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21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

EnkiUK3 said:
slyscorpion said:
So this is exactly like the movie "the Giver" and Orwells 1984 or should I say 1948 since that was it's original name he was trying to use that to hint at the fact it's the Jews that did this since that was pissraels founding date.

I got Orwells book on audible everyone saying its all came true. I done a bit of digging, i think he was a commie but that no matter just now can ignore it listen then remember he is the opposite of us.

Funny how he died instantly of the book being released or one of them.

Should I get listening to it STR

He may very well have been. In fact I think he was that may have even been mentioned in the forums. He had inside knowledge about what communism was going to do. He wanted to warn people that was the point. But really who cares what his beliefs actually we're the fact is it's a good representation of what the NWO would be like.

I don't know for sure the 1948 thing if it's true or not but it was mentioned on here once I remember so I added it. I kind of think it is from the content of the book. He had to know who was doing this even if he somewhat supported it.

A better name might have been 2024 or something. When they assumed they would mostly have their new world order started.
EnkiUK3 said:
slyscorpion said:
So this is exactly like the movie "the Giver" and Orwells 1984 or should I say 1948 since that was it's original name he was trying to use that to hint at the fact it's the Jews that did this since that was pissraels founding date.

I got Orwells book on audible everyone saying its all came true. I done a bit of digging, i think he was a commie but that no matter just now can ignore it listen then remember he is the opposite of us.

Funny how he died instantly of the book being released or one of them.

Should I get listening to it STR
It's a nice read. I read it over a decade ago, and it's somewhat chilling how close jews got us how it is in the book. If it were not for our spiritual effort, and Gods by our side we would most likely be in the modern day gulag by now.
EnkiUK3 said:
slyscorpion said:
So this is exactly like the movie "the Giver" and Orwells 1984 or should I say 1948 since that was it's original name he was trying to use that to hint at the fact it's the Jews that did this since that was pissraels founding date.

I got Orwells book on audible everyone saying its all came true. I done a bit of digging, i think he was a commie but that no matter just now can ignore it listen then remember he is the opposite of us.

Funny how he died instantly of the book being released or one of them.

Should I get listening to it STR

[@member:EnkiUK3]: He, Orwell, was a communist part of the Fabian Society or Fabian Group. But he realized these people were completely fucked up and decided to warn the World.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Gods return...

Since it's been mentioned the Gods are returning to literally save our asses. The question becomes what happens to all the enemies whether they be shabbos or outright jews machinating these scenarios.

Are the Gods just gonna kill them? Or black magic them? or what do beings of higher power do to extra-terrestrial hostile species that look like the terrestrial species?

Have the Gods faced this elsewhere? Besides the whole 10 planets under kosher supervision while 1 planet broke out of it and is cutting edge. I'm sure on that one planet they massacred the kosher species. Is it "we" as in humanity kill off the kosher species or do the Gods do something?

I apologize if I sound like I'm speaking of violence and murder. No one should commit this stuff since you go to jail or are killed and or executed. I'm simply asking what do the Gods do as punishment against hostile species whose activities are against their plans and processes.

Is it that humanity revitalizes itself and these judeo-bolshevik plans go awry and humanity is in a chess scenario. Black vs White or Human vs jews/shabbos and we need our Gods to move the chess pieces around to checkmate the enemy once and for all. Or what is the materialization that is gonna happen?

What happens during these next few decades especially as we reach the middle of the century?
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

that's exactly how cows and chickens and sheep and dogs and pigs live. humans do that to helpless creatures and dont respect them at all. of course nobody thinks it could happen to them.
also hitler literally demanded "blind obedience" from everyone who followed him. as well as telling the german people that individuals lives dont mean squat and everyone should be ready to sacrifice themselves.

its his fault that he scared the entire western world away from believing in ones race, as well as masculine power. before the war it was perfectly normal end expected. now its evil and disgusting and you go to prison for hate speech and terrorist plotting.

he wasnt wrong by any means for demanding these things, but he would be very wrong for instance if he published the darkest fantasies of our enemies in a satirical letter.

There was nothing blind about their obedience. The German people themselves wanted the kikes out. Hence Kristallnacht. You think they were following orders then? No. They couldn't be contained anymore. The Fuhrer was the will of the people.
Hopefully we'll get a mirror reflection of that glorious little event soon in the USA. What I wouldn't give to be handing out dynamite sticks to synagogue raiders when that happens.

