upon 24/7 for any naughty or inconsistent thoughts, digitally from every corner of your existence.

Edward Snowden Interview; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9yK1QndJSM

8. You will no longer study or filter information. An Anti Fake News AI will do it for you. If you see anything wrong, it'll be fake news.


The Impact of AI on Journalism - https://www.forbes.com/sites/calumchace/2020/08/24/the-impact-of-ai-on-journalism/
European Union "Tackling online disinformation | Shaping Europe's digital future" - https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/tackling-online-disinformation

9. You'll have a brainchip, potentially reading your thoughts etc. Or turn you into a drone. Or kill you. It all depends on if you were a good boy or girl. Or whatever, genders won't exist at all. We're all one.


"Elon Musk says Neuralink could start implanting chips in human brains ‘later this year’ " - https://nypost.com/2021/02/03/elon-musk-neuralink-could-start-implanting-brain-chips-later-this-year/

10. You'll be forced into specific sexual norms which are deemed "appropriate".


The History of Sexuality has a Jewish Problem - The Difference Religion Makes to United States History https://publicseminar.org/2017/07/the-history-of-sexuality-has-a-jewish-problem/

Chinese toss aside strict sexual morals of Communist era Adultery [Because these are inherent part of Communism] - https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1996-04-28-1996119047-story.html

11. Since you'll own nothing, you'll also not have a house, you'll have a communal one. The Global State will move you as they please.


A Digital Nomad, but on steroids in a global state : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_nomad

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change: Tech oligarchs are encouraging the creation of virtual worlds as a cheap way to avoid problems in the real one. https://www.wired.com/story/billionaires-use-vr-avoid-social-change/

12. Old schizoprhenics like Billy <3 will do to you as they see fit. They are good people after all, and harmless. Look at him he is only a good person in a sweater that speaks sweetly to you. Old "Alpha Male" leadership will begone from the earth.

With Epstein :

13. Nobody will own any land or have any independence anymore.


Or any property of course in general: https://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/communist/section3/

14. You'll be at the complete mercy of those in power, for your own "Safety". Constitutions? Laws? Countries? No, nothing.

Orwell's 1984. Have you read that one?

15. If you upset the peace of this perfected jewish farm, sorry I meant world, you'll be "removed". Maybe you'll go out as a "CoVid" patient, or whatever other pandemic will come up.

Mass Killings Under Communist Regimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes

16. There will be lots of pandemics, constantly. You'll live in an eternal lockdown. So adjust to this now.

"Bill Gates: Bioterrorism, climate change are next big threats after Covid" https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/11/bill-gates-says-bioterrorism-climate-change-are-the-next-big-threats.html

He has it all planned out goyim, don't worry.

17. You don't need any friends at all. They could infect you with Coronavirus. You'll live alone. But it's ok. You'll watch only state allowed films, pornography, or education material in the meanwhile.

Google Sued Over Purged Conservative YouTube Channels - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/google-sued-over-purged-conservative-youtube-channels

I can't link Pornhub here, but if you go, you'll definitely find a lot of race mixing content in the first page. It's part of the agenda of course to program you in that.

18. Having negative thoughts about Billy <3 will be punishable by what will be called "A pleasant walk", labeling as "conspiracy theorist", or Facebook will report you instantly to the Moral Police Of Good People, which will then arrest you, only to do you very very good.

This site explains in depth how "Spy systems" are being used in full force to supposedly track "Coronavirus", gathering infinite data on citizens and their moves, behavior etc. It also has information on Vaccination Passports and other bright ideas of Billy <3. "Tracking the Global Response to COVID-19 https://privacyinternational.org/examples/tracking-global-response-covid-19 "

19. There will be no prisons anymore, as people will be already be living in prison.

An Introduction to Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish - A Macat Sociology Analysis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVFtc9_AB2k

20. Any inner force of reaction or disagreement will be quelled instantly, because there will be no men anymore or any argumentative women around. There will be perfect peace among the...New species of humans.

Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently or in suspicious ways https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/03/23/here-are-ten-critics-of-vladimir-putin-who-died-violently-or-in-suspicious-ways/

21. You'll be peaceful whether you like it or not. Sissifycation will be imposed upon you whether you understand this or not.

Source: - They will manipulate your children either to make them trannies, or to reverse that. Either way, in the West it will be enforced as a "Cure", same as it is being done in Iran.

