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20 Hard Questions for Xians


Jul 12, 2024
There are many "hard questions for xians" articles written by liberal atheists so I've decided to do one from an anti-jewish Spiritual Satanist perspective.
Here it goes:

1. Why do you say that the serpent lied to Eve, when even your own bible says that the serpent told her the truth and it was the jewish god who lied and falsely told them that they would immediately die if they ate the fruit? See Genesis 3:22 and compare it to Genesis 3:4-5. Gen 3:22 also says that they did become "as gods" just like the serpent promised them, so didn't it tell them the truth?

2. Are there any verses of Satan lying to people in your bible? Because there's plenty of them showing that your "god" lies to and deceives people, such as in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 where he deliberately sends delusions to people to damn them and 1 Kings 22-23 where he puts lying spirits in the mouths of prophets so that they give false prophecies. So, doesn't that mean it's your "god" who deceives people and not Satan?

3. For "antisemitic" xians: The Greeks sentenced Socrates to death and killed him. Does that mean he was not a Greek? If not, why do you absurdly claim that the jews sentencing Jesus to death according to the jewish law which only applies to jews means that he was somehow not jewish?

4. There are thousands of years of failed doomsday/end of the world prophecies since ancient Assyria where people claimed that there were earthquakes and other environmental problems and degeneracy in society and that means that the world is about to be destroyed. See this site: https://abhota.info/end1.htm
Knowing this, why do you think that this time the "end of the world" will be for real?

5. Why do you use as examples the very few people who were Satanists, Wiccans or another minority religion and converted back to Christianity in order to try to scare us into converting back to your religion, when in fact according to all polls your religion is rapidly dwindling in developed countries and Satanism and other minority religions are the fastest growing? Why focus on the very few people who convert to your religion from minority religions and not on the vast majority who deconvert from Christianity? Doesn't that disprove your claim that these people came back to Christianity because they realized "it was the truth"? Why don't the majority who deconvert from it don't "realize the truth"? Maybe it's not the "truth" and it's just social conditioning that caused them to do that?

6. Regarding those few that converted back to Christianity, if these minority religions are so bad as you claim, why do these people who convert to Christianity only become crazy fundie Christians who believe the earth is 6,000 years old and witches must be killed and not normal Christians or even atheists or some other religion? If these religions were so bad, you would expect them to join all kinds of religions like the ex-cult members do and not just fundamentalist, bible-bashing Christianity, wouldn't you?

7. For zionist xians: According to official polls, evangelicals love jews, but jews hate them. https://www.pewresearch.org/religio...ve-about-jews-mainline-protestants-catholics/

So, why do you support people who literally hate you? Are you masochists?

8. There's a rare condition called "congenital insensitivity to pain" where some people can't feel pain at all:

So, how would you scare those people to your religion, since those people can't feel pain at all and can't understand that "burning in hell" is bad?
And doesn't that disprove your idea of "hell" as a place of torture, since if a condition can cause someone to not fell pain because their nervous system is damaged it means that pain is only in the nervous system of your physical body and you can't feel it as a soul/astral body?

9. If you were a president of a company and would want to scam someone, would you encourage them to do their research about you and your company and try your products and see if they work, or would you just coerce them to trust you, either by promises of rewards or threats? If it's the second, then why doesn't this apply to your religion too?
So, why do you say that Satanism, which encourages people to question things, experiment and try spiritual practices to open themselves to the astral deceives people but Christianity, which only promotes blind faith and discourages any attempt to contact Jesus or Jehova and see for yourself doesn't?

10. If Satan and Satanists control the world, why is Satanism persecuted and the only forms allowed are those that give it a bad name whereas Christianity is not only allowed but promoted everywhere?

11. For conspiracy-minded and anti-semitic xians: If jews and powerful people who have much occult power and keep it secret control the world, how do you expect to fight them using blind faith in a jewish god alone without any occult power of your own? Couldn't be that these jews have convinced you that occult knowledge is "evil" so that they keep it all to themselves without opposition, just like they are trying to take away your guns?

12. Why don't you follow the teachings of Jesus like turning the other cheek, praying for your enemies, walking an extra mile and selling everything you have and giving all the money to the poor? Maybe because you know it's all self-destructive BS but you still keep making excuses for it somehow because you are conditioned to not question it?

13. Why do you pretend that Christianity is the paragon of morality, when Christian morality is either too cruel (see the Old Testament where Yahweh commands mass murder, baby murder, ripping open pregnant women and sacrifices) or sucidal (see the previous question)?

14. Why do you think that repeating your usual brainwashing and platitudes to us which we have heard thousands of times (as most of us are ex-Christians) will somehow convince us to go back to Christianity instead of making us think that you're a typical brainwashed Christian NPC?

15. Another one for antisemitic xians: Why do you think that jews fear Christianity? You do realize that they make fun of you for worshiping a jew, right?

16. Why do you assume that most people who have left Christianity either haven't read their bible, or read the wrong version, or were following the wrong denomination of Christianity, or insert many other excuses here, when according to polls the Evangelical bible-basher churches who are the most well-versed in the bible are the ones losing the most members?