Slyscorpion said:
This is exactly down to every detail in some cases what they were pushing in movies and tv shows subliminally saying this is the future or preparing people for a bunch of times. So to be honest it doesn't suprise me this is real.

However I didn't think they would ever actually get to the point they would try to do this stuff so soon. I thought this was like 2090 or something they had this planned.

That is the part that was surprising to me. It's like fuck this could be in less than ten years we are living like this.

Oh boy. If this is the level that people are at then perhaps I was wrong to criticize Jack for emphasizing all of this so loudly. I thought all of this was common knowledge around here. You really need to get better at reading the signs, brother.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews if they aren't defeated?

"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

2. You will never own anything again. You'll rent things and not work anymore to have the right of any ownership.

3. Since you'll not work anymore, you'll only be thrown a few coins from "The Overlords", as a form of mercy for your sorry ass. Call it UBI*.

*Conditions apply. You will have to be a perfect slave for it, otherwise, nothing for you. Where and how it's spent will be under full control and surveillance. You'll only buy bugs and grass to eat with it.

4. How many children you will have will be prohibited. Any children against the "Racial Unified Prototype" ie, non UniRace or what race is decided by Jews, are to be exterminated. Probably we are going for the "Goyim UniRace", which where all people will be the same. There will be only "One Humanity".

5. You'll be forced to copulate with any race those in power want, until a singular race is created. Castration may also happen at birth, because you may copulate by accident, and further problems like Global Warming if you do that, by creating one more idle eater.

6. You'll be injected with anything they want or deem considerate. It could be anything. You won't be asked because you're stupid and you read Fake News. Those who do not take drugs that turn them friendly or pacifistic, will have to be disposed.

7. You will be spied upon 24/7 for any naughty or inconsistent thoughts, digitally from every corner of your existence.

8. You will no longer study or filter information. An Anti Fake News AI will do it for you. If you see anything wrong, it'll be fake news.

9. You'll have a brainchip, potentially reading your thoughts etc. Or turn you into a drone. Or kill you. It all depends on if you were a good boy or girl. Or whatever, genders won't exist at all. We're all one.

10. You'll be forced into specific sexual norms which are deemed "appropriate".

11. Since you'll own nothing, you'll also not have a house, you'll have a communal one. The Global State will move you as they please.

12. Old schizoprhenics like Billy <3 will do to you as they see fit. They are good people after all, and harmless. Look at him he is only a good person in a sweater that speaks sweetly to you. Old "Alpha Male" leadership will begone from the earth.

13. Nobody will own any land or have any independence anymore.

14. You'll be at the complete mercy of those in power, for your own "Safety". Constitutions? Laws? Countries? No, nothing.

15. If you upset the peace of this perfected jewish farm, sorry I meant world, you'll be "removed". Maybe you'll go out as a "CoVid" patient, or whatever other pandemic will come up.

16. There will be lots of pandemics, constantly. You'll live in an eternal lockdown. So adjust to this now.

17. You don't need any friends at all. They could infect you with Coronavirus. You'll live alone. But it's ok. You'll watch only state allowed films, pornography, or education material in the meanwhile.

18. Having negative thoughts about Billy <3 will be punishable by what will be called "A pleasant walk", labeling as "conspiracy theorist", or Facebook will report you instantly to the Moral Police Of Good People, which will then arrest you, only to do you very very good.

19. There will be no prisons anymore, as people will be already be living in prison.

20. Any inner force of reaction or disagreement will be quelled instantly, because there will be no men anymore or any argumentative women around. There will be perfect peace among the...New species of humans.

21. You'll be peaceful whether you like it or not. Sissifycation will be imposed upon you whether you understand this or not.

But at least we defeated the Evil Hitler who wanted to take over the earth and liberate us from this. He did also another very evil thing, he was a "man". At least we have no men anymore! Everyone is a great now! The world is so safe. Muslims and such are going to be forcibly sissified to follow with our paradigm. If in the process they kill half of Europe, it's ok.

It was our duty to make them into sissies like the NWO and Billy <3 said. Welcome them all in. If they rape, kill, or loot anyone, this is only a transient stage into world love <3. They'll be sterilized also with a lot of love in the end.

Rainbow airplanes will fly above us, spraying us with happy drugs, sissifying hormones, and writing in big letters in a banner "You love Billy <3".