Iran Tries to 'Cure' Gay Children With Electric Shock and Hormone Therapy https://www.ibtimes.sg/iran-tries-cure-gay-children-electric-shock-hormone-therapy-report-55535
British children in limbo over gender therapy after court ruling https://www.reuters.com/article/britain-lgbt-health/feature-british-children-in-limbo-over-gender-therapy-after-court-ruling-idUSL8N2KA5O5


But at least we defeated the Evil Hitler who wanted to take over the earth and liberate us from this. He did also another very evil thing, he was a "man". At least we have no men anymore! Everyone is a great now! The world is so safe. Muslims and such are going to be forcibly sissified to follow with our paradigm. If in the process they kill half of Europe, it's ok.

It was our duty to make them into sissies like the NWO and Billy <3 said. Welcome them all in. If they rape, kill, or loot anyone, this is only a transient stage into world love <3. They'll be sterilized also with a lot of love in the end.

Rainbow airplanes will fly above us, spraying us with happy drugs, sissifying hormones, and writing in big letters in a banner "You love Billy <3".

This is the way to freedom. We will not have any wars or any disputes like before! We peacefully are going to the slaugther, sorry, I meant New World, without any protesting. We'll finally have attained peace. Billy's Plan <3.

Billy <3, your new sissified reptilian grey hybrid Akhenaten will be your one God and King. This planet will be his little Aquarium, and everyone beneath him will be a goldfish without consciousness at all. You'll all be the same goldfish also, so that you don't feel inferior feelings from strong or powerful people. Your new leaders will be very very kind to you. Not the evil shouters and men who told you to wake up.

Definitely not Hitler or anything threatening! They will be Mr Friendly Sweater Billy <3, and all he does, will be to do the Good thing. He'll never harm your feelings, except violate all your existence and make you cattle while killing a few hundreds of millions. But he'll do it INDIRECTLY.

For example, he'll be a proponent to the Great Reset, but NOT kill you of course with a war or an invasion like Evil Hitler did. But he'll do it in all in a friendly manner. If you diosbey, he'll throw CoVid 2023, and kill a few hundred million, but by accident. A perfect dream, materialized.

Now, any final reactions you have to this, remember, do not think negative of Billy <3. Billy <3 is our friend. He's so kind just look at him in the camera, with his little smile and how weak he appears to be. He just happens to control the whole planet almost but it's ok, he's our Billy <3. He's our little cuddly bear and nothing harmful. No matter what he does he's always the cutest <3. He's not evil and dominant like Hitler </3.

We're finally entering ultracuckland and everyone should be really happy! I'm off to take all my drugs and watch my Netflix on how thankful we should be that people like Billy are going to destroy everything that humanity is, like a good boy.

Plz don't hate on this post because my feelings are going to be rly rly sad ok? Or like a GOOD BOY I'll tell Billy <3 that you don't agree with his New World, and he'll make sure you don't get CoVid by locking you in an isolation place. I'll go full ultracuck SJW on you. Dream come true!! The weak will now rule over you, strong people with a brain who think of the above things. It's time for the ultracuck to dominate and kill you all. Hihihihi."



-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,
Wow I am so thrilled to have the privilege to have Billy look after us all , I can't wait to be one borg with a pussy attitude. I also cannot wait for all my property and individualism to be eradicated, I think I better go get Re-circumcised, just a little off the top you know ? Billy would be pleased with me and I can have my 1100 cheque for this month.

I am going to go to my 8 by 8 block house now where Ill count my lucky stars that the state takes such good care of me!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews?

If these Hebrew parasite
cowards think they'll get away this
and people are just gonna lay there and take this BS they are INSANE oh of course some of the sheep will surely be good slaves but for them to expect all of humanity to just let this happen to them they are out of there minds I would rather die than ever live in a world like this and so will millions of others
GoldenxChild1 said:
Wow I am so thrilled to have the privilege to have Billy look after us all , I can't wait to be one borg with a pussy attitude. I also cannot wait for all my property and individualism to be eradicated, I think I better go get Re-circumcised, just a little off the top you know ? Billy would be pleased with me and I can have my 1100 cheque for this month.

I am going to go to my 8 by 8 block house now where Ill count my lucky stars that the state takes such good care of me!!