17. What about you? Have you read the bible? Everything, including the bad verses like Psalm 137:9, or you are only aware of the feel good verses that your pastor mentions on Sunday service?

18. Are you going to take responsibility of these fake Satanists committing crimes, because they believed in the lies you tell them about Satan and Satanism that caused them to commit crimes?

19. If your "god" is real and powerful, why are you so fearful of Satan and Satanists? I know some people who even forbid others to mention the name "Satan" because they'll believe they'll be cursed or something. Long ago there was a post in a Christian forum asking for help, because they claimed they were "cursed" after they read the JoS website. In contrast, I have never even seen any Satanist be scared of Christian things. Doesn't that debunk your supposed power over everything Satanic?

20. Why do you assume that Satanists lie, except when we associate someone or some group you don't like with Satanism, then all of the sudden you blindly believe whatever we say and assume it's all truthful and you copy-paste our articles to prove that that person or group is "evil"? Why do you take irrelevant shit and make comparisons with us just to claim someone or something is "Satanic"?

For example, there was a man called Steven B who deconverted from New Age into Christianity and made a video about how the New Age movement is "Satanic". His "proof"? He used our website to claim that just because we're Satanists and we talk about chakras and astral projection, it means that the New Agers are the exact same thing as us :LOL:
Some more:

21. For antisemitic xians: Why do you call any Gentile (Pagan, Satanist or any others) who is against your jewish religion for being jewish a jew? Are you aware you're committing the sin of hypocrisy and you will "burn in hell" according to Matthew 7:1-5?

22. Why do you assume that everyone who is against your religion because of all it's damage it has caused or debunks your bible must hate your fictious god and Jesus, even if they don't believe in them? Does it mean that everyone who hates the Harry Potter novels hates Harry Potter himself?

23. Does a Christian cult which brainwashes people and commit crimes represent most, if not all Christians? If not, why do you assume that a few fake Satanists who commit crimes and are denounced by the majority of Satanic organizations represent all Satanists and somehow even these well-known organizations do these horrible things in secret?

24. Why do you reply with passive-aggressive crap like "Jesus loves you", "repent before it's too late", "may god have mercy on your soul" e.t.c. every time you lose an argument?

25. Why do you project your slave mentality to Satanists and assume that anyone who is a Satanist must be equally a blind faith slave to a being like an average Christian?
About the last question. Most "Satanists" today are atheist leftie LARPers like the "Satanic Temple" who are essentially degenerate slaves, Christian right-wingers are hypocrites though, they'll talk all about freedom, nationality, independence, right to property, ect then they go all borg and become self-hating clowns saying "every knee will bow" which reminds of "you will be assimilated" and worship a Jew who demanded humility and self-hate, all the while they accuse the left of being self-hating. This is especially retarded for Natsoc Christians who worship a Jew and try to gaslight themselves into believe Jesus wasn't a Jew but a Blonde Aryan, going full Black Hebrew Israelite mode of "we were the real Jews!" but for Whites.
if i being asked with somebody like that ya i only quiet just frtr,tetra(jewish+jews) shatter (jewish+jews).
8. There's a rare condition called "congenital insensitivity to pain" where some people can't feel pain at all:

So, how would you scare those people to your religion, since those people can't feel pain at all and can't understand that "burning in hell" is bad?
it's not only that which makes people insensitive to the threat of "hell", it's also the obvious benefits that one gets by siding with Satan and his Demons, our Gods, that is: knowledge, wisdom and, above all, POWER; who does not offer to "burn in hell" for power? compared to the chance of becoming, in time, a powerful wizard/mage/occultist etc and, even later on, even a God; improving one's own life, as well as of those they care about; exploring and conquering new horizons, first on this planet, then even further; science, art, industry, agriculture, civil laws etc, basically everything necessary for a civilization; compared to all this, "burning in hell", even if for eternity, as xianity says, without a second death or any other end, stopping or pause, is nothing. that's the inherent flaw in xianity, weakness. it shows weakness and IS weak, and no self-thinking person would associate themselves with it. xians only follow it because they are stupid and weak themselves and need to feel justification for living such a trashy life and continuing to exist without simply suiciding in order to let natural selection do its job with them because they are such stupid and lowly animals. it's basically the instinct of self-preservation combined with the unwillingness to make better choices in life that makes them be this way. they are perishing by their own will and there is no point in trying to reason with them or even to save them from their own fates, made by their own choices. they chose to die, even if slowly and naturally, they'll have the worst lives ever possible and when they do die they'll get the worst fates in their afterlives too, that is, their souls will either simply wither away in the astral or be instead used and devoured by random hostile beings and/or entities. social validation is not an excuse, one can live just fine without it, it's cowardice that guides their thoughts and actions, as well as short-sightedness; they don't think further than at most the time they assume they'll die of old age or whatever else might threaten their lowly lives; they couldn't care less about future generations or other people in general, they're horribly sell-fish and arrogant; that is, they do indeed sell others like fish for their own interests. avoid them as much as possible, don't even bother with them and if they're family, do try to sever your ties with them as much as possible if you can't get anywhere by reasoning with them. they're just lost causes. they deserve what they get for having such low ambition or no ambition at all. the rest will go on with their lives just fine without them. they aren't needed anyway.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