This is the way to freedom. We will not have any wars or any disputes like before! We peacefully are going to the slaugther, sorry, I meant New World, without any protesting. We'll finally have attained peace. Billy's Plan <3.

Billy <3, your new sissified reptilian grey hybrid Akhenaten will be your one God and King. This planet will be his little Aquarium, and everyone beneath him will be a goldfish without consciousness at all. You'll all be the same goldfish also, so that you don't feel inferior feelings from strong or powerful people. Your new leaders will be very very kind to you. Not the evil shouters and men who told you to wake up.

Definitely not Hitler or anything threatening! They will be Mr Friendly Sweater Billy <3, and all he does, will be to do the Good thing. He'll never harm your feelings, except violate all your existence and make you cattle while killing a few hundreds of millions. But he'll do it INDIRECTLY.

For example, he'll be a proponent to the Great Reset, but NOT kill you of course with a war or an invasion like Evil Hitler did. But he'll do it in all in a friendly manner. If you diosbey, he'll throw CoVid 2023, and kill a few hundred million, but by accident. A perfect dream, materialized.

Now, any final reactions you have to this, remember, do not think negative of Billy <3. Billy <3 is our friend. He's so kind just look at him in the camera, with his little smile and how weak he appears to be. He just happens to control the whole planet almost but it's ok, he's our Billy <3. He's our little cuddly bear and nothing harmful. No matter what he does he's always the cutest <3. He's not evil and dominant like Hitler </3.

We're finally entering ultracuckland and everyone should be really happy! I'm off to take all my drugs and watch my Netflix on how thankful we should be that people like Billy are going to destroy everything that humanity is, like a good boy.

Plz don't hate on this post because my feelings are going to be rly rly sad ok? Or like a GOOD BOY I'll tell Billy <3 that you don't agree with his New World, and he'll make sure you don't get CoVid by locking you in an isolation place. I'll go full ultracuck SJW on you. Dream come true!! The weak will now rule over you, strong people with a brain who think of the above things. It's time for the ultracuck to dominate and kill you all. Hihihihi."



-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

Here is a link to video i made about New World Order: https://www.bitchute.com/video/WqTzRJlT8OsK/

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Invictus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Many cannot face this reality and pretend it does not exist. They already push it. I hardly seen any topic give a general outline and idea on where this is OBVIOUSLY going.

I am glad this made people angry because all I did was bring this worthless little universe the enemy wants to make into full obvious display. Whomever is fine is mentally ill.

Agreed on all that was said. At this point, if people refuse to connect the dots, there's no saving them.

Shills and jews being displeased by the exposure just makes it all the more better.

When Amdusias said : "Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause." I amazed, and happy, it has been to this extent. I can only imagine what's yet to come.
SS for the win!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

no need to castrate me, this type of shit would make my balls go inside but then they would need to pacify me.
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK3 said:
slyscorpion said:
So this is exactly like the movie "the Giver" and Orwells 1984 or should I say 1948 since that was it's original name he was trying to use that to hint at the fact it's the Jews that did this since that was pissraels founding date.

I got Orwells book on audible everyone saying its all came true. I done a bit of digging, i think he was a commie but that no matter just now can ignore it listen then remember he is the opposite of us.

Funny how he died instantly of the book being released or one of them.

Should I get listening to it STR
It's a nice read. I read it over a decade ago, and it's somewhat chilling how close jews got us how it is in the book. If it were not for our spiritual effort, and Gods by our side we would most likely be in the modern day gulag by now.

Thanks my friend I will give it ago seems interesting and a bit nostradamus like.
Gear88 said:
EnkiUK3 said:
slyscorpion said:
So this is exactly like the movie "the Giver" and Orwells 1984 or should I say 1948 since that was it's original name he was trying to use that to hint at the fact it's the Jews that did this since that was pissraels founding date.

I got Orwells book on audible everyone saying its all came true. I done a bit of digging, i think he was a commie but that no matter just now can ignore it listen then remember he is the opposite of us.

Funny how he died instantly of the book being released or one of them.

Should I get listening to it STR

[@member:EnkiUK3]: He, Orwell, was a communist part of the Fabian Society or Fabian Group. But he realized these people were completely fucked up and decided to warn the World.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Gods return...

Since it's been mentioned the Gods are returning to literally save our asses. The question becomes what happens to all the enemies whether they be shabbos or outright jews machinating these scenarios.

Are the Gods just gonna kill them? Or black magic them? or what do beings of higher power do to extra-terrestrial hostile species that look like the terrestrial species?