Yes, and you won't even have to do any work. This will be beyond mercy, it will be a absolutely totally irrelevant currency which will be equal to whole 1 USD with which you'll buy imaginary grass to eat, so we can sustain the skeleton bodies that everyone is going to have.

8 by 8 block stacked house? That's too big. Go for 1/1 Living Pod Ultra Luxury house with ventilation system, and wear your VR headset permanently attached in your brain. You'll reduce Global Warming this way.

fourthReich66688 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews?

If these Hebrew parasite
cowards think they'll get away this
and people are just gonna lay there and take this BS they are INSANE oh of course some of the sheep will surely be good slaves but for them to expect all of humanity to just let this happen to them they are out of there minds I would rather die than ever live in a world like this and so will millions of others

They are both alien and completely schizoid. Operated by forces so evil that are beyond human comprehension.

Humanity is now finding this out.
Do some of these so-called "Elites". Whether they themselves are jews or shabbos.

Are they aware that in the words of Yuri Bezmenov are being used as schmuck useful idiots?

Do they not realize when the great (((hebraic G_ds))) come they'll probably, IF they are being nice that day, borg'em into their collective hive mind?

It reminds me of a sermon you posted sometime last year. That if the greys and reptilians come it seems like over 90% barring any special snowflake will be borged into their collective hive group.

Even the jews will be borg'd. Like the rabbi reina summoning sermon on bitchute(Satchives). Even his own grey gods called reina a piece of dung, worthless and so forth.

AH good ole Billy <3 he's just the useful idiot to have to turn everyone in useful idiots.

Funny enough HP.Cobra there are people quite a number who aren't bothered by what you state rather they are like "SO, WHAT?!". It's to help the Earth at least that evil Hitler guy got stopped. Hebs and shabbso be gud 'n' sheit. They are chosen people they want to put the World in their image.

Epic facepalms from people who aren't bothered by this.

I'm sure if Lucifuge Rofocal and his people heard humans literally loving this technocratic dystopia. You'll probably see them facepalming at all the bullshit some people seemingly desire. Sometimes I wonder if some of these people deserve it, ask and ye shall receive.
And you will sing everyday, thanks to your newest chip that has been implanted in your brain <3 how A W E S O M E is our Billy-sama <3

Joke aside, this is scary but people are starting to wake up. We need to keep the pressure with the Rtr. Right now it seems they are doing everything they can to keep the power they had and it may seem like we are 'loosing' but I know things will get better if we keep going!

I always knew things had to get bad so people could wake up. Nobody would react if things were fine and the enemy obviously cannot enslave everyone if they don't show what they truly are.
Gear88 said:

Do some of these so-called "Elites". Whether they themselves are jews or shabbos.

Are they aware that in the words of Yuri Bezmenov are being used as schmuck useful idiots?


I don't think all the "Elites" are "Evil" or all of them agree with this. I don't think every Celebrity or every Politician even has understanding of this. The core of the enemy understands this idea. The rest are merely there without doing much about it.

There seems to be a faction pushing for this, not everyone. But they push it on top of everyone else.

They think that they will be entitled in this somehow, but they won't be. Their power trip will be over when these things do arrive, or when everything will be this dystopia they are advertised. They'll be equally ruined like anyone else will be.

The enemy has sufficiently manipulated their minds, and they think that this "Species" that advises these things, is going to take a step back, where of all possible futures, humanity will be at it's weakest. They won't. They'll go in to enslave everything in an instant, and pick the farm from them.

If they knew what will happen to everyone and them, and they have any last fibre of humanity or wisdom left in them, or self preservation instincts, they would redirect this planet right now away from all of these "points".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If they knew what will happen to everyone and them, and they have any last fibre of humanity or wisdom left in them, or self preservation instincts, they would redirect this planet right now away from all of these "points".

Just as I thought. Well said.

Exactly like your sermon from a while back "If the judeo-bolshevik christians knew burning down Rome and the Roman empire was bad. They'd probably think twice about doing it".
22- no no no!... Don't mastrubate because it will make daddy billy so angry that he will put you on depression meds that will make you a walking potato with zero sex drive and zero IQ and zero ego.

Very small tiny Note : i personaly was arrested and put in an insane assylum and used to take psychotic drugs but i quitted them long time ago... It was all because my muslim parents wanted to control my decisions but i refused...sometimes i thank satan about the way my existince is going to now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Wow I am so thrilled to have the privilege to have Billy look after us all , I can't wait to be one borg with a pussy attitude. I also cannot wait for all my property and individualism to be eradicated, I think I better go get Re-circumcised, just a little off the top you know ? Billy would be pleased with me and I can have my 1100 cheque for this month.

I am going to go to my 8 by 8 block house now where Ill count my lucky stars that the state takes such good care of me!!

Yes, and you won't even have to do any work. This will be beyond mercy, it will be a absolutely totally irrelevant currency which will be equal to whole 1 USD with which you'll buy imaginary grass to eat, so we can sustain the skeleton bodies that everyone is going to have.

8 by 8 block stacked house? That's too big. Go for 1/1 Living Pod Ultra Luxury house with ventilation system, and wear your VR headset permanently attached in your brain. You'll reduce Global Warming this way.


As long as I get to live in a pod where my vital energy is used as a battery to feed "The One", im sustained and ok with my existence.

All good things, all good things.
Bill Gates: rich nations should shift to entirely synthetic beef


Well we have to eat soylent green cause of the climate an sheit. I’m sure little Bill and his tranny wife will be joining us in this feast and will NOT be eating the finest cut filet mignon and drinking baby blood every night.
23- sex with body and body contact is not allowed in anyway, the only sex allowed is mastrubation with your legel wife through wepcam.. And if you wanna have a baby you will need to put your semen in sperm banks so that they will put your sperm in a woman's womp from another race.

I think they will reach this level of insanity... I remeber reading something in the islamic books saying that abraham used sharp cleaver to circumcise himself and to circumcise Ishmael and Isaac...
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x

Don't buy into the enemy's psychological warfare. They promote these things to make people desperate. These are all over the web to program people and make it look like it cannot be resisted.

It can and it will. Do what you have to do to live. No time for defeatism and other things like this. Only spiritual work, education, and resistance.
But also remember soyim, Achmed from Mali and Akbar from Afghanistan can do whatever they want and please. They can beez in the trap selling drugs, pimping your 8 year kids as hoes or whatever, burning down hospitals, and that's special, precious and truly stunning and brave to witness, because they make duas (of 1 milishekels) and 'help the poor' while doing so. Haven't you watched 90 Day Fiance or looked at #finstacouplegoals?

Do not upset the Big Brown Cock for performing beautiful, cultural and diverse FGM operations or you'll have many of reddits finest minds shouting at you. Little shits don't need sexual pleasure or reproductive organs anyway, no one except diverse Achmed and Akbar needs more crotch droppings, Star Wars and DC Batman starring ((the Joker)) is all we need, we are /r/childfree and proud!!!!!!!

Anyways its your fault these beautiful, brave, bonny, blessed and #bae men had to flee their home lands you colonialist global warmist, Billy <3 and Lenin tried to warn you of your privilege and you didn't listen you filthy white labor aristocrat, so of course they have privileges over you and can make you a slave.

Your other loyal friend,

So this is exactly like the movie "the Giver" and Orwells 1984 or should I say 1948 since that was it's original name he was trying to use that to hint at the fact it's the Jews that did this since that was pissraels founding date.
These sick beings and how they are unnatural, just BOILS my BLOOD and leaves me seething in rage.

I cannot wait until we overpower and crush them, like the maggots they are for what they have done, their vile putrid reptilian souls, groveling and begging for mercy.

Then we can put our military boots onto their heads and rub it in the dirt, and tell them how great its going to be for them, like they did for us, then end their undeserved existence.



14 88, SEIG HEIL .
I don't know if my question get any answer but after i had read this post i started thinking about this more so that's why i'm writing here.

I am new to SS and i really want to participate RTRs (especially 21st of Feb.), but a few days ago, even an aura cleansing meditation made me tired because of the energy i didn't use to have. So, i don't think that i'll be able to cope with advanced power meditations and I read that we need to do them after RTRs. And I know that I need to keep meditating to develop myself, but I feel like I have my hands tied right now.

So, should i try even though i may not manage, or should i just be focused on improving myself before that?

Well, i think it was more like spilling my heart out rather than asking questions but thank you if you read it so far.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Why the hell did I read all of this in Dr. Robotnik's voice on helium? So funny that the world's turned into an ultra-cuck and butthurt globalist accepting "utopia". People need the balls to give themselves any amount of time they can to connect the dots and cross-examine the details themselves in secret, even if they're not 'professionals'/mental-midgets of whatever and not beg for anyone to do their assignments for them.