Have the Gods faced this elsewhere? Besides the whole 10 planets under kosher supervision while 1 planet broke out of it and is cutting edge. I'm sure on that one planet they massacred the kosher species. Is it "we" as in humanity kill off the kosher species or do the Gods do something?

I apologize if I sound like I'm speaking of violence and murder. No one should commit this stuff since you go to jail or are killed and or executed. I'm simply asking what do the Gods do as punishment against hostile species whose activities are against their plans and processes.

Is it that humanity revitalizes itself and these judeo-bolshevik plans go awry and humanity is in a chess scenario. Black vs White or Human vs jews/shabbos and we need our Gods to move the chess pieces around to checkmate the enemy once and for all. Or what is the materialization that is gonna happen?

What happens during these next few decades especially as we reach the middle of the century?

Cheers bro I thought he was a Commie and the fact he died very quickly after the book came out made it fishy, think he even died in Scotland.

Im going give it a listen, the telescreen watching and litening to you seem relevant.
jrvan said:
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-In love, Billy's biggest fan <3,

that's exactly how cows and chickens and sheep and dogs and pigs live. humans do that to helpless creatures and dont respect them at all. of course nobody thinks it could happen to them.
also hitler literally demanded "blind obedience" from everyone who followed him. as well as telling the german people that individuals lives dont mean squat and everyone should be ready to sacrifice themselves.

its his fault that he scared the entire western world away from believing in ones race, as well as masculine power. before the war it was perfectly normal end expected. now its evil and disgusting and you go to prison for hate speech and terrorist plotting.

he wasnt wrong by any means for demanding these things, but he would be very wrong for instance if he published the darkest fantasies of our enemies in a satirical letter.

There was nothing blind about their obedience. The German people themselves wanted the kikes out. Hence Kristallnacht. You think they were following orders then? No. They couldn't be contained anymore. The Fuhrer was the will of the people.
Hopefully we'll get a mirror reflection of that glorious little event soon in the USA. What I wouldn't give to be handing out dynamite sticks to synagogue raiders when that happens.

Slyscorpion said:
This is exactly down to every detail in some cases what they were pushing in movies and tv shows subliminally saying this is the future or preparing people for a bunch of times. So to be honest it doesn't suprise me this is real.

However I didn't think they would ever actually get to the point they would try to do this stuff so soon. I thought this was like 2090 or something they had this planned.

That is the part that was surprising to me. It's like fuck this could be in less than ten years we are living like this.

Oh boy. If this is the level that people are at then perhaps I was wrong to criticize Jack for emphasizing all of this so loudly. I thought all of this was common knowledge around here. You really need to get better at reading the signs, brother.

Well it is common knowledge but it isn't at the same time. I believe it now. The other thing I was off on is I thought the economy would collapse and there would be some kind of war before this winter but we are still on the surface ok even though many people are in reality struggling.

The vast majority even those with a lot of problems still thinks we are not in a depression level crisis even though we are because its not totally obvious and they just avoid reporting a lot of stuff on the national level. Sure you could find the info on everything closing down or laying people off or people going without any help or income at all etc in local news and then realize holy shit if you looked at the bigger picture but it's fragmented you only see what's in your little area. Then they say we are recovering in all the big national news things.

So I am not saying my perception is the best other than to say I sense we will have some kind of war or riot or more lockdowns or something. The enemy hasn't given up yet.

I was talking about till Middle of last year all this nwo stuff seemed far away like it could be fought now it's right here and being implimented. I was hoping we could fight it before it really even started.

Since the middle of the last year I believe all the stuff on the NWO on here.
When I read the first sentence, that we will eat only bugs with grass, I smiled a little bit in a negative way.
I said what will be if I continue reading. THIS IS HORRIFIC, this is the real thing what these bastards are planing to do.

This topic remembered me the movie Fortress /1992/ with Christopher Lambert. So true what was about that movie.
Many of you saw the that movie too, there is a fucking bio droid or a borg who watching the dreams and desires of inmates
24/7, if you dream something you gaet a electroshock from the device they put inside everybodys stomach.

When I was a kid and was watching that movie it normaly scared me, and in the 90s such thing like borgs and global slavery was absolutely unimaginable. Now I understand that these movies were pre-planned jewish predictions, showing their filthy
plans with humanity.