They also don't know anything about the reality of nature/natural law when they're always told to be oh so positive and do nothing but become slave workers to this society that has no time to see the truth themselves.

Wait till they fuck themselves that they'll be demanding for an unfuck themselves option when there isn't going to be any.

P.S. I hope billy's going to get a flesh mel*** prod up his ***** someday, as a means of returning some 'heartful' and 'cheerful' favors.
Lenore said:

First off, don't beat yourself up so bad, just keep trying. Focus on increasing your energy levels. When you do the aura cleaning, continually inhale energy (just like with the AOP), such that you are not using your energy reserves.

Furthermore, focus on inhaling energy as part of your routine, like 5 or 10 breaths. Program it to energize your being. Yoga also increases energy without requiring brain power to complete.

While chakra spinning and aura cleaning can use energy, the end result is that a clean or faster spinning chakra will pull in more energy, replenishing you with more energy in the long-term.

If you ever feel tired, like in the situation you describe. You start inhaling energy. You can do this even if you are collapsed in your bed.
Mr. nice billy san probably has a pedophilia pride badge, but that's just a conspiracy lol. I just found out those things existed a week ago and i'm not surprised to find out that people are trying to rationalize pedophilia.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

So in others words they weening to get the power back .that means we are wining big keep up the RTR,s

Hail Satan
Lenore said:
I don't know if my question get any answer but after i had read this post i started thinking about this more so that's why i'm writing here.

I am new to SS and i really want to participate RTRs (especially 21st of Feb.), but a few days ago, even an aura cleansing meditation made me tired because of the energy i didn't use to have. So, i don't think that i'll be able to cope with advanced power meditations and I read that we need to do them after RTRs. And I know that I need to keep meditating to develop myself, but I feel like I have my hands tied right now.

So, should i try even though i may not manage, or should i just be focused on improving myself before that?

Well, i think it was more like spilling my heart out rather than asking questions but thank you if you read it so far.
I find the Raum Meditation always leaves me feeling energized. I use my fingers to count my reps and even if I don't feel any energy when I do it, I am always a little more awake afterwards. I'd give you the link but it seems like JoS website is down atm so I'll give you the screenshot below instead:

I'm still struggling myself to be consistent.
DragonWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

So in others words they weening to get the power back .that means we are wining big keep up the RTR,s

Hail Satan

They are mortified that is true, because no matter about all of this, they know humanity knows, so now the clock is ticking in reverse.

The people know. We just have to keep the momentum going.
Goy look this is all a conspiracy theory but here is an article saying exactly this from 13 hours ago. Don't listen to evil goys telling you about Billy above and his plan to get you to eat synthetic meat and never get to enjoy another hot dog while he will eat 1 million dollar a piece goose and you'll eat bugs.

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change

Tech oligarchs are encouraging the creation of virtual worlds as a cheap way to avoid problems in the real one.


THE FUTURE OF virtual reality is far more than just video games. Silicon Valley sees the creation of virtual worlds as the ultimate free-market solution to a political problem. In a world of increasing wealth inequality, environmental disaster, and political instability, why not sell everyone a device that whisks them away to a virtual world free of pain and suffering?

Tech billionaires aren’t shy about sharing this. “Some people read this the wrong way and react incorrectly to it. The promise of VR is to make the world you wanted. It is not possible, on Earth, to give everyone all that they would want. Not everyone can have Richard Branson’s private island,” Doom co-creator and former CTO of Oculus John Carmack told Joe Rogan during a 2020 interview. “People react negatively to any talk of economics, but it is resource allocation. You have to make decisions about where things go. Economically, you can deliver a lot more value to a lot of people in the virtual sense.”

Virtual reality is an attractive escape, but it’s not a solution to the world’s ills. The problems of the real world will persist beyond the borders of the metaverse created by companies such as Epic, Valve, and Facebook. Without decisive and radical action, our planet will continue to burn, the gap between the rich and poor will grow, and totalitarian political movements will flourish. All while some of us are plugged into a virtual world.

Worse, the virtual world will be one owned and controlled by the companies that create them. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a Facebook-branded set of VR goggles strapped to an emaciated human face—forever.