DEFINITELY we dont want these 21. predictions to happen /excluding the brainwashed ones/ in any way.
These predictions we have to make to happen to ALL the jews on planet earth and their brainwashed, worthless filthy slaves.

DragonFire11 said:
These predictions we have to make to happen to ALL the jews on planet earth and their brainwashed, worthless filthy slaves.
Sorry, but no. I get it, I get it, you want to see them suffer. That's okay, they deserve it, but ultimately we don't want worthless slaves. They must be wiped off of this planet lest they manage to stir up more trouble.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is already happening. Things are not the same... 24/7 surveillance... even sex control!!??!?! It's not looking good boys. Eith all these elitist plans. Who knows what's next for society as a whole. This is starting to smell like a big government operation to work with mr.bill gates and even musk for global dominance.
When I read HP Cobras rant-sermons out loud to myself or to my wife... I do it in the voice of Jack Nicholson.

Hail Satan.
This article has been updated with sources.

Next time a braindead NPC sheep non-person tells you "this is a conspiracy goyim", do give them the sources from above.

No "Conspiracy" sources there. Only Good Ole Goyim Kosherizing Sources for them read these "Conspiracy Theories" from.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This article has been updated with sources.

Next time a braindead NPC sheep non-person tells you "this is a conspiracy goyim", do give them the sources from above.

No "Conspiracy" sources there. Only Good Ole Goyim Kosherizing Sources for them read these "Conspiracy Theories" from.

Brilliant! Thank you
Karnonnos said:
They can beez in the trap selling drugs, pimping your 8 year kids as hoes or whatever, burning down hospitals

Beez in the trap :lol: I'm so done!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews if they aren't defeated?

And what will the future be like if we win?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Bill Gates: rich nations should shift to entirely synthetic beef


Well we have to eat soylent green cause of the climate an sheit. I’m sure little Bill and his tranny wife will be joining us in this feast and will NOT be eating the finest cut filet mignon and drinking baby blood every night.

Just because his meat doesn’t work anymore now he wants to ruin it for everyone :lol: :lol:
Darksage666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Bill Gates: rich nations should shift to entirely synthetic beef


Well we have to eat soylent green cause of the climate an sheit. I’m sure little Bill and his tranny wife will be joining us in this feast and will NOT be eating the finest cut filet mignon and drinking baby blood every night.

Just because his meat doesn’t work anymore now he wants to ruin it for everyone :lol: :lol:

One can think of a hundred ways where beef could still exist, such as stacked automated farms or whatever of this nature, even in their dystopian scenarios. Which are not even necessary. And nor should even happen.

But those slavers like Billy do not want you to eat meat because this may make you angry or strong and that will make it more difficult for them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darksage666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Bill Gates: rich nations should shift to entirely synthetic beef


Well we have to eat soylent green cause of the climate an sheit. I’m sure little Bill and his tranny wife will be joining us in this feast and will NOT be eating the finest cut filet mignon and drinking baby blood every night.

Just because his meat doesn’t work anymore now he wants to ruin it for everyone :lol: :lol:

One can think of a hundred ways where beef could still exist, such as stacked automated farms or whatever of this nature, even in their dystopian scenarios. Which are not even necessary. And nor should even happen.

But those slavers like Billy do not want you to eat meat because this may make you angry or strong and that will make it more difficult for them.
From a movie HPS Maxine quoted, soylent is people. Remember? Hopefully we don't get to that point.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x

Don't buy into the enemy's psychological warfare. They promote these things to make people desperate. These are all over the web to program people and make it look like it cannot be resisted.

It can and it will. Do what you have to do to live. No time for defeatism and other things like this. Only spiritual work, education, and resistance.
Noted. Will do my best through this hardship.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x
Please do not do anything like this. And don't even talk about doing anything like this. And do not type anything like this on your computer.
You forgot the one where he says we will drink our recycled poo instead of water to fight climate change.

Bill Gates talks as if the fact that he's rich and parasitic and "powerful" and "jewish" allows him to rewrite entire civilizations' rights and costumes.

Maybe he would be proud of us if we started to eating corpses and children...which is possible to jews, as they are capable of anything and everything.

And children are for real getting used in that "magic", where those rotten sluts use their blood to heal their rotting faces and still appear young.
Naomi CUMbell is one, Madonna-not-so-donna is two.
Of course, there are others.
Anonymus disgraced all these beasts.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
fourthReich66688 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews?

If these Hebrew parasite
cowards think they'll get away this
and people are just gonna lay there and take this BS they are INSANE oh of course some of the sheep will surely be good slaves but for them to expect all of humanity to just let this happen to them they are out of there minds I would rather die than ever live in a world like this and so will millions of others

They are both alien and completely schizoid. Operated by forces so evil that are beyond human comprehension.

Humanity is now finding this out.

Its just mind blowing i was on Facebook looking at one of these things Facebook, and it was posting all these pics at there synagogue and all of them were were taking a big ole family pic if you didn't know any better you'd never how disgusting and murderous these people are its beyond disturbing how " normal" they appear to the people ill be happy when these monsters are dealt with and no longer an issue for humanity i hope Satan has absolutely ZERO mercy on these basted these fucking little coward lizards
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
fourthReich66688 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How your life is going to be under the New World Order of Billy <3 and Jews?

If these Hebrew parasite
cowards think they'll get away this
and people are just gonna lay there and take this BS they are INSANE oh of course some of the sheep will surely be good slaves but for them to expect all of humanity to just let this happen to them they are out of there minds I would rather die than ever live in a world like this and so will millions of others

They are both alien and completely schizoid. Operated by forces so evil that are beyond human comprehension.

Humanity is now finding this out.

Its just mind blowing i was on Facebook looking at one of these things Facebook, and it was posting all these pics at there synagogue and all of them were were taking a big ole family pic if you didn't know any better you'd never how disgusting and murderous these people are its beyond disturbing how " normal" they appear to the people ill be happy when these monsters are dealt with and no longer an issue for humanity i hope Satan has absolutely ZERO mercy on these basted these fucking little coward lizards
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x


I assume this is some sort of urban term of violence or weapon?

I looked it up on UrbanDictionary and nothing. Another person who replied to Player7's response stated "Don't do ANYTHING of said nature".

I assume Player7 is inciting violence or weaponry or some sort of negative action that results in the judenpresse going full hava nagila with Oy veys ebil debil Szatonists are doing ebil debil stuff.

So, exactly what IS cyancrayons*?
Billy has this to say about your "beef" farms, especially now that he is America's biggest owner of farmland:

"Oy gevalt, goyim! Look at all the climate change killing all my farmland you feed off of! Look at all the insects that have still survived, tho! Surely you must only eat insects now if you wish to be as powerful and resilient as a cockroach!"

America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates

Even Bezos is jumping on the land investing train. Next stop, choo choo land where you'll be happy that you're still on this ride (despite being dragged from the back of the caboose attached only by some chains)...
Gear88 said:
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x


I assume this is some sort of urban term of violence or weapon?

I looked it up on UrbanDictionary and nothing. Another person who replied to Player7's response stated "Don't do ANYTHING of said nature".

I assume Player7 is inciting violence or weaponry or some sort of negative action that results in the judenpresse going full hava nagila with Oy veys ebil debil Szatonists are doing ebil debil stuff.

So, exactly what IS cyancrayons*?

It was changed cause it likely was something that could be illegal or get someone in trouble. They didn't want to take that chance I think that's what the little * was supposed to be. I did see the original post.

I personally don't know if this individual was serious or not to be honest.
slyscorpion said:
It was changed cause it likely was something that could be illegal or get someone in trouble. They didn't want to take that chance I think that's what the little * was supposed to be. I did see the original post.

I personally don't know if this individual was serious or not to be honest.

He was basically saying that he was going to take a type of poison and blank himself with it, and to be honest I don't blame him. If I were stuck in a dystopia like what Cobra mentioned above, I'd blank myself too.
ShadowTheRaven said:
slyscorpion said:
It was changed cause it likely was something that could be illegal or get someone in trouble. They didn't want to take that chance I think that's what the little * was supposed to be. I did see the original post.

I personally don't know if this individual was serious or not to be honest.

He was basically saying that he was going to take a type of poison and blank himself with it, and to be honest I don't blame him. If I were stuck in a dystopia like what Cobra mentioned above, I'd blank myself too.

When this is shit is at risk of coming up, and you know it, anyone is obligated to stay the fuck alive by any means and fight it to the end.
slyscorpion said:
Gear88 said:
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x


It was changed cause it likely was something that could be illegal or get someone in trouble. They didn't want to take that chance I think that's what the little * was supposed to be. I did see the original post.

I personally don't know if this individual was serious or not to be honest.