Carmack was explicit about the importance of tech companies pushing virtual reality. “Not everyone can have a mansion. Not everyone can have a home theater. These are things we can simulate, to some degree, in virtual reality. Now, the simulation is not as good as the real thing. If you are rich and you have your own home theater or mansion and private island, good for you ... you’re probably not the people that are going to benefit the most,” he said. “Most of the people in the world live in cramped quarters that are not what they would choose to be if they had unlimited resources.”

That’s absolutely true; most people in the world live in cramped quarters and would choose not to. But Carmack’s solution is to create a virtual world where people can escape. It’s a promise of the future where the living conditions are still cramped but people have accepted their material conditions and retreated into a fantasy world created by the tech companies.

And it will not stop at screens and speakers. Elon Musk is working on a brain-machine interface called Neuralink. Similarly, Valve’s Gabe Newell is heavily invested in creating the literal matrix. "We're way closer to The Matrix than people realize," Newell told IGN in 2020.

In a televised interview with New Zealand’s 1 News, Newell was explicit about creating a world where brains and computers interface and computers are able to make changes to the brain. He even called the body a “meat peripheral” and further dehumanized the physical form. "You're used to experiencing the world through eyes. But eyes were created by this low-cost bidder that didn't care about failure rates and RMAs, and if it got broken there was no way to repair anything effectively, which totally makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, but is not at all reflective of consumer preferences,” Newell said, sounding like a cartoon villain.

For Newell, the goal is to achieve a fantasy world better and more fascinating than the real one. "So the visual experience, the visual fidelity we'll be able to create—the real world will stop being the metric that we apply to the best possible visual fidelity,” he said. "The real world will seem flat, colorless, blurry compared to the experiences you'll be able to create in people's brains.”

If this all sounds like a nightmarish vision of the future where the world burns around us while we retreat into fantasy worlds, you’re not alone. “There’s this piece of art that goes around the internet of this dystopian kid in a corner, drooling, with goggles on with rainbow pictures and it’s a terrible looking place,” Carmack told Rogan. “And people say, ‘This is the world you’re trying to build, people plugged into virtual reality and ignoring the world around them.’”
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Goy look this is all a conspiracy theory but here is an article saying exactly this from 13 hours ago. Don't listen to evil goys telling you about Billy above and his plan to get you to eat synthetic meat and never get to enjoy another hot dog while he will eat 1 million dollar a piece goose and you'll eat bugs.

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change

Tech oligarchs are encouraging the creation of virtual worlds as a cheap way to avoid problems in the real one.

WTF!? You have got to be kidding me. They're so desperate to push their agenda that they don't care about the optics anymore. They might as well say next:

"Tech Oligarchs Believe Brain-chipping Everyone Will Create World Peace!"
Elon Musk promises mass production of brain chips by 2023!
slyscorpion said:
So this is exactly like the movie "the Giver" and Orwells 1984 or should I say 1948 since that was it's original name he was trying to use that to hint at the fact it's the Jews that did this since that was pissraels founding date.

I got Orwells book on audible everyone saying its all came true. I done a bit of digging, i think he was a commie but that no matter just now can ignore it listen then remember he is the opposite of us.

Funny how he died instantly of the book being released or one of them.

Should I get listening to it STR
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews if they aren't defeated?

"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

2. You will never own anything again. You'll rent things and not work anymore to have the right of any ownership.

3. Since you'll not work anymore, you'll only be thrown a few coins from "The Overlords", as a form of mercy for your sorry ass. Call it UBI*.

*Conditions apply. You will have to be a perfect slave for it, otherwise, nothing for you. Where and how it's spent will be under full control and surveillance. You'll only buy bugs and grass to eat with it.

4. How many children you will have will be prohibited. Any children against the "Racial Unified Prototype" ie, non UniRace or what race is decided by Jews, are to be exterminated. Probably we are going for the "Goyim UniRace", which where all people will be the same. There will be only "One Humanity".

5. You'll be forced to copulate with any race those in power want, until a singular race is created. Castration may also happen at birth, because you may copulate by accident, and further problems like Global Warming if you do that, by creating one more idle eater.

6. You'll be injected with anything they want or deem considerate. It could be anything. You won't be asked because you're stupid and you read Fake News. Those who do not take drugs that turn them friendly or pacifistic, will have to be disposed.

7. You will be spied upon 24/7 for any naughty or inconsistent thoughts, digitally from every corner of your existence.

8. You will no longer study or filter information. An Anti Fake News AI will do it for you. If you see anything wrong, it'll be fake news.