Have you been in reddit and 4chan? These things are always a daily thing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Gear88 said:

It was changed cause it likely was something that could be illegal or get someone in trouble. They didn't want to take that chance I think that's what the little * was supposed to be. I did see the original post.

I personally don't know if this individual was serious or not to be honest.

Have you been in reddit and 4chan? These things are always a daily thing.

Can't say I have been to 4 Chan at all but reddit yes on various things I am aware there are people talking about that kind of thing on there (and worse) but for the JOS it's targeted any little thing could cause problems legally that is what I meant. I assume that's why this was changed too. Btw it seems to me if we are going to end up in the NWO suicide is useless due to the reincarnation thing you will just be forced to come back to it. There is no real easy way to escape or really any way at all.
If someone wants more in-depth sources about this predictions, you can read this post:
Specifically about the Supermemorandum and the Toronto Protocols (you won't find the Supermemorandum in english anywhere so that document is the only source where you can read about it). It is believed that the discoverer/author of the Toronto Protocols, Serge Monast, has been murdered using phychotronic weapons. It is indeed questionable how he had a heart attack right after he was arrested. He is a hero and a martyr I can say, someone similar to Julian Assagne, who exposed the enemy and was viciously attacked for showing people the truth.
Gear88 said:
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x


I assume this is some sort of urban term of violence or weapon?

I looked it up on UrbanDictionary and nothing. Another person who replied to Player7's response stated "Don't do ANYTHING of said nature".

I assume Player7 is inciting violence or weaponry or some sort of negative action that results in the judenpresse going full hava nagila with Oy veys ebil debil Szatonists are doing ebil debil stuff.

So, exactly what IS cyancrayons*?
I wrote cyani** and I think it got rewritten. I wrote that because I genuinely felt suicidal from reading what life would be like. I'm over it now but yes we need to load up with crayons to resist NWO :lol:
Player7 said:
Gear88 said:
Player7 said:
I'm considering buying cyancrayons* just incase after reading this :x


I assume this is some sort of urban term of violence or weapon?

I looked it up on UrbanDictionary and nothing. Another person who replied to Player7's response stated "Don't do ANYTHING of said nature".

I assume Player7 is inciting violence or weaponry or some sort of negative action that results in the judenpresse going full hava nagila with Oy veys ebil debil Szatonists are doing ebil debil stuff.

So, exactly what IS cyancrayons*?
I wrote cyanide and I think it got rewritten. I wrote that because I genuinely felt suicidal from reading what life would be like. I'm over it now but yes we need to load up with crayons to resist NWO :lol:

So basically not sure if your joking or serious but you want us to commit suicide to somehow defeat the enemy?

You might be suicidal and giving up but lots of members here aren't. I think you should re-evaluate your position in consideration of our SNWO vs their JNWO.

Might as well start seeing positive examples of changes. We can't change everything nor do we see everything change. Like a computer program or website. It runs the same on any computer but some computers are faster or slower and maybe certain changes occur like if some people visit a website they re-arranged and some stay the same ex: Old Reddit/New Reddit.

Don't give up and don't falsely place yourself in position of surrender or falling apart. I'd wager to state the enemy and their extra-terrestrial cohorts are in more position of holding their shit from falling down than we are of collapsing.

Even if somehow the tikkun haolam/sampson option occurs it's still isn't the deathnell of humanity even some humans survive. How many times have we seen it on movies and shows humanity destroys itself and yet some are still around.

Shows like Walking Dead(can't believe this shit is still running pretty much since when 2010/2011 can't believe I wasted time watching this). Jeramiah(1990s/early '00/Show), zombies, etc.etc.

Anyways I think your just gonna attract more negative comments from our members with that cyanide joke your making.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"1. You will never eat meat again. Only synthetic meat [if deemed worthy] and bugs with grass.

Source: "Rich Countries Should Only Eat Synthetic Beef - Billy Gates: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/bill-gates-rich-countries-should-eat-100-25-synthetic-beef/ar-BB1dJ4cT

Lyon (the third-largest city of France) removes meat from school lunches - https://www.dw.com/en/france-meat-free-school-lunches-in-lyon-spark-controversy/a-56721005

Combine this with the face masks, the social distance, isolation, brainwashing, fear propaganda, and the other dehumanizing tactics and imagine the psychological effects of all this on young children... I can't believe that people are still tolerating this...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Enjoying the new I love sweet Billy <3 persona you've developed. :cool:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