9. You'll have a brainchip, potentially reading your thoughts etc. Or turn you into a drone. Or kill you. It all depends on if you were a good boy or girl. Or whatever, genders won't exist at all. We're all one.

10. You'll be forced into specific sexual norms which are deemed "appropriate".

11. Since you'll own nothing, you'll also not have a house, you'll have a communal one. The Global State will move you as they please.

12. Old schizoprhenics like Billy <3 will do to you as they see fit. They are good people after all, and harmless. Look at him he is only a good person in a sweater that speaks sweetly to you. Old "Alpha Male" leadership will begone from the earth.

13. Nobody will own any land or have any independence anymore.

14. You'll be at the complete mercy of those in power, for your own "Safety". Constitutions? Laws? Countries? No, nothing.

15. If you upset the peace of this perfected jewish farm, sorry I meant world, you'll be "removed". Maybe you'll go out as a "CoVid" patient, or whatever other pandemic will come up.

16. There will be lots of pandemics, constantly. You'll live in an eternal lockdown. So adjust to this now.

17. You don't need any friends at all. They could infect you with Coronavirus. You'll live alone. But it's ok. You'll watch only state allowed films, pornography, or education material in the meanwhile.

18. Having negative thoughts about Billy <3 will be punishable by what will be called "A pleasant walk", labeling as "conspiracy theorist", or Facebook will report you instantly to the Moral Police Of Good People, which will then arrest you, only to do you very very good.

19. There will be no prisons anymore, as people will be already be living in prison.

20. Any inner force of reaction or disagreement will be quelled instantly, because there will be no men anymore or any argumentative women around. There will be perfect peace among the...New species of humans.

21. You'll be peaceful whether you like it or not. Sissifycation will be imposed upon you whether you understand this or not.

But at least we defeated the Evil Hitler who wanted to take over the earth and liberate us from this. He did also another very evil thing, he was a "man". At least we have no men anymore! Everyone is a great now! The world is so safe. Muslims and such are going to be forcibly sissified to follow with our paradigm. If in the process they kill half of Europe, it's ok.

It was our duty to make them into sissies like the NWO and Billy <3 said. Welcome them all in. If they rape, kill, or loot anyone, this is only a transient stage into world love <3. They'll be sterilized also with a lot of love in the end.

Rainbow airplanes will fly above us, spraying us with happy drugs, sissifying hormones, and writing in big letters in a banner "You love Billy <3".

This is the way to freedom. We will not have any wars or any disputes like before! We peacefully are going to the slaugther, sorry, I meant New World, without any protesting. We'll finally have attained peace. Billy's Plan <3.

Billy <3, your new sissified reptilian grey hybrid Akhenaten will be your one God and King. This planet will be his little Aquarium, and everyone beneath him will be a goldfish without consciousness at all. You'll all be the same goldfish also, so that you don't feel inferior feelings from strong or powerful people. Your new leaders will be very very kind to you. Not the evil shouters and men who told you to wake up.

Definitely not Hitler or anything threatening! They will be Mr Friendly Sweater Billy <3, and all he does, will be to do the Good thing. He'll never harm your feelings, except violate all your existence and make you cattle while killing a few hundreds of millions. But he'll do it INDIRECTLY.

For example, he'll be a proponent to the Great Reset, but NOT kill you of course with a war or an invasion like Evil Hitler did. But he'll do it in all in a friendly manner. If you diosbey, he'll throw CoVid 2023, and kill a few hundred million, but by accident. A perfect dream, materialized.

Now, any final reactions you have to this, remember, do not think negative of Billy <3. Billy <3 is our friend. He's so kind just look at him in the camera, with his little smile and how weak he appears to be. He just happens to control the whole planet almost but it's ok, he's our Billy <3. He's our little cuddly bear and nothing harmful. No matter what he does he's always the cutest <3. He's not evil and dominant like Hitler </3.

We're finally entering ultracuckland and everyone should be really happy! I'm off to take all my drugs and watch my Netflix on how thankful we should be that people like Billy are going to destroy everything that humanity is, like a good boy.

Plz don't hate on this post because my feelings are going to be rly rly sad ok? Or like a GOOD BOY I'll tell Billy <3 that you don't agree with his New World, and he'll make sure you don't get CoVid by locking you in an isolation place. I'll go full ultracuck SJW on you. Dream come true!! The weak will now rule over you, strong people with a brain who think of the above things. It's time for the ultracuck to dominate and kill you all. Hihihihi."



-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

Brilliant as per HPHC

Sounds pleasant that eh

Lets go my bro
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x
Please do not do anything like this. And don't even talk about doing anything like this. And do not type anything like this on your computer.

Which computer? How does he have a computer? He must be a rebel. Time to tell Billy-tan <3
Invictus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Goy look this is all a conspiracy theory but here is an article saying exactly this from 13 hours ago. Don't listen to evil goys telling you about Billy above and his plan to get you to eat synthetic meat and never get to enjoy another hot dog while he will eat 1 million dollar a piece goose and you'll eat bugs.

Billionaires See VR as a Way to Avoid Radical Social Change

Tech oligarchs are encouraging the creation of virtual worlds as a cheap way to avoid problems in the real one.

WTF!? You have got to be kidding me. They're so desperate to push their agenda that they don't care about the optics anymore. They might as well say next:

"Tech Oligarchs Believe Brain-chipping Everyone Will Create World Peace!"
Elon Musk promises mass production of brain chips by 2023!

I am not. People think this is a joke. However all these points in the original topic are admissions of the enemy through the recent months.

Someone above also posted on the new claim of crazy billy that meat has to be removed from Earth.

The Not Owning Anything communism is from the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab.

The Vaccination and drugs is how humanity is already treated now. Recoiled in lockdowns, drug use has exponentially increased.

The VR thing, I posted it also for referrence.

The sexual norms, look around on the legalizing of pedophilia, the destruction of any perception of family and gender.

How people will be treated, go read 1984. Or a history book about Communism.

Those who are aware know this is the sum up of it.

I had idiots and shills write comments saying oy vey, who do you mention it? Guess why because they are trying to destroy mankind? Hmmm.

My question to these people is, are you a retarded escapist that thinks at this point, lack of awareness is going to help? This is what they are bringing to our lives in full speed.

People have to KNOW and to RESIST that.

Many cannot face this reality and pretend it does not exist. They already push it. I hardly seen any topic give a general outline and idea on where this is OBVIOUSLY going.

I am glad this made people angry because all I did was bring this worthless little universe the enemy wants to make into full obvious display. Whomever is fine is mentally ill.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

that's exactly how cows and chickens and sheep and dogs and pigs live. humans do that to helpless creatures and dont respect them at all. of course nobody thinks it could happen to them.
also hitler literally demanded "blind obedience" from everyone who followed him. as well as telling the german people that individuals lives dont mean squat and everyone should be ready to sacrifice themselves.

its his fault that he scared the entire western world away from believing in ones race, as well as masculine power. before the war it was perfectly normal end expected. now its evil and disgusting and you go to prison for hate speech and terrorist plotting.

he wasnt wrong by any means for demanding these things, but he would be very wrong for instance if he published the darkest fantasies of our enemies in a satirical letter.

You forgot to include Oy Vey and your address in Israel so we can send you financial help because you were turned on a lampshade.

Organized Gentiles who are ready to even die to save their world and put their self importance second? Oy veyyyy.

A man that did his best and bought us 100 years time to stop their plans? Oy veyyyy.

They were following this man too and not their local Rabbi? Oy veyyyy.

You cannot read the things that are openly in the news aggregated in a satirical post? Such stronk. Oy veyyyy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Invictus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I am not. People think this is a joke. However all these points in the original topic are admissions of the enemy through the recent months.


This is exactly down to every detail in some cases what they were pushing in movies and tv shows subliminally saying this is the future or preparing people for a bunch of times. So to be honest it doesn't suprise me this is real.

However I didn't think they would ever actually get to the point they would try to do this stuff so soon. I thought this was like 2090 or something they had this planned.

That is the part that was surprising to me. It's like fuck this could be in less than ten years we are living like this.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Invictus said:

That is the part that was surprising to me. It's like fuck this could be in less than ten years we are living like this.

They are rushing it to full speed because they know if we enter further into the era of information, this is going to get exposed. Like it already happened.

So now they are brutally forcing it through, without any optics, by sheer size. They are cocky and pretend it will all be accepted or that they will succeed.

They know also that we are receiving help from the Gods and people are waking up, so they have to brute force it now before it is impossible to even happen.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
